Newspaper Page Text
CHIEFTAIN. INDIAN Derated to the Interests of the Cltcrekce. Cl'ociRwn, Chickasawf. Scmlaelci. Creek, and nil Other Imlfan of the Indian Territory. YOL. II. NO. 27. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1884. CHIEFTAIN PUILISHINC CO. A PALACE STORE! "ejsi ail eeoparisan the flaest anil eea-pletest store In tbe Indian Territory is that or Wo C. PATTON fc CO., VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. Ymi ea get ajUda7 job want aad that or the very best quality to be had In the rot a rj. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. And a fall assortment of everything wanted by onr customers. OCJt Wtr CIBDJ BETAXTiOT ewitalns an lamcasc stock or every variety of tlic best and mo.t MTTircable Dry tswsfe. I OCK OMTEtSS RPABT03T ya will And the largest Stork or first-class Clotfiinr. Boots, Sho, IlaL, Ladle. atd 6ete' JfaralshlBg 6 fc. While OUR XILLDTERr 9EPXRTSEST to folly ap to the times In all th La!et Sty let snd Fahien. OCr QClItr KPAXTXE3T is nrpfelcwllfa every kind orstaple and Faaey Urjcerics, Floor, Baron, Canned Good, 0R MAJL3.ESS MEXKTXEST has a fall line oT Saddb-s, Harness and Leatacr (.'oods or all kind. In W ACMCCLTURAL DBPLEXEVT BEPART3KST you can get Wapms Unties, Mom, Spring Wa-;oas, Etc. MSR-XAXSHTARE BEFAXTXEST fa well stocked with Sails, Screws", Chains, LUngcs Tinware, Axes L'tensUs, Tools, ' e- Tm win SMI ttC. GLASS A5B UEESSWAXE BEPAUTXEXT eTery variety r Dlhrs, Crock, Jars, Jugs, Etc While In OCR BSC STftBE BEFAXTXEXT yoa will llnd a splendid stock of Pure, Sice Drnss, Medicines comple te In every re pet. FFeeript!e careWIj compounded by a skilled apothecary. In this connection we have also an Immense Tfcfc f Sttieas, I- acks, Confectionery, Etc And a SIAI5EXI A5B BK BCTAXTXEXT where yon will Had every variety T WriHmr Materials, Taper, niank Dooki 3Me ad Xcealpt Bttks, Schol BooVs, aad a line orool Keadinir Books Proe and Poetry. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Come and See Us. W. 0. PATTON VINITA LUMBER YARD, ' i WtX.ROTT, Proprietor. SSartm tana a fwnrirof both Stive and Northern Tine Lumlicr. Also Fhin .Bilalfc3ottiaiBB.Etc Tbe Xaare line, tpelr Ulrrl trom the Cbuctow Iqualtty. OKDEKS SOL1CITEU. ( OFFICE AND YARDS qj r - ' 1 THE NEW DRUG STORE, DrngsPate&t Medicines, ISTotioiis, Stationery, Etc.; also aFnllLine of Gigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. , n&STKTINS 8AREFULLY COMPOUNDED BY DR. BADDY. gnilinrirmf-i" theBen iaTInita at M. FKAZEES Bid Front, one door West or 'Frisco Hotel. M. FRAZEE, Vinita, Indian Territory. THOMPSON GROCERS VliSTETA., I. T. Keep CDBastlj-on land the Choicest Str "9 aad nncr Groceries In the Market. Also F YtffiaMcs, Fni, Qwiswiri, Glassware M Tiiware. toalae oar rtock In the Jlew BbHc o tbe Corner, two doora Wet or A. C KtTBwl C'i Haritwtre Store. - EOBEET 3D. KjSTIG-HT. TL&SVTJHCTWE3. OF JUeR's Rmgteadsr Washing Machines --ASX- YINITV, I. T. These XsstMms are warraate- la flaiih a wahin? ready for the line, wilhoal ihe ase ef tcfe r her3; As Bet have the hands in the snds fmm brsinninsrto end; a4 w wash aajtHtogr tnm a qallt to a gun patch, and are fully warranted Effainrf hrr-Iarr far m jear. TERJUS: SIG.00 for Washer and Wringrr rem Mnca; tli.QQ for Wariber aloar, with one cent per mile extra from Vinita to S-tft06 m C-T,0 J WILLIAM LITTLE & CO. Are can J lug a Is ire and complete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Fmarf Gs, Sstgars, Syraps, Soaps and Sanccs, Candies and especially COFFEE mi TEAS; ris 4eMware, Glassware, Woodenwarc, Tinware. 5aIIs Powder urf ImmnnHitn We carry a Im-nense stock of FEED, Corn, Brsn, Shorts, Baled &J a4 Swts. We are sole -seats at Tinita for the celebrated SESECA FLOUK. XT EZSTS COSSTASTLT OS HAND ALL KINDS OF vEfVssfffsWf THE LUMBERMAN TFTOtT WAST TO IDT LUMBER CHEiP CITE BUI A CALL. JEC -3l 3EP JOHN & GEORGE BULLETTE, FELL ASD COMTLETE STOCK OF GENEBAL MEEGEAN DISE WHICH WILL IE SOLI AT IE1-R0CK FKICES. CISK rX T9& HIBES, FUKS and PROBCCE. Cash or Cattle taken in Ei chasffe for Ge4. SEE OUR STOCK. TULSA, I. T. & CO., Viniia, OX ILLINOIS ATEXUE. - "'''' erncz, viairi. SKINNER, ALSO DEALEn IX LLXE, HUB: TLISTER PARIS. WILL FTUNISH ODD SIZES OF DOORS.SA6H& BLINDS AS CHEAP AS AXYBODr. OFFICE AND YARD OPP.SinOHL HOTEL CnETOPA, KAS. Indian Territory. NEW GROOVES AT- ALLEN BROTHERS IE jbe-t Cah Price Faid for Ft'Iti5, GAMB and I'KUDL'Cli. QFF&SI3 ?. H, CASS' Sis?.., TO 1. 1. !HELIVESTOCKKAEKETOFSf.LOIIIS TIIE ST. I.OCIS X.VTIOAAli STOCKYARDS LoratI at Kat M. Lents, III. Iirt-lr c.ncHr tbe cHr r -t. ln. nujrrs fi.rnJ-rr(prtoorfUre Storfc atwajmat tHfoklBne. aixl wMhhi IJm? jnn4 of tb Mek Vnl air-aUo-f Omtin? Ciuapany. nh a rapr ft"'"iSb,ert" ''J bimd 'f cauls daHr. ana l'ork I'apklJW RM.hmrti wim a capacity f r Haoi.tnn KJbti fasn UHr- ISAAC II. KXOX, Prrsldent. CnAS. T. JOSES, .npt. RATT.-WAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOL'IS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pulliiian Taluce Hotel Cars tlirougli to St. Louis,yia Scdalia, Daily. Direct Route West and South west Tia Kansas City. AT KANSAS CinV..r rrCT! New Mexico and aMfornia csmmjct with Hx press Inuns of all lines. AT ATGHISQNSPr-kmTri:i,r,ior,r Points in Kanasand Nebrai-ka. IT nlllU 1 Connection Is made with al! A I UHiflUA Mnes leailmjT to the North and We SUPEMOR-ACCOMMODATIONS F.LST XI3I.E. F. CIIAXDLER, ("cn. Pa. AsenL C. B. KIXXA.V, Ass't (.'en, Pa. Agent. F. L. DECKEIt, Asentat viniU. "'FRISCO L5NE. ji T!IIt(XGI. 3XISSOTTKr, TJTDIA-V TERK1TOBY. The Direct Through lloute Between INDIAN TERRITORYand ST. LOUIS. Tast Express Trains are Itan Daily. Jso Change or Cars. Thnmi ruBaian Pabie- Fleeplna- Cars are rnn dstlr. wHbmit ehanso. between ST. LOUIS, McawJsANFnASCIsai.raL 3HV1 acres ot wh fartnteK- and mineral lands f sale by thtecompany In SOFTH WEST tSTToT- full and ra t'eular iBrormatlon. with .. -.wa... tfiiM m. HlltitAfiftriiA. I aps. ilia" jbw . 'M"-'-.1 - -.. ------ ! drr-i any of ou - Mat -n Agents, oreilhe- or tha undernamed. D. WIHAirT Geae-u Paseneer Ajsent. s G WtiLE, Gcr-a. Frr.ii Mr' St Louis. C W jlOCr't" Tlri .iect tl f,enerW Manager, Xc p.e f '-S-". 5; Lo-r. Mo. I IT .flijju i Fan ST. LOLUS & SAX FRAACISCO CURRENT 020IENT. The tirst shovelful J dirt on the Flor ida MMlaml & (eorp Railroad was thijj at Valdosta reccnU" by the wifo of Hoiu a K. Pendleton. Oncnos will votoon he 22d of June on a proposition to so aicnd its Statu Constitution as to ailmit he women to an equal riht t vote wit the men. TrtE Wabash Railroac authoriiics liavo Fhut down on theprcticcof their employes selling their tiro, and giving nowcrs ot nttornev for racs. Tlic practice was perniciotw ad has now been forbidden. A singula i: accident happned lately at a mill in Nashville, Tcnn A work man ra thrown toward a cirtilar saw. and thinking he would striki it, ilietl frum friiriit. When picked u he was dead, but there was no sign ota hniisc on his bod v. Active preparations arc in rrogrcss for the ejecting at Memphis of tie San itary Council of the Misi.ippi TJcy. Tlicrowill be delegates proent from fifu-en States, and t!ie health f tkival ley during the coming summer avU be sarufully considerciL II. h. MrmiEU. manager of the flobe Tea and Oiffoe Company, of Wlics barrc. Pa., and his x--itanU wen ar- ..mainin- money under fale pretel - - - and maintaining a lottery uy scmngiea and coffee in cans coniainmg prize, in default of bail they were i-cnt to prion handcuffed. A fuiweu has lxn dlcovercl in South America w ai-h is only vbiDe when the wind is blowing. The shrb Inslongs to the eacUis family.-aiid grots about three feet in height, with a crtxk an top, giving it the appearance ofa nlack hickory cane. When the wid blows a number of beautiful flowers d velop from little lump on the stalk. i All the .Senators and mcraliers rf Congress received in their mail reccntl a sonrrilous pamphlet pretending to b the prospectus of "An Illustrated BU grapliy of the Sioux Chief." Tlic nane of "Xancy Higgens' was given as tlr sutlior. and the book pretended to In Ik-dilated to the friends of women uf- fragc. It was supposed to be a fling at (jovcrnor Ordwav, ot uakota. A max named Sraoll, of Lenawee Countv. Mich., was recently divorced. In order to avoid paying alimony to his' wife he turncu over Ills iiniienaKing buMnos to another man. Xow Smoll, having cleared him-elf of his wife and all future trouble, de-!rcs poscslon of "niomasjrffrr-u-n. was taken up. and a favor ;. . . -,.,- l able report was read. I onlrraMe opposi- his busims again, but bis snppo-Hii tlon wa r,ontf1-.teil atrain-t tbe Mi. h 1-rtnz friend still clings to it. and is selling ofl tan-fiE3,Sa ZZXgtfK. j--oods at cost price, and Sinoll Is trying Tnc j,nate was cot in sotsmn ,n the to rcplctin what is left. IMh The House went Into I.Knmilti-r of 'the Whole. Mr. Hkujilt In Ihe chair, on Ihe Tim new fast mail train between Xcw i-ork and Chicage is not looked upon 1 r'..-Val-r.. -waItA"r.r ST.' f . very faverablv bv the people oi tne roaiUtosriy per cent aHom-.i tiiat or other :!... ,,;i L,rr-Uf in Plile-iini It is Iroads. Mr.llolmaaoffiTi-il asa ulKtllule lor railway mail service in Clilcago. it is ifh mo(on an amendment Inriudlnir held that, as the train arrives in Ctuea- jo as late as lCJ.r a. m., it is useless as far as Chicago is concerned, as the mail could not be deliv-red until af ter the regular train had come in. The benefit is observed at St. Louis, where business men now receive Xew York mail at 9 a. m.. the same time as Chi cago, instead of noon, as formerly. Two children ilietl at their home on Twenlv-ninth street. Galveston. Te.xxs from eatiug lu-a!il meat, the eldest. Christine Wegner, lniing three years old. and Man- Vcncr. the other vic tim, eighteen months old. All the fam ily. con-dting of the parents and four children, soon after the meal, were at tacked with an ailment roembling -dysentery, purging and vomiting blood. Dr. Ithodcs was called and treated tlie family. Hie constitution of tlic parents sided his M, and they recovered, but two of the children ilietl. TllK Wanlen of the Illinois Peniten tiary at Jolict ha aktil the Attrne General to tleehle for him a ijuotion pnipounded by th State's Attorney of Fulton County. That official wisheil to know if the Wanlen could deliver up a prisoner in bis charge on acapia iv-ucd for the commission of another crime than that fr which the pri-oner was inrarwrateiL Tlie Altoniev General ha advised the Wanlen that there Is no authority in law for Mich deliver, ami alo say. that to con-cnt to it would lie to establish a very dangerou precedent. A rrniofs duel with locomotives took place at the Union Depot. Kansas City, recently. Two Miouri Pacific and Ciiicapi & Alton frcigiit trains were disputing over Uio right of wa on tbe fifth depot track. Failing to make each other yield a imint they crowded on Meam ami deliberately lorccii a col lision. Fortunately they were too clo?c together to get up much speed, but the cow-eati'ier on the Alton engine was smashed, ami the men on the train considerably shaken tip. Then for nearly an hour they tried to buck each other off the track, but finally tbe Mis souri Pacific yielded and backed off, leaving the Alton train in possession of the field. A DisTCKBASCS took place on the Mackay race course, in Queensland, Australia, on December 26. It was caused by the time-expired islanders. Eight Europeans were injured by mis siles thrown at them by the infuriated Kanakas, une tvanasa wu iueu -uu'-- ......- - - six were wounded in quelling the riot ! Coods; estimated cost of replacing. .urupcau wu.&xiieu am uiui-ti Ab renvd aainst the Kanakas. An open air meeting was held at Mackay. at which it was decided to convene a mon ster public meeting to take steps to me morialize the Government with a view of compelling all Kanakas to return to the South Sea islands at the expiration of their term of service, or lo re--pgago for a further tcrm. THE WORLD'S D01XGS A Summnrr of the Daily News. PROCEEDINGS OF COSCKE. In the Senate un the Illh. Mr. Allison prcontcl a memorial an-1 Joint resolution of iar ixTPiiuro ui mm, '.""" I Carernment to aiall iiMrlf of the .power j (rrantcd lir the I'.niMlllllH.n 10 m.unie nm-. - .u-t... mercof theS!il.r. preyine onen- to pa Tlir week's business failures thronshcret laws In pursuance ot that imer Tor the roru- Uiecountr', for the United Ktates, nnm latlon of railroail farvK ami frrlpbt at sueh . . .... .-, , ,. nit ,,. nrnrince. 4- flcurc!. a win allow a reasonable return lr" ' tanaaa ami the provinces.!-. and no more for the amotmt actually expenuci in ibo ron'initiiwti ..... The jH-nate then went into executive -Mnn for further conMeratlon .if tlie Mexican treaty. anl when tbe loor wetw npoed ( aujourne.1 Jr, the lloim- Mr Mrrij.n re. . aujournni ioir' imi- i ..!.-. -wirteil favoraMy fmm the Warn ami lino . a ... .1 ..III . .. 1 ...k. -.! Jm ....ct , II.I1.II11IT- llfVI'ffl l ll""IMI.-III- ...M.m ....... the war tariff. The new tariff blllwa accom- oainlllcincni iu n..ucr-i-M iwm .. iianled with a written report. MeK Wiley '"'e !,.,,-,,,.,,. . ..., mlttertthevleworiherainritr.TlK-llouiK?.on i Ing it and flooiling it with steam. otone motion or Mr. Town-lieml. went Into! ommtt-i of the one hundred and fiJty miners es tce of the Whole on the Po-l-office Apprtipria- ,-,! in ,it ,!... ll k... Im. ,ail lir fM ! .""f Illin UfU. I III" ! UStlHi. !-.- - j tlon. Mr. llorr mored to Increase to Jli2'. oo the aiipmiirintiii fur "ontiaHn of in! no. ,- ,.;.... ..-(- jolmaMer. rcnulnjr action, Ine ctHnmiiiee row?. Ix tb- Senate, on Ibe lith, Mr. Jackson suhmltteil a joint reHiJuttort provMlnjr for iiutiini'tlon to the State of a constitutional amendment makintr the Irellentil term fix year, awl makinr a PrcMdent iHrt.cac to a reflection. A mmit-rr of I'ilS wen- reirtril ravoraWy and ilc-l on the calendar. The -iMte took up the Mil forllie rrlier of Htz John IHirter. which led toa hmcd'-liate with out rrult. and after executive M--ion the Senate adJoum-l The nouc- went !nt Itimrailtee or the Whole on Ihe !Nlo(bce Ai pmnristion ItUL Thetmramrtleeof the Whole liy a voi- or 115 to 4.tnirk out Ihe elau-e limltlniralrk-of tuaMler to f.mL An amemlment 1t Mr. llorr men ainr from tiA :jl,lltl to JtiiU llie appniprlallnn fiireirni penatton to po-lmai-lcr. a hit :ito. Sir. llorr moved to im-n-aiK- the ajiproprlaiion for c!crW In xtomce by flSi.lJ. The amendment was Iet .. to III Ix rlio Senate, on the 13Ui, Mr. Harmon, mw ,l.n i nmmftw en TitrHtorit. retorted Urora th? f """"" " T'rri.rjes reported fatorabir ami nail pucoi onineeaieuuar tut- favors bl r and had pUci-d on the calendar the tiUIIortneaumtvionoi uanim. Jir. i num. rubmltted a joint nolutlon. which was re- propriatlni: SZJxn to be maile Itamwlsstely avaluiiHe umier sue mrecxioo u ' ,m.uii-!t"i. on Ainicultun-. rur tbe unipif'lon or the rt aixt mouth dlwae amine .-auie in iau- a. The Mil lor the relief of HU i n nirter wa taken up. awl Mr. MaiHWrum ,wreeii t .? .... . mr.a t.... ... I, Ifln. . I...1.. lurrviutuin ifiiw.iiii ... ... ... dlcUH.on the Mil was nti.l a tbint time ami iuf"I by a vote r 31 to III Ibe llouw a resolution wa adoiitcd dirrctlnir the lommiweeon minic uiiem i iinr-iiiic matter perlalnini: to the prant of3.lcn fnik.Ct.fn nr lihifrn f.k alii in the efin Mrnrtionofa breakwater, harlior an.1 -hip canal. an.I ny mat Maie pira i im- u-r.-u-perlorand PorUtre I-ake t'anal I'omiutn. awl ileumine whether the STant i HaWe to for rHtuiT'. The I lou went InloTommHtiv of the Whole on the I'o'toSk'e Appropriation lilll. Ihe pending- amendment lelnr that of In- ... .k .. ....... n.4. Inn . f.rf.fn of letter carrier. ant Incidental exin-u-es or . i-M... ru. rxn,iM t l . wi- inTumiiij t-i r n. . - . . .. on.nm. Tin- anM-ilment wa ailoptt.1 by 1ST n ir. C......I ..ill.. n.m1mfnf. Iff. iff St. ii ...mi-. .. -..... ....- - .. --- fent. anl t 5 o'rincl, the lloiiv wljoiirniil. In tlio Senate, on the Htb, Mr. l'lnmb ealleil up the joint re"luiln approprfcxins IT3.0O for thr eradicathin of the foot -nl mouth dlfCtw. Mr. Plumb afl It was a very Mriitus dlne and did not affect the State of Karoos merely, but all the States. He M-nt to .. ..... .f f..l .tl..u.tlt tmat tlif. iwuit. ain un n, a ..! . .... Covenmr or Kan-a. urrlngj the ininanee f Immediate action. Mr. Sherman tnovei. to amena by 'triKius out ine i mu-- iuio provWe that the money lf expended In co ojieratlon with Ihe authorm!' or Kan naa. as Ih lli-a-c was apt to f pmul to other S-tatii and alli'et the ?wla ami other animal- Mr fullora thousrht tbe amount (-ImiuM lie an.1 the ri-i4u. ; and the ri-nu- fOflE? iltM-U.slfHl I'll- tlon pa,M at oni-e S;s tV Senate adurn until it.m- day lnthelIou.-.thebiIIrrantlnir a pen- TmTrSS .within iwithln tbe ntty jut ceni mniiniuin daue the Northern Pji-iIU- ami f'nion I'aciOc sjtem. aw! pi-wvwin-r tnat no right now rxiMimr In raor of the I nitetf Mate m reeani i ine ropn .-ii-iii if drrmM lm!airi-l r wai..vd Iy thi- action. -fr. iiiiimii r iii-ii.ii.i.-ii --...-fT -. . .--M. When a midi ralhin nt the lln.t section I. . I 1. I ...... a. Llnnf IK., ,ftA X1U was ntuiiieir. 11 m. .... ... I could not be flnl-hcd and the rommittee rtr. POLITICAL .1.111 fEKMON.VL. UErTEXAST J. W. DASESHOWEn of Jeannette fame has ten inarrl"il to Miss Uelen Laflln Kioan in Oswego, X. Y. Ilcsnv A. Tildes, youngest brother of Samuel J. Tilden, died at New Lebanon, S. Y., recently, aged slsty-thrre. :mrKL s'roti-. Vuextiss Till-b. tte Pacific Express mbber at St. Louis was arrested recently at Milwaukee and J M.69 of the money re covered. Thearret was duo to bis own follj In learim: Ins valise with the money at a trunk store t bo repackuL His ac complice, a man liamrd MrFaddrn, bas also teen atre-tcd at Sbennan, Texas The Attorney Seneral has Issued n cir cular ts United States MarsbnU and At torneys to enforce tbe la-saRaInt person whom they find illec-liy manufaeturing or eaporlin;t drnamite. A shpckisb cne -f eruelty has come to IiKbt in Xorwalk, O. Mnpgie Montemery, agel cght yearx, was token from a charita ble imditutiMi by a Mrs. Blinjdy, who beat her and starveil her, fracturtsl her skull and burned ber wHh a lnit !ker. There were but slisht chances ot tbe ettlbl's re covery. Ho ineenseil were tbe people that they threatened to lynch the whole Itlinrly family. TllElJovemorof Kansas ba calleil au extra session of the Legislature t convene at T'Pka on Tuesday, slareh lbs, to take nr-ion in resanl to tbe eaUls ptaue that nifT prevails in tbe State. The Texas Land Ilonnl rrfuseil to accede t tne r nuesi oi w-iMe n itumo m price of lrased lands horn eight to Are - . ,...... -. iasifn.l . Yt thn l the rniuest oi stocmeo wreiiacejue cents. Tbe stoekmen threatened to cut tho fence of any man leasing at eight cent, and tobl the Board so. They also inti mate tnat tbey will orcaniu a powerful opposition to tbe retention by the Board of tho State offices now hebl by Ihe mrinWrs. A DESTBl'CTiy-eyctone paw-e-inearuun v.-iiiira. ...... S. Hes and Tfrxville. Ala., recently. 11. Mn. John Till mm e were killeil. and John Tidraoreaml Mrs. Frank Farmer severely injured. About thirty bouse were blown to atoms The storm left the earth after devastating nearly six miles. A ttbjubLi: explosion occurrcU In tno Focabontas Mine, near Petersburg, Va., nn-ntlv-. One hundred and'fifty men at work in the mine were killed and their bodies terribly mutilated. The explosion ounded like the rumbling of an eartb- :aake, and did considerable damage out side of the pit. George Tirr-ST, twenty years old, a son of the absconding postmaster, of Ben nington, Vt., has been arrested and con fessed to stealing Government money. Ho I implicated in bis father1 fraud. T?f . re fcHflrr were destroyed be tween PitUburgh and Cairo during the vnnfina. r-T v Rnmtsnx has snedC.K. Garrison, of New Tort, torecoyerSiSaiW.claiming that amount on account ot sale ot bonds. DrGAJcrr, the Russian Nihilist, sup posed to have been tbe leader of the band that murdered Colonel Sadeikln, has sailed tor America. M. ... . TM. - LBS coatCDer OI sommerce, oi njnuii Franre, p'Otcsts against the embargo en AmeicanPck. rnrrnn, Walkzk, of Missouri, ha r celred a letter from T. C. Campbell, ot Kirk.iville, Infonninj; him :hat tie moutb ami foot (Urease had broken ont among thi cattle in Kurt beast Missouri. Tun Aspen tage, which arrived at Lead vllle the other night, brought news of a fatal snow-slide which occurred at Apen mountains. Three employe of thsValleJi .;,.- .-:-.,. M.nhitl Willlnm O'n.-irn itaai' a - v ua a,- - -- t aad John McGunnity, were killeil. liito aau John Jlcuunnlty, were Kiueii hjsj n. anoth.r miner . hmlssinis. if.1 fn. nc mmiurMt with 7: last week. The decrease- was principally In the West- era, juume and .w wiruwi ci. Canada aas. the same number of failures as . wn.fc Tnc only way of putting out the Are in ..... ,-...j j v. - .-..-,. ,.. Pocahontas mine. , i ,.,:. r:. llUl.ll.I.lfT'ls, Cllfruiinu .j ...,, ....- man bred pork, ami due in no wise to the American proilurt, Is rarapns ranous parta of Germany. Matt Lewis, colored, was handed in oc. Ixiuis for the munlerof his wife in Octobet 1(58. Iwi nnareelle 1 with her. and COt her throat in a fit of jealoaiy. He escaped, I n was arrested nearly a year afterwards. He hail been in jail M-ven years, during which time he had lour tnats. A mmt Wifti.ttCltc thn other mnrninir i..trnrl Wnmlwanl. Faxon it Co. tdace. 13 Hi to 13W 1'iuin avenue. The loss on drngs, build ns and oilier property amounted to nearly $l(.u . A youu man nsmeil Aber. itathy was Lil'ed by leaping from a fourth story w.n low to escape Lein;; burned. WIMJAJI u. Smith, agru twenty, oi nan Antonio, Tex., suicided recently by taking mnttlilni- IIm hail tnarrietl a variety actress n-med Lizile Mack, and got lalo domestic difficulties. Ix a row on shipboard In Chesapeake Bay, VliL, John Wilson, mate, war st?bb-d and kllUd by Gus I'eterson. TiLLsn, the l'acific Express robber, of St. Louis, mule au attempt to escape by citmbinz down tho flre-ecaie ef the Lin lell HoteL He was recsptured n ml" taken to the Four Courts. The o'her morninii two prisiaers con fined in th Sandwich, Ont., jail, shot and killed Jailn Leech and faUlly woundel Turnkey Davis and escapeiL A Torxo man named John DuCield was held up recently nt Galveston by a trio ot roughs. Watching bis opportunity he kciz.-U th hand of the man holding the pistol and plunged a lwwie knife into his 1ml-. Tlic dead robber proved to be a John Kelly. IrtsrrpTtcil that a snow-slide carried away tho Samson Mining Company's Con centrating Wotk-i, eight miles north we of Silvcrton, Col., erected last summer at aa expense of i,0o.). "b lives wero lost. Tiic Ontario I-zislature passed a bill giving widows and pintr hohave the necessary property imalincntlon.a ngnt to vote at municipal elections. A serious railroad difficulty occurred near Youngstown, O., a few days ago, over .li.nttfn.t tract plaimeil bv the New York. 1'ennsylvanla o; unio anil ine i lusuurgn, . , r. -Tf.ul.. ll.flH. rnmtuniM Tennsylvania & Ohio and the Pittsburgh, -.eve.a... .--, "?""rr The emjiloyes oi cacn company wcrr nriut.-it uii iv.iMv.. ..-.....--.-....- but for the timely presence of the Sheriff, who made several arrests. A nnirnfi match at San Francisco, re cently, mile and a half turn, ,000 a side. cently. mUe and a halt tun,. -.. a siae. tor the championhip of the I acinc Loa-r. lietwcen IVterMinand Ie. was wonbj i former by fillccn lengths. I'lrrri! Srvniix and his son. Will O. Pe- monin, have left Louisville, Ky., secretly, leaving tbe I'lke Tobacco Warehouse Com pany in inextricable difficulties. The frauds of the younger Semonin are said to amount to $KW.. The valuo of exports of breadstnlTs foi February, fcsl, was 10,ln.SS against JI.V 771,1)10 for tbe same time last year. For the ei;;ht month rndini; February y, il!l XUffl, against J113,I01,I.V. for the corns poiidin i?nol of lant year. Scvr-X months ago Christian A. Iembke left Akron, O., while under a chare of burglary and mbb-ry. Hi went to Ger many, returned the other day on tbe steamer "uremburjr and was arresteiL A tool named Dennis Reilly ointeil an "empty" pistol at Cella Kenncy, at ew York recently, and shot her dead. rvT.nliii-T-ii a mechanic named Jens Xeilson, has been Impnsonrd for life for arson, lie aio m ihtui; i are to the Victoria Docks in Londuu, lSL AnnrnoiiAi. nisrATnyrrx. Ix tne S-nate. on the 17tb, Mr. I'lurab's resiilnlioii for thi purpose of daling with the Kansas cattle plaguo wa adopted, after the amount asked fur bad b-en in craeil t jT.i.OJlt Tbe Ltoas was occu pied with matters of little geueral interet. 15. Haze: tlAVLORn, ageil twenly-tliree, killeil bbuself recently in Chicago, l-emuse he could net monopwliie the all -ctiotw of a eyprian. .The Mexican Central, new completed, will be ep-n to freight and limited pawn-gr-traSc April lt. Tlie regular cxpre trains, w Jib Pullman care, will commence M-iy 1st. TnE pollro of Brooklyn have lisen in quiring into the burning to death of Mabel ltnliinnn. of Xew vrk. ill Tumson's Hotel, on tbe old Coney I-lan I road. The body was found sitting upright in a chair with all tbe clothing burned except shreds of stockings ou tbe feet. Two vocsn men named Martllle Wil liams and Ama Clifford, near North Ogilcn, U. T., both drunk, were racing their horse ! fioum a hwin roc.) niii, .uniw""-" j , tumblcl and fell, throwing the i -a a .1 I. . --,.1- It iuir li Ik down a steep, rocky bill, when the latter' rider bead against a rock, crushing his skull, and bedieX The wheat crop in tbo vicinity of Van dalia, IIL. is reported by the farm-rs a almost totally ruined by the recent cold w eather. j UEBl lUCKClUlf I'l JIUUI1I vuifiiti, fuH ac!e,i seventv-onti years, a shoemaker by Hcniit ItlCKEltD, of Mount Carmel, ImL, I .-..t. rnmmitteil suicide by banging, lis j vai alwut to lose hi eyesight and was j Umj of Hvlng. I yBK Omaha, Slinneapolis & St. Louis and j Milwaukee & St. Paul, have effected a re- ; a,ijtt5tment of lumber rate from br. I'aul to common polnU in .Minnesota, uarau and Iowa. AR-mnn Read, the ciantes. was x,une& jn Srergreen Cemetery, Xew York. Eight mon were rcquireu locany iu m-u Into the vanlt- Prascx OaLorr, who hai been the Rus sian minister to France since ISTi, and who now rs to Berlin, bas presented his let ters of recall. Ir Is alleged at Berlin that Sargent bai been nllowed by Secretary Frelinghuyien the option of rt ruining at Berlin, or be coming minister to some other country. The Genn.n Liberal Union Secesslon i,ti elided to j'dnthe Progressist-. Tbe Fusionists will adopt the came of tbe German Liberal Party. The funeral of Ernie tVeathersby, the actress, who died Saturday, took placo from tbe "Little church around tbe cor ner," New York. i ax extensive spice mu. m - - .. ntr.- .l..n1 hi. nr. tn The extensive spice mill of A. ColSura 6r t,ia rauaaeipuia, w u.uajc. j ..... the amount of 53,000- "jsorance SO . I IrUassertedlhattheGlaiUtonemtalstry son the eye of d;s4ution. THE FOOT A5D MOUTH DISEASE. Official Itcport of tbe United SUtes Veteri nary iuixeontothet-ovemor of Kansas In rte-ptrd to the Ureadrul Scource. TnmtA. Kas.. March IX Tbe fallowing is the rejiort of Dr. Holcombe. the veterinary snrrom commissioned by Gocrnor uuc: to invr-iti-r-ile the dL-ease which recently mada its appearance arooag tlie cattle In Woodson County, Kas.: Neosho Falls. Woodsos. Coc-rrr. ka-. l March 10 ISSt. f To Ihe Goccrnor of I'lnxu: Pin I have the honor to rej-or- Here with the results of my usrestlr-atlon Into the natnm. cause and prosress of the disease existin-c amonr the cattle . . .- f a n. uvw.i.i.-An nr tin- in iai, ucifTaiiuruuufi. jj ("".-rr"" ," SZ eral Auzur. commandinu the Military Depart ment of the Missouri. 1 reported to you in Topeka on the 5th insL. and received verbal inMruciionsioprocenxio iui.-. i--m. --.-delay. I arrived here on tbe UthlnsL. In com pany with yourcir and Colonel Sims. Secre tary or Ihe Slate Board of Agriculture, and a deleg-ation of citixenn of Emppria. I first Insrectc-t the herd or Daniel Kelt h. loca ted rour miles northwetor Neosho Falls, !n .... r .... L'n. Tti. klctnpr nf nil Df-m i.ikrTtiuuiiij.iiu. -..-. -.""'." T ". Is as follows: ltconitor 130 animals, most or which are yearlings, the remainder com-prUin-r a tew cows and twt-vcar-old ttccrx. All or these animals were picked up In the surmumlln-r country lat autumn. Thelastor sixty were received on December 10. 1SSL All were apparently well alter Christmas. Some time betweet. the SMh and 31t or December, five or the yearlinirs were seen to be Ume and to present more or lc swelllnz or tbe affected feet. A day or two afterward six more were fouivlwith similar sjmptoms. Arteratlme It was noticed that the reet affected showed sls-iis or slonchin-r at the coronet, or abovo the fetlock jolnL This result was attributeil to freexlns; cr the dLeaed memliers. Notwlthstandln-r tho chang-ea In tbe weather, new outbreaks In the herd con tinued until at tbctimeor my arrival slxtywerc or had been affected. I made a critical exam ination of a larjrc number both or the well anil the sick. A typical recent case, said to have been sick fouror five days, wasa two-rear-olil itecr. with the following symptoms: The rtsnt '.ui inni v.. ntfin.Mmhl-r swollen, and tbe animal limped as ho walked. A slmrle vesicle wat- found on tbe skin In tbe cleft or the hoof. I touched It with my finxer when It ruptured; .f ...-i. a I .nn .n nlilnnr 11. loeuuiu r-3t-i-i. w. ." "" , perScial ulcer. The foot was hot an I tender to m-es-ure. while the swelling extemle-1 as hiah as tbe .fetlock. TSe temperature. Uken in the recline, was iwt desrres Fahrenheit. An examination of the mouth revcaicu tnrce smaii uii.t-n i ' recentlr fnrrocl ulcer on the nrjeous mem brane of Ihe lips and sums. Another case, said to have l-cen affecteil about ten days, was hlwl root sup-purattna- at tho fetlock joint, while the parts below wens dead. The mucous membrane of the upper and lower lips of the puns and palate as far back as to the econd molar teeth showed numerous ulcers, varrin-r In sue rrom a larse pln-beaa to a Lima liean. These ulcers wereof a paie. reddish purple color, or or a yeUowlsh Drawn. On preparin-rtotake tbe temperature the pa tient ilefacatrd. rrveallnir on the mucous membrane or the rectum a small ulcer from wbnh escaped some IdomL The thennoi-2Icr rcsltercd lot dcsre-is FahrenhelL Auofier case.said tohave beenone or tne first aS-xteil. was a whit j carilnir steer. He rerused 'a cet up. was rrcatly cmactatcd and suf ferlnx Intense pain. The rtffht hlwl les; pre-cnte.1 a stump at the fetlock joint, coverc-1 over with a dark brown scab from l-cneath which escaped a thick yellow pus when pressure wasapplled. The .tump was tender ami swollen about halt way to tbe hock. The left hind le-wasswol- Ifll. (nibWIU lUWitevij ,-...-.- "-- ' Xt-tioc't. Tr tor MochI wkle iart.5howtcx a icnsrrTciHiwi-ii m.i -m."- . - -- . - f.I-1- f..lAn. rtt .!, fulfill, Inff neneain snicu wnf.--n.--. . .- -" : relt. The horn or the outside toe wa de tached at the heel, undermined with pus and nearly ready to drop off. The expo--! Bone was dead on tbe surface. The mouth showed several ulcers, some healed, others nearly so. The tempera ture was 112 ili-iii it s Fahrenheit. Tbcso three cae are tairly Illustrative or the dis ease a It exiti l here In tho various staics. In some cac the mouth lolons are compara- .! !!.. ..I.II Ik.. r, mm ...HnilSlV Ml inn mwhi .mil.- it"; .-. .. - -- r i reet eil. ami vice versa. Some hae hail the , dlca-e !n a mild torm ami e-eaiiei. wuuuiiv .t . .i.j 11.1... urn. lial loss ot any ponion i iunr umi . . - . lest one toe. some Nith toe. "me one Icir at lest one toe. some tilth toe. 7"'" the fetlocfcme both leawlone three Uxs The okler the animal the les dlsutrous does JVppear to . ror I iyo ut even one foot. One lf kwJJ ."' IOr UUl 1CW funs cow with a ten davs old look tho dlseae anil developed ulcers on the teats and uaaer as -en j Ihe mouth. Three day afterward the cair died with all tbe s-mptoms or the dlv-ascln Its early staci-s The sct-ond herd lnsiwctcJ lmjrsto Mr. i;lrlch,or Kansas Oty, .Mo, end Is Ircated on the opi-Kltc side or the biffh wav. about one hundred yards from lr. Keith's place. The Unit cae appeared In thl herd four or Ave weeks ago. and th- number alcctcdnn the th !n-t- was thirty-five out ot a total or ninety-five heaiL llut two or the- cace n-ultv sieelal attention. One is a red rearlinir steer with one root affecteil. showing . . ... i . .1. .B.....J innaii. .nn fin ulcers on isim nis v j.ii..-i ..-..- -..- -the tour or the mouth lack to ami Including tlie soft (.alate. The other Is a two-year! heifer that will kw all four letrs Thl hcnl was In fim- eomlltton when the dis ease broke out. Tbe third henl infected is .sit uate! almiit two and a halt mite south or Mr. Keith s place. In Woodon .un,TvKa,nr ami Ifdones lo John W. II- ird. On the th lnU but fmir ca-e hail IfCcn aCected. one ot which died while the dlsea-ewa at its heiht. The total number of animal In this hero is seventy-nve. una wen iniecicu un weeKS. l.Es. . n..r.lin--ih. nainre or the disease there in be no ucthMi but what It 1 a rontagcou , . . a l - -- nil in iti one. Thi i shown by the repeateili-uUireBk which have taken place in the herd first injected, tbe spread or the dU eae to the hcnl across the htahway. ami finally So Mr. Heard's cattle by the purchase or a cow rrom Mr KelthV farm. That it I foot and ra.ith dieae cannot be doubted t-r- w rmtm i r nriiii s-a ---. - - - when the symptorasan- eon.nlertl: for. tore- iitulatr. the various ea-e show: Veide -wpiiut-". ;- .! .-.I ..I, and Ulcer oi me mituiii. c-t.fv ..-. . - In Ibe cleft of the root. Mippur-ttlon ami shiucblnc at the reet. ulvers or te rectum. . ii... .n.t ifL. i .nr the inltler. ilisrrhira. a temperature varin:r from Ml Frhrenheii. and tbe mwt markeilemael atkineven In .-ases where lheappetitelirooiL How Ihe disease nrtKlnatod lam at a loss to know. In tbe pxt the font an. I mouth ill. raseba never appeared m ihts oiuntry ex rcpt when tironslit here fnml!is-at I.rttutH or Kurope. That H can orhniKite I ilo not beHeve. for many liTatMm have bnwit that pe-iBe dlt-ie h- pro iHenl exe-pt when Ihe vte vims is pres ent in ihe M sti-m. an-l thai this vin IsalwaTS ihe re-Mlt of a like preexist! virus Tliat tb ftis-s was liroueht l Mr Keith henl I am fully coHvinewl; l"it when, how and where lrom. my inve-tieatHi up t the pretent time do not enaWe me tn say On Ibe iih lnt- three new herds were reported in- frvteiL I vtsMed them awl fimmt the report BTOUIidle-s Sim-e Ihe ih lnt. twelve new raehave apeeaeeil in Mr Keiths henl h I four or Be in Mr. (iooflrirh's Tlie ta- .... .u..... K.. Iiium itrmll-)nMI with ouarantlne notices but to all Intent awl pui I ... 1 .l. n. .., IM .lltf.,CJ. will appear In other bepM unlt-sr efficient to all who r artutet-wl with ihi jat history . . . .1. .11...... 1.. ...V ot loot ami intuitu ui -w-.-. ... "I- " Iholnrectnl h--nl .houhl all l" destroyed and the Infected iren-eniiarantliiei aenint all t-altle. sheep al doff Tor a irloil tT one -ar. The beiMlHe. manure, bar. f.Mrr. fences etc should Ik? rleMrnyeit wMh Ihe ea'tle. and the staWe IhorotwMy eleant! awl disinfected. TheilL easr p now hi near tt the sn-at eallle ranr-s of the Wet. to w hlrh it may 1-n.Hijr be earrird n4 where Its iHarH effects would he In-ak-nlable. and H enwIiealioB loipiwiNe.tlwt my delay ot action Is most dancerou tn th" reat Inleresls at Make, t am. sir. very res peetroWy your ebeilient servant. I&icnedl A- A. HnWOMBr, O. . S, Iiucectlnr Veterinary surgeon. U.S. A. Tli' young housekeeper i apt to Itlame her inexperience for her failures ,. . , . i .. ,i in IHC culinary ueparunuui. nneunu fault lies in pour materal or want of prop- care. Tlie yoast. in whatever form it be used. niut begooilandfresh, and the nour mut be gooL Next in importance to malerial comes tlw temperature; tlie jHinge for bread nmt be kept warm: it i not enough to place it near the fin if von allow a draft from a door or window to fall upon it. Turn the pan of dough occasionally so that no part will become too hot. It i care ful attention to little tilings that insure success. Exjierience mut teaeh voti when your sponge or dough is light aD'l when your oven is right, what kind of a fire yon need forbaking. etc. llut hay ing learned these essentials, do not allow your spongo to wait and become too light while you finish a piece of work, and do not use it too soon, be cause vou want to get it out of tho way." the former mistake makes sour bread, the latter hr-vy bread. The same rules are ncces-nt- to make light, soft doughnuts Chris. m L'mon. ... From twenty to fortv tons of oleo margarine a mouth Is sold at Portland. Maine, TIIE TARIFF. The Morrison Hill, as KeTlsrtI by tha Ways and Means Committee, Reported to the llonse Tha Majority anC Miner. Ity lleports Accoropanjlne the Ooc meat. WAMHMrros; March 1 Tlie majority Hid minority reports of tlie Ways and Means Committee on tbe Morrison Tariff bill wens submitted to the JJousa yesterday. The di vision was upon itnet party lines, -union says ha docs not know when be will rail tbe bill up for action. Tho majority report says: The Chairman or tbe Senate Committee on Finance. In explanation or the bill bctoro the Senate Ust jcar. whlcn. anerjartoi amend ments, became a taw. estimated at SU.OJUOI he reduction In revenue which would rollow Uie chances in the tariit. These calculations bare not been verified. So the question si III presses, what leiUUon Is neces jarr to relieve the op!e or unnecessary -axes? Tour committee and that In the six months end mr liecemlera.lS.merchandle was imported .nto ihe Cej'ed Slate valued at t:Vs.lU. on which duties erepati amount. value thereof. In the corrMpoodlnsr six months ot !, unuer ine oiu mw, wjt .-j-j. jl dutiable Imports amounted to fifo .o. ih .ut was JIIL3t.Vrr. ortrt- per sunt, on the value. It thus appears that tho averase cost oi stuporous w umj - j-.. cent, less under the new than unJer the old law. Tbe nom.nai reduction made by the pro nosed bill Is tuentr per cent- or one-Wth tho .. .f ,,n .ill ..tfr limit.. pre-cnt raie. niiumc -iwum. -. IKids In tne bH . and the Iviuorand sMk scheil .,. nnii ihe su-tusl reiluctlen will not ex- f 'f.i-.5L-Pe JSSTHS, .Kfr maue in ice i anun.wiuiMi.'wn." .. - lo be made by the p-oposed bdl. torether. do not rexeb tha reduction at which the omnJ- tlon aimed. . The decrease in revenue -uui j receipuundertbencwlaw -Jjr than that re lulimir f iooi tho nominal tcductlon or L. ?rr cen. results rrom the r-IHnr oS at neariy SMUfiM or the Imports In the nrst hair year under the new law. as compared whh the nrss ballot the previous year under the OKI law. The reduction or revenue under the bo! re ported is eumated a: J31.l-M.iMk on the basj Tr last rear's unions. To tfco extent or tha. KLae.ixO the bht will relieve the people ai unnecesary taxes. To that extent U- i wUl bo reduced dlrettiy as a meksure or jmtlce lo consumers and In-ilr-ctly In lacreir Increo-'C't proportion, r torn the statement made by the Uureau ot Statistic. It apprars that the duties ortartl taxes were decrea-ed on so mo and lncrca-e-1 on other articles under the new law. but. .... ..... i. ... it.. i ! h. Inifn no lnereai, wane mi. u iimi. ........ --. - . rr. In wage In any. but a reduction ot waxes In met laJustries. as wtU as lo those wbojo comptunx; pro-iucis m-iw Kr, -those that obtained less protection under tho act or March last. , lterenina-to the condition or tho Iron and steel trade, as one ot the leading- majiuract. ure. the report attributes the depres-ion ami the enforced lileness ot the wotklnzmen ;o the enormities or the proicctIt system, ami declares that, as such calamite a always rail upon the laborers, the comraUite had d ciled to report a bill tor the panUl rcUetor tbe peop'.e Irom unntcssary taxes Tbe minority report, which - as prepared by Mr McKlnley. after rrcittns: the action ot tho L.lConxrcsinnil-.iiK the tand in pLices icc redi-cLoas were ncd-L oitri ttuit the time mhicB has eUped sluce the new ti nfl" went Into cCect has been too short to give It a safcclrnt test, and as as thJt It be elvcn a fair trUl before the suhj ct Is brouirfat upsgain. AnoilHrtaijt-ctronurxedislnattaa lAlucUon piorod by the bill under con I ration has oot been asked far by a sinsle u tercst in tbe whole country. COntimnjr;, th Whue all unite In opposition to any reduc tion some Interests acrt the ncees-ity ot an in. n-,-. r finite for the actual maintenance or an tndu-itry The woolruwers JT the cminirv demand the restoration or tteool duty of IT. Tho unden-istned have joujrht to respond tavorably to this demand or aw than a million ot our fellow ct-zsin representlns the aanculture or the country, but we have been overruled. Tha opponents to our views, not con tent wtth tho refusal to accede to the requests or this lanre class r producers, deliberately prupo-e to reduce duties still lever. Atnunst thb -center a most earnest protest. Thers are somolneiua.iiies. however, round In the pn-sent law which it would be only Just to awl tin plaics lar creatly dbprorprtJinal duties to kind red armies, and should bunad con-Went al barmouMms. cm-,u" onoosed to the t We are oDDosed to the bffl. because, flrsf It will disturb buslne-s unseitlo lalucs. n-t.r.1 those now etablihi-il. Impair the confidence snout business men so essential to our development and prosperity, and brtn-nt coJMenatlina i It will or necessity rn down the prlo or labor In tne Vnlted Mates, wl.l tamulaty Imports, increase competition lrom abroad, which can only be snccessrully met by n duciQir the cost or home product, we cac not too st-onsly emptia..Be our opposition M any leiisUOm hicn evcnteodstoreiluceoui labor to the forcixn siamUrd. either lu pnc orcondiiion. ,, X Tuai. ine proposed reduction wUl Inevlt. ibly Increase f..rasa lroioitauons and as a Sfrtiseniicnce wUl increa- our reenucs to ahich lncrca-e every lnttrest or the country t'lUwlllyunnccessaryanclunJusUlUhle. The enormous Increase in the wealth or tbo SHintry Ue last niteeu J,""1" piotertlve force capital towj imphiyoent In tbe a -velopment or aU mjv eral. aiTieuttutal ami other resources and a chasiae or nxxliBcatlon or the y'em wll en ate such doubt of uccerul enterprtsci as to chrck this u.eful t ndency. i It ba none or the merit or carerully . -.--.a tn.ll ,nd tannl thl? SUltOt a i studious cons-leration ot the tmeie: or out ' .iiniiautoHiiii.'.' -r- ., I r-wnle. It wopoes to reduce alie the dutj upon every attie ot f o ' -,..-, -. i f n li C.nvery attile ot f orehrn import, without anr examinai.ot as to its effect upon particu- 9Ary rllccT in n-IrawiHS price -O.roal ojrtli ucsinicifon oi ,-wi--,ii" - - v ---n.-minaHr It is uiillorra reiluctlon. in fact It It rros-sly unequal under the limitations ot th . k. --.-- - - -- ... .. . . a It will be f.-und auccuit u noma- practicable oi cxecu - & That rraiure ot the Wll w rln .m.ltitiesto IBOS' Ot 111 h-fti mmli'M A? mlorrmUutirtto mo- of ibe nchc-lulesar ru-e it lll Kieatly Increase tbe exisUne evv or undervaluaii .n. and concueut trauill upon the revenue, as well as so comp.lcatt the rule ot assessment duties as vreatly tt embirraM the admlnmratlon or the law. Acaiust the Materoent or tbe majority as t the effect or pro-ectlve dutsrs uiwn wasr. tt th- statement ot the workmen therar!vc. who unite In deel-irintr that protective -..i... ....., i ii ......... .1 .. .. H M I' ! A (lltfWIllKll"twiinai....". - . and that every reduction inevitab.y resnit in kiwennc the -tawlard or Ann ican wsies dis-ent radic-illy Irom the staiement or th msjority that a re-lucnen ef dute llchteni br so much tbe burden or taxation. Tn w'kote hl-iory or our National rxperfencs show a constantly decrenr price asths effect or inerease-l home coniietit)i. What the country wants oot is rebel from roncT-ssonal asHation. All the indu lrleof ihi-euumry aro extremely sensitiv anil.uatthitlie. when busme s mors orlrx depressed in evtry branch, th rear M frar of chance introduce an element o' u eertainlytbrouiboulthe cimniry the eiH rr feci ot which no one cm turesee. Twvntj percent, rrtluetion. or any reduction how eter sil-bt. loltewlns s 'dose up-m the ream tifMi m ide la.t wmter. enn not be derm lee a to a sine-, oebeduie. an I as to man tt can b- shown to w whoHr disasttou w e brl-eve if. after a suOn-sent trial of the ef rret or the la! rcvtta. shall appear tlwl tbctndustral Inlen-Uof uw country can I nwlniaineil wi b It. and that the condKlon ol the treasury mill justify a further r-vls-ou such action wHI be more wisely undertakei by tbe friends ot Ibe protective sjsfm, ant with k-s ilWurlnnre to puWie prospenty than tt done now by tt avowed advoi-alcs a tbe destruction or the American system a PThenilwrtty report I sl-nM by ltepreent .lieKaey.KasMKi. MiK.ney. Iti.S'ellanc lU-.ork. eimpr.sins a'l ibe Kepublican mem bcrs or ibe Wava-"t --i -nmlttce. THE FAST'ilAlL TIIAI5. The Ran rrom Chicago to Barllnton, la., a IilsUnre or 30? Miles Hade la f-nr Hoars and Forty .Minutes. Bt-nt-tsnTox. Mrch 12. -The fast mall tra'a -l left Chicago at three o clock yt-jj-nl . . . .-ntag over the Chicago, Bur lintoii A 'iirnev RaHrood. and which was de a lliirtiiigton at efc;ht a. ul arrived here a: : la. having made the trip in the an precnlentMi U-na of four hours and forty ralnntes a dhtante of 207 tnHes. Fivesips were cime, and at times a speed was re-ched of .. mile a minute Tho splendid toad-bed ami dear track put the enxineer enhb mettle, ami be reached Burlingtoa twenty mlmties ahead of time. In a few minutes tne citiiens of Burluigton were sur prised by the cry of the news-boys on tbe street, "Here's your Chicago mornln; papers, and some Incredulous peopls refused to buy, on suspicion that tbe papers were a day old. Postm-ster-Genrr-1 Gresham, First Assistant Postmaster-General Ual'ca and Cneral Superin tendent Thompson, to coap-ny with Vice President Potter, accepted an lavitation to breakfast with Presidont C E. rertin. at hbresMecce, after whteh a reception wis even Genera Gresham aad his party at tfca "residence of Mavor Adaixs and many elti-n?nscbedtoeTprrsti-ir gratins-iioa at tbe establtshrnect ef tbo tst raaU. Th? party started East at booju