Newspaper Page Text
- I INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. Bereted te the I merest ef tlie Ckerekec. Cliectaws, Chickasaw. SemiHelc. Creek, aad all Other Iad'aae of the Indian Tcrrltery. 4 CHWFTAW PUILI-SHINC CO. YINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1884. YOL. n. NO. 36. PALACE STORE! Bfa aX wiyirtw Ike fees aaa wale test store la the IacM TerriSorj- Is that of . C. PATTON & CO,, YINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY- Tm hi get aayIc yea E KEEP Aad a ft Ut RT OfaBu MFAXTXIIT eaatotos J Ci: CLBTKOICME?l13tt3fT?wTra11itketorswt Stock wfAret-ektaCWuInT, Boots, Shoes, HaLS Ladled ui L-- atoT FwiiijMag.g de, Wtife IT MrAXTXST k MkaUl!tis iaatl ths Latest Sty 1m . WffAXTJEKfT hrWawHkeTerTkidfStleadFiaw J7o -jOMMjIte HAEXB88 MPjLSTXSXT aaMMMr SeABe. aaraess aad Leather Goods of all kinds. In IGaJCVUeKiX HHTf.TBrrrr EPARTXE.ST yarn am get Watresw, Bfjpes, Flows, Spring Wagons, Etc. MUttWABE MPARTMST: k tr3 aisr. ittmsMta IUX BLAgg AM CEEJSWAXE KPAXTXE5T ererr Tariety f Bb-es, Crocks, RB STfBg AXT3H3T jh will Sad a spteawM stoek of Pare, 5tee Brags, Xediclnes, complete la every re ffeet. fi wwhMi eafehMy temaeaiiae br a tkiiies afoHtecarj. la tkis canaccUon we haie also aa Immense vteekoTSotfoM, Ttipf, Clacks, Ceafectiaaerj, Etc. And a riTWIKItr ASM BMC BcUXTXE5T where thiiHM every variety of Writla XalerlaU, Paper, Blink Booki Sate tad Bceutet Seeks, Sekaal Beaks, aad a Mae of gaei Keadia; Books Ptojo aa'd Poetry. Prices are as W 0. :ta lumber yard, W. I. TROTH, IkSCJ .uootiv.yaasi.1 e .uarscquamr- IFHCE JLJf TAJEBS HE NEW mm STORE. )rogs, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, jBtc.; also aFnllljne and CJonfecnoiieries. lESCTfTMS WltFULT itfafltiwBoetoniBTiaitoat X. FK12ErS Ke4 Frwrf, ee door Vert of 'Friseo KotoU M. FRAZEE, Vinita, Indian Territory. THOMPSON" "VTISnTA., I. Xeep ea haa the CholentSMplB Ytftbiitt, FNt, iMMStii! Statswan Mi Tiwnfi. nia aor stack fca the Weir 1 a yam 4C cw STiarawf SSvraw WW. UTTLE & DO., Taalieala . sTTInIT rmlm tat LODR, FEED AND PROVISIONS Alee carry a ceaplete liac of Dry Goods, . Hats and Caps, Grooeries, Queensware, Nothing, Tinware, 3oots and Shoes, Notions, Etc. LEST PRICE PAII F8R COUNTRY PRODUCE Eat SmiB k Mm itfeiL to see our stock and learn our prices T l t ueium uiiyjiig. H. ILITTIiE & CO., SO0M8TASTLT OX HAXD ALL KBfDeOF IA auks, Urn, THE LUMBERMAN XT TOC "WAXT 3D S9 OFFICE AXD TABD T Ullil CHEAP ? Orr.SlTIOaaLIOTBL JITI1WAC.4LL, m CHETOPA, KAS. JOHN & G - EOBG mi ASD COXPLETE STOCK OF EHEEAL MERCHANDISE WC WILL MM AT Om tTOOK mutt aa4 tact erf the wry best Cfa&litj A GENERAL STORE. asBriet of everyta-af; waatedbr oar aa kwMase stock ef crerj Tar'etj of the best and most serviceable Brj stocked with Sails, Screws, Caaias, Low as the Lowest k CO.. Vinita. Proprietor. lasaMtrettaaklfatlTesstdSoFtkcrnPine Lombec A!o 6h!r- Kaarre bb, being saippcd from tee CEoctt OJ ILIIN0IS ATENUE, rxxr V'llTt. of Cigars, Tobaccos CWWKIEI IY 9fl. EASBY. SKINNER. T. and Fancy Qroaerles la tfce atsafcat. Hi Cerater. two ioora Vest T A. C r. a axaaureT. ii M. i Vinita, Indian Ter. ALSO DEALEU IN HIE, IIS, rllSTEa FAIR. KILL FCBJOHH ODD SIZES OF DOORS. SASH.! LIN DS AS CHEAP AS ACTBODT. - E BTJIiLETTE, Kl MIK PIrtES. TULSA, I. T. te be bad la the cot a ry. casta atem and FasHlcas. yrocerirs. Tlonr, Bacon. Canned Geeds. Blages, Tin ware, Axes, UteBsib, Tool, Jars, Jogs, Etc. WHile la Come and See Us. Indian Territory. w.D.trrrLEs. w W.JAKV1S. FBAJfKTPHPIS. T J.DJLN1KL. LUTLE, JllVIS k CO,, ComiissiHits For the purchase and sale of CATTLE, MIIS INI SHEEP. 13 Xattraal Stock Tarda, E. St. Louis, jy Liberal advance made on consJcnaeBtA. fHEUYESTOCXIABKETOFSTtlOUII THE ST. LeCISXATIOXAI. STOCKYARDS Locate at Catt St. Louts, Hk Directly opposite the city of St. Louis. Doyen for all description of Lire Stock always In at. tendance, and within the jrroundi of the Stock Tarda are a Boef Cannlns; Company, with a capacity for alauTbtetins IJOCO head of caul dally, and Fork ractlns Establishments wltk a capacity for slaughtering; 11,0 W boss dally. ISAAC II. KSOX, rrrsldeat CHAS. T J0XES, Sept. -- iai F,!i;ii!i RAILWAY. ( , DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOUIS TWO TBAINTS DAILY pKHMatt Palace Hotel Cars tkroHgk to St Louis,Via Setalia, Daily. Direct Route West and Soutk west Tia Kansas City. Al KANoAo Ull I for Ksn-xs. Colorado. New Mexico and California connect wlta Ex press Trains of ell lines. 'IT ITRUIPnU Connection ' made wit A I MlLnliMlR Vrm Tnln for aC Poln,a,nKims,,,"xl - NebL" - t nuiui unnKnon u maae mm au A I U m Ail A lines leadlns; to the North am! West. SUPERIOR AccomoMo! FAST TI3XE. F. CHA5DLEB, Gea. Pass, jfgtnt. C. B. KI53A5, Asa't Gen, Pass. Ageat. P. L. DECKER, Agent at Tinita. "'FRISCO LINE." ST. THBODGH axissoTjrti, KANSAS. UtlCASAS, IXI3IAJN' TEIUE11XOK.Y. The Direct Throoth Boute Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Trains are Bon Dally.. 5s Chans of Cars. Tfaonsn Pullman Palace fileephur Cars are rnn daily, wit hotit chance. between ST. LOCIS, 31o and SAN FltA-NriSOO. TaL SIUXO acres of rich farmlnr and mineral lends foriwleby this company In SOCTU WEST ans-tncui CPFor full and particular Information, wits Maps. Time Table, llrrs. etersll upon or ad dress any of out fctatiua A feats, or either of tas ncderaaraod. D. WIsUAirX. General Pasaenjer Areat. SI Locls. C. W CALE. General Freijit Asest, St. Loula. C W BOGE1U. Vice Prcsidcnf mod GawraT ifiBiger, Tcmsla Uolitiln, W. Louis. H. CBXREXT COJaJtElfTA A tJEtiCnsikST bf the regular army stni stands gnard at the tomb of Presi dent Garfield. Bn'obE Island savings banks hare 5S4G0,205 intrusted to their care bj 120;482 depositors. It is impassible to take fish with a net from Indian Hirer, Florida, as the sharks attack the nets when filled with fish, and tear them to pieces. TwH jfew Tork psliccScrt. l"lhissctl fire years ago, haTc been reinstated br the Supreme Court, with the order to pay each $5,000 back salary. Six wholesale stores under the Brook lyn Bridge arc in operation. The stores are each two stories high, serentv-fire feet deep and twenty-one feet wide. The average rent is nearly 2.000 a year. Other arches will be fitted up and ready for occupancy within a year. The Post-office Department reccivel recently the following brief but com prehensive letter from C. JL Grcpjr. Postmaster at Xutt, X. JL: "Our town has gone to the sweet bj-and-bv; only one family left. I respectfully re sign my position as Postmaster here. Westward the r of empire takes iui way, and also the rotmxtcr." THE new port recently opened at Trieste, Austria, hs altogether iboUt fr-.300.00ij: lliree jetties, rcrcn hundred feet long by three hundred feet broad, b-iTe been built, and thus has the former northeastern harbor of Trieste been converted into three basins, with nearly two miles of quay. ThtiM.' basin have a depth of water varying from twenty-five to forty-five feet. Tils members o! the Mexican Con gress wear faultless salts of black. A great many of them also wear white neckties and white gloves, so that the HoufC looks like a full dress party. A recent visitor in Mexico say that almost all of the members are middle age, rhh oiack eyes and black hair. Ilardly a gray-haired or bald-headed man could be discovered among them. TllE public-school system of Xew York State needs remodeling, and a ne cessary step to this, it appears, is an ex amination into the systems of other States and countries. Accordingly, a bill hs jnst bc-Cn passed bv the Senate authorizing the Governor and Senate to appoint three commissioner, and ap propriating $14,000 to meet salaries and traveling and ether expenses. The late Lharics O Conor j reason for living at Nantucket is thus explained: Teats ao life was engaged in an im portant lawsuit, in which many of the witnesses were wcll-precrved old peo ple. Struck with their bright health, he learned that most of them came from Nantucket, and he thereupon promised himscif to withdraw from practice and kettle down for his old age by the Jca. Foci: large cold storage warehouses are now in operation in Xew York City, and it is said the time is not far distant when cold air will be served in pipes throughout the city just as gas and water are now. One of the novel fea tures of the new Washington market, now being constructed, fa a nrtwofV t bipts fuhning through the building, through which frozen air will be fur nished to the different meat stands. Recently forir well-dressed men entered . London tavern and had din ner. 'When the moment came to nav they said they had no money with them, but would leavp a valuable diamond Hag. A few days later they called, set tled the previous account, had another dinner, talked to the proprietor, and finally sold him the ring for ou. lie considered that be had made a good bargain, becanw whilst it had been in his possession he had taken it to a jew eler, who pronounced it to be worth 100. The gueL, however, had on their second visit substituted an imita tion fac-simile for the genuine ring. Ax Incident showing the hostility of popnlar feeling in Italy against Austria occurred recently at Turin. .1 leading firm of Turin m-rchants. naving al-so a large branch establishmen' at Trieste, erected an elaborate gilt -"."n having at its two ends the coats-ol-arms of Italy and Austria respectively. A crowd a sembled to view the novelty and soon began to murmur at the idea of the An trian arms being displayed ?n a Pied montese city. The crowd ocn greir to a mob, and final v began btrabarding the hated double-headed eagle ot Austria with stones, clubs, and every available missile. The proprietors of ihe store wire finally compelled to remove the Austrian arms in order to save their store from detraction. The Indian population of the United States now numbers 2G3.000. This does not include the Indians of Alaska, who number about 30,000. Thev Indians are scattered. Aboi 75,000 of them are in Indian Territory, where they arc divided into five civilized nations. Theo are the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminbles. They have a civilization pretty well advanced. Each tribe has a Government of its own modeled somewhat on the Government of the United States. There b an upper and a lower house of the Legislature a Senate and a House of Representa tives. Both arc elected by the people. The Senate they call the House of Kings, and the Hossa of Representatives is the House of Warriors. This Congress makes the laws for their Government, and the only restriction on these laws is that they be within the laws of the Congress of the United States Tbcro is also an executive branch of the Gov ernment to carry out these laws, judges sad courts topass upon them, and aheriife aad constables to impose the pnaiahrrirnt prescribed in ticra. MEWOALD'SDOUSGS A Santaarr er the Dally News, PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Tax Senate, oa th. 13th, receive 1 a com munication from the Secretary of Wr rec ommending an appropriation or WWW for repairs of the Jackson Barracks, at New Or leans. Mr. Learn, from the Committee oa M Hilary Affair, reported favorably tl Mil In place General n rant on tbo retired UsL Mr". Lojrsn asked that tho bill be put at once upen Its paape. t'nanlmona consrnt wa irlren and the bill wa at once real the third time, and pawed. The bill prorldea that in rccotrnl- Cnitnl tatcs-1 .p oi oiun(rawifi aerncef renaered tne y-1 P. CSrnt. lateGMfral of tlu. SffriTBBS,'!f"oSSSte!!SSS'1" In the lloum- Jlr. Pot rubmitted the rJes of themlnoritr of th Qtmmliti. nn PnlfiA Icailroad on the Mil to amend tbeTburman sinking- fund act. Placed on the Houre cal endar. The Hoosc tbrn went Iclo Committee of the Whole on the bill prorMini; for a civil rvefl!n-nt for tbeTrrrtiftrr f AUta. and h" Mil wes piwl wltbrHl nmctMipeftf. ,1"lv next meuure considered was the TowriihciM MU. proridlns; that hereafter no Territory shall form a constitution or apply for adm!- iuu u oi.w into me i ninn until i; snail contain a permanent population equal to that required in a ConcresaKmal Iiltricr. In order to entitle It to representation In the Houc lr. Hammond moved to ar the Ull on the UMc: asrreed to lue In I&. Th.- Mil pasvd extending the juriMicibm of jU-ikt- or the reace In Wjonrnr. and provHllncthat hrreaftertbe Lea- statute of Dakota ball i oaaiat of twenty four mcmNrs of th Council, and f . rry-dabt memU of th? Home. It tne Sena e, oi the 14'h. Mr. Call in troduced a MIL which was referred to the Commtit-eon tlie Jullciarr authorizing the Sretsry of the Treasury to overrulp end re-verwtberfc-ijWnpf inferior offlc?r of tic Trrajury Deirtment in respect to all matrer Of ncemint. A lilU poi alithorislnv thn eantruction of a pontnoa waron brMcO over the Mirslsslppi near Dubuque. :r. Itlatr movcil lo take up the IIoue MH prov.d n- tor tbo cstaMlshmrnt nj a but.1,1 .if ,wr statistics. Ajayd In. Alljnurpei. , In h Uaif h li!ll wd rfrorlcd faVoPtbl-. .. tji- a mint at St. liuul. 1 be House went into rom mlttecol the Whole on tlielnnsularand Dip lomatic ApprC'priaUan tilU. Mr. ltoblnson. of Xew Tork. nun e.1 to alwlih the office or illn-lt-r to Great liritaln. The motion was lot and the Committee ros Mr. Sprintrer asked ununimou.convnt to put on lis naa?e the hill autlxirizintr the Secretary of theTreasurr to putchaso atiout M4UUUD In bonds with ctwitoiciK held in the Treasury for the rc drmtlon of retired National bank circulation, wh'cb would rcllere the money market to the extent of addliur Sajni.tnj to the circulation. Mf. WC.rolJPrtt. jdjtirted. Ix the Sena:e, on the lith Mr. iiorru oP fered a resolution which, under ihe rub went orer one day. dlrectlne-tbe Committee on Unanee to examine Into tho causes of the failure or such of the National Ilanks In the City of New York as have suf Tended business in Slav. 1SS, and report whether the said failures hare to any and what extent resulted from any violation or laws or regulations rey nUtln" their eccdliet. Mr Clllftm Introduced a bill which was referrol to tbo ('omimttci on tins nee, to prevent speculation on the part ot officials of the National nankintr Associaton. The bill Birinc Il.iaXt.o to th" Nnr Orleans Exposition passed. Adjourned till ihMStb. The House went into i ommlttce or tbe whole on the Dip lomatic and Consular Appropriation blu. Amenunents rriatlnir to tho mUsiaas tn Uoumanla. Servix and Creeco and various amendments for Incrcatlnc- or maintaining salaries In certain cafes, were all rejected. There betas' no quorum the eommltt rose. Tbo benate amendments tn the bill for the World centennial anl Cotton Exhibition at New Orejnff m. mnrtlrtMl In AflnMr-r?! The Senate was net in session on the Ith. ..In the House. Mr. Willis, from the Committee on Hirer and Harbor, reported back the Hirer ni Harbor Appropriation MIL Tbe House then went Into Committee of the Whok) on the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation MIL Alter deba to the bill was finally laid aside with a farorable recommen dation, and the prtntalttec proceeded to con sider Ihe Array Appropriation btlL Th,eom S litre arose and rt-orted the tllte till to c House, but nn further action was taken. The Hourc at the evening- serlou passed thirty-two pension bills. Adjourned. Tbc Senate was not in session on the 18th. Intbellouoe a Mil wa passed granting- tbe consent of CbngreM for the construction of a dam acros the Mississippi at St. Cloud. The Senate amendment to too Indian Appropria tion bill were non-concurred In. A bill was pertl -ttuidlHjr intil December SI, 1SS5. the durtiitta ot the Court ot nmmii''nfrs "a the Alabama Claim. The bill pawd tocbnre the Eastrm and Northern audlcial Districts of Texas and attach a part of tbe Indian Ter ritory tn thoc dlstrlcta. On motion of Mr. Caldy the bill pawd to re lieve settler on the Duck Valley Indian res ervation. Elko County. Nevada. The Mil also pasted for tbe appointment of two additional Associate Justices of tbe Supreme Court of Dakota. The next bill was the bill to amend the a-1 llri.llntr tbe State of Miouri Into two Judicial. Distant, and to dirlde tbe Eastern and Western Du-tricta thereof into divisions, and to prefcribp times and place for holding; courts therein. Altera sharp deha:cbctw?rn tho mrmlKTS of the MUsouri delegation, and there -x-lnjc no quorum present, the House al joumiL POLITICAL AND rERSONAL. Tue BerHn enrrespondent of tin London 77rae is authorized ti announce thsmnr Cnnatic marrigeuf Grand Puke Louis ot Hese, at Darmstadt, with Madame Kola mirxk, le;a ly .Ilssolred. Tna Kinjj of Uneco entertained the American Legation at lunch on the Ilh. Schuyler, tho Ameriran Minister, care a garden pa:ty to the Diplomatic Corps. "W. G. ILiunucTO.T, telccrsph editor of the Baltimore Ertniag .Yctrs, died sudden ly the other evening. Ha was discovered in nn unconscious condition and before a doctor reach d bim, expired. He was forty-two years of age. Tax Stem-so Embassy left TTashington for New Tork recently, with the intention of mating a tonr of the country. - Coloxel J. F. II. CLAiBORxr, historian, ditd at Natchez, Mis.,aged aerenty-seren. rle represinted Mississippi several terms in Congress. His late yeara hare been de voted to the preparation of a history of Mississippi and the Southwest. MISCELLANEOUS. Ax exciting crn occurred in the Senate the other day. Vjn YVyik severely criti cised Blair for eoine'hin; he bad dene In comiu.Uee. He ww rep atclly called to order by the l're-idriit ot tbe Sonata. Blair a!d lliat Van Wyck was either grossly mistaken or an intentional falsifier. CaBLsaiuxs report that IVcolwIcu ar senal narrowly escape I destruction by dyamite recently, a del oaa tors and explo sives were found under thr wall. Wrraix a few days a woman and a child at Pittsburg, Pa., have Inst their lives by the blundors of drug clerks. Oce of tbe latter has t'n held fur munier. Ix an attack upon frirn ily tribes near Tauiani. b, recently, Osaian Dtgna and bis men ktllrd twenty-oao of tje friendly Arab, took forty women prioners and capturej many cartle- Of the rebels only fire were killed. The tribes attacked are ablo to tnnster 0p3i men. They are deter mined to fiTenge tbe death of their comrades ami recover their weraec. A coon deal of excitement was raised in Denver tbe other day. A new City Clerk had been elected by the Council and the office was refused to him by the old Clerk, who thought the election was a fraud. Tbe new Clerk, sided by his friends, forcibly took possession of the office and stood the old Clerk in the strost. A Glexmye, M- T., special, says: While United States Paymaster Whipple was en routa to Fort Baford from Glendlvo re cently, about forty miles on-, be was at tacked by road stents. Eergjaat Conrad was killed and two privates seriously wounded. Tbe mules attached to the am bulance in which the paymaster, clerk and treasurer's box were, ran away and thns made their escape. A HazLrncRST, CopUh County, Miss special says: "The jury la the cas of E. B. Wberler, for the murder of J. P. Mat thews, was out about an hoar and returned a svrdict of cot guilty." Judge Rich an Kszs, of Mount Stcr- tr. v:irj,t;r rr: " r.r.t''v.T; i XnTJ rddi-lsrafcS li-Eif Vc , clheUa when he Kdderly sto. hfaalf. o teSseti fScept that ha was iniane was Kiren for thi mCL ,A SriCLii frorrf Cfcerfwj & 0.t eaysl IV. Bojaa Cash; tin fngiUre murderer of Manhal (Ucharda, wffii killed th other moraine while relisting; arrest by a" bosse In charge of Deputj Sheriff Kin;. One of the posse was slightly wounded, and ore of Cash'a astociatea was seriously wounded. Toe president has issued a proclamation re:or.'ng to the public domain the lands et apart by the eXrcutiTe order as a reser vation fof th Jeircll Apache Indians in the Tiorthwestefil part of 2few Mexico' em bracinc 3X1,000 acres. The financial had consId'eraU tnoderatel on the 13th. Fisk & Hatch i '"'" "i1" '.' bM -!" 1.1" "V" matters wer? abom riihtol. OuUide of New York the flurry hafdly stulaad di memions worth mentioning. Tnr Duluth and Superior City ferry-boat Mary Martin, collided recently with a sail boat need as ferry between Rice's Point, L'ulnth, and ConnotN Point, Wi., and smashed It tip: Twontyne perons were in the sail-boat at the time. Isadofe Fkjtfl' madore, who ran it, aad tbreo Swedes, dock laborers, names nnkaown, were drowned. Tna repair shops of tbe New Tork & Harlem Railroad Company at New Ycrk were b-irne 1 recently. The bu!ldira- c ered a large area and contained the ma chine shops and work rooms where all the reyairing ot the rolling stock was done. apark from the burning building set fire to -ereral small dwellings. Loss, 200,0nu. Recxxt advices from Vera Cruz state that that ci'y was remarkably healthy and exceptionally dean. Tbe inhabitants did cot fear an epidemic this season, notwith standing the fact that yellow fever existed at certain points below, on tho coast. !n"r.T Ilo-.rt.zn. ot St. Louis, mislng Id New York fof several days, had a large amount of money libed he disappear.!. Hoeflerand his wife only recently returned from Gi -.nany. Tna Treasurer of the United States for warded S.OJO.OOO iu legal tenders to the Assistant Tica.ur-r in New York recently for use in case of necessity. A xephzw of Henry Ward Beecherwas n member of one or tbe firms that failed in "iee York during the recent panic. Tna Secretary of th. Nary re cently received a telegram from CcmzSo doro Batcheler, commanding the Galena at Key West, saying the threats against the life of tho Spanish Consul at that place were made in a bar-room by two or three drunken Cubans, but that neither the Con sul ncr tbe authorities there attach much Importance to them. A Bxxxtsox, Tex, special sSys" A freight on the Missouri Pacific was derailed near tbe city limits and tbe fireman, en gineer and brakeman seriously injured. A Toaxano, on the ISM, was reported to have done considerable damage in the vicinity of Quincy, IU. Tna Stadt Theater at Vienna was not totally destroyed. The library and soma it-efdrobes were saved by Iron doors. Cottvissio.tER Kixic express's the 1-j-Uef that railroad freights will continua very low, and that east bound grain will probably not advance above fifteen cents per hundred pounds. Browxlxx, ex-Treasurer of Marion, Ind., was arrested at Chicago recently on a war rant for embezslement. It is charged that he Is than in bis accounts li.KO. BcanxLi,TBoAS,iu endeavoring tore' move drift from the Texas & St. Loais Rail road bridge aerois the Arkansas River at Rob Roy, Ark., recently, slipped from a log in the river and was drowned. A xax named Ward, or Sevrlng, lately arrested at XsrshaU, JJL, on a charge of horse stealing, was said to be wanted for mttruer in BsILmorei Md. A xovxxzxr to secure the repeal Of all Internal renrnue tax on tobacco, started by officers sf the New England Tobacco Grower' Association, took definite shape rre-nUy. An appeal to the tobacco Indj try ot the whole country wad adopted at a meeting held at Hartford, Conn. Tbb Freud! Ministry asks for a credit of 83JXX,000 francs on account of tbe Tcnquin expedition Snd 1J&dflQ0 francs on account of the Madagascar expedition. PaiVATB advices state the Madagascar Governmmt offers France I,030,'V0 In demnity on condition that France shall re nounce all claims to territory in Madagas car. Frvr prsoners were publicly whipped at Newcastle, DeL, the other day, a burglar (felting twenty lasb'i in addition to an hour in the pilloryi ALDITIONAL DISPATCHER A Wtxcirra special says Plapot an-1 Tallow Cilf Ihrcat-n war on the settlers of the Noitiwcst Territory. Tie Indians complain ot scarry superinduced by the Domlnioi 1 neon and the loss of their old fishing grmnis. ExcrrmexT ran high at Cust-r, D. T., over tbe lecrnt developments in tbe tin dis coT'rirs. The asay of tin a'one taken from some recently develoi-ed mica mines showed on unpretedented iercentage of tin. The Erie County (Pa.) Bank failed on the lflUs. Liabilities, 43W.C00. Tht Presi dent ni said to have dabbled in otL Tux HanUfi aud Mechanic,' Baak, of Pctersltrg, Va., faile.1 on the liHh. Tna Oty Exchange Bank, of Liporte, IntL, male an as.itmtnt recently owing to tbe fa lure of Donnell, Lawson ic Simp son, of New York. Liabilities, $31,000 ; as- sts. SilffXi. CaxoxBotd CABrrxTEa hs boen created BUhop tf Ripon, Eng. Tnr .American team won the first match game with the English team on the 1'Jth Mil S.nCEL Ward died at Pegli, Italy, on the I9th Tna will of the Iste fyrns H. McCormick was adnitted to Pi ot a e at Chicago. The estate nos valued at ten million dollar-. Two hundred tebels bombarded Suakim recently for one hour. Two inhah.tanU were wimded. The rebels carried off one thousand sheep. Joiix Tatlob, the Mormon President, made a prayer at the opening of a new temple it Logan, Utah, which occupied two column; of fine type in the church organ. Howtt-L Ca's Baxk, of Spokane Falls, Idaho, ailed th other day. Tna Cambria Iron Works Company, of Pennvjirauia, filed a bill in equity in tbe Suprrus Court at Boston against tbe Cin cinnati & St. Liuis Railroad Company. Plaintif alleges that defendant road is in- debtedto it ia tbe sum of 2)19 for steal rails. At Mo Razor City, Asia Minor, nine hundrii and fifty dwelling, five hundred and Orty-foor warehouses and shops. mosqies, fifteen schools, nine khans and otherbuildings were burned. Eleven per sons rare burned. Jeez Josbca Tbact. President ot tbe Cedst Rapid, Burlington & Northern Rallpad, died at Burlington, la., recently. Deceaed was bom In Belmont County, O., lalSi. Tas Senate, oa tbe 12th, was o;cml;d withk mass of bills and matters of a pre- limitary nature, and adjourned with de bate pending on the bill to establish a Bunan ot Labor Statistics. Tie Consular acdDipiomatJc Appropnattoa boi ud tia House; also the Ansy and Diarl Approi4OB SOKE 6P THE CKAS8. rba Effect or the Eat rsllnres Tn 31 tas. lion Orare, bet Store Rnurlot. Hk York. May l&r The market at the Produce Exchange Iras feverish yesterday, tad at the opening prises iell off a little, indriWnfmttSof fsilnres la fins West rrcra started. 5ibseqnenUy ihe taarkel regained what it had tet only to fall cfl again. However, on announcement Of far Iherfallores, Will street, It closed slightly Irftrcr than on Wednesday. There was talk at the cxebscge of abolishing nils, as has already been dofic" In Chicago. It w th? cneral opinion that this WfraW be done immed'Uttlyi At the Cotton Ex banrUie market opened fifiJer, jfrices be ing hisb-r than at the close ot fc&friess Wlncntay. There was little business iSAS, J3Twver Wbert the news of the failure of mk Haicft reached the sxcliange. the maffcn btokt sonKWhaL kt. locis mrASCEs'. St. Lopis, May 16. The sltoaifca hero Is practically unchanged. Bankers and RHimps Ben aenerally have no apprdien ou for ft? utnfd. Mere satisfaction Is expressed at ths reMimptidn et the Metropolitan Bank, ttid whil a little mieasiuess Is produced by the ti;f3ictt of Il-tk & Hatch and a very slight flatry is created by the temporary trouble In Kan St? City, I1 the general opinion is that nflliiffeierHte ttfli result outside otXew York. CotsrrabIe"ftentioflw5aHitcd, however, to Donnell, Iawsofi & Simpso&v end there Is consldenui!: desire' id knov tbe condition of that firm and xtuSi Its future action will be. It has intimate rdst tions with and is correspondent ot nearly a hundred banks in Missouri, some sixty in Kansas, thirty or forty In Texas, and has ntuncrou connections In all the extreme Western States and Territories. It is not known, of course, to what extent they an Involved in tills course, but their Indebted ness to Western tankers may run into miV linn. L. V. Stephens, of Boonville, one of ti!i mnst prmnlnest bankers of the In terior bf Otis State, estimates that In ease of i complete failure ot the firm the loss itf MLSn3rl wh'I be folly S.VX1.00Q. It is a!o feared tfte less W TeJds b nkers will be heavy. rxnisnitnED in rnANnscxj. Sax Fb-vxcisco Jlay 10. The suspension of FIsfc & Hatch, of New York, crea ted more surprise Uian any yet announced. This k chieily due to the fact that the sns Aled bank was such a heavy dealer in Government Qml?: largely held on this yjast: secondly, ticy were fiscal iteentt of the Chespcake fc Ohio" Railroad sy tern. RontTnlled br C P. Tlmi. ington, first Vice Presklent of the Central Pacific. Tlie announcement was immedi ately followed by rumors as to the effect tin suspension mleht have on railroad Interest! ot tbls cosL Charles Crocker, President of the Central Pr-ciBe, stated emphatically tc a representative Of the Associated Press thai it would have none, mat neither tire Central nor the Southern Pacific were ttrctfuMbi Involved with the suspension of the firfii NEW xokk. May 15, 10 a. in. me Met ropolitan Bank posted a notice that the bank examiners having made an investiga tion, the bank will resume at twelve o'clock. Henry L. Jaques was elected President oJ the. Metrojiolitan Bank In Dlace of Georgt J. SenfT, resigned. Tbe floor of ths Stock Exchange had more than thi usual complement of btiyers, end by 9iX crowds of operators gathered ia knot waiting tbe signal to commence the day'! business. Jut as the clock marked tea Chairman Mitchell gave three raps of tht gaveL In an instant the pent up excite meat of the brokers gave vent to a howl, aria fits hundred bands were lifted In tht air, andtiic various pools were formed ix which different stocks were dealt in. En five minutes had elapsed tlie gavel waj agaia heard among great flirt, and Hie art nouneement was made tliat Ditmnki A Co, of the United Bank had sus pended. Dimmick U President of the ' Bankers & Merchants' Telegraph Company. WHAT COCXD SAYK. Jay Gould stated to tlie Tribune: "Thii dUthrbance Is a senseless tldog. It come: from a fear of each other by both banks an broliek.. t think, rather than anythlns else. The gefkrai eflin? of loam la wholly nnnecessirj" erJ foolbh I suppose the banks are a lift!"- tsoM cautious than usual on account of tiiJ im suffered by the First National last week but I think the wort Is over; people wil regain Uieir sense, and there will be orden here from all over the country from personi eagef tn pick tip bargain. Tbe action of tht banks Is excellent. Every one will see that there can be no panic while the banki stand together. I am sure all the eelb ment is at an end. He says tne action o banks, in deciding to pool issues, has de cided the situation favorably. He does not anticipate further failures of either banki or banking houses, although he admits tht possibility tliat some weak stock house Way sUsfend temporarily. Tlie failure ol the latter he dties not rrt-anl as a mlsfor tune, as tlie weeding out ot small detilert helps to give a healthier tone to the genera! sitoatibn. chant a WAnn. Receher Da-les reports the liabilities oi Grant & Ward, so far as he Is able to ascer tain, at ;M,50L53L Collaterals held bj creditors between ten and twelre millions, leaving an unsecured indebtedness of be tween two and three millions. A SLIGHT BKEEZK IX KAXSAS CITT. Kaxsas Crrr, May 15. At an early hom this morning crowds began to gather around the banks. The news from "ew York yes terday hail created tont excitement especially among small depositors, many oi whom had all their savings in bank and naturally felt a little nervous. As the houi for tlie opening of the banks approached, the crowds about the doors grew denser, and speculation were rife as to what would be done. While some wore serious coun tenances, the greater portion of the people were good natured. At nine o'clock the an nouncement was made that an agreement had been entered Into by all the bankers ot the city to pay twenty per cenL on deposits ami give. If desired, a certified cheek for the balance, payable only through the Clearing House. Tlie purpose of this measure was obviously to avoid the dangers of a panic stricken run. The large depositors were uni formly confident and kept away from the banks. All of the large mercantile bouses made their deposits this morning as if nothing unusual bad occurred. Thi had a decided tendency to check alarm on the part of those who were disposed to be frightened at the outlook and the crowds soon began to perceptibly melL . Another Diamond MavwAiKrE, May 16. A rumor was cur rent that two other large diamonds had bees found in the diggings near Eagle, in this State. Tbe report was only partially true. Mr. Boyutcn informed a correspondent that one small diamond of the same shape but lighter in color, and a half carat In weight, had been found. The stone was exhibited and formd to be several shades lighter. The atoTM was found in the sasso hole as the first one, at a depth of twenty feet. The shaft had been rank down forty-five feet. Ii a stratum ot gravel similar to that In which the other stones were found should be struck. It was the plan to stone up the shaft and then drift in either direction from th main shaft Flattered Odd Fellows. SAS Fhanctsco, May 15. The Odd Fel lows laid the corner stone of their new ball ia his city yesterday. The ceremony was the most Imposing demonstration ever gives by that order on thlsccasL Twohuadred and nlsety-fonr lodges, all belonging to the State, wens :ep.-esented, with over 10,006 seabers In lnxesslon. Governor Stoae aaa pnwaiiaed tho day a legal holiday, a templbaeat never before paid any order lu this State. The banks closed and all busi ness waa suspended. The new ball will I a of seders Gothic azchltectnre acd. cost SKOCXEvG 20UBLE T&X&S3T. AWreaaedHoslMusd K1H Use Iirradvr at th Sanctity of Us Horn. Tofeiker wt tn Partaar of 1st GoUty IOjuois Tw families Plaagad In Mwarnlax Colcmbu, lit-. May IX. A terrible tragedy ocearred at tbe resi dence of Monroe Gray, ten miles southeast ot this place, yesterday morning, which has planged two families Into deep inotrrnlag. An erring wife and an un principled hasband have been harried to untimely graves. Monroe Gray, with his wife aad two children, a girl ot ten aad a boy ot twelva lived oa a farm which he rented froa Wi, Bitch, a wealty farmer who lived on the eastern outskirts of the village. Until a few months ago Grs) lived la this town. His eyas had bees diseased aad he had used a? nearly all of his money Ja haviag them treated In East St. Louis. He ftaally de cided to gc to farming agaia aad as he had little or bo money he applied to Ditch, who advanced him funds and let bin. go en the farm where the tragedy occurred. Thcrsday Gray drove to Ditci'a house and asked bim to go with hla te- hie (Grsrf7 farm to ace about repadrtaa dike a few rallea to tbe east. Ditch ac companied Gray back to his home aad re mained there all night. It wa arranged that yes terday morning they should go over to the house oi a contractor named Axley, a few miles east ot Gray's, to engage kits to do so! work. About eight o'clock Gray went oat to his barn to hitch up fcia team aad left Ditch sitting with Mrs. Gray la the sitting-room of the small three-room aoaae. Gray had been rn the barn but a short time, when, in reaching up to take dow some harness, some Umotby seed fell la one ot his eyes, lie placed hi hand ovef tne optic and started oaclc to tne aouso to have his wife get tho need out. As he opened the sitting-room door he saw that the room was empty, and Instantly bis suspicions were aroused. He bad heard that Ditch had been In questionable rela tions with the wires of other men, but cercr suspected that his home circle wocld be invaded. He stealthily entered the room, crossed it to the east side, pushed open the doer of his wife's bedroom and there witnessed a sight that aroused all his manhood to the highest pitch. He closed the door ot the bed-room and crossed to the wctsldu of lb- sitting-room to a stand, In the drawer of which were two large navy re volvers. As he grasped the weapons the door of tbe bed-room opened, and Ditch appeared. The latter Immediately grasped a chair with which to defend himscif, and as he did so Mrs. Gray also came out asd begged her husband not to shoot. Gray, however, took deliberate aba with one erf the weapons and fired two shots, both of which took effect In tho body of Ditch. As tbe Utter fell to the floor Mrs. Gray again appealed to her hesand lo spare her life, but he refused to listen to her. He fired and the ball from the large -H-caUbre weapon passed through her abdomen and she fell by the side of her paramour. The first ballet fired at Ditch entered his right side Just below tbe nipple, and the second .paised throughhla abdomen. Gray left hla wife and Ditch lying oa the floor dying, and started with, hla two children to the house of a neighbor, to whom he told the details of the tragedy. When he returned an hour later, bota vic tims were lying dead in almost the same position la which Gray had left them. Then the Bews of the affair spread over the country like wildfire and before noon the little cottage was filled with farmers, and In the yard outside stood little knots of people discussing In subdued tones tite details of the aorribie drama that had "Sf beea enacted. J v, Mrs. Ditch, the wife ot the murdered x man, was Informed by a messenger ot tho death of her husband, and not being ad vised of the particulars visited the houso ol Gray, where a most touching scene was enacted. No one had told her of tho cacse ot tbe shooting; she had simply been told that Gray cad shot her hus band; bnt when she reached tbe bouse the nature of the tragedy dawned upo'a her sl c burst Into a violent lit of weeping. She embraced life body of her husband and seemed to have forgotten everything bat that be had been ruthlrsa ly taken from her, and to have forgiven film lor nis lncdeiiry to ner. Jfrienus took her away and soon after she accom panied the dead body o( her husband back to their now desolate home tn the vil lage. The Coroner was not la the County and his Deputy held an Inquest, which was rather an impromptu aftxlrand developed nothing beyond what has been given above. He decided to require Gray to give bond In $1,000 for his appear ance before the Grand Jury, but this did nut seem to be necessary as Gray showed no inclination to make hU escape. He seems to feci fully tbe nature ot his act aud displays no grief over It. He acts aa If he was convinced that he had dealt justly with those who had so deeply wronged him. He Is willing to take ail the legitimate consequences, and will stay here until wanted. bheriff Wilson went down to Gray's farm as soon as he was notified, but did not offer to make an arrest, as he felt confident that Gray would not attempt to leave the country. i lit-Was Wanted. Koodpocse, Iix, May IT. Sheriff W. 31. 3lo-row received a telegram yesterday morning from Deputy Sheriff Phillips ot Louis ville, Clay Countr, this State, telling bim that be had Newton Field under arrest aud to come and get him. II will be remembered that Fields got Intc a dlCiculty some time last winter with hh father, A. J. R. Fields, and a brother, Louis J., just north of this city, shooting botb, and made his escape. He was In dicted br the Grand Jury at the last term of our Circuit Court. Sheriff Morrow left on the first train. Triple Lynchlag, Lxrrxx Rocx, Aax May la. A peddler named Ward left Prescott recently and entered Howard County, bat not returning when expected, his brother went in search. He learned of suspicious circumstances which led to the arrest ol the two Pope brothers and King Kendall. One ot the ropes' confessed, giving the details of the shootlnz ot Ward In the back of the tead and burning the body. It 1 reported here this morning that the citizens of Howard County took the three men ont and promptly hanged them. Tne Titled Rancher. Loxsox.Mayn. Lord Aylesford, has just arrived ic London from 'c York. He returned tot a few weeks' visit to his ancestral halls, fa Kent aad Warwickshire. He Is en. thuslastic in his praises of Texas, which he says la the "greatest country Is. the world for the pursuit of wealth, health and happiness." He will return to the United States early In the autumn, and will be accompanied by a number of his aristocratic friends, who propose tc pass a few weeks roughing it oa the Earl's Texas ranch, asd whoai he hope to perssada to purchase laad 4d set(l wWaaeljon, 1359.000. , J3