Berated te the Interests el" lac Cbcrekccs, Ckectatvi, Chickasaws, ScmlHelcs, Creek, and all Other IadlaB of the Indian Territory.
YOL. H. NO. 24.
: ' 1
Befwrf g eMepuisM
- Tm m yet sjth!a tor wt sad ttut f tin Tery besi quality to be had In the roi k it.
lad a foil csse-rtasat f ererjth:5 wasted by ear customers.
Cat JHtT m9'S 31FASTXE5T ctataias
(fee. t
(3TSftW BflSTXEryeawmftdfJMkr;cstS(eorftr3t-cIassClonin?, Doots, S'jojs, Hats Ladte ard
If fwwHsbSit; S is. While
tUX KLir MFAXTXEaT Is fully b to tic Maws la all th) Laic J Styles ?sd Fashlcnj.
tt3t 0B8CKET MFA2TX0T is replete with erery kiad ofStaple and Faacy Urjcerics, Floar, Bacon, Canned Geods,
Craeteers, Cheese, He.
K1SASS6 MEFASXXE5T has a full Esse f Saddles, Harness aad Leather Goad or all kinds. In
Cat JkdUCCLTCsUL IXFLEXEST SEP1STSSST jm cm ret Wagon, Busbies, Flow., Spring iTaroas, Etr.
& XAW WARE SCFAXTaEXT k well stacked with Sails, Screws, Chains, Uiacs, Tinware, Axes, Utensil, Toolr,
He. THMia
.tKOt 8LA36 AS CEOSWAKE DEPARTXE5T erery rariety er Msfces, Crocks, Jars, Jog, Etr. While In
Wt IrftOtI S4JMK MFASTXEaT yon will And a selfsdid stock of Part, Xiee Drugs, Xedicines complete in erery re
"fist. Tim si if teas ewrfally ceBenaded by a skilled apothecary. In this connection rre hare also an imaense
stock T Xsttwg, Iiitst, Ctoeks, CefrrtioBry, Etc And a
Sate ai
Seeks, School
Our Prices are as Low: as the Lowest. Gome and See Us.
W. C, PATTON & GO., Virata, Indian Territory.
- W. I. T30TT, Proprietor.
lantTRdrof tofh
trjfouldhijs. Etc. ThcSaUreruic, talcs-snipped frost the Cboctow
Drugs, Patent Medicines, KbtioTis, Stationery,
Etc.; aJooaFnllline of Cigars, Tobaccos
and Confectioneries.
pnescTrrwc soeflt wmmm by m. bagby.
f aM Ae IHctorJ la TIaiU at 3. FSAZEFS Kcd Froat, cue door
West ef 'Frisea SsteL
M. FRAZEE, Vkiita, Indian Territory.
Tusp ki Iiiii "j nil hsn 1 tar rltinlm t Ifvitn nnl Tiinrr f?mrrrinln tlirT irTrf Also
ft, Utetiafciti, M, iMftsi art, Btssmri lai rwwsrs.
UsaMrtaw am sla ak
iSMlMrSviUiac as
AIm's Rjagiwder Washing Machines
Tjmm Miuiilim ate warranted to fialsh a washing ready for (he liar, without
the sw mt hiss f hard; Ttat have the hands la the sads rrt-sa u.-ianinpte end;
ami wtg niJL sBsaMrisy fnm. aqnllt to a run patefc. and are rllr warrsnled
nwisrt Iran hew Hr wse year. TERXS: $1C. 00 fur VTahrr and Wriazrr ecm-
IHaeic IHW He Wsaher alee, with one cent per mile extra from Yiaita te
Are carrrhuja terse ami coapletc sick of
Owed (red Jfrs, Syraps, Snaps aad Sances Candies md espeelallT COFFEE
sad TKAStrlsa astaiiiiarg, (Iasswarr, rVooJcnwarr, Tiawarr. Sails, Powder
l I wiHInn We carry aa Imatase stock f FEEB, Corn, Brn, Shorts, Baled
gf aad (tots. We are s4e aceats at Tlnita for the celebrated SESECA FLOOR.
KSBtsoommsyrnxoTnixsTi all
laiff U SUirics.
WHiaWWj B fssrcsnMj
rs mix A CALI
J6 0T v99v9
fete tetst atvi eeteptetest stare I the Iscbut Territory Is that of
a isweise Meek ef erery rar.ety of the best and most strriceablc Dry
SPAOTSEXT where yea viH Had erery rariety of
Becks, and a lice C jroei Readlag Boks
Sat re tal Xortbcm nno Lumber. Alo Shin-
rxnr gri'ituc, ma its.
(fee Center, two Ioer"Wet oT Jl. C.
Cask or Cattle takta la Ex-
Writing Xalcrials. Paper, Blank Books
l'roc and Poetry.
nif hct Cah Price Paid for FCrtS, GAME
and PUOIl'C.
located at East Jit. Z.oul, 111.
DirecOroppeaitothecKrof St. Louis. Burcrf
foralldevcripdoaof Lire SiocX alwajsinat
tendance, and within the smun Js of the Stock
Tards arc a Beef Canning Company, with a
capacity for sUafrtucrin? 1,07) hesd of cattle
dsiljr, and Pork Pacldnz EjtaWlshmrnis with
a capacit j- for slanchtcrln; li,0X) hos dallr.
ISAAC H. K50X, Prtsidcnt.
CHAS. T. J0SES, Sopt.
Fnllman Palace Hotel Cars
tlirongli to St. Louis.ria
Scdalia, DaUy.
Direct Koute "VVcst aud South
west Tia Kansas City.
' ITVAHOa? piTVrnltm Depot pascrjrerf
Al RAnOAo Ull T for Kanu, Colorodo.
w Uexico and t alifonila connect with Ex
press Tiainj of all hnea.
it ITnUIPflMCi'nnrctlon 1 made with
Al AlbHIoUflEiPTT- Trains for as
Points in Kansas and Itebraskn.
Conneetim is made with aU !
A I U MnnR lines leading to the Jforth an!
F. CHASDLEB Uen. Pass. Agent.
C B. KIXSA5, AsA't Gen, Pass. Agent.
F. L. DECKER, Agent at Tinila.
Ihe Direct Throuch Route Between
Fast Erpress Trains are Raa Daily. Xo
Change of Cars.
Through Pullman Palaeo Sleeping Cars sre
run dally, whbojit rhantcbetweenST. LOCIS,
Hn, and 8.VS FBANClSOU. CaL .
SUMa acres of rtah farmlwr and m'neral
lands forwdel-y this company In SOCTHWEST
tBFor full and part cular ta ormat'on, with.
Maps Tim TalOm, ltntra. e o,roll nin or ad
dreManrorou. Station Asents,arejbcrofth
I underaameJ.
D. WISHABT. Genc-1 Pat nrcr Ajcnfc St
G W CALE. Geaeral Frdsht Agent St. LooU.
C W HOGRKS. vice ITciidcnt and Gcceral
Manager, Tercp'c DuUdmp, hu Louis, Mo.
isii Fa
There is said to be a secret organiza
tion at work to promote the secession
of Manitoba from the Dominion of Can
Outer Edes, the originator of the
Tost industry of machine riret making
in this country, died at Plymouth, Mass.,
recently at the agn of sixty-nine years.
AncrnusHor Feeeax was tendered a
reception at Chicago by the Catholic
clergy and teachers. One of the features
of the occasion was tho presentation of
costly vestments.
Is the celebration of tho release of
Aquero at Key West, Fix, five thousand
Cubans marched, in a torchlight pro
cession. The Federal, State and Mu
nicipal officers wore in line.
It is the general opinion among
English officials at Cairo that the Egyp
tian army is not only useless, but
dangerous, and ought to be disbanded.
General Wood faintly expresses confi
dence in. the Egyptians.
Coxnnzssu.vx Hewitt, of New York,
advocates the placing of imported raw
material on the free list as the natural
beginning of tariff revision." He
thinks this course would bo acceptable
to manufacturers and consumers.
As extra cession of the California
Legislature will" be called to take actioL
upon the matter of unpaid taxes from
the Central Pacific Railroad for the
years 18S0. 1681 and 1&S2, which, with
interest and penalties, amounts to $1,-07-1.000.
The present law does not per
mit any compromise, and the total
amount must be paid unless the law is
Tnnbill reported bySeaalor Cockrell,
from the Committee on Military Affairs,
provides that land included within any
reservation which has or may become
ujcless for military purposes shall be
placed under the control of the Secrc-
j tary of the Interiof for appraised and
I public sale and also such lands shall
not be subject to location by warrant of
any description and shall net be subject
to the homestead, pre-emption ortirber
culture laws.
Aformec Parisian celebrity has re
cently died at her chateau in Silesia.
This was the once famous Mnic. dc
Paiva, at the time of her death, bv her
marriage with a German nobleman.
Countess Von Hcnckel Donnesmark.
Despite her colossal wealth and her
aristocratic husband, this lady was
simply a demi-mondainc of great beauty
and fascination. She was a Russian
by birth, and when she firvt came to
Paris she was the widow of a tailor.
She used to sell bouquets about the
Tue English House of Lonls have
agreed to the motion of the Marquis of
Salisbury to appoint a commission on
the housing of the poor. The Prince of
Wales, in addressing the House on the
subject, said he had been impressed, as
were all classes, regarding the condition
of the poor. He was gratified that a
Royal Commission had been appointed to
look into tho matter. He took the
' liveliest interest in the question, and
felt flattered at being appointed a mem
ber of the Commission. The inquiry of
the Commission will be confined to
Judge Jons Couitee in a conversa
tion with a Denver Aeiei reporter rives
this as pjtrt of his experience with the
recent blizzard: "It was about ten
miles to Dixon, where we knew we
could secure shelter, foid aud warmth,
and we pulled out at early day break.
But it took nerve to face the winds that
I tvnisticu aoour. utc mountain, ami we
feared and were prepared for the worst.
J Frequently one of the party would an
nounce after ridinga ihort distance that
he felt comfortable, but we all knew the
cause of it. and would hustle him out of
the sleigh and pound him. and make
him walk until he warmed binuclf thor
oughly." Is October last there was Ngun a
movement amon the fanners of Mani
toba and the Canadian Northwest which
was intended to secure for them retires
of certain grievances under which they
were being crushed. The first of these
grievances was the monopoly given the
Canadian Pacific Railway in that they
were granted tho exclusive right to
build railroads through the country.
Another mj-usticc complained of was the
cicci-ive duties imposed ou all roods
going into the country. In view of these
facts Manitoba sent a delegation to
Ottawa to attempt redress of grievances,
but x. deaf car was turned to their
appeal, and in consequence the people
of Manitoba arc indignant and ocnly
threaten secession. A convention has
been called to consider the situation.
A Wasiuxgtox correspondent states
that there are in round numbers about
forty-six thousand claims for tobacco re
bate, of which only the merest fraction
have been rejected. A few were thrown
ont because they were not made in time,
and some claims were made on broken
packages, while the law limits rebates
to whole packages. A very few were
thrown ont for fraud or other reasons.
Frcm the entire country only a
hundred or two of claims were
rejected. Tho last of these claims were
passed from the Internal Revenue office
to the Fifth Auditor's office last Novem
ber. The Fifth Auditor has now passed
about seven-eights of the whole lot to
the First Comptroller, and hero they
are stalled. Comptroller Lawrence told
the correspondent that bs bad only
four clerks in the division to which
these claims go, and they have so much
work ahead of them that unless the
Comptroller has additional clerks as
signed him it will take two years before
his office will ever begin the examina
tion of these tobacco-rebate claims. An
appropriation for additional clerk hire
will be asked ,
A Saaiatarx of the Daily Xewi.
pnecBESncs ep cu.tgkess.
Is tho Senate, tho 19th, Mr. Dawes re
ported favorably tho bill providing- fcr tho
punlsbmentof trespassers on Indian lands.
or Imprisonment for one rear. era fine of
J-O. or both. Mr. Morrill, from the Commit -
tee on Finance, reported adversely on the bill
amuonung ine payment or. custotr amies
In legal tender notes. The bill to provide for
the Issue of circulation to National Banks was
taken up and debated until adjournment..
The Houc after aa all nlcht tcaj&in. ad
journed until Wedncsdar alter a scene bc-
iwccu mt. uucocK ana MT. .ruczer,
1.1 tbo Senate, on the 93.li, a resolution
was adopted calling upon the Secretary of the
Interior to Inform the Senate when and bow
manjr acres of Indemnity lands were certified
or patented to railroad corporations In Iowa.
Mr. Sewell bill appropriating fWJCO per
annum for the millua was passed. TbeMllto
Brorldefor the circulation of the National
ank was considered, and Mr. Plumb's
amendment was rejected br a roc of 31 to 15.
.. Inthollouso it was decided bra rote of
1S to 1US to demand tne renorta of srirelal
agents of U Post-oaicc Department harlna-
mrreocouioe?ur-iuaicinTes(uraiion. mo
Ctennilttee on Korcljn Affairs, reported a
resolution rcnKestinp the President to delar
the dellverr of Senor Carlo .njrrero. he-id at
Ker West, Vuu for extradition to the Spanish
authorities. A joint resolution was pxjv-d
jpproprtatinjr tUU.HO for educational pur
pofessmonjrthelndlan. The Military Acad
emy Appropriation bill was taken up and the
Hou.e adjourned.
Ik the Senate, on the 21st, ilr. Garland
called up and asked immediate consideration
of tho bill proridinp for the punishment of
rersons falselr personating- officers and cm
tdorcs or tho United States. Pawed. It pro
rides that nj- perwn who. with Intent to de
fraud, ihali lalielr rcrsonato Koremment
oDV-ers or emploren. or reccire anrraluabie
conrldcnittonor 2ocumentbr reason of such
impersonation, shall tc deemed guilty
of felony, and nn conviction, be lined
not fo exceed tl.OCU. or Imprisonment
not to exceed three years, or both. In
the discretion of the court. The IlanUnz bill
was further discuod and Mr. Sherman cuc
ceeded In barltur paed a bill Sjiproprlatlnz
SIOJUO for tho contingent fund of theSenate.
After executlre sekn the Syiate adjourned
until Monday, the Sth. In the House. Mr.
IrtbrHl reported the Agricultural Appropria
tion bill. The House then went Into Cornmlt
bc of the Whole on the MilltarjAcademy bill.
Mr. Ilclford, (l Colorado. In speaklnf
to the formal amendment, said be
might select the brightest boy in bis
State, hare him examined br tho Pn--
hldcnt of the Mate Cnlremty. and snd him
toUet Point Academy, and while his tnlral
might 1 as rljtt as lr. Ilurcside could de
mand, the gentlemen at the institution would
declare that unless he answered some eiu--tlon
in rramoar prciriy be would be reject
ed. "What In the name of Gnd had grammar
to do wlln Cgbtlug a battler A very ani
mated dltcufeion follawel the Introduction of
amendments to tb Mil. and after other bnl
niws tbo House adjourned until Saturday, the
The S-nato wa not in session the 221.
. In the House Mr. Foran. from the Com
mittee on Labor, reported the bill to prohibit
Importation and Immigration of foreigners
under contract to pert otm labor la the United
States. Tije House went into Committee of
the Whole nn the pleuro-pncumonla MIL M r.
(Jltwon. of West Virginia. opik1 the bill be
cause It proposes to take out of the hands of
tbo owners of cattle the control of their stork
and put it in the hands of Federal oScers.
xr. tpnnser rupponcu ine diil une power
which couM quarantine a shin in sny harbor
of the Celled States could certainly prcrent
diseased Texas steers from being rhippod
from one State taanot he k Tho Constitution
Was alwar a refuge of those who had a poor
argument against a necessary measure of
legislation. After further debate the bill was
referred to Committee of tbo Whole, and the
House adjourned.
Tux Oregon Stats Central Committee
was recently la convention at Portland.
Chicago has been chosen as tho plact
for holding the Democratic National Con
rentlon, and tho Urns is fixed for July 8.
Tnc 2fationaI Greenback Committee,
lately in session in Indianapolis, hare
voted to hold tbo National Convention for
the nomination of President and Vice-President
at Indianapolis on the iJUi of May.
A Txazr of fifteen raftsmen, returning
from the Licking; river to their home in
Maomn County, ICy-, became involved in
a drunken fisht. Elijah Lee was shot
dead and six others mors or less seriously
wounded by stabbing
Taoors are arriving at Suaklm, Egypt,
so rapidly that an advance will be made
on Tokar probably Hturday. Two thous
and men bare mustered at Trinkitat. The
Military Council has decided to leave
L500 English soldiers at Suakim, sending
3pOJ to Trinkitat.
Fatetts; Cocstt, Pa., has been Infested
with highway robbers. The other day a
number of the desperadoes wsro sur
rounded, and in the fight which ensued
Sheridan Monruth was fatally shot; the
others escaped.
Maxct Rowe, a prominent citizen, rode
up to the depot at Wharton, Tex., the other
morning, dismounted, stepped within threw
feet of a yonng fellow named Lewis Charl
ton, leveled his gun and discharged a. load
of buckshot into Charlton's right side, kill
ing him instantly. Rows immediately
surrendered. He said Charlton insulted
Mrs. Rowe.
FcKTOEn, reports of tho tornado which
recentlr swept through Georgia, South
Carolina and other Southern States, show
that the first accounts underestimated the
loss of life and property. The numbers
killed ran into tho hundred. The storm
was accompanied with the usual peculiar
features of tho tornado.
A GarnaxiST crisis is imminent in the
Dominion of Canada.
A greet!, torn Billings, M. T., says:
Five Pirgan Indians left their reservation,
crested the Tellowstono at Clark's Fork
River to a Crow reservation and stole
fifty-three ponies. Four Crows, accom
panied by Joseph Gate. Chancey Ames,
Phillip Sidle, Lee M. Owen and three
other white men, followed the trail and
had a fight with the Fiegans at Hail Stono
Basin, forty miles northeast of Billings.
Chancey Ames and Joseph Gat -rere
lolled and Owens and Sidle wounded.
Four Fiegans were k.llcL
Essusd has offered the Arctic steamer
Alert for use in the Greeley relief expedi
tion. At Coshocton, O., recently, while drunk,
John Brehmer took his gun and shot bis
son dead
Storms on the coast of Great Britain hare
caused considerable damage.
Heavy snows hare prevailed in the
muuntain regions ef the Pacific States.
Two men were found froxsn to death
near Grand Forks, D. T., baring perished.
In the recent blizzard.
The Surrogate of ?iew York, has given a
decision in the case of the will uf Sarah
Burr who disposed of her real estate, rai
ned at $3,000,00), for charitable purposes.
The Surrogate decides against contesting t
relatives, and concludes that the will "ex
presses the free, unrestrained and deliber
ate purposes of decedent; that she ws
of sound mind and menfory when she
signed it, ami that U is entitled to be ad
mitted to probate."
Ton Allz?, tbe St. Lonls prize fighter, is
wanted in Kentucky on a charge of prizs
fighting datlngas far back as 1S7G.
A TTtx ax Cbarlottetown, Prince Ed
wards Islana destroyed $3,000,000 worth of
MaJpaJ. 2f. En wards, the editor of the
St. Joseph Gazette, fell on a slippery side
walk at Kansas City recently, and broke
bis leg.
Wossvxx making excavations on the
Santa Cruz hacienda, near Morlla, bare
discovered a number of idols made out of
black stone, some finely finished, and orna
mented articles of pottery aud the remains
of several human beings.
8Aurt Mcjtsr, the an&cr of the "PmIc
Play," crmmited suieile recently, by
drowning In the Hudson Hirer, Sew York.
7obxt years' Imprisonment was the
sentence passed ca Martin Luther Cnllor,
for the murder of W. C. Deck, near Uclon
Tflle Mo., last snamer. Deck and Cnllor
quarreled abont a fence, which led to
Deck being shot through tho tangs.
Tnr fire Bisbse murderers cure been
sentenced to to bo banged March 23th. at
, "
1 Tombstone. A. T.
The report of the Protens Corut of In
qulry has been printed. Of Lient. Colwell
who was with Lieut. Garlington, and has
been designated to take part in the Greeley
Relief Expedition now being filled cat, the
report says: "It Is considered by the
Court as extremely fortunate for tbe
expeditionary force that the one
officer sent with It, and who commanded
was so ably aided and supported uy
the services of Lieutenant Colwell, of the
United States Xary, who volunteered for a
duty much more severe and perilous than
that which he has been regularly assigned
on board of naval vessels and who brought
to the duty be assumed so much capacity,
courage and special knowledge."
Currox Wade, a Missouri desperado,
who murdered Robert Cucxmings at Madi
son, Monroo County, last summer was
guilty of further crimes In Ellis County,
Tex. As be attempted to escape, blood
bounds were put on his track, and be was
mn down and so mangled by the dogs that
he died.
Foucxu ax Charles Alusox was shot
at by e burglar recently at St. Joe, the bal
let passing through the cfilcer's trousers
and grazing bi leg. The fellow attempted
to go through Englehart's store, and the
officer pursued Mm. A running fire was
kept up, Lnt the fellow escaped.
The London Haet considers tbe Con
gressional resolution regarding tho death
of Herr LasLer as ill-advised, and Bis
marck's treatment of it as ungracious.
Tokab has been surrendered to the fol
lowers of El Mahdi, tbe False Prophet.
The news created great excitement in Lon
don. About thirty passengers were injarrd
and one killed by the fall of a bridge under
a passenger tram on the Hannibal & St.
Joe Railroad IV) miles east of Kansas City.
The train struck a broken rail just before
reaching the bridge, which precipitated
tbe cars against the thin structure, causing
its collapse,
Ira alls and Johnson, the murderers of
tbe Taylor family near Cincinnati, have
confessed. Tkey knocked their victims
down like cattle and then sold them to the
Ohio Medical College for 13 a piece.
Tue Senate Committee on Territories has
agreed to report a bill providing for the
admission as a State of that portion of
Dakota south of tbe forty-sixth paralleL
Tnx wind Hew two coames off the Col
orado Central track mar Georgetown,
Cola, recently.
A uisrATCn from St. Paul, Ulmu, states
that Yellow Calf with some seventy-five
braves, has taken possession of the store
bouses on Long Lake reserve. Colonel
Herchmer, with twenty policemen, went
to restore order, but seeing the odds
against him. withdrew.
Cattaix Behgxax and the crew of the
wrecked ship, Lizzie Marshall have arrived
at San Francisco.
It is expected that a Mexican Consul
Generalship will bo established at either
St. Louis or Chicago.
James BASWEUwas killed by a vie ions
cow at his horns in Taney County, Mo.
Peubo MoxrALau, Professor of Spanish
at the Zfaral Academy, was found dead at
A Catholic school burned at Kersbena,
Wis. Seventy pupils and six sisters es
caped in their night clothes.
15 En as and Fehan, two of the men ar
rested for the recent riot at Hot Springs,
bare been discharged from custody.
JJcit. McKAtocc, a yonng batcher, has i
been arrested for tbe murder of the aged
Wilson coupla at Winnetka, near Caicago,
last week.
THE failures last week in the United
States were 2GC; Canada, 40 as compared
with 23S of the previous week.
Tnr river Is falling at Cairo, having in
flicted but little damage at that point.
.Several lives were lost in a fire which
burnt down a number of buddies in Jack
son, Mich., recently. Loss, $173,000; par
tially Insured.
A call has been issued for a National
Convention of Wool Growers of the United
State, to meet at Chicago on tho 7th of
May next, in the general Interests of that i
The Senate. Holiday, was occupied prin
cipally with the Ranking bill, which finnlly
passed by a rote of forty-four to twelve.
V bill was brought In for the construction
-f additional steel vessels for tho Jfavy.
In the House, Monday, many bills and
nrvduttons were introduced and referred.
Ex GovEnsoR Sacel Paicr, of Lewis--uirg,
W. Vo., lb dead.
TnE Post-cfflce at Rich Hill, Mu, has
en robbed, the thlrres getting away with
nearly a thousand dollars.
At Ozark, Christian County, Mo., three
Murder cases, implicating seven men, have
'rcen on trial.
ATXewYork, Rowell, Fitzgeratd, Vint
ud Xorrmac have signed nrtides in the
TW, Field and Ytrm office for a six-day-SO-as-yeu-picesc
race. Other ptdestriac;
promise to enter.
At Nashville. Tenn., iTrndcrson Darts, a
negro thug, in a fit of jValonsy, shot and
killed Foster lieiidirsou, another negro.
Rev. T. G.Thurston and daughter wcr
drowned at Oxford, S. C, recently. Mr.
Thnrston,wlio wasa Presbytcrsan minister
of Hickory, was on Ms way tc Taylorsvilla
to preach on Sunday.
The corner stone of tho new Cotton Ex
change building, 2few York, waj laid tho
ather day. Tbe exterior walls will be of
white oolite stone from Kentucky.
The Shipping Committee of Congress has
roted adrersely against allowing foreign
built ships American registry free o( duty.
A dtxajiite explosion occurred In tho
Wtorla Railway station, London, recent
y. Sercn persons were injured.
FirrT-nvx thousand photographs of Col
onel Sudr&ias' murderer bare been circu
lated thrmighcut Russia, a reward of
I0.VO roubles offered for his rapture, and
j,0W roubles for Information leading to his
Several, foundries at Reading, Pa., hare
resumed n ork with non union rarju
Pxor. Ctbus NoRTnncr, of Yale, denies
having accepted tho Presidency of tho
State University of Minnesota.
Acconntxo to a reporter of the St. Lonls
Pott Dhpatsh, Madame Pattt said that
Governor Crittenden kissed ber one night
last week at a reception after she had sung
"Home, Sweet Home."
Two young ladles were nearly killed at
the Burkey House,. Lamar, Ma, recently.
Burning charcoal, uieJo dispel dampness,
had been negligently left In their bedroom.
When discovered one of the ladles was
black In the face and both were Insensible.
Ax agrarian crime took place In Allen
County, Kas., four miles south of Moran
recently. Two men named Harclerodo
and McFarland were shot and Instantly
killed by a man named GUiland, assisted
by his three sons. The trouble was over a
piece of land owned by a Mrs. Hawes, bat
claimed by GiUtUnd,
Later Details from the Reeeat Storm "al
the Sooth Nearly Tbres Honored Liral
Known to Kara Bjcn Lost, sunt thf
dumber May Reach Fear Hundred .
Thousands of Buildings BemolUhed,
Children Blown Oat of &is;ht and Hags
Trees Torn to Atoms.
Atlaxta, Gs., Feb. 20. As fuller re
ports of the eyebne which devastated the
northern part of this State and Alabama
and the western sections of Xortli and South
Carolina come in, the disaster seems to
grow In terrible proportions. Jib perfect
estimate or the number of Cres lost
or the damage dons can yet be formed,
bat it b known beyond all doubt that
this is the greatest disaster that has
ever happened In America. Tbe killed
and wounded belong almost exclusively te
the poorer classes, and there will be suffer
ing and destitution among those who es
caped. Tbo number ot deaths so far re
ported aggregates 204 Gt these 113 are In
Georgia, 43 in Korth Carolina, 103 la South
Carolina, and M in Alabama. Many sec
tions have not been heard from, anil the
death list will probably rracb 400.
Om of the worst tales ot the storm comes
from Grassy Knob, one of the highest parts
ot Ihe Jong swamp ran;e In Cherokee Coun
ty. The cj clone came in sight seven miles
to the right of Jasper. It went over tha
mountains and out of sight eight miles from
that town. It was In sight perhaps five
minutes, ami in ten tbe tract bad returned
to Its erstwhile oulet. The devastated
route was from half a mils to three miles
In that fivo minutes' trip over that fifteen
mile sluice of country Mrs. Levi Cogia and
two ehllriren, William Graver, William
Uerrin,Atonzo Wrisht, Mrs. James Dowde
and two children, Mrs. Wyley, Mrs. Lewis
King and two children, John Nicholson,
Mrs. Nations, Mrs. Watklns, a child of rtr
ryltUt, a child ot W. U. Collier and a
child ot Hiram Walker were killed
twenty deaths In alt, known and accounted
In the fifteen miles the cyclone crossed
tbe Western i Atlantic Railroad neat Car
terrville. but did nothing of consequence
until It reached a point a few wiles from
Jasper. Then it made a fifteen-utile shoot
for Grassy Knob, and this Is what it left:
Archer's mill and lilt's store were blown
down. John Nicholson's boose was de
molished, and his wile and the aged sister
ot the Hon. Lem Alfred killed. Tbe
Widow Corbin's bouse was blown down,
but oat ot the eight persnns In it nons
were hurt. Jstnes Dow da was torn
to pieces and his wife and two chil
dren killed. Lewis King's bouse was de-
ttrojed and I :s wife killed. Bill Ander
soVs house it as blown down and his little
girl hurt. The Refuge Baptist Church was
blown to atoms. William Reese's wife ran
Ml? the cell jr of bcr house with ber elghl
children. Tbe building was blown from
over them and dashed into a million splint
ers. Mr. Ree?e had an arm broken, and
cne child had a finger hurt so that It had to
be amputated.
Tates (or Cool Spring, as the town it
called) was wiped from the face of the
Ghxmbts, Ga, Feb. 22. Tuesday's cy
clone passed through Lincoln County abont
dusk, ranging from southwest to northwest.
It m!sed Llncolnton abunt a mile. A Ivgt
two-story buildln known as the AV.wner
place was unroofed and all of the out
houses on the place leveled. Two negrc
chddrrn were killed and a third one Is miss
ing. Tbe latter is suppo-ed to have bees
burned up in the cabin which was
blown down. Thirteen other negroes
are Injured, some fatally. On Samuel
Ranson's place two negroes were killed and
three nooses blown down. The track: of
the ryclono was about half a mile w lie, and
everything In its path was destroyed. Thl
destruction of life and property was unpre
cedented. At Harmony Grove, Jackson
County, the Nash Hotel was swept away,
killing a white lady and fatally wounding
another. Mr. Hix and son were killed in s
falling building. In Oconeo County many
lives were lost, and fences and bouses wera
blown down. Mrs. Scago and Miss MertU
McCarthy died Wednesday from nerrou:
prostration caused by the storm.
Raleigh, c., Feb. 22.- Details from
the track ot the cyclone In this State re
ceived make it worse than was expected.
After passing through Darlington, In Sooth
Carolina, wliera four persons were killed
and fiftv houses blown down, the storm en
tered this State at tbe town cf Felkton, In
Anson County, on the Carolina Central
Railroad. Tbe wind then moved east and J
.. 1 .MHhl.. I. II. M.l. 1-K .. .,.....
destroyed everything in its path. The storm
blew down McDonald's mills. The mill
stone were found fifty yards from
where the boose stood. LUesvUlc, in the
same county, was struck and several ne-
groj were killed. A woman was found ,n
. l . ,... -it
c, 7,7 . ,,m i I
Six dead bodies wera foonS near Ullington,
Harnett County. The track appears to nave
been through Inkrn, Anou, Montgomery,
Stanley, Richmond, Moore, Ilnbeson, Cum-
berland, Hadnelt. Joluvon, Simpson, Nash '
and Edrecomb. In Johnson the track was J
en t.nnjA.. -..1. .i 1. .. Im iki
space everything was swept from off the
face of tbe earth as if by ere. Several per
sons are reported injured, bat no one Is
known to have been killed. On the plan
tation of William Little, who lives near An
sonville, twenty-eight bouse were de
stroyed. At Rocky Mount two churches
and a number of other buildings were blown
down and two children killed. The worst
of the cydoae was at Rockingham, where
twenty-three persons were killed and eight-!
ecn wounded. Those who were on the edge
say that all was over In two or three
minutes. Everything was destroyed ami
the people were killed or wounded
in that short time. Fragments ot
bousos only remained. Tbe largest trees
were torn up by the roots, ami the ground
was covered with broken timbers. Many
people were killed and wounded by flying
timbers. A young lady, when the houss
began to rock, nn out, and was Lutantly
killed by being pierced through by a living
fence rail. Men who had been to 'Phila
delphia Church say that the scene of the
dUisttr is worse than a battle-field. After
the wind had pacd the rain fell in tor
rents; when the rail hid nearly ceased hail
stones ot extraordinary size fell In great
quantities. Horses, mules and cattls wcrt
killed by scores.
Cou-jiBiA. & a, Feb. 22. Additional
details of the terriblo work wrought by the
tornado of Tuesd-iy night continue to be
received from various parts nf the State.
in tbe neighborhood ot Ellenton, on the
Port Royal 4 Augusts Railroad, all the
houses on several plantations were demol
ished, and six negroes killed. Tbe depot at
Jackson's station was leveled. The store and
dwelling of J. C Hankinson was destroyed,
the family escaping with serious Injuries,
Tom Walters, colored, was blown 300 yards
and killed, his bo.lv being terribly manzled.
The tornado seems to have Tented its
fury to a greater or less degree throughout
the entire State. Thousands of acres ot
forests were swept away like chaff. Rail
road cars loaded with freight were lifted
from the tracks, hurled hundreds ot yards
and wreckeit. Many Instances are reported
where parents and children were lifted from
their homes by the stars, earned high in
tbe air, and landed on the ground again
without sustaining any Injury.
Seat ertkc "Here ef Cakbttaaga."
Galena, HL, Feb. 22. Thoatas Shaa
non, the criginal hero ot Chlckamanga, died
at his borne near Galena Thursday morn
ing, aged -Twenty-two years, Shas&oa wai
a member e. the famous Ninety-sixth DO-
nois reguntTit of Infantry during the late
war, and gained the appellation ot "the
tat) of CIUckamaDga" bv capturicgstegle
bandedand sione, while on plcJast"8ry,
mrTftn'era. St arafrteri1,,a8 I
fore General Grajiiatjbfnsrters,
CnTtlUng ot the Xonuaaest to Geaeesd
rt K. It. at New Orlernu Tks Cn4M ot
the Bine and the Gray lm the Ccressteatoa .
TbeFrozTammeAbrUsjeil or atTtosestt
Tbnader Storsn.
?EwOaxxAXS,Li..7efc.3V 1
The history of the public pogeaataaad
open-air festivities is a long one, ftttedw Jst
conspicuous and dlitlnraished trlininiif
j On bearly erery occasion the weather he
favored and seconded the efforts of kfee -sgeri
of such affairs; bat to-day tkey were
destined to an overwhelming failure- The
occasion was the unveiling of a stacae C
and dedicatisi of a monument to the Con
federate chief Uln, General Robert K-Lee-The
tact that it was to take place om Wash
ington's birthday added still more faatecsst
to tbe intended display. All tbe saUMary
of the city and manyvisUins cossei,
Incjnding the fine company ot light iaaat
ry from Detroit, Mich., were to lead their
aid, and all the organizations ot Teteram
soldiers of the late war were to give a
grand historic interest to the affair. Hot
only did the Veteran Confederate Associa
tions of the Army of Northern Vtjiatlaftstd
Ihe Army of the Tennessee appear is force,
but large and imposing delegations ot the
Grand Army of the Republic, represented
In Joseph A. Mo--er and Timothy O. Howe
Posts, graced the occasion with their pres
ence. Tne hour of two o'clock had arrived, the
troops were on tbe ground, and the r eteraaa
were in their places of honor and a great
array of distinguished guests were o the
platform. Scats which bad been provided
for a great number of ladies were filled aad
the small circular park in which the sesst
mcut stands and the street wtuch sBrrovads
the circlo were crowded with people of all
sorts and condition. Full lOXJO people
were on -he ground. Flags of all nation.
orer which the national standard dosai
nated, floated in the balmy south Lreean,
and in tho sunshine which gdded tha scsae.
But in the meantime a densely dark aad
formidable looking cloud was seen rapidly
rising along the northern homos and
mounting swiftly In the heavens. Coafl
dei.t ot the lavor of fortune Tery few per
sons took warning from the gatherisng
clouds and the preparations for carryis
out an imposing programme proceeded
without interruption. By 2:13 the e4r
northern sky was block as -ink, aad the
thunder growled in the distance and the
atmosphere became oppressive and sultry.
Tbe great orchestra, under the direciiea
of Prox. Moses, Albert Sidney Jokasto'
bandmaster, struck np a grand march Teat
Wagnet'a Rienzi, when in a moment the
storm burst upon the vast assemblage1.
Roraing dr.wn irom the north, its adra&ea
guard ot dust, fragments of paper aad
light rubbish of ell sorts, filled the air, fol
lowed by great drcps of rain. The crowd
broke up as If scattered by an explosion.
Tbe confusion was intense. mosses
screamed and men shouted, and all insttact
ively Iroke for shelter. Escape for most
ot them was hopeless, for the rain cams
down In an avalanche to be realized only
in these southern latitudes, and in fire
mi antes many thousands of people were
drenched to tbe skin. The wind blew a
violent gale, and carried away erery Sea;,
awning, hat and other simll.ir movable k
could lay hold on. Tin thunder roared,
aud the lighting cat the driving stoma in
every direction, and played around tha
gigantic statue whose outline was strongly
defined through tbe wet cotton shroud teat
draped it,
Tbe statue faces the north, and the old
commander stood nnmored amid she storsB
ot bearen's artillery as be had before stood
in the face of wai'siron baiL But all his
followers bad fled. Fortunately. In tbe raft
confusion in such a crowd and in such a,
s.orm nobody was hurt to any serioac ex
tent, but s grand and imposing ctsemonial
was effectually oroEcnnp.
The programme embraced a poem by H.
F. Requier. Esq., and an oration hy Hob
Charles E. Fenner of the State Espresso
Court. These were dispensed with forever.
But after the storm a small sqaad ot the
officials ot the Monumental Association
gathered at the base of the dripping colnasst
and Judge Fenner, in a few wordr on be
half of the Monument Association, vnrteat
rd It to tbe ciy. to which lion. W. J.Bekaa
briefly responded, accepting tho trust on
behalf of t be city. Tbe Bight Rev. Bishop
. N. Galleher, of the Protectant Episcopal
Church, pronounced a benediction upon the
The Lee Monument Association was or
ganized here on the ICtb of Noreraber, 137?,
and went to work to raise money for the
rection of a suitable shaft to tbe memory
if tbe Confederate leader. On the 31st o
July, ls77, tbe City Council derotrag;
"Tirol. Circle," a small circular park In
tbe enlargement ot St. Charles avenue at
the intersection of Delord street, for the
site of the monument, and changed Its
namo to Lie place. On the 1st of Decesn-
. .. 1 . .
ber ot the same year a contract was given
to John Rey to build the monument at a
ro.t of KT.uuu.
The design chosen was a flutd doric col
umn of white Tennessee marble on a base
of gray Georgia granite, standing; on a
nuncu muunu. limuu, m mo nnuo
stands ft: teet above the street, asd the
tatoe u 1(J fett hI lho dimen,ton, of
y wboi in jctan am as follows: Height
of mound. 12 feet; height of gronlto base,
12 feet: height ot column CO fest;
height ot die, S feet 4 inches;
height of statue, 10 feet 6 Inches; diameter
nf mnmrt- 191 fet? tltamf.tiT rif hzaa
of n-.cund, 1! feet; diameter of base
(nuarei.42 feet: diameter of column. 10
feet; diameter of die. 7 feet S inches;
faebriit of whole, 1C9 feet; basement, 12 lee
On the 31st ot May, 1SS2, contract was
en'cred into with the HUv mis & Doyle
(now the Hollowell) Granite Company.
New York, for a bronze statue cf General
Lee to surmount the monument. Tbe statue
vii to cost 510.1W. In June, JS82, Mr.
Alex. Doyl., artist, was sent by the con-
''-? "KF?"'! 2 ."i,0,
a model, which be did in tbe hall ot tbo
House of Represeutatires of tbe old State
House in this city. It was cast in bronze
br Henry & Bonnard. ot New York, and is
the largest statue that was erer mode in an
American foundry. It weighs about 7,003
pounds. It was cast In six sections, tbe
head alone weighing 305 poends.
It represents General Lee in an easy, nat
ural position, standing erect, with folded
arms, as though overlooking tho field ot
battle. He Is dressed in fall service uni
form, with cavalry boots, jd tha sword
strapped at bis side me -sure eight feet
from tip to hilt! Tbe stars, according to
his wish, are placed on tbe lapel of his coot
Instead ot on the collar. The entire work
Is paid for, the total cost Velng abont $40,
WW. The oSJcers of the Monument Association
are Charles E. Fenner, President: G. T.
Beuregard, First VIre President; M. Mas
son. Second Vice Presided ; S. IL Ken
nedy, Treasurer: W. L Hodgson, Record
ing Set retary; W. M. Oven, Correspond
ing Secretary.
n m
A. If arrow Eaeape.
. JoLxar. Zu. Feb. 2E
Consternation reigned to-day In the Or
rendorf Mine, raused by the waterof aa
abandoned sbaft breaking through aad In
to the shaft now being worked. Then
wereeifcht men in the shaft at tha tats.
Those nearest the break, about tweaSy
yanls therefrom, heard an awful noise
which they at once attributed to the rush
ot water. Their suspicions were soon real
ized when they saw a column of water
rushing toward them. It required but an
instant to act, and at once giving thealarm
tbe men made a break for the bottom of
the pit, when a last signal was giren and
the men raised from the dangerous cavern.
Shocking Result of Carelessaen.
Jouet. Ill- Feb. St.
George Ester and John Tally, two poor
workmen with families, employed by Use
j Ottawa Tile Company, had sunk a deep
hole in the clay bank for a blast and pt la
a large quantity of powder, but before
tamping it tried to dry out the lie with
bot ashes. A terrific explosion was the re
sult. The men were blown twenty feet la
tbe air. Tally fell down tbe sido of tbe
bole Ester fell upon his side and bis face
was blackened and fearfully cut. Os of
bis legs was actually b'own off, a portlcs
of it hanging down, held by a particle cf
y.se Injuries their eyer were prt ont