Bcvetcd to the Interest el" the Ckcrekccs. Choctaw, Chickasaw, Scmluelci. Creek, and all ether Indian ef the Indian Territory.
VOL. II. NO. 46.
Scvd an eMfisM lie laest aad cepletest store la Ike xBsla Terrflorjr Ii that or .
W. C. PATTON fc CO..
Taa eta fet aa vtklag joa want a tkst ef Use verr best quality to be had in the coi m ..7.
Aada fait asserhaeHt ef everjtklB? wanted by ear customers.
KIR LZZ COODw BETAItTJIEST rontelnt a latMease stock f OTcry Tarietyofthe best and most serviceable Dry
K CLWMQC MSAXTXEST yea win 9a& tie largest Stock or fflrst-dass Qothln?, Bocis, Shots, Hal?, Ladle ' arfl
Sewte'FssteWagGasJ. While
Cat WLLTAEKY 9EPXXTXE5T Is fcHy te tbeUawM Inall ths Latest Style and Fashion.
CR rWCXRY MPAlVElEtT It replete iritk eiery klad orstaplc and Ftf Groceries "Flour, Baron, Canned Goods
Cr3hdM3 UKCSf) JLIC.
KK KIK&BSS 9EEAXOEST has a fall toe ef Saddles, Haraes aad Leather Good 4 or all kinds. la
6HJK JteRKULTUIlL L1TLXXEST BEFAXTXEXT you caa set Wagons, Bnggies,. riow, Spring Wagoas, Etc.
UK MASBWXKE BEPARTXEXT fc well stocked wllk Sails, Screws, Chains, Hinges, Tinware, Axes, Utensils, Tool?,
c. ToawUItedia
OR (K.AS6 ASB CEESS WARE BETARTXE5T -Tcry Tariety of Dishes, Crocks Jars, Jags, Etc While la
CR BKTJG STwSE WEBIXOSXC yea will lad a splendid stock efPuro, Wee Drags, 2fcdlelne, complete In every re
pptet. PrescriptloMearefaHyeoapMBded by a skilled apolheeary. In this connection we haTc also an immense
itoek ef Sotkws, Tiwpffj Ooefcg, CoafecUoaery, Etc Aaaa
BTATMSSRY A5B BGe BEPARTXEST where yea will Had erery rariety or Writing- Materials, Taper, Blank Booki
5te aad Receipt Book?, Sckoel Books, aad a Use ef good Reading Bosks Prose and Poetry.
Our Prices are as Low as the lowest Come and See Us.
W. lu TKOTT, Proprietor.
saw kM nn sanfTr on band a supply of both Xatlve and Xortbcra Pino Lumber. AJroFhltt
5SSSSJmiBMtSiCteL Tbe SaJUve Fine, being shipped from the Cboctow
Kllnii. Ti n T"T OllDEIiS SOLICITED.
WL ill, Treaittt PAUL WICi, Sec'j art Treaanr.
Highest Casli Price Paid for All Grades of Wliear.
Brfers frr FLCUR, BRAN aad SKITSTUFF3 Promplly Attended f o.
F. BOCLER, SHptriiittHdcjitaaa Business Manager, SESEGA, 310.
XecTntlroakiti;Ctote5stStap'iesirancTGroceritnaiHtta! A3so
Friiit, Vaielaliles, Feed, Qaeiitswarg, Glisswarg and Tinware.
Examine oar tof to 'he IfcwKHlldlBl oa Uie Coracr. two doora fTest of A. C.
Raj moiitl oi Co.' Uanlnira Store. .
urn i itti
fffffNi blllkb w wJ
-sraalaala rnsta Kctalt Bftlm la
Aio carry a complete line of
Dry Goods, Hats and Caps,
Groceries, Qtieensware,
Clothing, Tinware,
Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc.
Eni Siplk for Slota Aliajs in Stoct.
Don't fail to see our stock and learn our prices
before bnying.
"W1SI. X.ITTXE & CO.. Vinita, IndiaxL Ter.
Keep the Bent Selected Sleek or
Aeatfr te Jb Itere," Sollne PIotts aal Farm Machinery. Eiamlo
rtctlc and st prlre. Will not be nadersold.
MCS, FClts ri
& CO., Vinifa,
' p esKirxAXS' una, visita.
r. a itxtiTOT.
c & nn
PBCCE. Cask or Cattle takca la Ex'
W 9WW&
a l( Of a. IT"
1 ULA t. 1. I
Indian Territory,
vr w.jauvis.
For the purchase aad sale of
13 Xatlsna! Stock Yards E. SL Louis.
tSTTJbera adraacnf made on consignmrat.
Xrfwatrd at East SU Inls, III.
DlrecUy oppoelte the dty of St. Louis. Durett
f or all description of Lira Stock alwej-s In at
tendance, and within the grounds of the Stock
Tards are a Beef Cannlna; Companj-. rCAix a
cspadtr for slauRbtrrinir 1AO0 bead of cattla
dallri and Tork Packing ntablItmcnU wita
a capadrjr for slangtilcr jir- K.0T) hog? dally.
ISAAC U. K50X, Prrsidcnt
iaii Pad
Pullman Palace Hotel Cars
tlironglito St Loiiis,Tia
. SedaliarDaily.
Direct Roiito West aud Soutk
irest Tia Kansas City.
IT Vl UO 10 niTVrnkmDnotrnreit
A I KnnOfto yll I for tUmas Colorado.
Xew Mexico and Calirornla connect with Ez
press Italns of all Unca.
it ITHUIOfllJOounecUon Is made irttl
Al AlCnloUflEiprCTS Trains for aJ
Points m h"n and Nebraska.
X nil 1U1 Connection Is made with E
fll UBBiin
I lines leadlna; to the Xortfc n
F. CHA5DLER, Gcru Pass. Agent.
&3.KIXXA5, Aw'tGcn, Pass. Agent
F. L. DECKEU, Agent at YInlta.
p ATT.Txr.a.'g
The Direct Thrwirh Kouto Ilctween
Fast Express Trains are Una Dally. 5
Clianse of Car.
Throasn Pullman Palace Slecplnr Car are
run dallr. without chanzenrtwren STi LOUIS,
Tnna acres or rich tannins awl mtnertu
lands for ale iy this corepmx in SOUTH WEST
CfFor full and rr cular information, wilh
!r. TJmr Tabic. IUU-, do-call iin or )-dr-ss
any or ou Etatlcn Asents,or clherof tht
D. WTSHAKT, Gcnoral rassensr Apt, St
O.W CALE, Cencral irdsnt Agrat.St.Lou'i
C W EOGfclW.Vlx President Ml Generai
Jtaosffcr TcrpSe Bulkltn,tt Louu.ito.
Ox aa island in the Delaware River,
rear Port Jcrris, K". Y., is an under
ground hat, six feet square, in which lire
an old man, his three seres and one
daughter. They subsist by hunting and
The last words o poor Bice, the pho
tographcr of the Grccly expcditlou who
died while on a journey to find some
meat which had been cached while on
the way from Lady Franklin Bay, were:
"Tell Lieutenant Grcely that I tried
very hard to get the meat, bnt could not
At Frccport, I1L, an old school build
ing known aa the Guttcan school, and
named after the father of the assassin
of Garfield, who was an honored citizen,
has been condemned as unsafe, and has
been ordered to bo pulled down. A
new building Is to bo erected, but it Is
likclr to bear another name.
Theke Is living near ConcvIIIe, Fla.,
a colored man with the classical name of
Borneo who is wedded to a fair maid of
his tribe called Juliet. This happy cou
ple hare twins whom they have named
Romulus and hcnius. This interesting
family is conrcyed to church on Sun
days by a horse named Pontius Pilate.
Gen-thai. Gordox writes to a friend
in England describing the tactics which
led to the destruction of General Hicks
and hia army. He says that Hicks had in
terviews every evening with tho MchdTs
agents, who conducted him into a nar
row gorge. Hicks remained there for
three days, when tho Arabs closed in
upon hLn and massacred him and all
his men.
A stort Is on the rounds to the effect
that the Mayor of Boston sent two pack
ages exactly alike in weight and con
tents by mail a few days ago. Ono of
them was bound to Paris, France, three
thousand miles or so away, and the
postage on it was twenty cents. The
other was destined for Worcester, forty
miles distant, and tho postage was
twentv-eijrbt cents.
A bottle of whisky was put into the
corner-stone of the court-house at Gwin
nett, Ga., twelve years ago, and when
the buildingwas demolished lately there
was a great deal of anxiety as to the
matured liquor. More than a. thounnil
persons crowded round the workmen,
and something like a riot ensued, dur-
I ing which the precious bottle was stolen
by some person or persons as yet un
known. About sixty miles west of Teheran
fell a meteorite five years ago, concern
ing which the chief doctor of the Shah
has jest made a report. The stone bo
longs to the family of tho Syssidere3,
and Is identical with those which fell
at Barca, in Spain, in 1842, and at
Estherville, Iowa, in 1679, and with
those which were found in Bolivia and
Westphalia in 1856, and in Kcwton
County, Arkansas, in 1SG0.
The Maine Fish Commissioners havo
juxt finished tho work of distributing
one million and four hundred thousand
salmon fry to the more suitable waters of
that State. The plan is to put tho young
fish, whether from sea salmon or land
locked salmon eggs, into small streams
tributary to the lakes and ponds
apparently best adapted to the growth
of the salmon family. The fish arc thus
enabled to exercise the instincts of tho
true salmon that is, descend to the
larger body of water below, as the sea
salmon descends to the sea, and go up
tho in-running streams to breed. The
sea salmon thus become land-locked, as
it is termed; that is, they descend to a
fresh-water lake, instead of to the sea.
The following regulation has been
added to the rules governing the railways
of Canada: "Psssengcrs who have not
procured their tickets before entering
the cars shall pay to the conductor an
additional sum of ten cents each, and
the conductor shall Issue to each of such
passengers a duplex ticket, showing the
names of the stations from and to which
the passenger is traveling, the dates and
class (first or second, as tho case may
be,) being punched out. This ticket, if
properly punched, shall, on presenta
tion by the holder at any ticket office of
the line, entitle him to a refund of the
sum of ten cents if a whole faro has
been paid, and of fire cents if a half
fare." This regulation was adopted for
the purpose or acting as a check on con
ductors. The suspicion thaMhe sudden death
of Midhat Pasha was not brougat about
by natural causes has at length been
most circumstantially confirmed, and it
is now certain that Midhat Pasha and
his fellow-prisoners were starved to
death. According to the Strossburgcr
ZcUung, which quotes a letter from one
of the exiles at Taif, the following are
the details of the case: "Tahir Bey,"
says tho writer, "who was one of the
Sultan's aids-dc-camp, had been ordered
to convey to Osman Pasha notice of his
elevation to the dignity of Field Marshal.
At the same time he brought orders from
Constantinople to ill-treat the exiles at
Taif, bcth in respect to food and all
other necessaries, in order that their
end might be more speedily brought
about. With a view to carry out these
orders the Governor General sent Major
Bckir Effcndi, a Circassian, direct from
Mecca to Taif, where he at once dis
missed the cooks and deprived th.e im
prisoned exiles of every comfort. Bckir
even sest away the physician of Midhat
Pasha at the timo when the latter was
suffering from a dangerous attack of
carbuncle. He also dismissed all the
servants of Mahmud, Nonri Pasha, and
others. Then all saw starvation star
ing them in the face, the badness und
insufficiency of the food ctusing them
to despair of living long." dn this let
ter the exiles take leave of their friends
and express their sinister presenti
ments, which have been only too fear-fcifrfoMlkd.
A Sanmnry ef the Dally News.
Tnx Democrats of the Sixth District of
Indiana, nominated Mr. M.N. G. Smith for
Tux Republicans of the Third Congres
sional District cf Ohio, nominated B. L.
At a meeting of tho Democratic National
Committee at Xew Tort, on the 21th, VT.
H. Barntunwas re-elected Chairman.
The Virginia Court of Appeals has de
cided that the act passed by the last Leg
Mature prohibiting school superintendents
from taking part in politics is unconstitu
tional. Ex-GovxRxoa St. Jonx has announced
his acceptance of the Prohibition Presi
dential nomination in a brief letter.
HjctRT A. Elects, the well-known land
caps painter, who opened a studio re
centlyin Kansas City, died at George
town, Col., of mountain fever on the 23th.
Mr. Elkins was about thirty-eight years of
Tms Erie Preserving Company or
Buffalo, X T., suspended recently for the
purpose of looking over the books pend
ing a settlement with creditors. It was
claimed their embarrassment was brcnjht
on by tho failure of J. K. Annoy & Co.,
Chicago, whose draft they accepted for a
large sum.
Hcucx Owxxs, a handrome and edu
cated young lady of Anno Arundel County,
Mil., be eloped to Washington with a mu
latto coachman.
At Gloucester, Mass., recently a work-
man carrying a budet of dynamite
packages discovered a spark among the
cartridges, and immediately hurled the
bucket away. It struck a tree, and a ter
rible explosion of cartridges followed,
badly shaking the houses along Washing
ton and the contiguous streets, and break
ing many window glasses. Ju lives were
Saltatox Lavocca an Italian who mur
murdered his wife July 4, on beingarrested
Xew York a day or two ago, swallowed a
fatal doze of poison.
A STEjkMEit with cholera aboard arrived
off Huerra, Spain, recently. The inhabi
tants were panic-stricken and fled across
the frontier into Portugal.
The deerstalkers, gillies and laborers on
the estate of the American millionaire,
WInan5, near Inverness, Scotland, en
gaged in a terrible fight recently. A gillie
named Campbell killed a laborer named
MacgQlivray. Campbell was arrested.
The treaty recently negotiated by Great
Britain with the King of Abyssinia binds
the latter to abolish slavery and tho slave
trade within his kingdom.
A oimniij from Philadelphia; has
shown a secret service officer in Chicago a
twenty dollar treasury note made wholly
with a pen, its execution being so complete
as to deceive a keen expert.
Mrs. Aaxtx Piebce, tho widow of a fa
mous Untenant in the Confederate army,
hanged herself at her home in Baltimore,
recently, because she was unable to pro
vide for her three children. Before the
war she was the belle of Staunton. The
Confederate Bociety will caro for her or
phaned offspring.
A uurmo of creditors of Tfhittemore,
Cabot & Co dry goods dealers, were held
at Boston recently. Their liabilities were
found to be $82,000, of which $22,000 was
secured. The assets, according to the
books, nominally aggregated $10,000.
A dispatch from Cincinnati, dated the
2ltb, says: A very severe drouth Is now
affecting nearly the whole of Ohio, Indiana
and Kentucky. In many places there has
been no rain at all since June 12. Unless
rain comes within a week most serious
losses will occur.
It was officially announced on the 21th,
at Paris, that tha cholera epidemic at Mar
seilles and Tonlon was decreasing, The
health of Paris was good.
A. OvxnBOLT& Co. 'a distillery at Con
nellsvOle, Pa., caught fire recently, and In
less than three hours the main building, to
gether with the bonded warehouses and
seven hundred barrels of whisky nursed.
The gross value of the whisky was $250,000,
and the loss on building and machinery,
1 13,00X
Res Jacket and forty other Indians,
heavily armed, arrived in Durango the other
day. The City Marshal attempted to ar-
ret one of them for carrying flr:armj,
when a running fight took place between
the band and citizens. Twenty shots were
fired, but no ono was reported hurt.
DET03ITORS were excited over the Harri
son Bank failure at Indianapolis. Gross
frauds were alleged and Harrison was
recommended to the consideration of tho
grand jury.
Xear RnshvQle, IrnL, a steam thrasher
exploded on the farm of Joseph Hall.
Three men were killed and five or six. per
sons Injured seriouslr.
Barsuu's circus was struck by a ktonn
at Cortlandt, X. T., recently. The. tents
were blown down and about forty-persons
Injured. There was a scene of tha wildest
confusion among the ten thousand persons
present. The damage to property-amounted
A Vicxsbcbo special telegram from
Delta reports that a construction train on
the Vicksburg, Shreveport & "Dfcxaa Pacific
Railroad fell through a bridge over Alii
gator Bayou killing Engineer Vanderberg
and the fireman The acchleaC was caused
by a rail being torn op for tho purpose of
wrecking the train.
At London seven per cent loan
of $37,000,000, which Senor Moetzlln, the
Mexican debt agent, is trying to float,
will be offered at coventy.five cents.
rxoxEERs' day (the 21th), was generally
observed in being the thirty-seventh
anniversary of Brigham Young's entrance
to the valley. All the banks, courts and
public offices generally were closed at
Salt Lake, and nearly all the stores. There
were many exclusions, and crowds of
people went to the lake and canyons and
other settlements.
A sew expedition to the Congo country
is being sent out by the German-African
Society. Lieutenant Schultze has been ap
pointed leader of the expedition.
Arew York recently, Rowl & Den
man, bnilding materials, assigned with
preferences of $uSQ.
At Coshocton, O., the Pantaadle Rail
way paid Lafayette Had $5,000 for injuries
caused by being ejected from a train oi-e
year ego.
At San Francisco Post Collector Sears
interpret the amended Chinese restriction
act to extend the restriction until 1S31, ac
cording to section L This adds two years
to the period of restriction of the original
A XAX named O'Brien, of the crew of
the steamer St. Dnnstan, at Liverpool from
Marseilles last week, and having bad two
cases of cholera on board, took lodging in
a densely populated quarter of Liverpool,
where he was seized with cholera symp
toms and was forthwith isolated.
Ths London Standard had a dispatch
dated "Malagasey Camp, June 27, saying
that ono thousand two hundred Trench
troops attacked tho Hovas at six o'clock on
the morning of that date. The French had
counted gendarmes and iafaatry aad ar
tillery. The artillery had six field pieces
of three mitrailleuses. Tha attack lasted
three hours, when the French retired.
The National Encampment at Minne
apolis elected Kbuntz, of Ohio, Commander
for the ensuing year.
Coumex. E. TV". Cole, of KaahvQle,
formerly a railroad magnate, recently
bought all the Whitesite interest on Look
out Mountain, including the famous
"point," fcr $123,000.
A posse was out In Jackson County,
Tex., hunting a gang ot horse thieves. The
Sheriff was wounded by one of tht
At Tacoma, W. Tn a fire the other morn
ing destroyed two blocks, comprising twenty-two
business buildings. The loss was
$00,000. Causa unknown.
Ax empty shifting engine on the Lehigh
Valley Railroad, with five of her crew on
board, running from "Whitehaven to Kecc
peck siding, exploded the other morning.
The entire crew were reported killed.
Three were blown to pieces andccald
not be found. Having no flagman
to warn an approaching freight train,
the latter ran Into the wreck, demolishing
seven cars and fatally wounding the en
gineer. Tho explosion occurred in a lonet"
The authorities were recently investigat
ing an alleged ease of cholera a child that
died on the Anna P. Silver between New
Orleans and St. Louis. It was believed to
be an ordinary case of summer complaint.
The parents were Spaniards and had been
in this country a few weeks.
Tax officer commandlngthe United States
troops charged with the duty of expelling
the squatters from the Cherokee outlet
land? of the Indian Territory, Las re
quested the Interior Department to send a
manJto point out the persons to be ejected.
IVnma party were yachting on the lake
at Chicago on the 27th, Miss Mamie Lavis
fell overheard and Otto Mulhard, the owner
of the yacht, plunged in to rescue her.
Both were drowned.
A RAixsTOax was reported on the 27tn
through "Western and Southern Ohio,
allaying the farmers' fears as to the corn
and potato crops. Six persons were killed
by lightning in regions where tho storm
The surgeons at the County Hospital,
Chicago, have under treatment a Mrs.
Murphy, twenty-seven years old, who is
suffering from the horrible disease which
afflicts cattle, and is known as "lumpy
The Executive Committee of the Na
tional Plumbers Association closed a three
days' session at Chicago on the 26th.
President Andrew- Young was appointed
to memorialize Congress to constitute a
bureau ot practical sanitation, and Vice
President Allison, of Cincinnati, was ap
pointed to represent tho National Associa
tion at the "Washington Cholera Conference.
TnaEE roughs created a disturbance at
Minneapolis, Mien., recently. Officer Mc
Laughlin attempted to quiet them, when
the trio shot him and ran. He was fatally
wounded. The rcen were afterward-! cap
tured and an attempt at lynching was made,
which failed. Hatters were so serious,
however, that tho militia wero called out.
At MOJertown. Fa., recently, a fire broko
out in tho Schrctber House from the explo
sion of a lamp, and the entire block, in.
eluding the "hotel, the Herald office. Odd
Fellows' hall and Cwo stores, were entirely
destroyed. Tho loss was $30,000; partially
The Duluth Iron Rango Railroad has
been completed from Agate Bay to the Ver
million Iron mines, a distance of 1C0 miles.
The Vermillion road strikes some rich
mines and the most beautiful lakes In the
The Siberian pest has appeared at Gat
schina. A committee has been formed,
with Prince Schapoffsky at its head, to en
force vigorous sanitary measures to check
the spread of the diseak:.
EtOBTEEX members of the Salvation
Army were arrested at Rochester, N. Y.,
recently for singing while parading through
the streets.
A FASSEXGEn steamer on tho Volga cap
sized recently, and twenty persons were
Anxa the Council of Ministers at Paris
on the 26th, Prime Minister Ferry held an
Interview with LI Fong Poa, Chinese Am
twrsjadcr. It wac arranged that China
should pay France an Indemnity of 20,000,
000 francs. A pacific solution of the tioable
is now certain.
The notorious Ed. Sneed killed Robert
Loomk at Kansas City recently, with a
half-ounce bullet. Sneed's plea was self
P. B. Poor, of Cleveland, O., Superin
tendent of the American Express Company
for Ohio, died suddenly at Old Orchard,
Me., recently, of paralysis of the heart.
FoBTT-SEC members of tho Georgia State
Editorial Association visited the battle
field of Gettysburg the other day.
The total expense ot the Greely relief
expedition is estimated by officials ot the
Navy Department at about $700,000. Tha
original estimate was $300,000.
A Rxnccxiox ot twenty per cent, in sal
aries and wages of officers and men of the
Bethlehem Iron Company, of Pennsylva
nia, was announced to take effect AugujtL
F. J. Moses, formerly Governor of South
Carolina, was arrested in Chicago recently
on a requisition from Boston, for embezzle
ment, and was placed in jaiL
HexrtM. Staxlet arrived at Plym
outh, England, on the 23tb, from tha Congo
Retokts of the cholera plague, July 23,
showed a considerable decrease ot deaths
at Toulon and Marseille. One mild case
had occurred at Paris.
Ox the 23-h serious outbreaks of Spanish
or Toxas fever were reported among cat
tle received at Manhattan, Kas., and Chi
cago, I1L The cattle were shipped from
Kansas City and came originally from
Colorado. Numbers of them were re
ported dead.
Meter Beos., of New York, made an
assignment recently. Preferences $32K)l.
Cattaw Patxe and his followers were
warned by an agent of the Interior Depart
ment to leave the Indian Territory, bat
flatly refused. General Hatch will burn
all their improvements and will hand the
old offenders over to a Marshal tor trial
at Fort Smith.
Mas. Clarissa Rcco, wife ot Rev.
Henry Rugg, of New York, and mother of
Charles Rugg, the negro murderer of the
Maybe family, died recently It Is said ot a
broken heart.
Tue west span ot the Narrow Gauge
Railway bridge across "White River at
Worthlngton, Ohio, gave way recently
under a passing train, precipitating the
coaches and passengers Into the river.
AVniiam Hibhets, of Switx City, was in
stantly killed. Dr. Cole seriously hurt, a
brakeman had a leg and jaw broken,
James East was badly cart, and a number
ot other passengers received minor inju
ries. A LAxn attorney of Huron, Dakota,
named Captain J. B. Weeks, has been held
in $2,000 to answer the charge of perjury.
He was formerly a citizen ot Chicago,
where he obtained declaratory statements
from sixty veteran soldiers.
Three thousand troops of tha Warsaw
district were recactly echeloned along tha
railway to Warsaw, the route to bs taken
by tho Csar,
KertlBjc of tha Prohibition 7f atlonm! Cob
Ttotlon at 11 tutmrjh St. John for Tttv
Ment, Daniel for Tleo-PresJdimt The
Prrrsnunoit, P.i July 24. The National
Convention of the Prohibition party, met
yesterday in Lafayette Hall. The address
of welcome was delivered by C. 1 Rose of
Pittsburgh. He described it as a very great
honor and pleasant duty to welcome to Pitts
burgh the delrgates of the National Prohi
bition convention. Gideon T. Stewart,
Chairman of the National Committee,
responded In behalf of the conven
tion, and then delivered the opening ad-;
dress. remponuTorga.-uzatiowaseneclcu
in the choice of William Daniel, ot Mary
land, as Chairman tnd Mrs. Woodhridge,
President of the Ohio Woman's CbrUtian
Temperance Union, and Charles Carter, of
Washington, D. O, as Secretaries. The
Secretary made a report of the number ot
delegates from tho various States (500 In
all) and the Committee on Credentials was
appointed. The convention then, at li-0,
took a recess until 2 p. m. The Committee
on Credentials was Instructed to meet at 3
p. m. and be prepared to report.
The afternoon session opened with the
singing ot a campaign song to the air ot
"John Brown." Then, after prxytr, the
Secretary -'wted the following representa
tives in th convention: Alabama, 2; Cali
fornia, 23: Connecticut. 2; Illinois, 43;
Maine, 3; Kansas, 17; Kentucky, C; Mleht-
zan. so; Nebraska, 3; DaSota, l; Ohio, 34;
New Jersey. 18; Maryland. 1G; New York,
73; Missouri, 10;Tennessec, 12; Texas, 10;
Pennsylvania.53; Wisconsin, S3. Total, 446.
Telg ams encouraging the convention In Its
work were read from various parts of the
country and applauded.
Miss Willani, President of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, Appealed
to the convention to listen at this
time to a memorial prepared by tha
Union and it was read by the Secre
tary. The evening session was prefaced by
the singing of various hymns and campaign
melodies. When the national emblem with
a stripe attached bearing the word "uProhl
bitton" was waved, there were three' cheers
given for the "old flag." and then the
audience joined in singing the The Star
Spangled Banner." Prayer was offered by
Rev. Mr. Warner, of New York.
Permanent organization was then an
nounced, with Professor Samuel Dickey, ot
Michigan, as President, a large num
ber ot Vice-rresidents, among them several
ladies and General Clinton B. Fiske, ot
New Jersey, and several Secretaries, the
first among them being Mrs. Woodbrldgc, of
Ohio. The report was adopted and a com
mittee appointed to conduct Mr. Dickey to
the chair.
The Committee on Rules made a report,
which was adopted. Various prop
ositions were submitted and re
ferred to the Committee on Resolutions,
among them one to make the basis of repre
sentation at the next Prohibition Conven
tion two for each Congressional District and
four tor each State, and another to change
the partyV name. The convention then ad
journed UU nine o'clock Thursday morning.
eeonit Dar.
PrrTSBrnr.n, Vx July 25. In the Pro
hibition Convention yesterday, after the
nomination of R. H. McDonald by Bab
cock, ot California, George C Christian, of
Illinois, nominated John P. St-.John. of
Kansas, which was seconded by Mls Fran
ces P. WlllanL A delegate from Kentucky
and one from Maine seconded the
nomination of McDonald. W. T. Cus
ti of Maine, put in nomination G.
T. Stewart, of Ohio. The nomination of
Mr. St. John was al-o seconded by Mrs.
Clara Hoffman, President of tho W. C T.
U-, of 3Iissouri. Several other delegates
seconded the nomination of St. John.
When the State ot Pennsylvania was
called Mr. Pierce came to the platform to
put in nomination Hon. James Black, of
Pennsylvania. He spoke of him as the
author of the first prohibition platform ever
issued in this country; as the author of the
platform for yean aiterwards, and as proba
bly Uie author of mast of the planks that
would be hi the platform to-day. The
names of McDonald. Stewart and Black
were withdrawn. Flnclt, of Nebraska,
moved that the roll call be suspended and
that John P. St. John be nominated by ac
clamation. Mr. Chapla, ot Wisconsin, sec
onded the nomination of L John anil de
clared that the fight in the coming election
would bo between at. John and Cleveland.
Another delegate said be had at the earnest
request of Mr. St. John promised to do all
liomnld tn nnvent liii nomination. He
lie coma to prevent iia nomination, "e
had done so up to the present time, but
now he seconded the nomination. Tbe
motion to suspend the rules and nominate
St. John by acclamation came up for action.
but upon the earnest argument of a dele
gate that the cnect ot that would oe to
stampede the convention, and to leave the
most important worK (the piatrormi, un
cared for, the convention at ISO took a re
cess until two p. in.
The question being on suspending the
rules and nominating St. John by acclama
tion, Mr. Hopkins, of Xenr York, moved
as a substitute that the roll of the States be
railed and that the delegates announce
their choice. Agreed to and the call of the
States was proceeded with. As the States
wero called alphabetically, tho Chair
man of tho several delegations cast
their respective votes for John P. SL
John. When the roll was completed tha
Secretary announced that G! votes had been
cast, all of them for John P. St. John. The
announcement was greeted with Toud
cheers. The President made a format an
nouncement of the unanimous nomination
of John P. St. John, and called for another
rousing cheer, which was hearti'y responded
to. A committee was appointed to send a
telegram to ex-Governor St. John notifying
blra of his nomination. The platform was
then reported by Mr. Beck, of Pennsylvania.
It was read by sections for action.
After further debate tno previous ques
tion was then ordered on all sections ot the
platform not previously acted on, and the
platform as a whole was adeptcd amid
Dispatches were read from New York,
Boston, Portland, Providence and other
Eastern towns, describing the enthusiasm
with which the nomination ot Mr. St John
had been received among church going and
temperance people.
Rev. Dr. Minor, ot Massachusetts, one ot
the three members ot tho Committee on
Resolutions to whom the platform was re
ferred for literary revision, said that the
committee would not be able to report to
the convention for action. He moved, bow
ever, that the party be named as the "Pro
hibition party."
Miss Wlllard spoke la favor of retaining
the name of "Prohibition Home Protection
The question between Dr. Minor's propo
sition and Miss WUlard's was taken
amid much excitement, and resulted 223 to
154 In the success of the former. The name
of the party therefore, is to be "The Prohi
bition party.''
The convention then, at 650, took a re
cess till eight o'clock.
At ten o'clock the convention nominated
by a rising vote William Daniel, of Mary
land, for Vice-President, and after that gen
tleman had returned thanks the convention
adjourned sine die.
The National Committee.
At a meeting of the National Committee
Vie following officers were elected: John B.
KInch, Lincoln. N'eh, aialnnan; D. P.
Saacridorph, Charlotte, Mlcit, Ylec-Chalr-man;
A. J. Jntklns, Chicago, 11L,
Corresponding S-retary; J. A.
VanPleet, Chirac His-, Recording
Secretary; S. D. Hastings Madfsoa, Wbv,
Treasurer. These officers with Miss
Frances E. Wlllard, of Evanston, llUand
Ua. Brown, of ClndnasU, O., constitute
the Executive Committee of tbefiwsa
full power to act when the Gcaand Commit-
tee la not In session.
The riatfwm.
rtrrt The Prohibition Boase riSHiWia
carrr in National Convcn&m ;
knowledge Aimtehtz God as
sovereign of all race, from whoa she Jssst
C)wers of s-overnsaent are desired, ts waoas
s human enactments sacoM be ooateesaea
and peace, prosperity and haaassiesg oaJr east
eomo to a people when their laws c Xaaastsa
and State Governzaent are la aeeera wrta tk
Second That the tmporUtlew. isnualsie
tare, supply and sale ot alcoholic. taererafM
created and maintained by the laws mt Mo
tional and Stale Goverawenw
th retire htdor-r cf such lava, ss
where shown to be promoUac the ase ot )
temperance with resultlnr crtase aaawtapei1
lunumaUnx large demands vpoa pwMseaa
private cnanry, imposing? urn is aiijan
taxation, and Imposing boraee ter Vessel
and shelterinz- lnstltatioaa saoa thrift. In
dustry, maaofactare aad coatsserea, em
danserlag the pnbUe peace, e unlet: sate
desecration of the B&bbash. oomisaatT asr
politlcs. kraialauoa aad aalsUetnatoK of
laws, shoctenlnjr Uvea, liasalrlac 1
diminishing productive isduetrr.
education to be ncclected and deaaotxd. i
friar the teachings of the Bfbie, chToah .
tcnnoi. toe stanaara ana gnues ox our
and their children in the toundlasr aad
under God of our widelr extended
and hica is lnpcrQlnr the pcrpetstty ef
civu ana rtuunous iiDcnx.
There are baneful fruits br wWeh we
that them laws are alike contrary to 6sra
laws and contravene our haatptaese, aad wo
call upon our fellow-citizens to aM la the rs
peal of these laws and the lejal saaarrMosi oC
this baneful UVjcortraOc The fact that ar
insr the twenty-four years la which tha .Re
publican party, has controlled the Geaeral
Government and that of many of these OtslU
no effort has been made to chassfe this aoUer:
Territories have been created troto the Jfo-
tlonal domain, and Eovernmenta for 1
tabushed. and states Xni u em i
the ITtxloai In no Instance in cither of
has this trase been forbidden or the - H
or tncfo Territories or states oeea m saimiii
to prohibit. ?
Third There are no w over 2T A illMjHmlwi,
breweries, wholeaIa and retail iMfert sa
tbcra drinks, holding m uaamtts aad elaisasar
I ..thoritr of the Government for umrliiaa
tion of a business so deetructiv to the i
and material wctrare or toe sew.i
with the fact that the have turned a deaf ear
to remonstrance and Bctraea nr a
of this abuse ot civil i
sire that the Itepuaiican party si neea
or impotent forthe redress of JUteee i iiaas,
and tbou&Uao longer be en unwed with th
powers n-t responsibility of Gnri'iwmM
Fourth That although that party ist Ms lata
National Convention was silent oa the Haaar
queston. not so its,
Lonoi. Within vears oast Dr.
publicly recommended that the) rereaaede
rlrod irom the llqcor traSo esaU be as
tributed amour the States, andSeaaiarXav
jranhasbya biu proposed to devote t
enues to the sapDOrt ot schools- 31
virtually recommended the perpetaaMea of
the tratse ana tnat ine states aaa
Kfiall tmnm nartnrm In the linaor c
Tneractlbattneuemocrauc parry ut,u -National
rfrllvcninces of party policy arrayed
Itself on the fide of drink-makers asd'!ers
by declaring against the policy ct -Zioa
of such traffic under the tac name ct 'sump
tuary laws." and when In power la sosse of
tbe States In rcfuslnr to remedy the evU, aad
In Conxrcss ot ret usinsto permit the mstssa
ota Board of Inquiry u lovcstluMe aad re
port upon the eSecta of this tradhe. proves
that the Democratic party hoM not beta
trusted with power or place.
Fifth That there can be no greater peril S
the Nation than the existing cotasctrttea ot
the UepubUcan and Democratlo parlies ttc
the liquor vote. Experience shows that aay
nartr not onenlv ODDOsed to tbe trazse wiH aa.
cage In this competition, will court the ravor
or the criminal classes, wui Darter away '
lie morals, the punry ot tao Ballot Dex.
everr trust ana owect or cooa overw
for party success and patriots and good et-
zens should fled in this nractlce
cause for Immediate withdrawal truss s
connection with these parties.
fclxth That while we favor reforms 1st M
administration of the Government, la tha
abolition ot all sinecures, useless ossein aa
oSrers. in the election of postal ostcers ot tha
Government Instead of their appoistzseat by
the President, and that competency. heaests
and sobriety are tha essential quaiiacatioM
for holding civil oOce. and we oppose the re
moval of such persons from mere adastiajstra
tive otScest except so far aa It ssay be asas
lutely necessary to secure etrectlveaeas to the
vital issue on vhieh the general adsalsdssra.
tlon of the Government nai teen entrusted le
soventn mat tno couect on ot reveni
fromalcboile liquors aad tobacco should
abolished as the vices of men are art :
uroDcr subject for taxation. That
euue from custom duties shookt be levied
for the support of the Govermseat eco
nomically administered, and when so levied,
the fosteringnf American labor. manufarsoil.a
and industries should constantly be BaM la
Cigfath That public land should be held tor
homes for the people, and not for sifts to car-
poratlfins. or to oa new in urge eesues scr
speculation upon tho needs of actaal soulen.
Ilinin ifl.ll oil zxwnrT. Bum Bm
shall be made Issued and tmvabte br the I
era! Government, and shall be legal tender ter
alt debts, public and private.
Tenth -That crate tut care and support
should be given to our soldiers and aauors.
their d-pendent widows and orphans, dss
ablrd la the servtce of their country.
Eleventh That we repudiate, as un-American,
contrary to. and subversive of the ptia
rlptcs of tho Declaration cf Independence,
from which our Government has grown to he
a Government ot MXUUUU of people, and a
I recognized rower amona- nations, that
person, or pjrsons. shall or may be exdaM
from residence or citizenship with all others
. whomaTdC5!rrtBebeneflu wUca o taua.
t utlons confer upon the oppressed of Q sta
Twelfth While there are important re
form that sre demanded for purity or admin
istration and the welfare ot the people their
Importance slats Into Inisrni4cance when
compared with the reform of the drink Uasse
which annually watcs J.'TO.OM.MB of the
wealth created by toll and thrift, drags down
thousasils or families from somfnrt to pov
erty, which nils Jails and penitentiaries, in
rauo asylums, hospitals and Institutions for
dependency, which destroys health, saps In
dustry and causes loss of life and property to
thousands lo the land: lowers the intellectual
and physical visor, dulls tho cunning baad of
the urt&an. the chief cause ot baokruptry. In
solvency ami loss in tratte aad by its corrupt
ing power endangers the perpetuity of free
Thirteenth That Congress should excia.ia
Its undoubted nowrrand orohibit tbe
facture and safe of Intcticatinff 1st
the District of Columbia, tbe Territories of
the United States, in all places over which the
Government has executive Jurisdlctiosv
Fourteenth That bcreaftcr no State I
be admitted Into the Union until Its constitu
tion shall expressly prohibit polygany ami
the manufacture ami sale or Intoxicating-ber-cragrs.
Wr earnestly call the attention of tha
laborer and mechanic, te miner the bus
utacturer and aS an inreftigatloa ot
the baneful effects upon labor aad
Industry caused by the needlesi liquor bos.
ce s which will ! found to be the robber who
lessens wages ami pnirlf. the destroyer ot the
happiness and frraily welfare of the laboriar
man. and that labor and all legitlaute lndastry
demand deliverance from the taxation andloM
which this traffic imposts, and that no tariC
or other legislation can to beauurully stim
ulate production, or Increase a demand for
capl-ai and labor, or produce so much of com
fort and content as the upprcsel of this traf
fic would brio? to the laburinp nun, mechanic
oremDloirrof labor througboat our lastd.
Fifteenth That the activity aed co-operation
of the women of Amu iunor the promo
tion of temperance has In all the history of
the past been astrensrth cad encourageraeat
which we gratefully acknowledge aad
record. In the latter and present
pbae of tbe moretaent for the
prohibition of the tlquor traSc by the
abolition of the drlnUns; saloon, the purity of
ptrrpose and methods ot earnestness, zeal. In
telligence and devotion of the mothers aad
daughters ot tho Women's Christian Temper
ance Union has been eminently blessed by God.
Kansas and Iowa have been given her as or reloicln and the education aad
arousinr of the public mln-t. the demand for a
constitutional amendment now prevailing, are
largely tho fruit or her prayers and labors,
and wo reloiee to havo our Christian woDest
unite with us. tha'. rharinjrln the labor that
shall brln? the abolition or the trasaecothe
polls, she shall Join In the grand "Prsise God.
from whom all b'essings Cow." when bylaw
our boys and friends shall be free from legal
drlnV temptation
Sixteenth That believing la tbe civil aad
political equality of the sex and that she bal
lot In the haml of woman Is a right tor ber
protection and would prove a powerful ally
for the abolition of the drinking !oon.the ex
ecution of utw. the promotion ot reform la
civil aSalr. and the removal of corruption la
public Mfe; ro believing we relegate
tbe practical oi-t-rortlny cf this re
form to the dl-erctlon ol the ProhJ
bltinn partv In tho several States, ae-f
cordin?to the condition of public scntlooat
In those States Gratefully we acknowledge
and praise tied for the presenrc ot His salrit
guidirur eouusels. granting the success wh,ich.
has been vomhsarod la the progress
t tho temperance rerorm. aad look
ing to Him tro-n whom all wisdom and beta
come, we ask tbe United States ta make the
principles of the above declaration a rultesr
princlpln In the Goverrment ot the XaUoa
and of tbe States.
Ufjtnlrot, That henceforth the ProhloHiee.
Rome Protection Party shall be called by tha
name ot The Prohibition Farry."
It was officially announced on the 34th at
Paris that the cholera epidemic atMau!lles
andTonlcn was decreasing. The health of.
rriswas good.