Newspaper Page Text
CHIEFTAIN. INDIAN 11 Beveled ts the Interests ef the Chcrekces, Ckectawa, Chlckasaws , Scralaelcs, Creeks, and all Other Indian of the Indian TcrrHerv. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1884. VOL. n. NO. 43. CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. A PALACE STORE! Sryead aX emptrfeea fee taest aad emktest store la Dm Iadias. Terri'oir ! that or W. C, PATTON fe C0.5 YINITA. INDIAN TERRITORY. j. i i ' . .... .I- i Ih eMfetMjthteffjM imtui UHrteftke Terr Bwtqaallty to be had In the cm rj. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Aad & fall asserlMeat f everything- wanted by car ensio mers. 9GK MtT 0998 BSFAKYHEXT CMtalas aa iaisease ftodc of eTerj variety or the best nd most serviceable Dry OX CLOTHESC M7AXTXEXT yea Trill 14 the laryest Slock or flrsl-class OrtMnj Boot, Shors, Hal, Ladle.' ax. KR XLLLTSERT PAsTXE5T k fallj aa to the times la all th. Latent Sty to snd Fashion. flCK CSeCERT DrMTME5T to replete with every kiad r Staple aad Tmmj Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Canned. Goods, Cners, Cheese, Ete. R HAHalSS KFJLKT3CE5T has a fall Hae ef Saddles, Karats and Leather Goods or all hinds. In aYCX AGRICULTURAL BaTLEJCEXT BEP1XTXEST je can ret Warons, Buggies, I'low, Spring Wagons Etc WX HAWFARE SEFAKTJbXaT to well stocked with Sails, Screw, Chains, Hinges, Tinware, Axes, Utensil, Toelr, Ute. Yea wW ted to OX LAS6 ASH GXEXaWAXE BEPAXTXEXT every Tariety af Blshes, Crocks J", Jogs, Etc While la OX BRC8 ST6BE MFAJtrjOCST joa wIM lad a sptoadld stock f Tnre, Me Dross, Medicines, complete in every re aaeet. frcrto4.;M eanMlr eaaiponBded by a stiHed apethecarj. la this connection we hare also an immense etoek erSettoa, Tisbtw, decks, CMfccttoaerjr, Etc And a t STATieSEKY A3 MK 9EFAXTXE5T where jmwI Ind every variety of Writing Xatcrials, Paper, Blank Books Sate aad Beeafet Beaks, Sdwri Beaks, and a ltee f yeal Readiag Koaks Prose and raelry. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Come and See Us. W. G. PATTON & GO., Vinita, Indian Territory? VINITA LUMBER YARD, "W. L. TKOTT, Proprietor. 'Wffl keep nmtuHr os tared a roppjr of trth Xll re sn J Northern Pics Lombrr. Aim fhln gpt.3)oan. iftfa. abnja. Houldiagv Ete. The Native Mac, belay tapped truai the Choetow "MeB,lsanCtsaUqr. OKDCSfi sOUCTTKD. OITICE AS YARDS ON ILLINOIS AYENUE, TVS QUI. KM, Pmiieit. PAE flid, S'y ani Trosirff . FRflFXlETeXS OF THE SENECA ROLLER MILLS, SENECA, NEWTON CO., MO. Highest Casli Price Paid for All Grades oi'Whear. rders Iter FI.GUK, BRAX aad SBTTSTUFF? Proaptiy Attended to. 7. SOCLER, tritrfcM4cMtaii teata 3fanagcr, SENECA, X0. THOMPSON lc CO., GKROOIEIRS YIKETA, I. T. Xen eBiBMyoalcuritiB Osolccst Staple aaAToncj Groceries In the JftAet. Aba f nit VsitiHiis, FNi, Immmi, 6iasswi awl Timn. ral-va ocr ttack to Ut- Sctt HbH Jtnc a (he Corerr. tw. ttoen Wetl of A. C K-OHw -"o.'a Kardivare Store. r. WM. L1HLE & GO., iraeli 1 ! WTtnll B-1T la FLOUR, FEED ANO PROVISIONS jjlro carry a complete line of X)iy Goods, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Queensware, Ckthiiig, Tinware, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc. HIGHEST PRICE PAIB FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE Dont fail to see oar stock and learn oar prices befo-e buying. -W3.I. IJCTTIiE & CO.. Vinita, Indian. Ter. s H n. gXEPS OOKST A-XTLT OS HAND ALL KIKDSOF LBlcrJJD, THE LUMBERMAN rr too" wast to E2t office axd taed ID! LDIIU 0IB1P ? OFP.MTiOmUOTEL GO E HIX A CALL. ,g fc CnETOPA. KAS. JOHN & GEORGE BTTLLETTE, FULL AND COJOTJrcS STOCK OF GEKEBAL MERCHANDISE WMC WILL IE mi AT KI-lftCK PXICES. OSMPAttTWtlMMrriaaWWCt-E. Casli or Cattle taken In Ex- C QQR TOCK, ' f- p eazxTTAxr sztkhe, tzxxtju r.S KKttMX. ALSO DKAT.FR CT USE, IAK, rLASTtl mis. WILL FDEXISH ODD ST2ES OF DOORS. SASH & BLINDS AS CUEAP AS AXTBODT. TULf A, I. T. W.D.L11TLES. W W.JAHVIS. FRANK TtTHPLV. T.J.DANIEL. LI1TLE, JiRVIS & CO., li For the porchue asd ude of CAnLE, HOCS AND SHEEP, 13 National Stock YanK E. St Loolt. CVLibrral adraxxx ma4e on oonslcnmratv THEn7ES!0CKHAfiKET0FST.L0DI3 THE ST. LOUIS XATIOX.1X. STOCKYARDS Located at EutSb Lb1, III. Dlredlj-oppoaltc the city of St. Louis. Bnrert for all description of Lire Stock always to at tendance, and lrn&to the ground of the Stock TanU are a Beef Canning; Company, with a capadtyforalaufhterins 1.030 bead of cattle daily, and Fork racking- EttahlUhm-nts with a capacity for slauxbterinrliOJO hoc daily. ISAAC II. KSOX, President. CHAS. T. JOSES, SnpU laii Facie BATT.WAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOT7IS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pullman Palace Hotel Cars through to St Louis,Tla Seualia, Daily. Direct Route West and Soutk west xia Kansas Citx IT V1M01P piTVl'nton Depot pacnsi Al KAHoAO Ul I I for Kn. Colorado. w Mexico and California connect with Ex press Trains of all lines. T lTUIPniConnction 1 made wit Al AlunloUrlExprT-s Trains for at Points m Kansas and cbraska. v mi lilt rvmnrctkm is made with all Al UlAnA lines leadinc to theNorth and West. supfflonccoffloMOS 3T.ASX TOTE. F. CHAXDLEir, Gen. Pas. Agfnt. a B. KLSXAJf, Ass't Gen, Pasj. Agent, F. L. DECKER, Agent at Yinlla. "'FRISCO LINE. THUOCGII aossorritx, KA.ISS.AJ5, A111XA1VSAS, XTTIAJV TERRITORY, Tho Direct Through Itoute Between INDIAN TERRITORY and ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Trains are Run Bally. 5 Chanrc cf Cam. Throush rullman Falarr Sleeplntr Cars art mn dally, wlibfxiirhanie. between ST. LOUtS, Mo-andSANFltANClSOO.CaL SXUIO acre of rich farming ail mineral lands forloljy UuscompanyinSOLTlIWEST 1ST For full d part cuUrf Information, with Maps Tim Tables Kates, etc call upon or md dreMany ofoa. StaUoaAcnt,oreitherof tha nndernamed. D, WlblJAirX, General Fasscnjcr Acrot, S( Louis R. W CALE.GcnerajrrelsUtAgTnit.St. Loui C. W KOGFILH. Vice lrcsidcM aod Geuaraf JtaBagsr.Teui'iUUai5',wii i4 CfliiissMierclaiils CURRENT COXXEKT. Tiik Chinese are meeting with success in ilerced County, Califoruia, in their cultivation of opium poppy. A sea-lion 'ivcrzhing 3.700 pounds was latrlr klllol at the month of tho Cquillc lliver, Oregon. It yielded thirty callons of oiL On the Mariposa road, near Tuo lumne, C'al.. there arc two snoW-drifU, each a mile long and one hundred and fifty feet high. TllK striped convict suits have been discarded in the Ohio penitentiary, and prisoners have been furnished with clothing the same as worn by honest people. Lord Someuset, faultlessly dressed and followed by his valet, goes through the streets of Ijndon playing a barrel organ. He takes this method of raising money for the poor. IIeniiy W. Conkad, a wealthy wid ower of Fortvillc. N. Y.. having mar ries! Miss XIarv Holder, of Iowa, the children imprisoned the old man in his hoiiM for several months, forcing Uim to deed his property to them. A craDtATOitr is to be built at Buffalo, If. Y., modeled after the famous one at Milan. No flame, but intense beat, will be used to reduced the body to ashes. The high temperature is nflonied through pipes from a movable heater, which wilt lc connected with the fur nace. Tho required heat by this method must be eight hundred degrees, and it will take four hours to reduce a body to ashes. The census of Mexico gives the popu lation at 9.G8G.777. o State has 1,- 000,000, two States have less than 100,- 000, and several States have lesi thnn 200,000. But Senor Romero thinks that the population is really not far from 12,000,000. Eighty-two per cent, of the population lies south of the parallel of Tampico. More than half the wealth of the Republic lies south of the north ern boundary of the federal district in which Mexico Citv is situated. Mant Scotchmen init that the deer 'tound was the original of all the dogs of Great Britain. Yet the breed i so neglected now, through the decadence f deer-chasinj, and stac-coursing and other causes, that its admirers are afraid it will become extinct, even in the high lands. Precedents for such an untoward event are found in the utter disappear ance of the Irish widf-Ljund, and in the extinction of the turnspit, once a dweller in every English kitchen. PoiiTEnAN excavations havo revealed still another Venus. It is a line stat uette of the goddess, crouching, found in the workshop of the sculptor, who was apparently occupied with his snbj jeet when the terrible catastrophe came upon the city. His body has been dis covered near by with a cinguhini still grasped in his hand, and a, cast is now on exhibition, mado in the usual war, by filling the space occupied by the body in the lava dust with plaster of Paris. A ciKCCUtK railway has been built at Ponce do Leon Springs, Ga. The new railway is a wooden structure, forming a circle, being four feet high and five hun dred fee: long, inside of which is laid the track for the cars, and is graded that the cars run themselves, the high est point above the ground being twenty-two feet six inches and tho lowest point touching the ground. Mr. Wood, formerly a poor carpenter of Toledo. O., is the inventor of the circular rail road, having conceived the idea from witnessing children slide down the hills on their slide-boards, he arguing that if they could slide down hill they could also slide up hill a demonstration of which is witnessed in the circular rail- In the year 1881 twenty-four persons were sentenced to death for the crime of murder in England and Wales. In thir teen cases the sentences were commuted eleven to penal servitude for life and two to confinement in the crimin al insane asylum at Broadmoor. In 1882 tho capital sentences numbered twenty-two; fourteen of the criminals were execntcd, six areundergoingpcnal servitude for life, and two are at Broad moor. Last year twenty-three persons rrcesred sentence of death; five of these sentences were commuted to ptnal servi tude for life, two to removal to Broad moor, and in one case the death penalty was commuted to ten years penal serv itude. The ages of the persons sen tenced ranged from fourteen to seventy, the former being the age of Margaret Messenger, whoisnowundergoingpenal servitude for life, and the latter that ol Charles Gerrish. who was executed on the SOth of Januarv. 1882. The population of the United States is now 57.000.000. This is ascertained in thn fnllnwinir manner: For manv years tCe increase in time of peace has been almost preetsciv two per cent. veariv from excess of births OTer deaths. besides the excess of immigration over emirrration. The population June SO, 1SS0. was 50.155.783; adding two per cent, increase, 1,003,115, and the net immigration for tho fiscal year iSal, G69.421, we havo 51,838,823 as the pop ulation June SO, 1S31. Again adding two per cent, 1.03G.5C6, and tho net immigration. 788,992. we have 53,653. 837 as the population June 50. 1832. Again adding two per cent., 1,073,037, and the net immigration. i'JV.uii, we havo 55.325,979 as tho population June 30, 1883. And again adding two per cent, for the current year. 1.106, 519, and about 550,000 for immigration the number during the fiscal year up to June 1 having been 454,206 we havo as the probable pepulation Juae 30, 1884. about 56,982,498. In two years siorc it will probably exceed 60,000,000. THE WORLD'S D0iiTGS A SHmmarr of the Dally Xewi. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. Lf the Senate, on tho 1st, Mr. Harrison, from the Committee on Military Affair, re ported the Ilouso bill providing- for the estab lirhment of branch soMters' homes west of tbo MiMiMippl. It was amended by subctituUnir the Senate bill for the same purpoc. alreadr pasfced. and as so amended passed. Consid eration or the Klverand Harbor bill was re sumed. After a lno? debate the bill was paved. As nrirtnally pa,rd by the House, it appropriated t H6M. The senate Commit tee added mnMVU, and tho Senate Itself made a further addition of fZWJiV. making the amount of the bill as it now stands !I3,V4.7W In the House Mr. Uandall submitted the report ol the Con ference Committee on tho Naral Appropria tion bill, announcing1 their Inability to ajrrec. After debate the conference rejiort was arrred to. Mr. Calkins then moved that the House recede from its disagreement to the Steel Cruisers amendment. Lost: yeas W, nays 17. A similar motion to mrard to the Monitors clause was also lost, yeas S5, nays UW. The House further Insisted on its disa greement and Messrs. Kandall. Holmanand Calluns were appointed conferees, ilr. Townend. from the Committee on ronferKee on the Pwt-oBce Appropriation bill, reported f.llure to agree. After discussion Mr. Horr moved that the Houe recede from the dlM RTTCmcnt to the Senate amendments touching compensation to land grant railroads for raatl transportation Agreed to yeas 111); nays, ItC Mr. Horr mored to recede from the disa greement to the Senate amendment Increas ing the appropriation for compensation for railway mall clerks. Agreed to yeas 123; nays,:n. The Senate on the 3d insisted on its amendment to the Nary bill, and a new con ference was ordered. The Senate then went Into cxecutite session. After ten minutes in executive session the Senate resumed legisla tive business. Mr. Van Wyck. from thet'om mitteeon Public Lands, reported favorably the Joint resolution prohibiting the Secretary of the Interior from certifying or patenting any lands to railroad corporations until Con gress shall hare acted upon any bill or report from the committee faroringtbe forfeiture of such lands Considerable work was done on appropriation bills before adjournment The House also accomplibc-J murh work of a similar character. The Mexican IVnslon bill came up with Senate amendments. Mr. Tuwnsbend mored concurrence and the Houe concurred. KS yeas to SS nays. Pending further action the Speaker laid before the Hnuc Urn President's veto of the Fitx John Porter bill. The reading- of tho rein was recclred with applause on the He publican side and hlc on. the Democratic side. The speaker announced that immediate anion on the veto would t In order. Gen eral Mocum mored tLat the bill be parsed, the 0 ijrctlon f the President to the contrary notwithstanding, and on this motion, de manded the previous nuetion. Cndcr the rDtltltutiin the yea and nay rote was neces sary ami it resulted In 16H aye to T8 nays Ti.e announcement of the rote was gTeetetl with continued cheering by the friends of the measure, and with nies by Its opponents. AfTXit tht reading of the journal the Chair laid before the Senate on t hell the "ltx John Torter veto message, which was read, the question being "shall the bill pas. not wlthrtamllnc the objections of the President-" Thoyeasanil nays were taken without debate, and resulted In a tie rote, yea r7. nays rr. Two-tblpls hot Voting in the. afSnnatiie the bill Tailed to pafc. The ami-Chinch bill was called by Miller, nf California. The bill was nasstd without amendment J ea. O; tuja. U. The resolution offered by Mr. hcnan was Mgreeil to providing for a session of the Senate Friday (July tthi. The Senate, on Friday. paed a bill grant ing a inlon to the whmw or tirnerat Onl: alo a bill Increasing the pension of General Frank P. Illalr's widow, and one to authorise the President to appoint General Arerlll to the position of Colonel In the army, and then place blm on the retired list as of that rank The Potal Telegraph bill was postponed till Deremlirr In the Housj. on the at, 3ir. lown.-ncoci raomi nai ine iiouse resume consideration of the Mexican Pension MIL After sereral roll calls the motion was agreed to. but nothing definite was accom plished. Mr. O'Neill, of Missouri, from the Committee on Labor, reported two Joint reso lutions proposing constitutional amendments conferring on (jrarress nower to limit the hours of lalwr In textile arl other manufac turing ostaKlshments and prohibiting States irom ntnng convict lanor. Ox motion of Mr. Cnllom, the Senate on tho 5th took up the bill to establish a commis sion to regulate commerce. Mr. Hoar an nounced that the conferees on the Electoral Count bill bad sereral meetings and he saw no uossible hone of a-rreement. Mr. Allison submitted a conference report on the Legis lative. Kxecutlre ana judicial Appropriation bill. Tbeirportannounccdthattbcconrerees naucomeioan agreement on an ine am-na-ments Further consideration of the bill to nrohibitthclmnortatfonof foreign labor un- tier contract was postponed till December 11. next. A Dili passed uonalinr a cemetery sue on the public lands to the City of Kirwin. Kas. Tnn session of the Senate was continutd throughout Sunday, the tth. Mr. Hale stating that the Senate and House were at a deadlock on the Naval Mil. In the House, on the ith, Mr. Eanney. from the Committee on Elections submitted a unanimous report confirming the right of Martin McGlnnis to a seat as delegate from Montana Territory. Agreed to. With a view to remorin? Impediments to the transaction of business Mr Rurnes mored to postpone further consideration or the Mexican l"enlon bill until the second Tuesdar in December. This was lost; yeas .". nars 12. At the even ing session, when the House met. It still found Itself In a deadlock over the Mexican Pension hilt, and an hour and a half was con sumed In futile attempts to make some pro gress with the Senate amendments. The House also continued its session throughout Sunday (the St hi, passing the Naral bill with the House leaturcs in disagreement with the Senate. roi.rncAL and personal. Tbe Democratic Convention at Peoria, 111., on the SI, nominated Carter 11. Har rison, ot Chicago, for Governor. Gcier-il. Fraxcjs Edward ToDLxarx, the famous ltuislan engineer, U dead. At the elections for m-mbers of the Htin trarian Diet, serious riots oct-UiitL The rioters were dispersed by the military. Uerr Ray, a member of the Lower House, was arrested. PsEstDrxr ARTnrm, bis son and daugh ter, Mrs. Sheridan, General Ruckner, Mrs. DavU and a party of friends numbering about fifty, ettended an afternoon perform ance of F. Cody (Buffalo Rill) troupe ot Indians, Mexicans and cowboys, who were illustrating at Athletic Park, Wash ington, the life of the "Wild West." JI1.SCELL.VN EtllTS Abe Bczxard, the mountain bandit of Pennsylvania, was shot in tho shoulder the otberniht,and his hiding place was known. Walttr Jeskks, a switchman on the Chesapeake & Ohio Road, was run orer and instantly killed at Louisville, Ky., re cently. A boy namd Henry Brooks was also killed by a Jeffersonrille, Madison & Indianapolis train at Jeffersonville, Ind. The Uussian Emperor has contributed one hundred thousand dollars toward the relief ot sufferers in the inundated districts of PolaniL A vtouarr wind storm, followed by heavy rain passed through the southern portion of Dayton, O., tho other day, up rooting trees and unrooting houses. Barns in tho country were upset, and general damage to wheat was done Fokxst fires were doing; rait damage in tho vicinity of Kingston, Ont. One tract of fourteen miles by three was envelopea in flames. WaRSER Li. wis, Jlt was accidentally shot with a pistol, in Nashville, Tcnn,, the other day. Suervax Lour and Levi Moore, while workuiz In a field, near Findlay, O., re cently became heated, end, rndearoriug to ! cool off by takingcopious draughts ot cold water, suddenly Decarno prosiraicu, aua were in a criticl condithm. Steamers leaving Xew York for Europe one day recently earned Christine Xilsson, Theodore Thopns, Scaria, Wtnkelmann, and Fran Materna. A Bio fish drowned a little fisherman at Portland, 3Ie., tho other day. Charley Carey, about eight years old, went fishing on the shore of the Back Bay. He hooked a largo fish, clung to tha line, and was palled into tho water and drowned. A Judicial Cocbt presided over by Bishop Hams of the Hethoditt Episcopal Church at New York acquitted Rev. Dr. Brirtow of all charges of immorality and restored him unstained to tho isUifbT, reversing tli. action of Newnrk confei enco. Cninwc & Co., of Chicago, dealers in pig iron and rails, failed and madn a vol untary assignment recently. The liabili ties were $SToeO, assets nominally $710,000 and actually at least 4C0.0O0. AT Newark, O.. the Agricultural works canght Are in the engine room the other morning and the works were completely destroyed. The loss was iSjO.OOO and the insurance $3,000. A Paris (Tex.) special says: The steam flouring mill ot Hamilton & Sons was de stroyed by fire, together with several dwellitigs and a large quantity ot lumber. The loss was $D,0X and tha insurance 30Q. Ute Ixdiaxs recently attacked Wilson's camp In Laplata County, Col., running out horses and cattle. Two cowboys were seriously injured and fire Indians were killed and several wonnded. A destructive CTclonu swept through Central Illinois on the morning of the 3th. No lives were lost, hut the damage to live stoci, buildings and olber property was immense. THE amounts finally agreed upon by Congress to enable the several executive departments to participate in tha Indus trial Expositions for the current fiscal year were ns follows: Cincinnati $10,030; Loul.rillr, 10.000; New Orleans, $3X1,000. The steamship "Gulf of Vincent," from Calcutta, was ishora at Ling Beach, L. L The crew and passenrers, forty people. Were saved by the life saving crew. At Newcomerstown, O., daring a display of fireworks a bunch of sky rockets ex ploded, lustantly killing John Cleveland, of Burton, O., and J. Dta-fee, of Newburg. A number of others were slightly burned. At Cincinnati a pecniar mode of swind ling in a small way was discovered by the Western Union office, bj people coming in inquiring about curiom messages re ceived. The plan was toprepare blanks and envelopes resembling, bat not exactly like the Western Union mtsage blanks and envelopes, prepare bogw messages, deliver them and collect the charges. C. 1C Marshall, the English forger who was arrested in Milwaukee wntle attempt ing to pass cleverly exicuted fifty pound notes on the Bank cf England, and who had succeeded in gettinj money for several of them, escaped from tie police station in Chicago. It was clained at the station that he was liberated by a tramp, who stole a pass key and opened tie doors. The St. Louis Age of itttl recently pub lished over ninety leters from leading manufacturers of engim, iron and wood machinery, steam pumjs, hardware speci alties and iron roofln; in the pnncipa' cities east ot St. Louis setting forth tMt the condition of business In these iwtaa fries is nut as bad as hat been reprrse hi'. and that the aggregate f sales for the firsl six months of the yea- is coasldrrauly greater than those for te last halt fS lfei There appears to be raw borista) depres sion in the East than Oh WjbEJF While Rev. Dr. Jp. AIBroadus, or Louisville, was jW" Ifcing to fc- d olt of the WatbteCiJi Avesm Sfs j,.. ... , ..--- ... . - . v.M... , . 1 . r : , ZJrZ i were.lonaiT cneerea, anu ine sirceuiwcrc come bybeat ami fantod.Tlie sfietrfljjsjjjjpjbyjj,,. '. stopped. Tax Missouri Pacificsouth bound freight train was precipitated through a burning bridge near Cbecotah, ftx the other day. Ten cars were wreckec and burned. Ma- ' .... ,1. ImiI hnlrMnal. nl Ifilleil. ' UU MW U.MM w... . , The services In Si Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Ciirinnati, on the Cth, were disturbed by Jab Gurckey, who got np and shouted at theprics. OQcers took him and locked him u. He was a raving lunatic The other mornlnr Miss Nora Trigg, daughter of Dr. Trigg residing at Lock hart, near Luting, Ter., was shot through the bead, accidentallyby her little brother, who was handling a pstoL A heavy wind anc rain storm passed over Columbus, Ky., the other evening, killing a woman and to children and de stroying the Methodis Church and several other building. Ax Australian disrutch ates that the Assembly of Victoria expressed approval of the Australian fedrative scheme. Dispatches from It. Paul De Loanda, on the West coast of Africa, mention re ports that Stanley hid sailed fur England. Commanders of Porttguese war vessels as cended the Congu ari annulled the treaties that Stanley conclnM with the natives, which granted totheAfrican International Association sovsreipty orer the territory Uitt had been dcclacd neutraL ADDITIONAI DlsrATCIIES, DOTH noitici f C-ngrrss adj(.urnetl on tns Tth until Decesber. In the Senate Mr. Brown a-ki if tho Chairman of tha Appropriation Comaittee could state the agregato approprttions this year. Mr. Alliou replied in tie affirmative, stating the amount was SlfT,:?!,' ST. In respect to one or two features f the Naral bill this amount was estim-tcd, but the variation would probably bs ess than H 0.0U0 from the amount he had .taUil. Th aggregate did not include rappropriations, which for tensions alone his year amounted to orer iU0.tXl,0w), rssing the aggregate to i2J0)l,OST. A vikulext epidsnie existed near Ker beta, Asiatic Turky. The Russian Gov ernment was adoptng precautions against the spread of the dsense. M. Ferry instrnted the French Minister at Prkin to demam from China a war in demnity of 230,X franrs, ami also tel- egrapbed Admiral Courbet to srixs th Puncheon Arsenalas a guarantee for the payment of the inirtnnity. Advices from iuakim report that Gen eral Gordon bad ben murdered by his sol diers and that 1 Mahdi bad occupied tiuaklm. The Choctaw trubles were reported as Increasing. Govrnor McCurtain was de termined to supp-es the outlawry otwtat ever cost. MiloUoyt, the bad of the out laws, vows he will kill Governor McC'ur tain.atid was emeavuring to get the Cberu kees to join his landard. He raised a flag and was orgaiixtng his turces ready for action. THEDemocncic National Committee, at Chicago, on thoTlh, decincj to present the name of Gonmor R. li. Hubbard, tit Texas, to the jcnvcntion tor Temporary Chairman. Work was supended at tho Washington Navy Yard onlhe Tth, owing to tha failure of Congress tt mako an appropriation in continuance. At New Yoii 011 tho Tth AsIgnee Davis filed an iuvcuory ot Grant & Ward's Lusi ness, show tor liabiliues JlU,rJi,f.l7. The assignee says it is impossible to ascertain who are the t.vnets of all securities In the possession of Grant 61 Ward at the time of tho fatlurr.o; all tha securities pledged by them and hell by creditors as collaterals for loans, lis report further ;Jiuwed a wretched system ot doing business. F. L.FtUerT,iagcd sixty, the hubsod of MadaasfjeiuUsClick, the actress, was found dead from fcan disoasstin bis apart ments rcoeaUy at Boston. The apfxintsEeat of Kasson as Minister to Gcrroaiy CToaScd an excellent impres sion at Berba. At Dirtroir, aloe. Richard Hawley, an old citizen, for tavsay year leading maltster of that city, dlad tbo other eveninr;, alter a Uagcrisg ilte J TILE GATHERESfJ H0ST& the Representatives of the X:ocraey t tha City on the Lake Sunday acenes en tha Arrival of the Eastern Delegations The Booms and the Boomers An Appe tising Uncertainty as to Who ts tho Com ing Man. CmCAGO, I LI July 7. Yesterday was a day of excitement for those here for the last big Convention ot 1884. There was more eniinslasm, more shouting, more people on the streets, more bands and processions, more crowding ot hotel corridors, more hot and cxcltinz discussions, than on any day from the beginning to the end of the Republican Convention. The great Butler demonstration ot Saturday night had truch to do with this. Hundreds of raembcis ot trade and labor organiza tions who took little or no Interest in the Catherine of a month rco arc now arglns into tho I hotels and crowding the curbstones arguing and cheering for the man of their choice, and wearers of Batter badges, with the well-known physiogno my of the lion of Massachusetts, are to be met on every hand. This fact coupled with Saturday right's demonstration Is anything but to the Southern delegations, and they do not hesitate to express their opinions freely. The result has been pretty excltinz debates, which it times have threatened to develop Into something warmer than mere argument. ANYBODY TO BEAT BCTLER. A. canvass of the vaHous Southern dele gations was made In the morning, and the almost unanimoa opinion expressed may be condensed into a-slngte sentence: "We will support anybody upon whom Kew York can unite except But ler. Him we will not support." Outside of Butler the condition of affairs was precisely the same as twenty-four hours before plenty of booms, but no one claiming the lead. Nor have any dark horses been uncovered. The numerous processiona ot the day sadly disturbed the quiet harmony ot the usual Chicago Sunday. The County Democracy of New York arrived a few minutes before three o'clock in the morning. When the train of thirty cars drawn br two loco motives rolled Into the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad depot there were nearly fire hundred Democrats ot Chicago ready to greet the visitors from New York. At 1 1:20 the cook county democratic clcb, numbering over one hundred, a larse number 01 Democratic vetctsns and the sub-reception committee formed In line on Monroe street, near Dearborn, and L marched to the depot There they had to wait for more than three hours before the train arrtreii. ine oovs passca iuc time singing and dancing on the platform. The train, as it approached the depot, was saluted with, a volley of fire crackers and with lusty cheers. There were about in the delegation irom Act xonc .jorir the route to ine notet uie visitors. DisaiAKGE or rimnvomts. festerday afternoon the Cook County Democracy and Union Veterans, with muMc and' firing banners, marclied to the Union Depot and escorted tne McDonald Club ot Iudlans. to their headquarters. The streets along the line of march were erowujd. Mike JlcDonald led the pro cession. A little later the County Demo crats of New York, In two detachments, with a? many ban-Is, playing lively tuues, went f the Twellth Mreet depot, receiv ed their brethren of Irving Hall with open arm and escorted them to the Leland. More people gtceted the New Yorkers than participated in the recep tion to the Itidianlans, aad thi march to the hotel was one continuous ovation. Chlcagoans do not have an opportunity to cheer political processions every Sun day In the jear, but they certainly made up for lost opiMirtuullics yesterday. The crowning demoo,tratlon of the day was reserved for the CtllEVTAlS or TlMMAXY HALL and his henchmen. It was nearly seven o'clock In the evening when their trains arrived at the Tweif th Street Depot, The various local Democratic organizations were on baud in force, and their ranks were augmented by several thousands of lookers-on. Deafening cheers greeted the Tammanyttes as they emerged from the depot, and they were continued like a fusilade of artillery as the line moved up State street, the sidewalks of which were packed with a dense mass ot hu manity. Wlienthc Palmer House was reached th.e services of a squad of police were necessity to effect an entrance for the new arrivals. John Kelly, arm la arm with Mayor Carter Harrison, led the way. His appearance in the rotunda was the signal tor a burst of applause. The ladles in the gallery waved handkerchiefs and flags, iten Butler took la the scene by peeping down over tho smoulders or a fair immsel. Roger A. Pryor right behind him, ran hi lingers meditatlfciy through his long hair, and the usual sphinx-like counte nance of Congressman MorrUou lighted up with surprise at the heartiness of the reception. Kelly, however, taking no no tice of the plaudits, marched with the rest ! pf the deitgatUn to the Id. Hard hall, j Availed until the order to disband was given, and again emerged and mounted the stairs to the Tammany headquarters, the cheering meanwhile being resumed with increasing Intensity. For flltcer, minutes thereafter the crowd veiled Iicll hoarse in its calls for "Krl.y" and "speech," but the chieftain Old not re spond. Calls for cheers Tor Cleveland met with a hearty roponx, but the men tion of Butler's name ux the sigtial for an outburst ot hisses and dcrblve yells. Dnriug the day a number ot prominent Democrats arrived at the Palmer House, among whom were Senators Itrck, Har ris, Pendleton and Saulsbury,and a large number of Representative THE DELAWAEK HK1.ECATIO.V, one hundred and fifty strong, arrived votcrday, and the Bavard headquarters hare been establLsacd at the Palmer House, with accommodation for the contiugent at the Grand Pacific. Notwithstanding the claims which have been made IhatTHden prefers the nomin ation of Cleveland over other candidates, there appears to be a very gi n 'ral im pression that some one of the other gen tlemen uanwd for first place will receive the Indorsement ol the New York dele gation. Those who argue la this way base their conclusions upon the'hrory of of Cleveland's unpopularity among the laboring people. DR. MORRISON MCNFORD, ,4j1,Mtt-t-1-,e, frnm Mlimirl- and tsdl . .. ,I.k X.Hr.v f.i.w TM... mla.t ,,, ' lilt VII IU47 iWUAU VttJ .,mct, ,wWM ,111. sentiment of this class ot delegates in in interview, In which he said that he bad iut returned from a brief visit to New York and Washington, where be had been to better inform himself of Clet eland's real strength in his own State. n. tiin. fordsaid1tewas surprised to find howl feeble the Governor was-that in New, York city he found worklngmen furious at the mention of hlsnamc. When asked how ho accounted for this opposition, he replied: "From the fact that ho vetoed Jucing street car labor from ... ..J-rV . . ,-v tin. Vslll SVbjIiimIiih sixteen to twelrehonrs. he turned 15.000 uomnrorTorwnrarsyrnV' iihisie.nFTi.m m. O) .bboiIamo oomIh. rilnt - otswoa i The Governor's VETO OF T-lS nVE-CKNT elevated ro-id fare Ull, Dr. ManfordaaM, has also turned the votes of tbotuaaiW 4 worklngtuen against him. Tfca DneWr did not think that Cleveland cotdd ay New York city or even Bafclo. Wam asked his opinion of the outlook oTa9 dayDr. Mnnfard replied that be ttotagkt the contest was now narrowed dews to Bayard aad J adze Field, or tie vum w4w cab carry New York. His delegatlM, h coacladed, were not as BBBMreac Jar Grover Clerelaad aa tiey have & ported to be. The keynote to the situation Has i tk result of the coafereace of the Jiew York delegation, which takes place ta-ay. Should the Kind's Coanty mea, nk, Ute anti-Cleveland delegates dalai, hoM Um balance ol power la the New Yet delegation, cast tfcelr ais vew against Cleveland, It woald ap pear from present indications that the 'candidate for first piace woald a either Bayard or a Westers maa. Lead ers In the County Democracy, however, claim that seven or eight ot the Kbg4 County delegates wilt surely sapaert Cleveland, as they have iaHflvblssai pledges to that effect, All otter d gatlons, even those who have beea lav atrnctcd for Cleveland, appear to be hatd lng aloof, and will not express a decided opinion as to the situation, prelerriag to await the action of the New York cases. There are anions the Cleveland bcb aSa a number who f aror EA.MlALL AS SECOND CHOICE, and tay that In the event of Clerelaad'a defeat they will urge Randall as the strongest man who can be nolaeL At present, however, It Is appareat that Bajard will develop more strength Is the event of Cleveland's defeat than the ax Speaker of the House. The leaders of the Bayard movement have beea at work with good results, and from coaveraattea with a number of McDonald's followers It appears that a comolnatloB between Bayard and McDonald for first, aad sec ond place respectively Is probable. CLEVELAND ECXOK. There Is a reliable report current that at a meeting of the King's County New York delegation In the I'almer House last night it wis voted six to three thst the dclegatlon support Cevcsaad fur the' Presidency. It Is generally conceded, that this settles It, as K!brN Couatf claims to hold the batasee-ot power hi the New York delegatloa, which, U it fol lows out the Instructions sires by the Saratoga Convention, will vote aa a taK for Cleveland, a majority of toe dtlsgataa from the Empire Stats havlsjc declared for him. It is a!so understood that the North Carolina delegation will pas Sen ator Pendleton for the Vice-Presldeacy. rltAYKK AND OROANtZATION. It is understood that Moastgaoc Capet will deliver the opealufr. prajer oa Tues day, and that the choice's Hwporary chairman rests betwees Coleael YUo, of Wisconsin, and Judge Hubbard, ssf Tex as. The Anx-ricus and Sam KaaOHl Qf Philadelphia, arrived yesteruef. the members have been doing tlve talking for their tarlil en The C:ereund leaders introduced a aer-i elty In the way ot campaigning-, by a tioning in their headquarters at the Pal mer Iiouse a band ot twenty pieces, which from morning till night discoursed patriotic airs load enough to be beard a block away. It was a success aa a draw." USRCLr CTES. Colorado CattU Camps Attacked by Soeon. era Vies, lTopeity Destroycst, Stocks Smb Ob aad the Herders Pot to night MeH' taxy Sent to- the Seeste. Dcsaxgo. Cot-, July T. The camps ot Wm. II. Wilson, George West and Carlisle A Johnson were at tacked by Southern Ute Indians in the wesUra part of La Platta, xoath, near the Utah line, Juh 5. Charts Clark, cook for Wilson, and Adefph Lusk, em ployed by West, were badly woueded. Four or five Isdlaus were killed and a number wounded. The whites lost eleven bones killed aad KM stolen. Their wagons and camp osttt were burned and provisions carried ofi. The cow men were all driven off aae many narrowly escaped with their live. Wilson's two boys, eight and ten years old. In tbclr fright rode twenty-nlae hours without food or rest. Wllsoa aad the boja arrived In Durango last night much exhausted. It appears that the Utes hare for soaae time been causing trouble to the stock men, killing cattle and stea lag horses. One of Wll-on's men found several of the hitter's horses la possession of the Indian and undertook to secure tte same whrn an Indian attacked him with a large knife and he was killed. Thk precipitated the figbL There Is great ex citement among the cattle men. The cat tie are at the mercy of the Indians. Coionel Hall, coinmacdai.t at Fort Lewis, trdered a cismpany of cavalry oat at once to drive the Indians back to the reservation. The information that the marauders are 2'oathern Utes, comes from the roost authentic source. The Indians worencwshlrtsand hadnewWla cheters and revolvers, bought In Dnraa go with the monev paid them as aa annuity at Ignscie. by Agent Pattoa. Prior to the attack Wibou's boys rccot; nlzcd and talked to several of them. The cattle men feel that It is high time the Ute nuisance was rcn.oved from the coun try. Cattle owned by residents of Du rango foot up s.Ooo.ciK) The talk about the Utes being rngtgrd in farming aad stock-raising is all bosh; they are as dev ilish as ercr OTERfOaE BT HEAT. A rromlnrnt Divine r-mtrntrd by Exces sive Heat While CoudncUn; Services to a Urooklyn Baptist Church. TlKnoKLTX. N. Y July 7. While Rev. Dr. Broadus was preaching In Washington Arcnoo Baptist Church yesterday tha congregation were sur prised to observe him stop abruptly lathe middle of a sentence. Without making any explanation he stepped back ua steadlly to the chair behind the pulpit and sat down. Two members ot the church who occupied front seals, ran to Mm and found blic In a fainting condi tion. Thrv sssistcd tun to the residence of a member in the vicinity, while the congregation was dismissed by vise ol thedtacons. Dr. Hunt reported that he bad !rn slightly affected by ths beat. The patient eoon Improved under treat ment, but was unable to preach ta the evening. Dr. Broadus I sweH-taowa clergtuian of Louisville, Ky. He tas a summer residence at AsburyPark, aad was recently cogaged to occupy the pel pit of the Washingtou Avenue Baptut Church at th? rate ot 875 a Snnday. Tho l'orest rlrrs la Maine. II clto?, M. JatyZ. Forest fires arc raging la Ute vicin ity of Patten. A largo tire between th head of the Alegasn and the St. Joha rivers has beer burning for three weeis, destroying many million feci of lumber. Another fire buween Greeuvllto and tha west branch of th- Penobscot commenced i about a week ?o and la uow burning with terrible force, pes fires ate fed by largo tracts of blown dowa Uatber. eaase. y ine isi, awt ue roar of the flames as tezM by -Hr-hi ta 1 fmtl?,lu tcrnilc and graad. Uulasa ' te to ralu xety soon, many tows bo , yaluaWcfcr tJicirtimlwmujtlweatipciy destrorciL destroyed. - - t 5T-AO0C.OW Avorthef frras; u suooally csssurajd' bj tio PKuno does orticra Tto, ' 3