OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, January 28, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025010/1886-01-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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WMslljerBa,M,MWW,iBa-1 i innsttHJIlii , J V f ' " ' " ' ' ' ' l"L1" "
ssjsssssasswaaiasMigswaiiiiaiisiiWiljte, ,, , &
' '
Devote! to tlio Interest of tlio Ciicrokoc, Clioclnwii, ChlckHiHwi, fiemlHoles, Creek, HMd nil Otkcr iHdlatii ef the IhoUhh Terrltery.
J- ?
-vol iV. no. 20. ; I
. .
OURRBNT comment.
riintB auccesslvo snow slides oo
TeJ at Aspen, Col., the other day.
feral persons wcro supposed to have
m buried
Smatii Dawes from tho Commit-
on Indian Affairs, has reported fa
orawr tho till nrnhlhiiln,, .,.i ..
I, hv ol fine and Imprisonment trespass.
-t v.. tnumn lands.
A IIeiilin correspondent says thai a
Proposition has been mado that tho
oamoan Government bo divided be
tween tho United States, Germany and
Lnglnnd, and it Is crcatlr favored in
commercial circles. &,
ii. UEl.EJSErS stated fit it mMln- I
Paris of tho -promoters of a North ATrll
can inland sea that Captain Landas ha
Kuiio io survey tho Tunisian oasis. Orf
M. ICLCSSCDS' return til I'.irla fi-nm
Panama in April next a company will J
"aurmcu io carry out tho nro cct of
rcrcatlng tho sea.
The rn Klcctrlc Tclcphono Com.
piny put their tclcphono system In
operation at St. Louis tho other day
ana gavo an exhibition of its workings.
It differs in several respects from other
telephones and Includes apian by which
communication may bo had by anybody
by paying a toll of a nickel.
Tub ceremony of blcfslng tho Nova
River was performed nt St. Petersburg
on tho 18th of January with all tho
gorgeous display of former years. Tho
Czar and Czarina participated and
showed their confldenro In tho people
by appoarhig amid tho great crowd
without special military escort.
A rAirrr of hunters who wcro re
cently In tho Rocky Mountains have
returned to Bismarck, D. T. They re
port that In many of tho valleys tho
snow Is over twenty-five feet deep, and
trappers and hunters predict heavy
floods In the spring, and an immenso
Juno rlso In tho Missouri when the
snows melt.
Mil SuoEsiior. American Consul at
the English rotterics, In nn Interview
recently expressed bis belief that tho
d ceres so In tho Uritlsh exports of pot
tery was duo to tho depression In tho
pottery trado In America as much as
to tbo. high tariff. Ho added thnt tho
pottery market In America was gutted
by purchasers from England in 18S3,
previous to tho raising of tho tariff.
Advices from Washington stato that
tholntcrlor Department has rendered
atlcctslen that hot-water privileges for
bath houses outsidoof tho Hot Springs,
t ( Ark.) reservation can not boCTantcd.
"ho -decision,- it was reported, would
bo a disappointment to a large number
at Hot'Springjj There was an almost
g neraljleslrtjtlor tho ejtftbjlsnnicnt of
bathing establishments in different
parts of tho city outside of the Govern
ment reservation, upon which most of
tho bath houses nro uow located. The
Superintendent of tho reservation, Gen
cral C. W. Field, in his report to tho
Secretary of tho Interior, recommended
granting water privileges to two bath
bouses south of tho reservation.
Some notable amendments to tho pe
nal codo havo been Introduced In tho
New York Legislature. They mako it
a misdemeanor to receive, as woll as to
take, a child under sixteen for immoral
purposes. They prevent such prac
tices as wcro alleged against Ilamscar
a fcw years ago by forbidding tho keep
ing of Indigent or homeless children in
unlicensed, unincorporated Institutions,
and increases tho strictness of tho laws
governing legitimate Institutions of tho
sort. They forbid tho training, at well
as use and employment of chiidron un
der sixteen a, rope-walkers, dancers,
g)mnasts, wrestlers, contortionists,
etc., adding byclclo riding, rag and
bono picking, cigar-stump collecting
sml ivarkct-rcfuso gathering to tho in
4. dieted occupations. Tho amend-
' incuts aim n tevcro blow at tho dime
museums, forbidding tho exhibition of
Insane, Idiotic ur doformed children.
The following strango story Is told
by Henry J. Tolbcrt. nn electrician ot
lit ading, Pa, Tho City of Reading Is
furnished a portion of its light by n
company which produces tho electric
current by means of tho Drtish machines-
Mr. Tolbcrt says that he
(Uited the plant of tho Reading Com
pany, and while looking lit tho brushes
gathering tbo sparks of tho tluld a rat
csirto running over tho floor. To cs
rapo Its human enemies It Jumped di
: otly to the lloor on to ono of tho
brushos and was thrown back to tho
t'grotind. It lay m.ot mulcts, apparently
and cartainly dead, but without oven a
Ouo of tbo employes was
tovel to gather It tip, but
liovi'l touched It tho rat
li a ltttlo cloud of par-
om tho placo where Its
ngly lain. Thcro was
hair, tlesh or boucs ro-
yommiesion report saa
jnonoy avallablo after
vork now in progress
(River Is not Jjirgerthan
to meet omergen-
' qccur at any time, and
.resumption of work As'
c-talblo until Congress
rial appropriations. In
, It says that no more
hs' work can bo dono on
Jver it each year, nd,
wcunjiy April i
Mm cuftprt.
b antM -i axaBiBBBrsBBBBsar ru . iiju a s, a.. wn.1. . . sua . r r . v. "oi a w v" . aaasrvL- t .sir'nvi wm' mj. n .m n . t- i j -t. - w - isli itinuiisi n uii iiiiiniinii s.s. saimi
mtnMtLMkIUMMamaLMmW wJswt waajwralc in Londoa.Uutln? 4f iirt,.T,J iija. rJLt,r,...,L... "' - ' ' - -" ,y ,w... .,..,.v ,,,..,.., rj ,,.-., .
a iin .Mrz gA.aEjrammaataEx w&.'mvl ?j&m! jiiyjSLun.i coWt u-aarrr- zzrzsizszmi&amyuti
.wwi-w wwv "w' .: mw&mMKamimF,m"mm k,jt. -.. . . .'- . i-msu.i .k. i (- njn. '' sri w vi s "T'"-"ir,"-' " " iiii ciiiiiiiiiaiii ir is .tiiii.tti m ivsiAssi . imn n miii p.vbhi it & inrrrwrv an .im.i n hit t-Ii' i iMswi i
ipv,' , , ii wi Hi w i ii inn r-iTiri'T r rof-'iiwii'ii wi TrBMiBitaBeikiii i iiTisrrBisi i i rn isiitfsin.iii Him .oMiiasiatasiaasaitii ""-rnrn i si r
K ..'f,.n.s!i.!ti;a? . ' XAAZ3Z7V!WSl.J2Zi fr '" m mt . hmkmmmt m n rrTniiTBl H rHKmmm mMumwffllmmtw rnnir li,iauimiM.i. hi ' if kmmumm tt
m - " r .' ' - . ? '-: wr-. -Tfrji tr" swf qt.fwvBi --j - - " t v v auiM.ki a riiti tfi r1...! -'-i-v t-"ti---muiiii--v- - --"- , - - -w-iMgrniamt v wmmui au m.. mttm vbah, . Mwimmmm?mmmmKSKVmmBmm wm..rw v
BBbJBJBJBXiiBJIBJBJBJBJBBP' t JoBiBelaBelaBeaeBiflBS' TTirTBiBB'iAM I'S'Tetj-L !fJulBttCMlalillinlrj wPiw1?11 HmSSmlSBiiUStKOBfSi"
LssbVLVL'LVL9L'LVHH T''"'"Miltii jw!I,i wfHKpHaPJasjM fvTJWmnSESBms
by Tologrnph and Mall
penate on the 19th Mr. Morrill.
gommlttee on Finance, reported a
extending- the cuitom house In-
Ar.l.rod fnr In. twirt nt N..
ch other pott, a the committee
test. Tlila was agreed to. Mr.
red a re.olutlon. which waa
calling1 nn the Secretary ot the
certain intorination as to
die ot Hirer bullion. Judge
Dakota, was admitted to the
the Senate Henator Teller
led tho Senate on the silver
orlnr bl.metalll.m. Adjourned.
oiiio Mr. Ilrai-i-, of Wl.comln,
mmltteeon 111 lit err Affair., re-
k tun mil for the relief or
rterand It was placed on the
r. Watson, of Indiana, from the
ffon Invalid l'entlom, reported
tolncrea.e the nen.tona of wld-
totlzrtcr month. The Home
roeeded to the con.lderatlon of the
eiclutlbn accepting the statuo of
UarOeld presented by the Stato of
Sereral members mada euloglltlo
es and the House adjourned.
15 Seuate on the SOtb, soon after the
business of the morning-, Eenator
.ook tbo floor In opposition to silver
i coptendlno- that the ntitilla faith
deed t'-e payment of bonds In gold.
a:e on twe question continued until
to tcsslon, when the Senate d-
. In tbe Houio Mr. Matson, of In
n tehalf ot tho Committee on Invalid
i, called up tbe bill Increasing the
s of widows and deoendent relatives
ers from IS to fit nor month. Adls.
rpnowen on inn Dili until me morn-
r expired, at which time the Hooie
o commltte nf the whole, when the
.drifted Into a debato on the silver
4n Adjourned.
Senate on the 31st Senator van
troduced a bill to prevent the if
Hon of American coin by certain
n the United Stales. Senator 8her
11 took the lloor and addressed the
i tbo bill to provide for counting tho
voie. jiojournoa io jionaar in
o a number nfrtecutlvo cotnmunl-
ero received, Tim House tlion re-
nilderatlonof tbnblll to Increase
ns or soldiers' widows, and two or
bers spoke strongiv in Its favor.
hlr lleairan. of Texas, onnosed
ro as too sweeolnir In everv nartlc-
long debate followrd on tbe bill.
icn nn nmcnameni wai aaoniea
n misdemeanor for any person tn
y money for the prosecution of
amine; una.r ine act. nunnut
final vote tbe House adjourned.
ate was not In session on tho S31.
House. Mr. Herbert, of Alabama.
frafiriho Committee on Naval Affaire, ro.
pottcrUiack tho Jloutelle resolutions calling
on the Bocre tary of the Jfavy for Information
relntlro to the alleged erniurcs of certain In
ter pt ana and thn dismissal ot Union sol
dlers at tho Norfolk Navy Yard, with an
(tending tho Inquiry to dl.mls-
ae navv vara ana iirnt houie
(folk during tho terms of tho
'leceisnrs of the present Sec
Navr. Thla waa tho Oceanian
Iplcy debate. Tbe resolution
ic adopted At me evening
pension and two disability
mo houio adjourned until
id Leglslaturo In joint con-
20th elected Henry Lloyd
Iaryland for the term for
r Ilobert M. McLana was
cople. Tbe two bouses con-
Bon ot Hon. A. P. Gorman,
senator, for six year from
Y.pcccb. at the opening of
the Slst, took a very decided
the home-rule demands of
Hepresslve measures deal-
1 Unlessness In Ireland were
i tbe special Srnato Commit-
Vconildering tbe proposal to
.tiln scientific bureaus ot the
Jand expressed the opinion
Ihsr Bureau should be taken
strol of tbe War Department
pder civil law and duties.
ix IUskix, of Wisconsin, died
, of Ilrlgbt's disease, on the
orn In New Jersey In 1SCS3.
A ci
idxnt writing from Jackson-
says '
lectlng tbe severe weather,
morning of the IZtb of Jan-
imeter registered 15.0 deg.,
the lo
cent It
ncrature ever recorded, ex-
r, lfa5, tbe mercury fell to
11 de(f.
try to tbe present crop of
yet ba estimated, but the
that it will be between
Alompra Prince of Bur-
mih a
bis adherents have been
guilty of rebellion and
Tub st
ant In 1
iingarlans at Monnt fleas-
nnla had n conflict with
tho pollci
loth. One Hungarian was
cd. Several other fights
non-strikers Wrere said
to ba kill
ijured. The situation was
serious a
wero ordered to bold
Tin Ei
prnpson steel works at
again cloi
resumed recently, havo
b, tba helpers and fillers
refusing t
the terms offered. Af-
fairs are n
isipllcated than ever and
It is Inipoir
say nbat tbe outcome
will be
nlo, Tex , si
be Slst from Han Anto-
elllgenco reached btre
last CTfiiln
Hidalgo County that a
band ronsls
; eight robbers crossed
over from
raided thai'
few days ago and
:a. Carlos Scbunaor.
the proprletc
i clerk wore both shot
down rjchu
iras fatally wounded.
His clerk lief
ery critical condition.
The robbers
and a number ot
jrrlved at Aspsn, Col.,
on the Slst
slides have
at twenty-seven snow
tin the neighborhood
of Maioon Vi
; tbe past three days.
A party of
thought to
IfsilKbteen mules were
It was r
an agreement bad
been arrjv
leaden of both par
ties provld
Oe admission ot Dakota,
Montana and Wat l"gton Territories. The
plan will be carru I out In a fow weeks.
Tin other morn ng a terriflo boiler cx-
plosion occurred 1 1 the distillery of Fair
banks & Duenulglat l'corla. III. Frank
VcKellls, Ucorge Ojterman and two others
wero killed aud several wounded
Cuimsse at Victoria, I) 0., were reported
in terrible destitution. Soup kitchens were
projected for their benefit.
Uohe-iu'lc for Ireland was considered
hopeless In the present Uritlsh Parliament
Neither Liberals nor Conservatives would,
Tirannia II. anil lfj,rnnlt lvrtntit Imvi. Iji i.5S
so It tba question was tobedlscusstd at tlu
A sniious state of affairs occurred In tbe
Ohio Senate on the 22d. The Democrats
withdraw on the ruling of tbe Chair that
the Ham'lton County Senators could not
TOjyy Tbe result was that two Senates
ware armed, each declaring tbe other rev
olutionary i
The House Committee on Indian Affairs
favors taking action looking to the obtain
ing Jrom tb Kcd take Chlppswa Indians
saw rtlinqaisameht ot their title to tbe rss-
iwk Baos.1 & Co-, oLKsw York.
d W00,C00f W taafriaeuropi n
jKKK"I 9?J&XV " .V.tlr... expreise, anpoyaWand dl gust ""'"r.?"?? ',!r'x',h TJ" WW
MtsHLan 9w.uuur roiii isrt iunv:iirAn4 an t- . . l r... ., ' k ... ..." iteaauir iuimdm. ltHLAWitiBsT inn nmrw. t iiiiiiiivtsiowTi .
HMJ MWI. m -. . V ' A J . ' 7?r" '"l" ' "' " IhU tiintlnsV !Uu a3.T2-. ..... t... j - I
--, ,-.,-, ft mja. bfusatrtl Mi f-"w .. ..-j sHi MVHUilsu ') -at rMaeaW'JWk UL HID IIUU . j . I
A dispatch from the City ot Moxlco say s :
Owing to tho falling oft In the Government
receipts from all sources, due to deprestlon
In trade and to the continued depreciation
of silver, the Operation of the June decree
for the consolidation of the debt as far as
regards tbe payment of tho Interest, will
probably bo postponed for a year.
Tub Cuban clgarmakers employed by
Oltenburg & Co., and by Jacoby tt Co., of
New York, went out on strike on the 82d.
Tbe strike was very general, Involving
thousands of ir n.
A tardom was Tscently granted to ltev.
D. F. Jenkins, who was serving a lite sen
tence for the murder of ltev J. Lane
llorden, In Mansdeld, La., three years ago.
Jenkins, a student, charged that llorden,
President of the College, was Intimate
tilth one of ths lady students and shot blm
for It. Jenkins Is now dying of consump
tion and for that reason was pardoned by
tbe Governor
COMMlssioxtn Colman has called the an
nual convention of tbe Mississippi Valley
Sugar Growers' Association for Bt. Louis,
February 4 ana S, and of the Dairymen's
Association for the week following.
MoOKHTAn Pasha, Turkish Commissioner
tn Egypt, has proposed' that a Turko-Egyn-tian
army be organized for tbe defense of
Egypt In place of the English array now In
tbe country, as tbe latur anr f Is too costly
a burden for Egypt In view of her limited
UrwAnns of a year ago a- large number
of colored people living In Howard County,
Ark., engaged In a riot, in which a white
man named Wyatt was killed, for which
the rioters received very heavy sentences.
They have all been pardoned, except Henry
Carr, Llge Thoinasson and James Marshall,
they being the ring-leaders,
The explosion ot a locomotive boiler In
the round honse of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& Bt. PanI .tt Mndlson, Wis., recently,
caused the death of one man and the In
jury of nine others.
Elites bodies of tbe victims ot tha New
burg, W. Va., colliery explosion were re
covered on the 2ttii.
anxr.CE has mado an energetic protest
against the demand ot the Powers to dis
arm. PARNELLbas Isvued e circular to the Na
tionalist electors ot Armagh requesting
tbem to vote for the Liberal candldato In
tho Parliamentary election to till the va
cancy caused by death of Mr. John Mc
Cane, Loyalist
Clkari.no houso returns for week ended
January S3 showed an Increase In New
York ot 33,8 compared with the correspond
ing week of last year Tbe other cities of
tho country also exhibited fair Increases.
Is the Italian Chamber ot Deputies, SIg
nor Magllnl, Minister of Finance announced
a Ueflclt in tbe current budget of 0,000,000
francs Tbe deficiency Is due to tbe general
depression caused by the cholera epldcmlo
and the cost of maintaining the Massowah
Five aged persons lost their lives the
other night by a fire at tbe county poor
bouse near JecLson, Mich Tbe building
was destroyed ,
The printer who attempted to take the
llfo of Estrupln, at Copenhagen, In October
last, has been sentenced to fourteen years'
Stiiaccse, N. Y., grocers have been In
dicted for working a lottery scheme.
Tub business failures for tho seven days
ended Jauuary 21, as reported to It G.
Dun & Co , number for tho United States
303, for Canada, 23; a total ot SO, as
against SO) tbe week previous. More than
two thirds of tbe number wero reported
from the Southern, Western and Pacific
Tub Secretary of War has submitted to
tbe President tbe report of tbe Fortifica
tions Board It Is a long doenment and
discusses fully tbe neceuity and advan
tages of better coast defences. It Is estim
ated that it will require K,G0O,000 to estab
lish a good system of defences.
Hruu Beuo, tbe Vice President ot the
Danish Folkestblng, who as sentenced to
six months' Imprisonment on September
SO for being concerned In a disturbance at
a political meeting, and whose sentence
was recently confirmed by the Danish Su
preme Court has been committed to prise
Heavt floods and loss of life were i
ported recently from rains In California
between Los Augeles and San Francisco.
The first of tbe suits brought by the Chi
cago lieform Alliance to compel tbe sa
loons ot that city to close on Sunday has
been decided by a Jury In favor of the
saloonkeeper, who was found not guilty.
Governor Lauradze, ot Iowa, has ap
proved the official bond of Stats Auditor
Brown and reinstated blm In ofHc. Brown
was removed ten months ago by Governor
ADIIITIONAr. iutrATcncs.
FcRTiirn illiordrrly scenes occurred In
tbe Ohio Seuato on the SStb A roll call
was entered by the Dtraocrats, and after
its lompletlon was banded to the Presi
dent That official tore It to pieces An
other split thru took placo. Tbo scenes
were described as disgraceful In thn ex
treme Ciiaroes of mltcondurt In oflk have
been flld with Governor Fornkcr ngalnit
lb Cincinnati Police Commissioners.
I'liMtiiENrCiEvri.tNn attended the char
ity Lull at Baltimore on tho night of tbe
Ijie creditor .t Ifublianl, tba Now Ha.
vMi IConn ) adv rilisliig contractor, have
ino'l lomtiKl ivltb blui at V Miits on tbe
An eplitrinlc nf pneumonia was'reportcd
In New YoiltClty.
Tn liver llismoi has overflowed Its
bnnta and submerged tbe Hungarian towns
of Itadna, Llpp.l and Satfaiuan, and scores
of vll'agc..
Tut Millings No 711 to Til Arch street,
I'hilnJHi nln, nercuburutd recently. Lois
about tOlluui) W
Be mi or eight Chilian prisoners were re
cently sent under an Indian guard to e
tried nt Tarapaca for robliery When the
Ciard got the prisoners In a lonely gully
H'cy murdered tbtm all, Including a wo
man and child.
Tin niont Important matter under dis
cussion In tbe Senate, on the Kith, was the
Kleclvial Count bill The House did little
or nothing, and after n shoit ses.lon ad
journed nut of respect to the memory ot the
late lUpicsentatlve Itanklit
AJfUKT Kxooii illipntib .ays ths latest
Jpwujf reliable nature state that tba
liloeKofllip Nnttti Yellow. tone ranees got
llirnaghMbf late protracted cold spell in
belter rondJMon than was at first rrported
An aUnip&was made recently to wreck
Ike bouse nf Policeman Corner, of Clave
land, 0wlr i dynamite Comrr was the
officer whb killed Foster, tbe notorious
burglar. ,, "a
Oeiisuji Ironadaftiaro ordered to sup
poit tie Jlrltlsb mlfccoropslllbg Greece
lursfialn from bieeVtag tha pesce. Tha
niitra of tha sis Vowmtlo Greece were
Tin ifwitiHr fit feme, tl
, Vatlrau expreite annoys
"at the opposition dtwdayed
Ite Favors the Klght-lfour Law-Ilti Views
on 1'nbllo Land Settlement.
Washington, January 55. At a recent
meeting of tho Committee on Labor of the
House of Itcpiescntatlves statements were
made that the spirit of the eight-hour law
was being openly vlolatod, Ignored or
evaded In certain of the Government depart
ments, and Chairman O'Neill was empow
ered to present to tho House a recolullon of
Inquiry directed tn the various Secretaries,
asking In direct terms tvbethor tho law was
oelno enforced by tliem. Pending the In
troduction ot tlio resolution Mr. O'Neill
sought an audience nltli the President,
wbicil nasgrantd Saturday afternoon and
Ijtsted for over an hour.
In the matur ot the eight hour law the
President said: "I believe that tho law Is
a sound and a good one, and tint It ajiould
bo onforced to the letter. I havo nn Inform
ation regarding Instances of Its violation or
evasion, but It such Instances are presented
to me 1 will see that the abuse Is remedied
and the full spirit ot the law enforced,
which I understand to bo to pay erery
worhmsn In the Government employ for
eight hours' work dally what Is paid out
sldo of the Government employ for a full
day's work. 'I hn Government can not af
ford to sot the 6ample of non-enforcement
of and observance of Its own enactments."
The Prcsldont further said: "I appro
elato the effect upon the mechanics ot the
country ot this constantly Increasing use ot
labor-saving machinery, and I can think ot
no more practical relief tor the unemployed
surplus tiaoor man tne occupation of the
public lands. I do not hcsltato to say that
I am hoartlly In favor ot any feasible plan
for the encouragemer; and assbtaucu of
prospective Amerlcar. jetttcrs upon the
public domain by the general Government"
In this connection tho President cxprossed
socio very strong views upon tho subject ot
the occupation it vast tracts nf public lands
by forolgn capitalists. The President
seemed fcalrous ot Impressing upon Mr.
O'Neill his willingness to heartily co-operate
with Congress In any efforts It may
make to derate the working class and Im
prove the fjclsl condition ot the brtad win
ners. m
Til Work iirKecoverlnR the Victim, or the
Nrwbiir- llUn.ter.
Ncwnrnto, W.Va., January 23. A losvl
relief committee has been formed with
Mayor Ellis as treasurer, assisted by prom
inent cltlrrns and clergymen, and about
S400 has been raised In the town. The
families nro all poor and needy, all the men
having bein In debt The coal company is
Issuing provisions from Its store and will
bury tho dead. Two families entirely
without support will probably be sent
back to Englaird. Since yesterday
eleven more bodies hate been found
and wero Identified as follows:
Adolpli Weiu, John Iunbert John
Edwards, George Klgglns, Thomas Guy,
Johu Conaway, Charles Tunloy, Clinton
Albright, Harry Guy, Itichnrd Uentlcy and
Nicholas Uentley. As tho bodies wre re
ceived at the shaft thoi were taken In
charge of by the Coroner's jury for Identi
fication and then turned over to tho under
taker. Tho bodies wcro found lit various
positions toine with arms extended "as
it about to pursue their usual work,
others with anus aud limbs con
tracted as It In awful agony. All
were terribly burned and blackened
and tbo distorted features told of their
terrible snffcrlnirs, but none wcro
so mutilated as the thrco that ticra re
covered yestcnlay. One man vtas found
face down with his head on bis arm as It
ho bad escaped tho vlolcnco of the explo
sion and assumed that position In tho hope
ot finding sufficient air to prolong llfo un
til rescues, nut tins tneory is contradicted
by practical miners, nho think the miners
were all killed iy the explosion. It Is
thought all the bodies will be recovered by
to-morro evening, Tho funeral of Daniel
Miller, i-r Ah Simmons and his son William
look place yesterday afternoon from the M.
K. Church, tliu tno latter being burled In the
same grave.
A German l'armer'aCnrloss Way of aetttns
a Wife.
CAni.TLr, Iu, January 25. Quito a ro
mantic marriage occurred here a few days
since. John Frcloch Is a German fanner
living In this vicinity who by energy and
economy his managed to purchase qnlta a
nice farm and dwelling, AH that was lack
ing was a suitable wife to make his happi
ness complete. So Mr, Feelocb, who peaks
English ety brokenly, called on a 'Jerman
friend residing In this city and stated the
case. Informing him that what be most de
sired was a wlfo and that as an Inducement
ho would glvo htm S10 It ho suc
ceeded In finding r'omo suscept
ible d.Miuol who was willing to
entrust her future with him. The ofTer was
accepted and the marrlngo contractor at
onco bejau to search for a llfo partner for
Mr. Fecloch. His efforts wcio not fruitless.
Upon naming tho subject to Miss Julia
llvncholt, njoung lady aged tnenty-tbrce,
and after fully describing the situation, she
consented to be presented to Mr. Feelocb.
Miss Heneholt Is rather prepossessing In ap
pearance and ot a largo type of beauty, her
avoirdupois being about 100 pounds. Upon
being presented lo Mr. Fecloch he went Into
(testacies of delight, so well was be pleased
v, Ith Miss Julia. It Is needless to add that
there nas a matrimonial knot tied at once.
Tho groom was so dellihtod be said to bis
friend: "Here, I gits you S20; dot Is scbtep
. i
Dynamite lliprr.tlon.
ATI.ASTA, G a., January 23. Last Friday
night some one placed a dynamite cartridge
on the front veranda ot the bouse ot Uni
ted Slates Commissioner Collins In Carter
vllle, Harlow County, and caused Its explo
sion. Satunlav morning a telegnm reached
Atlanta requesting Immediately a pick nt
bloodhounds, and stating that dynamiters
bad been at work and had escaped. The
explosion damaged tbe homo consider
ably ud seriously shocked Mr, and Mrs.
Collins. The explosion awoke eterjbody
In town and the wildest excitement pre
vailed. Tobo Jaekson and bis brother Sam
wrre at once suspected, becauso tho Com
missioner had just bound the former over
for violating tho Internal revenue and the
local aml-llquur laws. Earn Jackson was
captured aud Is in jail. Tobo Is still at
large and Is being chased by bloodbouudi.
Klllad Ilia rather.
B003v11.tr., Ma, January S3. At Pilot
Grove, a small town in Cooper County, fif
teen miles from this city, -at about eleven
o'clock last night Dennis Jackson, colored,
was shot and killed by his sou Grant, aged
about twelve rears. Deceased bora a bad
reputation aud treated his children with
most Inhuman severity. Yesterday be was
particularly bruts) and last night the young
son put an end to his father's life, after the
latter had gouo to sleep. Deceased was an
ex-convict having been scut tin for murder
number ot ears ago. Sympathy Is alto-
gciuer witu tua ooy.
Siaktrti,- Soil.
SuigfAtfDOAif, Pa., January 35. A seri
ous cave-In occurred under th bed ot the.
onenauaosn urasea or -twi'amiiaaeiphla
iteming iiaiirow, jtsst,
this morning. A
beds Wirt
fJlad.lona Conciliatory rmll' l'o.llloa
A Conservative Challenge,
LoifDoif, January 22, In tho Honse ot
Commons yeslcnly,aftr the Queen's speech
had been read, Mr. Gladstone said that the
conduct of Lord Salisbury In the ItoumcilRn
mailer was honorable lo him and worthy ol
Ills name and was a credit to England. Tin
opposition would render 1ird Salisbury
every assistance and grant him every Indul
gence In connection with the settlement ol
tho Ilouincllan question. In regard to
Ireland Mr. (Hailstone said that ho wished
tlio Queen's speech had been moro explicit
xie wns convinced mas only a gentle and
conciliatory nanoiing ot the Iilsk ques
tion would oe rlTectual. lie bad always
striven to ellmlnalo tbo elements of wrath
and passion In discussing Ireland. The ex
ercise of candor and justice could alone
afford tho smallest hope of solving the diffi
culty. "Whatever." he continued, "It may
be necessary to do for Ireland should be
dono promptly. In the name of Heaven lei
us maintain the nnlon wo have been main
taining for eighty-live, yes six hundred
years. Let us not deviate from tlio path ot
good tompcr and self-command, but forget
ful of every piejudlcr, let us strlro to do
jnstlco to the great, tho glgantlo Interest,
committed to our charge." Loud cheers. 1
Sir Michael Hicks llcacb, Chancellor oi
tho Exchequer, thanked Mr. Gladstone fot
his kindly words, lie challenged the op
t iultlon to come to a decision In regard to
their altitude on the unity of the empire.
Of their disregard ot the Goreriimont be
asked them lo move an amendment to the
address In reply to tho Queen's speech If
they agreed with tha Government they
should declaro so. It tho majority so
wished the present Government would re
main In ofllce. He humbly and earnestly
asked all tho members lo whatever party
thoy belonged to support tho Government
In order to enablo K to conduct the affairs
ot Iho country. Cheers.
Tho debato left the Impression that both
parlies were anxious to conciliate the Tar
Jif lilies, aud had no desire toenforeo strong
cocrdre measures. At the same time It Is
believed that there Is no ehanco ot either
Conservatives or Liberals proposing at this
session any homo rule measure l.kely Is
satisfy tho Irlslu
Mr. Gladstone renlled that In wekln a
reelection bo was mainly guided by a wish
lo proceed with proposals In regard
io umn me legislative and the so
cial position ot Iro'and. Only the
Government, however, was able to
act In such a matter. He, bollovlng It
would bo mischievous tn do to, did not In
tend to Inlroduco proposals ot his own, but
he would also reserve his opinion. He
would also rcservo bis decision whether to
alter or to add the proposals embodied lu
his election manifesto. He pleaded for a
patient hearing.
Mr. Pamell said that be always believed
that If Iho principle wcro admitted that Ire
land was entitled to some form ot sclf-gov
emment, the settlement ot tho details would
not bo found a fnimldablo task and that
thcro would be no great difficulty In securing
tho Emp'ro against scpatatlon. He him
self, although a Protestant, feared no dan
ger to the minority In Ireland from the
Catholics. Tlio wholo question was one of
reasonablo or exorbitant rents. Hu dfnle.il
that the National Leazuo encouraged boy
cotting. Tho Nationalist members, ho said,
on seeing the manifest dcslro of England
to weigh tho Irish question calmly, hat
rcaolvod that no extravagance ot words
on their part should m-w the first
fair chancu Ireland over had. Neither
Liberals nor Pamellltes appearing to be In
clined to tho challenge of. the Government
Lord Ilaiulolph "Churchill proposed that the
debate bo adjourned. Ha wished tho
Houso tc clearly understand, however, that
It would be Impossible 'or the present Gov
ernment even to sanction nn Irish parlia
ment Ho said tho Government would bo
prepared, wheu the proper llmo arrived,
with a scheme.to !mproe local government
In Ireland.
Itcnerral or the IX.torbanee. The For
clgnrra Alleged t Hnve lleen Impu.nl
Upon by Coli Operator.
Moust Px.basat, Pa., January 23.
Another conflict between officers ami Hun
garians occmred about midnight In which
one of the latter was fatally Injured. A
detachment ot detective from tho Pitts-
utirgu ponce attempted to arrest several
drunken Hungailans wno were raising a
lenlblo racket when about ISO of their fel
low countrymen came to their assistance.
At least titty shots were exchanged. Jo
seph Janon-skl was shot through the body
and the rioters then dispersed. The Austio-
Hungarian consul nas beoti notified ot tho
proceedings In this section, and It Is proba
ble that an Investigation will be made. The
miners at work rltout Untoulown joined
tho striken this morning, swelling the total
number ot men now out to over 5,000.
They are flocking Into town and rettinir
dnink. Company 0 of tbe Tenth Iteglmer.t
Is ready to match at a moment's notice.
Tbo convention ot striking miners and
coke drawers at Dunbar jesterday after
noon was attended by over 1,000 delegates
from all parts of the coke region. The
gathering was enthusiastic, bet orderly,
and the sentiment was unanimously In
favor ot a continuance of the struggle.
Tho delegates reported (hat all of the
works were closed but three, and com
mittees were appointed to visit those
ami prevail uiwin the meu to join In the
strike. Tho situation last night was hope
ful so far as other riot demonstrations are
concerned. Quiet reigned at all points jes
lerdayand It Is thought that ilia bheriff
wllh his present force of doputles and po
llco from this rlty will be sufficient to quell
any disturbance. There Is some little fear,
however, that an outbreak will occur on
Saturday, when the strikers are paid and
tho vatlcus companies attempt to evict
I hem.
Max Schomberg, tho Hungarian Consul
la this city, In speaking ot tho recent riots
said: "lheso men aro very different from
American workmen, because they do not
understand American laws and can not
speak the langua;e of iho country. They
hao been rrnmged without a doubt They
have asked for a check wclghman and the
abolition ot the store order system,
lloth requests have been refused, although
tho laws compel the companies to
do just what was asked ot tlicro. I
knew of some men who were told
IlK-y would get 31.C0 a day. They worked
Ihrro weeks and got SI each after tha lodg
ing had been deducted by tbe company.
A Lading C'liinrso merchant In
Sun ViancUco given tliu names of tho
Chliirtxo S Onunaiili's ami tliontmiiwr
or unnnnicn lu LMliinruia lit rnttni
number n follows: King Yimir Oitn
pany, 60,00:1 Giiiwiuaii; Tuns vn, 3,
trw; Sum Ynp, 05,000; Ktmjr Chow,
lo.otyi; Hop Yo. 65,000; Yen Wo, 10,
000, tolul, MS.OOO.
-A ilrt.lsrninrt (Conn.) 1ml jilckcil
nn n fj.OCO illiimoml brooch lu New
oik Iho ulliur ilny. Ho rultirncd It to
iho owner mnl rrculvul $100 reward.
Ifartfoitl (luurctii!.
i . a ...I
- PurWei. smkine hIuUU In Lookout
M'.tiiilmn, 'IVniiosiuo, lw i-tiiick niaiy
inlU nl Hiibli-rrniieaii 'li.--.mn of culil
lit lo Mijtply the city U
Mark Twain Iteeatl. llama of III. Early Ff
perUueestn Country Printing- omea
An O'er True Tain.
Nkw York, Jauuary 20, At the dinner
ol the Typothetlc Society at Dclmonlco's
Monday night a largo number ot old
printers and publishers attended Mark
Twain, alter a complimentary speech of
J. II. Ilalley, saldi "I am stajrgcrcd by
tho compliments so lavishly poured oct
upon me, and I am proud as well as sbi?-
?;crcd. It Is the first tlmo that any one
las stood up In the presence ol a large
and ri.spcctable audience, such as this Is,
and confessed that I havo told tho truth
once. II I could return tlio compliments
I'd foil Tho historical reminiscences
of the President lure cast me
Into the reminiscent mood, for I also,
In my snull way, am an antiquity. It
may bo I am amoni; strangers, anil -that
the printer of to-day Is not tho printer ot
thirty-five years ago. I knew him. I lit
his fires. I dnsteil his office and drew
his water from the village pump I pick
ed the type from under his stand In tho
roomings, and If ho was 'there to see, I
put the good type back In the case and
the had ones In the hcll-hox; and If he
was not there I dumped the lot with the
"pi." I used to carry arouud tho papers.
and was tho enduring target of all tho
dogs In the village I wish I had a nickel
for every dog bite I have cot on me. I
could keep M. Pasteur In business for a
year. The subscribers lorour paper paid
in groceries, and the country ones paid In
cabbages or cord-wood that was, when
thejr did. When they did we always men
tioned It In the paper and gave them a
puff. If we failed to do this they stopped
their paper. They all directed the policy
ot the paper. One man paid In cash, and
he owned us body and soul. He changed
our politics every which way, and
changed our religion four times. It we
attempted to.rrason bo threatened to stop
his paper aud that closed the discussion
We um-d to take ont tbe telegraphic Itelns
and lay them on a galley Then wu'd
change the dates and shove them Into the
paper day after day, until public Interest
in them was worn to the bone. I have
scrnat. d. advertisement ot -a Sheriffs
sale booming along serenely two years
alter the sale had taken place. Our
yearly "ads" were patent medicine
electrotypes and wo used to fence
with them when the column rules
wcro worn ... When we pled a
form we suspcmkJ until next week. Wo
always suspended when fishing was good.
Tlio editor ws a poet. When his Intel
lects suppurated and discharged a poem,
he would read It to tbe printers and ask
them what they thought ot It. They al
ways scraped their rules on their boxes
while he was reading and when be was
done they always said It was kug.wash.
Tbcy were very frank and candid people.
I can look back now and ace that old nt
flco with Its candle In tbo k box. But
perhaps I sing the glories ol n forgot ten
age to unfamiliar ears and I will stop."
flynnp.U of the Hill t Tleguiale Inter
state Commerce Now tlrfure the United
Kt'a Senate Strlng-enl rrovl.lon.
jlfralnat Unju.t UUcrlralnatlon liy Com
mon Carrier.
WSHiNa"rojf, D. C, January 19. The
bill to regulate Inter-State commerce
submitted to tho Senate yesterday
by Mr. Cullom, from the select Com
mittee on Inlcr-State Commerce, pro
vides that U any common carritr by
any special rate, rebate, drawback or
other device, shall charge directly or
Indirectly, demand, collect or recclvi
from any person ur persons a
greater or less compensation lor
any service rendered, or to be
rendered in tbo transportation ot passen
gers or property than tt charges or re
ceives from any otber person or persons
for a like and contemporaneous service,
they shall be deemed guilty ol unjust dls
crimination, which Is declared a mis
dcmcauori and any common carrier fonnd
guilty ot any unjust discrimination shall
to liable to all persons who have been
charged n higher rate than was charged
any other person for the difference be
tween such higher rate and the lowest
rate charged upon the shipment) during
the same period; or, It tbe lower rate
was made on any tlmo contract or under
standing, the common carrier guilty ol
the offense shall be liable to pay a like re
bate or draw back to all other Shippers over
the same route between tho same points,
who have shipped goods during the time
that such contract or understanding was
In operation. The corporation, Its special
officer, traffic manager or the officer or
agent who made such rate, shall, upon
couvlction of kvtlltul violation ol this act
In any District Court of the United
States, be punlibablu for misdemeanor
and be subject to fine of not more than
91,000 forcadi offense. It further requires
common carriers to afford reasonable
Interchange c( traffic between their lines
for receiving, forwarding and delivering
passengers and property) -and fbrblits any
preference or advantage to- any person oi
corporation for long or short hauls, and
creates an lntcr-S tale commerce commis
sion, composed of fire commissioners,
who shall be appointed by the President,
by and with the advlco aud couscnt
oi the Senate, the Commissioners first
appointed to continue In office for terms
ot two. three, four, five and six years
respectively, beginning July 1, 188C, but
their successors are to bo appointed fnr
six years, except those appointed to All
unexpired terms, not more than three ol
tlio commissioners to ba appointed
from tho same political party,
and no one In tbe employ
of or holding any official relation to any
common carrier, or owning stocks and
bonds thereof or who Is in any mauuer
pecuniarily Interested therein, Is to be al
lowed to enter upon thn duties or hold
such office, and the commissioners are
not to engage In any other business, voca
tion or employment. Tho commlsslpiers
are to receive a salary ot 87,500
racb, and are to be aVowcd
a secretary at $3,(00 a year,
and such olhcreroploycs as are necessary,
and at salaries to bo fixed by it. The
Commissioner will brlug suit In th
United States courts and have charge ol
the prosecutions ot cases by It brought
lor trial.
ratal Fljtit at ) Dunce.
Calkju, Ala., January 10, At a dance
glrcn at Mrs. Wltlcy's, Monday night,
ono make, a painter, got drunk and i'--ove
the ladles from the room. C F. llurk
ett remained In the room, aud remon
strated with make. An altercation en.
sued, In which Illake'a head was frac
tured by a pitcher hurled by Hurkett,
while the latter was stabbed deeply In
the bowels. Both mm will nrnhihlv file.
f Vo one Kan In the room during the fight,
and ills not known exactly how tho fight
began. Both men came here recently
from Judtannpolls.
Myr. Clark CUln.' Wilt Approved.
Nkw OrtMUN, la., Jauuary SO. In
the 6e ol the succession of Myra Clark
GalMMj the Supreme Court bu rendered
& dtahlon In the following terms i "Out
sssjn conviction tt that tho will pre-
lis crana is a, rorgrry ami
lower court u
K.plo.ton In n West Vlrslnln Coat Mlnt-Xlilrly-aeven
Victims Iteporleit A Cave-In
In reiiii.ylvunle.
WiiKrxifta, W. Va., January 33. At
2:1 o'clock yesterday afternoon an explo
sion ot fire damp occurred In the shaft ot
the Newbury Oriel Coal Company, New
bury, W. V-, which shooic the buildings In
the linmedlalo vicinity and caused con
sternation and alarm among the relatives
and friends of the miners employed there,
immediately following the sound ot tho
oxploslon a flame ot fire arose far aboro
tho mouth of the shaft and timber and
debris of all kinds wero strewn around.
Oreat ezellement ensued and crowds of
people hurried to the spot The shaft In
which the explosion occurred was sunk
about two years ago, and had reached a
depth of 310 feet From Iho bate ot the
shaft tbe main heading ran out about half
a rolls from wl-ero tho narrow rooms
diverged from cither aide. The theory ad
vanced ss lo tlio en nso ol tho explosion Is
that tire d'mp had accumulatel In ono ot
lheso rooms and was
by a miner's lamp, bnt nothing positive has
yet been learned. The fnreo ot the ex
plosion blocked tho air to close that no ono
dared venture In Iho main holding to as
certain tho fate of tho Imprisoned men nn
til an air passage could bo established.
Tills work Is being pushed vigorously but
up lo midnight no bodies had been recov
ered. Thirty seven men nru Imprisoned
and tho prevailing opinion Is that all are
dead, although n few express tlio hope that
some ot them iniy rscapo the elfects ot
Iho explosion and bo ablo to resell a
placo free from llio.fntal black damn which
alwrajs follows an explosion ot this kind.
Tho following Is believed to bo a correct
and tall list ot Iho mc lu the mine:
Daniel Miller, cae;er, marrltd; J, II. Miller,
aged fifteen, driver; Mike Clark, miner, nn
married; Mike Kenney, miner, unmarried;
William Saymlro and Frank Saymlrc, twin
brothers, miners, unmarried- John Conway,
miner, nnmarrlcd; Will Landsbury. miner,
married; Andrew Weln, miner, married;
John Simmons, miner, married, and his son;
aged twelve, doorkeeper; John Lambert
miner, married: Clint Seabrlght, miner,
married; Charles Finley, driver, married:
lllchanl Hartley and son and sou In-law,
John Ilryers, and three stepsons mmnl
Guy, Peter aud Hanley, married; two
Weavers, brother-, miners, unmarried:
Newt Moore, n.'n. w, married; Frank Moore,
miner, unmarried; J. Spencer, driver, un
married; Andrpw Soil, mliier. married;
Jack Edwards, miner, raan!cd!Abncr Og
den, miner, mnrrlcd; Albert Williams,
laborer, married; George Rlggcns, miner,
unmarried; A. D. Fottney, miner, married;
John Carroll, miner; James MeGowsn,
miner, unmarried: John Cnmby, mluer,
unmarried; Morgan Miller, miner.
The scenes at tbo shaft ate hcirlremllnc.
Fathers, mothers, wives and children linger
In groups with pallid faces anxiously wait.
Ing some tidings from their loved ones
which will either brlnrj them hops or end
their suspense Every effort Is being mado
to rescue tho unfortunate ones but It Is
thought there Is no prospect ot rcarhlm;
them. Several attempts were made to de
scend before a successful entrance could be
made. Finally Riley Metz, accompanied
by two other miners, entered the shaft and
reached the heading In which the explosion
took place, but they were prevented from
going further by the debris, which choked
up the little drift, and they were unabto to
discover anything but tho shattered Umbers
of tho mlo-, which wero strann in every
direction. 8ccr.il kubseonent attembts
were fruitless owing to' the presence of
black damp, which precluded Iho liossl
blllty of working In tlu mine. '
lUrrosr.y Ctiv, Vx., January $2. At
the Ellangnwar colliery yestcnlay a cava In
occurred In a gnngwny nbovo tba collleiv
It Is ot rock, and tho coal felt, burying Ja
cob Dransblre and Nicholas Canuutc. inn
era, both ot whom wero kihed. Two labor
ers wcro partially burled under the dubrl,
but were extricated, only slightly Injured.
Op. nine or the 1'nrUam.nt at Weitmliutcr
by tit Queon tn IVrsoit.
Losdox, January 31. The new Parlia
ment U at last In session, and tno bauds
upon the face ot uJllg Ben" lu Weslmln
stcr Hall havo begun to record tho minutes
and hours ot what may provo to bo one ot
the most Important Icglslatjres which the
country has seen for many a generation.
With pomp and ceremony, mid the braying
ot trumpet, the cllnkllng ot ths accoutre
ments ot booted and spurred dut-rldcrs, the
Hulling ot precious stories and tho pic
turesque combination ot crimson aud ermine,
the, whom, by the grace ot God, has tho for
tune or mlsf'm.tuna to be at prcsont Queen
of Great Dtitaln aud Ireland and
Empress of India, Jiai graciously vouda
acended to open in porspu a Parliament,
which, If report speaks-truty, will be called
upon to add another and slTll blacker chap
ter to tho already bulky volume which
records tho history of Englaud's mis
governance of tho Hmeratd Isle.
It is many years since Queen
Victoria opened a parliament In iicrson.
Tho last occasion was upon the Induction
Into power ot tbe Disraeli administration,
and wllli the demlso ot that brilliant but
erratic "Jingo," It was believed, and as
serted that Her Majesty, whosu personal
antipathies tn the grand old man aro sel
dom disguised would ne'er again consent
to again appear boforo her falthtul sub
jects in the role ot Parllanie.it opener.
Certain It It that nil tho sessions during the
administration ot Gladstone wero opened
by proxy. Hut times havo changed. The
unexpected which alwajn happens hat
come to pass. Signs ot a cjclono are lu
tbo political horizon. A section ot tho Um
pire, which for years has demanded inde
pendence, has at last reinforced Its demand
through the ballot box, aud a eolid phalanx
of Irish patriots holds the balanco ot power
between the representatives of the two
great political parties. The situation Is
critical, tho exigencies of the hour nre
many and great; l.enco It Is that tho
Queen, emerging from her enfotrcd re
tirement, seeks to nrouea the enthusiasm
aud patriotism of her subjects by cnev more
presenting herself In publlo lu tlio role of
"touter" for a Tory administration.
llattcrlei at 0U'Lnlte.
Omaha, Nkju January 22. General
Howard, comminder of tho department of
tho Platte, has received Instructions front
the war department authorizing- 1dm to
make extonshe permanent Improve
ments at ton uou(tass, Bait jaicc,
Utah, amounting to several hundred
dollars, Ucneral Howard
shows conclusively that Ilattorr
main permanently at Salt Lake City
tect the country against any outbreal
am of tits tama opinion In regard to" I
cent exollMucnt at I was at Ural, namely
that.ll was a very Injudicious agltatjan b
a fSw comparatively Irresponsible psinloy,"
(Jouflrniatton. t r i
expvctatfyna tha executive session S.W
oenaito-qa .wnajcry tuoi am -pujp mw
tomliutlont KP4 kf the President, went
acted uvW. ,HsfwerQ,M followt
UnlUoVSUttJ JHeWsjrt-wLanibejt xjeo,
4 Cklc80,Ho.
j . jj.
Desperate Conflict With Hungarian Miner
In l'ennsytvanla.
PiTununoir, Pa,, January 3L A dis
patch from Mount Pleasant last night says:
Sheriff Slewart and fcrty Deputies, and
Delcetive flrophy and twenty armed police
from Pittsburgh, had a desperate conflict
with 230 strikers this afternoon. Attack
ing the men at tho Allco Works tn ths
morning, the rioters rested for dinner
and then massed at the Mutual Works near
Qtonovllte. At this point a negro, without
provocation, fired at the Hungarians with a
shotgun, but failed to hit any of llirnt.
They surrounded Jils bouse, dragged tlio
negro out, bent him fearfully and left him
for dead, with his skull fractured. He -probably
will die. At three u'cIock ilia
strikers passed up toward Morewood,
nourishing every manner of weapon, from
revolvers to caso scrapers. Thoy wero
headed by Stephen Slannix.lho main agitator
In thn strike. When they readied snait "A,"
the Morewood miners encountered sixty
two deputy sheriffs anil policemen drawn
ap for battle. Detective Hrophy t-tlked lo
the foreigners, tolling them that It was uso
est to resist and that they would arrest
lie ringleaders, ltrophy arrcstwl ono
itrlkcr, which opened tho balk Tlid eom
)at w.is hand to hnnd, but tho officers won
treating thirteen men and one woman,
who warn sent to Jail at Urcensburg. Tlio
)alaice retreated. Over ono hundred shots
vcro fired and several Hungarians Injured:,
low badly It Is not known, as tbey wero
:arrlcd away by their companions. Only
ine officer was slightly hurt The authnrl
let, Itlsttited, havo telegraphed lo Pltts
lurgli for moro officers. Iho ttrtka lis
inly Inaugurated, and more bloodsheds
s feared. Son.s llttlo excitement
sras occasioned by n stupid report
Jiat Ihn Hungarians wero acting under
Kdcrs from tho Chicago lodge ot Socialists
tin! that dynamlto taken from Lowo'st
nagazlne during tho recent raid was to bb
iscd In blowing up the company's property,
The story, however, was generally r'ls
Tcdltcd. Tito strike Is undoubtedly o
jiost dangerous In tho history of tho cokw
Industry, Tho operators havo entirely is
HITercr.t class ot men to drat wllh, as tho
Unngarians when drunk aro unruanagcabta
mil more line hands linn men. in rormcr
itrlket this element was not In Iho field,
tnd tho operators had moro Intelligent men
io deal with. A feeling of Insecurity pro
rails, aud citizens near tho various threat
wed districts are arming t'icmsoljos.
V TlancJi of Continuations from tSi
Wasuisotos, January 3I. The Senate
s tts executive session jsterday found
llttlo trouble In disposing- favorably ot a
large number ot appointments Iiv til I'resl
tent So far as is known no serious light
was mado on am ot tho uamts presented.1
The confirmations wcro:
Consuls General John Caldwell, ot
Texas, nt Cairo: Benjamin P. Bonhaiii, Of
Oregon, at Calcutta: James W. Porch, b
Missouri, at tho City of Mexico.
United Slates Consuls Thoinns E. Iler
rlan, of Minnesota, at Odessa, UnsMa; Wil
liam A. Garesche, ot Missouri, at Martini
que: Mason Allen Lybrook, ot Indiana, at
United Slates District Attorneys John
C. Wyckoff, of Kentucky, for Ihc Dlattkt
of Kentucky; James 1). Uawlcy, ot Idaho,
for the Territory of Idaho.
Second Comptroller of the Treasury
Isaac II. Maynard. of Now York
Justices ot the Supreme Court of Dakota
Wllllam.H, Mct'onnslI, of Dakota, asso
ciate: Tlarllclt H. Trim, ot Dakota, chief.
-ouporinienaritf or uie junt as iiiuauci- -t
pblayi)." MFo, of, Pennsylvania. "?
rt- , . -. ..7-..,.. . ... t- ,- tm
AjfDayrof DllnVi. ,
TUTtI Atiaiu. oMne Treasury John 8.
Williams, ot ImllMa.,-,
Appt.kwrs o? 'jBjretMtBtHsc Albert
Stcans, ot .M.licbuf etU, at Cotton: I'. &
Sehencck. of Orerun. at WIlkunetT ". .
Surveyor General James,, U., Jossj
Colorado, for tho Srati est folejraBoTOjJ '
Collectors of Custoftto&nHlIoyffljtT, tntcd
Oregon, for the UlslrlctiofiOcf jn; John in
Flanagan, ot Oregon, for tlTeijeutneni Dls- ..jof
wci ui urcKUu. .
Ileoelvors of Publle Monojs WlUfttjjg
Towuscnd, of Oregon, at I,ikovlew, Orify,lt
A. v. ijuwc), ui sicu,i, ah ttuavuiiry, vir&
llrst Assistant roslmaslcr i
Adllo Sleenson, of Illinois.
TIlo Missouri postmasters confln
as follows: G. M. Shelley at Kan
J. T. Wrlnklo at Plattsburg, C J.
at Fayette. W. II. Talum at . UlAKt
R. Smith at Clillllcnthe-, 7. M. ShcitOrtat
Windsor. H. P. Itanrfe at llolden. N. J.
Price nt Neosho, 1M Potter at JoplHi and
E. A. McLcod at Palmyra.
It Cau.et an Aecltlrnt on the C. H. A
One Itlllrtl and "event Injnrcd,
Kansas Citj-, Mu, January ,211
special to tuo Tima says: Five tiiiicf
ot Albany, tlanlry County, tho ntsjcfi
train on tlio Chicago, Ilurllngron & (Jitfucy y
bound was thrown from tha track bvk
broken rail. The entire train, bnxjia IBCJ
cuacn onu 'unman ticcper wera
down nn eighteen feet embankment.
Ing the locomotive on tho trackj
train was lu chargo of Conductor Ja i
umici, aim when tno necldent nccu
was endeavoring to inafca nn tlmii
over an hour late. A. Miller, of 11
was killed Instantly. James 11. 11 J
V nsaeff
conductor, received a sevoro scalp enros)
mid had both hand! mashed to a Jolly; I nyj.
icr who cicapfu witnnui injury, Tf
were en route to i.eona, ivna, to yiiji 1 -slckdaushtor.
lmlsHarru travolln? nl V.
man, Chicago, had his back aiid"bl-tJralf1
Iiula Lehiuann, of Bnrllngton, trarellnyi rc
a vil'cuxu viuiiyiiK uuii.r, unu t!13
cruslied end was bibviutliv lolird.
will die. Mis. Clara M. ShnlTer and !'it
llttlo daught. r, ot l&lgnr, Neb., x.aro I ,!
!, n-,A ,,ill,.r l.nrl linllt a.... . V
wrltlt broken. One child bad IU rd
broken. F. A. Hiisley, Cedar llai
la,; K. T. 1'pps and wire, ltobln
Knik; .lamp A. Datuicr, Otltinf.
la., and Oliver Urowii, lllytlicc,1
Mo., tustalue 1 scalp aud llesh woumi J
necessarily serious. Jantt llrown. nf'
Moines, Ir-, hnd tdop ciitonllifljWi.u, .
head and ausUlntd faial Internal Injitf,
ui-orgo jonnson, urn engineer, the
tcnldod and Injurod Internally, ran hi '
glno Into Albany fur help.
' i
I'et.d Atui9phrrr,
by, Iiuis, Jannary 20. Dr. Is.
Nichols, whoso ofDea It at No. iia o
street, was surprlsol last night to- rcnt
note from, nit nepiiow, i . l- iinr.
lu tho alltsourl UctllaniCullegv,
tbe St. I.ams , bold over,
V. lilt ..u
. , .... a uor
JUIQO. ircw i. ...
-en, , biooiit
'a ho UM il.wlau
Was liofl'ijn. eharm W Uoraa
Htt kecurmt4ild release ii r u
boy jMi4f Uieti got a h rjmviriaV
norftomhlrutiffnU3wietttlt In'(j
" rifprto
liftft OBbBASS, J"
ni'of nl Ford and
murder nf Captain
-postponed,, T'lmprw
poneriul political
Stale and It i
aXd BBMaSLsleH
On ktpcf Hm, l-Jf
mark nitnHHHey9
Maa. .i.i mimt. vaoaoam
HB nml.r bit UtaiiKrini
BSJ nar Ml a tHkJ
ala.Vl raoHtk ot IVelBBaaa
aji I .. a.i assssnasaav a
txatflPv "SaHaF
to wit vA titmr iJaSH
tUt x
-, !s
-A I
mi J TlB
mmm' &aH
ssK ''
r mk
nmmiMmMiumiimT3nmmamanaKmmmmmMMmmmmmmami ' ass luaawiaiiass an n saamMioiais ami i m iiim - i

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