Newspaper Page Text
The bubs Ctefltk Poblinhed Uwry Thursday by the Intia- Chikitai.n Pcelishixg Co. L50 "2aBXJlJorUiC K.J.TIwimbh Jc 3LE-XlfeenL, Editors J. W-JUWer . .....MatlMres Jtanaser. viNITA7 I- T., JULY 24, 1SS4. Blaine's letter of acceptance was a modc&f little dvcuuicut of G,000 words. The third annual exhibition of the North Texas Horticultural society was held atDenisonou "Wednesday of last rceefc. There are about 50,000 blind people in the United States, and the care of thcin costs not far from 57,500,000 annually. The Caldwell Daily Standard lias .gone the route traveled by mauyx predecessor and will be seen bo more on earth. It is awiouBccdia "Washington, that G rant and Cookling will stump the country lor Blaine. Such a thing is hardly probable. The pesteffice folks at Spring Held are jast now involved in. a lit tle matter concerning thirty regis tered letters which, are missing. Since last issue a break has oc curred iu the market and prices now rule from 30 to 40 cents lower. on all grades.. Indian steers -were worth from $3.30 to S4.S0 per hundred in St. Louis on Tuesday. Prices were tending downward. The midsummer dullness is now in full force and effect." The coun try was never in better condition, Jit al ways at this season of the year there is a lull in business and the jeoplc jnve their attention to get ting through the heated term com fortably. There are twenty-five United States senators who terms expire onihe3dofnextJIarcb. Elections Jiave been held fn our instances, the successors to Pendleton, Wil liams and Jonas, of Louisiana, be ing already chosen, wrhilc Allison, of Iowa, succeeds himself. The Retrablicaa convention of Kansas, by a. vote of G2 to 296 de clared against a constitutional con vention. j This was a. test of the prohibition question in that body. The Kansas editor like his brother in the Territory must so far as the law i effective, still weather the .summers heat and winter's cold Oewala Talk. JTrs. D. W. Lipe has gone on a visit to her mother's, on Grand River. touches it, it starts off im mediately under th i.Jlucneo of hvdrostatic pressure and caml-1 , lory attraction not only-downward 'but Literally, to diffuse iteelf? all Mrs. A. II. Norwood, from Ft. j through this mans of earth and seek; Smith, is up on a visit to her the sea level. In its course it trick ster, Sirs. M. Ilnndlev, wllPrc lo? closely between these particle , , . . , " of sand or "hues more rapid! v be- shc expects to remain for a month. ! twcm . of RnMim, ;,ui,.rra The Oowala country has been n,.a mountain of impenetrable very lonely for quite a while, but ' stone, and f hit. i soint: on forever astiicvouiig folks have returned far lneath earthV surface. Down c , .. -,, ,. I in it depths are its lakes, rtvors from school, guoss it will liven up , viveitsm An ctva. again. Tlio Oowala people are bound to have a new school house. They are making preparations for build ing right away. Hope it will be completed before the first Monday in September. The new building of Dr. A. J. Lane will soon be complutcd and then he will have to fulfill his promise to the young gents give them a dance. . , Ikk. Payne and his followers arc but trespassers and have no more right to enter Oklahoma and settle down, than they have to come to this countv, and settle upon the land owned by Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones. Pane's frequent attempts to settle upon Hie Oklahoma lands, have become a decided nuisance. If he has such a profound respect To the law, whv does not he obev it, by waiting until the land is opened i tor settlement, by an act ol congress and not put all law at defiance bv his constant but fruitless attempts J togainaioouioiu mere, n ue is so anxious to secure hemes for timself and his foIloTcrs, whv not settle in Kansas whtrc a plenty of reproduce disease in him who is un fortunate enough to swallow tnem for extreme heat like tiou's mom, "weeping ceaselessly in silent majesty. As it moves along it picks up and carries with it all water soluble matter and by erosion niwh that is particulate. From the filthy alley ,pig sli&,stock pons, privies, mud holes, and com eteries it gets a liberal supply. Fortunntelv there arc a multitude of chemical actions and reactions occurring on it downward course of permeation and circulation which are highly conservative, for by them new and innocent bodies and substances are constructed out of old ones which may have been very deleterious. But in order to this reconstruction there must be a chemical disintegration of the old, and only such matter a- capable of such disintegration r e capa ble of reconstruction, aiuce the many Bacterean forms of vegeta ble life which constitute the mate ria morbi of most of our diseases, especially such as arc contracted from infected liquids poscss an intrinsic vitality which makes them almost proof against peril, so that they fail to die and furni&ii mate rial for other forms of activity, but, live 10 oc carneu inueunuc uis tanccs through water and earth to good land yet remains open for settlement. Xo, Payne is consti tutionally opposed to work, and knows by keeping up tliis Oklaho ma agitation, he will find a few sim ple minded enough,' to -believe what he savs and contribute to his support. Leavenworth Times. Payne and his schemes are daily growing in disfavor on all sides and even bus followers are beginning to see him in his true light. SA3ITAKT JOTTERS 50. 2. without his 'nips." It is said that the stretch of coun irr extending from the G ulf of Mex ico to the British possession, along thesIopc of the Rocky Mountains, containat the: present time meat cattle worth more than $G00,000,000 which subjistwholly on natural grass. MuchofUiis beltis includ ed in what was" formerly known as the Great American Desert: Everything augurSSwell for the success of the Xew Orleans Cotton Exposition 2ind Worlds Fair to be held next winter. The half million dollars required to be raised before the government loan of a million should be available has been de podtedin Jjank and the guarantee bond that the money lent will be used only for exposition purposes has been signed and forwarded to Washington. It is therefore ex pected that the government money will be obtained within a short time- This will enable the expo sition to perfectit once all its plans and projects. 0aU Prairie Hess. The early corn will 6e a very sure Dp, while the late will depend on d season and a little more rk. Patrons of our public schools are : P1" air- lobbving for the best teachers. e hope that all will be satisfied when the appointments are made. Our worthy sheriff, pursuant to :rdeia has commenced the work, .f demolishing fences. He expects o do itnp on the cyclone style, as pic law provides. Wheat threshing is the order of ie uay. lnrec swam, tnresners Ire now at work on the prairie jparating the wheat from the rawv Average about lo bushels ler acre. Sundav schools have been organ- Led and reorganized in every whool jusa upon the prairie, and the eople manifest much interest in to good cause. Thanks lo our Bap- Dr. B. F. Foriacr CouUbhcs Ills Sn?- gestioas waica Saoald be Carefully Perescd and 0feverre. These systematic investigations fortunately demonstrated many things effecting public health which are strikingly applicable to Yinita ana nice towns, it is particularly important now as the warm season is advancing that we "place our souse in order"by careful removal of all putresciblc matter from streets and allevs, else sickness severe land rapid! v fatal will almost cer tainly occur. Again we a"c build ing a town which is as certain to be a city of importance as time lasts, provided -only that the blighting hand of monopoly is not laid upon it, and in view of this alone it is important that even permanent improvement be made upon sanitary principles. Econo my demands it, for "health is wealth" and without health there can be but little happiness in our homes or prosperity in our busi ness. Every builder should know how to locate his well, and wheth er to attempt a cellar, for compara tively few locations arc St for col lars. In writinghealth rules wc may get upon somebody's tender toes, but we shall do so innocently and in no spirit of fault-finding. It is onlv in the absence of anv board of health that we consent to speak, and the interest which every good citizen ought to feel in his hnae town is sufficient apology forthc act. , Then we take it thai every person of even ordinary intelligence and decency would like to know what he is eating and drinking and the measure of danger involved. Again every interest of the town whether educational, moral, social or commercial demands that it be made and kept a healthful one, and we are sure ttiat witu proper pre caution lucre is uu icas.uu wuy i nita may not be elevated greatly in the scale, even to an equality with anjr inland town, except such as arc situated at high mountain altitudes. We are beautifully sit uated and favorably surrounded. Who could describe the ravishing loveliness of these undulating prai ries, like a billowy ocean of green bathed in a sea of sunshine and them uncooked, for extreme that employed in cooking destroys very effectually these germs. Caldwell Standard. J. S. Evans bull tmin was up lrom Iteno, for freight las' week and moved out on the trail Monday. Charlie Liebler loaded them with 02,000 pounds of grain, and the entire train carried out about I.10.U00 pounds of merchandise and freight altogether equal to about six car loads. This is the largest single consignment sent below by our merchants this season. Giant powder, fuse and sports men's supplies alwavs to be found at II. BaYentinc's. at bottom prices. Balcntinc bought three hundred chickens last -reek, and is still buying chickens, butter, eggs, and all kinds of country produce, for which he is paving the highest,! cash price. If you are sick, haye yeur pre scriptions compounded at Frazoo & Go's. A competent pharmacist and complete Imc f fresh drug? is on their case, v.- Leirzcalin the work. One of ye Honey Creek peda- pguesr celebrated . the Glorious irth at Southwest City in a new ckaway drawn by a fine span of its and by his side was scaled 6 belle ot tne prainc. n aber expensive yet consoling. ISprcial term Circuit Court, con ned on 14th insL but there being .no contention with the legal pro ion and" His Honor, Judge Clark, to the legality of holding a spec- I term, an adjournment was tak- untilthe regular term. Two minal cases were taken cogniz- Iceofand Mesrs. Bell and Owen e. wane very interesting re- nhs npeathe past and present hdltloa of the aticn. B s There are three prerequisites to perfect health, vizi Pure air, pure earth, and pure water; the two last being twins a inscperablc as were the Siamese. The deterioration of one is the deterioration of all to a degree, but between water and earth there must be a very special relationship. The earth is a great sponge through which runs streams of water and upon whose Eurfacc the winds blow and the rains of heaven fall. Every drop of water foul or clean that falls upon its sur face, barring that which is wafted in vapor to the lungs of breathing nature, sinks into its porou3 bodv until perfect saturation is secured", when the remainder laden with what impurities and organic matter ithas gathered from the surface,runs away in brooks and rivers to build those immense deltas which form Everybody h buying their gro ceries, queensware . fcc, at S. A. Bluejacket's, because his stock ig fresher and his prices .lower than any other houso in town. A drive over the prairies is now in order, and til? place to find good rigs is at Craig & Courtney's liv ery stable. Go to S. A. Blugacket's to pur chase your fruit jars. He has ju-t reaeived with hia iare stuck of goods abiij supply of Mason's self sealing fruit jars "which ho is sell ing cheaper than the cheapest. All persons in Deleware district having more than fifty acres of land under fence, nnlcts enclosing growing crops, are hereby notified to remove such fenecs by the first of August, or I will remove the same at the expense of owners. J. D. Mcskdat. July 24th, 1S84. If you would consult the interest of your pocket book purchase all your groceries, aueensware, fruit jars, "tc, at S. A Bluejacket's, who now has the largest, freshest and cheapest stock of goods in town. You will find hira happy f o wait on you at his place of busf ness on cast tide of square. J. S. ElTJNTEE,, COOYYAH, I. T., DEALER IX GEAYSVILLE The Business Centre! CHOICE STOCK OF GENERAL MER CHANDISE On Grand River, 4 Miles East of Choteaii, CSrOur stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hal., Groceries, Queensware, Tinware, Cuflcrvi Saddlery, Harness, Boots and Shoes always complete, and sold at lowest prices. G. "W. GBSEtr, Post-office. Yimta I.T- Jfi3PJArtgrfi3 I Have lurcliased the GRAY FLOURING AjSD SAW MILL .Arid axa Ircparcd to do a General jS filling P. O., Choteau, Business. Ind. Ter THE OLD REjLilABLE General Store, Where you can depend on getting Crop off left ear and Hplit in riht. Range On Jones ervefe.vij:ht miles northrant or Vi nita, I. T. -JJ A. P. GCODYK002JT5. I Vt-. , V.uiu, I.T. Various marts and oltl L-rumld. Kange On Prvor's creek, 1" miles vest of Yinita, I. T. 9 7. T ff to i in r ! I fcj'j') i r t BEATIY, ntilT l.raix: nn sule or bip. KanpinortiiJroia Yinita. SStf ntl. - W. O. PATTON & CO., Post-office, Vinita, I. T. Smooth cropiin the eft ear." II'-rscbraniW tln came on the left lur Ilange Rock creek FF7imK V. GRAY. !'U ( l xi -ran, L T. Smie cattle bra if Y ; on left sule. Ear mark Orot "l.iein each ear I'.anjje un Prvor'rf i-reefc. I. T. PostotiVe, Vinita, I. T. Branded on both s"uk-!. Crop of left, ear and split in risht. xxr.s, Lo rnst creek. NATTTATTTKr. SKTJTNSR, Pcit-ofLcc, inAa, I. T. Cnder slopc in i earn ear . Itangi'. ; -Pryor's creek, 20 m. south ofYinita i near M., K. & T. .K.R. WBBBKiWhM mi iii WM. DONALDSON, Postoffire, n.ta, Ind. Ter. Mmecattle br'ml'd I on left side. IJanse Dn Little Cabin I reek, nine miles n rtlu-ast or liuta TJSTGc s;33.c3. JPJEilOESS Jk.S LO JDtt A T rf VC7" F. THOMPSON, O. Vimta, I. T. Full & Complete Assortment Of Everything nef'l bj 'h. po-l r.f t!ir X-it'on. Hj loivfj xcrit 'ice has tai'jht vie j"$l vhnt Lintl of goo-lt the juole vranf. I Carry No Dead Stopk!, I CCKflBtl EHM KH trter ! i i " T. P B V7- P O, O. T. THOMPSON",, Yir. 'a, Ind. Tcr V ftr -alt'e bran 'IJSRl and in same herd ice rattle revis ed br Allison I Thompson braad- liaue riyors crecK, miles south of VlnitaJ near U.K.&T. E-ll. J f iIcct. Foreman. P. O. Choa- T. i" VP W 17 1 Agencv. Itanjre on IIp Oa bin Creek. " miles south of Vinita. T. DAVIS. mita, I. T. Thu profits on goods I sell aro not eaten up hy losses on goods notsalahlc. small profile, and will do so. Que trial will convince the most skeptical. i l ; I can auunl-t'iuU-for j- JtS OeT alii! Si ill8 ri Oil! I "3 Rane, nn Grand' river ('twecn Ca bin A Inck I crwkK It. tean, 1 MOSES KEOKUK. Tost j? . , fc-a" anil Fox . Some old rattle brand clonly Kon rihtfup. II o r s 6 brand K on riIjt slioul der. Ea,r marks, crop oCthenzbt and sua l)w f.rkn left. -tt JOHN COUimtYMAN I'ost-oi&cc, L'ch , I. T. isnuiiljscvea- np, either si Jo JlarK, crop oil right ear. nnderIopeolT left ear. J.'acue. llorse tretk, C- 2v. EL "W. E."HALSELIj, Post-office, Vinita, I nga -tsa -tsa H777T .1 FULL STOCK OF PRY GOnns. ( I'lTUXti, HOOTS A XD SHOES. HATS, FW-WSir JXll GOODS, (J IMS FRIES, QUELSbUARL. SLlIOVL llUUKs, STATIONERY, Ac. CWu .,, ! Me we. 3-. W. CS-S-EEliT,. V-i-n.i.tSL, I- T. T. - Ki.ilol V WX. Sfimi '-" lui Cherokee Orphan 9 Tg 'B Asylum, jrarkmoolh rroninleftear and nndurbt in right. V-' JANE OAPTAEfE. JkL.lvxk Pt-ulUc-, C. X. JI or s o brand fcame on loft shoulder. Itange on liomln v ereek Osajs Nation. -a W.H. Marker, -toffiee, Mnito.I.T. A I RAYMOND HOLD THE FORT -o:n" ti-ze- T ' . dc' . r jE ,SM '11 -I .ai-shH- i uK r?l n -n. s K ll m t, t -fe R P,-t I! il rajaar crop and nn- j j t k. ; t i-r ..n tant-li iar r'r- an-l uld brain!-. On left ?huul- I! .i n r li. on - l;ird Creek, e i it li t tulles north of Taia 1. T. ir?1l tS""lfcSfc?S Crop off of ieftear. un der hair crupinrtebt W'H feSL!? I .'1 rin'l .i-.-iit hip 51 on ri::ht aide. 3)tf ' t M. WILUAMS, . . i'r .it:e Citv, I. Largest ijine of Hard-ware, Stoves ancl Tin-ware kept in the Cherokee IX ation GENERAL MERCHANDISE' - 1 K A FURNITURE -ASD STOVES. i I r,-t :. T. "WELLS BF.OS. & PHIOG. P6st-ofhc. C. rTevville. ICansas. if Van an fess5!"5 oti -t brail-! jn earmarks Any pirtie- knonrin (Jr ratUebnwi!-r t it n. i.i.ri-l:t fi.ltunil- h 1 1 , off u r r- i- nn V rvhjns river, i -ioIN jinl on ftii rreew ' v n nrai-ilntl liv nvitii in. . ' iT i - ;ir ggy-g. 1 1 ir h t horn, 2C nn left i uiini. Jtan-'e. Coal! creek. EVANS, HUNTER &; NEWilAN. P03-0fllC0, EvaasviUe, Knns?m. ('mpiiir j left ear. ,lr r imUrrbit . y rV"iL I wiii Ih 'iit'ai Owin f..-u.j.ii . . f tin., sju to Wells Ilros. &. E. B. Henry-P. O, Vinita, L T. . i rvrs on left Mle. Various other marks ami old bramla. Jtanch it "Vhite Oak . Creek. ' 1G Sole .A-gent Tor tlic VICTOR Mowing Machine. BEST IN THE WORLD ! it llit ntmiths nf rivrr fnpminfifinfr I it and elhodist misgionaries for I jn non.tidal seas. For examples sec llie Aiississippi, uanges anil Xilc. The streams through the ! earth whih supply our wells and i ppnngs differ not materially from those which course acro.s its sur face, both being surplus carriers, except that the former arc filtered of most of their particulate matter Both are comparatively impure, the degree depending upon the chemistry and porousity of the soil Ui rough which and ovemrhich they flow. The earth is a great ma3 ol particles lain closely to gether, but between which partt ules there is abundant room for liq uids to pass. When the Houds pour their contents upon it, or the cook her pan of dudiwatcr, or the butcher his stale brines and 1 Ikh1. the wafchcrtvoiuan her tubs. f in tid ?-id vi shtri any i mailt'fwu hi cen crrt t fi than anv yet iit.uL' c ' AJl Doors, Windows, Window Glass, Paints and Oil. In fact everything you want in the Household Line. 1 ooj?"i?"juxrs. For Good Goods at Bottom Prices go to Vinita, - - - 3hd. Ifalfl n i. rt - inarkel I the lat i jinye i toera I niile. urious " marks. I k.m.e Con.inan- he totinty ix1. M.W COUCH. Post-Om c L .Vu.iiig frcct, 1. 1 .'l bratiilcil S.u.- ,.ar. 1 ria'ail-yjcil the '.! mark Texas MMvMriinKuii near I -V QHii V iMnA t TzTz .S12h Ter lifto, SADDLES! HARNESS! Large F14xk of Everything in my Line lo Select From. tiT Price? Lower than any house iu the Territory. Cowboys' Saddles, Beits, Quirts., &c. EISliN, orro-riE mi nuMisit) hotel, YiKiTA, Ind. Ter. I ROMAN PILLS Jl.r'tiroly Vegetable Cathartic. These jvills will Ikj f.iuml tihcful in all forms of liilious Derangement, Ma larial Affections, I)rpenttia, Skin DibeuMM, Con'sti iation, various Fc male Complaints, to Pnrifr the Wood ete. For sale bv X. FltAZEE A: CO., Yinita. 1. T. CARDINAL LINIMENT. This liniment should be ou hand luvT iuwm -ii.ii.t as it is an excellent ami prompt reme dy fur rheumatism, Lame Uai-k. Tooth -Ache, Neuralgia, ! Sprains, l!rise, j suvllinB. and ail other bodily pains and aches." For halo by'AKUicVO.t Vinita. 1. T. JESSE COOHKAN. Postonice, Chelsea. 1. T. bmooth crop of left oar. Kauxe fonr miles w tat of Clielsea. i rfyJrfgMJ off Try Homan CaUiartic Pills, the groat liver regulator.blood purifier, etc For sale by Frazee & Co. PoST & COREY, Tost tun; l in, Kans. I'. Con riphtRHle. AImj C w nebtsiile Rane on head .iU'i; ot l-iltlc Cabin creek. Grand Kier Mills at the mouth .-f Prvnrc rtf Ir l.frnn nnorttifin on. tiie lM.h ixi! . havinx been' il ed for rep ur tiucc tee 2th cf . - l June. 11 -5 HISS. J. B. CURL. Tosti'tUte, ( offeyville, Kan. J L on left hip or Mile, and saddle Mirraon right tide or nip. K e oa Cc r. e 11 3a mt&M A. MILLS, Post-olliee, Cnetopa, Kans. Crop oil right ear, and s wallow-fork in IcfU 0lf C. M. McOlellaa. Po-lMllkc, Uuwula, I. T. fcinuotli crop ai 1 underl aek in each car tfHfctitaMMS gter.wt I Fe't ei t i mltli !: iii ; left ln. i - Hon-ebrandlZ. n left ile. A few ' '' 5? behind ! :e uiotlv exsMB tlonltle .. .. . . it den iappetl. 1 lorbe brand U. M. ? rvl? ou left side. Kanch on Caney. W. G. NELMS, P.s'-oiL..e, Vinita, 1 J. O. HALL. Post-offite, Vinita, I. T. Undcrhit in each ear . Horse brand same ou left hip. Itane BerKee-, t ah n and Pr or a crceke. Of, HI fiTVM Ranch on itoek creek, l." miles witith of Vinita. JOSEPH HUNT, t -. , imta, I. T. Crop and sylit in left ear, nnder bit and zinc ta? in nhc Ifaneh. 2 miles west of Vinita. I i Iii ai ute ueu'i ereik. I. i ., , between Pryor'a'aud Lizhtnuu tn-tts. A BOUDDfOT. Post-oliitc, Tahtaiuah, I. T. Itranded on leftside. Xnn' brand ed OC on hip. and shoulder, either ide, with ration marks, hold" onlv to ship. Rjuco. Illi nois rer, 1 1) es i it olTaUlonpali Blrs. Isabella Newman, Pt- 1H . lilm' I. T. IUnrh rn ftxlCrcds, Oaage Nation. WBOy KM i" hirgs2 Arthur Poile, P. O., Coffey ville, Kas. Itane, on "U .If creek, 'JO miles soith of CfcTrile Ka