Newspaper Page Text
CHIEFTAIN. INDIAN Bcretcd te the Interest f ike Ckcrekcc. Chectaws, Chlckasaws. ScalRelcs. Creeks, and all Olkcr Indiana of the Indian Territory. VHNTTA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1884. VOL. II. NO. 28. OrtWPTAIN PUBLISHING CO. -" k PALACE STORE! Befwri all ewftrim W. 0. PATTON fe VIN1TA. INDIAN TERRITORY. Xm h get aaytklag yw want aad lt or Ok very best qaallly to bo had la the coi n ry. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Aa4 a Ml assertawat of everyhsiae; waaled by oar customers. MTS r MS 9FJUtTXOIL ewtalai C CLSTBOK. BfiPARTXOT yo will Beats' Faralr Umg Sds. While , X&USERT MFAKTSOT Is fally an Btuwvr BirrrET t. vu Ct," HAR&BS6 MFARTXEXT tas a fell Use of SaHcs, Harness and Leather Goods or all kinds. In -CJt ABKiCCLTUKiL IXPLEXEST BEPARTXEXT joh cm ret Wagons Baggies, Plow?, Spring Wagons Etc Cm BAftBWARE MIPARTXEST to well stocked with 5ILs Screws, Chains Hinges, Tinware, Axes Utensils Toolf, k. leawHUtodla tC. .AS6 AS CEEXSWARE BCPAJtTXEST eTcrj variety of Dishes Crocks Jars J5S WMe In KJK HCW SE BPAXTXE5T jon PmoWiMS eavefeilr cMHded by a skilled apothecary. jtoefc af Srtfeas, fimpfj Oocks gTAHOMEKT A5 BC EPAltTJIEXT where yea wffl lad eveirvarietyor Writing Materials iFapcr, Xb. sd gtiilut Seels. School Books, ad a Hk of wei Keadia? Books-Prose and Poetry. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Come and See Us. W, G. PATTEN & GQ Vinifa, Indian Territory, VTTCTTU TJTMRE1?. YARD I NEW GROCERIES IAX1AXXA AiViU.WAiJ.v .-.w-, W. I. TROTT, Proprietor. iiuiiifirtitf m hand a sepely of both teoMldiaELEtr- TheNattveHrie.belwrs!iIppcd from tlo Choctow .MulHrit, 0DEK3 SOLICITED. OjEFxIJK AjiJJ YX&DC6 r THE NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, Etc.; afeo aFnlHiine of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. nQCTTTIMS MSEFilLY MUMMED BY OR. BASBY. f a the Beeters I TialU at X. FRAZEFS led Fwat, oho door West er 'Frfcee KeleL M. FRAZEE, Vtnlta, Ifickan Territory. THOMPSON on load tfeeCfcolcest Staple GROCERS F mis, m mum, Sitsswri i Tirol. In il rim "-"-- " e jciKUFAcrniEii or JUtei's Rill Leader Washing Machines. These JUehUei am wacraated te telsh a wahir ready frr the line withont tte we ef T or WaoWwerd. Be ant hare the has ! the sd fro hesiaalag fteearf. Bees the work er noaey reraaded. PfHOE-CQW!Ft.ETE WITH WRINGER, $16.00. Befcrae3-B. X. A. Hray, Choateaa, L T-j Mrs. A P Goodjkoontz, TMta, L T.: Xrs. A. a Kayaioad, Yialta, L T.; Mrs. J. L. aad K. L. Sartin, UraaTKfer, I. T.; Jlrs. R. Iff. LIntLoy, ChoHteaa, I. T.; Xr. Br. F. H. Hc- r, Brfka. Ajla, 1- T. WILLIAM LITTLE & CO. Am earijlns a Urge and coaplele stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Seeds SBrs, Syraps, Soaps ad TEAS;lseeeBware, blassware, noeaeawarr, iir. "j i MrfAwmHie. Wcarryaalmaease stock of FEEB, Cora, Bran, Shorts Baled We are sok areata at Tudta for tke celebrated SEXECA FLOUR. Berad COSSTAXTX.T OJf HASD ALL KEfDSOF S A 2S 3L KJUBCAXaKXKBS. THE LUMBERMAN T0tJ"WASTTO m imui ciEir J11M A CAIX. yyf, 3E jbHN & GEOEGE BULIiETTE, FULL A5TJ OOSCPLETESTQCXiJF EAL MERCHANDISE WW. M Oil AT ICIIMX PlftffS. . GE X9E,FCW Md IKE UftlMt I y i . .- STOCK, the Iest aad cmf tetcst stem Ib tie Iadlaa ioBse stock of every wrlctj Id the targest Stock of arst-class Clothing Boots, Shoes, F te thctlwes iaall tfc.3 Latent Sty k ttb everr kid ofStanlc aad Faaer Gr will fed a J j, X iU iU Cectlery, Etc. Aad a aad Northern rjnoLamlwr. Aim STrin- OX ILtlXOIS ATEXUE, er esxsxAnr ernes, tzxxxa. SKINNER, aadrancy Croccrtcs la tke Xaikct. Also o CBer, tire 4e 1Tes of A. C Saaces, Caics and especially COFFEE ; Woodeaware, TlRWare. aaiiR, rowaer , ALSO DEALER IX LIME, IAR, FIASTES PARIS. WILL FCRNISn ODD SEES OF DOORS.SASH&ILINDS AS CT1EAP AS AXYBODr. OFFICE AXD TABD flrP.SATIOML HOTEL -CnETPA. KAS. PBMGCE. Caoh er Cattle tiferz Jx Ex- TULtA, I. T. Terrl'ory Is that of CO., of tho best and most Munlccable Drj Hals, Ladle' ac. and Fashion. - Kxrics, Floar, Bacon, Canned Goods Dpu Xclnes complete In every re- V.UUtVMWU III.MMIW Wv . . -... Blank Boeki AT- AT.T.-reTST BROTHERS HIrhct Cah rrioo PaU for ITKS. GiMM and fltObCCH. emsns r. & ca&t sies, tbita, l i. THELIVES!0CKMARKEf0FST.LQlII3 THE ST. tOUIS XATIOXAE. STOCKYARDS ZxtcatrdatEaKtNU I.oala, III. IMredlr oppnelte the eitr of PL Lnuis. BujTrs fornlldearlptlonorLir Slock !wylnt. tendance, and within tbe sround of the Stock Yardit are a Beef Cranio? Cesopanr. with a capacity for sUucnterins MHO neaJ f eattle dailr, and I'nrk rackbur DtaIH'limnta with a capadtr forrisuchterins liOW htnw iUIIj-. ISAAC II. KXOX, President CBAS. T. JOSES, Snpt. EATCWAT. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. IuOI'IS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars tliroiiglito St. Louis,Tia Sedalia, Daily. Direct Route West antl South west Tia Kansas City. IT VlllCtP PITVlnionTepntpaicnsert 11 KaM.A till I far Kan-aa. Colorada Hew Meiico and t alifomla connect with Ex press Trains of al! lim-v. v irnllipnu (Vmnccllon l mado witk l$5EiJ.S- .clraska. Al AIUnliUBExpre Trains for aX nUIUl Connection is made with all Al UtnAnAnntaieadimr to thc.Vorth and w nrm-uKy fflOncCOfflODTM! FAST! TTSXI3. F. CIIAXDLER, Gen. Pas. Aent. C. B. KIXSA5, As't Gen, Pas. Agent. F L. DECKER, Agent at YIniU. "'FRISCO LINE." ST.LOBli&SANFRAKGISCO !F TT,-CTT.A.Y TIIOOCGH MJSSOTTRI, AKIVNSAS, XPTDXAI TERRETORY. The Direct Through Itoute Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Trains are Run Dally. 5 Change or Car. Through Pullman Palace keeping Cars are rnn daily, wti boot hsnxe. between ST. LOL is, Mi.andSANFHA.NClSCO.CaL -siouo acres of rich farming" atrimlr.eral uuids for sale by this company in SO CTH WEST t2rFor full and part cular Information, with Map. Tim- Tables lutes. etccall upon or 4 dre any or our Station Agents, or e her of the caderaamed, D. "KT5HAKT. General Passe nrer Agent. St tr vr CALE. General Freight Aect,6c. Louis. I C. " KOGEKS. Vice President and Genera tiTH ager. Temple IluiMiiur, S . Louis, Mo- fcli F CURRENT C02OCENT. TiiKararm rains of the past few days were general in Uio West. Report arriTO of Uio improved condition of winter wheat. The Ohio House has adopted a reso lution creating a commission of live State officers to adopt a uniform syMcm of school books, to be furnished at cost to tho pupils. Txtr. Xew Zealand Shipping Com- nanv a steamsnip longanro reroiiy accomplishel the royago world, excluding detention at porta of f call in tho colony, in the short space of seventy-eight nays and twelve hours. A YincLEST disease resembling blind staggers has appeared among the horMss of Oregon, and a large number of valu able animals have mccumnnl to it. Oer four htmdred have died in two counties. The distemper has so far baffled veterinary skill. Mit Gladstone, on tho occasion of the election of tbe new Speaker, re ferred to his father. Sir Rolfcrt Peel, as a man "whose follower I have been, and forwho?c name and character down to this lato hour of my life I retain an unbroken and uadirainisbed venera tion." J. A- F. Kockafelek, an old Cali fornia -19er, familiarly known as "Old Kocky." died recently at Salt Lake City, liaving taken a fatal doe of morphine. He left a paper saying he bad been cheated out of his projorty and was desperate. He was well-known . in the mining camps in the inti-rior and on the coast. A short timr ago a traveler saw on the Musselshell in Montana a herd of about tnirty cattle surrounded by a pack of sixteen wolves. They were standing at bay, with tlu calves in the center of a bollo.v square, which the animals were protecting from their sav age enemies. The wolves would make an attack on the cattle in front and rear, hut were every time driven ofL The Bombay Chamber of Commerce has submitted a memorial to the Viceroy of India urging that railway extension be prosecuted at tho rato of 2,000 or 3,000 miles annually for the next ten years, at a cost of 20,000.000 per an num. They recommend that this sum be raised by sterling loans in London, at guaranteed interest of 31 per cent, in perpctnity. Tho greater the railroad extension in India the less risk of famine. Ox Saturday, the 15th inst-, the body of a man was found in the Bath schute. one and a half miles north of Bath, N. Y. From the clothing ami letters and notes in his pockets the jury identified it as that of W. Woodruff, who drove into the draw of the Havana wagon bridf" soraemontlts ago. Some money. two watches and other valuables were fonnd in his pocket, showing that he was not robbed and then thrown Into the river, but that he drove in. The bridiro tenders are alreadr tinder in dictment by the Fulton County Grand Jury for manslaughter. A siioirr time ago, in opposition to his parents wishes, John W. Johnson, of Staunton, Va., a member of one of the proudest families in theStitc, wooed and won the band of Abbte Peters, aged nineteen, a poor girl. When the wedding tla was only a few weeks off he cruelly wronged and deserted her. Her father, furious at tho insult, had Johnson arrested. The court last week tva tenced him to two years in flic jienitcn tiary. The girl tried to save her lover, and nearly cried her eyes out. Her people locked her up, but she managed to get out. and saw the prisoner, begging him to marry her. The Attorney-General promised to secure a pardon if the wedding was consum mated. Under tho cinnim-tances the Johnson family gladly acquiesced. The ceremony was celebrated, and the pris oner was released as soon as the papers were made out. Railway oflieials seem to have a first-rate niviuorj for keeping record of irregularitir . A few years ago the pastor of a church not far from St. Loufc resigned, antl for a tim$ refused to surrender hi half-fare permit ix-ucd by the Illinois Central Railroad Com pany, so that his successor might obtain a similar fair. This year the same minister is preaching in Missouri at a cuuntrv town. And the asent indorsed his application, but no permit has been issued. There is a mark on the com pany's book agint him- A idiort time ago an editor loaned an annual pa, issued by the Illinois Central people, to a clothier, who, in return for the favor, presented the newspaper man with a suit of ready-made clothing. An officer of the company found it out, and re voVed the pass. Years have gone by, but that editor has never since rode on an Illinois Central pass. GoYEusoit Cleveland, of New York, has approved the Roosevelt bill, giving the Mayor of New York the power ot appointment without confirmation by the Board of Aldermen. The Governor saj s; If the chief executive of a city is to bo held responsible for its order and good government, he should not be hampered by any interference with his selection of subordinate administrative officers, aor should he be permitted to find in & dvided responsibility an excuse for any neglect of the best interests of the people. The plea should never be heard that a bad nomination had been sjade because it was the only one that could be confirmed. Absolute and un divided responsibility on the part of the appointing power accords with correct business principles, the application of which o public afiairs will always. I be lieve, direct the way to good adminis tration and protection of the people's interests." THE WOULD'S D01SGS A SHmmarr of the Daily Xews. PReCEEBINK.I OF C03GKRSS. Is tho Senate, on tho ISA, Mr. Hawley Introduced a bill to authorUo tbeSecretarjr of the Navy to offer a reward of fW for rocu injror a.YrtaIninjr tho fate of the firrelrj Arctic npoiiilmi Mr. Itawiry raid such a reward micSt induco fhi cruWric In or about the Arctic was to keep a lookout for the cxplorinc party or to turn occasionally out or their enuw in order to rather infor mation aliout it. The bill to aid the etatIIrb nirnt and lrmorary supprt of common fchool wa taken up. It appropriates the ..! , I nri year i.uiuiu; me kohn. n. rounil me , (mooi; tbe thinl f linmTO: awl o n for ten rears, decreasing- suui.- scnool clucallon. The expenditure for each State will be on the tiai of Uliterary In tne House Mr. TownMicna mcrcl tnai ino House po Into Committee on the IotonSce Appropriation bill, and declim'd to yMd to Jlr.Curtln.wbo wished an opportunltrlo sub mit the report of the Koreicn Affairs tommlt- tec upon tbe I-a'kcr irsolutions. Alter an acrimonious drluite. the amendments agreed to in Committee of the Whole were then adopted with tbe exception of that Incrrnslnir by fttHOl tbe appropriation for letter carrier service, which was rejected yeas. 3: nays, 5T. The bill then passed yeas. 1G0; nays, 77. 1.1 the Senate, on the 13th, Messrs. Sher man and Fendleton presented memorials and resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce at Cincinnati, rrtnon'trstfnir aralnst tbe con struction of a hrtdirc across tho Ka-jawha Hirer, on the jrround that It will t an inter ferenrcwlth eonimeree Tfic Chair laid ' fore the sVnate as unfinished bulne a bill to aid In the establlshiarnt and support of common schools. Mr. Miller, of New York, moved to lay tbe bill aside to take up tho House Plcuro-pneumonla MIL Lot StnSL A few amendments of details were made In tbe bill and tho Senate a.Uourncd. Tbe House, In the Laskrr matter, after the reception of reports and resolutions from the Commit tee on Foreiirn Affairs, and dchstc thereon, adopted fie folktwlnr resolution: ifesrrfml. That tbe Houv corditlly reeipmcates tho wishrsor tbe Liberal I'nhin members of the German Parliament lor the closer union of the two nationsaod rrcnrntirs tneir pracciui appreciation of lu sympathy with those who mourn the death of Edward Laker. Mr. Illackbum moved to ro Into Committeeof tbe Wholeon the ltevenue bills. Mr. Dowd raised the question of consideration and Mr. llandall demanded the yea anl nays. The motion was aim-cd to yeas Ml, nays CI. and the House went into Committee of the Whole. Mr. Dor sheimer In the chair. The flrst bill was the Ilondod Ilxtension biU. This bill occupied tbe House until adjournment. Ix tbe Senate, on the 20th, Mr. Hoar called up the bill Increasing; the salaries of rolled States District Judges to The pcndlnjro,uestin was on Mr. Morgan's amend ment providing In this rate It shall only apply to Judge hereafter dectid. The bill went over. Consideration of the lllalr Education bill was n-umed. After debate tbe consider ation of the bill was pnstonned till the next day. Mr. Lopan then called up the re port of tbe Committee or Conference on tbe Military Academy Appropriation MIL and moved concurrence thcrHn. Ajrrccd to. In tbe House, immediately after readluc the Journal. Mr. Turner, of (ieorpla. called up the Virginia contested election cao of Garrison airain.t Mayo. TbercportdccIaresCnntcstant Garrison entitled to the seat- Mayo, tbo sit ting; member, was beard In tls own bchaif. At the conclusion of his sreeh and after further delate, tbe resolution declaring Garrison en titlnl to tbe seat was unaslmously adopted ami that irentlcman took the oath of office. On motion or Mr Keifer. tbe conference rc ort on the Military Academy Appropriation bid was taken up and agreed to. (The hill as passed appropriate $31LSl.l The Houe went Into Committee of the Virile on the llonded Extension bill, and pending action the House adjourned. Ix the Senate, on the 21st, Mr. Blslr Vein cation bill was brought up. belnjr unfinished business of Thursday At the request or Mr. Allison, however, -Mr. Hlalr rave war to per mit conlderaMon of tbe Dcncicncy Appropri ation MIL The amendments recommended by the Senate Committee on Approprlstfcins were agreed to and the Mil passed. Messrs. HarrisonHorand lllalr entered Into a dis cussion or some length a to the precise meaning of some or tbo sections or tbe MIL No attempt was made to call up the Bonded Extension bill In the House, and the Speaker proceeded to cull ror committee reports of a private ..h.Mrt.' It the conclusion of the call Mr. Mooney. Chairman of the Committee on rotoffiOfsand Postmads, reported the fol lowing resolution. JWwxpni. inminecnargcs rcSeeting on Mr EW. lleprcsentatlve from Louisiana. In connection with the Star-route trials, recently published, are untrue. Mr. Kunsion appeared at tho liar or the House awl took the oatbor office as rtepresenUtlveof tbe Second District nr Kansas to succeed the lste D. C. HaskelL Tbe greater part of the day was consumed In the discussion or the bin for the retirement of William W. Averill with the rank and payor toionei. jir. uiorui movco to recommit the Averill bill to tbe Committee on Military Affairs. Lot-yeas M; nays, HX Tbe Mil then passcL TnE Senate was not in session on tues.1. . ..In the House, Mr. Cox, of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, reported a resolution call ing on the President for Information as to what action had leen taken by tho Tnlled State or Venezuela under the provjflou of the Joint resolution, providing for a new mixed commlsoion. and whether Venezuela declined to make payment of any award. Adopted. Tbe House then went Into Committee of the Whole on the llonded Extension MIL After debate, and wltbeut action tho committee arose. Mr. Iteaeh offered a resolution calling upon the Secre tary or the Int. rlor for copies of all lease rojde by him for ihe uc or occupation of any gmund of the .ellowstone National Park, nd al-o Information whether the lesces com plied with tbo condition r tbe IcaMrand as to the provisions made to prevent tbe wanton destruction or Csb and game in the park. Adopted. roiaficAi. A!D It is alUVl at Berlin that Sargent lias lieen allowed by Secretary Frelinghuysen tho option of remaining at Berlin, or be coming minister to some other country. Cnowx PntxCE OcsTAr has been ap pointed Vicerov of Norwav. Lawrzxcz DAHarrr has sailed for Liver- pooL TnE Republican State officers of Rhode Island hare been re-nominaUtL Tue Democrats of Kansas City have nominated tho following persons for city officers: Mayor, Ioander J. Talbott; Treasurer, Lewi IL Kveland; Auditor, John Conlon; City Attorney, John J. Campbell; Itecorder, Charles M. Ingraham; Superviwof Registration, George Selmin. The funeral of t?eneral Godfrry Wcttr-1, at Spring Grove, Cincinnati, the 23rd, was very numerously attended. HITELLAJiEOI.-X. Maxt Important levee letween Vicks burgand Babn Rouge are in immiutut danger. Great efforts are making by the Federal, Slate and partchial authorities, American Ship Building Company, says and tbepcol-' along the river, to prevent , so far nJ fa. ,, Reo the assets of the corn further breaks nnd hold the levees now j pany are abundant to pay every dollar of .landing. i inilebtedn-ss it only given time. There The Maryland Hwtse of Del-gates 3aU ' wm not, in hi opinion, be the slightest on th-table a bill prohibi'ing th sale of difficulty in raising ail tbe capital needed Western slaughtered Uef iu the Baltimore j Btter py iiave completed the vessels now market, by a vote of sixty-six yeas to jj, po,,, 0f construction, eleven nays. The Education bill was laid before the The ravages ot locusts at Ticnl, Yucatan, Senate on the 21th. the dbate upon it last are causing a gen-ral emigration of the! jc-most 0f the dsy. Other makers dis people, and have paralyzed all industries. pj weIO uo mrTeaso of salaries to The English language is to be taught In rjnlted States District Judges and the the public schools of Mexico. matter of the exclusion ot American meats Admiral Hewitt has withdrawn his re- i trom fojgn countries. In the House, Mr. ward of 1 ,000 for Osman Digna's head. j jjjf introduced aresolutlon to appropriate Frascis W. WiiittaExr recently se-' j33ojfW) for nood purposes in the Lower curedavenlict against the Harlem Railroad jjjjgtjjipp which was referrel to the Corn Company for $,10,010 for the loss of bis arm. j m Mtv oa Appropriations. Ax explosion of sulphur in tbe Enter- crrniso is known at Washington re prise colliery at Mount Carmel, Pa., in-' yarding tbe complaint of the Grand Vixler stantly killed Carl Yakubokoskey, Beach- r Turkev against the recsnt conduct of aiy Younger and Peter Spoloskey. The brattice work and other timber in the mine was badly shattered. The river at Yankton, Dakota. Is on a serious rise. Farmers are leaving the low lands. Frrz of the officials of Sew York City have been indicted by the grand jury. The charges comprise forgery, perjury, extor tion and theft. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company has notified th Secretary of the Interior ef tho completion of another section of tho road, 242 miles In length from Mohave, A. T., to the Needles, Colorado. Tnx freight rates on grain from CMeagtj to yew York lave been further reduced, causing an immense morrmrnt in cereals. Tho railroads aie much demoralized by re cent rate culling, and have a dubious out look for the future. Twaxrr-Two fn ijht cars were destroyed on the Missouri raciflc near Kano City, by a collision rccen'ly. Fourperaons wero slightly injured. JrdOE OARDxrn in tho Supremo Court jf Illinois decided against tho validity ot the Chiras" ordinance requiring commis sion merchants to pay an annual license of 433. Coloxei. lUrLtsox, of Her Majesty's Opera, was fonnd guilty at Sao Francisco of violation of tho city fire ordinance by blocking tbe aisles of the Grand Opera House. Kcdouti and Champ Fitxpatrick were bung at Columbia, Ky., recently, for the brutal mnraer of Miller Brewster. Titr Uew York Coffro Excbanse was acain excited over a refusal to readmit the Brazilian firm of Wolff & ScUzshurg, who had suspended. A further decline took place. A.1 en rt is being mads to consolidato at Dallas the cattle intrreits of Xbrth Texas. A mast meeting baa been called. Bcsixxss failures last week: United .States, 17G; Canida, T7; total, 21i; as against 216 last week. The failures are ex ceptionally ferr in tho tVestem and Pacific Statos, an I in New York t fly. Soma de crease in Canada. Six children from the village of Vallonia, Pa., went oat in scirch of sugar water. Not finding any Uio boys tapped some kind of a tree with a pocket knife and all the children sipped tho juice and all were taken sick. George Custy, aged ten, died. Three others expected to die. A sraiocs conflict of authority is threat ened at Gallipolis. O., between the United States Marshal and the State cQcers. Tbe Western Union Is involved, and the dispute is over the right of way across a bridge. AaCKBzaof important Nihilist arrests were mado at KiefiT, Kuxaia, recently. One officer was mortally wounded while assist ing in making the arrests. It is rumored that d'Oaeffe, tbe leader of the rarty who murdetod Suderkcin, is among the pris oners. Tnr French Communists, Russian Tfihil !ts and German Socialists united in cele brating the thirteenth anniversary of the Paris Commune at New Tork on the STV1. Herr Most and Victor Drury were the speakers. Joe Fostto, the gambler who was wounded at the time King Fisher and Bn Thompson were killed at tbe Vauderille Theater in San Antonio, Tex., has died of his injuries. Tux Neir York bank statement for the weekrhowsan increase of nearly 52,000, 000 in the reserve. Tue Pension Appropriatioi bill reported to the Home, appropriates JJO.CSl.t'V) out of tbe revenue, and reappropriates OJ,J,0W otexpendol pension balance. ATacova, IV. T special says fire is raging in the Sew Castle coal mines, the nioit raluable belonging to th- Oregon Im provement Company. The mine has lieen on fire for eighteen months. The fact that it had obtained mastery over the manage ment has been concealed. It is understood that the Grand Vizier of Turkey has complained to the United States GoTemtneat of Minister Wallace's recent conduct. The body of Mary TVeilde, a young woman, was found in the river at St. Loni recently, she having committed suicide. Her ruin and desertion by a feUow named Stebel. a 1 akcr, was the cause. The Catling Gun Company of Hartford, Conn., has received an order for ten more guns for th Chinese Government to be de livered In sixty days. Tint old church building in Twenty-third street. New York, transformed by Selmi Morje into a theater for presentation of hit "Passion Play," was rededicated and will be known as the Twenty-third street Taber nacle. The acid works of Thos. C Chappell, oi Federal Hill, Baltimore, wero destroyed by fire the other day, and one ot the buildings of the FlamingoGuauo Company, adjacent, partly burned. Building and stock of the acid works insured for J11.,000 in fifty-nine different companies. Loss about equal. Joux JaT Cisco, a well known banker, died at New York recently, of liver com plaint. The deceased was serenty-nine years old. He was Assistant Treasurer ot tbe United States during tho civil war. Btsvancx gave a dinnerto the diplomatic corps at Berlin oa the 22d, In honor of the Emperor's birthday. Sargent was present. ABBrno.t At, BISP.TCHTK-. Trax sroaTATtov lines at Buffalo, Jf. Y., have decided to employ I-alian and non union men to ban lie freight the coming seasonattherateoC forty dollars permonth, for ten hours labor and fifteen cents an hour over time. Pexxstlvaxia Moll To Maguires, in com bination with outlaws and dctperadces, threaten outrage in the coal regions. WtT.i.iAV Rtuzit was found cuiltyot j themaiwlaughter of a nun named Kirk re- I cently at Cincinnati. Kirk was robbed and I mrdered ami his body thrown into a creek J at Cumminsrille. The minor verdict of manslaughter for such a crime wascon- siiierod an outrage anil the jurymen were hisrI and hooted as tbey left the court room. A scrr hasb-en brought by United States Attorney Channing Richards, at Cincin nati, against David H. Bailey, lcte United States Consul to Hong Kong, to recover STSOyJ said to have been collected by him a Coniulon feesand wage of seamen, ett., which he had not accounted for to the United State nor to iniU viduals to whom it was due. Suit was nlso brought again: hi bondsmen. Hwrrcx axt Gorsisoe, Receiver of the . TJnited States Minister Wallace. A big rise is reported coming down tho Missouri. The trial of the suits brought against tba Acgnrtinlan Fathers and Archbishop Wil liams, of Lawrence, Mas, for misappro priating funds deposited with them, ha commenced. A pistol, shot was fired the other day Into the room occupied by Governor Hamil ton, at Springfield, I1L Tax Kansas Legislature has passed the Live Stock Commission biU aad also tbo bill creating a State Veterinary Surgeon. J?ut a tVw minor matters rnnain to be trass acted when the special session of the Lffe Utore will adjourn. THE POSTAL TELEGBAT. A. nut Agreer Tpon by the Senate Cam. rnlttee nanklng Investigation A Sew State. WA-sinxoTOX, March 2L The sub-com-mittcoof tho Senate Committee on Fost jfnees and rost-roads, having several postal telegraph bills under consideration, formu lated and caused to be printed, as embody ing the views of the majority of the sob committee, a bill providing that tbe I"ost cjaster General shall establish telegraph of fices at all post-offices on telegraph circuits and ail other post-ofiees within ten miles of any such circuits where the salary of the postmaster Is not less than S500 per annum. The cliargcs for the transmission of tele grams shall be prepaid by telegram stamps or by postal telegraph cards and maximum rates for telegrams of twenty words or less shall be a follows: When the distance of transmission is 1,000 miles or under, twenty cent; when over 1,000 miles or under 2,000 miles, forty cents; for all greater distances, fifty cents; for telegrams directed to be trans mitted by night under 2,000 miles, fifteen cents; for greater distances, twenty-five cents. All words to be counted and for every five additional words or less one-fifth additional rate to be charged. Government business shall have priority in transmission without prepayment and rates shall be an nually fixed by tne rosimasicr uenerai. aji other telegrams shall be transmitted In the order received except night messages. The charge f or the transmission of special tele grams to newspapers and commercial asso ciations for each one hundred words or less for eadi circuit of 1,000 miles shall not exceed fifty cents If sent at night, antlono dollar during the day, but when -copies ot the same telegram are dropped off at one or more office, the rate for each office shall not exceed fifty cents at night and seventy- five cents during the day, and at the same pro rata rato for each word In excess. Where special telegrams are delivered at the Fame office for two or more newspapers tin cents additional shall be charged for each one hnndred wonts or less for mani- foldlng for each newspaper receiving U same. nAXKTXO mVESlIOAXIOX The Investigation of the PariSc ational BnJik was begnn by the House Committee on liankingandCurrencr. Lincoln andVrost apieared on behalf ff. the stockholders ot the bank awl charged that the directors ol the bank had been guilty of fraud towards the stockholders, and Knox, Comptroller ot the Currency, and Xeedbara, Bank Exam iner, made this possible by their dishonesty or lacompctency. Mr. Knox appeared la vindication of his action, and denied having done anything to justif; the accusations against him. A XI7W STATE. The bill Introduced In tho Senate for the admission of the State of Taconia, provides fur the erection of tho present Territory ot Washington and part of Itlalw Into a State, and Its atlmissinn to the Lnion suascquexu to the formation ot a State Government, and the adoption of a constitution by a conven tion of delegates representing the electors ol tbe proposed State, to be held at Walla Walla, and the ratification of tbe action ot the convention at a special election by electors residing within tbe limits of the proposed State. It provides, however, that its admission shall not take place until af tei Marca4,16S5. . ABOUT BOGUS BUTTER. Report of the New Tork Senate Committee on Food Adulteration. Auiant.X.Y., March 22. Tho Senate Committee on Public Health which has been investigating the adulteration of food, re ported Friday. They say they have discov cted wholesale and alarming adulteration, dangerous to tbe consumer and df preeiatias the property In rural districts. The adul teration of butter Is by tallow oik bone oil and lard oil, found In almost every town and city In the State and In amount equals half the production of natural butter. Tbo Imitation has been so disguised, that It Is often only dis coverable by chemical analysis. Out of th'xty samples of butter purchased by the committee in New York only ten were gen uine. 'o labels to distinguish pure from bogus butter are displayed as required by the existing law. Boras butter L largely purchased by saloons, boarding-houses and serrmd-clas hotel. Foorer qualities ot Iwgns butter sell for twenty to thirty cents to laborinc men: better grades thirty or forty cents The manufacturer's cost ranges from twelve to eighteen cents-verro foucen cents Several Xew York and Brooklyn concerns manufacture over 3.000,- rxw noiind each out of fats from the Vest, from France and Ittlv. The bulk of tho bogus butter U manufactured In the West and sold in New York to the detriment of the State's dairy InteresL Tbe dairy farmers have been driven out of business. The continent ks to the State Is esti mated at S.7,000,000 to 510,000,000 yearly. The committee estimate that 40,000,000 pounds of tbe product are sold annually In tho State, and the ilircitiniate business Is breaking up our export butter trade. Tho effect of the deception In trade I deleterious to buNiness moral. Butterine can be sold at eighteen cents less than the natural but ter. The committee quotes extensively from the evidence to show the moral, commercial ami sanitary effects of the adulteration. The use of nitric and sulphuric acid in deo dorizing adulterated butter L particularly condemned. The committee recommends the lolal prohibition af tcra given time of the manufacture ami sale of all butter adtdtcra Uons. The living cow. assert the eomrait !kv cannot eomneto with the dead hog. The committee also found 200.000 out of 500.000 quart of milk furnished In New York daily In ls2 were water ami skim milk. They I recommend the appointment of a State milk Inspector, ami that this official be chosen to enforce antl-adultcration laws, and be se lected to represent tho dairy interest. Accompanying the report was a bill, prohibiting, under penalty of $200 or six months' imprisonment the I sale of adulterated milk keeping cows for production of milk In un healthy condition, or diluting milk with water. 1 1 provides that every manufacturer . of butter shall brand his name and tbe, ..!. f th. Iiitttn. nn Mlh Mrri?S. Cans for the sale of milk shall be stamped wth' the name of the county where the ntllk Is producciL unless sold exclusively to the countv. A penalty of $500 to S1.000 and Imprisonment for one year is Imposed oa tbe sale or manufacture of bogus butter or cheese. m The Pocabonta. 3IIn Disaster. Por-AiioxTAS, Va March 2L The 1,500 residents of this village, each of whom has a relative or near friend buried a half mile underground In the blazing mine, bae become Intensely excited over tbe action of the Company in sealing; up the drifts in order tb smother the flunes. They regard this as virtually Ieav mg the 130 bodies to be consumed by the flame, and arc beginning to make threats against the company's officials. Tha culmination of this sentiment was had latt night when a meeting was held In tbe .'nion Church for the purpose, a the call announced, of making it compulsory on the nan of Superintendent Lathrop to open tha rune and seenre the bodies. - Supposed Murder. Sr. Loris, March 22. A special dispatch from Chilhuahua, Mexico, states that at tea o'clock Wednesday night, William Keller recently from St. Louis, and lately foreaaa oa a railroad bridge it Chihuahua, was found stabbed to death near the street-car track, between the city and tbe depot. Near him wat a Mexican, named Jose Goa i!m shot through the head, but sot yet dead. HedledThursdiyaftercoonwithoBt speaking. la the abstace ot any witnesses the inference Is that the Mexican attached .Votbtr with his knife, inflicting a death I wound, but Keller was able to shoot his I saiiani oeiore yieiam up aa iuc, THE LASKER XATTXX. Action of the House f Kepresea rtlcnlfled Keboke to tbe Col maw Cfcw etlltr-Congrmmea OeheltrM asal &mf ter olecie the Dead Stateuaaa. "W'sni.icrox. D. C Marc Jfc Mr. Curtln from the Committee m Foreign Affairs, submitted a reyort. o, the President's message and aceoiaf- Inz papers In relation to the death of Dr. Lasker, In which the committee approved the resolutions of JanuTjr 0th, and regret that they were not rec- .vcd In tbe sffeU In which they were adopted. The report also compliments the State Deprtse for Its course In the matter, and JhBiI ted the f olio wins as a substitute f crJL cock's resolution: Itaolrtd, ThattberesoIuUonsrefcrrlag to the death of Dr. Lasker, adopted by this House January 3th last, were iatead cd as a tribute of respect to the meerT of an eminent foreign statesman who deed within the United States, and as aa ex pression ot sympathy with the Geraa people, of whom he has been as honored representative. JUsotted, That a House having aooV cial coricern with, the relations bttweea. the Executive and LeglalaUve breaches o' the German Government, does so deem it requisite to Its dignity to critic! the manner of reception of tho resola tlons or the clrcnmtaaces prcveatiBjf. them reaching their destlnatloB. after they had been communicated through a proper channel tc the Gersaaa GoTerm ment, Mr. Reagan protested against aay apet ogy by the House for Its action. Mr. Curtln demanded the jwevlo. question, which was ordered. Mr. Ochiltree took the floor for the fifteen minutes allowed to the oppoaeata of the resolution, and said that bo aaa. on the floor had more confidence la r esteem for tho Committee oa FeteK Affairs than himself ; but this matter had assumed a phase which called upon evwy v member to see his own dignity aad dignity of the House maintained. Itw nnt heromlmrln the House to explain the meaning. The resolution spoke for ltelf An apology was unworthy the body. H then went Into aa eulogy ot Lasker, say ing the resolution was a corajlliBcst to Laske-butar.buke to Bismarck. Mr. Jjcustcr, of Wisconsin, followed Ix a set speech. He said: "I sincerely rs ere: the hasty action of the German Chaa cellor la refusing to transmit the rcsola Uoa of condolence of this House on the death of Lasker merely, as It tppcars, oa account of antipathy for a departed polit ical adversary. Ha know., as doea every sane person, that to place before the Reichstag a resolutloa of the America House of Representatives dlda't la lur way Imply the IndorsctBest of" sentiments therein expressed, his office, so far as the resolution was concerned, was that of a medium rather than a master. His assumption ot the latter Mas unfortunate only for hlaMclf. We can afford to cover the act with the charity of iorgetfulness. "To err la Quman, to forgive divine," we may y with Pericles. We are liberal la oar pk Uc admmUtratlon- WIthreapa to re trial jealousy ot our dally puraalts, we are not angry with or neighbor, U ho doea aaythlag to please himself, nor wear our countenance, offensive looks waca though harmless are unpleasant. Tks Parliament sad people of Germany are ha possession of the letter and spirit of the resolution, even though the parchment upon which It was engrossed becomea moulded In the Chancellor's waste basket. The action ot our State Depart ment cannot be too highly commended. It was not only dignified, but did Bot overstep the bounds ot intemctloaal courtesy, while at the same time adaia Istering a rebuke to what la justly coa sldcred an unwarranted usurpation of the rights and privileges ot the Gcrmaa Parturient and people. "Mr. Speaker, I was, I may say wth some degree of pride, Intimately acquaint ed with him whose death has givea-ris to tab controversy. 1 was amonc; tbe last persons with whom he conversed, fcad In justice to his memory, r deem It my duty to make another statement. I have Dr. Laskcr'a word for It, taat he bad the highest regard for the German Chan cellor both as a man and statesman. They Jim A 1 a Ana nnaatlrtn ! fie t tASI . orcu j -sT ". idcai sir, upon which not y two poIKlcat parties upon this floor : differ, but apoa wntcn inaanicmu "--"-" - - i lASxer was jjroiuun Thls waahht only offense. People uninitiated In Gei uaa politics have stigmatized htm with Nihil ism, Socialism and nearly aU other "Isms" In tbtt vocabulary, simply because he was a Liberal and believed In opening the marts of Germany to the competition of the world. It Is not my purpose nor Is this the pace to eulogize my friend, nt In my heart I mourn his loss as a ma a pf broad views, grand Inspirations andn no ble heart, who, as an American cIumb, would have achieved distinction as the advocate and guardian ot Instltations broad enough for bis broad mind. As a German he claimed the right to expand beyond the boundaries of arbitrary pow ers, and the result L seen to-day. Tho resolutions were adopted. A Calrgui leal Inquiry. SrnixGraxn. Ijj March 30. A dispatch was received yesterday f rou thcChlet Veterinarian ot the Agricultural Department at Washington, as follows t Kecslet, Ka., March 19, 1831. To Dr. Jons II. Rtrcir, Secretary Illi nois State Board ot Health Foot and mouth disease at Neosho Falls not spreading: no contagious disease; among cattle in counties further west. D.E.Saljjox. This Is tho flrst authoritative Intima tion that true foot and mouth disease ex ists anywhere In this country west ol Maine, where It was Introduced direct from England. There Is certainly none In Illinois, and In the hope that Dr Salmon's tl lis patch may nave oeea injum- clously worded. Governor Hamilton has caused the following categorical qucs- tlons to be telegraphed him: "Have yo found veritable" foot and mouth disease, anywhere? If so, to what extent? In what localities?" A. FortEono Coaclnsloa. CatCAOo. 1li- Starch O. A special from Salt Lake City says: An drew Petersons, a MonnoD ex-Congrcs man Indicted la 1832 under the Edmunds law for voting. Is oa trial to-day. Sevea polygaalst Mormons are on the jury with consent ot Chief Justice Hunter. One has three wives. Ad Seven swore they believed the divine law superior to the laws of Congress, and believed polygamy right aad revealed from Heaven- Dcfead ant admits his marriage, according tc Mormon law, but says it waa a proxy tot eternity and not for time. Over Game ot Cbtcaoo. In-. Mart . Dispatches report the oecarwee ot t fearful tragedy at Big Bc-tteas, awr Hat; burg, Tena., last Bight, th sort bloody that has startled this conunwdty staee the war J. E. Gossett, W. G. Creefcett, aad smaa who called hlmselt a "Ihainier head," were playing draw poker- Th iiakes were very heavy tad aB ttetaes were slightly Intoxicated- "Hamjacr head" wa raising his oppeaeat oat oi the game, and whea accused of ehaatlat be crew a revolver aad shot CtaaMttaud Crockett, dead. He- Cantata Careaacfc Jjd is w J JOB. B twm v--?W y