Newspaper Page Text
: The Mm C&ftain Published Every Thursday by the ISDCAX CKIEFTAiy PCBUSHISG Co. KXTImwvmb X.E.3BMwrJ, Killers, raffl. T., JULY 17, 1SS4. The CttodT disturbance issnb riJwg rapidly. Dtlgprtcs to the various Kansas ronretttioMe tbis fall will par foil u9a tke nu)recis. It is said that feacc cutting is to Be rogptnJiaa' i th Chickasaw ytfoa te JNgwl fatd in order that tiie owaers wHt take down and preserve their wire. The Xamae debating club- has Begun eperaiitMts for the season. The qaosttea "XesolTed that Pro hibition Prohibits," is taken up where it was left last year. The Hefg&Hcaa state eenvention f Cam wet at Tbpeka on VeJnecnay afteraeea. John A. Marti wM he nominated for gov- He wiM aisa- he elected. The TJ.-S. revenue collector of Xmm ioomd 500 more pci aaits to- seH whiskey during the year Jost passed than the preced ing. The somber was afeont 2,- 9UL Trtmicat Artksris being warm ly eamneaVd from many uncx- Ji85!!?. exceed fifty miles bad been cut, -JBflar-ar-TSrToh Pertcr bill. n the propockioB to paes it ever e -rata a tie T4e was the result the aerate. Ce- af tite express agents at Sarnett, Kansas, was fined $100 Jbr delh-eriag "C. O. D." packa ges said to eeataia whisky. Three ixprtee coaapanios operating there, to t eraw. er as a measure of self proteetoBr have etoeed their offices and declare they w31 cfe bo more wiah that tews. commenced to fence them in, one body alone containing 0,500,00 acres. The Indians have been showing signs of discontent for some time at the unwarranted lib erties taken with Jhcir domain and on Tuesday the sheriff of the Cher okee Xation, with a number of In dians, commenced Liking down the fence. It is mimed that hundreds of miles of wire has already ben taken down and that all 'tracts larger than fifty acres will be strip ped and the wire and posts confis cated by the Indians. Leavenworth Times. Tbis, with some allusion to "Ground Hog, a Cherokee brave," is about a fair sample of the news of this Territory which is daily seen in the state press. The As sociated Press agents arc responsi ble for many inaccuracies similar to the above, and particularly is this so regarding the representa tive ac Fort Smith. The fence cut ting dispatch however emenated from Chetopa. There is no trouble brewing in the Cherokee Strip so far as the citizens of this nation are concerned. That country is leased to an association by author ity of the Cherokee council and their right to it for five years from last October is unquestioned. Not even a Cherokee citizen has a.right to hold cattle on this strip, unless he sub-leases from the association. As regards the country set aside for the use of the Cherokees, none of it whatever ha? been leased, for such action is expressly forbid den by the statutes. At the time the Chetopa dispatch was sent not ani uria amount has been but little increased since. - TKRITKr A3 B6KBER X9TES. I 3 WO the total veie for President wwahaot 2,-400,000. la 1SS0 it was 916,970, a gab af scarry three AtHMtrea per echt. At present the rote ef Sex Terk, PcKylvana and Indian eoffihised is larger than the entire -vote ef the coaatry in 3870. Kw Yerk.sate aloae now aetr awBaaBf Tatos ae all the states did in 2S9S. ATreryatadrarae awd earaplete - ertibit f agrieaHaral, aaiecral aaJ iadtrial pro facta fre the country trihatary to the Atchison, TopekaJb Saata, Fe railroad has Jost bean shipped by that coeipa y to Aaftenlani, Holland, where it will tons as attractive fcatsre af am Inteniatioaal Agricaltsral Echibttiaw wfctak k to he held dur ing Augoat ad September "ReaabcaisMOR of the prohibi tion qaestioa to the people, and ttpoMHg ap of the Territory to set tlers will carrv Kacuaa for Cleve land aad Glkk as awe as there is I a God m heavcfi." The above is the closiag para' eraph ef an Arkanoac City letter ty the Fihwwb Cky Times. It was evidaatiy writtam by a baesicr and aslvOjaaa parwkh the intelli gence aoaalry Replayed by this daw. The eerreopondeat evident ly knew as little aboet Kassas pol ities m he dees ef the tost party he Darief the last twa weeks C. M. Scott has pnrohaecd and branded fl JMatf at eate, wnich lie is holdine aoaih af Chileeco creek. With, what he has on his other ereel ranch Mates 900 head, Mr. Scott rfcatfy declined aa offer of $24,008 from a Pennsylvania man &r his raae& af 3XX) acres, all fenced' and" partly imprercd. Ar caaaoa City Democrat. A. Teix few years ago thisgcntlc raaa was rsaeing the Traveler at that towm ad was as hard up as any one else. There is hope for the newspaper beys if they quit the buaa. Arkansas City it is said will here after be the shipping point for sup plies for the Cheyennes. A child named Xora Perry was shot at Wellington on the night of the 4th. by a drunken scoundrel named Welch. It was probably a case of criminal carelessness. Some nights ago twelve men supposed to be from the Territory went to Jlyron Cook's place about 14 miles west of Chetopa, and took from hid stable twelve hordes. A few hours afterward fifty men were on the war path after them. A. J. Bowsman was arrested some days ago at Xcosho for hav ing in his possession two ttolen ponies, lie was neiu in Uic sum of 1-500 to answer. The stock had been stolen bv his brothers, John Bowsman and Pomp Chester. FortSmith XewEra, lOtn: Dep. U. S. Marshals J. H. Mershon and Bass Beeves came in last Thursday with twelve prisoners, all liard cases. One of them is badly wound edf Lavinjr been shot while resisting arrest. Two others charged with murder resisted and were killed. Gainesville Register: A lively shooting matinee took rriacc near Amoldsvillc, L T., on the 4th. Two horses were killed and a man by the name of Keys wounded in the foot. Two Indians, Ed Colbert and Green Hunter, and two whites, Stocklcy and Keys, were -engaged in the difficulty. "It broke up the pic-nic J. S. Danford, formerly presi dent of the Fanners fc Drover's Bank of Caldwell, is organizing a bank at Independence, Oregon. The gentleman's victims in Cald well arc warning the people of Or egon to place no dependence or cash, within reach of Danford, and thas save disappointment. Advocate: From Mr. Joseph Boss, clerk ot Saline district, this nation, we learn that the Bev. Oo-you-sutta, member of council of said district, died at his home on the 5th inst. He had been in poor health a long time and was an old man. He was one of the purest men, and a patriot in every sense. For many years he has represent ed his district in both branches of the National Council. Three United States prisoners were executed at Fort Smith last The secret service division of the mreaBsry department has received advices thata sew coanterfcit $10 silver certificate has appeared in abe west. It is svppesed to have vn priataiT frcm a wood-cut, "but k likely to deceive ordinary judges af noocy. It is- of seriest 1SS0, S. W. Scofwld, register; Jas. GU fillan. treasurer. The nofc- Is- otae qoRrtor nela shorter their tire gua nine paper- It is composed, of two thin layers, wilii silk paraHcl lines and fibre plated between, them. In the storv on the back where it L should read "aad al poblS? dues and when so rcceiieed," the word "all" is-awly omitted aci the worjfe " arr together as one woriL There are nonereus other defects whiclha-jsdge of pa per moory will readily discover. Davis, a full-blood Choctaw- In dian, and Jack Womankillcr alia Galcatciicr, a full-blood Cherokee. The drop fell at 12 o'clock and all died without a struggle. Thomp son was executed tor tne murder of his partner, James R. Halleran, in the Chickasaw Nation last Sep tember. Davis for the murder of William Bullock, a white man who was traveling through the Choctaw Nation in May, 1SS3. He waylaid Bullock in the woods and shot and robbed him. Womankillcr, while drunk, found an old white man asleep in the woods, murdered him wi tli out provocation and then robbed him. All three admitted the killing and the Indians cave no reson for their crimes, but Thomp son claimed to have killed his part ner in self-defense. He made that statement on the witness stand and m Bis last confession to the minster, but strong circumstantial evidence against him caused his conviction on the ground that he murdered his partner for lus interest in the property. uary. count of the "Black AVarrior V as sault on the English language: Pranced there in upon the arena of the great debate, like a trick mule in a circus, or a spavined nightmare upon the track of a beautiful dream ixgan oi Illinois, l ncrc was a vision of mustaches, eyebrows and hair piled on each other in arches; a large brandishing of arms, a nose and stridulous warwhoop; and much as though a picture of the Decrfield massacre had stepped out from the pages ot our early history, Ixgan took the American Senate by its large capacious car. And then lie went for his mother tongue. He smote it right and left.hip and thigh, aud showed no mercy. Swinging the great broad-axe of his logic high in sir, he turned it ere it fell, and with the hammer side struck Friday, for murders nommited in the Indian Territory Thomas L. I the language of sixty million of pco Thorapson, a white man, John ve fairly in the face and mashed it SeTES IWTOE STOCK KAISER. There seen to be trouble brew ing in the Cherokee strip- astl the cattle nen who have fenced up im mense bodies of land, for grazing purposes that section, will suf fer great losses. That part of the Territory set aide for the use of tLe 'Cherokee Indians, lias a. local , jyernwent of its own and the harokee- council limited the mim- ! !' r of acres that should be endos uA niwlpr-on fenr in fifi.v Frru sensible parties Who had no au- fare will be bccurcd and many ben Vz rity toact, leased large tracks efits will accrue, should the attend -. -md. to-the cattle mca and uiey ancc ue wnai me cause demand A bunch of one thousand head of three year old steers were sold at CaldweH last week lor S26 per head. - The price was considered low, but cash is very scarce just now. "There is not one-fourth enough young steer stoekon this market to supply the demand, but then we cannot get the cash to buy with now," is the way several of the Caldwell ranchmen expressed it. The National Cattle Growers Convention which is to be held at St. Louis on November 17th, should be very generally attended by western otock men. A low rate of beyond recognition. Under his stroke the floor of the American Senate was spattered with the rem nants of a once proud vocabulary, and messengers, doorkeepers aud pages were covered from head to foot with the spray. In the fearful two hours which followed the first roar of his oration all the parts of speech were routed and put to flight. There were orphaned ad jectives, widowed noun-!, bachelor verba driven to polygamy and polygamous verbs left lonely, con- juctions dissevered, prepositions scattered, adverbs disheveled and distorted and syntax flung into wild disorder. It was a great day for Logan. He set his teeth into the language as the untamed tiger of the jungles takes between his mouth and paw the wearing ap parel of the way-farer, and the rip ping of it was heard through all the forest depths. It reverberated to the other end of the Capitol and slnggish Representatives lifted up their eyes and listened to the roar with terrified awe. Some started for the scene, but upon being told the cause of the disturbance in the brief comunicalion, ''Logan's up" turned back with full assurance that they could hear from that end of the Capitol all that was worth hear ing. o through two hours Logan swung his beautiful arms over the head of the Senate like the booms of a govenncnt derrick, while his chin churned tlie language like a Eilc-driver in a heavy sea, and the aflled reporters mode wild plunges with their pencil; to- gather up his regurgitations for the printer. Ah! Logan is a great man a statesman. When he throws his intellect into a question, whether it is of finance or ot self government, or of stick ing to the 4iip, MJiuetlfiiig has got to fomu. He lack- only fifteen or t'venty tiling of 1m in an orator, j He ha 1 x.vs- ' The arc a number of large herds ' of Arkansas cattle in the Territory near Arkausas Citv which are offer ed forSlG to S20." They are gener ally inferior in quality. The Santa Fe road has given an exceeding low special rale to par ties desiring to ship southern cattle from Caldwell to point outside of the dead line in that state or in Col orado and also to some more north ern point.. The receipts of cattle at Kansas Citvfor thefintsix months of the present year were 211,27.1 head, against 1C-!,143 for the correspond ing period last year. The incrcaso in receipts of hogs for the same time was 129,OG4. Texas Cowboy: Western ranch men have awakened to the reali zation of the fact that money spent on the importation of improved cattle has a three-fold income, and the grower who does not ally him self to this principle cannot be re garded as clearly within the ring of the times. The contraction of the gazing territory will, of itself force the improvement that, while the numbers may be less the relative valuatioin may be maintained. The intelligent herder is not slow to take in the situation, and make haste to step from the old to the new. CaldweH Journal: Colonel Ben edict, Indian inspector, has been stopping in uns city lor some days looking over the cattle trails across the Indian Territory with a view to investigating the trouble of the drovers in getting through that country. He has examinined the Chisholm and the Western trails, and will report them all right and an ply sufficient for the ncedofthe drive on those trails. He will also report that the cattle men on the Strip, deeming the two trails lelt to be sufliaent, have clos ed the trail leading from Red Fork ranch to Clark county; but that this trail is needed by drovers wish ing to pass from one market to the other, and hence must be opened or piaceu in suape so that drovers can pass over it. The president of the Strip Association ha? notified all parties holding ranges through which this trail passed to allow drovers to follow it at will. Texas Live StocX Journal: Al though with at least two million breeding cows in the state we esti mate sending out not more than 45 per cent of the young steers. The increase for the past two years has been fully 75 per cent, in calves, reaching one and two years, or one and a half millions in round num bers. Of this number it is safe to say that on the 1st of .March,lSS4,thcrc were 400,000 yearling steers and uOO.OOO two-year olds, and of these 315,000 will have gone from the slate 1)3 September 1, 1S8-1, nnd near 200,000 females and stock cattle also, leaving for home growth and development over a million ones and twos comprising both sexes. There is one pleasing phase of this year's stock movement that we re joice in. as presaging increased acmanu lor any surplus PiocK our catle men may have. It is found in the fact that most of the cattle driven or shipped have gone under contract and that not exceeding 10 per cent, go on open market. This serves a good purpose, for it will have a tendency to cause future buyers ,-1 n their contracts here si'on ?: . nd to keep prices at bet.'- - t.-T . for Texas sellers. r LijtN Statesmanship. The New York Tribune in Jan- 1S75, had the following ac- GKAYSVXLLE The Business Centre! CHOICE STOCK OF GENERAL MER CHANDISE Oh Grand River, 4 Miles East of Chotcau, Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats, Groceries, Qticcnswarc, Tinware, Cutlery- Saddlery, Harness, Boots aud Shoes always complete, and sold at lowest prices. I Have 3?urcliased tlio GRAY FL0URMG AM) SAW MILL, G. W. GREEK, Postftice Vinita.I.Tf Cropoffleft earand split in riht. Uanse On Jones crifk.ei-iht miles northeast of Vi nita, h T, y .Ajid am Prepared to do a General jSIilliiig P. O., Ohoteau, Business. Ind. Ter I A. P. GOODYKOONT2, l'ost-ollice, Vinila. I. T. 1 Various marks and old brands. Range On Fryer's creek, 15 nnlca wcatof Vinita, 1. T. 'JJ THE OLD RELIABLE General Store, Where you can depend on getting GrOOID GOODS, F'JUIJEL DEAX USTGr stud 3PRICES JSJS HmOXTV VSTTHSST ! AV. O. PATTON fcCO., Poat-oilicc, Vinita, I. T. Smooth crop In the left ear. Horses tbr name on the left bin. Kanji Itock creek V VeaTJ NATHANIEL SKINNER, Post-olfice, Vinita, I. T. Under done in each ear. Jtanze. -Pryor's creek, 1 ra. south ofYinita near 31., K. & T. ILK. w. t. matty; Pcstofficc, Vinita, L. T. Brand on cither fciilc-or hip. Jtaupscortli frotri Vinita. S3tf V. GBAY, Postoffice, Chouteau, I. T. Some cattle bns'u VG on left aid". Ear mark Orer slope In each ear. Junze on rrrora creek, I. T. snr V K.K. TAYLOR. Post-office, Vinita, I. T. Branded on both shies. Crop left rar ana hplit in right. R.ixr.i, Lo cust creek. WM. DONALDSON, Postoulcc, Vinita, Ind. Ter. Somccattle br'ndM I on left side. I'anzc On !) MM i!iiJO iamn i avk, iiiiil- iiiut-a northeast of Vinita skH T. F. P O. Full & Complete Assortment Of Everything needed by the people of the Nation. My longlerperiencc has tavylit mc just what kind of goads the people want. TBF THOMPSON, Malta, I. T. Ranpc on Big (7a bin Creek, S miles south of Vinita. W. T. DAVIS. P. O., Vinita, I. T. I Cany No Dead Stock! The profits on goods I sell are not eaten up hy losses on goods not salable. I can ailord to sell for sihall profits, and will do so. One trial will convince the most skeptical. "" ter t&- - Sr ssy- Still at the Front ! - -a &. TBa - - WITH A FULL STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHIXG, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS, FURXlSII JXG GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEEXSWARE, SCHOOL LOOKS, STATIONERY, dx. Come and see vie. A. C, RAYMOND & CO. HOLD THE FORT Kanp on (J rand river Wtwccn Ca bin fc Duck creeks. "W. E. HATTir.T... Post-office, Vinita, I T. B.P. MTLSTKAD. Post-offica, Prairie City. I. T. Branded witk 8amo brand on both sides and both. hip. EJScr.TIkad ol Horse creek. x MOSBS KSOKXTK. Fostoflicc, Sac and Fox Agency, Some old cattle brawl cilonlrKon rfchtnip. 11 o r a e brand K on right sboa! dcr. Ear marks, crop off the rich t and swallow Turk in left. Zfitf Ti'fl . P JOHN COUNTBYMAX. I'ost-oflicc, Echo, I. T. ' Brand .seren- ' up, either 4e Marx, crop oft rieht ear. under slope otf left ear. Kangc. Horse creek, C. pr Cherokee Orphan Asylum. 3Iark,mooth cropia left ear and mtderbt in right. JANE OAPTAINE, Skiatook Post-office, C. N. Horse brand hmmi on left shoulder. Itangc on Ho mi a y rrrvk Osage Nation. rr" lb. -sF'WS. m3Ba pjypi "ir.K.Mar3Eer, Postollice, Mnita, I.T. CropotTof left ear. Ba de r half cropicright This brand ana marK (cron and nn- derbit olf each van Lrpt np on ranch. anons ear inarKK ana oiu tiranil. ' Ilorm: brand horse-shoe on Ivftshoul-, dcr and neck. -OoST TECE- Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware kept in the Cherokee Nation. Y 1-, JBIl MM-- FURNITURE -AND STOVES. ivHEiiW Uancl!,on Bird Creek, eieht niiles north of TuLsa I.T. borne cattle branded on hip. Bight hip Ban'A Tiis Ca bin creek. onn; :ht side. K. 1L VILLIAMS, Post-office, Prairie City, I. T. Crop olf lelt car, underbit I risht. OWoa rig h t horn, X on left horn. Bangc. Coal ' creek. 1. If s&&yefJ EVANS, HTJNTEB, fe NEWMAN. Post-Offlco, Evansvillo, Kansas. WELLS BROS. & PKIGO. Post-office, Cofleyville, Kansas. Varioa a other brands and ear marks Any parties knowing ot cattlebranded thus.1 onrigbt sideandg nin. oi their regular range on VcrdisTis rirer, above Cootly' BluUs and on Big creek, will bchberallr rewarded br giving in formatiou of the same to Wells Croa. A Prigg. .fc T of H,B. Honry PO. Doors, Windows, Window Glass, Paints and Oil. In fact everything you want in the Household Line. comnsrs For Good Goods at Bottom Prices go to Vinita, - Ei rir r t TL .jyMy PJTJIB 1 BO SimS fc t.c!i-.yA'8 tyo.fc m ,-N.W Ind. Ter W. C. Patton A Co. have already Jdaced five difierent clothing or lers which tlicy arc receiving daily: Two arc from Cincinnati one from New York, one from Chicago and one from Milwaukee. The best and largest assorted line of gents and 3'ouths' clothing ever brought to the Indian Territory. It is not gcncrallv known that Carroll county, Missouri, was the home of the victims of the Mountain Meadow massacre in 1J57. This train is said to have been the wealthiest that altenipcd to cro?s the plains that year. Of the 140 per sons in the party all were murder ed except 15 small children. The emigrants had 900 head of line cattle, niany valuable horses, one stallitm valued at $2,00i, several traveling carriages, much house hold goods and money. JESSE COCHRAN, Postollice, Cuclfca, I. T. Smooth crop or left car. Kange fonr miles west of (Jhcbfca. olf A. MILLS. Post-oflii-c, Chetopa, Kans. PoST & COREY, Pobtotlice, Chetopa, Kans. K ('on right niile. AIsoC on right side Itangu on head- wate; oi i.itllc Cabin creek. Flock cattle are being driven from Hunncwcll to Texas. !. y'f 'jj S.. ME5. Postoin iKfffi J. B. CUBX. v, l olfeyrille, Kann. J C on fl In . !. jind s. litr-i ..r r -fiT or nip Kiu-ji- .u Curl cr i 11 ifraooth crop audunderhack is each ear 22- wt Half-breed rattle all branded on left sMc and hip. Some ear niarked HM ami some fZZTI the .t-EjJclteriscall-Ji-d the jingje- bob niark" Texas cUvftf road'baand EIP9 Jn near hide. Varions ear- TAWCt marks. kaxoe Commanchc county ool. M. W. COUCH. Post-Office, Lyilniug Creek, I. T. Vinita. L T. sIVioa left Fide. Varioaa other marks and old brands. Ranch a Viite Oak Creek. 10 josephhuntT" Postuice, mila, I. T. Crop and split in left ear, nmlcr bit and zinc tag in right Bandi, 12 miles west of Vinita, at the head of Prvor'rt Kange, between Pryor's and creek, Lightning creeks. Crop olT right ear, and dwallow-furk in left. LUtf CiLMcCIollon. Postollice, Oowala, I. T. i ir j- i.l.M.- sBbO - - fJK9riMite IlorcbrandlZ J. O. HALL. st-olHce, Vinita, I. T. I'lidi-'b't in a u lit'-- m-i .-anie -ii ' f, lni. i lSuge Between Cabin and Prvor ? creeks. Fi'tv co iv i-attli bran left shoul- JUsssA! sidi- A few ii left '"l IHj behind iU-r.MVA cattle mostly double ilewlappctl. Horse brand CM. on left side. Ranch on Cauey. NELMS. iaita. I W. Q. PflSV-lLIT I t" A BOU3JINOT. Post-oflicc, Tahlequah, I. T. Branded oa left side. Some brand ed OOob hip and shonlder, cither aide, with varions marks. Sold onlr to ship. Ra"ne. Illi nois river, 4 miles cast ot Tahleunah. Mrs. Isabella Hewaaa, Post-oilice. Skiatook, I. T. If.inch on Kock ! creek. I niih'H i -.nil' f ;a.ti. ltanrh on Rock Creek, Osage Nation, rthni Iitxlgp, !. O.. Coir.-v--.Ule. Kiis. ' Kange-. on AY fircek. ar m i s-onfh-rtt t jlleyvUle, R igtS&cMI v. -aT . -n -fcw it 1 iV