Newspaper Page Text
CHIEFTAIN. CTetcd te the Interest ef the Cherekecs, Choctaw, Chfckasawc, Scraluelcs , Creeks, sad all Other Indian of the Iadlaa Territory. CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VIjNITA, ESGDIAtf TERRTTOItY, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1881. VOL. H. NO. 38. INDIAN A PALACE STORE! Bejawl aB cMiwibM tie teest anil eosfletett store la tie India Territory is that of Wo C. PATTON fe CO., Ih ess get Mythisg' WE KEEP lad a fafl 9C& r CilBJ BEAXTXE5T eetehw s latsuasc stock of every Tarlety of the best and most serviceable Dry UJt CLeTHUfG BEFAXTXOT Twnvfflgad the largest Ste:t or flrst-class Clothing, Boots Stio?s, Hats, Lad!eV ar.d CabAi T I, hi-. - -J- Tklk DDK jaLUSSSr MEAKTXOT Is faHy ay to the Uses iRall thi LateU Style d FasUsm. krSPlXTXXT krerfeteTTilheTerTkldrStakaB"dFaeT Crackers, Cheese, Bte. OUK HARaESS KPJLKX3CE5T has a WnUliJEICULTURlL TwyT.EsTr-AT 3 is - -;, , aUekef aaaMMW -dU L I 1 1 'i I oJMMMP aPCMMaT WCaVaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaH SLtr STATJOXEXr A5B B99E FAKTXE5T where yea will Sad every variety of dete sjm Jteeetyt seecs, bcaeei Beeu, a4 a liae r gsei Heading Boats Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. W. G. PATTON VINITA LUMBER YABD,;wmiiirai5: W. r. TROTT, Proprietor. 'WtBkeep i am. i a puujii ui. ajsio u jm. ?.r.w aaa a aj?nMi.aiB evu.. Xatto to JU quality. OKDEK3 SOUCXTKD. OEFICE AXD YAXDS ON ILLINOIS ATEXTJE. THE NEW DRUG STORE. Drags, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, Etc.; also aEnllline of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. PftESCTtPTieXS SMERtLLY fkH the Bftetors taTfeHa at X. TRXZEPS Krd Frsat, one door West of 'Frfct Melel. M. FRAZEE, Vinita, Indian Territory. THOMPSON VXISTITA., I. T. Xeepeeatlr on load Ctetast Staple aad Faricy Groceries In tke 2tarks. Also Fruit BftiaMts, Fwi (NMSfiri, Gfasswari aid Tmm. XawniBevarrtocfclntaelfeirlSaHMac fa Isse Coraer. two door. West of A. C. Raf m44i C-' Hirltran Stere. WM. LITTLE & GO., W r..U J Krtalt avalrn b. FLOUR, FEED AHD PROVISIONS AIm carry a complete lina of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries, 3othing, "Boots and Shoes, HIGHEST PRICE PAH FOB COUNTRY PRODUCE Rid Spl k Mmt Lw in M. Don't fail to see our stock and learn oar prices "before bnying. -tfTM- LITTXiE & CO. Vinita, Indian Ter. . uaiSOOSSTASTLX ON UAXD All. KEfDSOF Later, Liii.aiiffeM 3Et THE LUMBERMAN IT TOU" WAST TO S3 OFFICE ASD YAED w wan mm orp. mtioml hotel 3EaL 6IT1S8UIACALL. - CITETOIM. KAS. r .,.t ' " 1 1 i JOHN" & GEORGE BTJT.T.FrTTE, nJIi ASD COXTLETE STOCK OF GE1TEEAL MESCEANDISE WKKN WHL IE M HanvJI HnL 'srws.w r1MTlrmLWS1TWtSmiTM. CaA .r CtUo taten In Ex- US MB HKS, TV OUR fTCKHC. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. joa Treat au tiutt ef tke wry best qnalit j A GENERAL STORE. assorteeax of eTervtkliit; wasted by oar feH U SUes, Maraess aad Leather Goods of all kinds. In JJEFARTXEST yea eaa ret Wages, Basics, flows, Spring Wagons, Etc. Trail steeled with Sails, Screws, Chain, PEFJLXTJEEST every variety of Dishes, Crocks Jars Jngs Etc. While la r yea will Sad a'Caleadid stark of 1'nre, 5Ice Drurs, Medicines, complete In every rr y eeapeaaded by a skilled apothecary, la this connection we hare also an immense ks, Ceafeetlsaery, Etc. And a & CO., Vinita, ,4ua. r ausu iu --- - uin --......-. ,u-ir l u.u tf.l tJ VtWkM TNka Tnml Itut CVItw saTi Ti.. wi.A m ! . e-W j6m 9TTSCS, VIMTA. COKftXJXQEO BY DR. BA6BY. SKINNER, r. a. aiLTor. Qneensware, Tinware, Notions, Etc. ALSO DEALEIl IX USE, IAK, PLASTER MIS. will nmxisii ODD SIZES OP DOORS.SASH BLINDS AS CHEAP AS ANTTBODr. AT IEI-RICK PRICES. T! l m a I 1" I UU9A, I. 1. to bo had In the coi a ry. ensto mers. Groceries, Floor, Bacon. Canned Goods, Hinges, Tinware, Axes, Utensils, Tool, Writing Materials Paper, Blank Boob rrose snd roetry. Come and See Us. Indian Territory, FHANKTTllPLY T J. D.LMEL. is For the purchase aad ule of CATT'.E, HOfiS ANB SHEEP. 13 Xtlnxl Stock Yards, E. St. Loui. tB-LlbcrmJ adrances made on coaslynnicnM. T3EUYEST0CKMARKET0FST.L0DIS THE ST. LOUIS XATIOW1I. STOCK TASDS Located at EutSULonU, III. Dlrrctl y opposite the dty of St. Ixtuls. Bn jm for all description of Live Stock alnaj-n In at tendance, and trlthln the grounds ef the Stock Yard are a Decf Canning Oorapanf , with a capadirforaUinshterics I.CU0 head of caltlo dallr. and Pork Packtrq; Eftablishnients irita a capacity for slangbterinjr liOM ho? dalljr. ISAAC II. KOX, President CHAS. T. JO.NES, Sopt. In! Fail KAU.WAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. I.OT7IS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars through to St. Louis, Yia Sedalia, Daily. Direct Route West and South west Tia Kansas City. IT VINCI? niTVl-'nlonPepotpasJcnccn Al KAnOAO Ull I for Kansas. Colorado New Mexico and California connect with Ex press Trains of all lino. IT ITPUtCnU Crmncctlon is made wit Al AlunloURExprFM Trains for at Pclcts is Kii" and h ebraska. IT nUlUl Connection is made with aC A I UHAIIA lines towllne to the North ne West. SDPfflOR ACCOMMODATIDHS F. CHA5DLEB, Uen. Pass. Agent. C. B. KL5XA5, AssH Gen, Pass. Agent. F. L. DECKER, Agent t YInlta. " 'FRISCO LINE. " ST.LODIS&m'FRMCISCO - ATT.TJP'A.'g TiinocGn 3trrssouitr, K.UVSAS, rNDXAK" TERKITOEY, Tto Direct Through Routo Between 1MD1AN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Trains are Hnn Dally. 5 Change of Cars. Through PuHznan Palace Sleeping Cars ar too dailr. wlibnut ebsnie. between ST. LOUIS, 5loandSAXFHA-NCISOO.Cal. lands fortatabrthiscorapanrlnSOCTUWEST I jiLvJorni BTFor f ufl and part cular Information, with I Jlnpv Time TaUes. Itates. etc .call npon or dres any of our fetation Arena, or either of th t undernamed. JX WISHAKT, General Passenscr Ascot, St I Loalr. n XC r ITT? rSwal Trrlvht. Apnci. St Tfflilt lew HOGEKS. Viro Presldcnr aaJ Gecersj I jaajcr,TcBStuJiij,i.Louii. Jlsv ofllemli CUKKEST COMMEirT. The Arkansas penitentiary paid the State a net revenueof twentr-fuur thou sand dollars, the year ended May T. Tex taen-of war of all nations were in the harbor of Shanghai, at last report.", with one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six men. TllEKEare still living in Rochester, N. Y.. sixty-nine persons who voted at the first charter election fifty years ia. They will be asked to take part in the approaching semi-centennial observ ances. KoTwmisTAXDiXG it has been claimed that the "Black Hamburg" grape will grow nowhere in the United States but in California, Baron dc Luttcchaw has in his vineyard at Waldo, Florida, a number of vines laden to their utmost with clusters of the largest size. The Lake Voorhces cattle ranee of Yyoming is the greatest in the world, no dnnbt. It comprises one million acres of land, forty thousand of which are cnclossd with a barbed fence, and has a water frontage of thirty mile. The "range will freely accommodate seventy-five thousand cattle. It lias fifteen thousand head. A gentleman recently appointed con scrvatorof a demented Norwich. Conn., man. discovered that lie had over Stl-, 000 to his credit in a broker's office in that city. Being suspicious of 'the ticker" and its environments, he drew the money and placed it where he thought it would be more" secure. In ten days the broker's lirm had failed. The stream of German emigration is again rising, the total number of those who left the fatherland for America in the first quarter of this y ear having been twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and cightv-two. as compared with twenty-eight thousand two hundred and ninety-one in the same period of 1SS3, or considerably more than a whole army corps on a war footing. Pkof. Vincnow. the celebrated anat omist, has written to the Berlin news papers to express hi opinion, come to after careful scientific investigation of the subject, that the danger arising from trichiniaM in German pork is "in finitely greater than the peril of an epidemic from Amcrican-brcd pigs, and that, to be consistent, the Imperial Gov ernment, which has forbidden the im portation of all sorts of pig-fiesh from the United States, ought not to alkw thc rearing of anv nwinc at all in Ger many. A Boston boy, i.vclvo years old, was arrested in Portland, Me., the other day, and in his pockets were found a quantity of cheap pamphlets containing Indian stories about 'One-Eyed Nick, the Giant Scout," etc.; a revolver, a bag of cartridges, two brxvj watch chains, a cheap nickel-plated watch, worth, perhaps, two dollars; a toy pis tol, two old jack-knives, a quantity of strings, a piece of leather, a strip of calf-skin with the hair on it, a button or two, a ragged handkerchief, several pieces of woolen cloth, some candy, a lot of dirty, broken lozenges, hntf a dozen filthy raisins, and a, handful of fine dirt. The landlords and Vhopkccpcrs of Switzerland are bitterly bewailing the economical habits of the tourists who have visited their country so far this year. They say that they have had shoals of German visitors, but complain that there is no money to be made out of their customers, because they bring the frugal habiLf of the fatherland with them, even when they come holiday-, making. Very few of the richer classes of tourists have yet made their appear ance in the Republic, owing to the backwardness of the spring, and the bonifaccs are devoutly praying for warm weather and rich Americans to come their wav. In England the first four Freemason Lodges were cstablUhed June 2J, 1717, the leading spirits being Dcagulicrs. a French Huguenot, and James Ander son, a Scotch Presbyterian, who com piled the "Book of Constitutions. There are now sixty Provincial Grand Lodges and one thousand two hundred Lodges in England, besidus a Grand Chapter for the Royal Arch Degree, a Grand Lodge for the Work Masons, a Grand Conclave of Knights Templar, and a Supreme Grand Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty three Degrees. In Ireland the first Lodge was founded in 1730, at Dublin, and there arc now three hundred and fifty of them; in Scotland the first Lodge was opened in 1736, and there are now four hundred. Mn. Wiluah IL Vandekbilt's treasure vault, in which he recently stowed away some 100,000,000 in se curities, is one of the most redoubtable works of defense on the American con tinent, though you may not be entirely certain of that by surveying his man sion from the outside. Its foundations were blasted out of the rock; the front wall is five feet in thickness, and the side and rear walls three feet, the ma terials used being pressed brick with brown-stone trimmings. Tbo beams, girders and main pillars are iron, in cased in fire-proof material. Tbc doors, window-frames and minor partitions ara iron, marble and glass. No wood is to be found in the structure. The great vault is thirty-six by forty-two feet, of wrought iron, steel and Franklinittf iron. Is imposing in strength and pro portions, and is situated on the ground floor. Its four octer doors weigh 8,200 pounds each, and have every effective and known improvement in defensive devices. A massive wall of masonry surrounds the ironwork. The vault, which is burglar, fire, and water-proof, constitutes a distinct bunding in itself. THE WOltLD'S D01SGS A Summary of the Daily CHt rnOCEEOINGS OF CONG HESS. l.f the Senate on the 27th, Mr. Ingalls Introduced a bill o provide for the sale o Sands Ix-lonjrinjr to the prairie Land or Potta watomie Indian. The Senate took up the bm to irrant the Cinnabar (lark's For Itall road Companr the rltht of way through a por tion of the Yellowstone Park. After debate the matter went over, and the Utah bill as taken nru After debate a motion to adjourn was made, to which Mr Hoar objected, and the rote bclnjr a tie twcnty-even yess io twentr-scrcn nars the motion failed. A motion was ImWdlatclr made to poluto ex ecutive fssion. resulting in another ti vote twent r-nlne yeas to twenty-nine nays. Mr. Hoar said he would notinsLton keeping the Senate, but expressed the hope that next day there wjutd be a tonir f ittinc in order to press the blil tbroush Adjourned In the Houc. the Speaker appointed Mrrs. UibrcU. Williams and White, of Minnesota, to confer with the senate on the Agricultural bin. Mr. Ellis called up the joint rro.utlon appro iiiiatlrura further sum of (luijun for the re lief of pufferers ty the overflow of the MLst sippi and its tributaiief. The r-solntlon passed by yeas Cu, nay 7H. The House then resumed consideration of the Waliacc-Me-Klnley contorted election cafl. AHrr ilrt-ste the liollse proceeded to Vote upon the minor ity resolution, declarinc McKInley entitled to the seal. It wa lot. y"a Vf. naylV. The majority resolution seatinir Wallace was adopted without division, and that Tpnticman appeared and took the oath of office. Ad journed. Ix the S nate, on the 2Sth, the bit was rrportcd favorably to reimburse the several, states for Interest pah! on war loans. The Mexican Pension till was then taken up. Vartou ameadmrnti. were made and pendinc further delmtetbe senate adjourned In the House Mr. Cobb, of Indiana, from the Com mittee on Public Lsnds, n ported a bill to for fnt unearned laud icnintcd the Atlantic Pni lfic Itaiirottd Company. Placed on the House calendar The mornin; hour was dis pensed with and the Houre went into Commit tee of the Whole, Mr. Cox in the chair, on the Legislative bill It reduces the number of internal revenue col led ton districts from cljrlitr-four to slxty-tbrfe. and Increases the force In the Penlon Olhcc. After completing the consideration of thirteen of ninety-six KK"s of the bill the eoramittee aroe- Mr. brell submitle I a confercne s report on the Atrriculturat Appropriation bill. Atopted. At the crcalnr fusion the Houe went info Committee of the Whole, and resurredconrlJ eratlon of the Lca-istatirc bill until adjourn ment. In the Senate, on the 2&th. Mr. Hale submitted the conference report on the Agri cultural Appropriation Mil. The report was ajrreed to. The Dif trlct of Columbia Appro priation oui was taxen up. aiscussea ami rtasocd. The t'trh bill was taken un. Messrs. Voorbccsand Williams endeavored to iret up the Mexican Pension bill, but a motion to en into executive session was ajrreed to. At the cloj of the executive- session the Senate ad journed Jn. the House, the following- bills were reported and placed on the calen dar. Ilejrulatinsr the exportation of imitations of butter and cheese; to di vide the Judicial Dl'trtct or Kan sas: a Joint resolution proposing the following as article sixteenth or the Constitu tion: The right of citizens of the I'nltcd States to vote shall not be abridred by the fnitcd Slates or any state on account of na il itr. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the Legislative IhIL Ibe Mis souri delegation attacked the pmro-itlon In ine mn to repeal toe act estaiiiL-nirur an asa oiEce at St. Louis. Mr. Humes moved to strikeout the repealing ciauc. and insert In lieu thereof a provision making an appropri ation for salaries of officer and cmployxnf the asay office. Agreed to. Other amend ments were made, when the eominitteo rose and reported the bill to the House. The Senate was not In session on the 31st In the House the Mil passed restoring the law of 1SC7 In the matter of appeals from the Circuit Conrts to tbo I'nltcd States Su- Kremc (ourt in list as corpus rases. This iw was rci-alrd a fow years ayo. while the McArdlecacot Mississippi was pendinr be fore the Suprttno Court. Mr. l'erktns. of Kansas, reported a bill granting the risht of way through the Indian Territory to the Kansas City. Port Scott Guir llatlroad Comrany. On motion f Mr. Wellborn, of Texas, a resolution was adopted au thorizing the Committee on Indian Affairs to Investigate the matters touching the leasing, sub-leasing and fencing of lantU In the Indian Territory, and the disbursement of aw.UJU appropriated for the Cherokee Nation during the Korty-ercntli Congress. The bill tt anting the right of way through the Indian Territory to the Gulf. Colorado li rants Fe Hallway Company was finally passed, after Its consideration had consumed a greater part of the day. The bill was also passed granting the right of way through the Indian Territory to the Southern Kansas Uailmad Company. rOMTlCAL AD rEH-SONAI- Saxuzl M. SnoEXAKcn, i-ne of the most I rominent business men of Baltimore anil a director of the Adams Extra s Company, died recently. Jorx B. Gibsox, one cf the proprietors of the Gibson IIonc, Cincinnati, ulctl re cently. The National Grwnliaek Convention, on the 2) lb, at Indianapolis, nominated Gen eral B. F. Builrr for President and General A. M. West, of Mississippi, for Vice-President. MISCELLANEOUS. A BEAVT frost was general throughout the Xorthwest on the night of the SStb. Crops were reported to have suffered se verely. ColoxelJ. A. P. Buaxstnr, disbursinjr clerk in the Post-ofBco Department Washington, has been removolon a charge of having ctnbrxxleil ft3,(XM and a warrant is out for his arrest. He speculated with Levis, the missing oil bn-ker. The Mayor of New York has accepted, the resignation of City Chamberlain Tap pin, and apimintcd Henry Laidlaw, agent of the Bank of California, in bis steaiL Caitalt W. E. Dove, of the Twelfth United States Infantry, was drowned wbllo attempting to cross to the Canada sida from Fort Niagnra. The Spanish Liberal press is indignant at tbo Government disolrlng a meeting of thh opposition journals to dicus means of liettrring the condition of the impris oned journalists. At the New York Clearing Hone on tha th it was stated a large number of new certificates wre cancelled and no demand existed for lhrm. Brokers and banks re ported broker' balanc s very large. Banks rrported money as again rluwtng that way. Firrxex hnndrcl coalmiqrrsot the third pool at Pittsburgh, Pa., e "a ed to accept the reduction of a quirt er of a cent and threatened to strike unless the district price was paid. A delegate meeting was to be held at Monongehala City to consider the advisability of ordering a general strike of the fourth pooL AT tho New York horse show on the 2S:b, Cyrus MT. Field received the first prize for matched pairs. Frederick Gebhardt Leo received the first prize for hunter's mare orgelding; also a special prize. A cave in under the track ot the Reading Railway at Turkey Run, Fa., recently, ren- dered six collieries idle. All trade on the rallroad was suspends L The body of a workman was not recovered. Tha breach covered two hundred feet. A new track was being built around the breach. Axnnxw Bruox, the defaulting Hot Springs, Ark., banker, was arresteil at St. iouis iu compauy h -u m, - woman with whom he fled. TriE Belmont coal mines, in Jaksnj Ccnnty, Ala, which were purchased by Grant & Ward from General John B. Gor doa, shut down recently, throwing Severn hundred men out of employment. Tiiebe wlU bs no June term of tho Fee era! Court at Springfield, I1L. because i thoexhausUon of appropriaUons to met expenses. Decobahox Dat was observed in nearjr all tho cities of tie Union, on the 3H, with more than the usual display ot bun- ing, patriotic addresses, and so fors. Some places reported exceedingly fine P cesJon- Jrx Tccxra, colwd, was hanged it Paris, Ark., oa tho 33th. Homnrdore.1 Is companion tor a soaa sua ot aoaey 1st ( wocmocr. Wn-iAjt Baowy, wpo raurdered tie 3-. dlerLaYigna last February, at CahoVU, 111., was hanged at Belleville on the 53th. ltoCRETOBTi editor of the L'lntranstge ant, of Paris, continues his violent attacks upon General Grant. It was reported his reason was that Grant refused to receive him when in America. A scrr to enjoin Knights ot Honor from removing headquarters from Louisville to S'. Louis was filed in Louisville by G. W. McReady. Trie Hooper cotton warehouse at Balti more fell on the 3Uh. A large number ef persons were killed in the rains and many injured. The disasta r was dae to the build ing being overloidea, the foandatioa sud denly sinking; The men who recently struck on the Wabash Railroad returned to work on be ing assured their pay would be forthcom ing In a week. Frost was very general on the S9th and 30th. The damage in the Eastern States reaihed hundreds of thousands of dollars. Along the West Shore Railroad and other places there was quits a heavy snow fall. Six degrees ot frost was reported in New Jersey. Tnr French Government proposes to celebrate the centenary of the commence ment of the French revolution in lTSfl. It is also In'ended to make an especially bril liant exhibition at Paris In 1SS3. Tnt work shops of the Swan Electric Light Cimpany at Lille, France, the capi tal ot the Department dn Nord, burned re cently and four persons wero injure 1 by falling floors. SriiGEL Bros., book and genti' furnish ing stare, at Greenburg. Pa., was close J by the SheruT on executions amounting to FranrxAXD Ward the other day said tho responsibility of General Grant and John D. Fi in the firm of Grant & Ward, was the sxne a his own; Perrix H. ScxxElt, a brokefi was ar rested at New York on the charge ol swindling Daniel M; Davidson, late of West Virgiiia, cut of $10,093. Kate Coltox, a colored girl of Cairo, 111., was convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to imprisonment for life. She poisoned a whole family last September, and one person died from the 3ctu Thi murderer Suggs, who escaped from jail tiree months ago in Texas, was cap tured at Carterville, Ark. He was the actor who killed Manager Plotter In Adairsville last falL Tax Pittsburgh rollingznill men were re ported to have signed a scale of wages u hica settled the dUpute. The strike will not tike place, though the mills will shu? dowx ten days for repairs. D.D. Htxax, wholesale liquor dealer ol Gumison, CoL, has failed. Failures reported for seven days: United states, 131; Canada, Hi; total, 177 a drrease of fifty-five. Ixthe burning of a transfer company's statics at Glasgow, Scotland, recently, twe huntrvd horses perished. Tfoxas J. Watsox, oil broker, arrested on tie charge of conspiracy to defrand tht Pent Bank, ot Pittsburgh, Pa., gave bail in the nun of 3,G00 and was released. He reftxed to talk. AMoxoxoabela Crrr special says the debgate convention of coal miners ot the thirl pool decided to strike agnst a re duction of mining rates. Fifteen hundred met were affected. Tec cow boys were drowneJ recently ir a cbud-borst duringa cattle round np on Frenchman Creek; clnsi to the Colorado anc Nebraska State Iin. E T. O. Hubbard, wanted at Monmouth 111. for misappropriating $150,00) of bank ing funds, was arrested at Waukesha, We., by the Sheriff as he alighted front tb train. He acknowledged bis identity anl was taken back to Monmouth "nc West Side Bank of New York ro suned on the SlsL a VlSALlA. CaL, special says: A clouu bunt near here on the night ot the 31s! will sich fury as to sweep away the tons of Tetor Stewart and all of its inmate?, cotsistlng of htmelf, wife, mother, twe rhidren and JL Weisner, a sheep herder Tie bodies of Stewart, his mother and ont chM were recovered. They were fright fuly mangled and their clothes torn intc slreds. Weisner was injured beyond re corcry. The bouse was dashed to atoms. iiJiEDlATr.LT on the conclusion of tbf Tlrodore Thomas musical festival in th Exposition Hall at Chicago, on the 31st, at amy of carpenters and gzsfittrrs took'pos stition ot the building, refitting and alter in; it to meet the necessities of the Repub li-an National Convention. ADDITIONAL DISPATCH. Tnc Senat, on tho Sd, passed a great cumber of unopposed bills. Many of the Republican members were at Chicago, at 1 the sma'l number present raids gool rrk in ruthin; through bills. A resoln- tun was introduced into the House for ad- Iinment on the 23rd of June. A bill was inroduced authorizing the President to cary into effect the Mexican treaty as som as be was satisaed the President of Mrxico was prepared also to execute tho traty. Cossiueraelk work was done in Com- nitten at the-llepublican National Conven ton at Chicago on the 3d. Powell Clay tin, ot Arkansas, was elected as Tempo- nry Chainnsn. The usual scenes prior to tie regular work of the convention wete in nil force. Indications pointed to a deter nined struggle between the Blahia o-nd rthur delegate:, in which event tho elec ton would go to a new man or result in a d-ad lock. AT New Orleans the Gulf States con- vntion considered quarantine worthless as elated to commerce. ElSJtAttCX: has refoseil to pardpn Irazuoski, convicted of treason. The bill nr insuring tha German working peopl .gainst accident has been opposed. Miss Exxa Bosd, whose came became mown throughout the country by terrible reatment at the bands of unconvicted vil- ains, was rrportcd regaining her health at 'almyra, Wis. The Comptrollerof the Currency has de- blared a final dividend of ll-'' per cent, in favor of the creditors of the Miners' Nation- h.1 Bank at Georgetown, CoL, making a to- tat of 7GS per cent. jnt Comptroller of the Currency has an- pointed M. L. Lrrady, of Newcastle, Ind., Receiver of the Hot Springs National Batik. ,. .,,., f s rn!.an oldrsrorter and iately employed on tha Missouri Ef puWcaa as an editorial writer, commiued suicide by poisoning. Drink had the best 0f tin,, and he told bis wife be took the volton because ho could not conquer this n.,iorl. through the unskillful Uppmgof ablast at Cleveland (O.) Roliing Mill Com- panyf, furnace, fifty tons ot melted metal ( niiied oat m a aTalanche, overspreading Lytidtuj m tha Ticinlt7, and fatally scalding Frank Tanta, who tapped the y Md peanIl Ryaaf who was thirty feet jjon, a were ihockiagly i Qmatsd. i At stilesvflle, lad., a dmr stare was J Mown op recnUy. It was ssid tie store was little better than a saloon, aad that tempmua, peop resorted to this m to wipe eat dniakanBess. DcacAa C. Boss defeated Srrailci, the j.M -srr.rtW.ln a mixed wsss azline I fa st yew york k other oigki. GKEESBACir C0HTEXTI05. Weitlnr of the National Greenback Con vention at Indianapolis The Organiza tlun llatler Nominated The riatform. The National Greenback Convcntlcn to nominate candidates for President and Vice President met at Indianapolis on the ZSth. A permanent organization was effected by the election of General John B. Weaver, of lovi, Chairman, with a Vice-President for each State, and the following Secretaries C F Davis, Iowa; CF. J. Doody, New York; S. C. Post, Illinois; J. W. XorUirnp, Ohio; C. Roberts, Texas; 8. F. Norton, Illi nois; ft W. 1 criefld, rf Jersey. The re Aalnder cf the day was occupied in ap pointing committee and siieech making when the convention adjonrned until mom ing; pending the report ot the committees. General Weaver proved to be a model pre siding officer. IDs speech was only abou fifteen minutes in lengtli, and was devoted to a brief review f tlie work and achieve ments of the party and a plea for it to con tinue In the discharge ot its duty. Second Iy. Indianatolis, May 3a The National Greenback Convention reassembled yester day morning. General Weavct presiding; After the adoption of the platform, the rcls tst States was exiled and C E. Cunningham. of Arkansas, nominated General B. F. Bat ler, which was secorided by Chase; of Cali fornia, and by the representatives ot the States until Georgia was reached, when Craven, of that State, nominated Jesse Harper, cf Illinois. Jones, of New York, nominated E. A. Allis, of Wi eonsin. and Atwood, of Pennsylvania, nom inated Armstrong, of that State. A ballot resulted, Butler 323, Harper 33, Allis 2, Davis 1. Solon Chase, though not placed In nomination, received two votes, Butler was declared the nominee. The convention then proceeded to the selection of a candi date for Vice President, and General A. M. WesL, of Mississippi, was nominated by ac clamation. Colonel H inston, ot .Nona Car olina. D. A. Hopkins, of New Jersey, Gen era! W. P. Innis, of Michigan, George B. Hutchinson, of Massachusetts, and cx-Oov-ernor Spragne, of Illiode Island, were ap pointed a committee to wait on Governot Butler and General West, to notify them ol the action of the convention. Adjourned. The Platform. -Ttesnu-fd, That we hold the lite decision ol the Supreme Court on the legal tender ques tion to be a full vlnr'lcatlon of the theory wblch this party has always advocated on the right and authority ef Congress over the Issue of legal tender notes, and we hereby pledgt ourselves to uphold said ceclsifni and to de fend tho Constitution against alterations or amendment intended to deprive the people of any rights orprlvUegeS conferred by that In strument, we demand the issne ot such money and In sufficient quantities to supply the actual demand of trade and com merce in accordance with the increase of population and the development of our industres. We demand the substi tution of greenbacks for National Lank notes, and the prompt payment of the public debt. We want that money which saved our country in time of war. and which has given It prosperity and happiness in peace. IVc con demn -be retirement c? fractional currency and em til drnomlnatlou of greenbacks and demand their restoration. We demand the issue of the hoards ot money now locked tip In the failed States Treasury by applying them io ice interest ot me puouc ueoi now uue. Second We denounce as dangerous to our Republican Institutions those methods and imUM nr Oin Hemomtie and HenuhCean parties which have sanctioned and permitted 1 ercUtude for tie kindly wlstt. lTUer the establishment of Un-J. railroad, money tnd I will probably go to the Penitentiary Sat other gigantic corporate monopolies, and we I urday unless he Is detained by Lawyer irman-l such Governmental action as may be necessary to take from such monopolies the powers they have so corruptly ana nnjusuy csurpeaana reirro mm io ioe pcupio i& whom they belong. Third The nubile lands beinjr the natuial Inheritance of the people, we denounce that policy which has granted to corporation"vast tracts of land, and we demamVthat immediate and vigorous mcaurr bo taken to reclaim from such corporations for the people's use ., K,rnt all surh Und grunt as hare been forfeited by reason of non-fulfillment of cote tract or that may have been wronxfully ac quired by corrupt legislation; attl that such railroad landand other public domains be henceforth held as sacred trut to be granted only to actual settlers in limited quantities; and we deraard that alien ownership of land, individual or corporate, shall be prohibited. Pourtb Wedtmand Congressional regula tion of Inter-State commerce. We denounce "pooling.'" stock watering and discrimination in rates and charges: and that Congress shall correct the abuses, even if necessary by the construction of national railroads. We alse demand the establishment of a Government Potal Telegraph sytem. Fifth All private property, all forms ot money and obligations to vzz money should near their just pmponici of public taxes We demand a graduated 1 icome tax. Sixth Wo demand an smelloratlon of the condition of labor by enforcing sanitary lawi in Industrial establishments, by the abolition or the convict labor system, by the rigid in spection of mine and factories, by the reduo tion of the hour" of labor In Indu-trial estab lishments, by festering educational Institu tions by aboll-hlnjr cheap labor. Seventh We condemn all importations ol contract labor made with a view to reducing to starvation wage the workingmen of this conntry. and demand laws for its prevention. Eighth We lnsitt upon a coalltutiona! amendment rcdudnc the terms of United States Senators. Ninth- We demand such rules for the gov ernment of Congress as shall place all n pre-1 sentatlvu or the people upon an equal loot. Ing. and take away from the committees a veto power greater than that of the Pie "Went. Tenth The question as to the araoun of duties to t levied qpen various articles of Import has been agitated.quarrelcd over, and has divided communities for nearly a hun dred years. It Is not now and never will b scttled unless by the abolition of Indirect taxation. It I a convenient issue, always rslred when the people are excited over abuses in their midst. While wc faror a wise revision of the tariff laws, with a view to rais ing revenue from luxuries rather tbao necessaries, we Insist that as an economic question its Importance is Insignificant as com pared with the "nancial issues; for. whereas. we have suffered our wort panics under tow and also under high tariff, we have never suffered from panic or seen our factories and workshops stopped while the volume ot money In circulation was adcouate to the needs ot eoromcrce. Give our farmers and manufact urers money as cheap as too now give our bankers and they can pay uigh waxes to labor and comrete with ail the world. Kictenth For the purpose of testing the ene ot the peeple upon the i-ubject we are !n favor of submitting to the vote of tbo peo ple an amendment to tncConstltutinn In favor of suffrage regardless of sex. and also on the subiect of the liouor traffic. Twelfth Ail. disabled soldiers of the late war should bequlta My ens!oneLand we de nounce the policy of keeplnga small army of office holders whose oaly business Is to pre vent, on technical grounds deserrimr soldiers from obtaining iusticcjrom the Government they helped to avc Thirteenth As our name Indicates, we are s National party, hsinwice no East, no West, co North, no South, listing no sectional prejudices we can properly place In nomina tion for the high offices of State candidates from any section of the Union, to appeal to all people who believe In our principles 'o aV as by voice, and pen. and votes. s Suicide from Pecuniary Losses. Waukesha, WLS,May30. John Nelson, a prominent citizen of this place, com mitted suicide by hanging. He lost con siderable money In the late Doorman failnre, and ever since has acted strangely. Ills family had made arrangements to have him sent to the asylum for the insane at Oshkosb. His trunk was packed and every thing In readiness. While his wife was pre paring breakfast he slipped from the bouse, and when, a few moments later, she went in quest of him shr found him hanging In the barn quite d i Deceased leaves a wife and six children. This was hb second attempt at suicide, he having taker poison only a few ?ivs ago. m A Rowing 3Iatch. Chicago, May 3L A rowing race be tween Peter Conley. ot Portland. Me-, astl John Teexser, of Flttssurgn, three miles with a turn, for Si, 000 a side, occcired at Pullman yesterday afternoon and was very closely contested from start to finish, tht xen srmrtlng again and again. Tbty rcaehe-1 the Lming slate together In 10 do. At co time was there more than halt a length difference between them till withla two hundred yards ot the Cnkh where Icem- i 'jA fcy one length. At that point Conley pat oa a tpsit, bat Tec&er finished J;19 5piJaJJ, & tt0 tre:::ely SM TilE EXTEXT OF THE LAW. rrentlce Tiller, The St "Urals Tontn. Who was Ambitions to Become is Capitalist or Short Notice, GlvJn v Yaars Seelusloa In "Which to Itumlnatx Dm- Hh l.ny. St. Louis, Mo, May TT. When the case of Tiller, the Express robber, was called In the Criminal Court this morning bis attorneys pronounced themselves as ready to proceed. The ta dlctment was then read to the prisoner and he was asked to plead. To the as tonishment of the Court Tiller answered, without a moment's hesitation: "Guilty, Your Honor!" There was a sensation succeeding thl but presently Jndge Van Wagoner turned In his chair, ordered the prisoner to rise, and sentenced him to five years' Imprisonment In the Penitentiary. This Is the full penalty of the law for grand larceny. Mr. McBride, T,,-r's attorney, ap pealed to the cotR' for clemency. This, Judge W. C. Jones, representing" the Pacific Express Company, opposed, stating that there was no cause for leniency. The defendant was In the em ploy of the company In a position ot trust and proved hiraselt unworthy ot the con science reposed In him. In the opinion of the prosecution the imposition ot a heavy sentence was due the employers' and the company. Taking the circum stances into consideration Judge Van Wagoner took the latter view of the case. Tiller atood before the bar with hit Bead hung down. The news of his ar raignment attracted a crowd from tie andience-room of the other courts. Sev eral ladies had secured positions In the Circuit Attorney's office In view ot Use defendant's chair. When the sentence was imposed In Judge Van Wagoner's' ImpresMve tones, the defendant turned ta go, when his attorney suggested taat the other cases be disposed ot to-acy. He reminded the court that the Indictment to which Tiller pleaded covered the offense In Its entirety, nd a nolle pros, of the remaining charges was accordingly ug- gested, and was granted by the Court. This disposition of the cose leaves George II. McFadden to fight his battle single-handed. JLt Tiller walked back to the dock ha LIT A CXGAK which had been given him by his attor ney. After pacing the floor for awhile, he seated himself near the door and pleas antly greeted a reporter. "It's all over now," said he, "and I have nothing to say. I have no complaint whatever to make. I think I have been treated fairly and justly. I don't know whctAer ray plea prevents me from testifying in Mc Fadden's case or not, I expect to go to the Penitentiary, and to serve my time. The sentence ot fire years will, with good behavior, expire in three years and nine months trader the three-fourths rule. Tha other charges again t me have been nolle pros'd, as the indictment to which I pleaded guilty covered aQ the amounts mentioned In the other cases." To-day Tiller showed none of that swasering conduct which it was said characterized his movements soon after his arrest. U was quite polite and pleasant, and In re turn fora pleasant word spoken by one of the Deputy Sheriffs, Tiller returned his I ,,,t. snd -ave neat exnresslon to his. I lMn" .3n4 ST5 Hai expression wnia. McBride for the JrtFadden case. Mc Fadden was jointly Indicted with Tiller snd awaits a hearing on the Indictment for embezzlement and grand larceny. Speaking of this case Mr. McBride said: "We Intend to fight that out when it cornea up, bat in the meantime this boy will go to the Penitentiary." tiller's atiMK. It will be remembered that on Sunday If ternooo, March 9, Prentice Tiller, then In the employ ot the Pacific Express Com pany carried away from the Express of fice a satchel or satchels filled with money packages. He remained In hiding until Monday night, when he started for Canada, passing thro'sh Chicago and going thence to Milwaukee. The re wards offered for his arrest amounted to nearly 312,000. Ue was captured Thursday morning, March 13, at Mil waukee, and wa3 rctarncd to this city tho next day and held by the company until Saturday, when he made a desperate ef fort to escape from the LlndeU Htei,and was then jailed. Tiller was jointly In dicted with one McFaddeo, who obtained a severance. The Express Company re covered nearly all the stolen money, amounting to about 875,000. THE EDUCATIONAL BILL. "' Representative IVlilis ot Kentucky, Has Hope t Getting Action in tho noose oa This Important Measure. WAsmso-tox, D. C, May Zt. Mr. Willis, of Kentucky, the author of the House educational bill, hopes to gel that subject before the House for its action this week. Now that the bolk of the appropriation bills are off the hands of the House, It is In clined to turn Its attention to some of tho more Important measures before it, which are for the good ot the genera) public In fact, the leading members' recognize the necessity for doing some thing. Almost six months of the session have passed, and it Is difficiIf.opolntoQt any general measure of Importance, aside from the plenro-pnenmoula bill, and one or two others of a general nature, that have passed the House The gen eral Impression among the friends ot the educational but Is that it will not meet with serious opposition at the House end of the Capitol. It was pretty thorough! discussed in the Senate, and the Senate put the bill In such shape as to give gen eral satisfaction. As amended by the Senate, It Is now very similar to the bill Introduced In the Uousf by Mr. WUHs: se It Is proba blc that Mr. Willis will, when the bit comes up In the House, move to substi tute the Senate bill for his own. In order to lessen the complications which txcmM follow, should the House adopt Its owa bill instead of the Senate's, and the pros pect that the bill may bcc-.xnealawscemi to be very good. The State Sailncs Banks, SU Joseph. Sr. Joseto. MoMayir. At a meeting of depositors ot thi State Savings Bank, M. A. Read, attornej ot the bank, made a statement of Its con dition, showing $80,000 In the vault, 90S, 000 collected by assignee, 8100,000 to tht credit ot the bank In Chicago and St Louis; overdrafts, good, 833,000. fl read a telegram from President France al New York that he had realized 8200,004 In casa and 833,000 in bonds and left for home last night. About 200 depositor! were present. Most ot them are quiet and have confidence. A Horrible Tate. Gratvilix, Ilt. May 3. Yesterday morning while the sectioc men were going over their sec tion on the Wabash, St. Louis Pacific Railroad, they discovered the body ot s man lying on the track two mllea north ot this place. He had been killed during the night 07 some freight train, his body being litera"; torn to pieces. 11 Is supposed that Uiree freight train passed over the body during the nL.Jit. His name was Keubea Taylor, of Vla cennes, and he had been engaged la rait. Ing logs down tho river. He was scz by the section men the evening before 01 Vic ni.rvud with three other parties.