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INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. r Beveled te the Interests ef the Ckcrekces, Chectawi, CklcUaiaws, ScralHelcs, Creek, sad all Other Indian ef the IhcIIsh Tcrriferr. K L OHMrTAm Ps.ILISH.NC CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY,' JUNE 19, 1884, VOL,IL NO. 40, A PALACE STORE! t K (Mftrisw ta, teest i eeapletest store ! tie tiihk Territory Is that or jW. O. PATTON fc CO., Tew get Mjtktep t KEEP JjtdafeM Mr Q8SDU MFAXIjuxj: ewtabu aa knease stock f every Tarietjof the best and most serviceable Drj mi mill! Jst XJ GLMTXim JEFART3KST ywi trill lad fee krsest Stock ef trst-elass Cletain?, Boots, Sbo, Hatr, Ladle.' ' at FMatefck6w4s. WWfa MJK JULLOERT. BfiPAKTXOT k I 5c1' MFAKTJ(EaT Is reffete wllkerery kbt ef Staple and Tamej luvno, vs-eese, jsc. y'tm BBPAXTXI5T has & LTTJRAL TMFJ.TXXST ri.SE tMPlKTVWT U lie. TwtB4ia . E 08g JLSa CH3SWARE KFAKTXE5T every Tariely af Dishes, Crocks, Jars, Jug, Etc. While la W1 STOKE BCFAKTXOT yea will lad a stea4id stark eTPnre, Xice Drugs, Medicines, eomplcte in every re- )Jet l?reaaia4fea eareMly easHtaaaded by a skilled apothecary. In this connection we hare also an Immense tok rfSiltaa, Lamp, decks, Caafectlaaery, Etc. Aad a 'JZATWSIRr iXl BK WPAXTXEST where yaa will lad every variety of Writing Materials, Paper, Blank Boob Sate aM Becatgt Beaks, Schaal Beets, aad a IteeeTgeel Reading Books Prose and Poetry. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Gome and See Us. W. C. PATTON VINITA LUMBER YARD, W. Iu TROTT, Proprietor. QBtatfdaaapplyafbothHattveandXorthernPine Lumber. Aim Fhlo- atea.Se Moaldtar. Etc Tbe n, etc Bastes, i V OKDEKb SOLICITED. OFFICE JLXD YARDS THE NEW DRUG STORE. Brags, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, Etc.; also a Fall Line of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. PeCTf THIS 6A8EFM.LY GOMFOUMOED BY DR. BAGBY. MipiirtearfamhcaetarslTIaiU at X. TS.XZrS Red Front, one door West at 'frfcea Hotel. M. FRAZEE, VJnita, Indian territory. THOMPSON GROCERS Fnn 1 lair! 1111 Btmt rhn flinlrrit "npTn mff Tturj flmrrrln tn ttin MirYrt Alio Fni, hftiaWts, Fni, (unrari, Glassware ami rnwin. Bmmlnr mn-rr-irfr tnTtir frir BaHalnr aa e Carser. two doara Wm or A. C KHnw4 & ca.a Mar ware Mere. wa.r.wnjt WM. LIHLE & CO., trkateaato anKta Bnlm fat FLOOR, FEED AND PROVISIONS Abo carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Queensware, (Nothing, Tinware, Boots and Shoes, Motions, Etc. IKHEST PRICE PAH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE &k!l Mies k Mmi Always in Stoci Don't fail to see our stock and learn our prices before "buying. WI. LITTLE & CO., Vinita, Indian Ter. OBPSOBiraTASTLTOX HAKD ALL KDTDSOF . LatoLaB,Sbls,D THE LUMBERMAN YOCKAXTTO UI LUIIiK CIEAr CITEHIM ACAIX. JOHN" & GEORGE BTTLLETTE, ITTLL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF (JElfEEAL MEEOHANDISE WHKX WILL K SKI AT KI-MCK PUCES. 1 MK BIWS, ICaS rf TWKCS. Casa. or ltue lAKea in Ex- VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. job Trat a4 Ifet ef the Terj best quality A GENERAL STORE. asserbaeat of ererythlH? wanted j oar fHr f te UkMbks la all Us Latest Sty 1m fall fee af Saadks, Karae aad Leather BEFARTXEXT yea raa get Winroas, BHggies, Flows Spring iTa-ons, Etc. WTI ataekM wtlb flle 0-t-w ft. Inc. & CO., Vinita, Native Pine- twin? shiPDed from the Cnoctow OX ILLINOIS AYENTJE, amcE, TTSTXA. SKSNNER, r. E. SHILTOI. ALSO DEALEU IX LLffl, IAK, PLiSTH PIUS. WILL FUKSISH ODD SIZES OF DOORS. SASH & BLINDS AS CIIEAP AS ASTBODTT. OFHCE AND TABD OPP. MTIOML HOTEL COETOPA, KAS. Till A I T to be had In the coi a rj. easterners. and Fashions. Greeries, Flonr, Bacon,.Canned Geeds, Goods of all kinds. In TT'nM Tlnn-an. Itc T?fncttt Tnat. Indian Territory. w;r. littles. 'W W.JAHVIH. FH.XKttTHPIX. T J. DA-MEL. LI1TLE, JlinS & CO., is For toe purchue and fie at CATTLE, HC6S 1MB SHEEP. 13 XatJvnal Stock Tardu, E. St. Louit tyTJbrnd adraucni made on eonslcnmenU. THE UVE STOCK MABKET OF ST.LOUIS THE ST. F.OUIS XATIOXAI. STOCKYARDS Located at Eaat St. LonU, III. Dircctlj- opposite the city of St. Louia. Daren f or all desenpt kra of Lire Slock alwanaW tendance, and within the trrounds of the Stock Tatd are a Beef Cannlnjf Osmpany. with a capcJtj-forelauirlilerlnK 1,009 head of cattla dallr. and Pork racklnjr Etablllimenta with a capacity for slaughtering- COJO boss daily. ISAAC 11. OOX, President CHAS. T. JOSES, Supt. In Facie HATT,"WAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOUIS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars through to St Louis,Tia Sedalia, Daily. Direct Koutc West anil South west Tia Kansas City. IT KAUC1P rtTVl-"nkmDcpotpaaenjren ft I fvARoAO Ul 1 I for Kan-as. Colorado. New Jleiico and California connect with Ex presi Trains of all Bnc. IT ITPUIPDU Comwctton U made wit Al AluniOUnExnrrra Trains for a rolnta in Kbt? and ItebrasLa. IT nillUt Connection I made with aB A I UmAflA lines leading to Use North and West. SUPfflOE ACCOM! ITVSX TI3XE. F. CHANDLER, Gen. Tass. Agent, & B. KISXAS, Ass't Gen, Pass. Agent. F. L. DECKEIl, Agent at Vinita. 4t,FRlSCO LINE." ST.LUUisfiaiarj f nTT.T-JA.'g TIIUOOGH artssoxjKr, AJii.lSL,JiiSA.S, 1jI1UVW TERKITORY. Tbo Direct Through Itonto Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Trains are Run Dally. 5 Change of Car. Through ?nllraan Palace Sleeping Cam art run dailr. wiihout rhanse, between ST. LOCIS, Ma.and.sANFnA-ClSO.faL 300.00 acres of rk-h fannln-; and mineral lands forMleby thiscomninj-lnSOimiWLST ML.orm . , CffFor fm. and part eular Information. with MansTlmr Tatlfw. Itatoa. c!t '-all u ton or ad dreasanrofou s-taton Agmt.oreitherof tht tmdrrnnmed. D. WISHAKT Gcserii Fa-sonycr Aseat, 8 O. W CALE. General Fre'sht Asrnt St Loula C VT HOGEltii. Vleo I'-x Jdcnl Mid I.Mlen ISansjxr, Temp: Ilulllinf, u(. Louu. Urn. ssioiMemiaii CURRENT COBCttEKT. The Bank of New York recently cele brated its one hundredth anniversary The bank was the first organized in the State and the second one in the Union. The shaft of General Sutter's old mill at Coioma. CaL, where gold was first discovered by Marshall, in 1848. has just been placed in a museum in San Francisco. A Georgia man took an ingenious way of draining a swamp. He bored an artesian well hole through it to a depth of eighty feet, the last fifty being through rock, until a fault and continuous open ing were found. The water disappeared rapidly, and the area of land reclaimed pars n large profit. Tim ladies of Natchez are moring to secure for the World's Exposition at New Orleans a proper exhibition of the taste and rrcnlns of the women of Mis. sissippi. The movement, to well inau gurated, will doubtless be followed up by the ladies of every county, town, and city in Mississippi. Ox the 12th of February 223 slaves were freed in Brazil, at a cost of S37, G00, by the emancipation fund. The number of slaves still on the lists is 1.500,000. This number is being grad ually diminished by public funds and private benevolence, the latter freeing nine to the former's one. The Altorncy41cncral of South Caro lina has given his opinion adverse to the $500 reward offered for "the apprchen UnH and conviction" of Boggarr Cash, as the terms of the proclamation under which the reward was offered were specific, and under no other circum stances could the reward be paid. Heixkicii Heine's family are a queer set. One brother. Gustav, paid the poet's widow a pension on condition that she should make no attempts at biography. Another, Maximilian, got bold of the manuscript of the auto biography lately published and de stroyed all which revealed the Jewish ancestry of the family, with no pretense to rank or station. Miss Liluan TATLort. daughter of Bayard Taylor, has delighted her friends by evincing an artLtic talent closely akin to genius. Some of her sketches from life might with credit be attributed to far older and more famous hands. In a few days she will sail for Enropc, there to pursue her studies in the best schools of art. Miss Taylor appears also to have in inherited an enviable share of literarv ability. An opera company organized in Lon don about a year ago to make a tour of India, Australia and Java, stranded re cently in the latter place, and the prima donna, Mmc. Duche. is now acting as chambermaid in one of the hotels there, while the tenor, M. Trcblanc, has en tered the service of a cattle raiser. The remainder of the company occupy various positions in the same sphere of of life. The late I'ctcr P. Brigham. In 1877. gave by will $30,000 to the town of Bakcrsfield, in Vermont, to constitute the Brigham School Fund for educa tional purposes. The residue af the es tate, after the payment of certain leg-a-ies, at the end of twenty-five 3"ears, v .h its accumulations, is to go to found the Brigham Hospital for sick persons in indigent circumstances resid ing in Boston. The residue already ex ceeds $1,000,000. Some out-of-the-way data respecting the great canals of the world are pub lished. The Imperial canal of China is over 1,000 miles long. In Ihe year 1681 was completed the greatest undertaking of the kind on the continent, the canal of Langucdoc, or the Canal du Midi, to connect the Atlantic with the Medit erranean; it length is 14S miles, it has more than 100 locks, and about fifty aqueducts, and in its highest part it is no less than COO feet above the sea; it is navigable for ves.-cls of upward of 100 tons. The largest ship canal in Eu rope is the Great North Holland canal, completed in 1825. It is 125 feet wide at the water surface, thirty-one feet wido at the bottom and has a depth of twenty feet; it extends from Amsterdam to the Ueldcr, fifty-one miles. The Caledonian canal, in Scotland, has a total length of sixty miles, including three lakes. The Suez canal is eighty -eight miles long, of which sixty-six miles are actual canaL The Eric canal is 3501 miles long; the Ohio; canal, Cleveland to Portsmouth, 332; the Miami and Eric, Cincinnati to Toledo, 231; the Wabash and Erie, Evansvi'le to the Ohio line. 374. Washington has never appeared to greater advantage than it has during the lato spring, and the many strangers who have been there have gone away de lighted with the Federal city. A very intelligent Massachusetts gentleman, wrote: The view from the Capitol looking westward is a picture that I never shall forget waking or sleeping it stands out distinct and clear before my eyes. It is indeed beautiful. The ! city lies at the spectator's feet, and Pennsylvania avenue stretches out be-1 fore him, even its mean-looking houses j acquiring a sort of beauty as being com-1 pooect parts of the vista. Looking directly westward, the mall spread j out before him, with the quaint but picturesque buildings of the Smith sonian Institute, the National Museum, and the Department of Agriculture re lieving the monotony of its once desert waste. Afar off the huge white obelisk of the Washington monument rises, its top swarming with workmen, and dc tigned to become a noble and com manding structure. When the monu ment is finished, and the grounds of the mall are laid out as a public park, and the railroad is banished, itwill be un turpasscd by anv view in any other city in Christendom. THE WOllLD'S D01KGS A Summary af the Dally .Vewi. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Ilf toe Senate, on the 10th, a large num ber of petitions wero prevented opposing- a Governmental telegraph. Sir. llock withdrew his rcsoluttnn concerning the removal of po litical illfatillitlcft. and the Senate resumed cons d -ration of the Mexican Pension bill. The aincnement ofersd nj- Mr HarrSon. In tended to limit lh- henccciarles or the bill to thoe who bad ecen service, was laid on the table: rrasS; nays. SU. The Conular and Di plomatic Appropriation bill was taken up and the Senate went Into secret session on the por tion rc!atlnr to (be enforcement of the !teu tralltr act .. In the llouv. Mr. Morrison. Chairman of the committee on Wars and Mean?, reported a concurrent resolution nro vidmg for anal adjo-jn mrnt of Concresa Mnnda). the Itnti at June, at three p. m. Adonlrd Without division. Mr. Parson, from I the Committee nil Public: Lnmls. reported a uiu loncuinc- pan ox ccrxain laraxseranicg or Iowa to aid In the construction of railroads In that State The House, at I! icvenlns session, took up the bil! directing th Secretarr of the IntetJor to obtain from the Ked Lake Chippe wa Indians a relinquishment of their UUe to the lied Lake Reservation of Minnesota. After a Ions' debate and without action the House adjourned. Tnr Senate, on the 11th. went into secret lorlslatire session on the item in the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill appropri ating tSflJUi to cover the necessatr expenses attendant upon the execntlon of the Neu trality act. Nothing- definite waa accom plkhed. as wben the doors were reopened a quorum was not present The House went Into Committee of the Wholo on tbo Itlver and Harbor bUL The clause for tbo construction of tbo Hennepin ca nal having teen reached. Mr. Jones, of Wisconsin, raised agatnt It the point of order that the Cntnniitl'-c on lilt eta and Harbors bad no jurisdiction over the subject, and that a bill with substantially the same provision was pending in the House- The Chair overruled the point of order and was sustained on an appeal by KH to . Mr. Holman then moved ro nnne out tnr iicnnepm canal clause nr Potior suppo taltnc motion, but It was lost by a vote of ae to 31. Mr. CosznireSnoved to In crease from JSUVul to FKainD the appropria tion far the Improvement of the Missouri from its mouth to Slonx City. Lost. After con cluding the appropriation portion of the bill the committee roo and the House adjourned. The Senate, on the 12 h. took a final roU- on the Consular and Diplomatic Appropria tion bill, and the bill was passed by thirty eiaht yeas and two nays "Vance and Van Wyck). The bill as passed Is almost precisely as reported from the Senate Committee on Appropriations, making an addition of f-W-Ou to rhe bill as reported from the House. The Mexican Pensions bill was taken up. Afterdrbate. the Senate, without reaching a conclusion on the bill, went into executive session, and wben the door opened, ad journed. The House met In continuance of Wednesday's session, and went into Commit tee of the Whole, on the Hirer and Harbor Appropriation bUL The appro- 5riatlon to the Ice harbor on the lusklngum lUrt-r was increased from av OJO to Sai,CU). The committee arose and re portrl the bill to the Houc Mr Oatcs moved to strike out tbo Hennepin canal daue. The motion to strike out wis agreed to: yeas. Its; nays. 1. Mr. Murphy then morel to lay the Mil and pending fcmend menta on the table. The motion was lost yc as. IT; nays. lis. The bill was then passed br a vote of reas. 1ST: nays. ltt The Sneaker announced that the vote on the motion to strike out the Hennepin caial clause bad not been correctly stated; that be actual vote was: yeas, lis; nays. 1C Mr. Eaton then called up the Senate bill regulating the clecioral count. After some dis cussion, the House adlourned. Is the Senate, on the lSth, Mr. Brown ob tained unanimous consent to take up the bill to require the payment in cash to the State of Georgia of CQn. appropriated for that State by act of Congress, parsed March 3d. to re fund to Georgia certain money expended for the common defense in 1777. Mr. Dolph moved an amendment to Includo tx.000 for Oregon and 3 for California to refund moneys expended by those State In the sup pression of the Modoc hostilities. After a long discussion. Mr. Ingalls moved to recom mit the bill to the Committee on Claims. It was then dIcorercd that no quorum was Iirescntand the Senate adjourned until the eth . In the House the Senate amendment to the Consular and Diplomatic and Revenue Appropriation bills were non-concurred In. Mr. Prynr then took the floor on tbo Electoral bilL At the conclusion of Mr Pryor's speech Mr. Tnwnshend. of Illinois, submitted a con ference report on tie Post-once Appropri ation bill. He raid thai the items upon which no agreement had been reached were, first. Increasing the appropriation for the pay of letter carriers: second. In creasing by JLOaWMO the appropriation for mall transportlon on railroad routes; third, striking out the clause regulating the com pensation to land grant roar fourth, appro priating for rpccialxnail facilities, and fifth. Increasing by futUOJ the appropriation for railway pn.t-omce clerk. Theconfercnce report was adopted as far as the Items arc -oncerurd upon which the agreement had 'jeen arrired at. The House at its evening session passed seventy-lx penion bills and adjourned. Tltr Senate was not in session on the lith TbcHouo resumed consideration of the amendment 1 la dispute between the two bouse upon the Post-odcc Appropriation bill, the rending amendment being that incor porated by the Senate appropriating fltiflK) fur special mail facilities on trunk lines. Mr. Horr moved that the House recede from 1 disagreement to the amendment and aeiee 0 the same wuh an amendment Increasing tbe appropriation 73U,0U1 I'pon this motion 1 long debate ensued. Finally Mr. Horr's ir--Uon was agreed to yeas. VS. nays. 97. ii -. Id rr moved that the House concur In the 1 -manning amendment, increasing from $1.0 Jt " OH to H-1XX.UT) the appropriation for railway post-office clerks. After debate he motion was lot yea-s. tft: nays. 117; and in motion of Mr. Townucnd the House furtarr insisted on It disagreement :o the amtcd meet. This completed tbo consideration f thchilL Mr. J. Hopkins, or tbeCommlttrt on Public RuIVltngs. submitted a report upon the Investigation In retard to the selectloa ( a site- for a public building in lirooklyn. II. f. The report is accompanied by resolution de claring the charges of corrupt or CJluMve action on the part of the Swrctar' of tLe Treasury or someof his subordinates Save not been sustained. POLITICAL AND PERSONAL. Tne remains of ex-Justice loan H. Swarne, of the United States Supreme Court, arrived at Washington from ifew York recently on a special car, and were interred in Oak Hill Cemetery. Samuei. J. Truex has written a letter drfinr-ciy declining hi proposed nomina tion as the Democratic candidate for the I'resiJencj. His reasons were that be was physically nnable to bear tbs burdens ot Government or to make the necessary can vass. George I). Moroax has bet n elected di rector of the Western Union, to fill the vacancy canted by the death of Augustas Schell. Bisnop Groitor W. Prrrntrv, of West Virginia, waa man led tbe other night in Henrico County, Va.. to Mis Marion M. Stewart, daughter of John Stewart, one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens of Virginia. SIIhCELLANEOCS. Tht Washington Star says: Late d'.i-j closure! show that tin failure of the bank-1 Ing bocse of Middleton & Co. was not only j disgraceful, but one of the most disastrous on record. Property left for safe keeping, t good margins on stock, clarity funds, all r the deposits, and in fact everything, bad been swept away and nsed by this firm until It is doubtful if it pays' a cent or even a mill on the dollar. Failures for tbe past seven days In the United States were 203, Canada 23, cranio, crease of tX Casualties were lighter than nraal in Ji New England and Western States, but thera was an increase in the Middle, Southern and Pacific States and Canada. AIbicext Corsicana, Tex., special says: Tbe extraordinary hot weather of the past few day culminated in a small cyclone and heavy rain fctorm. Two business bouses vent unroofed, many bouses blown down and a number of residence some what damaged. Frasx L. Lobixo, ot Chicago, who was sentenced for using tbe mails to defraud, urrendered himself to District Attorney TuthiU, and was sent to jail for twelve montu. The dead body of a yeoag man, wbesa widowed mother Ursa at Bardstown, Ky., i was found In Salt River, near bart , Monroe County, Ma, & day os" two afo, kU arox bound and bis nrckbroHe. It waa be lieved that be was brutally murdered aad thrown into the river. Tht matter waa being investigated. Hcst, Stewart & Co-, cotton factors of New Orleans, failed recently. Stewart I states that the failure was eaased by a misunderstanding concerning the accept an ce ot drafts. Fbjjcx Aksucxxx caught his arm in some of the machinery ot Nathan Ar buckle's mill at Itushville, IniL, recently, and had tbe flesh literally torn from the bones. Ha lived in extreme agony until he was relieved by death. Torek dynamite cartridges exploded at Genoa, Italy, recently two in front of the Church of the Conception, the other in close proximity to tie Churefc. ot Sen Lor enzo. A L0.IDO.1 dispatch of tbe 13th says: The Tichbome claimant (Arthur Orton) will be released on a ticket of leave. The steamer Pearl mistook tbe lights at Wbito Bock, Lata Huron; the other night and run on the reels, where she wai lying in a perilous condition. Her cargo was jettisoned. Br spilling molten metal at the Cincin nati and Newport iron and pipe works, Newport, Ky., rectatly, an employe earned Vanausdal was burned to death, and two o'.hers probably fatally injared. Ax explosion at Looms' Mill, threeaHes north ot Little Rock, Ark-, destroyed most of the structure; killed Anderson Car penter, the engineer, and Ellas Lee, badly wounding two others. Acn.10 Govzrsok Tboxas, of Utah, granted a reprieve to Hopt, pending his appeal to the United States Supreme Court. He was te have been shot on the I3:b. It was stated thtt the Czar bad approved tbe plan submitted by certain Russian naval ofQcers for an expedition to the North Pole in sledges from the new SI berian islands. The body fonid in Jim River, near Mitchell, D. T., and supposed to be that of the mislng German, Scimidtj proves to bstheboJyof Bechtel, tbe supposed mur derer of Schmidt. BecMel was the victim f the vigilantes, then thrown Into the river. Br a collision with an exciirsioii train on tbe Camden & Pacific Railroad, recent ly, near Camden, Pa Engineers Palmer and Baxter and Conductor Smith. Bag gagemaster Vaughn, Mail Agent Wylie and Fireman Barber vera killed. Many per sons were injured. The excursion party were of the Camden Presbyterian Church. Frank Fenton, Supervisor of the road, and G. Eiwards, were also killed. The acci dent was caused ry the non-reception of telegraphic dispatch. The Pope has Intruded Monsignor Ri naldinine at Brussels to negotiate for the restoration of diiiomatic relations between the Vatican and Belgium. At a recent gaae ot lacros-o at Belfast, between the American and United King d im teams, tbe score was: United King dom, 5 goals; American, 3 goals. There was a severe frost In various parts of New England on the lith. Many farm crcps were absolutely mined. Ectttias advices say there was an Arab at Korosko who claims to be the sole sur vivor of the Berber garrison. He says he was present when the rebels attacked Ber ber on May 33. The garrison defended the town two hours, but the rebels forced their way into tio city, where they imme dlately massacred 1,500 men of the garri son and 2.0C0 of the male population. Tht women and rkiUren were spared. A FKAXKroKr, Ky., special says thi Court of Appeals reversed the decision oi tho lower court tn the case of Thomas Crit tenden, of Missouri, charged with and sn tenced to the penitentiary for killing a ne gro. Illegal evidsneo was the grounds ol tho reversal At Butler, Pa a boiler used tn pump in; Coldridge oil well 'So.Jb exploded thr other morning demolishing the boiler anc engine house and killing the engineer, Richard Walker. His son, who was neat 11 is father, was thrown fifteen feet, receiv icg fatal injuries. The skeleton of a boy was found in c pond at Avondale near Cincinnati, with t rope around his neck and a stone tied tc the rope. No due to his identity or bow he came into tbe pond. The necessary papers to secure the re quisition of John C. Eno, the defaulting President ot the Second National Bank ol New York, were made out and officials left with tbem for Canada. The State Depart ment formally notified the British Minis ter that a requisition had been made foi ihe surrender of Eno. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. The poliea of Rams were recently ad vised to keep a strict watch in the interior ot St. Peter's against dynamiters. The Clearing-house returns for the week ending J unb 14th, show a falling off of 23.1 per cent. The mills of the oltaic Iron Company (limited), at Apollo, Pa., which have been closed down for somo time because the manufacturers refused to sign tho scale, were to start up with non-union men. Th firm, feariyg trouble, applied to the sheriffs of Westmoreland and Armstrong Coun ties for protection. Bridge, Beach & Co., extensive stove manufacturers of St. Louis, notified their employes recently that they would be obliged to reduce wages fifteen per cent. About three hundred of the latter refused to accept the reduction and quit work. Tub Superintendent of Schools for Steu ben County, IniL, reports that there is no chiid In his district between ten and twenty-one years of age unable to read and write. At a balloon ascension near Bordeaux, France, recently, George Roosevelt, United Slate consul, and wiie were present. A French soldier fired a pistol at tho Ameri cans. The bullet passed wrougn Jir. Roosevelt's hat, contused his head and knocked him over. The wounded man pointed out the soldier, but the latter, witb two companions, escaped. The trotting horse Burns, valued at jT.000, owned by S. A. McLean, of East Saginaw, Mich., dropped dead on the race track while being exercised. Richard Milbocrx, an old and wealthy farmer at Greenfield, Ind., while picking cherries, fell from a tree, and sustained In juries from which he can not recover. Ix the Senate, on the 16:h, the Utah bill was under consideration. An amendment to the bill was defeated by 41 to 4. The House discussed the Deficiency bill until adjournment. A Laredo, Xex., special says: It Is now stated upon the authority of oae who ougLt to know, that tbe breach between Generals Diaz and Trevino has been set tled, and a satisfactory agreement reached. By the terms of tho agreement it is said General Trevino will be made Secretary ot War upon tbe accession of Diaz to the Presidency. This arrangement settles all apprehensions of a revolution growing out of the election of Diaz to the Presidency of Mexico. A srsSATto.v waa created in tbe Senate on the l&h by Mr. Ingalls, who intimated that Senator Brown had laserted In the of ficial report of the debate words mVi spoken, by Mr. Ingalls, thus committing 'orrery upon the records of the Senate. tBfc4realJeJ.3fr. Ingalls to order, and sfcntiUrWe excited talk, tbe matter wsKSfcreTV ' A FATAL COLLISION.- A Train Containing an Excursion i3rty Come In Collision With a Freight !VltB Tatal KesalU. PniLADtxpinA, June 14. By a colllsior with an excursion train on tbe Camden road this morning. Engineers Palmer and Baxter and Conductor Smith, Baggage Master Vaughi, Mail Agent Wylie and Fireman Barber were killed. Many persons were injured. The excursion part; were of Cam Jen Presbyteriati Church. LATER. ruiLAUKXrnxv, June 18. Conductor Glenn, who was injured in a collision on tbe Camden it Atlantic Railroad, was sent to lib home at Atlantic City immediately after the collision. It is rumored that he will hkely die. Of the others injured, the two LIpnincott children in the Lakeside train were so slightly hurt as to be about yester day. Samuel Archer, a machinist, whose skull was fractured by a Hying iron while working at the wreck, is much better. Leonard Banch, who lives on Gcrmantown avenue, rhlhv lelphia, L in. about the same condition. Honry Deliii, Special ot&eef on the Lakeside train, is 'sorsc- His recovery U thought to be doubtful. Louis McLain, foreman 0 the Lakeside train, who saved Ills life by jumping, is reported to be hi great pain at his borne in Berlin. Frank McCormirk. who had his leg broken. Is do ing well at his home in Camden. Baggage Master ISosenbamn, ot the up train, is iut proxing. Later developments indicate that the blame for the collision rests primarily with Albert Glenn, the conductor of the accommodation train. The Coroner's in C,uet will be held Wednesday. JUSTED 15T0 THE LAKE. A Cnleago Man Jump Into the Lake, Up ettlns; III Compaulon Abo Into the Water. CnldAOo, Jane 1L As rblleeman Mnhl idc was passimf the lake at the foot of Bel mont avntte he saw two men stru&rjiss with the rraves. They were clinging to a boat which had capsized. The officer called a sailor to his assistance, and they procured a boat and rowed to tiie rescue. In the meantime one of the men had been washed away. When Muhlick and bis companion were within twenty feet of tho boat tbe other man also disappeared. The officer plunged Into tiie rough sea, and after a desperate struggle succeeded in roculng the drown ing man. The latter, unconscious, was taken to a house on Belmont avenue and resusci tated after four hours ban! work. Henry Nichols, whose life the officer saved, said: "Jaob Tausck met me about four o'clock and xsked me to go nshine. I con sented, and we procured a boat and rowed down a short way. When about one hundred and fifty feet from shore he rose in the boat and exclaimed: Good bye, Henry," at the same time jumping into the lake. In the plunge he overturned the boit and threw me into the water. He arose and grabbed bold of tbe boat, and again said "good bye." Soon atter a wave washed me from the boat," Tausck's remains have not yet been recovered. He wzs thirty-five years of age, married and leaves three children. He was a barber. Family troubles are supposed to have caused the suicide. THE FALL OF BERBER. Tbe Garrison and Two Thousand or tne In habitant Massacred. London, June 16. Egyptian advices say there Is an Arab at Kbrosko who claims to be the sole survivor of the Berber garrison. He says he was present wben the rebels at tacked Berber on May 23. The gar rison defended the town two bocxs, but the reliels forced their way into the rity, where they immediately massa cred 1,500 men of the garrison and 3,000 of tbe male population. The women anil children were spared. The story is believed by Major Kitchener and the son of Hussein Pacha and Rhalill, Governor ot Berber. Later advices from Berber, state Hassan Pacha Kliaiiff, Governor of Berber, fell wounded and would have been killed hail not a son of Hassan Paj-ha a brother of Moh"-rr- rushed to the rescue and held the i -a u over him until the tight wa finished. Hassan and Mohammed hail been in the rebel camp some time dressed as dervishes. The rebels are within a week's march of Donjrolo and Kernskn. The feast of Ramadan gites a month of delay, after wbiclt nothing rait present thi rebels seizing any point south of Ass'out, which is within twelve hours march of JCairo. Caiho, June 16. Orders have been given to facilitate the retreat of Dongola garrison. The fall of Berber caused great excitement at Assouan, but tbe patrolling of gunboats tends to reassure the natives. It is believed in official circles that Khartoum is safe. A JUDGE'S 1'ROalSE. lie Give a Note for Our Thousand Dollars tn Satisfy a llrrach of rromlse and Has to Pay Is. Wavkesma, Wis June H. A case which lias excited much Interest was de cided here. The present suit was brought by Dr. IL A. Younians.of Mukwonago, against Judge P. IL Carney, of Waukesha, to re cox it judgment on a promissory note for 51.000, alleged to have been given by the defendant to Maria Thomas. The note was sild to Iiavc been given by Carney to Miss Thomas In order to check a breach of promise suit In the summer ot 1873 tbe Judge began paying attentions to the young lady, who lives a s-hort distance from Waukesha. Miss Thoma. says he pwposed and was accepted. The next year Carney married another lady. Mis Thomas then commenced a suit against liiui. fixing bet damages at SI 0.000. The suit was com promised by the note now in question, which was afterward transferred by Miss Thomas to Youmans. In his first answer Judge Carney admitted that the signature was genuine, but claimed the body ot the note a forgery. In an amended answer he claimed that the whole note was a forgery The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum ot $1,010. Tne Combination at Distillers ltroken Cp. Chicago, June 1-t. A meeting of distil lers who are members of the Western -Export Association was held here, ami after discussing the question of reorganizing the pool for control of the prodnction anil regu lation of prices, which has been practicallj a dead letter since the recent break in whisky values, the whole matter was turned over to the executive committee. That body spent the afternoon and evening in secret session. It is understood that tUt" meeting was a rather stormy one. Charg of cutting prices and orrrproduction were made against Cincinnati and Des Moines distilleries. Filially, without reacliln? any agreement, the committee adjourned sin die. The combination is considered at an end A Traveling Specialist. VrscxsNES, lro, June II "Dr." Warner, a travelinz; specialist, abandoned his reputed wife and .young baby at Wash ington, Ind., and eloped with Miss Annie Bussinser, a servant girl of that place. The couple were arrested at Shoals, charged with adultery, but save a kind-hearted offi cer the slip and disappeared. The woman left In Washington admits that she is not Warner's wife, bet that he. persuaded her to cave a conof ortabJ be m Kansas and go trith him. She ref to tell her name or mention where her fearr lives. A church society has taken charge ' her. Bit) RESULTS T A 5FXEX. FWable death of Son thera L llmssjr it Eaeet of Hr Hubaad' Crbor. AfOtStAy GA June 13 XlX W. J. Fairchlld, oftew X beautiful and ac complished lady at flavaanab, has josi died a miserable death In one" cf A Mania's kaant cf sin. The story which arfctrhes kseif tv fills woman b peculiarly sad. Tbw year ago she was a happy wife in a casr freest In Savannah Her husband, a young, harri some, educated tsen, bad alucrative and re sponsible position witb the Central Railroad in that dry, and possessed tbe respect ami esteem ot all who knew hint. About Christmas ot 1831. while on a drsnkes spree, he shot a young man who snbse quently died. Fairchlld was arrested, placed In jail and tried. The case against hie! was stubborn, and it required his beesa and everfthifu; else he could accumu late to snve his neck. His wife gave everything cheerfnlljr, and her grief which was manifested dansg tbe trial had grot influence on tbe Judge and jury". The trial resulted In a sentence of five years tcstead of tlm death penalty. The parting between Inn band and wife when he was talus to the Penitentiary was deeply affecting. With the hope of securing mitigation of the Schiatfe she came to Atlanta and fell a victim to" 0 wiles of a well-known charac ter In this dfy, Hb took the downward road, took to drink, and is a few weeks was a amfirmed drunkard. TliU step was foiiewed by others, until she found herself ntterfjr disgraced and sank to the loweet depths of degradation. She died verysuddeulv, with out having been sick a moment, iter hus band was at Lowe's camp, on the Chatta hooehie River, and when Mr, Lowe heard of the death of the convict's wife he caused two guards to brut? him to the; citr. Tho man knew nothing of the downfall of hi wife until he found ber dead in a boose of sin. His grief was painful to witness, tad as be stood beside the coffin be raved like 3 mad-man. The kindness of the lessees for whom he was workii-g enabled him to send the body to Savannah for burial. He has two children living in that city, but it will be three years before Fairebild can go to them. TOO MUCH URAI3. Ike Stanley, raying? Teller, Invest a Clean 8100,000 or the Hank' Fnad la a Crabs rx-t. Clevbland, O- June IX Isaac A. Staa leyt paying teller of the National Bank ot Commerse, was jailed last evening for em bezzling 5100,000 from the bank. The shortage was discovered wben the Cashier, Garettson, counted the reserve fund kept la a special apartment of the vault. The com bination was known only to Garettson and Stanley. Wben asked to explain the shrink age, Stanley confessed that a year ago ho was troubled about a debt of eight hundred dollars on his house and thought be could take that sum from the reserve luul with out harm to anyone, invest It In grain, real- lze a profit, pay oil the mortgage on his place and return the money. But the in vestment was unfortunate, and to cover the loss he took more, and so on until be bad taker, a clean 5100,000. Tbe directors of tbe bank met. and after a consultation, held Stznley prisoner at the hotel in the custody ot a detective. Yesterday another confer ence was held, resulting in the arrest. Stan ley has assigned his property anu some speculative deal. The bank announces la a card they will realize part of the tow from thU, and will not be affected by the defalca tion. AFFECT1XU SCESE. A Mother Separated from Her Children a an Ocean Steamship Leaves the 'Wharf. Baltimore, Mrx, Jnne 12. A thrilling scene was enacted at the steamship wharf here. Mrs. Ellen Withers, a widow lady, and her six children had engaged passageon the steamship ora Scotia, which sailed for Liverpool this morning. By some means two of tbe children got separated from tbe rest, and upon arriving on buard the steamer Mrs. Withers discovered her loss. Two lit tle girls, aged fourteen and seven yean, were missing. Tbe mother's grief waa heartrending. She rushed down tbe gang plank and up the wharf, searching araoug the crowd for ber little ones. The mother grew almost frantic as the time for tho steamship to sail grew nigh and no tidings were had ot her children. At last the l:ncs were cast off and the steamship started. The poor mother gazed after the departing steamer, having on board ber four children, and when tbe vessel ws out of sight she fell unconscious to the ground. The pain ful situation was soon made known to the spectators and reported to the agent of the steamship line. Every available means will be used to reunite the family. After two hours' search the two missing children were found. Mrs. Withers will sail in tbe next steamship aMcr her four children. Her husband died three weeks ago in Elk Lick; Pa. She was on her way to htr parents home. In England, -xhen separated from her little caes. m fc Pennsylvania Floods. rrrTSDTOCir, Pa, June li From points aIon, the AUegheny valley reports say that yesterday's rain storms were by far the heaviest known In many years and evisim; the most destructive flood since "63. At Brookville, Pa a waterspout burst, and in less than two hours the creek rose ten feet, transforming it Into a scethm foaming torrent The rapid rise gave the mill mtn no chance whatever to save their stock. Tbe ilams at the North Fork mills of Bryant fc Wainswrisht, and Latch Bros, mills gate way, carrying with them lumber valued at 53,000. Two brWces wero washed away, many small building demol ished anil a number of families driven from their homes and compelled to seek shelter elsewhere for the night. In Pittsburgh the rise hi tha Allegheny last night was very rapid, and a number of coal barges were swept from their moorings, but caught by .tow boats. The flood at Brook ville brought down about fifty thou sand pieces of lumber, and almost every owner ot a skiff is busy to-day catch ing drift wood. The water is now subsiding; and no Inrtlicr damage is anticipated. A Xew Martinsville, W. Va special says: A terrific thunder storm parsed over this dty last night, doing considerable damage. A boy named Melntyre and companion, who took refuge under a tree, were rendered senseless with the lightning which struck tbe tree. Melntyre's recovery IsdoubtfuL m A Terrible Water Spout. HAitKisBriw;, Ta-, June li A storm, accompanied by a water spout, visited the Cumberland Valley, in which several pas .engcr trains narrowly escaped being wrecked. From XewvlIIe east two miles in the valley the railroad runs on a high em bankment ot made ground. Directly after a train had passed over this portion ot the road the storm burst, and in the presence ot President Kennedy and other passengers on tberear car, carried half a mile of rails, ties and embansnumt away. Telegraph poles were prostra ed anil communication cut off. To avoid calamities, a Era was built at each end of the washout. Tha wa ter spout was about a half mile wide, and rery destructive to grain, buildings, etc A CoaCacvmtlaa. Boston, June ti A fire is now barsbag In the buUding occupied by the National Rubber and New Brunswick Rubber Com panies, on Congress street. Three upper stories have burned. An explosion ef naptha on the second floor burned three fire men nan.ed Hodcsod, Halsey and Littleton, who were taken to the hospitaL Others Injured are as follows. John Flaval, Dis trict Engineer Curm.nsham, Captain Wl Iard. Captain Frost, Lieutenant Grady and T.j,?-,,.r. STWtrir The lots will be ' heavy. Insurance, 5490,000 on stock an4 I cotk nrtn . hniMm; f.lVlVVV . .