Newspaper Page Text
0 CHIEFTAIN. INDIAN Derated to the Interest of the Chcrekccs, Choctaw, Chickasaw. Seminole, Creek, and all Other Indian of the Indian Tcrrltery. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1881. YOL. n. NO. 42. qCFTAIM FUILISHINC CO. A PALACE STORE! Bcjm4 al ewim tie toest a cntfrktest store la tfce India Terrilory Is that or Wo 0. PATTON fc CO., VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. r et MjtkiBS ym rat a tkt f tfce reiT best quality to be had In the coi m ry. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Ad a MI s9rtBtet of ererjtklas wanted by cr customers. JCE Bar 088BU BET.LBT3IPT rt nttr" taase tect r every variety of the best and most serrlreable Drj Eaodt. hi tCKOTMCieEPlKTXOTyMiriHfa4ttekrrest St r trst-dass CleiMay, Boots, Shois, HaL-, Ladli ari gtrtt Farmlnhbig 6fe. While MLLTtEKT KEAKTXEST te faHy f to tie times iasM th: talent Style ind Fashions. JKlClRrKFAmTXE5TbreiiletsTTilkeTerykiri of Staple aadlfctey Urjcerics, Flour, Bacon, Canned Goods, Crackers, Cheese, Etc. JK XASS88 KELBTME5T has a ftu ltae erSHIes, HaraeM ttad Leather Goods or all kind. In M7K JL9E3CULTUX1L IXPLEXE5T BEEAKTSE5T j cm set Wagoas, Buggies, FIottj, Spring Waoas, Etc. KEUfflWlREBCFXXTXESThweUstwieiTrithSaiLs Screws, Chains, ningcs, Tinware, Axes, Utensils Tool?, Bfe. TMirtMteaia -CK CASS 13 .JCIXSSWAIE SEPAKTXE5T every Tariety t Dishes, Crocks Jars, Jags Etc While la MJ RES STOKE BBPAETXEJT joa will fta a sp Iwdid stock or Inre, Xlee Drags, Medicines complete in ercrj- re w& PrewriftleM earefallr Umtuiti hy a stilled petheeary. la this connection we have also an immense feck fTSe!, Lm?s, Ctocks, CeafccUeaerT, Etc Ansa STATMSBXr AJ C KFAXTSEXT where ye will lad every variety of" Writln? Xaterial-S Paper, Blank Boob te aL Beeehit 8Mb, Sckwl Beets, a, a Ilae eTffoel Eeadln? Boiks-I'rosc and roetry. Omr Prieec are as Low as the Lowest. Come and See Us, W. G. PATTON i B VJIUTA LUJlLJ31ii1. 1ARU, W. X. TROTT, j Ba,i. Sftsh. BMwl. Mooldlwrv Etc. 1ue.aifiTO.nBC, uem uy "" "" s-- !lsrs.Ete. JUalin. It B -r""'"T OKDES3 SOLICHEU. OFECGE 1XD YAXDS OX ILLINOIS AVENUE, rorow'ShUG STORE. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Notions, Stationery, Etc.; also aFulIIine of Cigars, Tobaccos and Confectioneries. ffESCTOTilKS 6A8EFSILY GOMPOUNOED BY DR. BA6BY. Wntrilr-r -'" "" ' laTWta at X. FRAZETS Red Fnat, one deer Wet rf 'Frisee Hotel. M. FRAZEE, Vkiita, Indian Territory. THOMPSON CO., GUROOEIRS VT3srrr.A., i. t. KsrnJtisllroah3nJiaeChotast Staple nd Fancy Groceries In tee Xirket. Alio frit, Yipisits, Fiji, UrnRim, Biasswan wi TimrB. ExaaHn ojr rtnek In the Jtrtr BaHJHag Ote Corner, twconWl of a. C. 2tajeii4 Jt. Mardnrara More. - wK.r.Trnx WM. LITTLE & GO., WklimU ma gtll Bnlrrm la. FLOUR, EEED AND PROVISIONS Ato carry a complete line of Bry Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries. Qneensware, Clothing, ' Tinware, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE BadL Sraffe for aectm Bm in Slock. Don't fail to see our stock and learn our prices "before buying. -WjVr. LITTLE & CO. EKFS OOKSTANTLT OX HA5D ALL BOKTJSOF LHte,Irtfl,SSfifcBfiOK, HE A. THE LUMBERMAN BT TOUT'AXT TO LB1II1 CiEiP im GITE H13f A CAIX. JOHN & GEORGE BTJLLETTE, ITXLL ASD COMPLETE STOCK OF GENEBAL MERCHANDISE WXtC WM.L It SOU AT IEI-RICK PRICES. rt T1I9 TW WW rc 9P' or CalUe " B ta CA " .Ilcmi Car Coom. ciuae & GO., VinHa, Proprietor. opTorDatireaaaonaciiii'Kio juiovn. Aim Shto- r. S KHJU.TOT. Vinita, Indian JLer. ALSO DCALEBEf LUE, Kilt, PIASTER PAHS. WILL FCnSISH ODD SIZES OF DOORS. SASH BLIMPS AS CHEAT AS AKYBODT. OFFICE ASD YABD OFF. SITIOXAL HOTEL OTETOPA, KAS. -Gwk. Indian Territory FHAJTKTiniPIX. T J. DANIEL. LIlfLE, JARVIS HO IS For tfce purchas nod n!e of CATTLE, HQSS IND SHEEP, a National Stock Yards, E. St Urals. gyiJbml advances made on con!nmrnts. IHEIIVE STOCK MAEKET OF ST.L0UI3 THE ST. I.OUIS XATIOXAX. STOCKYARDS Located at East St. Lout, III. Directly onite the dty of St. Louis. Ilurert for all description of Lire Stork alwarsfn at tendance, and within the irtounds of the Stock Yards are a Beef Canning Companr. with a ca7Utxfra!ansbterlng'L0a) bead of csttla dally, and Forte Fackics EstabUshmenU.irita a capadty for slaughtering 12,0)0 hogs daily. ISAAC U. OOX, I'resldent CHAS. T. JOSES, Sept. Ill Pll RAILWAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOTJIS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars through to St. Louis, yia Scdalia, Daily. Direct Boutc AVcst and South west Tia Kauas Cit- Al RANoAO bill for Kana Cotemda NewMoxk-oandCaHronila ixraneet with Ex press Trains of all lines. AT ATCHISOHSSSTTAr1-. Points in Kansas and M-orasVa. IT nillUA Connection i made with aE A I U FB AH A lines leadins to the :onh n! West. SDPEBIORlCCOfflODfflmS FASrr TIME. F. CIIA5DLER, Gen. Toss. Apent. C. B. K1SSAS, Ass't Gen, Pass. Agent. F. L. DECKER, Agent at Vinita. "'FRISCO LINE. ST. LOmS ft SiSFIllACISCO THitoccn ?3tXISSOTJIir, S i.vrrs.vs. XJfrMAV TEURITOBY, Gommlssion MerchaD Ihe Direct ThrouFh Route Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Exprcs Trains arc Run Dally. 5 Change or Cars. Thrcmeh FnHman Palac Slcenlnjr Cjr m mn dally. wtibmittbanee. tiefween ST. LO L IS, MoaiHlSANFlL.VNrt5tXl.raL aonjao acres o( rfcb farraknf ami mineral land forMlolTthUcomrMnytoMlLTTllWKST it It) CK1 rjy-por fnB and part cwlar information, with JIapv Time TaUes. Hatrn. etcoiH tiwin or ad drnu any of ou - Station ARentK. or cither ot tha undsrnanted. D. W1UAICE, General la-n -r Acrnt, 81 G WJCALE. Ccrr-rai Kreijrht grnU St Lonia a W KOCF1W i- I":.Jeji w Oejersf Slsnaccr T39SoEuUdaftW.Lua. Uo, comment. A UrLETEOt rcccnuv leu mio ue - . . . .1 . San Fernanda River, Tamaulipas, Mcx. His companions took him out cf the water half an hour after, and, supposing him to be dead, hung him up by -is heels to a tree while they prepared a coffin. Before the coffin was ready he was alirc A rxcnJAK reptile is tho horned rt Uesnake now on exhibition in Ijoh An geles, Cal. Ilia nbotit fifteen inches in length, and htls two horns which project from its head just above the eyes, lie has only live rattles and a button, and was captured at Indio Station, on the Colorado desert Of ninety-six railroads in the Stati of New York only fifteen rwM dividends in 1S83. lie total" capital stock of the railroads i SG2S,718,59G, and the total amount of dividends paid was $15,074, 114. or about two per cent, of the capi tal. Farm property presents a favor able contrast to such a showing. The Black Butte and Moccasin Roundup," Montana, has offered a bounty of eight dollars per head for all beaw killed on their ranges. This, in addition to the regular Territorial bounty of eight dollars, will make bcar kflling quite a profitable industry, as a good large bear will be worth in the neighborhood of scventr-fivc dollars. Ax Indian rnoubtl has Lech opened at Page, Hear Tower City, Dakota, in whieh was fonnd the skeleton of a man in a sitting pomrc, faring the cast, with two more skeletons, making a group all in the samo position. One. skeleton had the stem of a pipe in its mouth. The remains of a dog and a horse Were aLo Unonrthcd. together with a curious shaped stone, covered with figures. Veka Otrz people regard the inau guration of the overland mail service with anything but satisfaction. The Ferrecarril. of that city, say that letters sent to Vera Cruz often go wstny. "What will Us the result. ' it asks, when tetters come frum Xcw York or Chicago, or from other distant points overland?" Give us a once-a-weck sea communication, they cry, and no daily mail. - The American artLU in Paris are go ing to fors- ill their very probable ex clusion from the salon next rear by pledging themselves not to offer any pictnres. It is possible that hereafter American applicants at the Ecolojdcs Beaux Arts will be politely told lhat there are no vacancies; but, as this is a Government school, ami the Govern ment has not yet moved in retaliation, the fear may be prematurc. Gexeual di Cesxola's troubles are not yet over, it appears. The Jf cw York correspondent of the Troy Times learns that the war will soon break out again with all its former violence, the next at tack upon the Cypriote explorer being based upon the alleged discovery of modern jewelry among the collection which Cc?nola says he found in one spot under a Cyprus temple cut in solid rock. The latest critic sas that some of this jewelry is machine-made nnd comes from Newark. A nakiiow escape and a heroic res cue occurred recently on the North ern Railroad bridge near Mont rillc Conn. As a train swept around the curve the engineer saw a man and woman on the bridge directly in his track. There was no chance to ue the brakes, and he expect ctl to have a f right ful .jeeident to report. Jti?tas hr wns about to close hii c rs to shut otit Ihe tregedy. the man caught up the woman, threw her over the rail into the water below, and vaulted ocr himself and rescued the woman from drowning. Thoscwho this episode say they never saw a braver or cooler net in their lives. Tilt: Unltcil States Fish Commiion stenmship Albatross brought home from her winUr's burveying cntise among the West Indian Island a large collec tion of the fauna in the region which she visited, natural history specimen being obtained both from the land And deep sea. Among other thinss was a double turtle or, in other word, two turtles connected, a la SiomciO twins. These two animals are Joined together at the posterior extremities, and where the connection is made the fleshy part is nearly as thick as any other portion of the body- There are two separate, nearly circular shells on the back, and 1 at each extremity of the combined ani mal a little head projects, while there arc three legs on a side, making six in all. The entire length of this monstroity is about four inches, and it is. approximately, two inches wide. It was obtained from a gentleman at Curazo, and is now bottled up in alci LoL A niENOMEXON never before wit nessed attracted the attention of many people near Bismarck, Dakota, recently. To the naked eve it had the appearance of a great square cloud. With the aid of a strong magnifying class a cor respondent saw an aerial shower rain falling without touching the earth. Two clouds were visible, one exactly above the other. The rain cloud was above and the light feathery cloud below. A heavy shower poured for several min utes from the upper cloud. The cloud below caught every drop of water and nbMirved it. Light clouds appeared to come from all directions to aid in cheat- ing old earth from a rain. The color of the iower cloud change! rapidly, and it expanded from a small summer cloud to a massive rain gatherer. In a few niiuutcs tho upper cloud had entirely disappeared. Through the glass the aerial rainfall had all the appearance of CURRENT a shaver of learls. Tlie sun shining , r'Yrtcar. tock brokerj and Lieuteuant-Colonel Albert P. Morrow, through the drops formed pmmatic ca e eemmifed In biJ ot the United States cavalry, bo broughtto hues of charming brilliancy. The cloud cfflce owis to flna-:clal losses. trial biforo a general court martial, ap- passcdofTto the southeast, gathering, TnrWaba.h Railroad hrcafter wiU be pointed to assemble at tha City of Wash nun, as It went. I disconcerted with the Missouri Pacific ington Septemter lOth. Ituc ivnin rk'c rmvne - - -v v . w, w A BHmutarjr of the Dally Kews. rnOCEKDLNGS OF COXGItESS. Ix the isrnate, on the 24'b, consideration of the Mexican Pension bill was resumed. The amendment was aarred to providing that no pcrjou fhsll be entitled to more than ono prttsion at one time under tie laws of tba United State. unir thai fact In) Specially stated in the law The bill then p rfed yeas. tTTl nftra. A. Thf llnuiw t.ill tit nuthoriu- the President to appoint two additional Justices i nt k Gjimm .V..... .. lUlnl. .&l m.k M.I- f u. vug k-uiiicuip wuii u. iwkuw sin wir mr dltlonal Justice of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Wa-hfnjrton. wapascd In the HoutcMr. Foran submitted the conference re- Crt on the bill establi-hlnff a Hurra u of bor Statistics. Airreed to. The Senate bill passed granting- letter carriers fifteen days' leave of absence each rear. The House re sumed consideration of the bill repealing- the Preemption. Timber Cultum and Deceit Land taws and amendlrur the llninrtt-ad law. The bill pawj. jTas lit. najsiL The Electoral CCUntblll was then taken up. the prerloui question navinjr been ordeml on the ensToss inent and third rradlnr of the bill. The House bilt tTas adopted as a substitute for the Senate bill yeas. VT.: nays IC The Senate bill, as amended by the substitute, was read a third time and passed. Is the Senate, on the 25tb, consideration oftho Legislative bill was reruraed. After debate the committee's amendment was ajrrccdto, striking- tut the ciau directing consolidation by a vo e of yeas. 41 . nays. 13. In the IIuUM. Mr. Hewitt, from the Committee en Ways and Means rrportci a Mil to modify the ex ltirur laws relating tt duties on Imports and the collection of rerfnue. The Cbalmers Mannln; eontrstot eiectliin case was taken up. After debate Mr. Cook demanded the previous question, and the vote recurred on the second rroiiitl.n presented by the minor ity. It was lost. .Tito W. The Ert minority resolution was also l'. yeas X, nays 141. and the majirltr resolution was adoptnl without division. Mr. Chalmers-then appeared at the bar of tho House and took the oath of office. I." the Senate oi the 1 h the House bill was passed ctcndln;r to Water trauportatlon ronrlhepmvi?hMif thS ItAtuies hlthurio applhd to land rOUt- Only resanlin? the Im mediate tranporta'kn of dutlatiie Koods. Anamendmrnt was alnpted prohlimr that reports in the t ffirrspMMtl Iterimi shall be an aceurato transcript of the proceedings and i!ctte of the two houses of tonjrrt". Mr McMillan, from tho Committee on Com merce, reported the Hirer and Harbor bill, with the rcm-n that It ! printed and re committed to tho committee. Airrrrd to. The Senate then took Up the bill In forfeit the uncarnel land crant of the Atlantic i Padflc Ilaiiruad lorapany. and went Into cxecutlie session ami socn adjourned In the House the senate bill was pmI aulbor lxlnjr tho construction of a bridce across the Missouri at White (loud. Kas Mr Ilinjr bam. fr-in the Committee on l'ot-OtScr3 and Post Hoat reported a bill fixln; at two cents Ier ounce or fraction thereof the rate of postage on mall matter of tho flrt-cla Houe calendar Mr Itrowne. or Iwllana. endeavored tnhvthPH"U" proceed rJcH IJoratldn id the Mexican Pension bill with the senate amendments, but the House unfln mined yras 133. nays S3 to conshler deter- tsbrd business, reinjr 13c utu to lorau mo land Rrxnt of the "UackLone" Ilailmad In Louif-lana The vote on the passbge of the Mil resulted Yea. 77: nays. CI. Is the Senate.on th- 27, h, the bill for the relief of William Mt-Garrahan was reported adversely from the Committee on Private Land Claim! and placed on the calendar. Mr. Mitchell Introduced a mil to Incorporate the National Encampment of the (J rand Army of the ItcpuMlc A bill passed irrantlnz rijtht of way through the Indian Territory to the Southern Kan-as llailmaj. t'nanlshed busi ness waa then laid before the innate, beln? the bill prorallni for the forfdtnre of un earned lands rranlcd the Atlantic 2 psH.fic Uailmod (ocipaHy. lone dibatc ensued, and filially a motion to go into executive ses sion prevajed. The Senate discharged the Committee on Elections anil Privileges from further consideration of the House billon the clreioral count, and ordered a com mi. tec of conferenc-" on St In tte House conference reports on the Pension bill and tho bill granting right of ay through the Indian Territory to tac uuii. (.oiorauo s Santa Fe ltallmad were agrcol to. Mr. Hen ley made an unsuccessful attempt to secure consideration of Ihe I'nlroi Pacific Forfeiture bill, and the Hou-e Uint into Committee ot the Wbu!e on the pnrate calendar. At one o'clock the committee rose for the purpose of permitting the House to dispose of the -Hack-bone" Railroad Land Grant Forfeiture bill. Tho Speaker announced the question to be on the motion to tabic lb motion to recon sider the rote by which the House defeated the bill. The motion to table was agreed to, yeas CI, nays Hi. and to the bill was lost. Is the Senate, on tha 23 h, the House bill was received favorably granting a pension to the widow or General John B. Stcadroan. The General Deficiency .ill was then taken up". A meago was received from the President transmitting a communication from the sec rciary of the Interior calling attention to the nrais-ion of any appropriation for the Bureau of Labor. Mr. lliair subralttrd a proj-osed amendment to the Sundry Civil bill ap propriating from"' for that bureau .In the House, the senate amendments to the Leg IriatUe lH were not concurred In. Mr ltandalt.on behalf of a minority of the committee, sub-tuuied a substitu.e thereof, which took the same reference. The House then went Into Committee of tho Whole on business reported from the Committee on Latior. The flr-t Mil considered was one pre siding for the adjustment of Government lalorers. workmen and mechanics arising under the eight hour lajr. . The first section was amende! n as to rra-i as iollows. That whth ter. as laborer, workman or m-chanlc. Is hereafter craployi d by. or on behalf of the Government or tne I unel Mates, ne snail lie paid for each right rjmrs he ha been em ploj ed as fr a full day's work. The second rcetion was amended tn correspond with tho first section so as to apply merely to the fu ture AND PERSONAL. ATtheKpvp41 Conference of Nebraska, held at Omaha, Rev. Dr. Potter.ot Oeneva, X. YM was elected Bishop of that diocese, vice Bishop Ctarkson, deceased. First Liectksast TneoDOBE Sjjrrn, of the Fifth Infantry, United States Army, dropped dead the other afternoon in the Sturtevant House, Xew York. J. B. VTAKunELD was nominated for Congress by the Ilepublicans of the Second District of Minnesota. A DEXOxsTTtATiox favoring tho nomina tion of Butlrr for the Presidency, was held in Faneud Halli Boston, Thnrsday. .About lloo persons were present. Caitjiix Jons A. Stevessos, Republi can caali'late for Governor of Louisi ana In the April election, suddenly died at his plantation in Iberville the other ntfiht. He was s x:y-six yeera of ag9 afid for forty years tsd been prominent as a M'ambna nsan, merchant ami planter, and more lately as a rtoli'ician. He was born in Kentucky in ISIS. SIISCELUINEOUS. The purpose of the Italian man of war Cartel Fidaro. on the 1W Sea, which re cently threatened to bombard Seeyleh, was to force the Guvernor to pay an indemnity Li, thn famllv of Sheikh Abdurahman, a protege of Isaly. and restore property be lorjring to the Shetkh. Tnr Railroad Commissioners ot Iowa rave given notice to allrallroad companies of that State tiiat in acc-irdance with the tatu'e the Commissioner must b? prompt ly advised upon the occurrence of any acci- j dent on any rallr.xid resulting in personal i injury or loss of lire, that the samo may oc investigated, if so deemed necessary. At Boston, recently, H. H. Bangs, doing bu-incsi as the Bay Stai o Casket Company, failed. Liabilities. SiOO.Oua. The general freight agents of raUroads in lowa have Issued a general orurr uu- i.. tk... mmnitn nSurrs th Iowa law respecting the sale of intoxicating liquors. All agent are prohibited Irom I ,J,vin acv intoxicating nquora for transportation from any paint within or without tho State, to any point within its unless tnere is ?'." j SgSZi?X j UoJj ,f Iocatotlf ,howing that the consignee h, nuthoritv to sell Uquors In uch County. Leo? Bros., of ITow Orleans, boots and and shoes, suspended. LiabUities, JV lyitem. The Wabash wiU be rna with A snuller force of oQcials and on economic principles. Arraneements were rwcentlj made td dispense with some of the trajca lines of the Wabash. A Cntcaco special from Cedar Rapids) la., says: Two convicts. Freeman and Farmer, escaped from the Antmosa penl tentiary and were surrounded in thf woods near thare, and a fight ensued, is which Freeman was mortally wonnded and Farmer dangerously so. The will of the late Mary H. Drake, oi "Sew York, was filed in the Surrogate's of fice. She bequeathed to the theological seminary at Alexandria, Va., 110,000, and $5,000 each to a number of religious and charitable organizations. W. J. Datrrs, ot Staunton, UL, wax killed by lightning on the 19th. The schedules ot Nathaniel Bloom, ot New York, shows his liabilities to be '2, C40, nominal assets $57,i and actoat fix' seU52CJSl. A specull from Easton, 'Fa., says the Belridere Iron Company, which was large ly engaged in mining operations in Sew Jersey, has suspended. Is the schedules ot the firm of Herron & Spence, Xew York brokers, the liabilities are placed at $37961, and nominal assets ;S03, and actual assets 223,501. F-ULCB.E3 for the seven days ended June 3S, were: UniteJ States, 171 ; Canada, 23: total, 109; against a total of 235 but week, a decrease ot six. The failures In the South were notably few, and In the Eastern States below the average. The schooner L. and A. Babcock wai wrecked during a storm recently at Bar necat Inlot, . J. The captain, the mate's wife and three of the crew were drowned. At tit. Louis Edward Morrison, aged seventy-two, was killed, and John Dunn and Edvfcard Dawes badly Injured recently oy tne latung o. a -""- """"- the corner of Grand avenue and Olive , street. A PrrrsBCROH dispatch states that the glass works throughout tha West have shuc down for the usual two monUts vaca tion. The Cat? Cf F. Shaw fe Pro. came up In the Supreme Court at Bostofi recfntlyi The claims actcally offered including the contingent liability in several failures in roniection with F. Shaw & Bros, amonnt I to iOfiOJfim. The claims, however, which j have a solid foundation amount to about i Hr"Z,C. I Os account ot the failure of the air ' brakes to work on the Virginia- Midland th. other morninr. an express ran at an .ira the James River, near Lynchburg, Va. Tho bridge gave way and the cars fell into the water. Tho passengers wr r recod through holes cut in the ventilators, nar rowly escaping drowning. Josxrn Alextos, thirty-five years old, was suddenly attacked with hydrophobia In SL Louis recently. He knelt down on all fours, barked and yelped and frothy saliva flowed from his mouth. He was handcuffed and strapped down in the am bulence ami rent to the city hospitab Three months ago he was bitten In the leg by a dog and since has had occasional spasms. Asother disastrous conflagration vis ited East St. Louis recently, Lurning Hugo Faunesee's brick hotel, Kinsman & Co-'s agricultural warehouse, and two dwelling bouses belonging to Mrs. Seinham, a widow. The total loss was $83,000. AT Philadelphia recently a trifling firs in Uw Star match factory Caused a panie among the employe, and it was with tho greatest difficulty that a number of women were restrained from leaping from the windows. One girl jumped from the third story, but was caught in the arms of a man and was only slightly injured. Detbxssios in the coke trade In Penn sylvania and the restriction of the out-put are seriotisly affecting miners and coke drawers, and tho Hungarians are t iJpldrj returning to their native country. From twenty to forty of these people leave Con ncUsville every day destined for Europe. The Ways and Means Committee agreed favorably to report the resolution provid ing for the appointment ot a commit! of five members to investigate the relations between the Alaska Commercial Company and the United States, the object being to learn whether the company has complied and is now complying with Its contract with tho Povtrnmentt A grEClAL from London says 5 Thf Bothnia yesterday took $730,000 in Ameri can gold to the agent of the Bank ot Mon treal in Xnr York City, money being a dmg in London. AMIITIONAL DIsrATCITEft. AT McDonald Statior fai, a gong ot Italian railroad laborer engaged in a light, during which Carmine Poppe was shot tw C9 by Antoine Petre, ana launy injured. Petre escaped. AT Pittsburgh. Fa., a tang containing i 000 barrels of benzine, at the Crystal Oil .vork.ol the tanuara irapauy. uBu tire recently. Several large tanks of oil surrounded it, and it was feared the flames woald spread. Is the case of the Crown against uraa- Iaugh for Illegally voting in the fcngliso House of Commons, the jury decided that Bradlaugb, In administering the oath to himself. dH not take the oath in accord ance with the practice of Parliament. Tho verdict -as given for the Crown. Fobest fires were recently raging In Massachusetts. A ftus at Sherman, Texas, the ether day dj--troyed property to the value of $13,003. CL A. BOCTELX.E resigned ths Chairman ship ot the Maine Republican State Com mittee, and was succeeded by John L. CUtler. It was considered certain that America, France and Germany were about to recog nize the Free State on the Congo. At Helena. M. T.. recently, Mrs. C. C. Kemp, while ill anJ in great pain, at tempted to shoot herself. Her daughter, Ella, twentyyears old, tried to take tho Pistol awav. when it was discharged and , y., bullet nassed through tho daughter's ( jrainf kiMm; her Instantly. ppirriiEa Orange and Catholic riots were reported recently from Newfoundland. Ix the Senate, oa the 5)th, a resolution to kill th trade dollar bill was defeated. The River and Harbor bill was considered. In the House a majority report was re ported favoring the seating of Fredericks la the Iowa contested election case of Fredericks vs. Wilson. The Fortifications' LU1 wa in Committee of the whole. The .r..Mi i-rwirr tn the Indian Anuronria iinn dill nas submitted and agreed to. as agreed to the b.11 appropriates 330,12. Tnr resl lence of Mrs- Patrick Murphy, of Brier HUL, Youngstown, O., caught fire the other morning. Mrs. Murphy and one chUd escaped. Three chUdren sleeping In the second story, aged six, seven and nine, wcro burned to death. At Chicago, Mis Annie Fanning com menced a damage action against Rev. FatLer Terry for conceal! Jg her uncle's will. The President has dircccd that Brigadier-General David G. Swaim, Judge Ad- .. r-......1 nf thn TTnitMl StAtM rniv. SEWSt 50TES. A Train Goes ThroDCh a Bridge Abaads. Ingm Town Hydrophobia. Irscnntauj, Ya., June 30. On acconn of the -rallnre of the air brakes to work ot tha Virginia Midland yesterday morning, an express ran at an uncontrollable speed on to the bridge over the James River, near tha city. A corner of the smoking ear struck the nprljht culders, thowlng it from the track. The trucks of the car dragRed the sleepers that way for a distance ot one hundred feet, and the Washington and Sew York sleeping cars fell through the openln Into ten feet of wafer", aid graduallr sank. Conductor King was thitwfl into the river, and although he had two ribs broken, he swam to the cars and helped tho passenscrs thningh the windows. Most of the passengers were taken ou. through boles cut In the ventilators in the top of the cars to which the water finally reached. There were about forty passengers In the sleepers, and all were saved. After the water had covered the tops of the windows Mrs. J. S. Farden pushed her two-montlis-old child through the window and held It above the water until rescued and then she came out the same way. The paensers are bring cared for at the hotels and trains trill be de layed two days. A SITK OF TBOCBIX. St. Lons. June SO. A Cairo specia states, in mentioning the result of the floods, that the little town of ew Liberty, located near the mouth ot the Cumberland River, has been so often submerged by the yearly Hoods, occasioning such great destruc tion of property, that the citizens lave determined to abandon the present location and emigrate to higher grounds. The town ot Uamllttsburg, situated a few miles further np the river, has been selected as the haven of rest, and the population en masse are gathering their effects and moving to the new town. Sheets & Co. are moving their flour mill. aml M-Cawley Brothess have about finished .. ., . ,!r ,., llrT t. stor- Houseojthat are ot value nave been taken down and carted to the new location, while ; many old ones have been abandoned and will be used to shelter stocc ine new vu lage promises to become of importance. hydro rironiA. St. Ixins Mo, June ax Joseph Alex tfla, thirty-fire Years old, while working at SUth and SL Charles streets yesierday, was suddenly attacked with hrdropbobia. lie knelt down on all fours, tojKeii ami ynd and frothy saliva flowed from his moiith. A large crowd gathered to witness the horrible contortions. The policemen finally captured him aftsx a long struggle, he attempting to b'.te any one who came near hUn. lle "JaM In the leg by a Uog and since nas ra occa- sumal spasms. He will die. FRE.NC1I AFFAIRS. The Chinese Attack the French at Toncroln Tne Cholera. Paws, June 25. Hanoi dispatches say that the Chinese regulars, with artillery. In trenched themselves at Langson, In viola tion ot the treaty, and attacked the French fortes on Monday as they were on the march. General Megneict Immediately set inrtwiln a relnforecmerli. The French numbered 70) and were on the way to Langson. It Is reported that Ihe French forces were surpris"" t In a narrow defile and cuttopleeistoaxnan. After the cabinet rouncd the Government telegraphed Gcnenu Millot to suspend Use departure of the troops f.iom Tonuuin. Admiral Conrbefs Jiuadron has been ordered to Join the natal division under Admiral Lespcs, eomtaander of the French squadron in Chmese wafers. AI ntlral Coutbet will liavc n conference with Iatcmotre, the French Embassador to (hirta, now en route to Teintsin from Hue, respecting measures for obtaining satisfac tion from China for the affair at Lanzson. Prime Minister Ferry stated in the Comber of Demitics that Pateniotre had been or iercdto Pekln to demand satisfaction for the Chinese violation ot the treaty at Lang son. He said al Uiat Admiral Courbet had gone northward with th ships under his command to support French demands. Pakii. Jne 2S. Hanoi advices of the ICth inst. ute the fighting near Lang Son. oetween the Chinese garrison and the Krem-h forces, continued two ilays. Ten French men were killed and thirty-eight wounded. Two .steamer, have gone to seek the nrmuuInL General Xczrier las Mtied the ( Krencli column near Bak Le. and await- ing further order. The Chinese ttenerals. Yuon (ily awl Xo Ny. have 10.G00 regulars between Bak Lc ami Lang Son. It is re ported that Admiral Conrbet lias been In structed to demand a public apology of China as well as idtianity for violation of the treaty by the Chinese at Lang tsan, and in case Ciina refuse to grant this the French fleet will botHbanl Ch"mee cities. Makskiixes June 2S. Tliere l a fright fmm ehnlera here amountimr to a panic. A i rlald ased tliirteoi montlis ami a yonth aced seventeen years died yesterday from tiiolcra. 'Ilie boy contracted the disease at I rcliool in Toulon. An ambulance system. ' to htinj eliolcra patients to the hmirttal, is lirin:r orranizeil iimler the Mipennlendeney of tlie renowneil Dr. Mittre. who believes. -- --- - ri,ia The ) i,.i ,- Im Kwi unlt-ml bv American const hero lias been onlercd by bis Government to cable .Lilly the progres of tho disease. The roads and mountain passes of France are behvnciTowlyguantol to prevent the passage of persons Infected hiv. ,.!,.,-, with cholera. Starring ISIackfert. Salt I-ike. June 2i A letter from the Blackfoot Agency. Montana, says: Tilings are in a deplorable condition here. A-starv- j wao wero getting water from the nubUcareU big Indian is a fearful foe. We are more at comer of the Churchi'i House, dls ecure from the Crecs tlan these Indians. small bright spots In the bottom of nVtit AfamUyeTselresultcd in the dawns on the Agtw. He doe not deem I decision that the spots were gold, ffnelen as safe under .listing cimunstanees. . dyke continued lus pumping, saving thc The worst has neer been tohL Ex-Agent specimens, and finally showed them to a Joim Young should have made an cstmnta Catholic lYiest, who took thcni to several for more than oncrefahth rations. He alene , practical miners for examlnatam. Alter restwible for the wretchedness ami testing the specimens they united In pro stanatfou here. We behold the snfTermg, , nouncing them gold. A MUwaukee caplt ' ... i. ,-., i, i,;ii ;, ' Hsf firmished the monev and the place was fwtr Indians a .lay are d tag. " They say. -Itv the white man." nnt by his gun m o: .iu knife, but by hrs nesleet and ill treatment in neglecting to furnish them the sustenance which U their due by treaty wna mm. ST S Yrllow Ferer. Paxama, June 2S. Dr. L Glcrerd, tha tclcbrated French surgeon, in the employ el sue Canal Company, who has been expen- , son-ladaw, Timothy Guinea, In Washlng raenting with the yellow fever germ for the tan township, near this city, ai the remark past three years, has bronght his work 'Oajabic age of one hundred and five years, rlose. He is ready to try attenuated germs . .,M 4h. .. fk months she was oy inuruiauui; iiu ti.cMj. -s. .-i-".i. .w dwn the Theater Herrera hi the Plaza Uerrera. Tlie building was 100x) feet at'd forty-five feet bleh. The contract fur itt erection was taken by Dr. Eyfuss, of S'ew Orleans, for the house of A. Samuel, of that city, for 92000, ami the structure .. f ,...... 4.l. Ka.M kAtW.ll K?T was approaching eomp etiou. it nan oeec pronounced dangerotubv tbeSitr and Uer hi. and men were at work trenithcnlur Its sides at tlie thw f U downtaU. rrofonad s.errey. Xew Yobk, June 23. The oncers t1 the Denver sfc Rio Grande refiised to make a statement about the July interest or give any outline of the company's future plans. President Hants, of the Northern Pacinc, States: IT the Northern rarinc can icasc iuc Oregon Sat igation at a profit we shall do so. I do not care to say wheber or not uesotia teons are on foot lor the lease. SIS In the schedules of the firm of Herron & ftSaH.jaatt:a?ffis I5t25 and actual assets 23-,50L A SOLDIER'S SX0KT. Ha Writes a Dock and Gets lata Hot Wy (er TVltli Ilia Superiors. Dubco,ck,Iowa, June S7 Among the soldiers of the regular army who attended the encampment last week was AY. ODoor nelL a private of the Fifth Artillery, sta tioned at Fort Omaha. O'DomieU waa a member of the constabulary in Fnaxda Kirk, Dablta, Ireland, when Care dish and Burke were assassinated. Directly after the assassination O'Donnell emigrated to America. After a brief po rlod here he enlisted. He was not revive by the oBcers In a kindly manner and wilt the wrath ot the moment upon him re solred to write a book, describing the hard ship and indignities of a soldier's life. The title 'page 0f the book reads as follows; "Interior of an American Sol rUsr's Life by Private OTJonnell. Fifth Ar tUery, Fort Omaha. Ken.' The book fonnd readea, but It was received with disgnst and Indignation by the regular anay oScers. who demanded its suppression, but when the author came to Dorjnqrie he trrtflsght ftfly copies of the book, and flaeed Uum on a news-stand. Pretty soon Maj- DeRussey. of the regular army, found that the book was on sai la Dubuque, and at once coceedcd ts the news-stand and informed the dealer that unless he would surrender the books be would prosecute him for -clrenlailn; a slander. The dealer was not aoved by thli threat and the Major left the store In a high state of rage, lie Immediately sought O'Donnell and informed him that when be got back to Fort Omaha he wonld be taken care of. There Is every reason to believe that tTDonnell will be se verely dealt with when he returns, and the result will be eagerly looked for. The Sec retary of War will be asked Is mtcrfere. m s A BOCT0R KILLED. Cnprovoked Morder of Dr. BarradaU at Tort; Worth, Tea. Foet Worrm, Tex, June 25. It is saf to say that never before In our history as s city was there such excitement as there Is over tike murder of Dr. Claude W. BarradaU, a well known and popular pharmacist, whe came to this city some six years ago fret St. diaries. Mo. Abont nine o'clock Charles Herring walked Into the dreg-store where BarradaU was sleeping, and slappirg; hls on tfce shoulder, said: "You are a jwetty ." Banadall rtfaarked, "Yon are drank and dont know what you aresaylng," when Herring repeated the remark. Bar radall jumped np from his chair and stepped toward Herring, wbodrew his pistol and pointed It at BarradaH's sxcast. "Don't shoot me." BarradaU said, bat Her ring puUed the trigger and BarradaU dropped to the floor, shot through the heart. Officers to the number of fourteen were soon In pursuit and were joined by several p"ses of citizens, but nothing of the murderer mis been learned except that he rrossed the Trinity River. The streeta wera crowded with men. clamoring for the hang ing of Herring, and If he is caught short workwiUbemadeofhlm. The only possi ble reason that can be assigned for th: crime Is that daring the day BarradaU re fused to seU Herring some morphine. Her ring has bad several pistol encounters be fore, and was considered very dangerous man. BarradaU leaves a young wife, the daughter of one of the wealthiest eaitls kings of this section. AS OHIO ST0BX. A Farlotts Wind and Sain Storm Swoops Down on Zanessille, O-. and Scares at Sltk Sinn to Death. Zaxesvuxe, O, June 28. A most furi ous wind and rain storm swooped down ou this city and before those on the streets could find shelter the rain feB la torrents, while the wind drove It abont in sheets, and the sharp flashes of lightning and heavy peals of thunder were continuous. A flash of lightning conducted Into the dwelling of the engineer at the pumping-honse by a telephone wire prostrated his daughter, who remained unconscious for several hours. One of our oldest citizens. Louden rurceU, who has been a bedridden invalid for two vears, became so excited at the severity of the storm as to leave his bed and attempt to walk across the floor, but feli. He was placed on the bed and In twenty minutes was dead, without being able to utter a word. In the Seventh Ward considerable ball fell, and after the storm passed the ground was found to be covered with small toads. CHOLERA. Coramnnleatlon from Consul atasoB Xa gmrdlnc the Cholera, at Tontoa. WASirrs gtox, June 27. Secretary Fra anghuyscn received last night the f oUowIng telegram from Frank H. Mason. United States Consul at MarseUIes. with regard to the recent outbreak of cholera at Toulon: MAnscnxzs.Jane 2. To the State Department. Wasbtaston- Tbe cholera at Toulon was kept a secret tiu yesterday. Onthellth there was one death: on the nth and 3th. two: on thellt. three; on the SSL thirteen: on the 3d. ve. and yes terday twelve. The cases are of a mild char I V:."-Sr.Vh?riVdi?MS acter, xnerc nas Deeo oniy ubc wnw . sua ' between civilians and military "Hdare chiefly" ' tn &t-i1Ltn and miliurr and are chiefly iStttoZZVr3PS3& ci DIlt the fora(T to prorjahie. There are . hopes of checking the epidemic by sanitary ! precautions. The 'conation ol : MarUtoiis eacelient and the death rate below tho aver- tge. I Gold In the WeU. STErnESSOX, Mictl, Juno 26. Some months ago a famUy named Mnelendyke. nuieUy purchased I for a comparatively sntalt consiaeraiion. nuoiran uob"".". weU contains similar specimens. The ex citement here is Increasing and everyone is watching developments with 'ntercst. m m A. WeH-Preserrrd Old Lady. rntc. Ltix, June 24. Mrs. Johanna Doud died to-day at the residence of het I S.MM W.M.M. m. ' very srry, and at no time was unauic w leave her bed. She was born In tie County of Clare. Ireland, and came to America la 1S47. She was the mother of nine childrer, five of whom survive ber. She leaves forty-five grandchUdren, quite a number of creat-grandchUdren, and several great-great-grandchildren. Her memory of early events was very distinct and she freqnently re ferred to the Irish rebellion of X794 Crushed by a Falling Trs. Coltosxa, S. CL, June 27. John Whe stone, a young man of seventeen years, who was Uvlng In Orangeburg County, met with a singular death a few days ajo. The young man. In company with two of his brothers, went Into the wood- and cut down a pine tree, wmrn, in uiuus. tsv.u.j lodged, when the lower end was hurled t 1th great violence against two other tree sanding uear. Youn? Whetstone was caught between the falling trees and the two others, and the upper poraoa ot ua I1 STOCK. TULSA, I. T. ICE OUR