OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, July 17, 1884, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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Berated te the Intercuts ef the Cfcerekees. Chectaws, Chickasaw.. Sc1bsIc. Creek, aad all Other Indiana of the iBdian Territory.
VOL. n. NO 44.
eya4 a& eafsrisw the fiarst d casBftetcst stare la the India Tcrriiorv Is that or
Wo C. PATTON fe CO.,
Yh tas get u jtklag ya iraai aad that a the very hest quality to be had in the cot a rj.
Aad a ftffl assertaieat af eterjlhlas wasted b y ar casta
KTst hr B3SBt) BSFAKTXEXT eoatalm
Cocax. Is
'UR atTMSS HffARTMi3T yea wHl
Seats' FaraJihias 8 as- While
U XtLLISEir 9WAXTXOT la feHy f U ttcUaKS hi all tka Latent Style sad Fashions.
tG& Wetter MbVXTXIST it repfe with every kiier Staple aad Faawf Groceries, Flonr, Bacon, Canned Goods,
BR XAKaBSS KFAXXXOT has a fall Uae rf Saddles, Harass aad Leather Goods of all kinds, la
80S ASSJCCLTUmiL DtTLEXEST BEPARTXEST jo caa get Wapa, Busies, Plow?, Sprtn? Wagons, Etc.
MJK JClKhWARE BCFAKTJIE5T te well stocked with Salb, Screwy Chains, Hinges, Tinware, Axes, Utensils, Tool?,
Bte-r Tea wW fed hi
Cat KJ.SS ASB aJCEEXSWARE DEPAKTMEXT every variety f Lhcs, Crocks Jars, Jns Etc While In
MS BBG 8TOBC BOTABTXOT job will gad a saleadid stock ef rare, 'lee Dras, Medicine complete in every re
sts. rxi-iuiufJian cartMIr eaaifioBBaed by a skilled apothecary, la this connection ire lure also an immense
atoek ef Sitfaas, Tampy, Peeks, 'paftctlaacrj, Etc. Aad a
STATStJWRr A5B IMC ICPAJmtrST where jea wHI fad every variety of WrlUr-g Materials, Paper, Blank Booki
Sate aad JUotiat BMfcs Scheal Beaks, aadaliae ei seal Keadia? Books Prase aad roelrv.
Our Price6 are as Low as the Lowest. 'Come and See Us.
W. I TROTT, Proprietor.
VBflffi JH.aHHaVa X aaMM
eweca.'newton go., mo.
Highest Cash. Price Paid, for All Grades oi Wheat.
. -- ... . . -
-BHcrs Iter H.CGK. BKAX aad SHITSTU7R? rromplly Allrnacu to.
L- . . r.-m,r-SV i vn
OOCLEK, 5iifcnnuCitaM
g-m .-raitantly on hand 8 Choicest gtapls and Flacr Groceries ta tie Market. Alto
fHit, Yeielaalss, F ftmsswiri, Btasswirs and Twiware.
Eic.nermrt3CkintocXewdJc Coracr. two door. YTe or A. &
-wrar. 7."ttijs.
Alzo carr a complete lino of m
Dry Goods, Hats and Caps,
Groceries, Queensware,
CSothing, Tin-rare,
Pots and Shoes, 2N ouons, Jitc.
Bmi Siffe lor Stoctusa Hiagi In Stol
Don?t fail to see our stock and learnour prices
before "buying.
-V"3I- LITTLE & CO., Vinita, Indian Ter.
C LA REM ORE, !. T.,
Keeps the Best Selected Sleek el
eiimft, hats,
LMatfartfee Jeka eere," Moline Plows as Farm Machinery. Frawirn
srS i art Price. Will not be nadersold.
. ssr PtT " IOCS. rUKS F1WUCE. Cak or CalUe takea In Ex-
- "TIII StSi f T
auaease ateck rf CTery Tarictyof the best and most serviceable Drj
lad the tersest Stock of first-class Clothing Boots, Shoes,
& GO., Vinita,
PAUL Old, See'y an. Trtmircr.
Rsibcss lacagcr. gruxrAA, jiv
r. 8 ItHtLTOT.
res- or
Hats, Ladle i ard
Indian Territory,
For tho rmrciuie and tile at
IJ XatlMMl Stock Tarf, E. St Loots.
ECIJbcnJ advancta made on consUrnmcnM.
Located at Baal XL. Lottl, III.
DlrecltroTpositotbecUjorSt.Lou:a. Buvcrj
rcraU description of Live Stock always in at-
tendance, and within the grounds of tho Stock
TardsiareaBcef Cmninr Oorspanjr, with a1
capdtTfoTalaiifhtcnnjrl,mj bead of csttlo
daily, and Fork Packing- EstabHhtnnts witlr
a capacity for alausrhtcnng' U.0M Jjojrs daily.
ISAAC II. K0X, President.
CHAS. T. J0SES, Snpt.
Iii Pai
Pallman Palace Hotel Cars
through to St. Louis,Tia
Sedalia, J)aily.
Direct Boute West and South
west Tia Kansas City.
Sew Mexico and California connect with ex
press Trains of all lines.
IT ITnUICnUOonne-tlon i made wit
Al AlunlOURBxpn-s Trains tor aE
Folnts m Kansas and Scbraska.
T flU a U 1 Connection Is maJo with aT
At U m AHA lines leadinj: to the Jorth anc
F. CIIAXDLER, Gen. Pass. AcnL
C. B. KKXAS, Ass't Gen, Pass. Asent.
F. L. BECKER, Agent at Tinita.
TFT i-r-r.-cxr-assr
The Direct Throupti Uouto Between
Fast Express Trains are Run Paily. 5e
Change of Cars.
Through rullman Palace Slceplnrj Tarj xra
run dallv. without chance. between riT. LUUIS,
i ! .... w nf rirh farmin? ana xninerai
I Ucds forMlebrthlscompanrtnSOtrrHWEST
rjrForfuIl na I" cular information, wt.h
Maps TlmeTablro. Itatm. etc-call uron or ad
drew any of ou - Station Agents, or either of tin
D. WISHAKT, Cenertl Passenger Ascct, 81
G. TT CALE. Gcacnil Freight Acent, 6L Louis.
C. VT KOGnUS. Vlro Pnldcn ol Cenrraf
Manager Tcicpie UiiiKLn, ut. Lcuii. il&
rrTT-v Smrr, a ncrcss of Piqna, O.,
who died recently, had within a few
years so changed in color that only one
fifth of ber body was black.
Uxdek orders from Secretary Lincoln,
all settlers will be compelled to leave
tho region known as Greer County,
Tex., which is said to belong to Indian
DrxAjirrE is coming more and more
Into use among farmers, who find that
it clears pastures of bowlders and wood
lots of stumps much more rapidly than
the slow moving or. Some of them will
doubtless learn that it never needs to
kick but once.
The dog is the only animal able to
follow man as far and as high as he can
go, but the finer breeds of dogs can not
long endure the conditions of a height
of more than 12,500 feet, and there are
towns in the Andes at as great a height
as 13.500 or 14.000 fccL
The once despised saw-palmetto of
the South is likely to become a very
useful tree. The fiber obtained from
the inner lining of the bud is manufac
tured into a substance so closely resem
bling human hair that it is employed as
a substitute for the genuine article.
Paper fiber, hats, fans, and in all proba
bility cordage and clothing can- be fur
nished by this tree, hitherto considered
only an incumbrance to the soiL
The 1jp" nuisance has invaded the
barbers' shop. The other day an em
ploye ic aNcvr York hair-dresser's shop
scraped" a customor so savagely that
he was discharged for it. He then sued
his employer for a full week's wages.
In the course of tho trial the fact camo
eat that if a barber's employe was not
tipped occasionally he might "crape'
a customer. Similar practices are in
vogue in Boston.
Sin. Thomas Kexneut, ef Stamford,
ronn.. has dcvbolaa fegscious, Ihocgh
rwerhatK not Har. flhUve. raaoas of
-jbdairHr tfc rr&8iafeph-it in his sev-
i. . ar-o'dTttaalStcr. The father
( bjoctcd to her keeping company wttn
young men, but his expostulations had
no .effect on tho girL They quarreled.
and the parent in a rage seized a pair of
shears and cut off his daughter's bcautf-
fnl black hair, rfvinir as a reason for
doing it that he believed it would keep
her away from the boys.
A MAX was arraigned in the United
States District Court at Philadelphia
recently for stealing a package that had
been placed on the top of a Ictter-bos
for transmission to Chicago, being too
large to enter tiio letter opening. Not
withstanding the prisoner wa taken
with the package in his possession, he
was discharged, tho Judge renderingthe
following decision: "The top of a Icttc
box can not be presumed to be a dVig
nated depository of tho United States.
Merchants and others should know that
unless letters and ether articles are put
inside the box they are not posted."
This sems a singular decision, inas
much as the man was taken with stolen
property in his hands.
Ax interesting discovery was made by
Thomas Ailing a few davs ago at the
old Benedict Arnold house, on Water
street. New Haven, Colo. In taking
out a portion of the garret floor he found
a vault, which is supposed to have been
nsed by Arnold during tho War of the
Revolution as a biding place for sus
pects or fugitives whom he wished to
befriend. The lifting of some of the
carrot floor planking revealed the pock
et or vault underneath It is about four
and a half feet deep and six feet square.
and is plastered on the sides. Two or
more persons could remain in conceal-
tment there without being crowded. The
vault is located by the side of the large
old-fashioned chimney. On the flocr
adjacent to the vault formerly stooa a
large bookcase, and it is supposed that
through this entrance was obtained to
the hiding place. Inside the vault are
plain evidences of a former stair-case ex
tending to a small inclosed space on an
other side of the chimney. This place,
which is now plastered up, is supposed
to have been a sort of a closet. Whether
Arnold used tho ault for secreting
Tories or the patriots, or built it to af
ford a retreat for himself, is not known-
That it should have remained undiscov
ered until Mr. Ailing accidentally found
it, shows that it was well designed for
the purpose which led to its construc
Ix Berlin a great deal of escitcment
has been caused bv the official returns
of the Military Department of the Gov
ernment, which have just been made
public. From these it appears that the
growing disinclination on tho part of
the male population of Germany to
undergo military training and service
is seriously menacing the Empire's mil
itary strength. Fourteen thousand
seven hnndrcd and two men were sen
tenced during the past vear for attempt
ing to emigrate for the purpose of
avoiding required military service
Cases against fourteen thousand one
hundred and scventj'-cight more offend
ers in rhis particular line are still
pending. but worse still, the
number ot men from whom a
service is due, and who during
the 3 car past refused both to re
port for duty and to f urnish the required
excuses for the failure to enroll them
selves, amounted to the extraordinary
number of 163,151. The publication of
these facts in an official form has startled
the general public and produced the
greatest anxiety in the German War
Office. It is said that the Emperor is
greatly enraged over this declino in the
military organization. He is inclined to
attribute it mainly to the negligence of
the officials whom he has intrusted with
tho care of the German army. It is be
lieved that a thoMugh and speedy or
ganization of tho imperial military staff
will be at once set on foot.
A Sammary r tho Dally News.
A rxczst IVashlnpton special said:
Logan telegraphed to Blaine his letter of
acceptance as ready and desired to know
when Blaine proposed to issue his, so that
he might make his public at the same time.
Logan's letter, la addition to n formal ac
ceptance of the nomination, will treat upon
tLermulU accomplished by the war, and
urge necessity of maintaining the same in
accordance wita the principle involved in
that struggle.
Toe Comptroller of tho Currency has
directed that an assessment of one hundred
per cent, be levied on tha shareholders of
the Marine National Bank ot New York.
Tnr French cabinet has decided to limit
Immediate demonstrations against China
to a great naval demonstration." There
will be no military movement until the
close of the hot season. Transports, were
collecting at Brest.
ATBrockvUle, Onf., the first Odd Tel
lows International demonstration ever
held In Canada opened on the 9th under
the most favorable auspices.
TtS deaths from cholera occurred at Ton
Ion on the 10th and twenty-five at Mar
seilles. The panic at Marseilles was in
creasing. The exodus is now twenty thou
sand persons. Many persons were knocked
down and trampled upon by the great
crowds seeking tickets at tho rallroaJ sta
tions. Br tbe explosion of a boiler in Wolfs
saw mill, four miles west of Nelsonnlle,
O., Barrock Wolf, aged thirty-four, was
instantly iilled, Eugene Wolf seriously
hurt, Uawley Howard badly scalded and
Boy Blackburn seriously wounded.
ArtAElD canine attacked a number of
swine at ItockforJ, III., recently, and a
largo number died. A hog bitten by the
mad dog would exhibit the same symp
toms as the dog itself. ..
Thb American Lacrosse Team, which re- I
cently returned from England, were asnjn i
defeated by the Canadians at iw iork.
The score was G to j.
The Secretary of the Interior haa re
quested the Secretary ef War to causo the
a. rest of Paysoand such uf his party as
enter the Indian Territory. It was re
ported that the numberwasflfteenhundred
or two thousand now upon the Cherokee
outlet lands of the Indian Territory. It
was desired to expel all other Intruders
now upon the lands before the movement
assumes more formidable proportions.
Tus other evening as the t roared shell
ot the Modoc Club St. Louis, w pasingup
tho river opposite the foot of Spruce street
it attempted to crozs the bows of the ferry
boat 2. Mulllkon and was run down. One of
the ctuw went down with the shell, and the
other four sprang to the bow of the ferry
boat and clung to her guards, but before
assistance could reach tbem two lost their
bold, fell back iuto the river and were
drowned. The names et the lost were Vincent
J. B.Rotr, an insurance agent, and Harry
Jasper, late of Qcincy, HL Tho two saved
were W. B. Hazeltine, Jr., and Cockswain
J. J. Miller.
WtLuau and Charles Hamilton were
hanged at Warrensburg, Mo., for the mur
der of Carl Steldle, whose body they
placed on the railroad track, where it was
mingled. The motive was robbery. The
real names of the murderers were Ed Ault
man (William) and Charles Malsky
(Charles), and they were not related.
Tna worst fire that ever occurred In the
history of Bradford, Pa- took place on the
Ilth. The fire originated in the bakery of
Mrs. Charles Reihley and It burned ten
houses. Mary and Lizzie Relbley, aged
two and six years, respectively, and a
Swedish servant girl were suffocated and
burned to a crisp. Mrs. Iieibley In her
efforts to rescue her babes, was terribly
burned anl died in a short time. Ltca
Gerwitx and Mary Toubey were asleep
when the fire brokri cut, and they escaped
by jumping from a window. Both were
severely injured and Miss Touhey it was
thought would die. John Holdsn and H.
Gerwttz were also badly hurt. The latter
was the father of Mrs. Relbley.
The interior of the Rnyal Armory at
Madrid, Spain, was burned recently. Most
of the contents were destroyed.
At the Chicago Driving Park races, on
the Ltth, Jay-Eye-Sce trotted a mile in
2:ir. It was a special race to beat the
record of Mand a 2:10V.
Tiiazx men were hanged at Fort Smith,
.Ark., on the 11th. They were -Thomas L.
Thompson, a white man, Joan Davis, a
Choctaw Indlan,and Jack Womankiller, a
Chrroke. All three were guilty ot brutal
Tnx failures in the United States for
week ended July 10 were ISi and in Can
ada seventeen.
The President recognized J. C Bam
berger a Consul oi the Swiss Confederation
at Louisville, Ky.
The Comptroller of the Currency has
directed the assessment ofoae hundred per
cent, on the shareholders of the First Na
tional Bank ot Monmoatb, 111.
Wiiaiam Habt was at Cincinnati ac
quitted ofthe charge of arson. He was the
only person indicted for burning the court
house during the late rior.
Tnx Collector ot Customs of the District
of Arizona notified the Treasury Depart
ment recently that thu Mexican Govern
ment had entered into an agreement with
a steamship company to give a bonus of
Sixbnndred dollars fr Chinese laborers
to be landed at Guaymas, Mexico, under
labor contracts.
The steamship Philadelphia recently
made the trip from Chicago to Buffalo in
side of three days.
Toe failure was announced ot Eest &
Co of New York, dealers in children's
clothing, whose liabilities were $180,000.
The net earnings of the St. Paul road for
the first half of the year were fully up to
tboe of the preceding period, owing to a
diminution of expenditures, although the
receipts fell off nearly $1,000,000,
Tns late Allan Pinkerton, of Chicago,
luft $125,000 in real estate and $3,0U0 In
securities. His will was recently ad
mitted to probate, the widow giving bands
as executrix.
Cba&ixs Moaxnro, proprietor of the
Long Lake House, at Eau Claire, Wis-,
was thrown from his buggy hi the woods
recently. Ho was found with his spine
fractured. He was still conscious, but
soon died.
A. Leoris, James Pillen and J. B. Elie,
convicted of paying money for votes at the
Soulanges (Que.) election in October, 1SSS,
were each condemned to pay a fine of four
hundrwi dollars and costs, and disqualified
from voting or taking part In any election
and frc-i holding any office under tho
Crown for eight years.
James Rtblxt was killed on the farm of
James Hunter at Perrysrille, Ohio, recent
ly while running a thrashing machine en--toe,
by the belt slipping off, allowing the
engine to gain such velocity that tho ma-
Ichlnery flew to pieces. The fly-wheel
.truck Riblrt. He was unmarried.
ACaLDEaa dispatch recently received
at Galveston, says: "The steamer Ma joca,
belonging io the South American Com
pany, struck a rock off Caldera light house
In a dsjin fog. Tho steamer being In a
sinking tendition was run ashora, Xia
pawesgers and nearly all the eargo wcra
The Supremo Conrt at Boston has da
cided. In tho case of William B. Bird et al.
vs. The Chkaco, Iowa & Nebraska Rail
road, that tfcedefendant was not entitled te
retain official copies of the pnblic records
fornishrd It by the plaintiff for its exam
ination. Four men were severely injured aad
one, Charles Crutx, killed by the upsetting
of a car of a gravel trrin on the Lacka
wanna Railroad, at Bocciton, N. J., re
cently. Tar firm of Halstead, Haines S: Co., Im
porters and Jobbers of dry goods, of New
York, filed an assignment recently for the
benefit of their creditors, to Lewis May,
with preferences, 5ilS,000. The announce
ment was received with mnch sarprisa
among business men. The liabilities were
sd to foot np ifiOOfiOO.
Coaosra Hcscaorr has ended the In
vestigation upon the dead bodies of the
persons killed in the lata riots at Cincin
nati. He ennmrrates of these that he finds
Captain Desmond was killed by unknown
persons in the mob; one man (Qoetx) shot
himself accidentally; another (Small) was
unlawfully shot on the Sunday afternoon
by the militia, and all others were justifi
ably killed, they haviajr failed to obey the
commands of the Sheriff to disperse.
CoMsrniRjkBtx damage to crops from a
severe hail and rain storm was reported
from various sections of New Englaad ca
the 13th.
It was reported that Fatanotre, the
French Minister to China, had granted the
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs a de
lay of two days, but if they failed to girt
assent to the terms submitted by France,
Admiral Courbet's squadron would bom
bard the forts of Shanghai, aad Aw-dral
Lespes would disembark his fr-i at T -Choo
androiza the arsenal tbere. Tw- ur-a
clads have lest Brest to reinforrr 4anuri
Courbet. '
A snrr contafalsj -ogit men capsized'
In the Monuttgahet River at Pittsburgh,
. .i 7.7 -. 's. ZJiiliiU salarrthe portion of un-Pa.,th.a!.eae.oonandAgustSchne.LP-lcm,
a;y,a,a J. teo bUnjf
W waa drowsed. The others were rescued
with difSculty.
Jraror PjurratXDE, aged sbcy. and son
Frank, aged ninteen, were instantly killed,
and Joseph Mascotte, fatally injured at
CaUln's stone quarry near Burlington, VL,
recently, by a powder explosion. The
Partrandes were blown sixty feet ia the
air. Mascctta was thrown fifty feet and
buried under a mass ot stone.
Aa the train which left Pola on the after
noon ot the IZtb, after the one on which
was Emperor Francis Joseph, was passing
through a gorge near Podgeritxa it waa
discovered that the rails had been mis
placed. The discovery, however, was
made in tima to stop the train. The crim
inals had evidently mistaken this train for
the one containing the Emperor.
At New York, J. M. Hamburger, a pict
ure dealer failed. Liabilities, $30,000.
Tns Treasury Department paid the fol
lowing claims forexpenses incurred by the
State Government during tho. war of the
rebellion: Ohio,$S0"; New ' York, $3t,
946; Michigan, $42,StS; Massachusetts,
JoBaGairrrra, living near London, O.,
had both legs cut off recently by falling In
front ct a self-binder, which resulted in his
death. He was about sixty years of age
and left a large family.
Bsacnx's flour mills and Chambers' car
riage works, Alexander's grocery and sev
eral dwellings at Winchester, Ot, weA
burned by the exploding- of a barrel of coal
oil. Fifty hands were thrown oat of em
ployment. The loss was $290,000.
TUE Liberia Government has made an
appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars to
defray the expenses of tho exhibition of its
products at the New Orleans Exposition,
and it has appointed Messrs. Gaudet and
Pierce, both of New Orleans, as commis
sioners to represent Liberia during the Ex
position. William G. Holdet, a salesman In the
employ ot the Babcock Fire Extinguisher
Company, New York, was arrested re
cently on tho charge of forging several
large orders for goods and collecting his
commissions from the company.
Pboitssob Pacxa&t, Acting President
of Bowdoin College, B&th, Me., died sud
denly on the 13:b, aged eighty-five.
Jcdgxext was given In the Eno case at
Quebec denying the application for the
prisoner's extradition.
James N. Haaais. living near Knoxville,
Ga., had a little daughter scalded to death
recently by falling backward into a tub of
hot water, where some of the family were
scouring tho floor.
Job? Hoitmav, who killed his son Rob
ert, January 12, 1853, was sentenced to be
hanged October 24th. at Cincinnati.
Thomas P. Graham, Chief Sump Clerk.
at Washington, has had his resignation
called for by the Postmaster-GeneraL
GoVECSoa MURRAT returned to Utah re
cently and was tendered a torch light pro
cession at Ogden and a public reception at
Salt Lake.
James A. Gakdseb, Postmaster at Du
pre, Tex., was found dead In his bouse the
other morning.
Jons O'Toole, of Bellevue, Om while at
work harvesting dropped dead In the field
from heart disease.
Fbes;de3TIA!. electors met on the 13th
throughout all Mexico. The votes, which
elected Diaz, will be counted by the Mexi
can Congress In September.
Miss Seoaua Locx, the sevttv'n-year-old
daughter of Deputy Sheriff Lock, of
Austin, Tex., who disappeared from her
homo three or four weeks ago, has been
heard from at Kansas City. She was re
ported married to Jhn Fletcher, member
of t patent medicine concert company.
A colusio.v occurred on the night of the
11th at Kansas City. A Chicago & Alton
train back';d iuto a moving Pacific train.
Charles Am was fatally and C. IL Nichols
seriouslr injured. Both men were Mis
souri Pacific brakemen.
The fall of the BasUle was celebrated at
Paris on the llth. Houses were decorated
with flags end bunting. Two reviews of
troops were held and witnessed by thou
sands of persons, wh cheered the soldiers
heartily. Great crowds attended tho open
air concerts and many places ot amuse
ment. Br the fall of a brick wall at Lawr ace,
Mass., recently, Mary McDonough aad
Catherine Flaherty, ehildren, were killed,
and Katie Hogan injured.
Bt the caving in ot a bank at the mouth
of the Clarion River, Buffalo, N. Y., tbrta
men were killed aad several wounded.
THnheavy plow manufacturing firm of
B. D. Buford & Co of Rock Island, I1L
assigned recently. Their liabilities were
estimated at $2)0,000, of which about $159,
000 was in a trust deed to W.H. Singer, ot
the iron and steel firm of Singer, NInnick
& Co., Pittsburgh. Their assets were not
definitely known, but it is believed the
firm has over S2W.O0O worth of plows dis
tributed throughout the Northwest, be
sides Its factory In Rock Island and mines
In Colorado.
A rASSEXOEB train on the Brooklyn fc
Coney Island Railway collided with an
engine and coal car recently. Many were
hurt bat no one was killed.
XBBJCoroaer start! that Charles Mitchell,
the seaman, died of violent cholera morbus
at Nw York, aad not-frcm an attack of
Asiatic cholera.
assKk m.
The general public needs an Introduction
to the Democratic cand.dato for President.
Graver Cleveland was bora in Caldwell,
Essex County, N. J., March IS, 1S37. Ho
Is descended from an old New England
family of eminent respectabJlty. His
father was Richard Cleveland, a Presby
terian Minister, who removed from Nor
wich, Conn., to New Jersey. Grover ob
tained as good an education as possible
from the common schools, and at the age
ot fifteen years he was sent to the academy
at-' Clinton. Oneida Cuua y, N. Y., whete
he remained for a short tira-. The family
then movl up ort the Black. KIvrP!
woat was kaowita ftoIIo!l"al-Pateut a
viUa'erSyTr CjjL-eoT?--aPu-eu nnl
no- nf IJtka. Tba "-M CL-veland
nnb-d $jtlM-o finals v in this place.
!whdbe au'fetWv died. Grover first
heard of Li father's dra:h while walking
with, his aistor in the streets of Uiica. This
nmt nrodnced the usual
break-up o; me
family, ana we next near ot urorer wmc
lml ettint-out for New York citrtoac-
where, at the time the since well-known
Gas Shell was executive oQcrr. lie re
mained there two year.
Being of an energetic a id arob.t.oas na
ture, however.young Cleveland start el out
at the aie of seventeen to seek hU fortuno
in the West. Somethlug like a poetic In;
t i net. turned his tens toward the ci'y e'
Cleveland, O., but stopping In Baffalo .
visit hU uncle. , Hon. Lewis P. Allen. ,
be was inoucea tu w hi, nV. a well-
home, "bee here." saH kblM J
,knOWn! bw,l hJb This Tea? You I
to get up my herd book this year, lou I
to get up my hem oooc mis year, aou i -. ----i-comoanu
stay with me and help me, and , fm7ms "S,:
I'll give you $K for tho year's work, and j H"" b.'aef
you can Took around." Hero It is that we I f fcf .
flnri tha tins- annotating shorthorns out at
Black Rock, two miles from Baffalo. But
he kept his eye out for a chance to enter a
law office whde he was editing the stock
book, and one day he walked boldly Inte
the rooms of Messr. Rogers, BDwen &
Rogers and toll them what be wanted.
There were a number of young men In tho
place already. But young Cleveland' per
sistency won, and he was finally permitted
to come as an office boy and have the ue
of the law library. For this he received
the nominal sum of of three or fonrdnllars
a week, out of which he had tc pay his
board and washing. The walk to and
from his uncle's was a Ions anil at that
time a rugged on".
After four years in the office, in 1830,-
Cleveland was admitted to practice. la
ISfip the question of nbo should Us appoint
ed Assistant District Attorney for tho
County of Erie was warmly discussed by
the young lawyers in Messrs. Rozrs ot
Bowen's office. There were several who
were both eligible and anxioas, but It does
nut annesr that Timn- Cleveland advanced
his own claims. Indeed, it is a fact that
after the matter bad been pretty well can
vassed they all agreed that he was the per
son that ought to have it, aad they urged
him to accept it, and he was appointed.
Although only twenty-five years old, ho
acquitted himself creditably and won
much popularity during the three years
that he held the position. In 1SC3 be was
nominated by the Erie County Democrats
for District Attorney, but was defeated by
the Hon. Lyman K. Bass by a small ma
jority. Mr. Cleveland formed a law part
nership with the lat Ma jor L V. Vandir
poel in 1SW5, but Major Vanderpoel was
eleet-il Police Jnstics soon afterward, and
Mr. Cleveland became a member of the
fl7?,f .t"??' Slf f Fp1't" n- I and hence 1 v.ng ideas put bcoro dhU
was'bea Seiaat0th.Af..f'or,"5 dren in the home circle at table or
Mr. Cleveland was elected Sheriff of Erie elsewhere, has Us value Ia this airec
Coanty, an office which he held ior three l tj0n. Vn the other hand, the rude re
years. Soon alter retiring from the office i prsg oa 0( unguarded or incorrect
K. Bass, under the firm name ot Bass, I to hold fast to an idea Ull it is uts
Cleveland & BissrlL Upon the removal j pro en is another step ia this form ot
at Mr. Bass to Denver. Cot., a fewyearj duration. The mere ircumstance that
ago, the firm became Cleveland, Ifeii c.
Sieard. and it now ranks among the first
In Erie County.
In 1SS1 when a large proportion of the
Republicans of Bjffnlo reol ed against
"ring" rule, Mr. Cleveland was shrewdly
nominated by the Democrats as their can
didate for Mavor, in U - expectation that
bis personal popularity would win the
Totes of tho disaffected n-publicans. Al
though Mr. Cleveland refused to make a
personal canvass ne was riecicu uj lumo
than Sun uulnntr In a ritv that can usu
ally h rannted on for from 2000 to 3.001
Republican majority ra State or National
issue. As Mayor Mr. Cleveland com
manded general respect. His eiec.ion to
the Governship a year later Is within every
one" memory. Tnis brier record covers
the whole of Governor Cleveland's public
The Democratic candidate for Tresl lent
is a little above the medium height, with a
portly and well-pioportioned figure. HU
head, which Is set -qnarely uponapa'rot
broad shoulders. Is well shaped, and is
surmounted by a thin layer of dark hair
tingrd with gray. HU features are regu
lar and full of intelligent expression. His
mitm are nenatratin? in their clance.
wears no beam, nut a uravy uar uu
tache completely covers bis mouth, and
underneath is a square, firm chin. In his
movements Mr. Cleveland Is delibera e,
dignified and gracofuL Among bis in
timate friends be is a most agreeable and
entertaining gentleman. In his profes
sion Mr. Cleveland ba been an indastnous
student, and, although still young and
comparatively unknown as a practitlonet,
be stands high In the estimation of those
who know him. He has earned a com
petency at his professien. As a peaker
Lois a self-contained and eloquent. Mr.
Cleveland a bachelor, and is a member
of both of tho large social clubs ot Buf
A good many anecdotes about Governor
Cleveland have of course got Into print.
For Insta jee, an Albany corres pondent re
marks: "Governor Cleveland is a tremen
dous worker. Very few men have devoted
as many hours to work within the past
vear and a half as he has. Certainly no
Governor ot New York State ot receat
times has been at bis desk as early and has
kept at it as late. Half paste, gat in the
morning finds him there, and, in the bnsy
days, midnight also finds him there. It is
no unusual thing to come across that port
ly figure at one or two o'clock In the morn
ing on bis way from the office to the Exec
utive Mansion, half a mde away. Tho only
hours of absence are those devoted to
lunch and dinner. With the assU ance of
Colonel Daniel S. Lamont, his private Sec
retary, the Governor carefully reviews all
bills, and It a doubt or anunwis provis
ion appears he sends for the Introducer of
tho bill and points out tho de
fect. Many previous Governors did
not take thU trouble, and thereby
give the maker ot the bill a
chance. They vetoed without any warn
ing whatever. This work that has been
voluntarily assumed by Governor Cleve
land, was done in the time of Governor
Cornell by three paid assUtanU of high
legal ability. When the warm weather
comes Governor Clsveland U not ashamed
to strip tor hU work and to sit at his desk
costless while a- throng of visitors file In
and out of the audience chamber."
Another: Tho State provides tho Ex
ecutive Mansion and tho furniture jll
also is paid oat of the Governors salary ot
$10,0 XJ. Tne bot-hooso U not paid f or by
the State, neither are the numerous public
eeevnttnm which a. nromtaent oficiaa 1
ptre. uovernor uieveiauu ii "
Aiinrt tn ih ajreral hosulials. aad his
hand Is always open to deserving chariNee.
He keeps no horses, not only on aceoasst oC
the expense, but chl-flv because be does
not like them. Although he la a heavy
man, yet he always walks to h!s oBee aatt
to hU church tho Fourth Troabytariaa
which Is about a mile away.
TJnllke the candidate for President. Mr.
Hendricks, nominated for Vice-Preside,
I an old acquaintance of the people of tfc
United States. Haiithasams Haaaricks
who was named for the same place wish. Tit
den in 1870. His biography, brbfly, rums aa
follow: He belongs to a family whiei
traeeidaesat to the HusnenoS oa tee -fatk
.yute. Hi mctfer w of Scotch
atjfct, i native Si 22CZ!Zlt
1 SU3MY . ".4. 0. kiiWJ o-. uuwuw
rthefr i''ti- - -joI. apiua- -
1 iihrr vn a memoer ot tne fennsvasaala
LejUU Jro during the admisistratioa of
Ueorgo Washington, his, father's hosas
was tne resort ot poiiUcians, and an uacte
was one ot the. Secretaries of the In
diana Constitutional Convention wbiefc
mt In 1818, also Democratic Gov
ernor of the brats Is 13:9, and two
terms elected United States Senator. It
will thus be seen that Governor Thomas
A. Hendricks comes of good stock, repre
kcoliag the sturdiest elements of our pop
ulation. Ha was bora In MnsldBassv
Couny, Oaio, September 7, ISO. Threa
Sears later his faiher removed to Ladlaaa.
Lr. Hendricks graduated at South Haa-overColleg-,
In 1541, aad studied law a
Cuambersuurg, Pa., where he was admit
ted to toe oat in IS 13. Returning to Indi
ana, he was elec ed to the Legislature ia
184i, and was a member of tho SUta Caa-
-- 'ZZZZtolrtSSJSbi
slitutfonal Convention in law. rrom last.
Mrkt in Congress, in the nexs touryears
wai Commifoa.rlu the Gmj.-al Land Of-
under appoin-ment of President Pieres,
twain isa was a member of t
Senate. Ia 1913 ha waa
Governor Indiana for
term eadinr Jaauarr L 1ST7. Ha
a CAxninATtt roa. raESissxr
inlSCS. On the twenty-first ballot he had
132 rotes, against 1DH for General Haa
cock. At this juncture Horatio Seyraoar
was spruugUrvn the Convention aad ana
imoosly nominate!. He ras a candidate
for the first riace la VSVt. .at then, as now,
was nominated for the Vice-Presidency.
Uovernor Hendricks has many admirers
among the Bourbons, especially those of
Indiana. One of them, nominating hisa
e'gat years ago, declared that
Ih.-re was no spot or blesxtisfc.
on his public or private character, aad
then pronounced hU Democracy aa "ca4a
ot.cas the Constitution itself." Aad a
third declared that he was "endowed with
capacity for continuous effort, tenacity of
purpose a.nd simplicity ot habit." For
several years Mr. Hendricks has eea la
poor hea
Tcacu the ia.k.reu to lhiafc.
Strength of mind is net cquivalcat to
per eet ba'ance of judgment, or evea
nessof power. As a rule, specially
strong-minded persons are given, to sia
gle ideas, which are held with great
tenacity. Inventors represent this, a.
well as advocates of particular Ideas.
What is called strength of mind is
the result of independent thinking-.
Hence its basis is real thought. The
rst clement toward it is inducing' the
young to think, fierce incorrect think
ing should not be rudely reproved, but
kindly and gently corrected, livery
encouragement should be given childrea.
r. fhinl- rn.ftt,lit timnlnti tTlfinrht
j nQt azner with-it proves
nothing Xordoes it follow that tha
d.sagrveiicnt of an older person is to
be accepted as linal. Ucfore an idea or
opinion is abandoned it should be satls
factorly seen to be wrong. The .no
nient one accepts orabandons a thought
or opinion at the ipse ni' ct another
I they betray weakness. Le-tdcrship is
i one thin; and dominancy aiother. It
( " wel1' ll wc have ndt the twites of
1 Icadersh p. to ! willing to be led; but
to bate our minus tfominatcuanu con
trolled is another and entirely different
thing. The important lesson to impart
to children is that of sound, independent
thought. And if it lead to strong-mindednessthat
.s, tcnacly of opinion it
will be well provided opin'ons be care
fully and t oughtf ully lormed. PAifcs
de ;w a CaU.
Other cities, other manners. Tout
Bostonian del'ghts ia making h'ci,eli
(-attractive by a ccatinir of tan and sun
burn so thicfc as to looi lite lacquer,
and your Washington man, riding a
bicycle, rrolects h:s del'cate complex
ion with a Japanese parasol, beccath
which he looks out with a pensively
artistic a'r that would provoke even a
Back Bay boy to sarcastic comment,
and would arou-e a mob in 'ome d s
tricts. As for Washington women,
they havejio more idea ot the lofty joy
whic irradiates the soul ot the roslon
girl when she, discovers a genuine dark
brown Mount L'oerct freckle tian they,
nave of tho oncord School c l'hiloso-py-
-V. t. rost.
As a man who thinks ho is sharp,
and whom his neighbors know to be
dUhonest, was walking alon an up
town street the other Uav. a Iittl boy
behind h.m suddenly said. "I id you
lose this strap, mister " at the same
time holding up a new shawl-etrap.
The sharp man iooVcd a-ound. and
seeing that there was nooody near said:
"Yes, thank yo ,' gave the boy a
dime, and walked off, saying to h.mself:
"It isn't often that I get left" Tha
boy ran around the corner to a street
vendor's stand, bought, another new
strap for fitx . and went forth ta
lind a person who had "lost" it -V.K
A letter from the C ity of Mextca
sars the capitalist who goes into that
country with theidca that he may drop
in upon some rich piece of property
for a mere song will quickly discover
his mistake, ihe Mexican property
owner is quite as alive to the wortk ot
bis estate as his brethren in aaypart of
the world. Cic2,3 a'er-'Jce.'w.
The financial stringency ia New
York ha prodnc d one excellent crfect.
Tashionable dres makers say Ciat hun
dreds of ladies have begun 'o raaka
their own gowns. if. JT.JI.raW.
H STOVlfc... -, a. a.

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