Newspaper Page Text
CHIEFTAIN. kv Berated te tke Iatercsts .ftko Ckcrekecs, Ckectaws, Chickasaw. Scmliielcs, Creeks, and all Otkcr IadlaRn of tke Iadlaa Tcrrllerj-. CHIEFTAIN PUlLtSHINC O. VESTfA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1884. YOL. II. NO. 37. INDIAN i PALACE & wpriiM V. Xm as get MytWssc; WE KEEP 14 x fcH UK NTWWtS MPAXTXEXT wmtitm a kraease stock f ercry variety or tho best and most serviceable Drj OUR CttTSISG BEFAXnTCfT yw wit i ll basest Stock or trst-dass Clothlnz, Boots, Shoes, Hat?, Ladle' and UK JOLLIinKr 9KA1TXSST k fcBy wp U thetiaes in all thj Latent Style and Fashions. eCr MPAXTXBrT kipk4eKitkeTerykiBdorsUpkudFltr XAK&B8S MPAST31ST kuMMurf S4Ues, Maraes. and Leather OCR AfiWCCLTCXU, ILBQ3T u JRWXRE MPAKTJOST: is UR BLISS AM CWHSWAEX It&lXXXEXi etery Variety or Kshes, Crocks Jars, Jugs, Etc While In CUR H0 8TtC 1BPARTXOT ye KHs i a pleii steck errors, Xice Drugs, Medicines, complete In crery re. . Praseriftfau mrefctlsy wpoiaaed by a skilied apothecary. In this connection we hare also an immense tteok eTSett g, Ttmft, Owfa, C fccttery, tte, And a W-iJlMSItr A BC 9&AXTMEST neryewl Bad every variety or Writing Materials Taper, Blank Boob Sate BeseJyt SHta, Sefceal Beaks, ad a Ikte of rod Keadiag Beaks Prose and Tostry. Onr Prices are as Low as the Lowest Come and See Us. W. G. PATTON VIMTA LUMBER YARD, W. Ii. TROTT, Proprietor. TOlEMB sea. Dean. Sasft. Jiatu oracE A0 TIXDS HlUi; TJ-mYT T.TITTri cmnTii AXLE HJiVY 1XlUVI OlUHIll. Drugs, PateatMedicines, ISTotions, Stationery, Etc. also aFnllliUie of Cigars. Tobaccos aad Oonfectioiieries. iPRESCnmttS UIEFULY fa the BwHms iaTMU at X. FRA2EFS Red Front, one door nil 9C kXIbGV Jawfci M. FXAZEE, Ykiita, IncHan Territory. "VESTXTA-, I. T. Xu!Mii1lr iin Camiuust flsplii sad Faacr Groceries la tfca Market. JUso Fruit, VniiiiiK, Fiti. tMMSfiri, Stowifj vi Tmwu.. WM. LITTLE & GO., sY!Bsssss4tssia&tss' aaasst 1aawBsU. 4amstW aH. FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS Abs carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Qneensware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, MKIEST PRICE Mil FOB COUNTRY PRObUCE - End Safe r Mm iliays in M. Don't fell to see onr stock and learn onr prices before buying. WI. JLITTXJE & CO., Vinita, Indian. Ter. eoeiwr axtlt ox ham) all KJX360f iMtoM&fabK THE LTJMsBEEHAN W TOC WAST TO feS OFFICE ASTTABD RT LGMIIR CMEiP erP.:VITIO:ll, IIOTiil, errs mim a caix. chetqpa, kas. JOHN fc G-EOBGE BTJLLETTE, rCIJi A3D C0J1TLSTE STOCK OF fJEHERAL MEECHANDISE WRWI WK.I K SMJ eajk rim p es, 3J 2S? OUft TOOK- the beat j eeatpfetesl stare Ib Ike LbU C. PATTON fe VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. ft. msts that flic rery best quality A GENERAL STORE. asBartseat f cverythosg wanted by oar MPJLRTXE5T ye can get Wagea, Baggies, I'lorr, Spring Wagons, Etc Tfa stoeked with Sails, Screw Ckaiasi & CO., Vinita, mmt a lomlr ot boat Xatlve and Serthcra Pine Lumber. Also 5h!t Mrnititnm.mtL TteXairoPie,keiaKUppcl from tho Choctoi ininn jducrrgp. 05 1LIIX0IS ATEXTJE .TXXZXA. CWPimEl BY m. 3A6BY. SKINNER. m. Use Ceraer. tro doers "West of X. C r. n. HKrx.Tosr. Tinware, Notions, Etc. ALSO DEALER IN IBE, lUt, PUSTL1 PAHS. TTTLL FUBXI5H ODD SEES OF EKKMtS.SASK fc BLINDS AS CHEAP AS ASYBODr. AT IEI-MCK PRICES CaA er Cattle takes Is Ex- TULSA, I. T. STORE! Terrf'ory is that of 00. to be had in the cot a. ry. customers Groceries, Flonr, Baron, Canned Goods, Goods of all kinds. In Hinges, Tinware, Axes, Utensils, Toolf, Indian Territory. ! W.TJ. trtTLES. "W W.JA11V1S. FSAXKTrmPIX. T J.CAAIEL. LI1TLB. J1RHS & CO., For the purchase aad sale of CATTLE. HOfiS AND SHEEP, D Xatlanal Stock Yards, E. St. Louis, ty Liberal sirasces mrde oa conslrnment. THE UVE STOCK MARKET OF ST.L0DI5 THE ST. LOUIS XATIOXAI. STOCK YAEDS Located at East U Loots, III. Directlj' opposite the ctt j of St. Louts. Buyers for all description of Lire Stoek alwsj-s In at tendance, and within the grounds ef the Stock Tarda re a Beef Canning- Company, with a capacity for slaugutcrlnjr LOOO head of cattle dafly, and Perk PacUss; EstabtHhrnents with a capaHty for slaushtcrin? COM bos? dally. ISAAC II. KS0X, rrttdcnt CHAS. T. J05ES, SnpU RAILWAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOUIS. TWO TRAINS DAILY PiilLman Palace Hotel Cars throiiglito St. LouiSjTla Scdalia, Daily. Direct Route West anil South west Tia Kansas City. IT yiilCHO pi TV Cnlon Depot passengcrf Ai rvAnonO oil I for Kansas. Colorado. New Mexico and California connect with Ex press Trains of all lines. IT lTPUIOnil Connection Is made wltt AI A lunloUri Express Trains for a Points in Kansas and Nebraska. it fill X U 1 Connection 1 made with J3 A I UMAI1A lines leading to the North and West SUPERIOR ACGOHODATH 3BtVST TX3133. F. CHA5DLER, Gen. Pass. Agent. C B. KIXXAS, Ass't Gen, Pass. Agent. F. L. UECKEB, Agent at TInlLu " 'FRISCO LINE. " ST. LOUIS ft S1SFBMCISG0 THUOUGH TjL,VISSAS, rrriAJ tekritory. The Direct Through ltoute Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Trains arc Bun Dally. 5 Change of Car. Through ruHman Palace Sleeping Cars or I mndaHy.wnhoHtrnanEe.Detween3iiuui,isj, Mo- and SAX rHANCISCO. CaL acres ot neh farming and miners! lands for sale by this company in SO CTU WEST MISOCHI FTFor tult and parfeular information, with Maps. Time TaUe Ilatrs. etC-call upon or ad dress any of out station Agents, or either of tha undernamed. D. WISHAnT General Paxscuger Ascot, St Louis. C. W CALE.Ce3eralFreishtArmt,St Loti C vr KOGEtA, Mce PrcsldcD aod Ceueza Manager, Temple Buuain&fat. Louii, 11. ssMlerctals Is i Pad CURRENT COKMEXT. AcconbiMJ lo the census of 1583; fo pan then had in her pablir schools 2, 979,795 students, and in private institu tions 103,651. The natives of the Island of Chileo, use the shell of a crab as a barometer. In dry weather it is nearly white, but oa the approach of rainy or stormy weather it is flecked with red spots. In a wet season it is red. A New Jeeset capitalist has set 100, 000 South American rocoanut plants on 1,000 acres of scaccast land in Southern Florida at a cost of $40,000. lie ex pects that in sis years these trees will pay ten per cent, on an investment of $2,000,000. Tns town of Atkinson, Me., has a man whose principal trade is black smithing. He has in one corner of his shop a dentin's chair, and will stop at any time to relieve anyone suffering with toothache. When business m dull in these two branches, he is transformed into a lawyer. In addition, hi is a very good cabinet-maker. A xev post-oflico in Washington County, Pa., was rec.-mly nametl ile Cbia. after Representative McGoid, of that State, without the knowledge of the Congressman. Mr. McCoid object ed to the honor, and requested the Tost Oflice Department to name the oflice McJunkiB. after a prominent citizen of tho connty tvho latch- died. The request has been complied with. Ix the Government Mntcum at Wash ington there is a coat with cilt trim mings, bearing this inscription: Coat worn by General Santa Anna. This coat was captured by Captain Wheat, commanding General WinGcld Scott's body-guard during the Mexican War." The Mexican Minister pronounces the garment a fraud first, because it is too small to have been worn by a man of Santa Anna's stature; and second, be cause from its trimmings it must have belonged, not to the Commanding General of the Mexican army, but to a lieutenant of artillery. The garment was presented to the Government by the heirs of Captain Wheat in 1852. The new system of interlocking rail road switches was recently pot into op eration on tbe Pennsylvania It ail road at Dillersville, and was said to work finely. The switches were ot the sama kind as those Used at the Broad Street Station! Philadelphia. They control all the tracks of the Heading as well as of the Penn sylvania Railroad, being operated by a scries of levers in a telegraph tower erected specially for the purpose. By the new fysteni it is impossible for col lisions to occur at this rather dangerous crossing if the signals are properly ib served. The officers in the new tower bare control of all trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad as far cast as Witmcr Station, and as far west as Landisville ind. Mountville, respectively. Dk. Ckichtox Bkowxe in a recent lecture called attention to what typhold fevcr really means in England, and tho amount of death, disability, and ex pense for which it is responsible. It caused 5.52) deaths in the United King dom last year. The nnmber of cases re ported was 27.G00, their average dura tion was three weeks for the illness and three more for convalescence creating a loss of productive energy which should have been expended in sanitary meas ures. He furthermore said that a man cannot be said to have fully recovered from therflects of typhoid forfheycars, and be enumerated its many scree re sults. The fact that typhoid is the re sult of negligence and dirt, and is easily preventable, was shown to be indts nutablc. The Russian Finance Minister attrib utes tbe gloomy condition of finance, trade and industry in Hussia to the com petition of the United States. Canada and India as the wheat-exporting coun tries. This stagnation in the corn trade, it is added, affected land owners, who consequently bought less of manufac turers. Manufactured goods also suf fered from ovcr-pnxluction, chiefly as regards cotton goods and railway roll ing stock. .Mr. Kennedy. Secretary of the British Embassy at St. Petersburg, in referring to these circninsLnnces, ob serves that the tone of tho Minister's statement on the budget estimates for the current year, i- -Mespondent;" that the report anticipates no improvement, while it announces the necessity for in creased taxation as a means of raising the revenue and developing manufac turing industrv. An event, the importance of which to cattle-raisers can hardly be estimated, has occurred in Arizona, in Sulphur Valley, hitherto streamlcss and decided to be in all respects of tbe common tvne of dry vallcvs which are so abundant in I that Territory. An cnterpnsiu; citizen was led to experiment for water by bor ing last month with an artesian well ap pliance. At the shallow depth of thirty eight feet water was struck water that rose to the surface &nd is now giving a a steady stream of from fortv thousand to fifty thousand gallons every twenty- j four hours. Within c distance of eight j miles, eight of thc&i wells have been I sunk, none of them deeper than eighty-' three feet, the flow from which is twenty five thousand to lift- thousand gallons of water in twenty-four hours. Tbe water already obtained in this way is sufficient to water at least thirty thou sand head of cattle, besides affording sufficient irrigation to maistain the gardens that a population attending the stock would require, and perhaps I tree plantations for the relief of stock from the sun and wind. If the success which has attended the former operation continues to the line, the artesian wells of this part of Sulphur Springs "Valley will supply water for at leass ns hua dxed head of stock. THE ffOBLD'S DOISGS A SHamarj ef tke Dally XcwL rnocEEDLxcs or congress. Is the Senate, on the 20tb. the bill passed extending- to August, isse, thlwime to com mence laying cable authorised by tbe act of August f. Inc. On motion of Mr. Palmer the bill providing for the conjtru-tlon of a pub lic bu"dlng at Detroit was pasd. It provides that not mure than tSUUM) thall be ex pended fur the Me and building. The Agricultural Appropriation bill was passed without division. On motion of 3r. Henderson, tbe Smite pacd tho IIouk bill authorizlrur the construction of a bridge sctom the Mitwiuri in Uouelas (instruction Oogntr. Nebraska In the liouw, the Senate amendment fo the Uinslrr Shipping; bill were non-concurred tn The llouw procreded to tbe conaideratian of tbe Indiana coincti-d election cam of Enziirh and l"eele. The mtorlr resolution declared Mr Wil liam E. Lnctih duly elected a member of the Fortr-dsbth fonjrev The Hoiine adjourned with debate on the bill still pending. Ix tbe tsenate on the 21st a resolution cailinx'on tbe President for Information con-cernins-the appointment of a Commissioner to examine certain sections of the Northern Pacific Railroad wa referrol to the Judlciarr Committee jras 17. nars SL A bill was pasta autooniinp tne construction or a bridjre across the limnri at MMejr. Mo. rnanimouscnnscqt wa obtalnol to put the roiiowinjr Mil upon psicc namely, the bill permittinjr tbe erection of a bridge across the ML'souri at White Clou J. Kas.: another across the same river near Itulo. Kas.: another acrrw the air.o river between its mouth and the mouth of the Itakotah on tbe James Itlver: another acro the MIirslppl be tween St. laul and Natehez. and an- ' otl,er across the Illinois Itlrcr bc- itrn iu inouin ana t'eiina; also a ui.a iimiTuinc me ucinncnam nay iiaii- war iNarl-miion rnmiwr to build ifridm nnai lntbeTrrritor) of Wahlturton Tbe House rrsumtd tho consideration of the EnirlUh. Teille contend election cae. Mr. Hart offered as a stiuUtutc for tho majority reso lution the roolurkin of the mlnoritr conflrra Inirtbe rurht of Mr. Feelie to the scar. At tbeconrluclon or the roll call, when It was evident that tbe suLstltut" ial been agreed to. Mr. S'prinser. who had voted In the neira tire. cbanKvd bU rote tn the affirmative tor tnepurpowMir roorinriora reconMeration. The rote was then announcrI yras, 1T1: nays. 117. Mr. $prinzer immediately moved for a reconlderation and Mr Jlunt movrd to lay tbat mo' .on on the tab'e.pebdlnir which Mr. Con vttms moved to mtjourn Tbe motion was carried -yeas. HI; Days, IIS amid appUuso on t he 1 tcmocrat ic side. Tns .Senate, on ihe itl, took up the bill to prohibit the mailing- of newspapers and other publications contalnina- lottery adver tisements. Mr. Vest objected to its consider ation, and the Senate, by a vote of Syeas and SI nays, decided not to consider the MIL and it eot to the foot of the calendar. The Utah bill was laid aside atid tbe Senate resumed consideration or the Labor Statistics MIL Pending- debate the Senate adjourned Tho House resumed consideration of the English Ieelle contested election case, the pending question bcin? on a motion to table the motion and reeonsMerthe vote bv which the House airreed to the minority resolution cocnrminir "i-elle and his rixht to a seat, a substitute for tho minority resolution. Tho motion to table was lost by a tie yeas. PC; nays. VS. The question then recurwd on motion to rccon ridor. and it n apred to by yeas EH. nays Ot The question n-curriniron the minority resolution. It was lost yeas, C: nay. 1; and tbe majority resolutions were adopted yeas 130; nays. CI. Mr. EnjrlrAh then ap peared at the bar of the House and took tbe oath of office. Ix the House on the 23.1 Mr. Blairyieided to Mr. Loran, who asked and obtained unani mous consent to take up and dispose of tho Annual Pension Annronriation MIL which was then taken up and in a few minutes passed as reported by the Senate commlth-e. The Labor Bureau bill was then taken up and Mr BlAIr withdrew a number of amendments, leaving the bill as It eaue from the House. Mr. Aldrich moved a substitute, which was asTeed to; yeas.3: nays, IS: and.the MIL as amended, then pased: vra. : nays,:; the nays beinr Culquitt and Sautsburr. Adjourned to Monday In the House Mr. Kelionr offered a resolu tion statin? t bat in the Invest bra tlon of the Star Houte cases before tbe Committee on Expen ditures in the Department of Justice, evidence had been taken reCectiuc on his character and intructlnx- that committee to inrestlsate his alleged connection with tho Star ltoute service. The matter was laid on tho table. Tho house at Its evening session pascd forty six pension Mils, including one tor nrty dol lars per month to the widow of General Ord. and adjourned. The Senate was not In session on the :uh.. . . In the House. Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, presented a conference report on the Mil to establish a bureau of animal Industry. The report was agreed to. On special order of the House, the day was assigned members called by the Committee on Naval Affairs. The Brst bill called up was the Senate Mil granting per mission to L. K. KeynoMs. of tho I'tuted Mates Navy, to account for tbe decoration of tbe royal and imperial orler of Francis Joseph from the Government of Austria, for gallantry In saving the Hits of eleven Austrian sailors. Mr. Iloblnson. of New Terk. op posed the MIL saving: The dudes of the nary are continually asking permission to re ceive decorations." The Mil psed without a division. M r. Robinson belnr unable to mus ter a sufficient following tncall for the yeas and nays. Tbe next Mil restoring Alfred Hopkins to the rank of captain In the navy, gave rise to a long delate. Hopkins is the officer who left Pcnsaciila without leave when the yellow fever prevailed there and was dis missed from the service Tho Mil was laid aside with favorable consideration, and when the committee rose the bill passed. rOLITICU-.-iND rEIWONAL. The Louisiana Legislature elected James B. Enstis United States Senator to succeed Jonas. The Ohio Democratic Stabs Committee fixed on Columbus as the place and June 21 and 23 at the time for holding tbe next convention. The Democrats of tbe Fifth Indiana Con gressional district, in convention at Bloom iugton, renominated C C Matson on tbe twenty-first ballet. I'nuccE Vicroit, the 'Napoleonic leader of France, has fallen beir to $J0,0iM from soma unknown person. HattVEY D. Pareek, proprietor of the Parker House, Boston, was reported dy ing. S. J. Drake declined the nomination of President of the New York Stock Ex change. SI ISC ELI-YN no OS. Postmaster General Grxsbam has ordered that all mail matter heretofore sent from "New Yoik, New Orleans and Galveston to Mexico by sea shall here after be sent via El Paso, Tex., over the Mexican Central Railroad. The Committee on Public Health report that it would te unwise to confer upon the National Board ot Health the ms.iaje ment of quarantine and epidrmica, but it would be hest to have it where it now rests, under charge of Dr. Hamilton. Minister Mortox has written to Premier Ferry, of France, denying that the House of Representatives rejected the bill reduc ing the duty on work of arts, or that the Hu" pp!del n te. I I. vi. MiwiptMl fh. K.nlr or MnnrrpAl " , ' . .. .... , ,. . I cxponcu CIUb UlllllUli UUllOIB iu I,"' t New York during tbe recent financial troubles. Tue Supreme Court at Yankton, D. T., reversed the decision of the lower court on tha question ot tbe location of the Capital. The decision is in fay or of Bismarck. An appeal has been taken to the United States Supreme Court, which will delay removal two or three years. McRCtAwas tbe prircipal city damaged by the floods In the southeastern part of Spain. The roads were rendered impassa ble, bridges destroyed, and travel sus pended. Twenty persons were reported missing. Failures for tbe past seven days in the United States were2l2; In Canada, twenty. Total, 232 an Increase of twenty-three. Lord St. Leonards, who was Indicted for indecent assault upon a servant girl in England, was convicted. Ccurt reserved jmigmeat. The French brig Senorine, with fifty- tnree passengers aau nine oi uer crew, i - - - sunk to tho eastward of tha Great Bank, j Z' J' Pre'Idef ' AUperisbed. SheleftSL Malo, FraccejBldetookaheavy dose of chloroform in on thVithot March, laden with a general a-ttaeh of sickness, and was rendered cargo, bound for St. Pierre, and succumbed "sus' . ? to tbe gale on tho 3th of May. the ciirectors dtdded to close tha bank. It AjtowWutcoctaigteg- four meu c i thought tbe matter would end in Uqul- nine ot her crew. sized the other morning at Port Haron, and Thomas Mooney, John Ford and !fti8maj HcRwan were drowned. Tax Eureka fcapfcr mill at Bridgeport, Pa., owned 2nd operated by Dager & CoX, burned. Lots $40,000; parti y insaredr A wxu. of natural gas, ot eir,ht thoux and horse-power, wax struck ta Pittsburgh at a depth 6 1 fifteen hundred feet. L. L. Majors waj hanged at Oakland, CaL, on the S3J, for the murder of W. P. Renowden and a man named Mclntyre, about a year ao. Majors mads a desper ate attempt to" escape jest before he was bong, knocking down his guards and get- I ,, ,. , . v.. u . j i "" "" "" "":l " WB cayiureu by two firemen, who broke his arm, after which be was executed. A lad of eleren years, living with his uncle in Will County, I1L, hanged himself In a barn recently. Rbioas' that Union Pacific would pass its quarterly dividend carried that stock down five points in Wall street, one day recently, nnd Central Pacific followed with a decline Of three points. 2few Jersey Central fell from 65 to ST.V, but reacted to j0. Pullman and Northwester-! eech touched par. Ix a farm house eight miles from Ports mouth, O., Samuel Ockerman, his wife and e!d-st daughter were burned to death alter tix small children had been rescued. Two or three boilers in the sash and door factory of Corr, Rider & Wheeler nt Dn buqne, la., exploded with terrible fcrce itcenrly. The boiler bouse was completely destroyed. Five or six persons wero t-iiij .-,i .,. i-lj . killed and as many Injured. x u eus were inirceen araui irom yellow fever at Havana during the week endin: th Mk. The Spanish Slavery Abolition' Society have petitioned the Minister ot tbe Colon ies to put a stop to tbe flossing of negroes inCubi. Ibe Minister promises a stricter execution of the law. Ovxr fire thouand immigrants arrived in New York one day last week. It was reported that the Union Bonk at Uhr.ckiville, O., bad suspended. Tnoif as J. Cboxbie, a lumber dealer of New York, has made on assignment. Thomas P. Giuksell, tbe Kew Tork merchant who committed suicide the other night, was a son of Judge GrinneU, ot Massachusetts. The Chancellor has directed the Re ceiver of tho Jfewark Savings Institution to pay a dividend of fifty per cent, to de positors on July 1. A Cocsuatta, La., special ot tho 25th said: The heaviest rains on record have fallen here during the past ten day.', and tbe river is higher than for a number of ye on Crops are suffering, and bands are unable to work. All the creeks and bayous cf any consejuenca are swelling into im mense proportions, and planters and busi ness men are vrry much discouraged. A raILEoad collision at Savannah, 21. Y., on the 25th, caused tho death of four per sons and the injury of seven others. The fire at the oil works of the Atlantic Refining Company at Philadelphia con tinued to burn on the 25th but it was tuonght the danger was past. The estimate placed the loss at about "HOO.OOO. The Committee on Ways and Means re- cently continued the consideration ot tbat portion of tbe Hewitt Tariff biU relative to tbe administration of the present law. "tVhlle having taken no rote on the ques tion of considering that part of tbe bill proposing; a reduction of tariff, members of tbe committee say positively it will not be discussed in committee. Father Eo.iirACX has brought suit against the Boston era 7d for flOO.Ono dam ages for associating; hl name with a cer tain crooked money transaction. Ax insane woman named Edmont, living in EL Louis, murdered her two infants, recently, aud attempted the murder of an other child and of herself. She was the wife of a railroad engineer and formerly lived at Poplar Bluff, Mo., and had rela tives living in COwley County, Kas. Exo, tho defaulting New York bank president, is missing. Warrants were out for his arrest. Haxlet, one of the principals In the lata priza fight organhud in Omaha and fought in Saunders County, Neb., after a trial of a week was sentenced to three years at bard labor in the penitentiary. The case was to be taken to the Supreme Court. Jake D. Fish, tbe President of the de funct Marine Bank, of New York, was jailed on the 25:h on tbe charge of mlsap propriatlrg the lands ot the bank In col lusion with the Arm of Grant & Ward. ADDITIONAL DISrATCHEs, Ix the Senate, on tbe 2C:b, it was agreed to concur in tbo House amendment extend ing the time ot tbe Court of Alabama Claims to December 31, 1883. Tbe Utah bill and the bill to pension Mexican war veterans weto discusseiL In tbe House Mr. Morey introduced a LIU to pension all honorably discharged soldiers of the re bellion who have attained the age of forty five years. Tbe McKlnley and Wallace contested election case was discussed and the matter went over. A Desisox, la., special says the Craw ford County Bank, which bad been consid ered one of tbe strongest in the t estem part of the State, closed its doors on tbe 2tth. The assets and liabilities were not made known. Two men were arrested at Charing, Crois station, London, on the 2Ctb, having in their possession dynamite and infernal machines. Robert J. Dter, ct Shady Hill, Tenn., and Troy J. Williams, of Decaturville, Tenn., have been debarred from practice as pension attorneys before tbe Interior Department. Miss Arabella Hazard had been miss ing from Cincinnati for several days, when her body was found drowned at Hastings, N. Y. She formerly lived at Hobbi Kerry, near Hastings. No information was given as to the circumstances under which sho left ber home and lost her life. Tildex G. Abbott, lata cashier of the Union Market National Bank, at Water town, Mass., was recently indicted for forgery and embezzlement. A Miles Citt si eclol says: Jack Mor ris, the cowboy who shot Iron Heart, c Cheyenne chief, surrendered. He claimed self-defense. The Indiana threatened U take the war path. Women and children were coming in frcm the ranches in great alarm. Tue Chicago Carpenters' Union has de clared the strike at en end, the demand for an advance being conceded by, practically, all the bosses. At Boston recently Vice-President Ward said of the statement that tbe Mexican Central Railroad Company would fund the July coupons, tbat no action whatever had been taken. His opinion was they would not be funded. A Brussels letter says Belgium and Holland have agreed to exefuda the Ger man princes from succession to the Dutch throne. The Peon Bank, ot Pittsburg, Pa., closed its doors again, after two or tbare days CLOSED AGACf. rheTenn nank.of 1'ltUbt h. Fau. Af Closes Its Doors The Consequent Ex citement The President Takes Chloro form H Lives, bat the Bank will Prob ably Succumb. PrrrsBcno, Pa Way 2C The Pcnn Bank closed its doc s again at twelve o'clock to-day, and posted the folfowlng; notice on the door: "Mr. Kiddle the Presi dedt and chief exentive officer of the bank having become suddenly and seri ously ill anC Onable to communi cate with the Board of Directors, it is deemed proper to close . bank under ex bUng circumstances until he sufficiently re covers to be present at the adjustment of its affairs. By order of tht Board" Officers were placed in charge who refuse to permit an audience with any of the Board, There is great excitement. LATER. PmsBUiM, PA., May 27 The cause ot Riddle's iilnes was an overdose of morphia or chloroform taken. The physicians are endeavoring to relieve him ot the medicine. The news of the second suspension spread rapidly and created immense excitement and surprise, owbu," to the fact that everybody had faith in the bank's ability to pay all claims against it. The immediate" cause is at present unknown, and nothing definite can be learned, as the directors positively win not be Interviewed. Large crowds have been flocking to the bank, and the pavement in front U filled with anxious depositors and persons at tracted through mrio-Ity. President Riddle appeared in his usual health at ten o'clock in the morning, but about iialf an hour later was prolrated with hemorrhage, and since then be has bad three repetitions thereof. He U lying at the Dnqnesue Club rooms un conscious and with nly a slight hope of recovery- Close friends c Mr. Riddle are unable to give an explanation of the sudden turn ot affairs. It is said, turn ever, that there had been a heavy run on tho bank, principally by checks, and that $260,000 were drawn this way through tho clearing houscand that the crash was brought about by the clearing house throw ing out checks to the amount of 5263,000. According to the statement of the directors the bank had raised 931,000 to pay liabili ties of $918,000. It is said that there were 5300,000 In certified checks which were not included hi this and which had to be paid. Banks which loaned the suspended institu tion funds to tide them over are amply se cured. When it was discovered that Presi dent Riddle had taken a narcotic great ex citement prevailed, and the club building where he bad been, taken was besieged by anxious inquirers after bis condition. For a Ion? time nhvsieiacs were unable to tell j whether be had taken morphia or chlero- lorm. a stomach 1-oir. was brought into requisition and last even ing the patient recovered consciousness. It was learned that he had been attacked with severe pain in the morning, and while suf fering Intensely had taken an overdose ot chloroform. The physicians are ot the opin ion that be will be able to attend to business in a few days, when it is expected that he - ill make a full statement of the condition of affairs. Tne bank directors have i oecn in session, since uie ooors ctoseu. , but refuse to say anything whatever concerning the suspension. All sorts of rumors are afloat, but none authen ticated. One is the renewal of the report tbat the bank Inst heavily hi oil speculation. another tbat there had been a heavy defal cation and that tbe doors were opened to allow certain depositors to withdraw depos its. Bank officials arc dumbfounded by the turn affairs have taken and profess to be entirely ignorant of tbe cause of tbe sus pension. Tbe impression is given out that there were ample funds to meet all demands and continue business. The feeling Is that when the affairs are in vestbrated there will be so alternative but for the bank to go into liquidation. Tbe directors meeting ad journed at a late hour last night Those interviewed stated that the books are being examined, but are not yet prepared to make a statement. Dr. Sutton, the attending physician of Mr. Riddle, says the latter Ls subject to attacks of accute neuralgia and when attacked took what he supposed was a mixture of hydrate chloral, but subse quently proved to be chloroform. There was no label on the bottle. After the pa tient revived the doctor casually remarked: "How's the bankT' and ITesIdent Riddle replied: "All right when I IcfL" Dr. Sutton says be has no knowledge of the present trouble. SUE U0ES TU JAIL. Tbe Third Wife of a Mormon IJlshop Ite rates to Testify liefore the Grand Jary And U Committed to Jail for Contempt of Conrt. Salt Lakc V. T May 20. G. ltoundy, Mormon Bishop at Wanship, was under In vestigation by the Grand Jury. His latest, nhethlnl" wife, knonnas Xellle White, was called as a witness, and asked about ber iiurygainous marriage with ltoundy. She refused to answer, and on being bronght before the Court persisted in her rcfnsaL She was tlM-retiioii committed forcontcmpL She is a bright woman, twenty-live years of ace. She went b jail as a martyr, and was kissed, petted and caressed by Koundy's first wife and a crowd of admirers. The questions she refused to answer was in writing; as follows: I. Have you ever gone thro-sh any religious marriage rite or ceremony with (tirant Round-? Have you, in accordance with any religious rite, married Girard Round)? 3. Did jou at any time marry Girard Roundy in plural or celestial marriage, for time ot eternity, or both? 4. Are you his wife in plural mar riage? 5. Are the relations existing be tween yon anil Giranl Roundy as those of husband and wife? C Do you decline to answer because it Is a fart tbat yod are his wife, or are not so? 7. Did you ever go through the Endowment House in this city with Girard Roundy for the purpose of as sisting or undertaking any covenants of marriage with him? S. Have you ever been in tbe Endowment House? 9. Do you know n bo are the officiating prints In the Endowment House? She wer co jail defiant, and is much encouraged by the demonstrations of her admirers and of tho priesthood to hold out till after the discharge of the Grand Jury, when she wilt go free. m m The Dead Itoatman. Xobwicil Cosx, May 2". As the eight o'clock tram from "ew London was pass ing Thaniesville the passengers noticed a Iargu fishing boat with all sails set beating aimlessly about in the river. There was no sign of life on board. The wind blew her against the wharf at Thamesvlile. Charles Wheeler, i.t that place, peered into the open bold and saw a dead man reclining on the seaL His bauds tightly grasped tbe tiller and as his body lurched with the motion of tbe waves steered the craft. The body was tbat of Charles ChappeU, a fisherman, seventy years old, ot Mammacook, near New London. Death was caused by heart dhease. New Tork Clearing House. Knv Tons, May 26. The clearing house has issued tbe following, signed by F. D. Tappan, Chairman: "Issue of loan certifl eates bv the Clearing House association so changed the relations of banks to each other that a publication statement in detail w ould give an Incorrect Impression as to the actual condition ot the banks." Robert J Dyer, of Shary Hill, Tcan-, aad Troy J. Williams, of DecaturvUle, Tesu-, have been debarred from practice as pes sion attorneys before the Interior Department, THE CAGED SW1XBLEB. Fn-dlnand Wartf, BMud tha Bars ef Lad. low Street J nil-Urn eccBytas """ men Ox Taaaona irmiaaa X. lww Died Depcty Warden Kleswan TOH tTatcb. Wall his Threw Hcadred XfcewasM? Dollar Prisoner. New YcaucMayS. " Ferdinand Ward, the captive swindler, watched by Deputy Sheriff Brows, slept fzst night la the Sinclair House. He spent raost of today in Receiver Davie oflice. Mr. Davis read and reread papers' with Ward and others to nnnUmlted ex tent. He said that he had heard tlat Mr. Ward could easily have obtained the $300,000 ball, but had refused to accept It, knowing that he would probably bo arrested Immediately on otter suits, which might run the batl sp te two mil lions. Deputy Browa all (Jay m one position, looking straight at his prisoner. Tbe prisoner represented to him a responsibility of $300,000. At 3:20 the office was cleared. Almost tho last to leave were Depsty Sheriff Brown and his prisoner. They slipped quietly out of the side door on Wall street and walked to the offices of Butler, SUllmaa . Hubbard. taken to prison. There they were met by Sidney Green, TTard's brother-in-law, and Dy Order ot Arrest Clerk Moore, with whom they left the office. Halt an hour later a hack, with two white horses, drew np in front of Ludlow Street Jail. and the coachman got down and rang the bell with all his might, while Ward, Brown, Moore and Green stepped, out of tbe carriage. Deputy Warden Kler nan unlocked the three iron doors sepa rating the prisoner room from the street and Ferdinand Want preceded by his falthfnl custodian, who still diplomatical ly said, "Step this way, Mr. Daris, and take a look at th jjgs." Mr. Ward was led Into au inside office by Deputy Brown, who still called him Davis, and there swore that ho was able to support himself and wonld pay for his board. Mr. Kbrnan gave a receipt for his body. Ward sat for as hour in the prisoners' room with bis brother-in-law. At 7:30 o'clock they were ti'en to the room which Ward is to oc cupy, fronting on Ludlow street. comfortable quarters. The gas was lighted and the room, small, comfortably furnished, was very cheery. Ward brightened cp fortbe first time since morning and his brother-in-law lancaed when Invited by Klernan to look through the window and admire "Goose town," as that section ot Ludiow street Is called. Mr. Ward iasshed, too. quite naturally. "I guess," said be, "I shall be all right here among the zcesc If na foxes get In among them. Thca the warden went away to ordex some supper for the new prisoner aad to see about getting him a bed, and tbe couple were left alone. The room in which Ward Is to-stay Is the one in which Tweed died April 12, jjlx years ago. Th watch cf the prison will be augmented to six men, and two will have tbe special duty of watching Ward, both asleep and awake. "At no time," said Klernan, "will he be left unguarded. I am re sponsible for the prisoners, and I'll look out for him as carefully as I would 9300, 000 with legs." THE RAILROAD XISUS Commune by Cable on the Sltnatloe Noth ing further In tbe Outlook otmTbreateB. tng Nature AU Qolet Along the Lines. Nsw Tors. May 2. The following cable correspondence passed between Gould and Vanderbllt oa the financial situation: Naw Tons. May 2LKSL To Vr. H. VAXDraatiT. London since tout deyarture the failure of Grant i Ward, the Marino llank, the Metropolitan Dank and oth ers have to greatly disturbed confidence that good securities hare suffered a Urge depreci ation in common with poor.-r ones, but to-day we have a steadier market and a better feel big, with no further failures and none naVy to occur. Mr. Sage opened bis doors to-day and accepted all of his outstanding prtvuegca. I think matters will continue to im- prove. Tho ncw pool between the trunk lines on a money basis were com pleted and signed to-day. Mr. flak is now considering an advance of east-bound rates to twenty cents, which he will probably order. All the threatened disturbances amors? the roods west of fh.caro have been averted. Tbe crop prospects throuzhcut the West and South and Northwest were never looking more prosperous than now, which will guaran tee a Jarre fall business. ISlgned Jat Gould. rax ninr. Losrxix, May 2. 1SSL To Jat Gould. New York: Very much oblbred for your message. My advices look as it the depressing Influences ot the past were aboitover. I think you will 9nl the results win be In accordance with tha views expressed In your dispatch. iiigied) W. IL VAXDERBirr. The pools referred to by Mr. Gould la his dispatch to W. II. Vanderbllt are taose at Peoria and Indianapolis, tha agreement respecting which was signed on Monday. So far as can be learned no definite steps have yet been taken toward an advance In east-bound rates. At the Windsor this evening it was a matter ot gossip that, as furnished for publication, both dispatches had been slightly expur gated. It was said tbat Mr. Gould con cluded bis by wishing Mr. Vanderbllt a pleasant journey and safe return, aud thai he also placed the cable service at bU disposal. Regarding Mr. Vanderbilt't reply It was Insisted that he also said thai his brokers had their orders before he left cw York. Justifiable Homicide. it AtVERX. Lt, May 23. C A. Wallls, of Glenwood, shot and killed John Cllngersmith at that place at noon yesterday. Ctingersmlth, who Is Mrs. Wauls son-in-law, has been abusing Wallls for some time, and not long ago L had thrashed him severely. Yesterday he went to Wallls' office and began threat ening blm again, when Wallis drew a re volver and shot him. Tbe ball took effect over the right eye and crossing tbe base of the brain passed out behind tbe left ear. Wallls gave himself up to Sheriff Farrell and was lodsed in fail. There Is no excitement over the affair as the klli In? Is considered iut-tlab!c. . A pretty young woman, with fair banged hair, attracted considerable at tention in lower Broadway yesterday afternoon. She wore a silk dress, which changed to a different color er erv way it n as looked aL Her hat was bell-shaped, and was profusely trimmed with bunches of Cowers, on which rest ed several butterflies and beetles. A largo bronzed owl, with diamond exes, fastened a bow at her throat. Stitched on her blue silk parasol waa an enor mous pescock feather, and a handker chief, carried in a tiny belt, was esa broidercd with birds and animals. x. r. Sutk Lonls Stervoski and Harris Aaron son claimed the same dog tefore the New York Tombs Court, and the Court, with a wisdom superior to -lomon, told the officers to kick the d out of cog and let him decide which was his legal residence by going to it. AC Y. s . Chicago is to havo an artificial island ia the lake to cost $1,000,000. It will contain a summer hotel. Tho next thing Chicago will havo a sca-bcach and salt water bathing. St. T. Graphic.