Newspaper Page Text
s- INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. Berated te the Interests af the Ckerekecs, Cfeectaws, Cfclckasaws, SeralKeles, Creeks, and all Other Indian of the Iaalaa Terrltery. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1884. YOL. n. NO. 30. CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. b A PALACE STORE! Beys a ewfis tfce feet a ctetest store hi tie Ias Terri.sry Is Uut or W, C. PATTON fc CO., VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY- Tss 8tTlBg:xHTrBt&a4 that eftteTery lest aaallty U be hadia tlie co:h ry. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Ai a fkll tswrtaeat ef ererjitoff wle4fcr r customers. tCR JWT CSSBU WEPAKTXETT rnnfiini aa Iwaease stock ef eTerj rxrlctj of the best and most s rrlceaMe Drj WW t CLWK156 MFAXT3DE5T yon -win 14 tfce krgest Sleek ef Irst-cl-ss CWjIht, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Lsdtoi' axd Seats' teatehfag C d. White tCX X&LDOKX BtfliTXETT is fully f to toe Uatsi la all tin Latest S-ty let and Fashion. CfflieCEKYPJJtnCESTtawpfeteTTlUieTerTkliftrSt?!e4FHwr Groceries, Flour, Bacon, CasHed Geeds, Crackers, Cheese, He. UK KUQ1S8 BEPAK-rXEST has a faH Ibe tfSaddks, Harsm asd Leather Good or all kinds. la UK 1&KECCLTCK1L DffLEXEST BEEJLKTXEST ye caa set Wagons, Baggies, Plows, Spring Wagons Etc. UK HiBSWAsaE MTARTJtEST Is well stacked wila Sails, Screw, OuiIbs, Hieges, Tinware, Axes, Utensils, Tool?, B(e. TsvwtHftndta UK B&aSS AS UEESSWAKE BEFARTMST every Tariety rf Bister; Crocks, Jars, Jngs, Etc. While la UK MHJ8 STWtE BePAKTSEXT TMirlferii sateadid steck of Pare, Xlce Brass, Medicines, complete In every re latet. Preseriatfcas ea-rWy coatpoanaX ay a skilled apoticcarj-. la tkls eoaaecUon we hare also aa Immense H k of Setts s, Timpr, Oasts, Coalectlsacry, Etc. And a gTATWHERr AS BK nAKTXEST where yea will and en-ty variety of Writing Xaterials, Paper, Blank Books 5ste and Kewlpt Books, Sdwel Books, wrf a llae of goal Reading Books Prose and Poetry. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Gome and See Us. W, G, PATTON & CO,, inifa, Indian Territory. VINITA LTJMBBE YARD, W. I. TROTT, Proprietor. teen cesttmma on hand a rupply of both JtstJre awl Northern "aoprraber. A!? "! SSt-Tbaek. sfclsda, Mouldiaas. tkTtre Native Viae, Inane shipped from the Caoctow SiSns? l. nil! mil IK J UH1MUB auuil.l I Ml. OFFICE JOT XASDS THE NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, Etc.; also aFaRTiine of Cigars, Tobaccos ancL Confectioneries. PKSCTIf TWC GAINFULLY CQNPWHDEO BY DR. BA6BY. SeadfaacteaoTall tfce Beetocs taTWte at M. FRAZEFS Ked Fraat, cae door West sT 'frisc KoteL M. FRAZEE, Vinita, Indian Territory. THOMPSON SKINNER, GROCERS VXTSTITA., I. T. Fni, Viftiaftfcs, m gnnswiri, Glasswari vi limn. Tl i rrl-- --- - eB tbaCorser. two oor Wert fX. C. Rim4 C.c Kri!rr Store. . k. r. KNiaHT, jtaSUTACTCHEa OP Men's Riig Leader Washing Machines. ------ ' to SaldiawankteereadrforeBeliaewitkMt aVe ase of Ta or WasWward. BaliaTetaehaadsaitBesadsfrwBeslBBlas toead. BoestkeworkorawaeTrelaaded. FfHCE-COMPLETE WITH WRINGER, $16.00. Befereoee Mrs. X. A. Grar, Choateaa, L. T.; Mrs. A. P. Geodjkooatz, TIaMa,I. f.; Bks. A. a Kajatead, Tialli, L T.; Mrs. 3. L. aad R. L. Harila, 8nwd Blrer, J. T.: Krs. K. W. liadsej, Choateaa, L T.; 3Irs. r. P. K. Kc k;, rsteaa' Afjhm, L T. WILLIAM LITTLE & GO. Are carrjteff lsTe sd ooaaplete stoclr of GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS CsaMteoos, Sars, Sjrafs, Ss aad Saaces, Caadlesaad esperiallj COFFEE aad TEASj also fweasware, Glassware, Woodeaware, Thwart. 5JIs, Powder liidAimanWnn We earrj as iawKase stock efFEEB, Cora, raa,Sorts Baled Kaj aad Octs. We are sole aceaU at TfeMa lor the cekhraled SEXECA FLOOR. OKSCSKSJASTLrOSHAIi . AtSO DEALER IS KiKDsor EL uj h TLASTEI PUIS. fohT Tl a.JHl1 TaWS -& WtLLFUEMEHODDSiZESOP l, . " DOORS.SASHJtBLIWDS fUSiXVSmS. AS CHEAP ASAJTVBODr. THE LUMBERMAN W TOD" WAST TO m ldmiei fQEir GITfi MIX A CALL. JOHN & GEOE.G-E BTTT.T.ETTE, TTTTX A5D COMPLETE STOCK OF GENEBAL MERCHANDISE WKKN WH.L IE SU1 AT IEIMCK PUCES. CAM PALI J H1M3, FCHS aad PBwWCE. Cash or Cattle taJra la Ex- caaace fsr Goods. ftEE OUR STOCK, TULSA, I. T. OX ILLINOIS ATEXUE, ctitw exTsac, TZXZJU OFF1CS AXD TAHO OFP.KATIOmBOTEL CBETOPA, KAS. W.n.lITTLES. FKAATCTCBPIN. T J.DJLN1EL. W W.JAUV1S. LITTLE, JAMIS & CO., ForUtepurchaMkod nlccf CAHLE, H6S AH1 SHEEP, 13 Xatieoil Stock Trd. E. St. LonU. tarxibrnl adranocs ciade on cxraslffxtmesti. KEIIYES0CfKlABKET0FST.L0DI3 THE ST. LOUIS X1TIOXAI. STOCK YARDS Located at East St. Zrral, III. Directly opposite the cJty of St. Louis. Barer for aU description of Lire Stock always in at tendance, and witlsin the ground of tbe Stock Yards are a Dcef Canning Companr, with a capAcUr for slaughtering LOCO bead of cattle dallr, and Pork Packing- Establishments wit a capacity for slaughtering COOO bo? dally. ISAAC H. E50X, Presldeat. CHA& T. J05ES, Snpt. Tit '21 di Fai RAILWAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOX7IS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pnllraan Palace Hotel Cars througli to St LouiSjTia Sedalia, Daily. Direct Route West and Soutk west via Kansas City. AT KANSAS CITY K-KpEri New Mexico and California connect with Ex press Trains of all lines. AT ATCHISON gTrlunrfor Points m Kansas and Aebraska. v T nUlUl Connection is made with all Al UMAUA lines leading to tneoru ana West. MTCTOltaiTIiS SDPEB1I fast TraiE. F. CHA5DLER, Gen. Pars. Ayeat. C. B. KDiXAS, AssH Gcb, Pass. Ajeat. F. L. DECKER, Agent at YInlta. "'FRISCO LINE." ST. TimOPGH anssourti, AitlCVIS'SAS, ESDLVN TEKKHORY. The Direct Through Iloute Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Tralas are Bun Dally. 5s Chaage of Cars. Tbronsn Pullman Palace Sleepingj Cars are run dallr, without rhiuise. between ST. LOUIS, Mo-andSA.NKBANCISCO.CaL a.oo acre of rich farming andj mineral lands for sale by thiscomptnyln SOUTHWEST jaTTor full and part'cularinformation. with Maps Time TaUw Hates, etcrall u jon or ad dress any of our Station Agents, or either of tha undernamed. D. WISI1AKT, General Paseajer Agent, 81 Louis G. W LALE. General Freight Agent, Pt, Louis. C. W ROGE11A. Vice President an! UenerW Manager, Templo lluildins;, fcL Louis, Mo. GfliisMlBrcliits COTtKEST COXMEXT. Prrss Vigwe, a prisoner in the lockup at Waterrille, Me,, set the build ing on fire and perished ia the flames. TimEE large devilfish, two of them measuring eight feet between tho tips of the tentacles, were taken atAaa cortes, W.T., recently by some Indians. Coloxel George L. Pebkixs, of Nor wich, Conn., who is ninety-six years old, said in a recent interview: "I have buried sir family phvsicians, aad still live." At a not aear Canton a March 27, three thoasaad Caiaesc declarbd against the present dynastj-. and demanded the ro-establishsacnt of the Ming or pure Cbisese dynasty. The fishing tugs Sullivan and Bird lifted seven thousand pounds of white fish the other day, near St. Joseph, Mich. Two other tugs lifted nearly three thousand pounds, which makes much the largest lift of the season. A statement, prepared attheGeneral Land Office, shows the number of acres of public lands patented to the settlers under the homestead laws for tic six months ended December 3L. 18S3. ex ceeded by 267,227 acres of the number of acres patented the corresponding period of 1882. Receipts of cash-sales for the same period exceeded those of 18S2.fU3S.21I. Otto Milleu, of Woodhaven. Long Island, who is the defendant in a breach of promise sjit preferred by Caroline Lion, gives a very unique excuse for not performing Ids part of the ceremo nies. Miller claims that Miss Lion is only twenty-nine years old, whereas she told him she was thirty-nine, aad being a middle-aged man, he did not want to marry one so young. Tot school teachers of France num ber 81,000, and no fewer than 48,043 of them receive salaries below $200 a year. Salaries ranging from 200 to $260 are paid to 22,355 teachers; from S2C0 to $320 to5,963 teachers; from $320 to $360 to 2.2W; from ?S80 to ?440 to 1,354; from $440 to 9520 to 786. and only 579 teachers receive above $520. Of the 48.042 teachers, 10,058 do not receive more than $130 a year. In a suit in the Supremo Court, Brook lyn, the other day, Jane M. Sixcms re covered six hundred dollars from the Hew York Dental College. She assorted that she employed the defendants to fix her teeth, aad they advised her to havs two front teeth placed on pivots. She alleges that the operation was done in such an unskillful manner that the in strument was broken in a side tooth, which she had to have extracted by another dentist. The extractor of the tooth testified that he found a piece of the broken instrument in the roof of the tooth. According to the Annates de Statu tique there were on the 1st of January. 1883. 1,378 newspapers and periodicals published in Italy. Rome published 200, Milan 141. and Naples 120. There were 159 daily papers. 539 weekly ones aad 258 monthly magazines. There were no less than 267 scientific periodi cals. The oldest journal in Italy is the Gaztlia di Qcnora, which dates from 1797. Tne astonihing number of 333 hcw periodical publications of various kinds made their first appearance dur ing 1882, and 31 were started on the first day of 18S3. Joel Bktan, an American citizen, who had been in confinement at Vic toria, Mexico, broke jail, and is supposed now to be on the Texas fide. Several months ago he and another American were pursued by Mexican soldiery under command of Captain Foster. The two Americans resisted arrest, and in the affray Foster was shot and killed. Bryan was captured, but his companion escaped. The case reached considera ble notoriety. The facts were brought before the State Department at Wash ington and a lawyer was employed by the United States Government to defend Bryan. Excessive smoking of cigarettes was shown to have made a raving madman of a promising young man. Judge Pendergast, in the County Court at Chi cago, listened to the testimony. Na than Rogalsky, a very emaciated lie brew clerk of twenty-two, was the luna tic, and the evidence proved that be had been in the habitof smoking daily thrco or four bunches, or sixty to eighty cigarettes, of the noxious weed. For two weeks past he had shown un mistakable signs of insanity. The jury found him insane, and added that nervous debility caused by excessive smoking was tho cause, llogalsky's friends will pay tho expenses of his keeping in a lunatic asylum. A last who had imported a dress from Paris, sent an anxious letter to the Custom House authorities at New York, a few days ago. She stated that she paid duty on the dress when she re ceived it, but Uat it did not fit, and she wanted to send it back to Paris to have it altered. She wanted to know whether she could get it back again without pay tag the duty the second time. Collector Bubcrtsou said that the law required that the duty should be collected a sec ond time, as the garment was not in actual use. and could not therefore be remitted as a "personal effect" A short time ago a gentleman imported a fine bicycle from England and paid the duty thereon. He used the Tehicle in this country for several months, and took it with him on a trip to Cuba, When he returned home with his bicycle he was astonished to find that the cus toms regulations required him to again pay an import duty upon It. He was told that the bicycle was a luxury of foreign make and must pay duty every time that it re-entered the country. THE WOKLD'S D01ITC-S A Samraary ef the Dally Xews. PROCEEDINGS OP COXGItESS. I.-f the Sena'e, on the lit, 11 r. Morgan pretested a memorial from William Webster, an American citizen, praying tbe aid of Con btvss to secure him In tne right ownership to J4l,tfO acres of land in New Zealand, which he claims he bought from tho native chiefs Nv fore the ilritlja Goremmrnt had any rights of posfciwlon to that countrr. but bis right c which was reji-ctej. Sir. Maxry. frrm the Committee on Military Affairs rnttrd faror ably a bin to authorize the Secrc'ary of War to ascertain t he expenocs Incurred by the Ter ritorial authorities and the people of Idaho in the suppression of Indian hostilities In 1P77 and 1B78, known aa the Dannock and Xez Perres outbreak. The bin introduced by Mr. Edmunds abd reportrd fsrorably from the Committee on Naral Affairs for the relief of Jeannette lurrirors was passed. The Chair ui.fosate Education.bni. House. Mr. Tucker, from the Committee on I Judiciary, Introduced a bill to amend natural-' izauon laws; aim. as a suDsuiuie tor a nuia-1 trffl. n Hfltua mnA nnwtinitt fliAMy I fSSSSSSSSS.Sk'S ' Alabama Palms, and for the distribution of the Genera award. The House resumed the consideration of the trade dollar bill, and was addrrwd by Mr. Pusey in iu support. A long debate followed, when Mr. Illknd moved to strike out the fourth sec tion, which proridra that trade dollars re colned into standard dollars shall be deducted from the amount of bullion required to be coined dt the rcmonetization act. Agreed to yeas, lit: nays. IIS. The bill then passed yeas. 198; nays. &. Tax Chair laid before the Senate, oa the Id. the credentials of Henry B. Payne, Senator elect from Ohio. Tbe-e credentials were trau mltted. owing to the Informality in the cre dentials when first presented, various bills relating to claims were considered. The Edu cation bill was further discussed, and after executive session the Senate adjourned.. In the House Mr. Dorvheimer presented a memo rial of the bondholders of the Northern PadCo Uailmad Company, praying to bo beard be fore, the Committee on Public Lands on the bill, declaripg the forfeiture of land granted, and arkinv Congress tn protect their Inter ests, lteferred. The House went Into Com mittee of the Whole en the Indian Appropria tion bin. A recess was tben taken for the Surpone of giving a reception to General rant. When the Howe reasembled the Speaker laid before it a message from the President recommending an appropriation for the protection of levers on the lower Mississippi Hirer. l.t the Sena'e, on the U, petitions and memorials were Introduced and referred. A number of unimportant bills wero referred to committees, and reports were received A resolution was agreed to Instructing the Com mittee on Library to inquire into the expe diency of purnha..lng from the Lewis family for the United Stales the sword -worn by Washington on the occasion of resigning his commission to Congress The Senate then took up the Education bin. and debated it until adjournment. In the House, a joint resolution passed authorizing the Secre tary of War to loan flags and bunting to the Maror of Itlchmond. Va to be used at the fair in that city in aid for the home for disabled Confederate Foldiers. Mr. George, of Oregon, from the Committee on Indian Af- xatrs. reponea dsck a revolution wnicn was adopted, authorizing the Secretary of the In terior to make tn examination Into the tcafcaacre or Dr. Marrus Whttmore and others in Orrgon in IN7. The Indian Apprepriatioa LIU was further discusMtL, and a ruling of the Speaker on the prrrralng day sustained by IK to 11. After concluding the consideration ot forty-six of fifty-two pages or the bill the committee rcs ana the House adlourned. In the Senate, on the 4th, Mr. Vest re ported a bill favorably from tho Committee on Territories to authorize the appointment of a commission by the President to run and mark the boundery lines between a portion of the Indian Territory and Texas. In connec tion with a similar commission appointed by the State or Texaa. Mr. Jones submitted a Joint resolution which was referred to thei Committee on Improvements of the Missis sippi Klver. making an appropriation of JluXOOOfor the protection of existing levee in tbo Lower Mlmlslppi. The Education btll was then taken up and dcucd until ad journment. In the House. Mr. Acdersan, from tho Committee on Pnbllo Lands, re ported a bbl to provide for the adjustment of land grants made by Congre to aid in the eonstructinn of railroads wilhln the State rf Kansas. The ITour e went into Committee of the 'H hole on the Indian Appropriation bill. Consideration of the bill having been con cluded, the committee rose and the bill pased. The House went into Committee of the Whole ou the private calendar. The committee re mained in version a long time considering the bill to relieve certain soldiers of the late war from the charge of desertion, but no final ac tion was arrived at. Ix the Senate, on the 5th, Mr. Garland, from the Committee on Judiciary, reported fa vorably, with an amendment, the House bill making it a penalty for a person to falsely and fraudulrntlr assume or nretend to oe an officer or employe of the United States Got- ernment. Parsed. Abillpassed to authorize tho construction of a railroad bridge across the St. Crotr Klver In the States of Wisconsin and Mlnsessota. The Education bill waa taken up and debated.. . The House went into Committee of the Whole on tfce Agricultural Appropriation bill. and. after amendments were made, the bill paewd. The Sntaker laid before the Houe a com munication fpra the Attorney-General di- nrtnl to Mr. HandalL submitting the eti- ' mated deEelene'e In appropriations as fol lows: Pees of I ni'cd Males Attorney. so.- (! i-lrrka of United State Courts. WO.0BO: Jurors. JfltUXW: witne.' fJIVW): mlfeellane tiusexienscs, J33JJA and fees ot Marshals, n3,ouu. POLITICAL AND rEBSONAX. GkxzhaL Graxt tUI'o-1 the Bouse ot Representatives on tho 2nd and a recess of fifteen minutes was taken in his honor. He held an informal reception daring the recess. Gexhul J. B. Gordon, formerly United States Senator from Georgia, states em phatically that Samuel J. Tilden will not be a candidate for the Presidency under any circumstances. Exaxcex. GriBEL, the celebrated Ger man poet, is dead; aged slxty-eiht. Senator Miuxb, of California, declines to be a candidate for the Presidency. 3IISCELLANEOCS. Esxcnd Yates, editor of tho London irbrM. has been condemnedto four months' imprisonment for libeling the Earl of Lons- dale, judgment nas ceen rtspiiec penning nppeaL The steamer Rebecca Evtringham took flro on the Chattahoochle River, forty miles ortow uoiutnous, ui, earty in wo morning of the 3J. The vessel was loaded witn cotton aca uurnea witu amazin; rap- idity. Seven or eight persons were burned to death. Mjny of those who escaped were In their night clo'hes. Tho fire was causea oy a rpars irom tne eiccinc larop. Seven Anstro-PolaDders, looking for work, were struck by a backing engine at Scranton, Va.r recently. Five were tEleJ one lost hia arm and one was unhurt. Bis- membered heads and limbs wrre scattered over the read for many rods around. Miss Goddakp, an American, WAS married in Paris to Prince Poniatwski. The register was signed by Morton, the United btates Minister. Five rrisonrs escaped from the Jsil at Lexington, Ga., by knocking the jailer down when be was giving them their' breakfast. The steamship Neptune arrived in St. John, N. F., Thursday, with the largest j Cou Hoffman, of Painesville, O., regis catch on record 41,300 seals, valued nt lereJ at tel In Buffalo, March SI. On 5125,000, taken in twelve days. j tj,e following day he left to visit a friend A xeeino of barbod wire manufae- j scro4s Eufolo River, and has not been turers, held in Chicago on the 3d, advanced ieen or btanx of since. His trunk and tho prire of wire ten per cent. Thia is tbe j rai!se bearing his name remain ntlhehoteL second advance within sixty days. An j Tux riot of the striking coal miners nt advance of half a cent a pound was made at St. Louis recently. The result ot the late three days' riot at Cincinnati was fifty-one killed and one hundred and ninety-live wounded, a mag nificent court bouse in ruins, nearly all tbe public records and a magnificent library wiped out ot existence and some destruc- lon of private property. Tbe city has quieted down and troops gone borne. A bill passtd the State Senate providing for the maintenance of the aged mother of Cap- tain Desmond, who was killed at thehead of hia company; also granting one hundred and twenty days' pay at two dollars per day to all State troops disabled by sickness or otherwise during the riot. The New Ycrk P? Commercial Bull tine of April i, gives the details of fire tfl March, showing an aggregate of $8,JWJRfl destroyed during the month. Of thtt amount 13,013,000 was bersed op la tea fires. Tho January, February andMarci fire record shows $i7fil)fiX, being $3,099, CX) more than in the first three months ci 1S33, and at the rate of $106,060,090 for tho year. TwzxiY-nvx persons were injured in a railroad accident on the Louisville & Hath rillo Railroad at Belleville, IIL, recently, caased by the train backing into anopea switch. Bkxbt S.CHTRCH, the defaulting City Chamberlain of Troy, X. T., now ia custody, has returned to the authorities $13,000 cf tbe money stolen try hlra from the Municipal Treasury. From whence the money earns is a mystery, as when arrested Church had only $31 in his possession. It waa reported that some person who profited by Church's speculatiom retaraed the amount, fearing exposure. The body found in tee woods near At- I. G-. othor day. tamei oat to be the remains of Dr. Hugh FoUand, ot Clif ton, 8. C. Ho was a hard drinker, and it was supposed he bad shot himself. TazoDoax A. Perry, a train robber, was arrested in Boston and sent to Chicaco. Theki was talk at Mahoning, Pa., ol patsln: aa ordinance prohibiting any Hun garian from finding lodging there. A dozen Hungarians, including a woman, took quarters near the East Franklin col liery and were willing to wo-k at any price. The miners notified the boss to give tbem notice to leave the place. One even ing recectlr, a lot of laborers and miners made a raid on the place with shot guns and revolvers. The Hungarian quickly buckled on their cooking utensils and ran down the mountain tide and disappeared. Miss Jornsox, aged sixteen, living near Forrest Park, N. Y., was murdered by her demented mother. A Txsnrstx explosion of powder occurred the o'her morning at William Buery & Co.'s powder mill, Shosaokin, Pa- The report was heard within a radius ot twe miles. The smoke and ashes shot np bigb enough to te seen fifteen miles. Houses within a mile and a halt were shaken and windows broken. TVilllsm Yocuin, Superintendent, was burned beyond recognition, but was still alive; the other people escaped. Damage, 7,O0Q. Tnx steamer Newcastle City sailed from Halifax, X. 8 for Boston, rect ntly. Dur ing a thick fog she struck a shoal and knocked several holes in her bottom. The captain attempted to return to Halifax, but the water poured into the steamer so fast that it became necessary to beach her in ord-r to aava tho lives of the passengers. Tax inquiry into the lass of tha Jean netta has been reopened at Washington. A sraexu. from Su Josiph, La., says the Government relief is entirely inadequate. Abott sixteen colored tie loaders wert Injuted and one was killrd on the Transit City. Memphis and Springfield Railroad, near Spring City, recently. W. H. Temps, a stone mason, late ol Baltimore, was killed at New Albany, IniL, by drunken roughs who struck: him with brass knuckles. Tar west-bound Texas Pacific passenger was derailed lour miles west ot Baird, Tex., oa tha 5th. The baggage cor and three coaches ran down a fourteen foot embankment, making a fearful wreck. Twenty-five persons wrre injured. A nrmcci.TT the otker night at Vieks barg, MUs., between David Martin, a watchman, and Walter Gwess, colored constable, resulted is the killing ot the former and wounding of the latter. "J ex" Wakd, an old pugilist, died re cently In the Licensed Yictualen' Asylum, London. Thx murder of Mrs. Swears at Story Creek, Wanen Cousty, 2. Y.. is still a mystery. Miles Murray, son-in-law of the murdered woman, has been released. Mrs. Swears was not known to have an enemy. A San Arttwio special says: Colonel Breckenridge, President of the First Na tional Bank of Saa Antonio, baa closed the purchase of 2M,0 acres ot land in tLe State of Taroauiipas, Mexico. A sxow storm set in at Minneapolis oa the Gib. Specials isdicate the snow as gen eral throughout Northern Minnesota and Dakota. Heavy rains have been falling in the ovei Sowed districts of the Lower Missis sippi. H. L Harlxt, convicted last January ot bigamy, at PitUburgb, Pa., his punishment being fixed at six years in the penitentiary, has been granted a new trial. ADDITIONAL DL'PATCHES. Cambridge beat Oxford la the annual boat race at London on the 7th. The House Committee on Revision of tha Laws unanimously agreed to favorably re port Representative McWilliam'a bill to amend the internal revenue laws. The measure reduces the time within which persons shall be prosecu'ed for violations of the internal revenue liws from five to two years. The bill wa recommended by both Secretary Folger and Commissioner Evans. AS Conductor Green's passengertralnon the Maysville Branch was Hearing Meyer's Station, Ky., the other day, a laborer from i - ,n.tTnctinn train bo was aboard feu j bom la ,,. wal killed. . Tne tattl of Shlloh was commerno- ted on the 6th. j THr aanMt report of the American j gteomship Company shows receipts, CS1,- j. cXpend.tures. J0Cv93; Monday, the 7th, was another panicky ity. jj, tho Chicago grain pits. A. C. & Co. succumbed. Tni gtamp tu has produced a general I ttf&e of shopkeepers of the City ot Mexico. I Tbe EagUsh Franchise bill was rassecl b Uj8 HonM of Cmnn, by a Urg, m,. . , .. n. Da. Beach, a prominent physician of Altoona, Pa., murdered his wife, recently, In a dreadful manner. He was insane. At a meeting of the Denver & Rio I Rrande RaOwav stockholders at Denver. j u,e annnai rcrort was submitted, showing I a surplus of $150,000 over fixed charges. I .a. tire In St. George's Flats, New York, , completely destroyed the buildings and ntenjSi There were several narruw es- capes. Three firemen ' , badly- burned. and an engineer tnaln. France, assumed serious tironor- lions. Cavalry charged upon the crowd and wounded several. The rioters fired back and cried: "Long live the Social Republic !" IN tbe Senate, on the 7th, the Educational bill waa passed. It provides $77,000,000 to ' ba distributed among the States in the pro- pom,,,, 0f illiteracy, on tfce basis ottbe census of 1SSJ, the payment of the money , to be entered over a series ot eight yean, j jn House, a motion tore-impose tie tax jan woolwal jot. A notion was carried t wa undesirable to reduce tho tax on afctflled liquors. The Supreme Court of Spain sentence! to death fifteen members ot tha Black Hand Society, found guilty ot murder. THE BATTLE OF SHILOK. Feterana Meet and Have at Good Tlma Ot Scenes and Incidents Talked Over Camp Fire Again Lighted and Hard Tack Discussed. XAsrmLLE, TxNN-n April 8. A special from Shlloh via Bethel, Term, says: Tho lay broke bright, mild and beautiful over Shlloh yesterday morning as tfce steamer lohn Gilbert andW. T. insect lashed to fether steamed np to Pittsburgh Loading gltli about four hundred excursionists on board, mortly members of the Grand Army of the Republic of Illinois, Indiaa aad Iowa. Flscs were fijiag fresa the mast irads and riggics, and two brass baads playing "Home, Sweet Hoae-" aad "Auld Lang Syne.'' A number of dtizens on Aore cheered tho excursionists as t&ey landed. The column formed and led by the lands marched to the flagpole la the center 3f the National ceaetery, the bands beating the dead inarch with mufied draas. Here ihey played Webster's IXNEXAL MABC3. the men standing with uaeovered heads, tears running down the cheeks of ataay as they looked around and recognized the names of many old comrades, while tbe marble slabs at the heads of the graves rose like undulating waves as far as the eye could sec. The column formed again and marched to the platform erected for the speakers and the band at the west end ol tbe cemetery. Prominent among; those present were Generals M. R. M. Wallace, D. a Smith. T. L. Dickey: Colonels. J. L. Godfrey, W. T.-Hayes; Major B. B. Bing ham; Captains S. S. Garrett, H. R. Slnkle, T. D. Patterson, F. M. Kyle, S.L.JSnxen- ger, George C. Jenteries, T.S. Bryant, il C. Clock. David Jones, S. S. Garrett, Jndson McCoy, Fred. A. Smith, Charles Yangardtn. A. IL Neershy, D. C. Andress. M. T. Russell and C. P. Slarle. All the above-camed took part ia the battle of Shilch as Federal omeers. The cress was represented by Mr. Clarkson, of the Des Moines, Ia IirrjUter; Bljler, of the Grarul Army Adroaite. Dcs Moines, la.; B.T. Green, of the Ioica Sale IUvUcr; Duncan R. Denis, of the Chicago Time, and Owen S. Prentiss, of the Xsahvilfc .American. Tbe ceremonies opened witn an annrom-iatc nravrrbv Contain Bryant. Eer. Thomas Cotton, a local preacher, explained tliat the small assemblage was dne to the fact that many people had been scared away In consequence of tne small rox "CAET. Captain IL. R. Hlnkle, of Savannah, TemuamemberoftheG. A. IL, said the Governor pronuSed to be present and make a speech, and Captala Payne, State Super intendent of Education, had promked If Governor Bate did not come he surely onItL and deliver the address of welcome to the visitors. Mr. Hlnkle heartily de plored the fact that there were no represen tatives from Tennessee ana irom uic army to welcome the visitors. Hon. B. F. Smith, of Illinois, was orator of the day, and de livered a speecn eniogisuc ot oom Federal and Confederate dead. He con eluded as follows: "As thequlet, steady flowing current of the beautiful Tennessee which perpetually Dawes me leetoi ice hill in which rst onr beloved dead, comes down from the uplands of the South to Join its waters wita that of the great rivers ot the North, so may the current of the patriotic love of country come from tbe Southland and Join others from other parts ot the country tin all are embraced in one sentiment of love and respect for the Inseparable union of States." General T. Lyle Dickey, Judge of tbe Supreme Court of Illinois, spoke of the motives that animated the parties to the contest and the substantial benefits that re sulted to the South, even from the fire through which she had passed and the ter rible experience always realized by the peo ple ot a soil where armed hosts come to gether to prove the earnestness of their con victions by appealing to arms. He said that from the TEBX1BLZ CTVTL WAE that had become a political necessity the South had suffered greatly, it was true, bet was recuperating so fast that within the next decade she would be far more prosper ous than before the war. He then related some personal experiences of the battle and interesting particulars regarding General Lew Wallace and his command. He spoke of the great sdf -sacrifices of the soldiers of the North, and said tbe Union had been cemented together by their blood. The entire audience, which by this time had been largely augajented by people from across the river and the neighborhood, then sang "Nearer my God to Tbee." the band leading with cornets Tbe children of the neighboring Sunday school sang a hymn founded on Stonewall Jackson's last words. "Let ns pass over the river.' This affected many of the audience to tears, and was well received. This was all that was said or done In memory of the Confederates dead wlio He buried In the surround ing fields without a stone to mark the spoL The audience then sang "I love to tell the story," led by the corneL The vet erans then dispersed over the country as far as Sr'lou Church, looking for the places where their comrades fell, and they fooght and nrtny were wounded beside them. f ;reat interest was manifested "in searching for old bullets buttons and the like. and a large number were lound on the field near by. every member of the party carrying away some relic el ShIIoh's dreadful dy. There was an old time ramp fire on the battle field by the spring, hard tack, bacon and beans being cooked and eaten from tin plates. "The en tire day was spent In visiting points of In terest on the battle field. More Gald. LAjtorKE, D. T, April 8. The rush tc the Fort Ransom gold mines has begun. H. W. Griswold, of Chicago, arrived with his family da party of friends. He appears x confident as ever. Two large lots of rock have been tested at the smelting works of Chlcagu and Omaha recently. In one instance there was a showing of eighteen dollars to the ton, and In the other over forty dollars of gold and silver, irortng the winter Mr. Griswold visited some of the Colorado mines to Inspect tbe machinery In use, and he has alrcaly had placed on the ground In the Fort Ransom District the best crushing apparatus extanL Operations will be conducted on a large scale by the Griswold party, their cap ital being ample. sit Egypt. CAino, April 8. General Graham reached this city yesterday, and General Stephenson, Commander-in-Chief, will review the troops returned from Suakim. Major Hunter has reinmed to Aden, having v'slted Berber. Uarrara and Zcila, points in the Seraala Territory south of the Gulf of Aden. There has been some doubt as to the feel ing of the tribes Inhabltiug that section, but Major Hunter rrports them well disposed towards the Egyptian Government, al though agitated over the condition of affairs nSoodan. There will be no danger or trouble, be bdicAes, so long as the British gunboat Is allowed to remain In the vicinity. There are also four French men of war In the Gulf of Aden. s m Sunday Boiler. Cleveland, O. Arril 7. The tog Peter South left here Saturday nhiht for Toledo with two lighters In tow. About S o'clock yesterday morning she exploded her boiler, killing John Perew and John Cado, en gineers, and Captain SmltU of the schooner Sherman, who was making a trip for pleas ure. Thomas Dwyer was badly burned about the face, and Dennis and John Sul livan were slightly Injured. John Hobsoa. captain of the tug. is unhurt. They are all from Cleveland except Smith, who lives In Buffalo. Toe tug Arcadus was sent to Vermillion to bring back the bodies and survivors of the crew. A XaaIA F9K S0KIB& A Day's Record of SaK-Bettroealea hs CM. engo Poison, Water mad Heaa? sta .oeww Agent, wits, WWtky GtvIastSMSenanl Leverage. Chicago, Ii-t-, Aprfi X A local nancr la its dally record. his the following list of suicides all aa- der a single heading. This city is as healthy that the only way to get out oc k Ix to more away or commit salclde. aad ot coarse an true Calcagoans prefer the tatter route: TLM'ILKJi or ACONrnc. Titn TV rlmnrth. s. man lortv-eMtM .,-. niA M nHnter bv eeesnaUaa. committed suicide by taking Uactare ot aconite, at his house at No. 431 Seminary avenue, la Lake View, dying yesterdaj morning at aeons tnrcc uuw. ulimi worth was at obc time the possessor of imrwri t f mI nf nmnertv. and Use loss that and the death of a favorite sob, abeat four years ago, causea mat to netware caaaged saaa. Saadnyevesls he objected to a young man remaining ia the aoaae with his children aad caused coasWen- ble disturbance. Aconite bad oeestia tae house for some time, having beea nseft tnr (vphlM. asd Ledswortk aaaoaae- ed bis Intention of taking It, aad did so la the presence ol nis son ana uasgsicr, wow endeavored to prevent Mis, bat coald -. (T vtllmml the contents of a small Tie, aad In a few boars was dead. Ledsworta bad Dees mimes Buwsew years, aad leaves four cblldrea. Aa la ,. m heM far Tienatv Coroner Swan- ahaa,whea the facts above given ws testified to oy jsrs. ieaswena wi . Newell, and aTerdlct of sakMso was xw tamed by the jury. WASH-LINE AND WHHET. This is the way a coroser3 jury pat H In the case of Gustav Baals, who hanged himself: "That be came to his deatk at1 No. 153 West Erie street from straagahv tioa caused by tying a wash-Use abowtai neck and hanging himself, he having beea at the time suffering ,froia delirium tre mens, caused by excessive drink. Peter Goudolf , driver of a ner wagon, testified that he discovered deceased hanging from a knob on the ice-box la a talooa kept byBahlsat ths place above aea tloned, and cut him down. TJie wlie of Bahls testified that he had beea drinking constantly since the 14th ulL, aad be coming delirious, had killed himself while In that condition. He bad beea married over nine years, and leaves two children. WHISKY AND WATER. A verdict ot suicide by drowabtg was returned by a Coroner's Jury In the caw ot Otto Fhtlo, a German box-tender, whose strange freaks were related by Loals Sewing, steward of the County Democratic Club. The latter sold he had known Phllo for two years, aad he 1-sd been latterly emplojed by Charles Koester at No. 49 South Clark street. He was tw.,...--!,- .--af nlft jwimsp knew ol bis receiving some money from Germany aboat three or four months age, aad he began to artnx to excess, iic buku u V..-I.K. . MtrH nlrl f1m immllv. asd tkea destroying himself. After spending a Ms money cs pawocu jus uuuuk ' jewelry. Oa January 13 he weatto Mr. irvv Tn hnrmir nUtnl far the esrsose of shooting himself . but Hertz woald not let him nave IL lie saia it maae bo au terence, as he was determined to kHI himself anyway. He took oS his under coat, suspenders and necktie asd wafted to the lake at tne loot ox uamsoa street and deliberately jumped In aad drowned. His body was foandatthefootof Tweaty seventh street on Saturday last. ONLTWATES. TKp Inrmect fcplrf nn the bodv of the as- known man found on Sunday morning at tne loot Ol AJeiawarc pace, ia u imc, resulted In a verdict of death, by drown ing, but whether with suicidal latent or not the jury were unable to determine. XLEStr AND WHISKT. Annihr T-lMi1e firi;urred at 5;3fl a. BS. yesterday. Dcltrich Netmaa,a Gersaaa, also about sixty-three years ot age, who boards at 337 souia uanai street, asageu himself la his room with a rope. Thomas Fralzer, a room-mate, discovered the sus pended body. The cause of the act was supposed to be, as In the other suicide, excessive drinking. HIGH PXICEB LAWYERS. How tfte People Pay for aa Administration ot Jostle That Bears No Fruit. WASuzNaros-, D. C April 3. George Bliss continued his testimony before the Springer Committee. He testi fied that his relations with the Star-route cases formally ceased last week. Exam ination waa then proceeded with as fol lows: "What was your entire charge?" "Fifty-nine thousand flvo hundred aad thirty-two dollars. Ot this amount JJi,3J3 was for expenses. About 53,000 Is still unpaid." "Gibson says you got S150 a day." That Is not true. My bills covered greater periods than he reckoned." "How many men did you coavIctJ" asked Reprcscntetlve Fyan. "Only two." "Were they punished?' ' "No, sir." "Did you collect any money for the Government?" "No, sir; I have not gone Into the In surance bcslness." "Would you charge for Sunday?" Mr. Springer Inquired. "I think my bills will show that I charged for Sunday. I know I worked on Sundays." "That Is probably why you did not succeed?" said Mr. Springer. "Whose fault do you think It was that there was no conviction," asked. Mr. Fyan. "I think It was the fault of the jury," Continuing Mr. Bliss add: "I say dis tinctly I never charged more than 9100 a day, except possibly when the trial wa being conducted. I consider It a might poor day in New York when I don't get 9100. Herman B. Eaton said to me the other day: 'They are finding fault wltr your fee. For Tears before I gave u practice In New York I did not think o. leaving the city without charging 9100 a ay.' " The examination win be continued to day. A TerriMo Pes. H elxsa. AosL. April 3. The great Southern pest, the buffalo gnats, are injuring stock to the extent ol thousands ot dollars on the plantation oi John Klechcomb, In Western Mississippi. The gnats to-day killed seven head of fine mults, and on other plantations where taey had not properly cared for the stock, several more bead are reported to have been lost. Immense quantities of deer and wild game are being killed In the highlands ot Arkansas by the hunters building smokes and awaiting the ap proach ot game for protection from gnats. , Lone Ttlepeanlnx-. Chicacq, ILT-. Anrtl 2. A great telephone experiment will be made between this city and New York on next Sunday night. The wires used will be those of the Postal Telegrapt Company. The distance, over 1,000 adles, Is the longest over which a message has ever been sent by telephone, aad ap to within a short time it was supposed to be Impossible. If this experimeat prove successful those who have fsjtk la as . ocona telephone will be greatly escoar aged John W Mackey and James Gor don Bennett will watch tae expertises wltk a great deal of taterejt,