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CHIEFTAIN. INDIAN Derated te the Iatcresu f the Ckerekccs, Ckectaws, Cklckasawi, Sealaelci, Creeks and all Other ladiaB of the Indian Tcrrlterr. CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1884. VOL. H. NO. 34. A PALACE STORE! Sejmti aH ewBmrisw& tfce tsest a! cotftetet stew Is the India Tenilory is Uiat of W. C. PATTON fc C0.5 VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. Te eaa get anvthiKg J WE KEEP Awl a. Tall UK MtY MWS MPAXTXE5T cwtates u knease stock of every Tarietj or tho best and most serviceable Brj Ciodj. la CR CLftTXOG MPARTarEST jm wffl tad tie largest Stork or first-claas dothinr, Boots Shoes, IlaU, Ladtei' atd Berts' FaminhUir 6 fe. While WJR KHXDERir SCPAXTJB3T is faBy of to the Uses ia all Us LateH'Sty 1m and Fashions , Wt ffMCEXr BCFAKTXE5T i rejilete lrili ercrj-ktod rf Staple and Faf Groceries, Floor, Baron, Canned Goods WR XABkESS KFAXTXEXT has a fall line of Saddles, Karats and Leather Goods or all hinds. Ia KJB AMCCLTDAJ. LaTLEXEST BEPASTXEXT yon can ret Wagons, Basics, Flo, Spring Wagons Etc M EA&BWAKE MPAXTJaXXT is ireU stocked Kith Sails, Screws, Chains Hinges Tinware, Axes Ctcaslb, ToeV, Bte. YMKlHfcHili CX L1SS A5 CEESSWAKE SKPAXTXEST ererj variety tf Msbcs, Crocks Jars Jngs, Etc. While Ia M7K BKW ST9SE BEF1KTXE5T yea will Sad a KBleaild stock of rare, Sice Drugs, Medicines complete In every re feet. Freseriptieas earefally coaspoBBded by a skilled apothecary In this connection ire hare also an immense stook of SoMim, r.iwpt, Oocks CoafecUoaery, Elcw Aaaa gTATMSERT. AXB B90E MTASTJLEXT where job will Had every variety or Writing Materials Taper, Blank Booki 5ote aad Beeept Books School Books asd a liae of goal Reading Bosks Frews and Foetry. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Come and See Us, W. C. PATTON VJJITA LUMBER YARD, W. . TROTT, Proprietor. WSfeeefceosUrnaandasupplrof both ges. JJonta. sasa. mwiis. jioniainca. etc mcanxirenEe, oemcsnippca irom ino uoaow .wwon, M mot quality, i suliuxku. OEBICE ANTJ YARDS OX ILLINOIS ATENTJE, or (.m r THE NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, Etc.; also aFnilLine of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. PfiESCT!?TBIIS (USEFULLY COMXDED BY DR. BAG8Y. Hgai.ipn.rten of afl the Boetors laTlaiU at X. FRaZEFS Bed Front, one door West of 'Frisco Hotel. M. FRAZEE, Yinita, Indian Territory. THOMPSON GROCERS "VTOSTIT, I. T. Keep coestantlyca band tte Choicest Staple aad Fancy Groceries la tneHsxket. Also Frit, ftgiiaMts, Fwi, jmmwt, Glassware aid Twwan. TT rtmlrtninrT'rTr ITnUiilT (too Corner. KrodosnWett or A. C Bwymesd J C.' Maratsrare Store. fTX. XWXTTXJE. WM. LITTLE & CO., Wteltuto aa Retail Sealers ta FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS Also carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Queensware, Clothing, Tinware, Boots and Shoes, ISTotions, Etc. HIGHEST PRICE PAIS FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE Mi Sigies for StochKa Always in StooL Don't fail to see onr stock and learn our prices "before tnrying. "WIM- LITTLE & CO., Vinita, Indian Ter. KIEPSC055TASTI.T0SHAMAI.I. ALSO DEALER Ef klndsof H LDEt hji mm! PAWS. LaaAm1, Laft, SUbeIk, Bmrs, t wiu-rcRxi3HODD8izEsoF LHbl, AMU, imiukp, uuwii, -j DooRs.sASHJtslLIWDS E1SK1X9KZXH. Tf- AS CHEAP AS ANTDODT. THE LUMBERMAN rr TOU WAST TO 191 LD11EI CIEAF GITE HUf X CALL- JOHN & GEORGE B1JLLETTE, FULL ASD OOJIPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN DISE WMrCM WILL BE Sltl AT BEI-RICK PUCES. CASK TJJ3 T HIBES, FDK-S aad PK0WJCE. Cask or CatUe lakea In Es- ckaafe fr6de KE OUR 9TPCK, mutt ad tt f Uw Tery best quality to be had in the cot m ry. A GENERAL STORE. assartaeat at ererytkiMr wanted by our customers. & CO., VinHa, Native and Northern Fin Lumber. Also Shln- KrrsTsr emteL vxxxxjl. SKINNER, r.S IEO.TOT. orncE xsd tabd OPP. NITIOiVAL HOTEL CMETOPA, KAS. TULSA, I. T. Indian Territory. i W. D. LITTLES. 'W W.JAJiVrS. FBANKTTntFIN. T J.DA.MEL. LITTLE, JARVIS & CO., I! For the purchase aod ule of CATTLE, HOeS AMD SHEEP, 13 Xailoiul Stock TanUi, E. St. LtraU. tVLRxrml adraorm midtoncoaslmmtntt. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET OF ST.L0UIS THE ST. I.OCIS XATIOXAI. STOCK TAEDS located at Em SU LSoala, 1IU DIrecllj'opicltethecitj,of St. Louis. Bnjren for all description of Lire Stock alwarr in at tcodaoce, and within tac siouiadi of the ttock Tarda are a Beef Cannisa: Companjr. Tflth a capadtr for eURnterins- LtHO bead of cattlo daflj-. and Fork Packlnz: Establfehmrnta Tit a capacit j- for slaugiitcrra? COX hrgs dailjr. ISAAC H. KSOX, rreMdcnt CHAS. T. JOSES, Snpt. lai Piffic EATT.WAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOI'IS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars tkrough to St. Louis,Tia ScdaUa, Daily. Direct Route West and Sontk westTia Kansas City. IT V1UP10 niTVt'nlon Depot pavat A I KAnoAo Ull I for Ksnas Co!orla Xew Mexico and California connect with Ex press Trains of all line. IT ITftUICnU Connection l made wit A I AluniOU(lExrrr Trains for at Points m Kansas and Nebraska. it nil 111 Connection Is made with aE A I U H AHA Unes leadintr to the Xorth and West. SUPEBIOR ACCOffllM F. CHAXDLEB, Ucn. Pass. Ajrent, C. 15. K1X5A5, Ass't Gen, Pass. Agent. F. L. DECKER, Agent at TinlU. '"FRISCO LINE. ST. TF A TT.TXTA.Y TimODGH JTISSOTJBI, AJX13LAJSSAS, XJSD1LAJV TERRITOBY. The Direct Thronch Bonte Between INDIAN TERftlTOflY iMJ ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Tralas are Raa DaUf. 5e Change of Cars. Through Pullman Palace Sleepmjr Cars are run dailr. without chance, between ST. LOCIS. Jto.andSANFHA.NClCO.Cal. 3UUD0 acres of rich farminc and mineral lands for rale bTthiscompanrlnSODTHWEST JII.S50CTII M . r-For full and particular information, with Maps. Time Tables. Kates, etc call upon or ad dress anr of our Station Afects. or either of tha Tmdernsned. D. WTSHART, General Paeeaarr Aes, 81 Louis. G.W CALE. General Frdsfct Atent, Et-Loula, C IV KOGERS. Vice President aod General Mannycr. Temple Bulldnjr, feu Lul. yav GfliiissioiWaiits CXTKKrNT C030CENT. A large publb cistern It: Bd ma, A1&.I is bcinj; used as a pond for German carp. The tvatcr b furnished by one of Selma's artesian wells. A lettek f rom Havana to a Cuban in New Orleans states that the Governor of Cardenas is confined in Moro Castle for baring failed to prevent the landing of Agncro. Pketabatioxs are being made to put on a lino of ocean steamers between Victoria, B. C. and China and Japan upon the completion of the Canadian PaciGc Railwayi The latest novelty in dentistry is teeth-shaping, or dcnDcuIalibif, ar itis-j called. By means of a liquid applica tion the teeth arc softened and pressed into desirable shape. TnEitE is a project on foot to drain the Okcfccnokeo irsamp in Georgia. The lands are said to be Tery rich, and the swamp is interspersed with a num ber of high and dry islands, some of which arc fine oak, and hickory hum mocks. There will bo big money in the project forthc party who may pro cure the swamp from the State. The seal which has been seen so many times In Henderson harbor, a. x., has at last succumbed to the skill 01 the fishermen. 'When taken to Water town it was found to weigh over one hundred pounds, measnretr four feet, and was of a gray color, spotted with a lighter hue. Seals, although a rarity. arc sometimes seen in Lake Ontario. A novel decision was recently ren dered by a justice at St. Mary's. Md. A cow was purchased on condition of safe delivery. The vender succeeded in getting the cow to the fence of the ven dee, but ia getting her within the in closnre she fell when half way over the gap and died. Suit was oroiight to re cover the value of the cow and judg ment rendered for one-half of the beast. A Frenchman, Stons. W. do Fon vielle, has offered English railway com panies a novel suggestion for detecting the presence of infernal machines iu baggage. All baggage received should bo laid flat on wooden tables supported by iron feet, but not nailed to them, when the slightest noise made by clock work on any of tho parcels would be come audible if a microphone were placed on each table. The Kusian Mcnnonitcs in North Dakota build houses of four rooms, all cornering together in the center. Bight there they put up a great brick oven, with thick walls. From the furnace door to the back yard is a passage-way. Every morning, noon and night they leg a jag of straw in froai the stack and burn it in the furnace. The thick brick walls become red hot and stay so for hours, warming every room in the house. The emancipation of the slaves in Cuba began in 1879, when all above the age of lifty-five were freed. The emancipation act provided that slares from fifty to fifty-five i-hould be liberat ed in September. 1881: those between forty and forty-sis in September, 1884; those between thirty-five and forty in September, 1885; thoc between thirty and thirty-five in September, 1888, and those under thirty years of age in 1890. There remain now less than 110,000 slaves on the island. There is no blue grass in the famous blue-grass region" of Kentucky, and whv it is called so is one of the unsolved problems. The term applies to a body I of land in the center of the Mate under laid by a decomposable body of lime stone, vhich imparts to the soil an un surpassed fertility, and gives to the grass a rich and permanent luxuriance which it attains nowhere Tho grass is always green except when in bloom, when the heads have a brownish-purple tint. TnE officers of the British bark St. Lawrence, at Philadelphia, from Dcme rara. report a remarkable experience during the voyage. When about live hundred miles off Cape Ha ti eras the air suddenly became very dense, and great difficulty was experienced in breathing. A strong odor as of burning pine timber was also perceptible. The misty mass is described of light bluish tint, forming a zone extending from the horizon toward the zenith about fifteen degrees. Within the radius of a mile the water was inky black. It is claimed by certain old residents that Beaufonl, S. C-. is one of the oldest towns in the country in point of settlc mcnL Jean Ribault, commissioned by the great Admiral Coliny in 1560 to found a colony of Huguenots in Ameri ca, having landed there, or near there, in 1562, to be followed two j cars later by Laudonnierc with three ship and a large company. Scarcely bad the little colony reared its homes than the Span iards followed and slaughtered them, and more than a hundred years elapsed before a permanent settlement was made. The old Episcopal church, built in 1724, is one of the relics of this latter settlement. T Thet tell a funny story in connection with the race won by Zatnora the other day at New Orleans. She was ridden by aliUle rnite of a white boy, and it was his maiden effort in a publin race. He was apparently out of the hnnt going down the back-stretch, but, on commencing the run for home, was up in the ruck, while some of the leaders were falling back, beaten. Here tho tiny rider lost his whip, and realizing the desperate situation, he yelled out to some of tho already beaten jocks: "Boys, give her a few belts behind," which waspromotly done, when Zamora airly flew from the punishment down tho stretch, winning the best short race. of tho whole meeting. THE WOKLD'S D01KGS A SHmcaarr ef the Dally News. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Ix the Senate, on the S) b, Mr. Morrill, from tho Committee on Finance, reported farorabllhe joint revolution appropriating CSiOCO todcfrarthecxbensescnnnertnl with the approachinx- completion and dedication of the Washington monument. A lull to prrmde for the sale of the Iowa Indian ltcser rction In Nebraska and Kansas was read a third time, and after a short debate, passed. The Chair laid before tbe Senate the un Qnished business of the day before, it being the Pieuro-nneuraonla biU. After debate the Mil pasted. Tbe Chair laid brfore tbe Senate the next special order. It brlnjr the Ehlppina- bill reported bjr Mr. Frro from the Committee on Commerce. Adjourned .. In the HBnt, Mr. Lafnh called np the joint reso lution directing the President to brinz to the attention of the Government of Venezuela the claim of J. B. Wheclock. a cltixcn of the United States, forindemnitr Tor stoss out xares and tortures inflicted upon nlm bj- an oJSu adhat Goremment, and to demand and enforce "Tn-rueluamannrr as may bo deemed best for an Immediate "'"""' of the claim. Pasvd. The llonxi wi-? Committee of the Whole on the Tariff bill. Mr. Fornej". from the Committee on Appro- Eriations. reported the Army Appropriation ill from the Committee of the Whole. There wcrevery few members present at the nlx-ht session of the House After a short speech by Jlr. Wlnans. of Wisconsin, on the Tariff blU. the Houvf adjourned. Ix the Senate, nn the SOth, the joint resolu tion relating- to the Washington Monument dedication ceremonies was passed. It appro priates K3,(Xn to defray the expenses of the celebration. The following bills were passed: To authorize the Oregon Pacific Railroad Cbm panyto construct one or more bridges across the willemante Hirer, between Salem and the br! of navigation of tbe river In Oregon. To account and ratify the agreement wtth the confederated tribes of the Flathead. Knotnag and Fend Dorrelles Indians, to fence a portion of their reerrat'on In Montana, required for the use of the Northern Pacific Hoad. The Chair laid N:forc the Senate the bill to remove certain burdens on tbe American merchant marine and encourage American foreign carrying trade. AfterucbatcMr Dawes, from tbe Committee on Appropriations, reported the Indian Appropriation bill, and gare no tice that at an early opportunity be would call It tip. Pending the debate on the Ship ping bill, the Senate adjourned. In the House, on motion nf Mr. Korcirans the joint resolu tion was pcued authorizinr tbe Secretary of War to loan tents, etc- to tbe soldiers' reun ions, and grant condemned cannon for monu mental purposes on proper application. The morning hour beiogdlspcnsed with, the House went Into Committee of the Whole on the Tariff bUL Afierdelte tbe committee rose. Mr. Rogers, of Arkansas from tbe Committee on Post-otSces and Post-roads, reported a bill to secure telegraphic correspondence; placed on the Houe calendar At the evening ses sion. Messrs. Wa te and Ray. of New Voclc, spoke against tbe Tariff bill. Tuk tve nae, on th- 1st, considered tbe bill Introduced by Mr. Inralls and reported fa vorably from tbe Committee on MilCsry Affair to release memlersof theoriginal Fitx John Porter court martial fromtbeobllgation of secresy so far as relates to tbo votes of members. Mr. Logan said Congress had no right to release. Mr. Garland moved Indefinite postponement of the bllL Agreed to without opposition. The Chair laM before the Senate undntfhe-I busine., living tbe Shipping bilL After deliate the Senate adjourned... Tbe morning hour in the House was dispens 1 with and Mr Morrl-n moved that the House go into Committee of tbe Whole on the Tariff Mil. and perwlins that moved that all gen eral debate on tbe Mil be closed at four o'clock Tuesday nrxt- In reply to a question by Mr. Deuster the Speaker stated that up to tbe present time forty-three gentlemen had addressed the com mittee. It was agreed that private business be suspended Friday and tbe 'ay awarded to tbe tariff debate. Mr Murrivu's limitation was agreed to without dhision. an J the Hoiiw went into Committee of the Whole as indicated. Debate continued until adjourn ment. Tax Chair laid before the Senato on the 1 a telegraphic communication from Mr. Wicker, late Collet-tor at Key West. FbL, ask ing that a full investigation be made into his conduct In connection with the discharge of his official duties. Mr. Van Wyck offered a resolution, which was agreed to. calling en the Secretary of tbe Interior for information as to what action, if any. had been taken in re gard to the entries of public lands by the East Park Company, organized under tbe laws of Great Britain, and Join j business In Colorado, and made in the Interest of Earl Dun raven. The Shipping bill was then taken up. Mr. Vest made a formal offer-of his amendment permitting admission to tbe American registry ships bought abroad, and the admission free of duty of ship building materials. Pendinr debate the Senate went Into executive session, and when the doors re opened adjourned In Monday.. The House went Into Committee of tbe Whole on the Tariff bill. After debate the House took a re cess till eight o'clock. At theeveningsesiion the House passed thirteen bills. The bill rranting 3.u to tbe widow of General Francis P. lllsir. as compensation for moneys expended by her husband in unranlzlng forces at the beglnnlnr of the war. and increasing her pension to f V) a month gave rite to a good deal of debate, but no opposition. Toe pre vious question was ordered on the bill, and tbe House adjourned. Trie Senate was not in session on tbe 3d. . In the Rouse, on motion of Mr. Morrison, the order for an everting session was vacated. The House then went Into Committee of the Whole on the bill amending the Chinese Im migration ae lonfklerable debate took place, and the bill was read by section for amendments. Mr lllc offered several amend ments which wcrevit"d down. Mr Ilarnum offered an amendment applyinz proriion of I his MIL as far as practicable, to persons from whatever nation imported to this coun try under any system of contract. Ruled out on point of order. On rrtcUon of Mr. Ham mond, an additional sevthm was agreed to pro viding that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect any prosecutions or other proceedings, civil or criminal, begun under tbe act of which this Is amendatory. Mr. Rice moved to amend the title so as to read, an act to violate our treaty stipulations with China and other nations. Lost. The committee then rose and the bill pased. Teas. 1st: nays. IX A negative vote was east by Adams, of Illi nois: Brewer, of New York; Browne, of Indi ana: Everbart. Henderson, of Illinois: Hitt. Keen. Lyman. Price. Skinner, of New York; Smalls and Ppooncr. Adjourned. POLITICAL AND PKR.SONAI- IIox. Johx Jat Kxox has assumed his duties as President of the National Bank of the Iteputilic of New York. Georok IV. Tradcz, Gencrel Superin tendent of the southern division of the Western Union, died in New York recently. Sexator 'William 1. Killoco was ac quitted by the jury at Washington of the charges of bribery mad against him in connection with the Star Route frauds. Bisnor EbdcoI tbe Roman Catholic Dio cese of Covington, Ky., died recently. Exriucss Axxa, widow' of Emperor Fer dinand IV., of Austria, and aunt of the present Emperor, died recently, aged eighty years. JIlSCrXLANKOCS. Firrr workmen were buried by a felling wall at Whiteiey's building, London, Eng., the other day. Twzxtt-foCR buildings at Presqu'Isle, Me., including the Prcqu'Isle Hotel and post-ofllce, burned recently. Tha contents of the post-office were saved. Loss, $125, 000. Ix suppressing the riotous striking la borers in tbe diamond fields of South Africa, the police killed and wounded several. Exocn Baowx, colored, was executed at tbe Halifax Court House, Va.. the other morning for wife tnnrder. Lupfebt's saw mill at WiHIarnsport, Pa., burned the other day. Loss, 520,000. A Georgia postmaster has sent to Wash ington a letter enclosing a circular request ing contributions of M for campaign pur poses. Tbe circular was shown to Post master General Gresliam, who says be will protect any postmaster who refuses the contribution called for by the circular. A sxw labor organization called the Workingmen's Protective Association has beea organized with headquarters at Scott dale, Pa. Tbe four hundred Italian laborers on the Schuylkill Valley RaUroaa, who struck for an Increase of wages, bare returned to work at $LU a day. Tar underwriters of London demanded a premium of twenty-five guineas to rein sure the State Lino steamer Stats of Florida, overduo at that port. A msrATCS from Qnebec says the ship juantine, of Drammen. Nxrway, was wreckttj recjTitly '4 a northeast cala aad sleet storm, fire miles north of WooIfsl&Btl station, Uagdalea Island. She broke np immediately and nineteen Uvea were lost. Till? secotid Kats was the only survivor. Trig French Government has requested Zorilla, the Spanish agitator to leave France and avoid expulsion. The Berlin, O., flouring mill burned recently, causing a loss of $35,600. Kexxe, the New York stock speculator, has notified tee holders of privileges to present them for adjustment. Tiie Union Pacific men strode against the reduction in wages, and the order cat ting down their pay was rescinded. Wholesale robbery of mails from Brit ish Columbia for Europe is reported to have taken place over the Northern Pacific road. Tbb Interior Department reports exten sive frauds In the methods cf acquiring title to public lands by certain foreign cor porations. Great excitement prevailed '"tJQ!7 of Mexico over the condition oi MsB PiedadBank. XSri .i .Si April . -ttafct-lfa everything, was quiet at that trade was being carried Aejoral Hxwrrr has senl dred bashi bazouks, as tha King of Aby? sinia refused to allow them to cross the frontier: Five buildings of the Cboteaa & Gay Iron Companr, at Bradley's Pond, near Trey, N. Y., burned recently. It was re ported that one man, a woman and two children perished. Oxe hundred thousand dollars damage was done at Burlington, Vt., by a severe gale recently: Blue Mocxtazxs, along the northern bor der of Berks County, Pa., were on fire in every direction. Serpens danger was ap prehended. The Quebec Provincial Treasurer re ports, that there ha; been for years an annual deficit of $993,000 to $300,000, and thatretrenchment or an increase of revenue was necessary. Owixs to the discovery at Moscow of a plot to assassinate the Czar, tbe festivities in honor of the coming of age of the Czaro vitr wilt be held at St. Petersburg. Axotuer overflow was anticipated at Shreveport, Liu, which -will be a great mis fortune to the planters below, who have their cotton crop planted. The river was rising very rapidly. Heavy water was coming in from all quarters. The heaviest rains for years had fell incessantly for a week Astor'S new steel yacht, Nourmahal, wu launched at New York recently. It is said to be tha largest pleasure vessel ever launched in America and the largest yacht afloat. Ax Independence, la., special says: John Duffy's house, near here, burned, and his thirteen-Year-old daughter per ished in the flames. Her parents were also badly burned and another child wa not expected to recover. The conference at Paris to determine the electrical units adopted resolutions con cerning the electric currents and standard of measurement of electric light and elec trical units. Retorts regarding the fate of the Atlan tic steamer State of Florida, were indefi nite, but it was thought the crew and pas sengers, or nearly all of them, were saved. TflE New York walking match ended with Fitzgerald in the lead, his score being C10 miles. Rowell made Oi, Panchot SCC, Noremac 543, Herty 333, Vint 530, and El son 529. Fitzgerald and Rowell both beat all prsvious lix day records. The members of the Siamese Embassy to the United States arrived in tbe steamship Alaska. The native Siamese members were attired in European costume. Exronrs of specie since January 1 reach $4I,1W,3; during last week, j0,l,GGX A Bnrnsn war ship has been sent to in vestigate a report that a vessel had been burnt and the crow murdered by tbe na tives ot Cay Island, West Indies. A VAX named Alfred Poe, while trans ferring freight on tbe steamer Sidney, at Eagle Point, la-, accidentally fell over board a-id was drowned. He was from Ml. Pulaski, HL, where "his people reside. Tnnrs daughters of James E. Sherman, a famtet near Numedia, Pa., were thrown from a swing, and twe fatally and one seriously injured. A beavt snow fell in the bills around Salt Lake City. Utah, on the 3d. At a meeting of wholesale butchers' em ployes at New York it was decided to mail eacb retail butcher In the city notice that they would be boycotted if they bandied Chicago beef in any way. ADDITIONAL DISrATCITEJ. Ix the Senate, on the ."tb, a bill was In troduced prohibiting foreigners and aliens acquiring lands in th; Territories. The Shipping bill was further debated. In the House an acrimonious debate took place over the election rae ot O'Ferrel vs. Paul. D'Ferrel was tented by HO to SI a party vote, excepting that Cook, Democrat, voted with tbe Republicans. Tha Tariff bill oc cupied the Houe at its evening session. The Pebbly Beach Honv? at Gloucester. Mass was bumrd recently. The National Convention of Under writers will be held at Pittsburgh, Pa., May 23 end 23. Tiie National Anti-Monopoly Convention will be held at tbe Briggs Homo in Chi cago May 14. It is estimated that 1,000 acres of land were burned aver at Freehold, N. J. Loss, JTiO.OOO. TnE General Con'erenceof the African Methodist Episcopal Church ot tbe United States assembled at Biltlroore on the o'Jh. WnrLE a ear load ot Italian laborers was being hauled to tbe dock at Buffalo, X. Y., the other day, union men uncoupled the car. The Italians fled and the unionists scattered before tbe police arrived. TnE friendly relations between France and Morocco were ruptured because of the refusal of tho authorities of Morocco to dis miss the Governor of Waxan at the de mand ot tbe French representative. The French Legat'on has hauled down its flag. A torxado swept througb Northern Illi nois and Southeastern Iowa on tha after noon of tbe 5 h. A Graxd Trcxk engine Lumped into a passenger train on tha Chicago & Eastern near Chicago recently. Two persons were fatally and several others seriously in jured. M. M. FarxcH, Assistant Claim Agent rf tbe Gould and Wabash systems in the vicinity of Muskoges, Indian Territory, was arrested recently at St. Louis for forging names to claims and defrauding the company. The United'Stove Manufacturers' Asso ciation, of Troy, N. Y., adopted rules, the substance being that tie right ot hiring help must not be interfered with, each workman to make his own agreement for wages. TnE suit of Mary E. Booth, daughter ot Jcnlu Brutus Booth, against Agnes Booth U recover part of the property left by her '.athrr, has been compromised. At a meeting ot the House Committee on Expenditures ia tha Department of Justice, Mr. Springer read a letter from W. P. Kel logg, in which tbe latter aked that he be allowed to appear before tbo committee with counsel. Kellogg further said it tbs committea did not investigata him ha would ask the House to appoint a special commit?? 9 to conduct tbo investigation. FOREST JIKES. rue Mountains of Ne- Tork. refmsyt aJ and New Jersey a Blaze Ot nr Lowof life and Property. Kew York. May 3. Forest fires In the" xrantry round about fill the atmosphere here with smoke. Middletown, X Y., re ports the mountains west and north of tbe ! Bbawargunts and Calssills on era. A Urong wind was blowing. If was Impossi ito to see only a short distance. 7o dsat lge reported yet, but the danger to isolated farm hemscs and farms was great. Clouds 3f smoke and ashes filled the air. Fins were raging on Storm King Mountain, near Cornwall, and In the Highlands west of Havcrstraw. Tbe air at 2?ewbnrgh was filled with smoke and ashes of burned leaves floating about. Much damage to standing timber was apprehended. A Wiikesbarre, Fx, special says forest fires hare been raging fiercely thereabout lately. The first serious damage was re- iiiernoon. ttnitenaven and for a aaVM faaaaaBaVaBaaW,aKilger, owing; a saassaciav-4JBfcKpanment ot vs,... .- ;amaa.kaimIation of. town M2 and elerasj booses occupied byTHrrftsssssen were con sumed. Two-bridges on the Beaver ureex branch of the Lehigh Valley road were de stroyed; also the stables of Albert Lewis Co, lumber eontractoTS. Eleven horses also perished in the flames. A large quantity ef valuable timber was destroyed. The total loss islestimatcd at $50,000. Tbe fire is now under control. Washtxgtox, JT. J., May 3. An exten sive con&sgration is ragUig in tbe Blue Mountains,' twenty-five miles from here. The wind carries tire smoke in dense clouds ever this part of Warren County. At five o'clock yesterday afternoon it became com pletely dark and a smoky pall, almost suffo cating, rests over this town. The Inhabi tants are alarmed, Md the Mayor has re quested a number V the members of the fire department to remain on duty. A large tract of valuable woodland is burning about three miles from Mattawany, tbreatenlw: a number of residences. Farmers are fighting the flames. "ear Ashland. Il, extensive fires are raging, and tha Ashland fire department has been ordered in readiness for service. At the State Miners' Hospital workmen are now fighting the flames near the buildings Tbe loss to timber tracts will be large. A heavy wind storm visited Northumber land County,PaYesterday.and fanned to in creased fury the forest fires. The worts of Charles Woods and 5,000 cords of charcoal were destroyed. The fires also Ignited Culmbank at Mine Hill Gap. The Colliery mine Is in danger, and 300 men are thrown out of employment. Tbe towns are be fogged by smoke from tbo burning mountains-Emporium, ri-, sends word of forest fires raging all through that section. Tbe season is unusually dry and tbe wind is blowing a perfect gale from the west, sweeping tbe fire through the forest with great velocity and destroying a large amount of property. At Sterling linn, nine miles from Empo rium, several buildings belonging to the tannery company burned yesterday, and a large mill was also destroyed. The village was only saved by aid from Renova. Two families are reported lost, and It Is feared tbe loss of life will be great. At Srriss mont, fifteen miles west of here, two mills with a large amount of lumber were de stroyed. Scuaxtox, rx. May 3. The barn l mill, press bouse and canning mill of the Moosie Powder Company, CoL H. M. Boise, Presi dent, blew up. and the soda grinding and pulvcrbang mills were fired and burned yes terday. Tbo mills were Ignited from the forest fires. Several days ago one of the em ployes was bumed te a crisp in the wash bouse. Several hundred cords of powder wood are now burning and it Is expected that the glaring mills will go. The iron magazine containing several tons of pow der is so far safe. No one dares to travel the road to Archibald for fear that tbe rest of the milts will blow up. The loss thus far Is 530,000. Cattle Disease. Jettecsox Crrr, May 3. Governor Crit tenden has received a letter from Governor Glick, of Kansas, requesting him to unite with the Governors of Iowa, Illinois, Ne braska, Colorado and Kansas In establishing a quarantine against tbe introduction of dis eased cattle into the above States from cer tain districts In the Eastern States, where plcuro-pnenn:onia exists, and the following reply was sent to tbe latter: Jejtebsox Crrr. May I. ISM. To His Excellency, G. W. Click. Governor nf Kansas: Dear Sin: T am In receipt of your letter of tbo th u:t-Inviting me to co-operate with tbe Governors of Illinois Iowa. Nebraska. Colorado and Kansas In Issuing a proclama tion quarantining thoso several states -against tho Introduction of cattle from the Infected districts of other Stales.- I fully appreciate the Importance of such a move ment, and would join you if I were inveted with tbe power. No law exists In this State giving the r.orrnwr the right to issue such a Proclamation. It is an omission which will a remedied In the future. Tbe stock grow ers or this State are too largely interested In that industry to suffer future legislation to longer overlook tbe enactment ot such laws as will more securely protect that Important part of their property rights. Very truly yours, Thos. T. CnrxTEXDEjr. m . m - Favorable to Rallrom Is. Sax Fkancisco, 31ay 3. The railroad till in the Legislature known as tbe "Barry' bill, and which, in the largest measure, cov ens! the object for which the extra session was called, was. In an amended form, passed by the Senate by a unanimous vote. Under the bill as passed by the Assembly, where It originated, the railway companies would nave forfeited their right to operate within the State, first, IX they suffered dlcrimlnatlons in freight over their roads; second. If they failed to keep track and structures In efficient repair; third, If they accepted charters from any other Government. State or sovereignty ; lourtli. if they failed to comply with the rare and freight schedules fixed by the Rail road Commissioner. In its amended, form the first and third conditions arc rendered nngatory. the special contract system re mains intact and the forfeiture of railroad charters Is placed beyond State laws. At tbe present moment the relations of railway companies to the State Government are as before the call of the extra session. It is now clearly established that no radical anti railroad measure can pass the Senate. An early adjournment is quite possible. ' Watching for the Itulldlngto Fall. St. Pact, Mixx., May 3. Tbe wall of the wholesale millinery bouse cf J. Oppen helm Jc Co, on Fourth street, cracked, and carpenters were set to work to brace tho building while the work of removing S"0, 000 worth of stock was In progress. A large crowd collected, and considerable money, on and against the building falling, changed bands, some betting that the whole building would fall, and others that only a bole in the wall wonld result. Durimr tbe afternoon a portion of the wail feu, making gap twenty feet wide, from ground to roof, and letting a portion of the root down Into tb second story, crashing a large quantity of stork to tbe amount of 32V 300. A. Robber Attempts to Flnndsrthe Kansas City Post-OOce. Kansas Crrr, May 3. This morning, at three o'clock. Joseph Fell, who sleeps at the Post-office, was awakened by the draught from an open window. Discovering a bur glar, he grappled with him, when the Utter drew a pistol and struck Fell down. FeH again made for tbe villain as he was climbing out ot tbe window, when the robber turned aad shot at him. the bullet taklnjf off piece of his ear. The robber then escaped. The police believe two men. at least, were concerned n the attempt to job the Post-office, aal Sato BaaaaBBBBBalBkhilUca&ght fire f -a4akBiPrri&:SHp, THE RECORD lEATET. Tha Finish ot the Great Co-as-yon-Plean TValklog XaicU In New York Float raid Use Winner, Lowering tbe Six Iteadred Mile Record Over Four Roars WweU. m Close Second An Exciting; CoBlest Honors far the TVlmner. New York. May 5. There was an Immense crowd at the gar den on Saturday morning, drawn thither by hc closeness of the contest betweea Fitztxrald and RowclL Fitzgerald looked thorousbiy tired. Howell looked freshen olXTH iat 2 r. M Fitzgerald 5SS Vmfc.....S Eoweil S3 Herty ........ MS Panchot ..........S3 Elson...... ...501 Noremac . ... ..... .521 sixth day 2:30 r. M. FIixgera!L. CRT Hertv .. J5 rtowcli Jl Panchot. .. SSS Noremac. ....... -M3 JOson. ....... 8S Vint. ... .53 SIXTH AT I T. Jf. Howell -AH Fitzgerald Noremac - MS Vint 41 isot .. ..... .5w sterty . Fltigerald braced up In the early part of the afternoon, . and for a couple of hours maintained his lead. He fell off again, however, about 4 p. m., and acted very groggy. After this Fitzgerald and Eoweil bad frequent spurU, and oftea passed one another. The ex-AIdcrmaa had to take frequent rests doting theso spurts, and It looked as though he was running short of breath. Rowell stock to the track without Intermission daring tbe afternoon. Charley Mitchell, tho pugilist, was In his hut and showed great interest in his countryman. He frequent ly patted Rowel! on the back and whis pered words ot encouragement. At 1:35 the tired Elson stopped at tbo scorer's jtand for a couple ot minutes, resting. Little Vint came along and en couraged him to start again. Panchot and Herty frequently went off the back for rests. Tbe latter held to tbe track notwithstanding he was suffering paLss that would discourage any but an ex tremely plucky man. Many thought he would withdraw after making 525 miles, but he was determined to stay until tho end. Noremac went nnder his roof for a Ions' stay In thu afternoon. His right kg had not held out so well as his friends had hoped. Little Vint walked laboriously around tbe track during tbe afternoon. His right leg also troubled him. At 5 p. m. there were between 5,000 akd 5,000 people In the garden. Fitzgerald made bis COOth mile at 5 h., SO mln. and 10 sec, and It was greeted with the great est enthusiasm. Cheer after cheer rent the air. Caps and hats were flung; Into tbe air and handkerchiefs were waved by many people. Fitzgerald was then four miles and three laps ahead of Rowell. He took tbe uproar very coolly. He finished bisCOlst mile before retiring. He bad only been out of sight six minutes when Rowell pushed out on the track. Fitz gerald heard of this and Immediately went after tbe Englishman. Thu) caused another outburst ot cheers. When Hazael made his previous record of GOO miles In six days be completed bis task about 9:30 o'clock In the evening. Fitzgerald beat the record for that dis tance by over four hours. Noremac was adding miles to bis score daring the af ternoon. It was said that daring tbe earlv hours ot tbe morolns Fltarerald had accused his backer, Tom Davis, of poisoning him. Davis and Smith, tbs trainer, however, paid but little attention to this, knowing that It came from a pain full r excited man. During the evening Fitzgerald was pre sented with a sliver goblet lined with gold. He carried this to Rowell but be paid little attention to the gift. Rowell completed bis six hundredth mile at 6:53, beating Hazel's record by two hours, eighteen minutes and thirty-five seconds. Peter Duryea, Rowell's backer, jrave up the contest at seven o'clock. He at tributed Rowell's defeat to a badly sprained left ankle, from which his man had been suffering two days, and wanted to make another match with Fitzgerald. He will let Fitzgerald name tbe time, the amount to be over $5,000 aside. Two large floral emblems were presented Fitzgerald during the evening. They were borne In front of him around the track, Fitzgerald fol lowing and warlnz the flag ot x.rin. During the evening tbe garden was packed, as on Sunday jig'cL. Fitzgerald remained on the track and was cheered Incessantly. Rowelt retired at 7:11, but afterwards came out and was loudly applauded. He then retired again and bad his ankle bathed. It was swollen to nearly double its natural size and was black and blue. He appeared asaln on the track, but did not lira d perceptibly. Noremac and Fitzgerald Joined him and they tramped around the ellipse at a rapid race. The house rose at them as they were joined by Panchot. Fitzgerald hanaeaJoweu nis insn nag, which the latter took courteously. Fitz gerald caught up the American flag and another lap was made. Tbe men then pulled up to the scorer's stand and shook hands. Three cheers were civen for Fitzgerald and three for Rowell. The tyedestrians then went to their huts, and at 8:4o p. m. the six-day race of 18i ended. Preparations are made In Long Islanc City for a reception to Fitzgerald. He will be received by the 5Iayor and Alder men and tendered tbe freedom of the city. The entire police and Are department with members of the Ancient Order ot Hi bernians will meet him at tbe ferry and escort him to bis home in Rarenswood. Wealthy citizens will present him with mansion and It is said he will receive an Important municipal appointment, m A Desperato Tbler. PxoaiA. Ilt May 5. J. L. Compton, a chicken thief who was arrested here a week ago, dug his way out of tbe calaboose and was rear rested on the Peoria, Decatur & Evans viilc Railroad, near Mount Pulaski, has since the latter event been confined In tbe County Jail here. Yesterday morn ing on arising he made a general attack on tbe other prisoners, using anything be could lay his hands on. For thts he was locked up in bis celL About two o'clock In the afternoon be made an at tempt to commit suicide by hanging, but was cut down before life was extinct. Railroad Accident. Cairo. Ilu, May 5. The removal of a rail on the Illinois Cen tral Road near Duck Hill, below Grenada, Miss., resulted In throwing the locomo tive attached to tbe north-bound passen ges train down an embankment, de molishing it badly and scalding to death the engineer, named White, brother ot the Master Mechanic of the road, at tbe Water Valley. Baggage. Blaster Harris had his left ana broken. The fireman and express messenger wen shghtlylnjured. Several passengers were bruised. April 1 a similar accident took place at the same point. The coaches re mained standing upon the track. asWiTFMW'11 J 1 1r 9 BBaaSSKsnaanirlaaV? jRaWaikl9c!BBaVaKBBaLTr' BowcU.....T!sljCBMfiiHMilHflLJS "" Vint - SaslVraPltHf.- Herty- KO- Panc53li8?Usj,"pV Elson. ... SS-3 a . .