Newspaper Page Text
-fa" CHIEFTAIN. INDIAN Dcvetcd te tko Interests of the CHcrekcc, Ckeclaw, Chickasaws, ScmiHelcs. Creeks, ana all Other Indian of the iBalan Tcrrlterr. VINITA, TNDTAN TERRITORY, TIIURSDAY, JULY 24, 1884. VOL. n. NO. 45. CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. A PALACE STORE! Beyd M eeefriw the best a3 cftsaktest store hi U Iadi Terrilory It that or W. C. PATTON fc CO., VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY- Ih m get aajcfci je rat at that of ae Tery het entity to be had la the coi a ry. WE KEEP A GENERAL STORE. Awl a MI assertattat af CTeryttias wasted by r easterner. ICg Mtr gaBBC MPaXTXEST ewtaha as kaaease 'stock af eTcry Tarictj of the best and most serviceable Dry M5 CLT3CrS BEFIXTXETT job win awl the tarjest Stock or Srst-class Clothln?, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ladle i' ar.d Seats' farnliMwr Coed. Walks MR XELLDTCRT 33KPAMXEXT te fally ap to theUatcs iaall tits Latest Style and Fashion. CK Cli;PJLTJttXT tereaktewilheTCTTklaiorSUplcaBdFaaty Uraccries, Hoar, Dacon, Canned Goods, tCK XAS&BSS JHlPAKEXEST has a fall Ilae or Saddles, Haraea and Leather Goods or all kinds. In W7S ASKiCULTURAL IXPLEXE5T BEPARTXEXT joa caa set TTapiHs, Basics, Hows, Spring- Wagons Etc. UK JUSBWi.SE MPAKTXEST te ireU stocked with Sib, Screws, Chains, Illumes, Tinware, Axes, Utensils, Tool?, Btc ThkWMIi OK LASS AS fCKSSWAXE BEPARTXEST eTerj variety f Nhes, Crocks Jars, Jags, Etc. While In US H S- JHBeASTJreyr van wiU fed a ald stock or rare, 5Iee Drugs, Medicines, complete In crery re . Psk4taearefaMrcpahjakH4e4MAhearx. la this eonaecUoa we haTe also an Immensa ttaat of SoMs, iMpy docks, Cwjlectiwry, Ec Ad gTATJWBRr A B BEPAXTMEST where joawffl fad every variety or WriUac rials. Taper, Blank Boola SateM Seeeopt Boks, Scfeel Books, aa4 a Itee of &! Rcadbx Books-Prose and Potter. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Corns and See Us. W C PATTOM VINITA LUMBER YARD, W. lu TROTT, Proprietor. WNtkeev 4a.feeee aasstrorrxaNriveandSortfernrine Mmaer. Jiieo j-bid-wMSCKte. The SefivePlBe, beta shipped from the Cnoclow fcaatea, te awt 1B-HJ- OKDEBS SOLICITED. OFEECE JLN YAXDS ays. Km Fr. PKoraiETess SENECA ROLLER MILLS, SENECA, NEWTON CO., MO. Highest Cask Price Paid, for All Grades oi'Wheat. riers Sor rTMJKV BKAS and SHIPSTUFFS PrompIIy Attended to. F. BOGLES, SveriBtorfestaid Braes Manager. SESECA, 310. THOMPSON CO., GROCERS -VXNTTA-, X. T. liaaatbeCaolctstStaploaiwJrincTGroccrlMtatteJfarkct. Alo Kptji cwiianCj" aa I Frit, Yipitilts, Fgsd, UaiBiswaf!, Gitsswiri awl Thnn. Xim;fMcmrttocktatlw?fcwBBater WM. LITTLE & CO., FLOUR, FEEtt AND PROVISIONS ! Ato carry a complete line of TYrcr Coods. Hats and Caps, Groceries, Cthing, Boots and Shoes, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE Sack Sollies k Mmi mm m Dont fail to see our stock and learn onr prices before bnying. "WTM. 3LITTLE & CO. "Vinita, Indian Ter. GRAND DISPLAY! GOOD GOODS! LOW PRICES! &OZ33ST BULTETTEl, CLAREMORE, 1. 1, Keeps the Best Selected Stock ef GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COVSlSTllTGr OX ClITWXfi, HATS, DRY 6Q0DS. 6B0GER1ES, HARDWARE, TIK WARE, QUEEHSWARE, &c. lctat for lie " B Brere," Moliae TIows and Farm Xachlncry. Examine .tofkJH.grtprifts. WIIInothe,adrrsoH. JOHN" & G-EORG-E BUI.T.ETTE, FTJLL JLSD OOJCFLETE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE VC WMLL IE SHI AT IE1 IICK PRICES. . r fai P MIMS. FUKS FWJC1 Ch or Cattle take la Ex- ehcsf STOCK, & CO., Yinita, OX ILLINOIS AYE3.UI5, r imuursxjx ernes, vxaroM- T1UL ffli, Stfy rf TrftHrcr. w the Coraer, tire dears West or A. C. r. . KILT3T. Qneensware, Tinware, iTotions, Etc. fwGo4. TULA, I. T. Indian Territory, W.DlUTTLKS. rK.vssTtmpix. T J. DANIEL. W W.JAKVI3. MTLB. JARVIS & CO., ft Fortio purchase aad sale of CATTLE, HOIS AHB SHEEP, 13 National Stock Yards, E. St. Louis. ryLlbcral advance made on consignments. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET OF ST.LQDIS THE ST. tO CIS X.VTIOXAI. STOCK YAEBS Jioet& at E.t XI. Lonl, III. JMreetlr opposite tho city or St. LouU. nnrcn foralldtacriptlonof Urr Slock nhmviiiafr tenlsnce, and irilhln tbs grounds of tie Stork Tards ore a Beef Canning CVnnpanjr, with a capadtforslxnsbtcrinjr 1,000 brad uf cattl. dally, and 1'ork racklajf TMaUL.hmrala wita a caparftj- for slaughtering U.0M hojs dally. ISAAC U. KXOX, rm,Idcnt CIIAS. T. J05ES, Sopt. RAILWAY. DIRECT ROUTE EAST VIA ST. LOUIS. TWO TRAINS DAILY Pallmaii Palace IIolcl Cars tirongli to St. Louis,Tia Scdalia, Daily. Direct Route West ami Sontk vest Tia Kanas City. rr.ton Depot paaeiaei'i for Kanax. rolortli Al rvAflOAO Ui I I for Kair-a. fnlontJrt New Mexico awl California connect with Ex precs Trains oi au nun. AT ATCHIS0MStaTA-?n5r,,!S Potnta in Kansas and chrasVa. IT nUlU a Connection Is niarte with aC A I U PR Attn Unci leading- to the Jkorlh an Wffrt. SDFfflflRTCCOIMlATlOl F. CHA5DLER, Gen. Tass. Agfnt. C. B. KCXA5, Asst Gen, Pass. AstnL F. L. DECKEK, Agent at Yinita. "'FRISCO LINE. S ST. LOUIS ft 81BFHAKGI800 - -T-r.C7t7-.A.Tg- TIinOOGH MISSOUKI, KANSAS. AliKANSAS, rPDTAN TERRITORY. ssioElercmts lirt Pai Tne Direct Through Honte Detwren INDIAN TEHHITOHYand ST. LOUIS. Fast Express Train are Bun Dally. ' Change or Cars. Tnroogn Pullnun Palace SleenUis Cjr are rundallr.'irliboutclwnKe.tictweenST. LOUIS', Mo- and SAN FHASCIfclTl. Cat 2ua,VO ceres or nrh fanntn n-l mineral lands for sale t7tniscomrnrtnS.JriU WEST jitsouni . ., .... tSTTor full mi part cnlar .nfonratlcn wrn Maps. Time Tabic -rail tironoratl drsSi any orou-'STOt tht undernamed D. WISHAltX, General l'iwcn-cr scnt et O W IAIX letjerairwstJ'S-t bt Loul C. vr KOOOti M -e 1 -Uti mx C tia Xa&efer lumyloL'ulliny.ut. luis. Ji. CLTRRENT COMMENT. SECTETAirr Fkeuxchctskx states that no recriprocity treaty with Canada has rcccntlv been nejntiatel. BtsMABCK has ordered planr for a canal from the B;dtic to the Xorth Sea, and will ask the Itcichstaj to mako aa appropriation for its constrncUon. ErrLOHEia say that no better grazing lands exist than the eight thousaad acre at grass fonntl on tho Aleutian or Fos Islands, which lie to the west of Alaska. "James G. Blaine, of Maine." and "Grovcr Cleveland, of New York," were tho prominent names gircn by two professional pickpockets of New York recently. Small boys, who continually ask questions, will probably bo pleased to learn that a monkey-wrench is named for its inventor. John Jloncky, an Eng lish mechanic. Tiieiie died recently in the Peniten tiary of Xcw Jersey a comicl who was formerly janitor in a bank at Elizabeth, where ho was caught fihing up bills from a teller's desk with a cord, sinker and shoemaker's wax, through a holo in the second floor. CnAiu.ES Astjbew, of Tolland Conn ty.Conn., a delegate to the recent Dem ocratic National Convention, is now confined in a straight-jacket In aToledo, O., insane asvlum. The excitement of the week in Chicago unsettled his mind, and he is now a dangerous lunatic While several votmg men of Wheel ing. W. Ya., were recently having pho tographs taken in tragic attitudes one of them took a position as if shooting an other. By some accident the pistol was discharged, the ball piercing Edward Kitaniller through the head, killing him instantlr- TnACKEit-w's gpndfather was grand son of Dr. Thomas Thackeray, ilastcr of narrow, who had nineteen ehililrvn. The size of the family probably pre vented its members, as years pascd on, from keeping tho run of their rela tives, and the novelist was,amazci anil discomfited to discover that, in ridicul- in .the inblie orator of Cambridge University, he had own near kinsman. been abtu-ing his TnoK. S. r. Laxolet, Director of the Pittsburgh University Obscrvatory.states that the nsculncss of the observatory is threatened by the smoke which in vades tbe sky from all quarters, and tho increasing haze from rooistnrc in tho atmosphere, which the smoke jwms to enhance In five months there- has not been one day sufficiently clear for delicate observations. Unless this state of affairs Is done away with Trof- Langlcy states that the days of tho ob servatory for scientific purposes are numbered. Ttie so-called Siberian plague is re potted to have broken out in Russia. If tho affliction Is tho gennino disease of that name, this is its first appearance in Europe since 1S1C. It was very fatal at Moscow in 1771 and 1772. The Hrit ih Islands were last visited in 1665; tho "great plague in London," like the fire of the next rear, is an historic land mark. The plague of thor fourteenth century the cclcbratcdf black death" Is said to have taken ofT i',O0O,000 Europeans. The disearo is now be lieved to originate only in Turkey and the regions south and east of the Medit--rrancan. It is essentially a malignant contagious fever. TnE situation of the Portugtieo in Guinea is very critical. The revolution of the blacks, which had attained con siderable importance some months hack, has not been put down. On tho con trary, letters from tho province of Bissao state that the only gunboat on that station the Barrcto has been captured by the inurgents, the crew escaping in the boats. The moral ef fect of the abandonment of this vessel and the delay in putting down this rl-Ing are iikcly to prove disastrous for Portu gal. The entire Portuguese pre-3 ad mits this, and urges the Government to adopt energetic measures without fur ther delay. Br actual count, a Philadelphia paper says, there are 13,862 "Maiden Books" in the United States, exclusive of Idaho and Washington Territories which are still to be heard from. These rocks arc widely distributed, but there are no fewer than G50 iu Michigan. 3o0 in Wisconsin, 180 in Iowa, 187 in Illinois, 250 in Indiana, and 567 in Vermont alone. A "Maiden Bock" is always connected with the unvarying legend that a beautiful and gentle Indian maid, daughter cf a noted chief, leaped from its apet into the yawning abyss below, rather than to wed with a barbarian brave, -hoscn by her stern parents, or to shofr herself false to th3t other red skin npon whom the affections of ber heart were set. The cholera panic in France recalls an incident of tho elder Dumas in 1S32. Ills servant rushed into his room one day crying. "The cholera is in Paris! A man fell dead with it in the Iluo Chan chat!" Dumas 'aughed, incredulous. "But it is perfectly true. Monsieur!" said the scared domestic; "ho is lying stark and stiff and as black as a negro, though they ha c rubbed him for more than an honr." Humph! Perhaps they have robbed him with a blacking brush," retorted Dumas, carelessly; but within a week ho had tho cholera him self, severely, and would probably have died had not the servant given him an ovcrdoso of ether by mistake. She gave him a glassful of ether with a few j drops of water, instead of the prescribed glassful of water with a few drops of ether Dumas swallowed it. la uncon fcious fnrtwo hours, and then awk'' convalfpenL THE MOULD'S DOINGS A Summary f tbe Daily Xcws. POLITICAL AXD PERSONAL. Miss Ejjilt J. LroSAim diwl atMeriJen, Conn., recrntlj-, at the a;a of forty-six years. c -was wt Jely known as a botan ist, clas.Ical scholar and writer on politi cal economy. News has been receivwyit LonUrtllr of tho death of Colonel T. Q. Shacklef ortt, ex Surreyor of tho Port, at OainesriUe, Ha. Ha was a prominent politicim, and wai well-known throughout the Sonth. At rortland. Me., tho Greenback State Committee met and voted to make a vigor ous and aggressive campaign, provided that Butler was the candidate. MISCKLLAM ROUS. As Incendiary fire at Lexington, Kj, destroyed the Bine Grass copper .hops. The less is $31,000, and tho Insurance Jl. 030. TnnfJranil Lodge Knights of Honor of Mississippi unanimously sustain tho action of the sopreme officers in ostablfshinc; tba hendtnitrtcrs ot the Sopreme Lodge at tit. Louis. As Anitin. Texas, special says the Htate Comptroller estimates that the reduction in the ralueof cattle for the ae.ment in the State will approximate $I0,OQ0,OJ0- Omcxns of the Pendleton Banking Com pany ot Pendleton, IniL, deny that they have falVL Business was suspended for the purpose of consultation with deposit ors. Tbe bans: opened the following day and business proceeded as nsual. The Pr-sident of tho Hoard of Health re cently telegraphed Surgeon General Ham ilton of tho Marine Hospital Service, re questing that a nrrenuo cutter be detailed to cmif o off the mouth of the Mls.i.sippl Biverto warn off all vow-Is from Toulon and Marseille., directing th?m to go Into quarantine at Ship Islind. Is tho Sharon-Hill divorcs caso at San Francisco Judge Sullivan refused to allow tbe Ink used in the body of the oltcged marriflg contract an J signature to be sub mittert J a chemical test unless counsel on both sides agreed. Miss Uili'4 coucsel re fused. Sharon's counsel thereupon an nounced their case closed. At A lanta, Ga., recently. IV. I. Thrash er was fatally crushed at a saw mill by logs falling upon him. As attempt was made recently to blow up the monument at Salisbury, England, to Lord Herbert with a box of gunpowder. The jSmI'sUI was injured. The Fireman's Trust Insurance Com pany, of Hew York, was closed up and policr holders were being re-insured. The assets were $183,933 and tho liabilities 171,0M. At Painted Tost, S. ., tho olber day, fire destroyed the business part oftown. Oven two hundred clerks in the Pension Bureau received promotion the other day, the average advance In salary being two hundred dollars. A rrtaVT vein of gas was struck on the Lee farm near Hubton, Pa., the other day, at a depth of eight hundred feet. This strike was in the new field and the pres sure was said to be Tery strong. A srccjAl. from Choraw, S. C-, states that J. P. Hawley, of Douglass, generally thought to be the party who led tho posse that kQled Bogan Ca.h, was shot down while at work In his field. He claimed to know who did tbe shooting. Tub sfeamer St. Dunstan, from Mar seiUes,arrived In tbe Mersey on the lStb-She reported two deaths from cholera during hervcyage. Ths steamer was ordered placed in au Isolated position and all com munication wltn toe snore lormacen. Tns Russian plague has mmde if r appear ance at Kara and other stations it tho Can casus. It was brought from Persia. The sanitary cordon at Kara has prove i en tirely useless, efeht hundred persons hav ing died at Bedrn during May. The Gov vrnmnt has interdicted most of the Cau casions from making pilgrimages to holy places. CoTTcn, BcATTtc & Co., general mer chants and lumber manufacturers at Ovid, Mich., made an assignment recently. The linn was a heavy one. This ws the third failure there within two days. Tnc customs authorities at Montreal re cently soiled ten printing presses manu factured by the Campbell Company of Ucw York, for undervaluation about thirty per cent. A wrtx being du; at the factory ot Duke & Sons, Durham, U. Cleaved in tho other day, burying sersn men. Three were taken cut badly injured, and four remained i n the well dead. One was beard begging for succor, saying tho water was rising to his neck and be was about to drown. Duke paid five dollars an hour to men to dig. Tnx failure for the week ended July 18 were: United states ws; lanoaa. sj; total, 21S, against 192 last week. The in crease was in the Western and Middle States. Haiuios. SrnCAscx & Co, one of tho oldest and most conservative houses on the Chicago BoardotTrade, announced its sus pension recently. The ffrni was under stood to have been short' In the neighbor hood of 1,000,000 bushels of corn and to have lost both on tho descending and as cending market. The liabilities were esti mated at $100,000. At Waynesboro, Ga., Sara Williams (colored) was hanged for the murder of Clem Bush, also colored, Octobers! The execution was private in the jail yard. The private banking house of A. & J. C. Harrison, of Indianapolis, notwithstand ing the assurances given by tbe latter gen tleman the day before, did not open its doors on th-rlSA. Tbe claims ot deposit ors were sal J to amount to about $0)0,000 other liabilities not stated. Admiral. Nichols, Acting Secre tary of the Navy, and General Haxen, Chief Sicnal OScer. had a conference at Washington, at which It was concluded to suggest to Commander Schley that ho bring the snrvlvors of the Greely party from St. Johns to Portland, Me., where they can remain until better prepared to stand the change ot climate. Their fami lies can join them ot Portland If so do sired. Is noward County lad., theother night, Mrs. Wlfliam Tubley was shot and klllod by some unknown party. E. r. Talk has been appointed Commis sioner of tho Burlington and Wabash Pocl, in place of M. Knight, resigned. A strLL, belonging to the Laflln At RanJ powder company, at Cressana, two miles from Pittsburgh, Pa., exploded the other morning. Hesbt Bloom, a Baltimore & Ohio ex press messenger, was arrested recently, charged with stealings package containing $10,000. William H.RnrstLASDER.of a family of wealth and antiquity, was Indicted at New York recently, for shooting and wounding John Drake, the family lawyer. EBA3TPS Woies Si Fbiesdi, having se cured the Ktatsn Island fprry franchises from Kew York, propose lo connect Staten Island with New Jersey by bridges. The Secretary ot State on the 13th re ceived a cable message from Consul Gen eral Walker, at Paris, acknowledging t5e receipt of the tanitary tel" sjng H bal been sent to Havre, Bvdeaua and Marseilles. He further says it will be strictly observed and that there Is no chol era in Paris yet. The city was unusually healthy. Bob Hcst and Daa Parker, both colored. were hanged recently at Greenville, Miss. The former killed Bund Best, colored, and the latter killed Richard Barrett, colored. Ir the United States Circuit Court at Cincinnati, George Hufer was appointed receiver ot the Cincinnati & Northern di vision ot the Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis road. Thomas Brighav, a farmer near White water, Wis., went to the pantry at night recently for a lunch. He mistook for els tard a plate of poison prepared for rats, and died in great agony within aa hour. As artesian well is to be bored at Aber deen, Dakota, with a view to obtaining per manent power to run a mill producing two hundred barrels of flour per day. Tnc acquittal of Lair, implicated In the murder of tbe Ward brothers at Devil's Lake, Dakota, was followed by the quash ing of all the indictment', with the consent ot Dr. Ward,ot Chicago, who saw no chance for conviction. A bask cashier at Sterling, 11L, paid a stranger one hundred dollars for a genuine silver dollar bearing the rare date ot 1504. An Eastern numismatist to whom the coin was sent, reported that the date had been altered in tho most artistic manner, and that the piece bad no special value. The employment of a spotter on the Brighton street railway at Rochester, canted a strike by the drivers ot one hun dred and twenty bobtail cars recently. WntLE in the woods near Fritztown, Fa recently William Seachrlst was attacked by even polecats, who scratched and bit him for tweuty minutes. He killed six of them with a dub, and lay helpless when found by Ids neighbors. A basd ot road agents stopped the stage and the Boorne back, near Boerne, Tex., recently, robbing the passengers of money to tbe amount of 530, gold watches, chains and jewelry. The robbers did not molest the United States malL- The road agents then flanked the town after the first rob bery ot the stage, and again hailed it sev eral miles beyond and robbed the mails. Officers wore in doss pursuit ot tho robbers. Da. MacRea, of Council Bluffs, was called recently to attend the family of B. C Ha rris, at Parks' Mill, Lu, and found five peopleMiangerously sick with a complaint that bad all tbe symptoms of cholera. The first caie reported was the youngest child of Mrs. Harris' daughter, who wa taken sick and died within an hour. Another grandchild of Mrs. Harris was also taken 111 and died. The patients under Dr. Mac Rac's charge wire vorr low, and ho had but little hopes of saving them. Ovxn two thousand saloon keepers of Cincinnati ami Hamilton County, O., have faUcil to take out licenses under tbe Scott law. The tlroo expired July 19. Tho Rcense was one hundred and two hundred dollars per annum according to the kind of intoxicants sold. Pbesidest Aetuur has Issued a proda mation urging diligence on the part of Fed eral officers in preventing the introduction of cholera into tho United States. Dr. Swift, Director or the Warner Ob servatory. Rochester, Now York, has re ceived intolllgenes of the discovery of a comet by Prof. E. E. Barnard, of Nash ville, on the night ot tlxvlGlb. inst., which discovery was vcrifiedTy the motion of the comet. This was tho first comet dis covered In tho northern hemisphere this year. At Petersburg, Vo. the jury In the cse r Tt,,. f rtfiri. ril for the mnrtler of John Dittman, disagreed. Davb was bailed until October. t,. ,. r.,v,rte.l fmm Tnnrfen. that a French comedy troupo. traveling mrougu .. . Algiers, was-massacred by Arab near the Morocco frontier. The circumstances whloh led to the dis covery of the plot to blow up the Cxar dur ing bis recent stay at Warsaw have been made public. It appeared that tbe lubu ?r;:i;v& pollco official who was the father ot the student's fiancee. The stndfht refused, smd nolsoncd himself. Two letter which he left to bb betrothed led to the discovery of tbe conspiracy. At Big Rspld, Mich., Oliver Seaman's mill and six or seven million f eot of pine lumber were destroyed by fire the other night. Thelais was estimated at$.j,0M; insured for JM,O0Q. Tbe officials at Marseills were reported panic stricken because of the failure to check tho spread of tho cholera, and were fleeing. ADDITIONAI. DISPATCHES. Joas A- Loo as issued Ms lettsr of ae osptance of tha Republican nomination on the- list. He supported the Republican platform, entering somewnat extensively into tho rights of the colored people of thaSf.nth. His foreirn views were slml lar to those ot James G. Blaine. Tbxrx was an Immense demonstration of trade societies in London on the gist for the purpose of protesting agaimt tha adion of the nouse of Lords la rejecting the Franchise bill. Advices from the Congo region state that Henry M. Stanley, before leaving that country Installed Colonel Win ston as Temporary Director of all African Internal! mal Association sta tion. Stanley, having failed to como to an agreement with the Brussels, director ate, had resigned the position. At Indianapolis William B. Smith & Co., lumber dealers, made an assignment for the benefit ot creditors. The liabilities were $M,O0O and the assets were estimated to be JS0.OOO. AT Clinton, N. Y., the private banking house ot F. O. Hill closed its doors. In ability to realixs on real estate and securi ties was given as the cause. The bank car ried about J30.000 or $100,000 of deposits of business and laboring men and fanners as deDOsltors. The liabilities were not known. Os the 21sl cholera was reported to have broken out at Ma-lrin. At rans tne o- Jiad also obtained a loolnola. At Toulon and Marseilles the plague had be come very fatal, being accompanied by a form of typhoid. Aboitt two thousand brickmakers struck at New York recently for nine hours a day instead of ten. The clearing houso returns for the week ended July Uth showed a decrease of 82.6 Xorthe whole country, the decreaso In New York being S3.3. The City Council of Chicago recently passed an ordinance requiri-gshopktepers to furnish seat for their female derks. HxsnT Stevess, a paper box dealer of Chicago, has assigned. His attorney statea that his assets approximate $100,000 and his liabilities half that sum. At New Haven, Conn., tho other night the stable cf Peck & Bishops, local ex pressmen, burn-d. There w ere forty-eight horses and mnles In the building and only nine saved. Woet oa the Mexican Central Railroad frem SalUllo south was being pushed. Ir waslrported that the Richmond Na tional Bank ot Richmond, Ind., was about to fail. Tbe first news from tbeArctlo whaling fleet since June M'b says Twelve vessels bare taken thli ty one whales, and twenty focr vesstls ara dean. The schooner Caleb Eitcn, of San Frandtco, was lost LOOAVS LETTER. Jena A.Eocan Writes HI Itter of Ac ceptance Ills Views on the TarlX an Other Question. WAsnrsciTos, July 22. John A. Logan has issued hb letterof acceptance of fee Re publican nomination to the Vice-Presidency.' Regarding protection to native industry he I says: The resolutions ot the piarxonn o daring for a levy of sach duties m to af ford protection to the rights and wages of the laborer, to the end that active and In telligent labor, as well as capital, may have lb just award, and the laboring man his full share In the national prosperity, meets my hearty approval. If tftere be a nation on tbe face of the earth which might, If It were a desirable thin?, build a wall unon its everr boundary line. deny communion to all the world, and pro ceed to live upon Its own resources and pro ductions, that nation is the United States. There is hardly a legitimate necessity of, clvuiiedcommtmlUesjwmcn cannot dc pro duced from the extraordinary resources of our several States and Trritories,wlth their manufactories, mines, farms, timber lands and water ways. The drrum stance. taken In connection with the fact that our form of Government Is entirely unique among the nations of the workil makes It utterly absurd to Institute compar-j bons between our own economic systems; and those of other Governments, end espec-' ially to attempt to borrow systems from them. We stand alone in our drcumstances. our forces, our possibilities and aspirations." Itrgarding foreign relations Logan takes' ranch the same ground as Blaine. He Is in: favor of the present banking system. He; enters extenslvdy Into the relations of the colored to the white people of the South and the alleged violation ot the electoral rights of the colored race. He Is In favor of the highest standard of excel lence In the administration of the civil ser vice, and will lend bis best efforts to the ae- eomplishment ot the greatest aiuunaoie perfection In this branch ot our service. Ho says: The Republican party came Into ex istence hi a crusade against tho Democratic Institutions of slavery and polygamy. The. first of these has been buried beneath tha embers of dvil war. The party should continue Its efforts until the remaining hil quity shall disappear from our dvilUatSon laws. Upon the subject of foreign, immigration. General Logan savs: MUn-i der our lil&ral institutions the sob-1 jects and citizens of every nation have beenj welcomed to a borne in our midst, and oa aj compliance with our laws to a co-operation! In our Government. While it b the policy of the Republican party to encourase the- oppressed ot other nations ana, offer them facilities for be coming nscful ami Intelligent ritizens in the. legal definition of tho term, thb party ha never contemplated the admission ot a clasa of servile people who are not only unable to, comprehend our institutions, but Indisposed to become a part ot our national family or to embrace any higher dvilization than tbeir own." m CHOLKRl PRECACnOSS. The OoTrrnraent tabes Action to rrereat the Introduction or Cholera President's; Proclamation. Wasitisotos. July 21. Tho Secretary, of State addressed a letter to tbe Secretary of the Treasury in re-ard to the cholera question, of which the following b a copy: On the lClh day of April lat I bad the hon or to inform you that a method of disinfec tion for rags bad been agreed upon by tbe health authorities of New York, New Haven and Boston, and that an Inspector had been appointed who was to act under tbe Con- stil-Gencral at Cairo, who was al0 to an- thenticate the certificate of Inspection, Congress having foiled to provide for the Consal-Oeneral at Lairo, such certificate A. .1 - furnished. The j . ,,., nnv5llv rhan-wl i nnniti or u;e ninKut ur with the duty of seeing tliat the rags were disinfected, and his office no longer exists. The want of satisfactory evi dence of disinfection maitcs u necessary to abandon for the present the plan agreed upon. I have therefore revoked the -z - rssx information. Secretary Folgcr USued iu- T lir-ML'IlAAl UUfVLSUtri &MMk - .-- structioiiS to collectors of cntomsand other persons interested, toi.revcnt until further orders tne untoaning oi ra;s inw "iv" tnfa-tni tvirts and ras which are suspected nn mod rrounns of bring Infected coutinz from any foreign port. Tbe Surgeon Ges,- eralof the .Marine xiospiiai mttico kic graphed the health authorities of New Or leans that the Secretary ot tbeTrcajury has directed tbe vessels of tbe revenue marine service to patrol the toasts of the United States indudlng the gulf coasts as a precau tionary measure agalnt the cholera. It b expected that the Presi dent will Issne an executive order call ing attention to the necessity for morestrm gent precautions against the introduction ot cholera and urging great vigilance on tho ran of aenU ot the Government both at t home and abroad. A quarantine will prob- . - j, cnlj and also mrt 3, n B7licU blto- place there b rercrted to be the epidemic of ydlow fever. The epidemic fur d, of which inert b an unexpended ballance of about 578,000, will be utilized by the avthorities for these purposes. The administration has deter mined to make every pos'Mt rXcrt n pre vent the lntrodnctn of contagion. x rwx-LAMvnos. c,Juir i-nrtbePret- dent ot the fnlted Mte-A i-rodainatloo. While quarantine rrnilations are cominHie-l to tbe several States thet.cncral GoYernrarnt has reposed ecrlnln wrrrs In th- rrehlent, to te u?d at his .Lscretloo. in preventing tbrcatrard epMcmicn. Keeling it 107 duty. I hereby call upon all persons who. under ex isting ytem In tae several Mate, an- .-n-truied with Ihe rircutton of juaritlne eg ulaUoim. to be dl!ljrrn ami on the aiTl lo rrdcrtoprecntthe Introduction or tnc pee tUencn which we all reirret to learn ba nvide Its appearance In some countries otvope between wblch and part of tbe I nltrd Slate intercourse is direct and rrenuent. I tanhn advise that all dtlcs and town ot the I niteU States, whether on the conn or on line or i.u.n,tnir-tiftn bvmio.n.1 sanitary regu lations and by the promotion or c!canllnr. be preraml to reii in p' V,frV.T. . mitijratelts severity, and I further direct that UK. .- ...1. .r iho f'nltrd Stat:- In ports where pestlb-noe bay made or may make lt arpraranee. to eiercle vtellancc lu carrrhip out the Inructh-ns heretofore lTenana la eomtnuntratlmr bcrrartertotbe;Overnmcnt of the rnMed States any Information of value relating 10 too prosrr or irviu.". ajjeasca. . ll-nojj. CnxsTXRA-ABXirua. . m A youth in Ohio wrote to a friend. askibg his advice a to gcUinp; married, wrinif. with a modestv worthy an in surance agent, tha. he had had found a girl who would furnish all tho col lateral to begin housekeeping, and that "it would cost him no more to live double than single." The adrice given was that the girl would be happier by marrying a mnle-driver who would work to support hor than by linking her fortune with a fcKow that would not properly provide for her. Dttroil rost. . , A Gorman, now resident in En gland, says that, alter having served for six vea s."n the German army, he can confident y say that the military system of that country constitutes tho most cursedly tyrannical form of slavery that ever d'sgraccda civilized nation. Is it any wonder that England andtbe United "States are completely over-rua. by Teutons anxioas to taste abroad tho sweets of freedom which thoy can never enjoy at home? C-fticao'o ntr aid, William Cubine- fell in front of a drcolar saw at King a Mills. Tenn., and was beheaded. X RAILROAD BISASTER. Terrl&U A.eJJent to aa Krerrloa Tntta Scar Canton. Ohio. PrrrsBmoii,'riAnJuly2L ACaatoMX? special gays: A point on tho Valley mH road! two miles east of here, was the seeM of a terrible wreck. In hfcn,Ji -oria- tlonbts from jhis-city gitracaTowr witir Injuries so far as known, while K V tbouftbt half dozen or more persons nnter tbe wreck are dead. Tbe eaftojres of tbe Ardtman & Company's awhine works bad an annor, picnic at Cayahogm Falb and over 2,0 went on the lion. mad) up of two trains of cars each. The first section arrived at Cast ton at TfiO p. m-, aad while hundreds C fathers, brothers aad sisters at tbe itaHow were waiting for friends and relatives or the second sectloa a hatless messenger eowa running down the track crying tbe Min bad been wrecked aad many were killed aa Ia jured. Tho scene that followed ww be yond description, and when Use wwefc was reached, men, women aad chUdrem laa aronnd wringing their bands aad leokfec for their loved ones. Nlae cars were est the track and bt the water tow feat deep. The cries ot the Injured were beaittwuHiig, Hundreds of willing hands immediately set o work and soon found that not mora than twenty-fire were Injured bat It was Impossible to say how msay or who were killed. About a dozen more arentsssiacv aad may be under the cars, aad aoskeag definite can be known until the wredriac train arrives, which is now oa Its way to the scene. A tdegraph office was opened at the scene and everything was dose to alleviate the sufferings of the lujurerf. nntvicrnts. Tbe list, so far as can bo learned, to M follows: MaryScblurasky, ajed clhlMti. feet crushed and leg broken; Albert Travel, aged eighteen, arm broken, chest wished ami back injured; Ella Nanuses, aged eighteen. leg broken and Internal isjariea; Mrs. A.GrovemUier,seTere Inters! isjartes; Jlrs. Walker ilosdy. Internal a Juries; Agnes Lippert, foot crashed: Learn H bocker. Internal injuries; Wmsie Giaas, spinal Injuries; Julias Uubocker aad wife both sustained internal injuries; Ivaa Stum felt, head cat; Charles ilockman, head cat; Mrs. Joseph Dick, Internal Injuries; Harry Tiffe, aged seventeen, head cut aad body crushed. CATJSE OP THE DISASTER. The engineer says the wreck was cawed by the rails spreading. The enghte want over all right, but the first car Jumped tbe track and eight others followed. The train ran along the side of the track for some two hundred feet, tkrewtag the occupants from one side to the other, and finally Jumped a small tasbaak roent and landed in three feet of water. The doors were cut open and the peeete ot out Three doctors are on tbe grsaad at tending to tbe wounded several of if boss theysay will die. LATEST rAirnCULAES. Prrrsncscn. July 2L A Caaton, CX, special says: Tbe track, at tbe scene of Sat urday night's wreck was cleared yesterday, but three of tbe cars throwa lato the mud havo not yet bees re covered. Twenty-three persons were injured but no deaths are reportcdand the woawted are doing better than expected. No one killed ral those mlsslog and supposed to be under the wreck have turned up all right. The loss to the Railroad Company b about $3,000. .. LISCOLS'S T0XB. Dilapidated Condition or tho Xonamrat at Springfield, IU. Chicago, July 19. A staff cofresasad ent ot the Inler-Ocean has been Iarestt gating the condition of the. monument at Springfield, IIL. over the remains of the Is to President Lincoln, and that papor publishes four columns of sensational matter as to IU condition. It charges tbe jrossest dishon esty in the performance of the work and will give a detailed account of the defects In the construction, the aggregate of which threaten the caving m of tbe terrace in which the crypt Is aitu atid, if not overthrow ot the monument Itself. The correspondent finds that Use in ner walls are ot soft bricks, which ara already rotten and hi many places the wood and granite chips are thrown in to 811 the spaces which should have been solid mason ry. In February one of the arches running tbe entire length of tbe terrace fdl and th flagstones which form the fioor of tbe ter race are hdd up by timbers put In by the custodian. Thb arch aas bees keyed np with pine wedges and chunks of ntortac In places where the graaitt blocks ot the terrace floor were not long esoagh to reach the wall, their Inner erds were sup ported by inch pine boards. Where tha heavy rraaite columns for the statuary rest on the tcrraccthey are levded np with plaa wedges and tbe stones are broken by the un equal weight. Tbe inner walls are loose and held up by long props, which are now rot ting. The heavy stone over the crypt in. which the remains ot President Lincoln rot b supported on a pine board. Tbe whole terrace on the south and east sWea lias been taken out to prevent tbe heavy stones from falling on tbe coffin below. MESDrG TROUBLES, All Qalet at rresent Tbe Flakertoa sTeOoe Arrested Bound Over. C01C31SCS, O, July 21. Thb has been quiet day among tha comers of the Hock ing Valley, with no change ia the situation tt the strike except that Brooks the opera tor, left here by special train yesterday with additional laborers, to take charge of tha machines In the mines to-day. It is said they arc experienced in the business. Tho TolnmbtM Trade Assembly satv a benefit yesterday in a garden which was largely patronized, and will raise qnitn a sum of monev for the miners who are oa a strike. President McBride. of the Ohio Miners" Union, delivered an addrws in which ba ald that the miners were prepared to hold out, and he thought the strike would last nntil Scotcmber at any rate. Ho eoure vlnl moderation, and said the miners would do nothing which would make it necessary to can out the militia to qodl any disturbance. Tho tweniy-nve nairrwn police, nnder arrest at Straitsvluc, charged with usurpation of power, were bound over to court by the Jthlce In tin sum $100 each. The op"uators ci" lxml lor Ke police. An old tract says: "Tho jury twelve was adopted because prophets were twelve, the apostle numbered twelve, there were twelr Jewish Judges, twelve pillars of the teunle. twelve Datriarchs. twelve; tr oi Israel, twelve stones on Aaron's breast-plalc. twelve gates of JemsalemJ twelve montns in uie vcar anu iweiv si"na in the zodiac When juries we Grst established, the Juilro took thd urors about with him hi a cart until they agreed. If they didn't agree, thej were lined and impnsoneu. An office door in Norwich. Carta bears a placard reading: "This ofrk is; talkiaz politics Is no allowed under any circumstanc neither of the occupants has any polil ical preferences ana scarcely any reitfl ious convictions, jinsines a nan, ' want-, soreheads aad Independents . no consolation here. Vindows foil stories from Water street. Harifcn Fast. Tnere IS a Rjace in PhHadelphj where ladies r?oimr awv for tne ana user put their rt dogs 10 board. Nccrj all the summer notets oire pu ii w lareo on the swell &narHyows. aca 1 fuse to take Aem even at fancy r r-q OUR