Newspaper Page Text
V INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. .1 . aSV BeTCHed te the-latereH el the Caerekees, Checlawi, Cklckasaws, SeralReIe, Creeks, aad all Otker Indian ef the Indian TerrHarr. OHWFTAM . tC CO. I i VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1884. VOL. IT. NO. 39. H rc A PALACE STORE! Btf a aK ariiam W. C. PATTON lfeaa8etMy1M7MifatM4tbtftlMTer7fce$tqKalItjtabchadlB theco ary. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Mtr dMK 9tlMTK3T mfalu mi tetmase Meek of every Tarlety of the best and mast Krriccehle Brj i JL Xm CUrtJKSm MP JjraKTT 7M M AmI e largest Stock f fast-class CWlIa?, Boots, Shoes, Hat, Ladle v act IBsssiaTaTLat XWTM3T is M.MMIK 9WJOTra8TlsNfMewMerylf4fStarieaFaBr Ci ashen, ttmi, St. MJtramT baa a AWiOPsVTWUL mttXMtXT HAJWWXKT Mtf AKgODrT k PMI 1VIX JM4 MK WaHS A CMJWWJJUE BWARTJgOT mr Tariely tf Msbrs, Cracks STMB MPUffiT' JT yea iriH ftad a tpfraiKa stack f rare, Xlee Brotrs, Medicines, complete in erery ve liiajwat?tjas aartfaHr esaaeaaaacd by a skilled aaethecary. la this ceanectlon ire hare also an iatatease 1M09K C MVMMj jMHBfty vJwMKSy vVBsCCwvvvay .BrC. JaJarm Js MttST AH 1WC slARTJaf3T where yea weft1 lad every variety ef Veto aad Bswkjt Jsafcs, S ratal Beats, aad a Kae af geel Keadla; looks Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest W, C. PATTOH VINITA LUMBER YARD, "W". X. TROTT, Proprietor. alraah sawsly of hnek souanta. OfUCS IS TAllBS f THE NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Kotioaisr Stationery, Etc; also a Full line of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. reseTrTws cmefilly cwpiwiei'iy k. usiy. laiaaariswafast Ike BtaleH hi Yiatta at JU IimVS Bed Frost, oae dear Wast rfrsses BaicL NT. FRAZEE, Vkwtr Indian Twrltory. THOPPSON GROCERS Mrin ii mtaaaaj uahnilaic UmlmiifTlail i anirmiry 7n rT" ---"-- - Aba Fill, ftpttiis, Fni, lnmswaVi, GJtsswtri ait Titian. um ck m aVe Ttew 1 est C- Hrw.wa-re Srs. WM. LITTLE & CO., X WUInliiH Blew ta HOUR, fEEDAHfl PROVISIONS Aire carry a ceasplete liaa of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Qneensware, OioiMag, Tinware, Boots aad Shoes, Notions, Etc. HMtEST PiiiCE PAH FPit CBUNTKY PRQBUCE tet Stpdc fcSldMili is M. Boa.ti!ail to see our stock and learn our prices before baying. "WIMT- X.ITTX.E & CO., Vinita, Indian Ter- rAJrTLTOiCXAXDALL THE LUMBERMAN IT TaHT AKT TO 3 OFFICE AND TAKD m milt ciiaf irr.MTiomiiTEi J p MTK MSM A CAIX. , CHET0PA, KAS. 3P JOHN & G-EORG-E BULLETTE, rEixAjTBummtxeapgocgor GEtfEEAL KEEGHANBISE mm vrtLL k ski at ki-hx puces. CMC FAJ Jt MW5S, FTJatt om STOCK. the tawt aad eentfifetcst Mere kt the Iaa TeTrilory Is that f YINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. f ererytkiag'iraeteJfcx ear feHy ap te the sitae hi all tks LateU Styles M Mae ef Sedate, Karats sail Leather MTJLRT3I1ST jh caa ajrt J-erae, Rubies, Plow, Spring- Wagons, Etc. wM rteekeiwtta Salfe, Screws,' Chain?, & CO., ViiiHa, Satire aadKaraBeni Pine Lumber. Alto Shtn- HaNPkBtc TtteJhiatrePlBe.BftlBt-sfcippri from the Cnoctow OIT ILLINOIS AIIMJE, SKIf-NER, aba Goraver, tw deera Vat f A.C r. S nKELTST. ALSO DEALEE Df UH, IIS, FLASTLX PAWS. WILL FCBSTSn ODD SIZES OP DOORS.SASH& BLINDS AS CHEAP AS ASTBODT. PMMJCX. farftofc. CaakarCatUc tafccalalx- TULSA, I. T. C0.9 easterners. d Fashions. Urjceries, Floar, Bacon, Casae Gees, Coeds of all kinds. Is Wages, Tinware, Axes. UIcrsUs, leek, Jars, Joys Etc. While la Writtag Xatcrial, Paper. Blank Boob Prase and Poetry. Come and See lis. Indian Territory. W.D.ITm.ES. rRASKTxmpnr. VT. J AH VIS. T J. DAAIHt LI1TLB, J1RVIS k CO, Commission Merelitints For the purchase and sale of CATTLE, KlfS AMI SHEEP, 13 Natlenal Stock. Tarda, E. St. Louis. HfTJbcral advances made on consignment. ffiEUVESTOCKIABKETOFST.LODIS THE ST. LOUIS XATIOXAI. STOCKYARDS located at Eaat SU IiOUla, II U Directly opposite thocity of St. Louis. Bnyers for all description of IJvo Stock always in at tendance, and within the grounds of the Stoca Yards are a Beef Canning- Company, with a capacity for Blauxhicriaa; WOO head of cattle dally, and Pork racking Establishments with a capacity for slaughtering liOM hori dally. ISAAC H. E50X, rrrsldeat CIAS. T. J03ES, Sept. RAILWAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOUIS. . TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars tkrough. to St LouLs,Tia Sedaliar Daily. Direct Koute West and Soativ west Tia Kansas City. IT KlktriO niTVCnlon Depot paa.enge A I ILARjA llll I for Kansas. Colorado. New Mexico and California connect with E press Trains of all lines. IT iTrtUICnU Connection is made Witt At AlUnldUHEiprr. Trains for all Points m Kansas end cbrsaka. t auiui rVmntsrtion is maile with aD A I UMAnA lines leadins; to the Xorth ns West. SUPERIOR ACCOfflODAHOSS F. CnASDLES, IJctU Pass. A seat. & B. KI5XA5, Asa't Gen, Pass. Ageat. F. L. DECKER, Agent at Ylnlta. "'FRISCO LINE. It ST. TnUOCGH anssouKi, 1AJSSAJS. XNXIiVP4' TERIUTORy. The Dirtet Through tlouto BerTeen INDIAN TERRITOBY and ST. LOUIS. Fast EspreM Tralai are Ran Bally. t Ckaage ef Cars. Thnrarh Pullman Palace Sleeplns- Cars ars run daily, without chanae. between ST. LOUIS, JJoandSAXFHAXClSCO.CaL UC ceres of rich farmb!ff and mineral lands forMlebTthlsoompanyinSQUTUWEST jilvtOCItl ry for lull and partcular lnformction. with Map. Tlma Taals. Kate. etccall upon or a drew any or oar fetation Aa-rats, or either of tha undernamed. O. WTSHABT. Gcaer3, Paoeascr Aseat. St LontK. C. W, CALE. Ceneral FreJsht Agent, St. Loui C W. 20GSKS. Vice Vraddot aod Gecaraf . JUcwcer, Teae BulWlaf.W. Leuw. Ma, & in Fat B CUXXEXT COXME5T. Ovek sixty par cent, of the adult sale population of New Mexico can neither read nor write. It is estimated that the exportation of wheat from South Australia in 1884 it-ill amount to eleven million bushels. Ax old bay fisherman says that lob sters in New York Bay and financial panics throughout the country always come together once in seven years and declares thst it uercr fails. This year is lobster year. A Germas scientist has drawn atten tion to the fact that the Sntlej, one of the great, streams of British India, is probably the swiftest largo river in the world, having a descent of 12.0CO feet in ISO miles, aa average of about fifty seven feet per mile. The Mcscalero Apaches, formerly no torious cattle thieves, arc now large stock raisers in Lincoln County. New Mexico. The Government some time aco set up these Indians in the cattle busi ness, and now they find it more pleasant and more profitable to raise stock hon estly than to steal it. A MJWBEK of human bodies in a good state of preservation, ilresvnl in orna mental Costumes, and evidently belong ing tb a prehistoric race, have teen found in a mound in Desha County, Ark. The apartment in which they lay was paved with Mone, supported by stone pillars and overlapped with huge wooden beams in perfect condition. A Belfast (Me.) firm baa received an order for doors, frames, etc, to go to Turkey. The doors are to be shipped all supplied ivith locks, hiujrcs and handles, and done np in packages of not feaore than two handled pounds in ircight, in order that upon arrival in Turkey they can be taken into the In terior of the country upon the backs of cr.mels. Oltyek Wexdell Holmes recalls the fact that sixty yean ago three little Bos ton boys might have been seen in patch work costumes of raclo-dramatin heroes performing in a garret theater before an audience of young acquaintances. As he remembers them they had remark able aptitude for acting. But they did not stick to the stage, for they greir up to be Wendell Thillips Thomas G. Ap plcton, and John Lothrop Motley. A max worthy of memory in aa ill governed land was Prince Stourdza, ex Hospodar of Moldavia, whose death at the age of more than ninety years is an nounced. His first official act was to reinstate sixty thousand peasants in land which bad been taken from their fathers by Turks. He freed all his own feorfs and three thousand others, greatly improved Galatz and Jajsay, endowed hospitals, schools and asylums all this eutof bis private fortune and gars agricultural interests such stimulus that land during his adramistratiosi In creased in value fifteen fold James E. Keexe. when he left Cali fornia, was worth an immense fortune The Sunday before he left be said to a friend, who was expressing regret at his i departure and predicting evil from it: There is my balance sheet; it shows that I am worth $5,G0Q,00Q. That is $5,000,000 In round numbers against the $40,000,000 of the bonanza firm. The larger will always attract tho tmallcr. and it is only a question of time as to my losing my fortune if I remain here. I will travel. I am sick and have enough, and will keep out of specula tions." He told a truth, but unfortn satcly did not act upon it. Ax expert connected with the Penn sylvania Geological Survey estimates the amount of the coal still remaining in the anthracite region at 8,000,000.0' tons. Should the present rata ccal production be continued tbs sapply will last about two htmdrv and fifty years. Only forty-ix per cent, of the volurao of the cost m any given vein gets to market. The pillars left standing to rapport the roof take thirty-three per cent, of the whole, and twenty-four per cent, is wasted: Until ipiite recently only twenty-seven per ecnt. of thj coal vein could be used. The pillars required forty-one per cent- and thirty-two per cent was waited. Or all horaos in President Arthur's (tables the one which, perhaps, excites more inquiry aud elicits from visitors more of interest is the clean-limbed, trim-looking little Indian pony given to Mr. Arthur by an Indian chief last sum mer oa his trip th'ough the Yellowstone Park. In the inter -al of the gift of tho pony and the present time every effort has been made to tame and break him in, yet without avail. Those in charge of him state that never for a moment is he off his guard; ever keenly alert and watchful of the slightest movement on their part to prevent and balk their ?nct(m hn TinMfnllr iltif?, nrnnr r. ... .. . , . ' .. ,.' uuco waicu nuniau ingenuity cau uncut whereby to subincatc and render him like unto other horses. The explosion in the Pocahontas mine in Southwest Virginia, by which m i many men lost their lives, is now at tributed to the presence of a great deal of fine coal and coal dust on the floors of the mine. The dust, mingled with air. constitutes an explosive mixture which can be fired by the approach of a flame of any kind. In the Pocahontas raise, wbere this dust was very abu ndant, there waa so lack of opportunities for tha Introduction of flame, as it was cus tomary to ne a great deal of powder in blasting out the coal. Some of the powder was undoubtedly wasted by the inexperienced miners and mingled with the fine coal, thus adding to lite danger. A locomotive with an open f re was also being coflstaatly rna into the mine. It is considered certain that Uwre was no fire-damp. THE MOULD'S DOINGS A SeiBiBarr ef the Dally Kevi. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Ox motion of Mr. Irgall the Senate, on the 3d. resolved that when It adjourned it tie until the 6th. In accordance with unan imous undctsandlnx-the Senate proceeded to the consideration of the calendar or rax- un objected to. Amont the bill reid a third time and tossed was a bill intmluce-l by Mr. Conrer riantiaz an anneal leave of hftren dar" absence with pay to lettiTcarricr. The bill passed authorizing- the al of a portion of the Kort liar military rcrervathm to tha Ellis County Acriculturel Society of Kansas: the bill prnvidlnc for the sale of the Kickapoo diminished reservation In Kansas. A bill pasMd fiilrw the coat of the rite for the public tmlldin? at Lcarcr.worth. Km. at not to exceed tlai.HO; and the uourc uui auinonuny tnc contmcuon or brklsc arroM the Mbouri Ulverat Lcavrn - worm. &-.. ana near tac town oi uuio. men - werepacd. in the llouw. Mr. raysen, of cu3,'u uuuix cd. sixty iwo i-um m au lumuiR. u a nuauan oi nnvuerc. cu cu un for eonldrratinn the bill reported frura tit lumnimreun rauuc until, m prevent tae unlawful occupancy of public lauds. PatMd. Tne tloura resumed contMlcratlon cf the blU to rorfeit the Oreron Central IandsTant. An amendment offered by Mr Gcoixc of Oreron, to conflno the forfeiture to unearned lands wai kwt by a vote of UJ to St. The vote on the parage of the bill stood yeas 13t, nays no ijunrum. Tns Senato wai not la im'on on tlo 4th. .. In the Houc Mr. Hopkins, of Pennsyl vania from the Con-mlttce on Public Build In;, submitted a rero t on the rharsc of cor- rupuon or co'iurton n rrtum to tne ivlcctinn of a sl.c for a pnU c build nx at Brooklyn, .V. V. Ihoi-epoit wasacietd to and a subcom mlttre was authorized to be sent to Brooklyn for limber invi-sitcatlon. Tho On-iron Cen tral land rract forfeiture was taken tin and pasel Yea. 13: nays, 18. The Scnatn co-Ddrwnts were non-concarrod In tho bill cstabiihina- a Bureau of Labor !ta- ti.'tlcs. Th" senate amendments wete con curred in In- joint reiuiiutinn makinr an additional aprrr prist 'on fnr the relief ofsuf. f erers in I oui'Uua f mm the ovcrtlow of the MlMlsj.ppL AM wnpacd amendinffthe act to cxclrde public lamls in Alabama from the oprratim of 'jw relating to mineral amis. The provision of the bill were ex tended tn ibe $iate nf IuiuiIana. Florida and rkan-a. Mr lien or. of California, then called up the b 11 fm l-ltln the lands g-ranted to the t allfnmia A urrjon KaHroad. except such lands as nrrp srjntcd for that portion or the r-a I b.t h completed before the 1st of July. I! After vleorous remark" by Mr. Cobb, of Indiana. In support of the bliL a vote was taken on lis ps3e. It stood: Ycav 13; nays, IX There bun? no quorum the Houe adjourned. Toe Senate was not in session on the Sth. In tho House, on motion of Mr. Peters, of Kansas, the Senate bill nased authorizing the construction of a bridze acroM the Mis souri Hirer at Leavenworth. Kas. The I!oue then proceeled to vote on the California and Oregon Land Grant Forfeiture bid. with the reult of yeas ill. nays 8. There was no quo rum. A call of the ilouro disclosed the pres ence of no members, and tha bill was pasd: yeas ISO, nays lu. Mr. Payson. of Illinois culled up the Senate bill to re peal section ono of the act entitled "an act maklnjr a crant of land In alternate sections to aid ir the contraction ami ei tension of the Iron Mountain Kailroad from Pilot Knob. In the State of Missouri. Helena. In Arkansas, approved Julv I. I-d. In contlJeration of the forfeiture the Iron Mountain Uailutad Com pany In released from the obligations of land m-ant railroads. The amendment was auoptcu excluding- Irom tnls re lease Unit part or I tie railroad between roplar Bluit. Mo, ami tho Arkansas State line, and aaamendedthe bill was pawed. Mr.Iwis, of Louisiana, called up the bill for the forfeit ure of the Xew Orleans, Baton Kou-re & Vlcks biinr land irr-an t. Messrs. Ellis, of LouKana. Bclford. of Colorado, and other Bcpubllcans Qlibustered. Without acting- further the nouo adlourned. The Senate was not in session on the Tth.. After minor businers the House pro ceeded to the consideration of the hill f orf elt injr the unearned Atlsn-ic & PsciSe grant. Altera brief explanation by Mr. Cobb, of In diana, the bill was pased. Mr. KandalL of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Appro- Eriations. reported the General DeDcicner HI and It i referred to Committee of the Whole. Mr Cobb then called up the bill re pealing the nre-etn tlon and timber euLure laws and amending the homestead law. Mr. Ifolman. of Indiana, offered an amendment, which was adopted, repeal ing the act providing for the sa!e of desert lands In certain Mate and Territories. On motion of Mr Nelson, of Minnesota, an amendment was adopted providing that all persons who have, bcrctnioru tn good faith made settlements nu public lands under pre eupJon laws shad be permitted to make final Srcof and entry upon not exceeding one bun red and ttxty acres. A long dLcnlon fol lowed. conOnrd principally to declarations of the necessity of rcv-rvin? the public huxl for actual settlers. Upon an amendment offered by ilr. Herbert, no jnonim voted, and Use House adjourned. POLITICAL AND rillt-SOXAU A POBTLA.tD, OkC, special of the 4th cays: Complete returns of the State elec tU-n are still trantln The majotiry of Herman, Il:pnbl!can, for Congress, will be fully 1,730. It is believed Thauer, Demo crat, has been elected Supreme Judge. The returns rrctivedar that the Legislators will have a Republican majority of four on joint ballot. Five members of Iho Democratic Na tional Commiltee, who form the snb-cum-raittt-e of arrangements for the coming National Ccnrtntion, met in Chicago on the 4th and appointed local committee. EaBX. GR&xVlIXEwas preparinganoteto Washington in relation to the collection of conspiracy fund within the jurisdiction of lbs United SUtoi. OutKBSO UoiDLXThas issued a procla mation calling the attention cf the Ohio people to the World's Industrial and Cot ton Exposition at New Orleans. MISCELLANEOUS. The following ad Jitional particulars of the death of General Babcock have been received: Gcne-al Babcock, with clerks irom the Fifth and Sixth lighthouse Dis tricts, arrived on the tender Pharos off Mosquito Inlet, FlaM on Juno 2. A large whale boa' with s-ven men went off to him about twelve o'clock. On her return Bab cock and party embarked in her to come ashore. On the outer bar breakers the steering oar was broken, and the boat filled and capsixed. The General beld on to the boat nn'il she reached the shore breakers, wben he and all hanli were torn from the boat and bo with three others were drowned. ADOLpnes, of Bay City, the jtcier crushed under his horse at the races at Lansing Jlirb., died next day. tU. Nichols, injuiel at the same time, was re covering. A CA30 of drunkrn roughs went to the agency of Gipp' Brewing Company at Streator. III., and demanded drink. On bemx refused they assaulted the son-in-law of the agtnt, who was in charge, and he drew bis revolver and shot one Mike Ryan. The wounde 1 man was not expected to live. j inx lauurrs oi seven nays reported are: In the United Slates, 193: Canada. 16. . . ,. i . Ulysses Gitaxr, Jr., was a defendant in the Supreme Court at White Plains, N. T rocentlv. in a suit brought br John P. Bailey for 410,000 damages for injuries alleged to haye been caused by one of Gen eral brant's Arabian nallions which wrre presented bv the Khedive of Ezypt. The case was continued. Jons Staxtox, a steamboat engineer of St. Louis, threw a gobletfnl of sulphuric add over bis wife as she lay in bed early tha other morning. Inflicting injuries which will kill her. Her eyes were eaten oat, and she was tembly burned on the face, neck, breast and shoulder. On a previous occasion Stanton shot her twice and then attempted to kill bimtrlf. Jealousy was the cause. Tec annual statement of the Nickel Plate road showed a deficiency of $933,000 in meeting its fixed charjres. D. Lctz & Sox's brewery beraed at Pittsburgh, Pa., the other night. Loss, iXfiOO. Is the Court of Claims atWkii8t,ca tha 4th, the cases arising oat of rh-raasat-tled dlffe rlfea tttiws tia VnVtA Siflta and the Union Padc Railroad Company were et for a hearing Sorember SI, tJ which date the Court adjourned. The American cricketers set the Gcatle. men of Ireland at- Dahlia. The American scored In the first !nisg 233 and Ireland Sb. Uxlcoatx Maxzitahct, of Jfew Xexico, appeared before the Comniee oh Appro priations asd aslcsd for Congressional aid fnr sufferers by tha overfljw of the KIo Grande River. He read a telegram from the Santa F Board of Trade argtng Im mediate actios. The telegram announced many people ia distress. The FreDca Faritemeatary Committee inquiring into the imporatioa of American salted meats approved the report, agreeing to such imports after the meat Is by micro scope or otherwiie minntely examiBed. At tie same time it nrces the prohibition of . ; - :, ," . r J the importatioB of fresh meats from coun- 1 triea where It is known tricbinosia exists. 1 The schedule in the Insolvent assign ment of James D. Fish, ex-President of the Marine Bank, shows: Liabilities, $40, SI: nominal ralne of real and personal e ta'e, $4,179,392: evtlraat.-d actual -value, G. T. FosTta & Ck, wholesale medicines at Detroit, have failed. It was reported that fourteen persons were killed recently ia an accident en the Missouri PacISc Railroad between Den nison and Gainesv.Ue, Tex. Tnx Comptroller of the Currency has authorised tho Unioa Natioaal Bank of CIi?dand, O., to begin basiness with a i apital of fl.Oa0.0J0. Hd has also extended a corporase exUteaee of tha Merchants' Na'ioaal Bank of Boston, Mas, to Jane 10, 10 X Geobce Do.TOVjlX) fourteen years of age. itabbel Martin McGlvea wits a penknife, at Cincinnati, severing tie femoral artery. His wound was believed to be mortal. Donovan was arretted) Tut Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph Com pany has reduced rases from Chicago and St. Louis to Nw York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington to forty cents a message. BRixrtBHorr& Bsioutsox, trimmings, of Neil York, have assigned. Liabilities, 01.000. Tue Nationalists paraded the streets of Ncwry, Ireland, os the 8th, with bands and banners. A meeting was held outside the town, and on the return of the Nationalists from the meeting they threw stone, and when they reached the Protestant qtfartrr of the town the Protettants retaliated. Sev eral shots were fired. Tto polica and troops interfered. Foar National!' and several Orangesen were arrested. Many persons were injured. Twextt deaths occurred at Havana from yellow fever during the past week. Fnarcsand England have agreed upon a b:s of conference upon Egyptian af fairs. The terms of tha agreement have been imparted to the pon-ers. They affirm the principle of temporary occupation of Egypt by England, to which bo limit is fixed, propose an international control of the rowers to audit the whole rvstcmot revenue and expense in Egypt. England recognizes the suzsrian rights of the Porte throughout Egrpt, iaclad sg the Soodan, and France formally abamloBs all claim ot dual controL J. B. Sqcier k Co., bankers and broken o f Washing J, closed their dcors and made an assignment recently. They dealt prin cipally in army and navy accounts, and were unable to realize on them In time to meet unexpected demands from outside creditors. The corner stone of the new Catholic Church of S Francis Xavier, corSef of Grand and Lindell avenues, St. Louis, was laid on the 8:h with trapesing ceremonies and in tbe presence ot aa immense throng of people. A scrr has been filed against the direc tors of the Pcnn Bask, of Pittsburgh, by over two hundred depositors. They charge cegHgeocs and dishonesty, and ask the court to make the directors and officers personally liaLlo for the deposits. Tns other evening the large round house and repair shop of the Wabash, 8L Lout & Pacific and the St. Louis, Des Moines fc Northwestern Railroad, at Des Moines, la burned to the ground. It was supposed to be tha work of an Incendiary. Nine en gines were destroyed, also all the ma chinery stalls in the repair shops, together with one passenger coach. The approxi mate loss was JIJj.OCO. The two latter roads were left with no engines to send out train. The St. Louis, Des Moines & Northern had only two engines left on the entire road, and tha St. Louis, Ts Moines & Northern only one. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHER. Gctxbal Aax Sctord, of Kentucky, rroimit'cd suicide at Danville, Ind., on the h, at the residence of his nephew, Benja min E. Buford. General Buford went to Danvillo to visit relatives and attend the races. He seeaud much depressed, which visibly increased after reading an article in a newspaper giving an account of the decadence of the Baford family, -written in connection with the return of Tom Baford to the AncLorage Asylum, a physical and financial wreck. Tbs General's fortune also bad ben swxpt away. He shot him self with a revolvor through the head. A dispatch was received at St. Louis recently from Philadelphia stating a cable gram bad reached that city from Rome, annousc ngtbe appointment ot Archbishop Ryan, of St. Leuis, to succeed Archbishop Wood, late of the Archdiocese of Philadel phia. Gexebul Beismx, in command of a bat tal'on ot troops marching from Montana to Idaho, crossed the main range of the Rock ies the 31 of June, and reported snow sev eral feet deep and weather verr cold. ExUxited Sra-xs Marshal Jonx Hall was arrested at his homelnWsb ngton. Pa., charged with making fale re tarns to the Government. Examiner Ball, of the Department of Justice, who made the information, alleged that during his ttna of office tho total amount received by Hall was 3,103, while the leceipU of the offlce were $!&W5L Hall's frienda claimed that a thorough Investigation would dl charge him of all blame. Irwas announced recec'ly that Secre tary Stevens would issue a circular an nouncing the indefinite suspension of the Whisky Export Association known as the whisky pool. The Senate, on the 9Ui, advanced the Mexican Pension bill a stage. The Homo was reinforced by the return of Republi can members from the convention at Chi cago, and various appropriation and other bills were pushed toward conclusion. A raRTT of five strolling Italians were struck by a train at LeeUdate. Fa., re cently. Two were initantly killed and an other was fatally Injured. Tue elevator war at Buffalo, N. Y-, bas been adjusts 1 by the Bennett elevators again joining the pool. The three-fourths cent per bushel rata charged to the grain for elevating thrown off daring tha trouble was again added to the one-eighth cent charged to grain, making tfee rate the same as befote tha war broke oat. At Chappaqaa, New York, recently Miss Uabrielle Greeley was strewn from her carriage by a runaway, breaking her right sboBlder. CajsiSTiAX Haxtxax, anjiploye of the car-bop at Fort Warned lad., became is sane oa tha subject of electrical inven tions, an-l hanged airaeelf IrrbU room, Some people get iato s fsry of ex xtement whenever they see a bee or jcar its hum. though it be oaly latent ja gathering a little honey from the aearcst Cower. They shout and wal lop about them with hands or handker jaicfs. as if they were being attacked or aa cnemr. Such are just the people who generally get stuag. Let tue bee Uone. even though it is buzzing cloe to your face, in all likelihood it is jnly animated by cariosity. Make a fuss about it, strike it, or get it en tangled in your clothes or hair, and blame yourself if you feel its javelin. When encased in collection- honey sr pollen lrom the flowers, no amount of teasing will cause it to sting unless you hurt or entangle it. Even when a swarm fills the a r von mar safely walk about in tho midst of It, only 1st your motions oe slow and iieiiocntte. nouid they alight on your hands or face, never mind, they will soon fir again; they are only resting. In such a case go slowly aside, and give yourself a gentle shake or two, but refrain from brushing or besting at the bees. Avoid, however, standing in the line of the flight of bees goinr from or returning to thcii Lives. At such times they have such an impetus that before they are aware of your presence they get en tangled in'your hair, and are apt to re sent your obtrusiveness. So much for one s passive tohavior. Let us now suppose ourselves engaged in necessary action. First let us learn these princi ples: 1. Bees never attack wben their stomtchs are filled with honey or other liquid sweet. This is their normal con dition when swarming, and therefore they are then harmless, as also when returning laden to their hives. 2. Neither do they attack when thoroughly frightened. We frighten bees by blowing smoke among them, or by rapping rather vio.ently on their hives. 3. When bees are alsrmed in a hire by smoke or concussion, their first im pulse is to fill their honey hags from their combs. 4. Dees in a hive that is constantly being rapped against wdl in a few min utes rush bo Jily out Trom among their combs into aa empty skep or box set over them. Suppose cow we wish to get all tho tee out of a common straw hive. We provide the needful emptj- skep and lour wood or iron pins, six or seven inches long, a roll of burning rags, un less we possess a modern bel lows, smoker or tobacco pipe, and a stool or empty poll, on which to steady the hive whilo operating. Wc now ap proach the hive, blow three or four whiCs of smoko into the entrance to drive In any loiterers, gently raiso the eda from the floor board, and repeat the smoking. Without the least jar, now lift the hive boldly up. and gently turn the mouth upward. If the bees show any sign of being ill-natured, give them a p"uff occasionaDy. Set the crown of the hive on to the stool or pail, and see that it is stead and having the side where the bees "are thickest raised an inch or two, now fix the empty skep over the other by sticking two ot the pins into tne lower nive. aooac as. men or two below the highest part of iU edge, so as to support the alga of the empty skep. Tho other pius, sharp epea at both ends, are placed as sup ports betwen the skeps. They will thus touch each other at one side, tho other being opea so as to give a full view. Now commence rapping, gently at first, but gradually with more force, against the sides of the lower hive. In a few seconds' the bees-will commence to run as if for life fo the upper hive. Amongthem mar be seen the queen if a sharp lookout be kept. The great art here is ia keepiag the bees in one con tinuous, steady stream. Once they take a stand it b not so easy to dislodge them. Five to ten minutes should suf fice to finish the operation if the room be warm. Ihe driven bees may now bo shaken about or tumbled from ono btve to another without the slightest risk of stings. If the weather be cold, or the opera tion to be performed at a season when there is no unsealed honey in the hire, a little warm syrup should be sprinkled on the bees before commencing to drive. In our modern hives wc use less cer emony in dislodging the bees. After a whiff of smoke we simply lift the frames ot comb one t a time, give them a shake in frw.t of the hive or skep wo want to get die bees into, and in a min ute whisk off the few that remain with a feather. In getting bees into a hivo we either pour them down in front of it. directing their course to its entrance with a feath er, or shake them at once on the top of the frames, and cover instantly with a cloth. To secure a swarm that has issued and clus'ercd on a tree or bush, we ad-vl-e, if possible, to cat the branch ofi after all are settled. If this be done gently, the bees can then be carried to the stand thuy are to occupy, laid down at the door of their new iuve, and di rected with a feather, as before: other wise we hold an inverted skep bclo? the cluster, give the branch one sharp rap. cover the skep. into which the bee will fall. w:th a cloth, and carry it tc its future abode. To make a simple examination of a colony in a bar frame hive, the quiit 'a removed, a puff or two of smoke given, and the frames arc lifted one at a time, with as little ja- as possible. Both side can be examined, the queen seen and captured it desired, and the entire secrets of tho hive discovered without hurting a bee or receiving a sting. Dublin (IrtUtnd) Farmtrs' Gazette. Etiquette ia Xexiee. Nativa Mexican gentleman "I deep ly regret to be oblgcd to inform you. my dear friend, that your actions last niht in the presence of that charming senorita wcra very rude." American visitor "You shock ne' What did I do? I assure you that I tried my best to make a favorable im pression on that loely girL la fact. 1 am in love with her and would not offend her tor the world." Mexican "I fear you have dashed vonr hopes then, fche now considers you an ignorant boor, too beastly selfish to be trusted with anr woman s happi ness." American "Oh! it caa not be. What have I done?" Mexicas "You lighted a cigar la hei presence " American "But she assured me thai sbo did not object to it." Mexican "And yoa smoked it to the end without " American "Without what? Tell ml quickly." Mexicaa " Without oaerins hej oae." Exchange Save your cold tea; it bexeelleal for cleaning grained wood Srshmw f19ty5AL ACT UTgtAKC, Baltimore has voted ts bwlld a Kracnt to Thomas Scott Key. Mr. Corcoran, of Waehbsjrtxm. haw shaken haads with every PresMwrt ex cept George Washington. Mr. Yaa Phea Lee. a CUavsae grad uate of the SpriagtWd Kch School, baa joined the edit jA. staC Wide Ateahe. Mrs. Booth, editor of Harper's Bazar, gets 4,000 per year, aasd J(rs Ma pes, for wri40 exefaiTIy for Our Ilcarih and Some, gets 98,000 per year. Lucy Haaailtoa Hooper and Olive Logan Sykea both are brQKaat aad spicy Pans UMiwpoudeaU. aad one of tnem is tne wue aa Aatencaa vice consul aad the other a widow ef aa American consuL Detroit Poi. - Cassius M. Clay lives quietly oa ai Keducky farm, takis lktte or ao neta of public affairs. 'Tat aot alone." be says; "I hare my sheep, eattia. da;-. b.ris and flowers; besides, I aaawriUng a book my memoirs." AT T. Saw. Reu&en Bassett left PiUsawrgh thirty two years ago for Pike's Peak; and 'after traveling al! over the world and making a fortune, he rKaraed to his old home recently to ay aad the- rev mainder of I a days. fUtsbmtyk PotC Mr. John OL Eao. the collapsed ex Presaleat of the Secoad Sa&eaal Bank ot New York, took the woodea spoon at Yale Collrjf a few years aea an honor generally accorded the most pop ular man in the class. A" 11 TribmCc "Dr. Chapin's wit," said Henry Ward Beecher, "dashed like tha spokes of a wheel ia the sun." Os day he sat on Bcr. Dr. Emerson's bat, and then instantly arose and passed the crumpled hat to the owner, saying; "l'oa ought to thank me for that, for your hat was only sQk, but "ttr It Is sat in." Here is tha closing section of a Jet tor which Walter ScoU'a bet othed sent him two months befote their marriajjtr"' "Before I conclude taTs famous efsaait I will give ou a Lttle-hiiat Hiat ia. not to put so ra3njrhausw" at- ytmt letters. It is bcnaTatr vssassar aaa aaaav and another thJngkStvllMBf 1 tat-lbs liberty not to mindasai.Brach. but I expect you to mind are; Tbnicuet take care of vourscf. you must think of me. aad belfeve mc yonis. sincerely. C LV" A Nantucket correspondent cf the Boston Ulobe says of the lata Charles O Conor, the great New York lawyen "On one occasion he laid a tea-dollar bill on the plate at the Roman Catholic Charch. At the next service the priest meuoned the cirenmstaace. aad warm ly praied the donor. O'Conor was Tinr nfrrr-- Tliir xiAX it nn hmW from me, ''he sa d. and thev did not. O'Conor save with a liberal hand where he believed tho object a worthy one 'Ho has distributed $200,000 in Nantucket,' said one who kaew boa thing of his acts." Mrs. Harr'et Lane Joaastoa, the niece of President; Buchanan, ooce the lady of the White House, aad a worthy object of admiration the land ever, again snflers ia the death of het boa band. H. E. Johnstca. the Baltimore banker. Mr. Johnston died ia New York of pneumenia. Mrs. Johastoa's two young sons died two years ago, oae ia Baltimore, and the other, aot six weeks later, in Paris. The parent re cently endowed two hospitals ia Balti more in memory of the childrea. One is the Harriet Lsne Johnston Hospital for Girls and the other is for traiacag nurses. uueaqo sniaat. Owinr to the crazy-qa8t atahaz.rv society young men oa small iacoBtes haxe been obliged to fall back oa the old black tie. It is too narrow for a patch and too black to be attractive. ifarfforiiW. -Spriggins: "Fogg, old feSow. I mustconndein yon my discovery re garJing Angelica's writing me so amok more-often than formerly. See was waiting for tho two-cent stamps te come in. Oh. my dear Fogg. Aagl;ea Is a very sensible girL" Fogs (dryly): Two centsible, I'm afraid.,F A Case of Melancholy. The Mugwump rcots on the hetlevlea. The tajwap lts f n the tree: Whenever I rear the Hopwip aia. Mr heart is sad in me. Whenever the Fnospap toots his tsec To tne wan or tne - ipwaaa- oen. And the ills-funk chirps in the slilir Bleat. 1 ou net l am loneiy taen. T-.rento Wcrtt Lonsr ago some wag spoke of the narber's children as "little shavers." But it is quite new to allude to the children of the upholsterer as little tackers." to those of the batcher aa "young Iambs:" to tnoss of the car penter as "chips lrom the old block." and to the angry man's as "little pets." Prof. Wiggins has broken loose again, lorn; enough to make the pleas ant announcement ttat a perpatetic earth tuake will sbottly make a tour through this country, "trimmed with Asiatic cholera and cyclones. But coa ftidcring that this is election year, only most liLcral ad ertoing can make the thing a success. Life "Now," said the Boston school teacher, "the question I am. about to put to you is an cticmc'" difficult one, and to answer it correctly you wdl bo obliged, metaphorically speaking, to imitate the trunk conformation of the dromedary of the desert." A Western school-teacher woald have put the ques tion and said, simply. "Now hump yourselves." Chicago' Tribune. An old gentleman who had pro voked the hostility of a fadiionable lady whom he had known ia boyhowas asked by his wi.e what he had done to incur the lady's displeasure. "Nothirg at all." repl ed the innocent old man; "on the contrary. I was cordial to her, and spoke of the time when I used to draw her to school on a go-cart nearly half a century ago!" His wife tfcrew up her hands uid murmured: "How stupid men are!" Chicago Inter Ocean. Santa Barbara probably poscasea the smallest team of mnles In the coun try. They are hitched to street-ear, which is often taken for a cable damray in consequence. The other day the passengers were surprised by the car fetching up with a sudden bump while on a down. Tade. After peering- care fully over the dashboard for a few mo ments, the driver said: "Well, Pa denied if them pesky critters bavea't got under the car ag"in." San Frm dscoPost. "Howd'y do this saram. Mrs. Mulvaney?" "Forty wnH. I thaak re, Mrs-O'I&ugbaa.' "Wuzyeattk'Mad dleshang coashirt, I duaao?" "Dade an' I wuz." "And how did yelotke the entertainment. Mrs. 0'Uooraa?" "Purty wall pur-ty wall, berria" aoae dhhcrxDaa sez." "Pbat wax the chuae?" "The cause is it? Hew cud I define the chnnewhia they was whip swin thin laddie so rahameatyez csd deBtmoiadta's.epatallatalI.,l Brad- ford Sunday MaiL