Newspaper Page Text
---. n&SSa. t "JJ , INDIAN CHIEFTAIN Derated te the Interests f the Cherekccs, Cftectaws, Chlckasawa, Semlaelcs, Creeks, and all Other Indian bT the Xadlaa Terrltery. CHIEFTAIN PVILKHINC CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1884. VOL. IL NO. 32. 7 r- -T J .-a r- A PALACE STORE! Jtyaa aM ewfris the laest aaj ceaialelcst store te the Iaaiag Territory Is that of W. O. PATTON fe CO., -r VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY- SL 1- I .. ii. - i ' " " "" II II "'"' ' ' tu-4'- ;!"- TMesAtuytk!ByMinjrtaritataftlWTen'bcstqnaIitrtobchadiatIiecoiRr. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Aai a Ml C Mtr 63wS MIPJLRTSEST ccwUim as taneasc steel: ar every variety or the best and most serviceable Dry Hsoan. Is Gfc CLMBBG 9&XS.TXEST yea k1 ftatLtfec largest StbcI: af Irsi-eks Clotalnj, Boots, Sfcaei, Hats, Ladled acd MiKJEBXERSa: JrPATX5T U fatly ap to tte Uaes bt all Us Latest Sty fee and Fashions. m SMCERT WWWStoM I W I Is icplete wHk erery ki4 tfSUalc a4 Patty Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Canned Goods, , iCnefcers, Or, Jtte. WW XABftBfPfiHJLKiaSST lusaMliwrf Settles, Karats and Leather Goods or all kinds. In -WR AeMCCLTUKAL MfLEMEST BEPARTXEST yaa eaa set Wagons, Boggies, Plows, Spring Wagons, Etc GKJi'BWAKE PAXT3lEXT k weU stocked with Sails, Screws, Caalss, HlBgts, Tinware, Afts, Utensils, Tools, Lr j i " w4 Saw fat JE"fsLiS6 !i JEOSfTXXE MJLXTXEST erery variety rf Biskes, Crocks, Jars, Jugs, Etc While la 1Mi jMGS STE 9EPLB.TXEST yo will fi4 a spleawM stosk or rare, Sice Drags XrJlcIaes, complete in erery re BJL "' fat at. PrMertpWomi eareMIy ctmponaacd by a ikifea apothecary. La this connection we hare also an immense i& Vi!f ofSoMaas, Iwy, Cfeeks, Cfecttoay, Etc. And a STntHBRr XSm SMC EPARTJIEST where th wI Ind rTcry rarieiy or WriUnc Xatcriais, Paper, Blank Booki 5te aaC TteBtlat Batts, School Books, aad a Use of foe J Reading Books Prose and Poetry. Qr Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Come and See Us. 1 M u "i- " W. C. PATTOH OTITA LUMBER YARD, W. X. TROTT, Proprietor. teadr on tent a sspBlrot both Native and Northern Tlno Lumber. Aim Shin- 3T ? .?. JHBiH.3tonMHMra.Ete. Tbe .ktatoaHr OHBKa SOUOTED. OJTICE AST YARDS THE NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, ISTotions, Stationery, Etc.'Sfeo & Full line of Cigars, Tobaccos rf - f" and Confectioneries. 'PIESCTfTNIS GAftEFtlLLY GdMPOUXDED BY'DR. BAGBY. Tail tt Boetori (cThdtc at X. FRAZEITS Bed Front, oae door Wert of 'f rises Botol. M. FRAZEE, YInita, Indian Territory. os: ""THOMPSON 2" c3Rao:e.:F.s 3. on. haednse Choicest SUpH ftftiiits, Fad, lotMSWiri, Slasswarc M Twm. ear stock te ti ICesw gsttUtnc KtiHinmraHsn!. JIASO-ACTCBEB OF Unf s Riif Letier Washing Machines. tTsMf&XswsMawS ajtaarrantoi to Saish awash; ready tor the line wltfeoat e fte-aC Tah sr Miiiari. W nt hare thehanfe ih the sk from bepnniaz fitcE--corMjrnE" with wringer, sia.oo. "jUltaaaeat 3aa. 3L. X. tirar. Chsateaa. LT.: H. A. P. (Jtooivkootitx. ,X X,jlfa. a. a aUyatMd, Tlalta, L T.; Xrs. 3. L- aat R. L. Jf srtin, . Strcr, L T.; Srs. Jt. W. Uabey, Caowtoas, J. T.; jars. Br. F. H. Me- HF ASJMHB, L.T. r" i-? -ruta , WIIIIAM LTETEE & CO. & An cair7Uw a targe smtiu. u -GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS i SatUrew4,S.SrrpSo TUSf aiwsl-earrrare, Isware, neearryaaiins'in'8ocK0i Jt-LB, tra, trraa, awre, saiea sryaats- WesHVawkacesrts at Ttolta for ahe celehratod .SEXECA FLODB. rUt -v ' .jum t uotoyASTLT ox hakd all KEnwor j;I.SteiIte. A. WrHE LUMBERMAN &?&--W TwWJW ST TO "nruiTii EiEir HIM A CALL. SOHN & GEORGE BULLETTE, af. jrULLASD COMPLETE STOCK OF GEKEEAL MERCHANDISE WX4CK WILL K JIL1 AT IEI-K1CK PUCES. CiJML PA 7S MOW, FCXS asvi FBwBUCE. Caah or Cattle takes In Ex- chssBfe fr6ews. KE CHJR TOCK, TULSA, I. T. afisertsKftt of ererytfclaf Treated by onr & GO., Vinifa, NaveFJBe,beln - shipped from tbe Choctow ON, ILUXOB AAENUE, , ttaiTt, SKINNER, and Fancy Groceries In the Market. Also n tfae Censer, two dears Weaef X, C sad eoasplete stock of tm " Woeweawarc, Tiaware. Sails, Powder, ALSO OEALEIt Cf LHsll IAI1, PUSTER PAIS. WILL F0RKI8H ODD SIZES OF DOORS. S ASH t BLINDS AS CHEAP A3 AXTBODY. OFFICE AKD TABS OFF. NATieSiL I8TEL CHETOPA. KAS. easterners. Indian Territory. W. D. LTTTLES. W W.JAUVIS. FR.NKTTIIPI3; T J.DAMEL. LIlTIiB, JARVIS & CO., II For the purchase a&d tale of CATTLE, KOCS ANI SHEEP. 13 Nalionil Stock Tarda, B. SL Louis, 7Xneral adrances made on consignments. THEUYE STOCK HARKET OF ST.LOUIS THE ST. I.OCIS 3TATIOXAI. STOCKYARDS Located at Eaat SU raia. Ilk. Directly opposite the city of St. Louis. Duyert for all description of Live Stock always in at tendance, and within the grounds of the tock Tarda areallecf Canning Company, with a capacity for slaughtering LOW bead of cattle dally, and Pork Packing UnablUhmenU with a capacity for slaughtering COM hogs dally. ISAAC II. KXOX, President CHAS. T. JOSES, Snpt. 01 Pil n; Ui I R.ATT.WAT. Direct route east "VTA ST. LOUIS. TWO TRAINS DAILY PiillmaiL Palace Hotel Cars thronsli to St, Louis.Tia SedaUa,DaUy. Direct Koute West and Somtk Trest Tia Kansas City. IT vlsi?l? piTYt'nlooDepotpas-engea ni fvnnuno 'jii i for Kansas. Cbtorada i New Mexico and California connect with Ex J -press Trains of all lines. rn-rtion u mad. with an hi unnnn lines leading to imaoiui an West. SUPERIOR A0ffl0M01 F. CHA5DLEK, Gen. Pas. Agent. C. B. KDfSAS, Ass't Gch, Pass. A seat. F. L. DECKEK, Agent at Tlnita. "'FRISCO LINE." ST. LOOIS ft SAX FRASGI8B0 p vr.rjcrA.-sg-THROUGH MISSOURI, ICANS.1S, nrrT-drf territory. The Direct Through Boute Between INDIAN TERRITORY mi ST. LOUIS. last Express Traias are Bun Daily. So Change of Cars. Through Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars are nm dally, without chanre, between ST. LOCIS, la. and SA.V FHANflSCO. TaL 3X0U0 acres of rich farming and mineral hnds for sale by thUcompanytnSOCTU WEST SISSOLTU t3TFor lull and part cular information, with apj. Time Tables, Kates, ctc-call upon or ad dress any of our Station Agents, or eitherof tha tzjderoamed. It 'WlsiiAItT General Passenger Agent, 8t Louis, aw CALK. General Freight Agent. St-Louia, C W H0GEK3. Vice Presidesr sod General Manages, Temple Iluildins;,bt. Lvm.ila, ilGrcMts CUBKEHT COMMENT. The stockholders of the Franklin Rubber Company of Massachusetts have voted an assessment of fifty per cent, on the capital stock of $75,000, owing to losses during- the year and the largo stock on hand. The Buffalo Historical Society appeals for subscriptions for the burial of Red Jacket's bones in Forest Lawn Ceme tery. It is also proposed to erect a monument to Indians friendly to the cause of America and onr allies in our second great straggle for National exis tence. JonxRcssELLYotrxG, our Minister to China, is now dean of the diplomatic corps at Pckin. He possesses a certain adrantagc over his colleagues in his warm friendship with Li Hung. thej premier, who liked him first because he Was General Grant's friend, and then for himself! The First Comptroller of the Treasury made a decision in effect that a liquor dealer who sells at one time different kinds cf -liquor to the amount of fire gallons is to be considered a wholesale dealer. This action reverses the ruling on the question made by Judge Drown, Eastern District of Michigan. iGbext anxiety was expressed at Ber lin over the vast spread of the indus trial agitation. Strikes were increas ing in every direction, and it was evi dent that the propaganda which was being extensirrly preached by Hcrrcn Hasenclcver and Bebcl was taking a firm hold of-tlic Inboring classes and bearing important fruit. iLauiuiMu.iuui vl uuv in uic m dianapolis roads states that since be has t .., ...... .-.,.-.- ..f .... . .1. t cniorocd tne oruer tnat train men should use sticks when coupling cars there has been ninety per cent. less accidents on tiic road. Ho added that seven-tenths of the accidents that cause men to lose their hands, lingers, arms, legs or their lives can be traced to their own nezliirencc. Trrc statement prepared at the Post- Sfilce Department shows that while tho revenue for quarter ended March 31 was less than the corresponding quarter for the previous year, the is.uc of two-cent stamps exceeded by 27 per cent, the combined issue of two and three cent stamps in that quarter. The issne of postal cards has fallen off 13,000.000 pieces since the inauguration of the two cent rate. AsrxriAL from the City of Mexico says the recent reports of disturbances in Northern Mexico were wholly fake The entire country was tranquil and no bridge was burned on the Mexican Cen tral Sail way. There was great indigna tion at Boston, over the malicious stories sent abroad for the purpose of depress ing Mexican securities. The report of the. attempted assassination of Diaz, was without foundation. Jcltts and Curt Linbacb, aged tea and twelve years, are brothers, and livo with their parents, at the corner of Ashland avenue and Twelfth street, Chicago. They were suspended from school some time ago for bad conduct. Their parents knew nothing of this, and the boys continued to leave home every . - morning and return in the evening, as if .. ,. , . .. . ... aucnoingscnooi. .rneiear ot puniu- tnent from their parents, however, ! Weighed Upon their minds SO heavily .,., !, i.ji , i. tt.:. ,. It that they rcsolrcQ to icaro thu sphcrooi whippinss and scoldim. Each took a I dose of rat pouon. A physician arrired tn time to pump them out, and it was thought that they would recover Tue mining- towns of Colorado arc excited over alleged important golil dis coveries in the vicinity of Pike's Peak, seventy-five miles southwest of Denver Crowds of people from the neighboring towns are flocking to the new camp. Passenger and freight transportation lines from Canyon City, Fairplay and Leadville are already es lablished. Gro cery and outfitting stocks are en route. It was impossible to obtain reliable information concerning the importance of tho discovery. The mineral was said to be carbonates. Samples assay ncarh a hundred ounces of gold. Amidst tho excitement Denver mining men wtre unmoved, and will await de velopments. Tac papyrus collection recently pur chased by Archduke RcmiT is now be ing examined under the direction of Heir Earabacph, at the Vienna museum, and one-half of them arc in an excellent crate of preservation- Among them are two papyri dating from the beginning of our era, and alao a frag ment of Thucydidcs, written about the ed of the third century after Christ, and therefore of great value, as the oldest manuscripts of IhucydHcs arc of the eleventh century. There is also a Latin papyrus of tho fifth or sixth cen tury, fragments of Greek Gospels of the fourth century, and a large number of Arab and Greek, writings, many of which will bo interesting to men of learning and others. The Supreme Court rendered a de cision recently in the patent case of the Turner & Seymour Mannfacrn ring Com pany, appellant, vs. The Dover Stamp ing Company, oq appeal from the United States Circuit Court for tho dis trict of Connecticut. This was a suit-i brought by the Dover Company against the Turner &. Seymour Mannfacturing Company for alleged infringement of a reissued patent on an improved form of egg-beater. The court holds that tho earned rmfpnt 5 T-nid fcmiisc it rl.iinw I " , . , . - - i are broader than those of tbe original patent, and were mrde broader simply to maintain a monopoly which was de- tired, but which tho claims of the orig-! Ir.r.1 did T.nt r. Th rlnere of the Circuit Court was reversed, and the same remanded with directions to dis miss the bilL THE WOKLD'S DOINGS A SflBBarjr of the Bally News. rROCEBDIJfGS OF CONGKESS. Mr. Fjun laid before the Sonata on tbs 15th a Joint resolution from the California LccUIaturcurrinca passage of the bill to amend the Chinese restriction act. Mr. Blair. from the Committee on Education and Labor, reported a bill to proride a commission en the iublcrt of Alcoiol and Liquor Traffic, The chair laid Wore the Senate the llank ruptcy bUL After debate the i-ecate ad journed . la. the IIoum Mr. Tcrkins. from the Cbmmlttre on Indian Affairs, rrtnrted a bill for the saleof the Sac and Fox Indian reser vations in Nebraska and Kanras. Mr. Grates reported a bill authorizinr the appointment of a commlMlon to dlipose of claims of citizen ship in the (Ire driltzrd nations. Mr. Matson, from the Committee on Inralld Pensions. rc j ported a bill for pensions for soldiers and sail ale? or arm. Mr. Urrwer. of New Jerxx, re portrd a bill to resmlata coamerce between the States as far as It pertains to commercial travelers. Mr. Morrison moved that I ho House go Into a Committee or the Whole lor the consideration of the Tariff bill, and as there was no dlrislon. the motion was asrreed to. ImmeiUattlr upon tho committee's ss sembunr, Mr. Elton objected to the consider ation of the bill and the objection wan re. roncaioueuouM. oiya iua nara the committee deeh'eJ to eontider uw measure. J tie uiu was men aeoatea unut adjournment. In the Senate, on the loth, the bill left nndlspocd of to diride s portion of the t great reservation of the loux Nation of Indians of Dakota Into separate reservations anil secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, was passed. The Sen ate proceedel with the consideration of tha Dankruptcr bUL Amendments were offered by Messrs. George Hosr. IncnlU, Wilson. like. Harrison. Garland and Call. tnot of which, were airried to. The bill was read to the end and substantially agreed to. several amend ments, however, beins; Indicated, to ber made when the bill was report ed from Committer of the Whole, several sections bctnjc meanwhile agreed to. merely pro House was occupied almost entirely with debate on the Mormon Tariff liflL Tne Senate on tte 17th went Into execu tive session, and when the doors reopened, Mr. Cbcxrell Introduced a bill providing for the appointment of a Ml'fouri Ittver Com mission to carry into effect plans for the Ira Erovemeatof sakt river from Its mouth to its eadquarters. Consideration of the Bank ruptcy bill was then tesumed, and amend ments were offered by Messrs. Georre. Mor gan. WIlMin. llcur and nthera Mr. llnarand other Senators were anxious to have the bill i uiucr A11.1UIT wen iniiuui uj obtb uw uiu S&nSSSSJ&M that considerable discussion would arife on some proposed amendments, the Senate ad journed. Among the amendments axreed to was one proposed by Mr. George to give debts due to laboring men and do mestic servantr priority ores debts duo to the State r rnltr State Tho House went IntoComir" e of the Whole on the Pension Appropriate n bUL After an hour's general debate the bill was read by paragraph for amendments. Mr. Hrxocrans offered an amendrernt striking ouLlhe provision for the pay of pension agents, and transferring the qutlca of those olbcers to the Pay Department of the Army, rending a rote on this amend ment the committee rose and tho House ad journed. Ix the Senate, on the lSth, Mr. Sherman, from the Committee on Library, reported adversely the Newspaper Copyright bUL The Scutate took un the Post-officC Appropriation MIL Alter debate the amendment was agreed to striking out the lions- provifkins which wcnld reduce tho compensation of railroads by Eve per rent, and would reduce the compensation of bind rrant reads to Sfty per cent, of the amount paid other roals. After other amend ments, tne bill was arrred to as a whole. The liankruptay bill was then taken up. but without proceeding to its consideration, the Senate went Into executive session and after- ward adjourned until Monday In the House a bill was paased autboriticgtheconstructlon nf a hrfdrt ami th MtAtiri nirrr at Kit ley. Mo. On motion of Mr. McMillan, the bid limiting to two years time within which ! York and proved untenable prosecutions may tx !ntMutrd against pcr- "'"iF,"TBa'"'":2"""D- sons charged Jrith violating tho Internal ; revenue laws, was taken up for consideration and passed. The He use then went into Com-mltu-e of the Whole on the private calendar. At the evening session the Houe passed twenty-six pension bills and adjourned. The Sena'e was not in session on the 1A.1, Y,. I.m ITm... lf nv rAv4k Carolma. reported back the'resolation calling TOtheSecreUryofStatcforacoDTOrllstof the certlScatcs Issued by the late enezuelan MUed Commission, and for information as to the amount of money on hand applicable to the payment or new awards. Adopted. The House went Into Committee of tha Whole on The Srst bill cousldcn-o. wast bat for establish-. lng and maintaining a department or labor statistics. Numerous amendments were uffered. and severally Toted down, and although no debate was allowed upon &S deS SmcViorI"nl.rSo ar5 was reported to the House and pssscd yecs 1C nays 19. It for the encashment Boawaaaai iuivu uuna. siiju ' yi a uurrau vi uudt iausucb in cuai lihe Commissioner at a salary of fliou. ( shall aonulre all useful Information urw s 4r4a a a aVsAavst l ttttiva (ia vuai,b aa BO upon tho ,boct of tabor, its relation to capital pltaL and PF n,or rremowng the material, social. men and womrn. Me Is authorised to employ neh employes as he may deem necessary for tne Rjecessrol workrog or the bureau, pm- r1lo1 the tot1 expensn shall not exceed K-1 1 COT per annum. POLITICAL AND rKRSONAt- Tnt Republican 'State Convention of Illinois at Feoria nominated IUchard Ji Oglesby for Governor. BataxDicn, Gexxral James A. Fannxxx, of New York, died recently. Tboius G. ArrLrrox, of Boston, a noted art critic and onnolseur, died in that city recently. Edward A. 'Wkrsias, formerly private secretary ot ex-President Aa4ar John son, Is dead. I EarxBOR IViujax's departure for TVels baden was postponed on account of the Empress' Illness. XamxsRcsseu. howzix and 51. Do Ii eps received the decree of LL. D. at the Edlnburg University Tercentenary. Bxt. AlrnxD A. Watsox, D. D., was. consecrated recently as Bibopof,tbe Dew Episcopal Diocese ot East Carolina. Tnr health of the Emperor of Germany was Improving. HranT Gxoroe recently arrived in 2?ew Tork from England. Dr. Ucstav- achtigal. has left Tunis for West Africa and the "Congo country. I He was sent out by the German Goven xnont, and his mission has political, scien tific and commercial features. Rsv. titu Ukxexwat, Trofessor pf 'Hebrew Biblical Literature in the Garrttt Biblical Institute at Eranston, IlL, fur many years a prominent figure In the Methodist Church work and renowned as u scholar, died recently in Chicago. 3IISCELLAXKOCS. Jams Ccetj.t, alias Riley, accnted ot murder at Salem, Mass., was diseoveregc work In the Gloversville mill, Troy, If.' Y. Curtin knocked an officer down, Jnmped from the second-story window, and fled to the woods. Tax performanes at Chicago for the ln efit of the Actors' fund netlod J1,VX). Miss Fanny Davenport sent a check forJJiin lien ot a pert ormace at Baltimore. At Bos ton the performance netted $1,163. Tnx coroner's jnry exonerated Frank Sbenton, who killed his father recently near Cambridge, Md. It was proved feat his father was about to murder his motifor, when Frank struck bim over the head .with a dub. Thkkz was a large attendance at tho Wendell Phillips memorial services at the Tremont Temple, Boston, on the S:h. George William Curtis delivered tkelom tion. t Tnx Southern Press Association hasi for-1 warded to members of Congress a protest ' w H"1B tt- ment telegraph system and a resolution In- dorjincU, Newspaper Copyright bah a hill near CotnatKn, Mexico, called theCcrro Del Agua, has shown recently tbe effect ot volcanic disturbances, and a ,'on,D" portion 01 is nas soosaaway , I 1bwbi.S - a and itmnct dlcjtnnAar). Tee Custom House at Mazatlan, Axlco, haa issued an order that hereafter aH pack ages containing an InfUmable roattrial likely to explode shall be Burked wis a largered skull and crosabonec. Thx people o-f MaaHroa expeeted aa Is dlas outbreak kn the Korthwest Territory Edwix F. Sierra, Secretary of the State Agricaltaral Society, tfeiaks tha wheat crop of. California this year will exceed that of 10. Ttfc Lathrop, CaL, levee broke the other ssomlng, asdths San Joaquin River was spreading rapidly. If the break cannot be repaired 10,060 aires of wheat will be de stroyed. A death from cholera occurred on a British troop ship In the Snex Canal. Tbs failures daring the past week la tho United States were ICO, ia Canada, 16; asainst 31 i the previous year. CarTAlx Wrxsza, of the steamship Jamaican, stated at STew Orleans that tha report of Yellow fever existing at Vera Crux was untrue. Tour Tckizb, who was -waiting to be hanged at GreearlUe, Os-, for tha murder ot Sacttlcs, choked himself to death with a silk handkerchief. Xxxz. CouucHxx, the writer of the book "Sarab Barnum," has been committed for trial on the chargs ot outraging pnblic morals. Tex United States Navy formed a corden around Key West to prevent the sailing of any more flllibusters. AooLORtn school house was bl-wn down recently at Dallas. Tex, Injuring several children, one fatally. Tns stimship lines of thsXorth Atlantic Conference have reduced the steerage pas sage from ??rw York to Liverpool to 18, and stai farther rrdnction will be ma-fo If -neceatary to compete with outside lines. Br the neglect of a telegraph reporter at StenbenTille, O., to deliver the proper train orders, two freight trains on the Pan-Handle collided near Wheelbig Junction. Both engines and tea. cars were completely wrecked. Aaxix WiGirrs was fatally shot by her aunt, Mrs. Maher, at Earrisbsrg, Pa-, who didn't know the pistol was loaded when she playtnlly pointed it at her niece. 2?cw ILlxpshibk and Maine towns report heavy floods. A pier of the Maine Central Railroad bridge at Orenie, Me., was con siderably damaged. Saco River was higher than sIdcd 1STU and still rising. At Union, on the St. Croix River, the 2Tew Brunswick pier and two spans of tha bridge hare fallen. Thb Excise Commissioners of New York refused to renew the licenses of Harry Hill, the notorious sporting man, and Billy Madden, formerly backer of Sullivan. It was tha opinion of the German Cholera Commission, which returned recently from India, that there would be no outbreak of cholera in Egypt this year. Dswalt, the defaulting President of the First National Bank ot Leadville, which failed last January, was captured recently at the homo of his mother la Canton, O. .Vnvicia from the far East bring rumors ot fresh massacres of Christiana In Laos. Faaxzu. recently received a verdict agaiasta tenant whom he hsdsaed to re cover arrears In rent. Oakkt Haix, ex-Mayor of UewYork, writes the London Time denouncing the London Government bUL He savs the sys? teo of grand centralized municipal gov ' eminent was tried temporarily In Jtfew Two colored girls were drowned the other day in Lake Edwards, near Cairo, IlL, by a boat upsetting. Tnx re'irement of R.T. Merrick from the Star Route cases leaves Mr. Ker the only special counsel now employed by the Governnent. It i i through Merrick OM. an mdictmeat was found lathe Kel.ogg case. jjn. A5D Mrs. IL a FtlXXORX, of Fayett- , " "- yr 3 TilJe,. k., guests at ie l'alpier ilunse. ' Culca go, who blew out the gas on retiring a few nights ago, hare since died. Tixw stock yards are to be establisbei near Pittsburgh, Pa., to compete with the .. . liast Liberty stock yarns. Tna rainfall in Arkansa. recently was excessive. Many streams overflowed and considerable damage waa done to pianta- tions. A lxros nuraler of refugees, owing to the shortness of provisions, left Shendy, Egypt, a few days ago In a steamer for Berber, and the suamer ran aground near El Baala and was toon surrounded by swarm of rebels, who attacked the steamer on all sides and massacred everybody on board. The refugee namberixi four hun dred and fifty, including a portion of the tshendy garrison and many women and children. ATJDmOXAX. DLSrATCHBe. Talks with the whisky men at Louisville, Ky., indicate that no effect will Le pre duced on the whisky trada by tha break In higbwines tnrthrr than to stop present sales. Rrv. J. V. Grvxx waa expelled from the New Ycrk conference ot the African Meth odist Epicopal Zion Church on a charge of tmmoraliiy. This was the reeond ex pulsion at the conference for tho ssbd cause. nox. J. VT. Fostxr, United SUtes Min ister to Spain, has returned to Washington. Tnr French steamer Marseilles, from New Orleans to Bordeaux; waa fUscovered to be on Are three days after leaving New Orleans. The hatches were battened down and the steamer wa beaded fcr Bermuda, two hundred and fifty miles distant, where the tire was extinguished. Tnx Senate Ccmmittea on Privileges and Elections has deciJed not to call any more witnesses in the Danville and Copiah County cases, and to lay tbe evidence taken before the Senate. Accordiso to Washington advices, Ger many Is siill scandalized at tbe doings ot Catlln, American Consul at Badsn. F. A. Vox Gasst, the absconding banker who left Effingham, IlL, recently, went to Chicago and it waa supposed fled to Can ada, lie took all the money and securities in the bank, amounting to about $9,000. The heaviest loser waa Joseph Partridge, a merchant, who was out about $10,000. Sxow was very general in Kansas and Western Missouri on the 21st, said to be unprecedented for so late in April. Tbe fall was quite heavy. NlTAWXtKBOW, the Dakota Indian train ing for the six-day walk In New York, ran four milea in twenty-two minuses. Ax Indian Territory horse thief escaped from Jail by setting fire to tbe building. Ills clothes were oa fire when be was rescued and he got away in tbe confusion, stealing the horse of the man who rescued him. Tue stove-moulders of Peoria, UL, went on a suite. Tnx Southern Exposition at Louisville. Ky., will be opened August 16th and close October SJth. Tnx Senate, on the :1st, passed the Bank ruptcy bill by thirty-two to fifteen. The House was occupied with miscellaneous matters of minor importance. .ai 01 six umeren xamuies irvnrg- 'in the west end of Louisville, Ky., were poisoned by a cake bought from LogmU Iter's Confectionery. A child ot George Gross died and ten others suffered terribly, (but will recover. The poison was arsenic now it got in me cage was not mown. Xs nrRnim t. t.i.ii A .. Ii.-. m.4. - Ueaty with an African King by which a groat portion of the Congo country has been ceded to France, AAwTHER B05A5ZA. Rich Gold DUeoverlea Reported at Pike's Peak The Censeqaent Kxcitvmant. Leabviixe, Cou, April 19. There is considerable excitement In this city over a new gold discovery that has jnst been made. The country of this latest cram is located west of Pike's Peak, about twenty miles from Colorado Springs, thlrty-firo miles from Canyon City, and from Leadril!e about eighty miles in the most direct line that could be traveled. .Eighteen years ago, it is said, tbe same gulch was overran by prospectors and miners who were enticed there from the sorrounding contitry by the report that rich placers had been found. With the exception of a few encouraging colors of gold nothing was developed, and the excitement died out. For years and years nobody visited the isolated rrgita, save a few hunters. Two years ago Mr. S. S. Btadbnm, a former Denver drnggi-st, who had turned his attention to prospect ing, was informed by a South Park ranch man about the early excitement, and his curiosity was aroused. He obtained the In formation necessary to guide him to the gulch. Starting out alone he made his way to the place and sank a shaft. At a depth ot eight or nine feet he struck a CEMTKT-LIKX GKAVEL, and after having made several raia at tempts to pan goM from it returned to tbe valley. Since that time he has wandered around the country without making perma nent locations. The more he sbought about the peculiar formation which he had dis covered the more be became convinced that there was something in It. So impressed was wis Delict, be went bacJc to toe gnlcn about four weeks ago and obtained a sack of the gravel and came to Leadville, where ho had it tested with the most astonishing results. The material yielded from thirty to a hundred ounces of gold to the ton. Being without means he enlisted a number, ot Leadville men in the scheme, and led some of them to the scene of the find. The shaft was eon'taued to a depth ot eighteen feet, the crea. st secrecy being maintained by the people interested. The next set ot samples gave about the same returns or goio, tne average being overSl.OOO to the ton. In sinking the shaft the large and barren-looting pebbles and rocks encountered were thrown to one side as worthless, but one of the party, curious to know it they contained any mineral, took away a sackful with him. The assay of these pebbies gave an average of TEX OUSCXS OF COLD to the ton. Tins proved to theu that tha entire body of gravel was pay ore. Tbe gravel was found at a depth of eight feet below tne loamy dirt, and tne oed-rock has not yet been found. Tin expedition with which the mineral could be mined can be imagined. If the ore is as rich throughout as the assays indicate anywhere from 53,000 to $13,000 can be produced per day to the man employed in the workings. Taken altogether the discovery is the most mar velous and promising that has been made for years. In the twelve lo cations mads ia the guk-h tbe dis covery shafts have in every instance pene trated this gravel after having passed through from six to eight feet of dirt. Tbe mineral belt has been exposed for a distaace of fire miles, and there Is no telling its ex tent, or bow many other gulches there are in the country of equal resources and richness. Quite a number of reliable authorities have visitrd the camp, and all pronounce it a v -wder. Among these is Mr. Arthur Cha nute. There is a large quantity of the ore in Leadville in the hands of assayers and samplers. m Egyptian ACairsj LosrJox, April 20. It is reported that the English Government will convoke a European conference to regulate the affairs with Egypt After several conferences the French Government assented to the modifi cation of the Egyptian law on liquidation and agrees to support the English pro posals for financial reform in Egypt. A European conference on the question is now needles. ro iuruier opposition is expected from any power. General Gordon has notified the British Government, owing to the difficulty and delay experienced in sending and receiving communications, that he will henceforth art on h"w own Judgment and responsibility. General Gordon telegraphed Sir Samnel Baker under date of April 8. as followsr "We have pruvbious for five months but arc hemmed in by 500 officered ami 'i,0O0 ragtag Arabs. Our position will be much better when the Nile nes. Senmar, Jssals, Don gola and Berber are quite tofe for the pres ent. Do vim think if an appeal was made to the millionaires of England and the United Slates for 200,000. it would be available" If the Sultan of Turkey will send 2,000 or 3,000 .Nizams to Berber under Zebehr Pasha, we could not only settle af fairs at Khartoum, but do for EI 3tabdi, in whose collapse the Sul tan hi jicecssarily hitercstet I am sun If it was known how loyally the in habitants and garrison of Khartoum bold to me, and how my lot U involved in theirs, my appeal would be considered fully Justi fied." Kassaia is sut rounded oy o,wo reoeb, vflio fire Into the town nightly. Itisreported that Osman DIgna. Willi 2,000 followers, again threatens bmklm, and if he attacks the town, many neutrals will Join him against the bated Egyptians. St'AKIM, April 21. Tbe Government lias Irsnrd a proclamation to the friendly sheiks, abolishing their taxes and requesting their assistance In openlm: the mads to Berber and Kassala. Shpii Morghani approves the proclamation, which he believes will calm the natives. AxxXAXimiA, April 21. It is the opinion of the German Cholera Commission, which arrived from India, that there will be no out break of cholera in Egypt this year. Strike at w Orleans. NkwOrleax, April 21. The carpen ters and Joiners and other house-bulldicg mechanics have been f often days in a state ot dissatisfaction. They have been pro testing agabist middlemen, or con tractors, wbo take contracts to build houses. The workmen want to deal directly with the owner of the work to be done, and they demand three dollars a daj wages for alt Journeymen regardless ot stllL They also demand the excinsTon of all non union men. A refusal on the part ot bosses to class all Journeymen as worth the same wages culminated in an order from the Cen tral Commit tee of the House-builders' Union for a general strike. This will stop the work of about 1,000 men on the Exposition building. m Trying to Get up a SecretRate. PinLASELritiA, Pa-, Apnl 21. Charles Francis Adams, of the Arbitration Board ot the trunk-tine roads, was a visitor at the Pennsvlinia Railroad office). The object ot his visit, it is said, was to ascertain if the Pennsylvania Railroad would consent to a secret cut rate. It appears that this is the only point upon which there is any differ ence between the (Pennsylvania Railroad Company and other trunk-line roads. The Grand Trunk and the longer lines are in favor of the differential plan, hot ako desire that In the erent of any further cut kept secret. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not consent, and so inforxnui sir. Adams. A fAilare. PrrTSBCZQH. April IS. The threatened strike ot coal miners in the third pool against a reduction of one cent in the mini' ratuicafaiture. A number of the miu are idle kvause of the refusal of their men to aeeept the reduction. Mt - m3jr,fy - the pits are in operatm as ureal. Too miners' officials claim th - n& hare theai all out la a few davs. John C Perry, who a the position ot Justfe at she Court ot Wvominx Territory, waa with taralysis ha the pubSe a eti Brooklyn, while walkmjiwj abjtjirhte TIIE POCAJMSTAS 3DSX. On Hmidred aad Xuie Bodies ot TteUsas of the Recent Disaster Recovered frossi etsa Pocahontas Mine. POCAHOSTAS, V A, April St. Twenty bodies were taken out of ta mine on Saturday, nine beicsidentI8ed not withstanding their decomposed condition, Martin Klspen, a German, was Identified by an envelope In bis pocket which, bore his ..tame. Peter Hanlsz, a Hungarian, was Identified by his clothing; a Hnngx- I ihn n4med KIshhanrerbTa nairof boots!: a j , r Jjhn Kay by his pay checks and the-loca- Uoa In which be was found. John Kiss- car, a Hungarian, was recognized by his brother. Edward Mitchell, an American, was identified by a pair of red drawers and Boon Maxey by his belt. It was supposed the latter body had been brought out before, but la this case his sisters knew some of his cloth insr. The body of Rush Davis was Identified by his curly hair, iiifce. Johns, a Hungarian, by a peculiarly made jacket. This makes 109 bodies taken out. Seme half oen . or more are supposed to be bsried i tha J fan entry. These will not be recovered ? until the mine is cleaned out, and it Ia J inougnt uere are some wno wm. never oo found. All but three of the bodies bara been buried near the scene of tbe explosion in a burring ground selected and allotted as their last resting place by the corn. pany. Tne managers of the mine an nounce that they will resume operatloaa In a lew days. POLITICAL POLSTFJtS. tad-icatlBE FmUtsUsl Preferences at Various Polats Wbera Delegates Have .1 Been Chosea Tho Blaine Starla UmA-. cendant TUden Still TnUud ot. Dra Mots as, Ia, A prfl 2L Republican "County Conveatioas held on Saturday show the following stun- mary: Appanoose Instructs tor Blaine, and for an instructed Blaine delegation to Chicago; Allamakee nnlnstrncted with a , j majority of the delegates for Blaine; Os- j ceola delegation unanimous lorXUaine; so ' Is that ot Iowa Coun.y; Adams instructed for a Blaine State Delegation; Linn delegation unanimous for Blaine; . Cedar, a majority for Blaine; Delaware unanimous for him; Henry, eight for Blaine, three for Arthur; Clayton, mainly for Blaine; Davis, nnln strncted and UDCoramltte.. urawiora, three for Blaine and four artlalne; Bb-, chsnan nd KeokuK - aiutrrrclcd and divided between Blaine, Arthur and Logan- Twenty-seven ot ninety-nine coun ties In lows have now held their Republi can Conventions. These tweuty-sevca counties will have 259 ot the 917 votes that wilt bete tho-Stac; COMTOattassr Of these 219 are for JNalskvt fatty other candldatea. c Xav The last of the District Conveatioas waa. held here Saturday night, and of the six-, teen delegates chosen Arthur has aUtatsB, General Anson G. McCook being agtsssac him. In Niagara County no crave nta was held, on account ot local ill lasjawni ments. The Congressional district eWe cates will not stand far from: Artssasr, twenty-nine or thirty; Blaine, twsarty nve, and the rest for Edmunds, or do- f uL The four delegates at large, t an . chosen at the State convention at IMca i next Thursday, will be against Arthna. Jk. maiority'ol the New York delexatioc is Chicago will, therefore, be against Use. President- j CiscrrxATT. O, April & An election was held In Hamilton Owav ty Saturday to select fiity-etght dele gates to the Cleveland Republican Swsta Convention to nominate State oficatat also delegates to the Chicago Conventsass. At midnight report ot thirty-six dteiJ gates are classified ?thns: tor Artasar, ten; Sherman, with Blaine second choice. eighteen; Blaine, with Sherman tt choice, four; unknown, four. County conventions Were held la'stst State for a similar purpose with the sal lowing results: Scioto County, nlne-teattst Blaine; Summit County, Blaine; Prcfca way County, Sherman; Holmes CouRBjr, Blaine: Marion County, Blaine; Cotoa County, Sherman four, Blaine three; Siaa- 1 dusky and Jackson Counties instrucasst for Bialne. ', ClIAttLESTOX. W. Ya, April 3. The Republicans met Saturday aasi sent delegates to the Republican Staae Convention at Martlnsburg. InCuentW delegates from the county say they are lac Blaine and Lincoln, first, last and all the time. From what the press correspoasl ent can learn from prominent poliUciaaa, the State delegates will be Instructed Sac Blaine and Lincoln. Cixteijuto. CC April zL The Republicans of the Twenty-aM district on Saturday elected for deltgnaa to Chicago A. C. riurd, and Edwaa. Cowies; for;alteruates, G. T. Chapmeta and D. A. Dangles, ill for Blaise, bmt nnlnstrncted. Kl otxx. Ll, April 2L Resolutions indorsirg; Tildes for Presi dent were adopted ty the Lee Coaaty Democratic conventk n on Sataruay. A. SlnrderiMis AhsiH. Qiisct. Ill, April 31. About eight o'clock Saturday evening James McQuade, a no-" union molder who recently canst here from Chicago and obtained work la the stove foundry ot Shannon, Emery k Co., was returning to hlsboardlng-hoase.. When near the corner of Third and Ken tucky streets he was pounced upon by three unknown men and cut In a f earta manner. He has twelve severe cuts oa the bead tnd two on the body. He man aged after being cut to draw and fire a re volver furnished him by his employers for protection. Ills assailants; fled before help came. McQuade was taken to Dr. Shawgo's office and his wounds sewed np. He will probably die. A'l.ood Recovery. A ladv in Brooklyn. X. Y.. took out her diamond ear-rings rained at SiOv- ' eaoh, tho other night, and wrapptn them in a piece of paper left them on the dining-room mantel. A relative. very neat housekeeper, finding tha crumpled bit of paper on the mantel, threw it into the kitchen, stove. Tha next day the owner of the diamonds asked if any one bad seen a bit of pa- Eer on tho "mantcL the careful houso ceper stated whatsbo hail done with it. and then two anxious ladies got the ashes out of the stove and proceeded to pass them through a Coursieve. When, abont half the stuff had been emptied oa the sieve a small black and yellow chunk rolled over the edge ot the coal ttl It trss a rorv warm niece ot gold, and was all that remained of tha ," setting. A little more-raking and twr j euib tn handle Jhey Wbpt i rw? .. .....w ... ..... u. .. ,b cndrmislssett hf btn'y Atvcrxork jsrwrTi aftaraoOB. 2- lv, If cac