Newspaper Page Text
:T2- . .-" nmji jmu giVi faMB HJIaM r -' CmcrtALX PcKJgWG Co. LSOY ,JJXUJC J.nom X.l. , SIters. n. XiUer........Ba4aas JfaKMgcr. IXITA, I. T.,JULY lb, 1SL Justnow lucre Is seme commo motion In the Choctaw- Nation which doubtless has been raore or less exagjrentteit as to extent in.rc ganl to the permit lairs. iUIes Hoyt. cell known in this 'town, had been, cmnlovin; a number of ! white men. Xie rcceak. fccary rains trhfctr - . . . - - irtuaiiinrareau immense com rrip have dfctwiici.he farmers " .-osthcrn Kansas on sellings their .u com. L General Hek will establish and refusing to pay permit tax was. tried,, and lined some 500 or $GX). To prevent rtlic operations of an execution ! Hort gathjercd up all his personal property and removed across the iliue- into the- Gherokcc Nation. Since these troubles have arisen the court home has been burned, 1 ?m?elf bi teoopit.fccTerri-i ffll Hoyt is suspected of being the ry, almost at once. Sigfe waters i are conndcMhlk sciarded opera tions 2a fHr dtKetfae. Botii fcowea CSmgress adjourn last Mow if afeeraooa at three Iclock. Many mcoiIkss, narticu- rlv of the tattee, were absent, e Democratic convention claim- Bg-Hieir attestioa. 'The'Chickwaws are also in tae ncc -cutting baeincae,, bat t&erc o. care is taken. o preserve tnej BjaterUiL The fteere ae prorld- rd with iochetrw all -wires are bit twice betweatt aaca-peet. The NatHHul Democratic Con- rcntion atacBMMed in Chicago fecsdaj jwon but at the- time of sing to preee, TkiHday morning, so noi:nastci"faal been made. In- lications were strongly in favor of jOT Uleveiaau as thc nominee. ov. Hcbbard, of Texas, made cmporary ehairaMR and Col. VT. Vilas, of "Wiscoasin, pcrma- icnt. Payne azri hk following it seems ire not escaped the notice of the svemmeot. A dispatch dated luiy- 6 states that the President s issued a proclamation warning ill persons iafeedlng to take forci ble possession of the Oklahoma iands of the Indian Tefritorv. that iio military faeces of the United State w31 a -meed, if necessarr. rt more all wmk iatevders. incenuiary. A warrant has been issued on this charge, but up to last accounts remained unserved. The authorities- insist that they have positive evidence of this crime against Hoyt and the pre vailing opinion is that he will at least be permanently outlawed from the nation. Ills farm is said to-have been as-fine a one as the Territory can boast and his friends are loth to believe him guilty of all thatis charged. Latest advices give no assurance of a better stale of affairs. The Kansas Oifcr Tiates in very ircastlc term Iccmh the Chero 'es.of beine; nmacjaiwts on the lanu question. Ta Cherokecs are irmly .'of the owiaioM that this ri belongs to titera, and at last if cooate the mctetary of the inte rior entertained the same belief. It ight be remarked that Ids conclu- iussm the premises amount to 1y as much as those of any other ic person. For some months past the deni zens of Dodge City have been pre paring for a regular Mexican bull fight to be presented July 4th. Some 3,000 or 4,000 people -were assembled on the fair grounds to witness this novel spectacle, but the dispatches indicate it to have been a very tame affair indeed. The fight took place in an arena 100 feet in diameter enclosed by a fence eight feet high, provided with eight escapes and two ladders. There w ere five bull fighters and four animals. The first bull ush ered into the ring made the only fair fight, furnishing only half an hour's amusement The second was quiet and, showing no spirit, was withdrawn. The third pranced into the ring, throwing up clouds of dust. After being angered by several spear thrusts, he made matters very lively, and after being exhausted was lassoed and dragged, from the ring. The fourth proved a failure, and the crowd demanded the first bull, -which was returned to the ring. After a brisk fight and much charging the picadore gave him a fatal thrust with the lance and he fell dead. One of the matadores was severely injured about the ribs in the final encoun ter and he mar not recover. supposed to have stolen a cow was ! arresud by the Lreek Light Ilorsi . Nowto get out of it he is trying to prove that he is a U. S. citizord and tnat the Creeks have no- juris diction. If he docs prove it he will lose the rights he has been enjov- fuy: here, a, -most brilliant plan. . 1... jUarfcs was in town Jumlay looking after parties to cut hay. Ilf had a contract with the Mo. Pa. to deliver 2,000 tons at Ft. Worth and other Texas points, to be cut in the Territory between Mubkojree and Dcuison . One contract for 100 tons has alrcadv been closed with Jim Lordcn at Atoka. Marks is a lively young man anu we hope he comes out at the top of the heap. JL Curtain and lady, whoibr sev eral months have been uoinjr the Territory and particularly the Creek Nation, "studying the Indian lan guages and modes of communica tion, including their old method of picture writing, for the Smithso- nianlnstitute at Washington closed his labors here on Saturdav and left for the east. Both aie painstaking students and have laid up 'many facts concerning these Indians for future generations. -r -- 50TES FOR THE STOCK BJL1SER. It is said 5,000 has been secured to atsiit this Territory in being rep- l resented at the Wbilds Fair in New December. In a It weeld aeea th-t Dave Fame ; at length becoming known to his itutfliharsfn Kansas. Th ft1il cell Journal oflartcafc Iws tl,ei?r!aa' "" rr.T7nTrin rara.rbuio-ivtr-f l" nn. Ice of thav individual : Faroe never Ttad anr faith in I i vsnanvm. scacmes, uut ne- is I ustsiiajTt&Mmmh to lead parties LT .. . ii - ir i ui mui now ub liiuusrauy uicuncu i i uc uivnuHCM-juio mis uosiness id profit bv it himself, while thev tl evelrthin' III Mr ltavi r - i it t r -.n 4 :ii i judl uiauuiuicuv WllL The flics are more annoying to stock this year than common, is the report from all sides. The estimates arc thatlromCoO, 000 to SOO.OOO head of cattle will be driven from Texas this year. The cattle in the region of the Sac and Fox arc said to be doing well but none are yot ready for shipment. " Pome of the uouthem Kansas pa pers are advocating a nock tic fes tival for the purpose of breaking up the promiscuous stock stealing. There arc 14,000 horses on the Dodge Citv market, or was a few thrys ago, so it is reported. Throe or four herds have left tliero, in the East week, and started back to their ome. Two head of young cattle be longing to Mr. Howellj on Little Cabin, have recentlv died, and the cause is presumed to be black leg. i The disease is not reported else- j where. Old Mexico has twenty million head of cattle, andaliimlred thou sand of these will be sunt up to Colorado and a hundred thousand to Wyoming and Nev Mexico the present year. To aire lice on cattle, put a pint of air-drv slackwl line in a onttnn bag and dust the cattle with it. Two applications a week or ton days apart will clean them off. A pint of lime will be mough for two full grown animals. In the Barber cooity roundup no strays are being taken along ex tlie owners 'are kntwn. all un claimed ttock -beios left on the range on which it isund. Mav crioks are gobbled bj$hc first man who can get his iron 'n them. Oddwell Standard.Und: In the next four davs there will be four i special trains of ahoit twenty cars each leave this citv loaded -with lettcr,to the Hon. Wash Gravson the director general states that the i cattle for Minneapolis, Minnesota. funds will beavailable to the mana gers of the enterprise in the Ter ritory in the same proportion as the o. S. Govcrmcnt loan of a mil lion dollars becomes available to the managers at New Orleans. The be due in a Live stock: shippers of the coun- short time, and plans and other ug- try arc beginning to realize the , getUons to facilitate a proper ox- tt that few of their number be- ? hibition ne rick mee, aad many are in date. le cndiaif otiw it while with rceuer, in rcrvese is the case. fo one save tininc elves seems re sponsible for this state of things, id if .they desire ta ruin, them- elvcs by E-biddiae;for a chance lose- money am a produceifs f tock,. tiey Wve a riht to da so. tunnc and- ahipMsr cattle is an very cleely aMted todcal- kif ft. fiitnres and rsquFres both: rotten aod jstdfwcst iKsyond, tbe- lossesaion-of j&eet mert. Ul? to.- few short yaars ago the cowoqy" was simply a man, or toy who from the day he found a ittlcinsignificant calf on the prai- 2, Wiowed it fo tlie cars for ship- isnt three or four years later. Of tte-days this same individual has frown to be a hero, and really re ives more attention from the pa- f;rs and tbe people than the herd ; follows. Under thctrid regime, rhen seber, the cowboy was a . snasuauug leiiow, m his ay a perfect gentleman, whose icndshjn jsA courage was res ected' and" admired. The new are promised at a later TXSKIT9ST JL5B BOKBEK 50TES. Judge Doyle, of the Eufala Dis trict, Creek Nation, died on the 28th of last month. Theodore Baughman, oCCaldwcll has been appointed a government scout under General Hatclr and will serve m-thcTerritory operations. Advocator Wilkcrson- Brothers as sub-mail contractors from here u J?t- Gibson, tliis nation, were superceded Tuesday last by Sub Contractor Blackmore, of Musko- fThey belong to Mr. Jiseph llosen- baum, and consist ot earlmgs. Tlie raising of mulis, which is declared iiloutliern Uansas to be much more profitable than horses, should receive favoraUc consider ation throughout tic Territory. Many of our surroundiigsare iden tical or superior for the purpose to theirs. One man recently slipped twenty-eight sacks of "wod, weighing o'ver S00 pounds each from Cald well to Philadelphia. His shoap high grade and fullblood Mari no sheared a little ovsr six pounds each. The rams avenged a shade over twenty-four pounfs. An agent of a heavy Texas cattle company oiTers to- liuoad almost any number of very slek yearlings at this point for $1G pir "head, or twos at 20. Cows bnod best in Texas, but their offering grow into beef much more npidly in the Territory. As a contcquenrc it pays best to buy Texs yearlings and rear them ficre. r i -v- : Lt TiC?1??: ."SLI- H.lredCo's.ranchnenon8alt nance of the Uilkcrson hue ofloo.e dars 'nd killc(1 coaches we arc not advised. Charles H. and'TboSw K. Watts Caldwjjll Standard: cstcrdayTljcso parties had ben wilfullv evening, United Deputy Marshal cutting fences belongiig to the , Williams arrived in the citv from cow men, and when raiiim.trated Fort Reno, in charge of Wesley with opened fire. A Conner's jurv ; ndcu,din.?uuunaa onraux t ueciareu me acts jusuiabio, imt by Indian police on a charge of the ronnfv nltrniT- at in filivl .- 1... .Y- larceny and Highway robbcrv. Tliis fellow has been a bad man in the Territory for a long time. He had been consorting with the Chev- enne Indians and was with the sang i of Running Buffalo when they I attacked E. M. Ilorton some weeks ago, and the Indian was killed. Among his other thefts lie stole the pocket book of Mr. Bennett of the hrui of Owens ifc Bennett, and complaint 'and had fcnrdf tlie iwr- ties arrested. Caldwell Journal: Pruyne tt Ayers have sold ainl tfdiverwl to Mr. Foss theirlMinch ef ttock eaUJe now in the Foss pastire, at 80 around. Th6 herd numtered about 500 hcadj and were a voir fair stock of cattle. They have bn held on that range for the pns?t tlrce vears. There are probablv fifiwi thousand ucn nas uecn nomzea anu nei' i . , ... . . :." . l irn nrt in!nrmoi Tfi-ir f rfintnitn lm . . r '. ,, -,r ,, ,. .. r CLOtTnn I llcaa o1 stock cattle or vmngsstecrs .held Mr. Bi-nnett up for 830 03. ; ,i. 1. .. - .i" ..-i r t.l unii: r.i. t :. ..!" "u '""" a" "" mc uaii ed until it can scarcely be called improvement and lis bravery Limiversally questioned. 1 uff-7 : - to0k i i n ! d Red Fo-k. They j itehiU this morning and 1 will wiU not be sufficlent to w tc , surely fo to the penitentiary'. He lem:inil whon that d Q njog links-Ais mas, had he the woultf car t" cngare capi- in . CoL B. H. Campbell, who be- is a bad man lings to an association JioHhng ; A distressing accident occurred leia the outlet, in a recent in- some days ago at tlie fcinn of John Srvien-witk3newspapcrrcportcr,l?Ta'a1,uw "' awovc U3Xier aks rightout plainly and scn-.Ar "'' i 77 Wf 1,; i;r, !y regarding-Dare Payne. He Pasanghhf friend's stallion here- marked that it was tlie gentlestan imal of the kind he had ever seen. t TT tl l..l .1 J- .1 T.; k raising-1 tlie territory, as by , .. - .. . n . - . doing he woold: lose notoriety furwani nnicklv followed bv a s an agitator, lecoMngouly a com- terrible kirk with botlf feet, "Mr. koncowBian. UOI. traranbeix lur- Jirganueingjusi.uienniuisianrc lCrsay that to have bis unlawful . ffon,1IunItb """f e c ixl f.or Ltspunished, would be considered iust alve thu left eve and 1k1p ! lie LcigJit of success, as he would crushing the skull "in a frightfnl aeninhis own mind become a maT-J manner and rendering him almost rr. "To use the correct expres- 18ele. He was picked up and fcirL'aTl tbe genUeman, 'I do not ? ncil ? a physical! rui4, wj.w.jcuu a v at once called, but it was useless iU2 the fnwat is going to'cnjpt to-restore the injured which will be as soon as tie beeves from our local ranches arcshipped. GEAYSVILLE The Business Centre t CHOICE STOCK OF GENERAL MER CHANDISE On Grand River, 4: Miles East of Choteau, EtrOur stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats, Grocories, Qucensware, Tinware; Saddlery, Harnoss, Boots and Shoes always complete, and sold at lowest prices. a. w; GREEIT, Post-oflice Vimta.I.T' t'ropofTIeft carand split in riht. ItanRe On Jones crcck.iMsht tuilfs iioiilipast of Vi nita, I. T. 'J3 Cutlery. . I ECavc J?vix"cliased tlio GRAY FLOHRMG AOT) SAW MILL, .And am 3?rcpaied to do a General HNXillin Business. A. P. OOODTKOOKT2, rost-uliir', Vioita, I. T. Various marks and oUl bru.iils. Itanpe On 1'ryor's i-rut'I:, 15 miles west of Vinita..!. T. 'JO Tra MiiMlC 1 tWrtia VT. O. FATTOH & CO., rost-ofli', inita, I. T. P. O., Choteau, Ind. Ter THE OLD RELIABLE General Store. Where you eau dex)eiid on getting TJSTGc SLXidL 'JPDEilOJESS A-S f a - Jf 1 , W. T. J1ATTT, Poatofiicc, Mnita, I. T. Iirand on either eiilc or hip. itangeaortli rroa Viuita. 33tf csssrs Smooth crop in tFie left ear. Horjtobrandel Uif i lwme on the left r hp. Ilange Rock erect t V. CRJT, Postoflicc, C hontcan, I. T. Pome cattle bmI V t on left side. tar mark Over- I slope in each can itanze on f rrori creek, I. T. Sly it. R. TAYLOR. Tostflicc, Vinita, I. T. Branileil on liotli sides. Crop ott" left car and split in risht. EAxnr, Lo cust creek. fijfyESMa rUsfe- f- - - NATHANIEL SKINNER, Post-oifire, imtar I. T. Unde? slunc in i each ear. lnicr. I l'rvor8 crwk, -JMi m. touth of Vinita I near 31., K. & T. ,u.i:. a-.. If es45v.ll " if ?nTi' Trffa m ii VBMiitawi it,. , - S aHiH yutorirs t. r p B. F. UTLSTEAD. Post-oQin, Prainc City, I. T. Brandcltrith same brand on both aides: and botk hips. KAXGX,IIkad. ot Homo creek. ESSHUi 9 WM. DONALDSON, P3tuffii-, t ta Ind. Tct. N. rue rattle br'nilM ! on left side. Itansr On Little Cabin I mt, nine mili-a northeast of Vinita TH01IPS0N, O. Vinita, I. T. Full & Complete Assortment VJ Everything needed hy the jteople oj the Xallon. Jfy longlcxiirienee hits taught we juel tchat hind of gouda the jcojjfe traiif. I Carry No Dead Stocfc ! nods not salable. Tlie profits on goods I soli aro not oaten np by losses on small profits, and will do "So. One trial will convince the most skeptical f ii IcannSordiofe'lHpr' osr car c&- car Still at the Fron t 1 i tLaiS! vr. p. o, KanjreonllipOa bin (,"rp!t, : iniles south of Vinita. T. DAVIS. Vinita, I. T. MOSES KEOKUK. Postofficc, Sac and Fox Agencr. Some -'old? cattle brand etlonlyXon! rihthip. 11 o T s or brand K otr right shoul der. Kar marks, crop otTthericIit and swallow fork in left. 20tf JOHN COUNTBYiyfAX. Post-office, Echo, I. T. jevea- np, either side .Mart. croi oil right ear, tinder slope off" left ear. llange. Horse creek. C. 2 . T?iinik ftTv (iraud river iM'twecn Ca bin & Duck crveks. W. E. HALSELL, Fost-of3ce, Vinita, I r Chorokeo Orphan t- w w Asylum. Alarkniooth cropinleftear and undeibt in right. -Ga 3 -3a WITH-A FULL STOCK OF DRV GOODS. ( I.OTIIIXU, HOOTS A XD SHOES. HATS, FFRXISH. 1XG GOODS, UliOCEIUES, niEEXsU'AHE. SCHOOL BOOKS', ST.lTI&XEUi'fdv Cw. u ul tee me. khhh .mzwEZ'mmi rlfiliaOk I) -TB3 JANE OAPTA1IC3. -tkiatook Post-office, C. N. iTorse brandsame on left. shonltTer. Uane on II o mi n y tvek0iage . Nation. "W". H. MARKER Postoflipe, Mnita, I.T. A. G. RAYMOND HOLD THE FORT -OTs" TPEE- 1 h s r -n 1 . r. . r ., an.l nn JcLitu'I lailif.r koj t ip .n ramh A ar i:w car r rk and otd brands. HjrK rai l-h tan shot or. kfthlioul Jt r 1 . Kan ch, on ISird Cnwk, c ii lit mites nprth of Tuba I.T. CropofTor left ear, un der hair cropinright N?mt tatt.c Lranded n h p. itrglit hip -9Efc ILan'-t1 Iiig Ca bin creek. m on right side. JOtf R M. WTLLIAMS, 'h . l'ruine Citv. I Largest Line of Hard-ware, Stoves and. Tinware kept in the Cherokee Nation. 4 5HH FURNITURE ASD STOVES. WELLS BROS. & FRIGG. Pbst-olfico, (toffcyville, Kansas. anon other brand and ear marks Anv psrtic knoWinsr ot cattlcbranill t n ns ' T W V onrisht Hn K.. ciiftfT,iY fr.,n..lT I Tl ..w.... !"" 1 - -jwi 11 in. 01 their rcnlar rxTjre on Verdigris river. aoove uopij-M will bo h'.wrar I -lirfF 1 left born. Itanze. Coal. nwt. EVANS, HUNTER &: NEW2IAN. Fost-Offlce, Evans vjlle, Kansas. u it -ar, nndfibit ru'if. OWoni fonnationof f s !,.i Pnisr. norn, . 1 randol off or Doors, Windows, Window Glass, Paints and Oil. In fact eveiytliing yon want in tlie Household Line. 3 WZJl saaVJs?.ai E. B. Henry F. O. Vinita, Lt! Also l3oa 8idc.Ca3 v Various other- macks and old brands. Ranch n WJiite Oafc. Creek. IB 1 HWF sjiiiJr Qpf OOJ?"J?aJLLJS &v xi.i.-ri! j iia'r i.rt. : - . a 'p'jun-.I 5 i on lft i l ,t.ii .i.i v,tti,i. "ffa marked QM and s mir P X1 tt? Uit- ut- awcj t.T 1 -- i'i. tyjyj tM th jin-jt- SSaU 1 . .1 . , arb T t. s a steers r.M.I-l.uaii'1 Eapoa near ilf. Yur iw tar-lilBinarK. 1 ctM.E t ...mane hi , r,nntv iool. M. VT COUOH. t-inii LuMi.ii.-t reck. BtiiVC For Good Goods at Bottom Prices go to ROMAN FEYER DROPS. This is tlie only anil host rnuedjr fur the rjcficaf nn- f l"e-cr aid A sue without any Ktjnrioua rvtwlb to the ronautntion. This metUHne diould lie taken strictly arconliii to thWtKitis. A half-bottle sltould be tnktn prnrv Vinita, md. Ter ST. LOUIS wr-iith day after Uie last rttark of fever, told by M. Frazee &, Co i Viufea, L T. :i ... ... ... ... 1 :cy iriui tni iule sgitator m: trv looer, lt from present. -. - . - . t iiT"tnr?nts ot, jBOTerairt. onicials ' .1. tttcn the phyfcian arrived was una&le to firsrallow, uncon scious and totally ivist receiving ., . . r , 1 assi Bianco 01 any khiu. iio oucti, tL.n-coaatw,IfcNi- every rea- afler SPTeraI onrs thc most ;i t jrrtfcatJbe pabncili astBiizing pain, at 4, oVlock next - tirrui? MCa) xne seat ot morning. O: 1 t The Brvnaf Gctce la L. encd March and Sqt, cich lyca-: 210 roses, szll lun-lics, with o-er 3HOO illu&traliuns a xchoii pic ture callcrv. Circs rbokv Ealepritta dki to totuwutrt on all pioJs tor erazui or Uaal mc Xclb lxr to order, and gives exact cost of cerr tLing yea utc, caV drink, veai-, or bari fun vtils. TIiae imaluabla bonktcoa tain inlonnslkin glesnol frva I lie trur JxU of tbe vorld We Trill nail a fopr Free to any Mrcss upon receipt of Uie pesataje- 7 Tat. lit us iteat iruai jet. 2taptclitdlr, MOffTCOHERY WARD CO. I -E--a.itis The Only Wholesale Yarns in S. Louis Accessiblo by Sail and Waer! 1. Kvorv railroad entcrins Pt. Inis is tlirectlv tributarv to these yards. 1 2. Tejca's shippers ate infonnc-1 that ; eonneetion with thie vanls from the , ' Iron Monntain & Vinthcrn railroad can 1 ) tie made witlrotit cost and with mnrl. j 3. Thctevards have the peculiar ad-1 vantap; of lcins locateu on me m. Lonis sidl f the river, from which five- bnritlred tlioiiKand people draw theirnrovibion Mipply. 4. Every packing hone in St. fxnid has a reinlar buyer stationed hero. Bnyersof rattle, liosaand sheep, Ioth fur'thc home market ami ca&tern bhip ment. are at all times represented. ( 5. tor comfort and convenience these I ranis have no Miperior in thc conntry. Two lines of street cars approach here. Hotel, telegraph olUeea and other con veniences lorstocxmenon llieprpiniacs fcSTILL 3I(IiLKV. JESSE COCHRAN, rostoftiti", CbclM-'a, I. T. Sui.Kith crop oil of left ear. lUnjse- Ibar miles weat of Chelsea. FoST & COREY, roistoffirt . I-littopa, Kaus. Kt'on rlijlitsble. 1 Alvrl' minlitlf Jlnpe on hrad n.iiJit.; 01 lJttlc Cabin creek. B. CUEL. rostoflice, Cuireyxille, Kans. J C on left hip or side, and naddle Ktirrn on right tide BiaHHl MES. J, I K3fS A. MILLS, Tost-oHicc, CiietoM, Kan1-. 1-nn.Kjtli t r , i; iiu 'si ir JOSEPH HTTNT, t.t o!lict'f inita, I. T. Crop and split in left ear. under bit and zinc tax iu ris;ht JUnch, 12 miles west of Vinita at the beiit of Prror'4 creek. Iuiinn?, between Pryor'"aad Lightning creeks. 'Tia M i -- JTJrWaB vjm a aw-j'yr.t2T' Crop oil right tar, and !nailow-fork is Irft. -utf C. M. UcCleUan. IVbloilke. Oouala, I. .: Pl'H row j attl- llan-i.-ll li..ll- T. & '1 'r.f i... A u KlSal " '1 SSM beh in uaA 'i 1 A BOTJDINOT. Post-office, Tahleqnali, I. T. Braniled on lvft side. Ssme brand ed OO on bip and shoulder, either side, with various marks. Sold only to ship. Ra'nce. Illi nois river, I ir.iles cast of Tahleqnah. Mrs. ISABKTiT.A NEWMAiT, lVt-ofiice. .s'Jatook, I. T. I a M Rffrt at tie iuidtt a?3 ,1 .. 11 1, 1 . Horl.raiHlC. 31 K.xu Ii 1.11 laiirv. or nip. Kangc cicvk. CurJ 41 TiifSj" Morse brand I Z. - J. O. HALL. lst-otlicc, Vinita, I. T. L'nderblt in each Iforse brand same on left hip. Rauge 1h f wet 1 Cabin sad Prvor creeka. 20 dctsIai'jK-.! on left idi vr.a rost-t 0i' NELMS, , 3'- 1 . r;.ini. n n...- free t,' I miles s"m!i of Vniua. 1 KiEHrt ' Itani h . - Kock Creek, OsgcXatioBU Arthur Podge P O., roffey Tille, Kss. Kanire, on Worf creek. 53 miles south t CoacyvilIe.Ka J, J3 !twl rdntj WV.B.ULS.VY rVcaideat. m MI H- rar 5f n1.osce Jocmal Sim ?tfa kv Secretary ana Treasurer, i C--"- '- -