Newspaper Page Text
9" Bf kMl INDIAN CHIEFTAIN H Devoted to the Intcrciti oftho Uliorokocf, Choctaw, Chickasaw, HchiIiioIc, Crock, and nil Otlior Indian of iho Indian Territory. s ' ' ' ' "WrtlN' '! 1 ' I HI F '"- ISaWSMiiaTssias. ""., mr ! ! CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1887. VOL. V. NO. Sil Or . (" i 1 s , OUnilBNT COMMENT. - The big bridgo between Now York nntl Uroukhn Is being treated to n now cont of paint, ami It will tnko about twenty tons of paint to cover It. Mits. Howe, tlio feninlo swindler of Uostoii, wus born In Alexandria, near Washington, In 1820. Her maiden nnniu Is said to havo been Sarah 0. Chase. It Is stated from Wnslilngton that nil ,bo orders suspending tlio operation of tho long and short haul provision of tho Intcr-StJiIo Coimitcivo law nro to ccaso on tho samo date. In lliusla, on tlio northern railways, tho locomotives, hltheito burning wooil or coal, nro being adapted for lcnt burning, tlio Having being cttl Hinted at sonin fifty per cent. A iiecent enactment of tlio Idaho Legislature i-cfiulrca that all practicing jihjslclnnslti that Territory must lllu their diplomas with tho auditor and re corder of tlio county beforo continuing their practice. The late Lieutenant Danenhowcr was n tall and jHiwerfully built man. Ho wns gcntloof speech, courteous In man ner and was especially fond of chil dren. Ho was extremely popular with tho mulct at tho Naval Academy. William C. Jones, n prominent joung officer, was thrown from his horse, tho other day, during n street parjulo nt Clinton, N. C, causing a utrango fatality. His ilrmvn sword transfixed II, A. Jiinics, nuu of tlio inarriinls, passing clear through his body. Tiik Princess Valerie, tho second daughter of the Austrian Emperor, must l added to tliolfst of royal mi llion). Shu has just published somo verses In an annual periodical connect ed with n clmriublo institution forchil dreu, which thocrltlcs havo pronounced admirable. Two citizens of Hradford County, Viu, wero arrest til a few days ago for shipping 200 rabbits, CO pheasants, ten partridges and ono squirrel, killed out of season. Juslico Codling, at Towan da, inflicted flues upon them amount ing with costs to $2,200. They took an appeal nnd wero held in $1,000. The gold fields of South Africa nro nttraeting a great deal of attention in England, nnd n largo number nro rush ing to this now Kldoradu. Tho Sheba quartz ledgo in tho Transvaal was lo cated last June. Tho town of Ilarbor town, near It, has sinco sprung up nnd now has urnriy len. tlipiiuud. inhabit ants.'' ' 1'niNCE ViCTon Nai-oleon, exiled. now residing in llrussels, hold weekly ivcoptloii. Among his regular vislt- -i rs aro u niimliur of tho lloiiiipnttist member of tlio Paris Chamber of Deputies, who niako a weekly visit to lielgium to pay Ihclr respects to tho rojiivsoniittivo ol tlio Iiouo of Napoleon nnd tho "lost cause" Six tramps became engaged in a light nt tho natural gas well at Ander son, Intl., tho other day. Two of them wore pushed into tho llamoof tlio burn ing gas. On whooo immo wns said to bo Donovan, inhaled tho flames and died almost Instantly. Georgo Dwycr, .of Krie, Pa., was burned nlnmst be lypnd recognition nnd could not recover. Thrco of tho tramps wero arrested. Just as tho memorial day.processlon was entering Oakland cemetery nt At lanta, On., April 20. and whllo tho Mreots wero thronged with troops and fpectntoni, a homo bccnino frightened nnd ran away through tlio crowd, trampling d'twii tho peoplo nnd caus ing tho wildest panic. Ono lady was kicked in tho lioad and thought to bo fatally Injured, whllo a largo iiumbor of other vcrxons bud arms or legs broken or dislocated. Skciiltahv Kaiuciiild said recently In answer to inquiries' on tho subject, that ho had not yet mado up his mind with regard to tho uncalled thrco per cent, bonds. It Is, however, regarded as practically settled that there will bo no more calls for bonds during tho present fiscal year nnd that tlio amount of thrco percent outstanding, amount ing to $10,000,000, will bo reserved for Iho sinking fuud requirements of tho next fiscal year, beginning June 1. Juimik Davis nt Washington recent ly del I vend the opinion of tho Court of Claims on tho Chickasaw claims for owr fCOO.000 with Interest by reason c( alleged Improper dlalmrsumcuLs of luclr funds held in trust by tho United States, Tho caso nrnso from tho trans fer of tho tribe In 1837 and succeeding years from Mississippi to tho Indian Territory. Tlio court reached the con clusion that tho Indians should havo credit on their accounts for $210,108. OrriCEiiJ. U. McMaiuin, who wns wounded in tho leg nt tho linymarkct bomb throwing In Chicago a year ngo, Is mid to bo In a crltlcnl condition nud not expected to recover. Ho wns never nblu to resumo hlsdiitlcs after ho wnj wounded, owing to tm Injury to a bono. A fow weeks ngo a surgical operation on tho wounded leg wns per formed, but without cfl'ccl. A second operation was performed later but In stead of rallying, as expected, McMu lion tins been sinking avcr since. Tub trial of nlno moil and thrco wnnion. mostly youngstudonts.chargcd villi complicity In tlio attempt to kill tho Czar, commenced nt St. Peters burg on tho 27th beforo tho political law sonntors with closed doors. Kvon tho relatives of tliu accused wore ex cluded. Tho Indictment drawn up by tho Attonioy-flenenil was a voluminous iloiminont- of twenty-thrno folios. It 'rns stated that tho accused hud con fessed. It Is mid that tho Czar would havo been killed April 10 If ho had taken his usual carrlugo drive, but tho ) ilot leaked out through Information given by tho landlady of Iho house yylu'i'O Homo of tho ilmfenU bgnnlud. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Glotmod by Tolotrroph and Malt I'lCILIONAL Ant I'OMTIUAt- Mixisteii, of Mexico, wus re ported qulto sick a, Washington on tho 27th. It Is reported that ltussla has proposotl to remit tho Turkish war Indomnlty In re turn for tho cession of territory In Asia Minor. The HivlssBtnta Council has ratified tho literary copyrisht convention with tho United Htatc Tho DclglHD Hcnalo has passed tho Congo Loan till, Dom Pkuiio, of Dratil, was reported seri ously sick on tho 27th. Toe voters of a canton in Switzerland, havo dismissed tho members of tho local administration for financial mismanage ment. It Is reported that tho British ovacuatlon ot Hgypt has been set for llvo years henco. The l'rlmato of Hungary will present to tho 1'opo on his jubllcoagold chalico weigh ing .s much 230 gold ducats. A DisrATCii frutn Cairo says: A skirmish has taken plaeo at S.irrnss between a boily of Arabs and a foreo of Egyptians, under commnnd of Major Chcrmsldo. Tho Arabs lost 200, killed and wounded tho Egyptians, forty wounded. Dak is, tho member of tho Michigan Leg l.lnturo charged with bribery, has been found guilty and oxpcllcd.from tho House. l'sronTs havo been received fromMusso wah that tho Italians ndvunced to capture Keren and mot a strong forco of Abyssln Inns, who gavo them battle Tho result of tho light was lu doubt. M. MciiNArncLES, over whom nn exciting tlmo was had botwocn franco and Ger many, was released on tho'JUth by order of Emperor William. Tle Vienna TagblaU publishes tho alleged terms of agreement between tho King of Italy and tho I'opo. Tho King becomes a suzerain of tho l'opo, the latter advising tho ducal famillos ot Naples, Tuscany and Modonn to renounce nil claims to tho gov ernment of any part of Italy, James D. WEsTCOTT.ox.Assoclnto Justice of tho Florida Supremo Court, dlel at Till lahasseo recently. favors tlio Irish Crimes bill, but admits tho necessity of remedial legislation. Kixo llt.Miir.itT unveiled n statuo of Vic tor Emanuel at Venlco recently. There wero thousands of spectators present and much enthusiasm was displayed. The Vail en n has notified Franco that General Itoulangcr's tnillta-jr law, which refuses exemption from mllltnry service to youth or men studying for tho priesthood Is an Infringement of tho Concordat, and has demanded Its withdrawal. HrAjcisii troops from Soiloo Island, havo defeated tho natives of Malbug island, cap turing many prisoners. Hev. P. J. Fuiidex, was consecrated Illshop of tho tcq of Syracuse, N. Y., nt tho Church of tho Assumption In that city ro.cntly. UISCCUJU4KOUS. Customs ofllccrs throughout Orcat llritaln and Ireland havo received stringent orders to search all vessels arriving from America, China and tbo East, tho Govern ment having been warned that explosives havo been sent from Han Fruiclsco to ports In the East to bo transhipped to England. The JJuko of Portland's country soal in Ayrshire, Bchtland, has been destroyed by Arc. Neaii Bonbam, Tex., recently, thrcosmall children of J. T. Halo wero burnod to death. Tlio mother had gono somo distance to ob tain mcdiclno for tho eldest when thohouso took Qruwlth tho nbovo fntal results. The pictures for tho British Academy ex hibition this year are of only average abil ity, und there Is u marked ubsenco of start ling subjects. Mart Hon and Maud McDonald were thrown under tho nro tralu on tho Hccla & Torch Lako railroad near Houghton, Mich., recently, a coupling pui breaking. Miss Hoar bad hor bead cut from her body and Miss McDouald's legs were crushed so badly that amputation was nocessary. Advices from Kodiak, Alaska, bearing date of April 5, stata that tho scaling schooner Flying Hold, sailing from that port, was lost at sea with all on board. Tho owuer, IK Anderson, Caption Nets Hansen, Vaslla Grignoft nod his sou and fourteen nativo hunters were lost The western-bound Southern Paellla ox press was stopped and robbed at l'npago station, eighteen miles eat of Tucson, Ariz., 011 tho night of tho 27th. Tho num ber of men engaged In tho robbery wus variously estimated at from flvo to eight. Wells, Fargo ct Co. lost fAOOO. Tho passen gers wero not molested. A uesolutiox censuring President Cleve land's action In ordering troops to Dakota to evict tho settlers on tho Crow and Win ncbago agencies was adopted by Local As sembly Mo. 3,'JIT, Knights of Labor, at Den ver recently. A TEhuiriu wind storm on tho afternoon of tho "JSth demolished four now frame cottages In tho town of Lnko, noar Chi cago, and under tho debris two workmen wore crushed to death. Tho victims wero Judsoa l'laco and Charles Carroll. DisrATciies received in London on tho ISth from Australia tell of a territlo hurricane which swopt over tbo southern coast April UJ, and states that forty boats engaged In tho pearl llthing ludustry, having on board crows aggregating 6M men, wero lest nnd not a soul saved. Tun. Micfilgun Central and Canadian Put-Mo roads havo iruulo an arrangement re garding Interchange ot business. A msrATcu from Cooktown, Australia, announces that tho steamer Uouton, of Bingaporo, was suuk In a collision with a bark off tho island of Formosa and that 1M parsons wore drowned. No Europeans wero lost. Tub Cambrldgo (Eug.) University Boat Club has appointed a commlttco to mako arrangements with tlio Harvard Univer sity Boat Club for a ruro batweon tlio Cambrldgo and Ilurvnrd crows lu America, in Soptembor. Tub Stnto Hanltary Board ot Colorado has decided on mora quarantine agnlnsllowa, against tho Umaha stock-yards und against tho Kansas City stock-yards, AxoriiEn attempt was mado on the 23th by a mob to lyuch Tumor aud Patterson, tbo negro assailants of Jcnnlo Bowman, at LoulsvlUo. Ky. Conflicts with tbo olico resulted, tho mob being finally driven off. Business failures during tho weak endod April SS numbered for tho United Htatct lot, and for Canada 37, total 101, against 1W tho previous weak and 'JU7 iho correspond ing weak of lust year. A si'ecial from Montreal soys; "Kcports from Mcdiclno Hat say that tha blood In dians are becoming bold and aro firing upon scouting parties of mouutod police. A strong doluchment has beeu sent In pur suit Tho Indians are killing right and left. The wire nail manufactories of America have formed a national association. Commissioner Couian has been notified by his Inspector at Golden IUdgo, N. V., that pleuro-paeiimonla existed there among a herd of cattle, from which some animals had already boon shipped, Tiir water In tho Merrlmao nt Lowoll, Mass., wus very high on tho '.Vth, and ris ing rapidly Tho mills wero all ruuniug, but tho backwater mode It very dlfllcult to run them. A shut down was reared. AsoTimn mob guthorcd lu Louisville, Ky., onthsSUth, beut on lynchlug tho as sailants of Jennie Bowman, After an ox citing tlmo and the calling out of tho mili tary qulot was restored. A colossal system of robbery by means of prepared packs of cards has been discov ered at tha Casino at Monte Carlo. The proprietors ot tho tables lost lfl,000. It Is reported to tha East that several of tho Wcstarn roads have Issued pusses slnco tho Commerce AW wtmt nto effect. Hi.aiii' Hmitii nnd his older children wore recently working In their field near Colum bia, H. C, and left thrdo chlldcn In tho liouso, not far distant, Tho building caught flro aud tho children wero burnod to death. Tho mother was killed In a tornado which passed over that section two years ago. The Indian Commission has concluded n treaty for tho division of tho lands of tho Flathead Indians lu Montana iuto farms. JtnoB Van BntST, of tho New Y01 k City Court of Oyer nnd Tcrmlnor, has denied tho motion to quash tho Indictmont against Jacob Sharp. Foster's Opera Houso at Dos Molnos, town, burned tlio other day. Loss, 3.,0U0 insurance, tfU.WJO. A ntcF.XT dispatch from Savannah, Go., says Captain Patrick Doyla nnd eighteen men, part of tho crow of tho British steamer Ben Hope, were picked up In Tyler lloads by a pilot boat and brought to this city. Their vessel, which wns bcjnd from Now York to Vera Cruz, wns burned nnd tho crow had to tako to tho beats. Tho vessel cost St.V),0U0; value of cargo tt stated. A recent special from Kankakco,Ill.,saysi A lira originating In Hchodlcr's tin shop destroyed llaehanl's warehouse, tho Pres byterian nnd Lutheran Churches and ten dwellings.'s wnrchouso was partly burned. Loss, 40,000; lnsuranco fJO.tWO. Duiuxa tho week ended April !0, 2.018 emigrants left Quocnstown for America. Tho total for tho mouth ot April wus 11,851 against 11,0.75 for April last year. Tuc coal-laden schoonor Louis O'Neill, of Amhcrstburg, Out., was recently thought to havo bean lost on Lako Erie with- its crew of eight men, Jai and Leo Moore, aged fourteen and Uvclvo years, nnd Ira and Bcrtlo IlOtcii kiss, axed cloven and eight, sons of well-to-do fanners of South Valley, Cnttcrau gus County, N. Y-, recently went fishing nloug tho Allegheny river. When nly ut a rod from shore lLo current capsized tho Doat anu nil lour were drowned. houso returns for week ended April .10 showed an avcrago Incrcaso ot 255 compared With thUcorcsondlngwcck of last yeur. In New York tho Incrcaso was Business was Inncttvo on tho London Stock Exchango during tho week ended April .f). Tho Paris Bourse was buoyant after tho liberation of M. Schnacbvlos. At Berlin business wns stagnant; nt Frank fort tho bourse was firm. Hevvt froshcts were rejiortcd from Maino on tho IsL Tlio peoplo were appro ticnslvo ot serious damago from tho over flowing rivers. The west bound Paciflo express on tho Northern I'lieillu juni;cd tho track near uriacoii Hlation, u. T., tho other day and precipitated flvo of Its seven coachcslnto a ditch. W. O. Breed, of Faribault, Minu., wns killed und qulto a number seriously wounded. To sharp shocks of earthquake wero felt at Spokane, W. T., on tho Hh. Thoy appeared north to south. There wns only a few moments' Intermission between them. AnouT 5,009 trados unionists paraded In St. Louis on tho IsL Til ncr. U reck officers havo been sentenced to death by court martial for treachery during recent fights with tho Turk-. Mn. Heviit Lurean, acd thirty; Tctor Bruso, aged thirteen, and Sarah M.-Evcrly, aged twelve wero rowln? In a boAt after a hat at Putnam, Conn., tho other dujr when they wero carried over Tnrglll's falls and drowned. One hundred and thlrty-nlno arrests of saloon-keepers w era mado In New York on tho 1st under tho excise law prohibiting liquor sailing on Sunday. Tub triut of tho persons charged with plotting uganist tho Czar has been con cluded and all tbo nccused have been found guilty and seven sentenced todealh aud tho others to servitude for lifo. Jamts N. Taooaiit, who for manyyoars was paying teller of tho Union Trust'com pany, at Nos. Cll und 013 Chostnut street, 1'hllsdrlphla, has absconded and an exam ination nf thn books ot tho company shows a deficit or nbout 1100,000. Aiivices fom Croto report a fight be tween a band of Turks and n number ot Christians, which resulted In several deaths. Tho Turks had kidnaped n Christian girl and were attacked by her friends. AsrcciAL from Proctor, W. Va., says: Tho bodies of throo negroes, brothers, named Sylvester, wero found banging to a trco 011 tho roadside, six miles cast ot ncro. Each body bore a placard on which was written, "Nigger thievery must bo broken up." A statement prcpnrcd at tho Pension Onieo shows that during April there were 1I,3W pension certificates Issued, classified ns follows: Original pensions, 5,513; In crcaso tensions, 5,317; Mexican war pen sions, MJ. This is said to ho tho largest number issuoi In any 0110 month in tho his tory of the.buroiu. ADDITIONAL DlSl'ATCIIUS. A msrATcu from Bordeaux. Franco. savif Prince Jerome llonuparto bus hud mi attack, t n,,'n'nvt. il.i.l la In at il......nnniia mmlL ' "J'-J'rtl.J .0 ... ., UMM?,,,VW0 IWMUl- ion, The west bound nissengor train on the Atlantic fc Paclllo, which left Albuquorquo, N. M-, on the .d heavily loadod with pas lengers wus derailed fifteen miles west ot L'oolldgo, N. M. It was unknown If any lives wero lost. A veiit disastrous fire broke out tho ithcr mornlntr at tbo immenso warchouso if Brown, Johnson & Co., Fourteenth and Maple streets, LoulsvlUo, Ky. Loss, (JU0,- Tub British Cabinet has decided to send troops to tho nsslstuncn ef tho Ameer ot Afghanistan, If called upon todo so. Ixatlve Indtun troops, under thulr own oQIcCrs, dt rooted by superior EugUsh ofllccrs, will bo selected lor this purposo. The main stcamplpes 011 tho tow boat J. C. ltlshcr exploded at Pittsburgh, lu., re cently. A deck hund numod Harris, who iva.i standing In tho cabin, Just over tbo boiler room, wus blown through tho cabin roof aud Instantly killed. Engineer James Campbell and tho tlxcman were terribly tcaldcd. It Is oxpcctrd that tho Cherokee Council will upprepriato fl),ou) to rebuild tho fo aialo seminary In that Nation. aiiout y,ww ChicHgu hott cnrrlors wont on l striko ou tho 2d lu accordance with a do- otsion rouchetl by them previously, fully 3110 half ot tho contractors declining to ac cede to Iho demands mado upon them for sn increase. Til e captain nnd crc w of the lako schoonor Loulo O'Nell reached Cleveland, O., on tho ;j. 1 heir vessel had been cut down In u olllslou. All but ono of tho big shops ot tho Chi cago Forgo uud Dolt Company, on Forty bird strcot, burned tho other nlnht. Tbo loss reuchnl Jlum. During tho lire Durt- ctt llustot, u siKi'tutor, was fatally injured ny n falling derrick, and l'lpeinan William unruer nun n leg crushed. Tub Maiden Creek Iron Company of Head ng, Pa., has failed with tJO.UuO assets nnd fib,M liabilities. Notices havo boen posted In Miehaols town, lrolai.d, ordering tho pooplotoboy ott thd Couutess of Kingston DESKHTKII3 rdmrt Hut tho Hsdeudowa Arabs, ass stoj by othir fritmlly tribes. auvo dislodged tlio Soudaneso rebels from ivUBsuta and captured Osman Dlgna. Tim representatives of tho Marquis do Mores, lu Now York, dcuy tho truth or tho i-ciiort thut a boycott hud been placed upon iho Marquis' moat supply establishment by ilieKulghtsot Labor. iiiKdoercaso of tho pubuo debt during April aniduntcd to l;t,UAiw. Tiik Cnmptrollnr of Currency has doslg iiated Chicago us u central reserva city inder tho provisions of thu aetnassed at the last session of Congress. , 1 1 ixy jiaif tho coke workers of the Con lel'svlllu tl'u.) region quit work or tho 2d jiid the others mh cunecletl to follnw tun unless the operators 10 them, tin lu-ly'IVttSluWIK4 FLOODS IN MAINE. Vatr In tlie JUachm the HlRlirst I'olnt K-r Known Urstructlon nf locr llooms. Gardiner, Mo., May 2. At eight o'clock yesterday tho llroivn's Island boom, one mllo nbovo tho city, guvdway and a greater portion of tho logs wilt go through to tho sen. Advices from Fairfield report that tho boom thoro broko early this morning, setting free upward of 2,000,000 logs. Lum bermen aro on the lookout and an attempt will bo mado to prevent their following tho Brown's Island logs. All the wharves tu tho neighborhood nro covered to n depth ol several feet. Thu water In thd Caboso coutno stream has reached tha highest point ever known, causing a total suspen sion of business nil along Us banks and flooding many cellars on Water street, some to tho aepih of six fc L Many of tha mer chants moved their goods, but considera ble loss can not bo avoided. It Is still rain ing. Tlio tldo at cl;tht o'eb-ck lnt evening waj tho highest yet recorded. Tho oaso wuy was completely submerged, nnd tha Mulno Ccutial railroad for moro than a quarter of 11 mllo In Farmlngdalo was from eight Inches to two feet under water. Ev ery liusemont along Water street is Oiled, Tbo height ot tho water In tha Caboio con Ice slopped thu running of tbo shoo fac tory and every saw-mill, planing mill and machluo shop, throwing fifty employes out of work. Tho malts east ot Augusta and from iho stage routes can only bo reached hero by tho carriers leaving tbo coaches and fording tho streams. Tho main road between Augusta and Gardiner is under wnterln sevoral places, rendering travel ing impossible, nnd roads through tho sur rounding country uro reported generally Impassable. TUB rr.N0nsC0T ASH STILLWATER. Oiiono, Me., May 2.--TI10 water In tho Penobscot and Stillwater rivers Is tho high est ever known nnd it has been rising steadily. Ono houso on tho banks of tho Stillwater Is completely surrounded with water and tho family has been obliged to raovn out Others uro lo nearly tho samo condition. Tffo railroad track lending to tho lumber mills at Stillwater is In many places from two to four feet under water. Ouo of tho llnest mills on the river, onned by E. tc T. Froi Webster, is under wntcr, and tho proprietor and n force of mn aro constantly at work strengthening nil lis parts. All tho booms hero are safe nnd no extcnslvo damago has occurred yet. Tho river bunks ere lined with persons watch ing tho nngry waters. Tho Judsuu Brlggs boom at Brownvillo broko yesterday, letting l,UM,00t) feet of logs go down tho river. PASSCIl ITS RECORD. BANnou, Mc., May2. Tho water In tho Penobscot river has passed Its records and tho roads out of tho city are overflowed, and many culverts havo been carried away. Numerous washouts havo occurred on tha ralirends and trains are delayed. No so- rlous damago has been dono yet In tho city, though tho rain Is not ct over and tho water is still rising la tho Penobscot, and Is now four inches higher thnn over known before. Tho Piscataquis railroad it washed out from Guilford to Abbott. All tratUo bus been suspended on tho Bar Harbor branch smco Friday. Considering tho ex tent of tho freshet, tho losses thus fur are light. !t MILLIONS or LOOS., Me., May 2. Haln has been falling for thirty-six hours, aud tho water In Iho Kennebec river has risen to a greater height than has been known far eighteen years. Two million logs nt Somerset mills havo brokon loose and aro floating past to tho sea. Many buildings along thu river bank are afloat and tho water is still rising at tho rato of six Incb -s per. hour. IIEMOVINI) THEIR ErrCCTS. Acocsta, Me., May 'J. The water In tho Kennebec Is rising slowly. The owners of property ou wharves and in cellars along tho rtvor aro removing their effects to places of safety. the Texas' drouth. Unparallrlril In the Norlliwr.t nnd South nest Districts Still huirTlnE. Galveston, Tex., May 'J. Tbo .Vein, commenting upon tho drouth, sys: "Tho drouth of last year und that o.' tho present sejisMi tiro unparalleled In oxl.'irao North uotl Texas aud cxtremo SouthvesL There havo been rains of lito that will prove ot InculcLlablo btncllttocattloO;stricts, but tbo agricultural districts pure lad simple. except, psrhaps, in a limited ut u In North ern luxus, are sunerlng severe! f for want of rain. In all that belt of country between San Antonio and Austin, from Austin to Waco, Waco to Brrmond, and down tho Central Brunch to Houston, and uithin tho clrcumfcrcnco described by this geographical circlo tho country stands bad ly In need of molsturi. Outs and small grain within tho district specified aro al most n total failure, whllo corn that should bo well advanced nnd In vigorous condition Is seriously wilted and In bad condition at tho rCot, This is tho worst feature ot thu agricultural situation In Central and Middle and Southern Texas. There Is utill tlmo ahead to uiuko a cotton crop, although at Dost 1 no cren is uouua to bo lata Un less rains como within six or eight days the cent crop In Texas will bo very much of u failure. So serious is this outlook that wholesato houses are withdrawing their men roin tho road pending a solution o' 1110 rainfall problem." A liceTiTious' LICENTIATE. The rclsComliiCOuHrr the Kllllnc"! Ilv. Miter Fanlrr's rroluullccoid lu the hliuullnp Line. Grenada, Miss., May 1. Itov. C F. Stiver, rector of tho Episcopal Church of this city, who wns shot by Captnin W. P. Fowler, 11 leading member of tho samo church, about noon AVcdncsdny, died at seven o'clock yestenlay morning. Silver signed a statement before bis death exon erating Fowler. It would appear that ho had mado indecont proposals to Mrs. Fowler, with whom bo boarded. Stiver wns a licentiate and but recently received his appointment, preaching bis llrsl ser mon during Lent ut this plaeo. Fowler's antecedents aro such that many persons demand tho publication of tho facts In tho caso. In lbTO Fowler married a daughter or Judge Gray. In tho sonto cur ho killed at man ut Cairo, III. In 1673 ho sent a man named Annant to his last uccouut at Jack son, Miss., and ut Winona, Miss., in 1VM, ho killed a man named Wright who wus Imposing on him and firing at him with two pistols. In every caso ba has been acquitted on the plea of sclf-dofensn. MliuekliiK ItvHlli. Biiexasooah, Pa., May A Tho llromau it no of the colllorlas here on bis way homo from work about seven o'clock this morning found tho bodv of a boy named Jutnos l'oloy, aged cloven years, jammed between tho bumpers of a coal oar and un oil tuuk nt tho gus houso. Tha hula follow bad been playing around tha cars with sev eral companions last evening, and when ho was Jammed and killed thoy ran away aud loft htm and did not even tell cf what had bapponod to him. Ho wns not missed from homo list n ght and tho Urst Inllma tlou his psreuts hud ot his nwful death was tvhon they were Informed by thoso who discovered bis body. Tha t'Hpseu 'train Itotibcre. Ban Francisco, Cat., May 2. The latest Information concerning tho I'upago train robbery is that u man numod Cook has been found In Tusccn who claims to know ull the moo Implicated In tho robbery. Ho states that a short tlmo ago be was askod to conspire with theso men to rob tbo train, but refused nod that tho plan thon proposed was jirecltely like that carried out. Cook furnisbod tho officers with the names In full, and description of all five of tho dotporadocs, and s ates that thoy wero all in concealment in Tucsou. The officers refuse to divulge the name), but say that the men ure located and can not potslbly escaic Every -oxlt fipnj furson s clely RAILROADS LEC TURED. The I'rntdrnt ltrlWwr Tlist Hflt'lrrs IlsrH Home ltlRhts That Onrpnmllnns Klinattl Jtespect-llad Methods Should Not ImS followed and llsil lMt Should be It prated Washisotow, April ). Hit) President has sent lo tho Secretary of tho Interior1 tho following letter In relation to tho com trovorsy between Guilford Miller, a set. Her, and n railroad corporation, involving tho question of tho ownership ot certain lands 1 Exhctjtits! Mansion. WAtniKOTON, April a, 1(W7. Dear Kir 1 I bate HaCllttctt with mm-H. care and Interest the questions Intbhbdln thd conflicting claims r Oullford Mlllcf Slid thd Northern l'aclnc fUilroad Company to ref tain publlo land In Washington Territory. Thd legs! aspects nf tbecaso have been examined and passed open by several officers ot the Government, nho do not agree In their Conclusions. Miller claims to be a set tler upon tho lands In question, whom poi session dates from 1S7S. He alleges that he has mado substantial Improvements upon this laid and cultivated the same, and It appears that ha filed his claim to the same Udder the Home stead law December sO, 1SJI. The railroad company contends that this land is within thd territory or area from which It Was entitled to select surh a quantity of publlo land as mlitht bo necessary lo supply any deficiency that should In found to exist In the sr-ecided Und mentioned In a grant li,tuo lo eminent to laid company In aid of the corutrucuo n of the road, auch deficiency being contemplated as likely to nrlse from the paramount right of prlrato parties and settlers within Ibe territory embracing said granted lards, and that the land fa dispute was thus selected by the company December 19. IBM. A large tract laclcdlna this land wss with drawn by nn order of tlio Interior Department from sale and from pre-emption and homestead entry In ISTS In anticipation fit the construction of said railroad and s deficiency la Its granted lands. In IWO. upon the filing of a map of tho definite location of tho rood, the land In contra vsrsy and much more which had been so with drawn was found to lie outside tho limits which Included Iho granted land, but Its withdrawal snn reservation from scltlemnl arid entry un der our Und laws was continued tinon thd theory that It was within the limits ot Indem nity lands which might M selected by the company as provided in the law making tno . granL The legal points In tills. controversy turned upon the validity and tercet of the withdrawal and Mserratloa of this land snd tho continuance thereof. The Attorney-General Is of the np'slau that such withdrawal and reservation wen) at sPl times ctTcctual and that thev e penned W prevent Miller from ocqulitng t Interest In Or right to tho load claimed by h' With this Interpreta tion ot tho law, and .ao former orders and act ten of the Interior Department, It will be sen that tho effect has been tho with driwal and reservation slnco 1S7J ot thousands. If sot millions, of acres ot these lands from the operation of the Und Uwsot the United States, thus niacin them beyond tho reach of our cttliens desiring wider men laws to settle nnd malie homes on the same, and that this bos been dono for the bene, fit of a railroad company baring no Died, cer tain or Ucluuta interest In aach lands, la tats manner the beneficent poller and Intention ot the Government in relation to the public do main nave ion all these years 10 mat extent been thwarted. ' There seems to be no evidence presented showing how much. If any. ot this vast tract fa necessary for tbo fulfillment of the grunt to the railroad company, nor dors there appear to be any limitation of the time within which ,thls fart should be mado known and the cor- purauoa is ocugea 10 mairo lis selection. After a lapse of fifteen years this large body of the publlo domain Is still held in reserve, to the exclusion of settlers, for tho convenience of a corporate beneficiary ot the Government snd nwoiil-i? its selection, ibotwh It Is entirely certain that much ot this reserved ranomnr never ins honestly naimeu by said cor pornilon. Piich u condition of the publlo Ucds should no lonper continue. Bo far as It is the result of executive rules and methods Ihcso should he abandoned, and so far as It Is a ronse queaeoof Improvident Uws theso should be re pealed or amended. Our public domain it our national Health, tho earnest of our growth and the seritage of Tur people. It should promlso limitless development nnd riches, relief to u crowding population and homes to the thrifty and Industrious. These Inestimable advantages should be Jealously guarded and a careful and enlightened policy en Iho part of the Government should secure them to the people. In tho rase under consideration, I nssumo that there Is an abundance of land within the urea which ha been reserved for Indemnity, la which no citizen or settler has a legal or equitable Interest for all purposes ot such In demnification to this railroad company II Its grant has not already been satlsncd. I under stand, too. that selections made by such corpor ations ore not complete and effectual until the samo hae brer, approved by tha bvcretaryof the Interior, unless they are mado In the words ot the statute, under his direction. You hao thus tar taken no uctlon in this matter and It seems to mo that you are la a condition to deal with the subject la such a manner as to protect this settler from hardship and loss. I transmit herewith tho papers snd docu ments rt latins to the case which were sub mitted to me at my request. I suggest that you exercise the power and authority you have In the premises, upon equitable considerations. with every presumption and Intendment In faorot tho settler, and la case you Hud this corporation U entitled 10 select any more of Ihcso lands than It has already acquired, that you direct It to select. In lieu of tho Und upon watch Mr. Miller has settled, other land within the limits of this Indemnity reservation, upon which neither he nor any other citizen has la good faith settled or made improvements. I call jour attention lo sections atSOnnd tut ot the revised statutes of tho United States as pointing out a mode of procedure which may pcrbupt be resorted to. If accessary, for Us purpose ot reaching a Just and equitable dupo slllon of the rase The suggestion herein con tained can, 1 believe, be adopted without dis regarding or calling in question the opinion ot tbo Attorney-General upon the purely legal propositions which were rucmllted to him. Yours very truly, Guovtii Cleveland. Thn Itnponslblllty lived. Hojton, Mass., April 23. Tho Ilallroad Commissioners mudo their report yester day to tho legislature on tho ltusscy bridgo disaster. They find that tho bridgo wus not constructed under competent super vision or by a responsible contractor. It was ucver properly tested, aud tbo cniployo whoso duty It was to Inspect It from tlmo to timo was not an engineer, und performed his work without enra or lutein genoa. Tlio company neglected to mako or prcscrvo periodical tests, as required by law, aud wero negligent ot parttcul&s concerning tho bridge. Tho train wus not furnished with proper brakes or safety appliances unit did not buvo a sufficient number ot brukomen to comply Willi tho law. Tin dlsastor would havo' beon p-oventcd If U10 law had been com plied with in all respects. 'Iho Commis sioners recommend a careful Inspection ot tho other bridges on tho lino and that tho company bo required to tuko steps to com ply with tho law In ovory particular. Outraecri and Murdered DunvquE, Iowa, April 27. Tho dead body of a young woman was found this afternoon near tha bunk of tho Maquoketa river. In tho vicinity ot Thompson's mill, four miles north ot tho city, in ((tinsel's field. Sho was lying on her back uud had a wound ou bar bcid, no oyo being de stroyed. Her clothing was torn badly, leading to tho belief that sho hod boau out raged. Investigation developed that sho was tho wifo ot Bsrney Kennedy, a milk man, residing In that vicinity. Hbo had beon missing slnco Bunday. Sho bad been at a neighbor' houso, and was returning home, when sbo was nssaultoL Tho cor oner Is now investigating the caso. Five Men Buirocated. 1'lTTsnunau, Pa., April 23-A special from Ashlnud, Pa., says. "Tunmd colliery, owned by tho Philadelphia & lleadiug Coal and Iron Company, on the outskirts of town, was tho teens of u thrilling accident lata yesterday uftornoou, resullicg In tbo death of flvo persons. The news ot tho tern bio affair spread rapidly aud la a short time fully 1,&UQ men, women and children had colloctod about tho mouth of tha slope, Hera they were informed that one of tha largo pillar had collapsed, cutting iff tno retreat 01 too men. a urge, foreo w .pea tvero put to work to rescue tbo impris oned ucn, nnd after scvdhiI houra of Hard work, thu doud bodioa ot th? mu Vorartiiciiod. nil tuvinir auflocatod.d -. - - - ,-- - - A LOUISVILLE MOD. The t'Hy nf Lonlsvllle Kxclted Over the Jennie HoirttlilnMnrllef Lynching oflha Murderer Only rrevehttd by the Milt' tttry Und 1'olleCi Locisville, iCf.i April 80. fit try tblflg was quiet about tbo Jail ycstctday mofn Ing, though tho talk wus that another and mora determined effort would bo mado to lynch tho negroes at night, Tho rumors that Miss Jcnnlo Ilowman had died Of hkt injuries In circulation tended to revive the excitement over tbo outrage, and toward evening crowds began to collect on tbo Streets In the vicinity of tho Jail, until by ten o'clock several thblltnnd men and boys were Ih tbo neighborhood. Later Sfiother Crowd assembled, probably MO strong, nnd marched down Jefferson street) steadily and sIlenMy, until near the corner of Sixth and Jefferson streets, where they were inetfey ono hundred police, who rushed out of a hall where thoy wero bivouacked. Tho crowd moved on Ih 11 determined manner that sc-jed likely to forco tlio pollco csldc, but tho latter stood firm, and fortt tiNi there wns n pell-mell, hand-to-hand light, which resulted ih several broken heads and arrests, Tho leaders wefo soon taken and rushed off to a station house, and tho crowd gavo way and took to their heals nnd In a moment were In full flight Tbo pollco, after pursuing them a short distance, re turned and formed a lino across tbo street, where they remained on guard, Tho answer of tho Governor lo a call for aid from tho milltln was received alllllft o'clock yesterday morning, Pi.1 Several companies were ordered to g'jnrd tho JaiL Despite this, however, at I'-ftS p. hi, the agreed signal ot eleven taps by tbo fire department bells in caso ef ah attack Upon tbo Jail was rung, as great crowds of peo plo were pressing toward thd jail, around which tbo militia were stationed, nnd the pobco aod a mob wero fighting. lly 12:43 p, m. nbout3,00J people wero as sembled on tho Jail square, and Jefferson struct was Ih fceeno ot great confusion, peoplo rtishibg lOtvnrd tho Jail from all points, but no serious collision had occurred and It Was not expected that any would at present, as tbo crowd was forming out of curiosity. Later, however, it was rejiortcd that the alarm was tho usual call touotlfy tho members of tbo legion when they wero expected to report for duty at tha armory Tho people misunderstood tha alarm. The crowd then dispersed and no mora troublo wns feared. I.nto In tho afternoon tho mayor issued the following proclamation! Mayou's Omci, Luuisviu.r, Ky., April S3. To Ibe people of Louisville! It Is my duty a mayor to enjoin upon tbe people the neces sity for preserving order end maintaining tbe majesty of the Uw. A most diabolical crime has liccn rcmmltted la our city, but the law must Inflict the punishment A riot Is morn dangcrcf to good government than any Individual citmlnaL Lynch Uw subverts every principle of law aod at tacks our very dvllucatlon. I, therefore, la the discharge of at duty, renaest cverr citizen to remain at home to-nlcht andi to aroid all fathering, and I caution parrnUnot to permit ineir cnuuren to go la toe streets, a their presence Increases the number and adds to the excitement. I mast and wilt discharge my duty to uphold tbe law and lo preserve good order, and I command all riotous auembUges to disperse. 1. If. hxed. Mayor. Wbila tbo mayor was lndlllug tbo abova tha first movement looking to an organiza tion of tbe exasperated people, who openly nnd on all sides advocated lynching, was being mado. In rcsponsa to a notice which had been distributed among tho thousands who rushed lo tbo jail at tbo alarm at mtd dayT given -to tml.r tL jumlvm f Ihn militia to report for duty, about 500 men gathered in front of Lcldcrkranz hall, on Market street Tho janitor refused tho.n admission to tbo hall and tho pollco wars endeavoring to disperse them, when Or Berry, a well known physician of tho city, mounted a barrel on tha sidewalk and ad dressed them. Ho said that sluco the brutal crime of Patterson and Tumor none of thp women and children feel any secu rity, and that while bo generally wus op posed to mob law, there was nothing to ba dono In this case but to lynch tho negro flunds. Tho law bad again and again failed to punish murderers. They bad been scat to tho penitentiary when tboy ought to havo been hung. Tho lawyers dof-iaded blood-stained criminals whom they l.'ucw to bo guilty. If this crlrao was not uloncd for a chanco would bo missed to set a ter rible example to tho hundreds ot idle, worthless and thieving negroes who In fested tbo alleys and slums of tho city. Tho doctor was cheered at frequent Inter vals. Whllo ho was speaking Major Kinney, a leading criminal lawyer, passed through tho crowd. A number of tho men stopped him and then, surrounding him, demanded lu an excited nnnnor wby bo defended men whom bo know to bo criminals. Tbo major commenced to explain and expostu late, declaring that bo had never acted as attorney for a man whom bo believed to be guilty. Ho was never moro earnest or elo quent In bis life, and breathed a hoavy sigh ot relief when bo slipped outof th-t throng. Tho doctor resumed his remarks and the meeting adjourned to a hall near by, whore tho names ot about ono hundred citizens whoso sentiments were known, and who, it was bclicvcd,would join any organised effort to lynch tho negroes, wero selected. On Murkot street a crowd of nbout 100 mcu were murchlngup nnd down, each with nbout a foot of wluto cotton ropo tied to tho arm. In a prominent plaeo on the court houso Is tha Illuminated design: "Wantcd-600 men to Join this mob." Up to this writing good order has prevailed. Tho mob appears to havo uo leader and ap pears to bo only watching out of curiosity for eomething to turn up. Tho pjllco and militia aro determined to defend the jail, como whut may, and It tha attempt Is mado there will bo bloodshed sure. Tho soldiers lato lust night were ordered from tbe armory to thu Jul!, with a Galling gun. A crowd of fully HUW0 people was surging to and fio ou Jefferson street Many women wore scou ralugllng with tho crowd. All appeared to bo attracted by curiosity only, and tuo best of order pre vailed. At 13:30 a. m. tho crowd nbout tho court houso square dwindled down to 300 or 400 peoplo, undtbey were dispersing gradually. Thrco hundred and lifty soldiers with a Galling gun and ISO armed policemen stood guard at tho jail. The meeting iigrccd upon to tako pluco at tho court houso today Will not bo allowed, and there Is hardly u doubt now thut tho law will bo allowed to tako Its course. The girl Is almost certain to die, and tho ovldenco Is strong enough la that caso to bring both mon 10 tbo gal lows, . 4 ' A Clew tu the Jtubbeis. Bas Fiiancisco, April 30, Whit Is con sidered an Important clow to tho Idoutity of tho train robbers has been obtained. A few weeks ago a stranger purchased a suit ot clothes at au establishment on tho corner ot Fort and Uupont street, und lu taking off hit old suit a letter dropped from a pocket Tbo lotter was found by tho clerk after tho purchaser', depart ure. It gavo a description to an accomplice of a plan to reo a train on tuo oouiueru Paciflo railway. Tho conjvlerato was la structod to gel oft tho train at Nogales. Tho letter concluded with theso words 1 ''Paint ycur face black and be sure to cover your red hair." The letter has been yiven to the police authorities. 1 1 m m The I'ullinan Suit. PiiiLADELruu, April '-'J. Judges McKcn. nan and Duller, la the United Status court yesterday sfturnoou, la tho litigation bo tweeu tho Pullinau Palaco Car Company and tho Central Transportation Company, granted a preliminary Injunction restrain, lag the Central Transportation Company from prosecuting suits for tho recovery of rental under the terms ot thu original leasa accruing after July 1, ISiJ, tb time the surrender was. mode, also enjoining tbe defendant company from paying fV a share dividend to tho stockholders, representing the reduction of par vulue from (SO to 13a per share, and declaring the resolution ol reduction passed by tho Central' WUgo. Ccuipauy director. Invalid, ' FORTUNATE FAMILY. The family of Defunct Mfsrt- ytreWent ally 1'lnd a llnx Containing O30,Ut!d, Milwai'kee, Wis., April 29. A romantld discovery ot bidden treasure In tho cellar of a houso on tho Mouth Hldo camo to light to-day. Tho foftUHafo ffalnofby tho find are tho family of Henry J. Peters, an old resident of this city, who died near) a 7ar ago, oged about sixty years, l'eters, Who for many years Kept n grocery and nlooft at tbo corner of First avenue and Mcott street, was n'Rgdrdly In his habit, was al ways rolsornbly drVssed and bore tho repu tatlen of boing a miser. Whvn on bis death bed ho declined to mako a wilt cr gita tls wife accurato Information as to his nfTalfi", but told her that after his death sbo would find that ba had left plenty for bcrselt and children. After tho old man's death L'10 houso was ransacked from top lo bottom, but no signs of molioy, bonds or securities of any kind were found, Months went by, and tho heirs were Inclined to give tip hope, when oi,e day recently nn accident occurred which brought a happy result Tlio sewer under the .louse bccaimi clogged aid work men wero oogtf'ed to remedy tho troublo. On taking up tho tloorlrtg' of tha cellar pre paratory to their work, t homed ca mo across a heavy box, securely locked and too pon dcrou to bo easily moved. On opening tbd chest It was found filled with gold coin, dob lars, eagles and foreign n.oicy io as aggro1 gato of nearly t30.U0O. Tho probate Judgd was Immediately notified of the flrd. Tho family, comprising tho widow and three children, are bow living In comfortable cir cumstances. Peters hud been a resident of Mllwaukco for twcnty-flvo years. BURNED AT SEA. Loss of a Valuable llrltfsfi Ship by Fir The Crew Hrseiicdi BaVasxaiI, OS., April !. Captain Vat rick Doyle and e'ghtcert men, part ot tho crew of tho Ilrltish Steamer lien Hope, were picked up this morning Id Tyler roads by a pilot boat and brought to this city. Their vessel, which was bound from New York to Vera Crux, was burned yester day morning andllio crewhadtotako to tbo boats. Thoy Were then fifty miles southeast off the mouth of tho BaVaunah river. The Ben Hope's cargo Consisted of 1IS,OCO gallons of credo petroleum. Tbd lira wns first discovered nt ono o'clock Thursday morning. Tbo cases of oil ex ploded rapidly and the heat was so Intense that tbo flumes could not bof'extlngulabcd. At eight o'clock tbo crew took to tha boats. Tha steamer was owned by Joseph Holt, ot Liverpool, nnd cost fMO.OUO. Tho cargo was shipped "by Lambert & Ayers, of New York, but their loss hatnot been ascer tained. Tho second mate Dundas, and Seamen J. Morlcy, It. Cutjillb, Thomas Col quill and Albert GospbrUuro missing, but the captlau thinks" Usiytwlll reach shore safely. 'Mft - MICHIGANIMKiOR LAVT.H The lute Hill JnlValBte the Liquor Traffic In M lelllgan. Lans ixo, Mich., April 30. Datos' Llouor. bill appeared this morning. It provides a tax ot tSUO for manufacturing, selling or keeping for salo spirituous and malt liquors, with a bond ot from 3,000 to tO,OJO, no of ficial or person engaged as principal, agent or servant in tho salo of liquor being accepted as surety. Tbo husband, wife, parent, child, guardian or employer may forbid tbo salo of v liquor, and may recover actual and exemplary nraairAA.f.w.zxia lntnn-innittttl vu-, tvv sons to wnom saics nau dccu loruiuueu. Tbo bond covers tho damages. Ten dollars will bo paid to tho person making tho com plaint upon conviction of accused. Half tho tax goes to the county and half to tho city or township, A lino of ICO is provided for an assessor, county treasurer or pros ecuting attorney orother officer refusing to mako complaints. No billiard, card or pool table shall bo kept in tho same roovi with a bar or In an adjoining room. THE KINO a'nd" THE POPE. The Agreement llctween tlio Vatican nnd tlie Qulrlnsl. Viexxa, April 30. Tho Tagbtalt aays the Vatican favors tho following conditions for a reconciliation with tbe Qulrinal; First the I'opo will advlso tho royal Arehducal and Ducal families ot Naples, Tuscany and Modcna to renounce all claims to sovereign ty In fnvor of tho Holy Bco; second, tha I'opo will crown Humbert King; grunting htm and his Catholic descendants terri tory in Italy: third, tbo King will govern tho whola kingdom with full temporal rights but will acknowlcdgo tho l'opo av suzerain and plecgo himself to rulo accord ing to M10 dictates ot tho Church; fourth, tho King will resldo la Homo; fifth, terri tory Including the Leonine city and part of tho Tiber shore will ba idlotcd permanently to the l'opo with absolute ruling and pro prietary rights; sixth, a special convention will bo concluded fixing tho amount Italy shall pay to maintain tho Papal household. Want JCrclproelly or t'rotectlou. TonoNTO, Ont, April 29. At last night's session of tho farmers' convention which Is being bold here, tho following resolution was passed: "That, In tho opinion of this convcntlon,tho removal ot all restrictions oa trado between tho Dominion of Canada and tbo United Btatos Is desirable cither by a reciprocity treaty or otherwise as may bo agreed upon by tho Governments ot tho respective countries, and that tho ofllccrs and executive commlttco ot the convention I aro hereby authorized to tako such action In tho premises as shall bost proinoto the object of this resolution and that in tho event of fair reciprocity being unattaina ble, this Institution momorlaluo tho Gov crnmontof Great llritaln to thoexpedlonoy ot entering Into a commercial union with tho colony in regard to tho food supply and of Imposing a rroteclivo tariff against all foreign countries." A Surprise For CoKe Worker. PirrsatiKon, Pa., April 2U. Umpire J. B. Jackson, ot tho coko arbitration board, ap pointed to settlo wages disputes botwocn tho operators and minors, decided to-day that tbo condition ot tbo coko trado would not justify any Incrcaso In wages. Tbs workmen demanded a twenty percent ad vance, and tbo oporatots oRorod to co m pro mlso oil an Incrcaso ot five percent Tho award was a great surprlso to tho miners, who confidently expected a decision In their favor, but, whllo it does not glvo sat isfaction, It Is believed tbo men wilt accept tho decision as final It affects tho wages ot over 13,000 men. s Serious I'olsuulug Case. Chicago, April -J. A special from Cov lugton, lad., says 1 "Word ban been re ceived horo of tho wholesale poisoning of a family named Illchardson lu tho southern rurt ot this (Fountain) County. Tbo wlfa aod ono boy are dead and two other chil dren uro lying nt tho point of deuth. Hu mors are vory conflict lug as to the au thor of tbo poisoning, bomo accuso Ter ry Hlcharusoa, too nusoanu 01 tno ueaa woman, and others think that tho woman did It herself. There Is no doubt they wore poisoned, as a postmortem examination showed considerable poisou k tho stomach of tho woman. Mr. Illchardson admits that bo bad soma arsenic, but says bo bur ted It somo tlmo ago. m s 1 Illenr Out the lias. New Yoak, April 30, Charles Warren dcr, aged about Dfty-llvo years, snd bit daughter, Baruh Wurreuder, aged about twenty-live, cubic, to this city jestorday from Hartford, Conn., for a tow hours' Visit, but missed tbo return boat, and went toDcmarost'a hotel, where tbey occupied adjoining rooms lost night This morning aaouoroigasiQ tno noiis louvrwarreu der's door bolog broken. Wurreuder wus found unconscious, and In tbo next room, tha door between having boen left ajar, was found tho daughter, also un conscious. The sea j:t wa turned on. tamer ana aaugmer wero rumoveu in sn ambulance to tho Chambers atroul hospital, Where ,ht)jf remain. lq u swotf wnditten. TRAIN nODEERg. Robbers Attack Honlhrrn rnrlflo Kiprt Trnlii Irt Arlaotm Ihey llrlng tliolraln Hm lo Tlmo With Dynamite Xhei Amount fSeenred Vnl Ijsrge. Tfcso.v, Aflfc. April SM. Tlie Southern Paciflo western bound express, duo bcra at lU'fW Inst trttiu. ,-, Wa stopped nnd robbed nt Papngo statvn, sixteen miles east of here, about 0:30 o'clock Wednesday even ing; The number of mon engaged In tho robbery ls variously estimated from flvo to eight Cal Harper, tho engineer, when ap- preaching Papago, a side station, was sig naled by a red brntorn to stop. Ha slowed dowti, and, as ho approached tha llgbt ho noticed obstructions on tho track o placed that In caso ho failed (9 step the englno would spread tho track and derail Itself. Immediately on stopping a dozen or mora shots wero flrod Into tho express car, and a mun with a pis tol In each band boarded 'he locomollva nnd commanded Harper not fo got down. Tlio other robbens bad In tho ricantlmo been prying at tha express car door, and falling to get It open they placed a stick of giant powder Under It and compelled Har. per to light tho lose at' ached This bo was obliged todo, but to avoid bclngblown tip, tha messenger opened tho car and tho robbers took possession. After ex tlngUllhlfig the fuso the men tools chargo of tho car, uncoupled tho engine, baggngo nnd express car from tho remain der of tho train and made Harper get on tbo engine and pull ahead two lengths. This bclnjr done, Harper was again put off and tho robbers took ohargo of tbo cnclno and pulled six miles toward Tucson. Hero they killed tho englno and left it During1 tbo run tho robbers went through tho raall and express cars, but did not get more than 18,000. They got two packages of railroad money, ono ot I1.2JJ and the other of $300, and alo two packagce ot postage stamps going to tho pvsLofilca nt Han Francisco. It is rcportod that tho express messonger threw f3,&00 In gold Into a stove, and so saved It from tbo robbers. Nothing was known hero of tho affair until past mid night, when a trtHfraui was received from I'antnno-a brakemnti haying walked baclc eight miles to that plnco. A special was sunt down and tha train brought la at six o'clock yesterday morning. None ot t19 passengers wero molested and somo ut them know nothing of Ao troublo jtltil after their arrival hero. Un der Bbcritf Bblbcll was early at tho aceno of trouble, but could discover nothing that would lead to the Ideality of tho robbers. Ten trailers under Deputy Hherift M. F. 8haw bavo left for tha scenaof tho trouble Tho robbers are behoved to be discharged railroad employes, although they compollod Engineer Harper to show them how to .nndid tbo locomotive; It Is bollovod by .heir actions la handling tin train that thoy wero familiar with s(lch worlc. FISHERY Pe'rPLEXITIES. The Tains or Alaska deal Fisheries Jteee altatea m Temperate Canrse. WAsmsoTox. April 29. Tho Department of State is carefully considering tho ques tion of tho jurisdiction of tbo United States ver tbo Alaskan fur seal fisheries. The statement mado In tho Canadian Parlia ment yesterday to tho effect that a com munication on the subject had been sent by that Government to "Secretary Bayard la denied by tho State Department, and it la said that all of tho correspondence touch ing fisheries bos been carried 01 directly With tbe Government of Orcat Britain. SivlV" bcllrvT'l, , will ex Btato Department, of which complaint has been mado at Ottawa. Tho United States laws under which certain Brit lsh Columbian vessols wero seised by tho revenue cutter Corwln last season are moro than twenty years old, nod tho question of a conflict between them and tho Uw of na tions is ouo peculiarly knotty ond difficult of settlement Tho fact that tho question bos been raised strengthens tho Depart ment of Htato In Its determination to con tinue to pursue tho teraperato courto It haa so far followed la tho negotiations with. Great Britain concerning tho Canadian fisheries. Tbo vast Alaskan fisheries aro thought to be qulto as important to this country as aro the Nova Scollan In shore fisheries, and the Btato Department is necessarily obliged lo so sbapo lu con struction of laws nnd treaties as to pre serve tbo right of tho United States to tho excluslvo enjoyment of tho Alaskan fisheries, while maintaining tho treaty rights of our fishermen In North American waters. It is held that there can not bo two constructions of tho Uws, and any position assumed by tho department must apply equally to Atlantlo and Paciflo waters. ' MARINE DISASTERS. Ureat Lo of Uf From Hurricane on tha Coast or Western Australia Lobster Fishers Lost. Loxdox, April '.V. A dispatch from Perth, the capital ot Western Australia, says: "A hurricane swept tho northeast coast on tha HM Inst Tha pearl fishing fleet numbering forty boats, was destroyed and CIO persons perished." A dispatch from Cooktown, Australia, announces that the steamer Benton, of Singapore, was sunk In a collision with a bark off tbo Island ot Formosa, and that ISO persons were drowned. No Europeans wore lost LonsTEn risuzns lost. Yabmoutu, N. &, April 2ft Tbo peoplo living about tha Tuskot Islands and tho neighboring mainland have passed forty-eight hours ot terrible anxiety. Thoso Islands are great lobster fishing grounds. Tuesday afternoon thoro was a gate and tho men were unable to go out to the traps. Towards lire o'clock tho wind died out and boats put out by scores to tako In lobsters. They had just about tlmo to get to the traps when thegala camo up with In creased v iolcnca and blew with wild fury all night Koturn was Impossible, and their families on the shore spent an awful night listening to tbe shrieking Jf the wind and tbe roar ot the breakers. When moratng camo nothing was to ba seen ot b fisher men's boats, and it seemed as l they had all been lost It was not until this morn ing, when several steamers cad schooners arrived, that any definite Information as to tho fate of tho men could ba obtained. Albert Harris, of Little lllver, U known to have been drowned, nnd his brolhor Fred erick; Georgo uud Gordon Hamilton, G. Mulso and another man, namo unknown, are behoved to bavo boon drowned, as their boats have been found bottom up. Many marvelous escapes are reported. Terrible For a Mother. IIosuam, Tex., April 8a Intelligence was received In this city yesterday of tha burning lato Tuesday evonlug, of the resi dence of J. T. Halo, twelvo mllfs south of this city, In tha Leslie neigh borhood. Thrco children were la the houso at tbo tlmo and were burnod to death. Tha children wero aged respective ly six, thrco, and the youngest a baby ot six months. Their mother bad gone to a neighbor's at somo distance to get medi cine for tho oldest child, which was sick and helploss, and when she returned tho bouse wus almost entirely consumed, and all that remained of her thrco children waa charred bones. S 1 AMUMsltlMMtd. PoaisMOUTit, O., April Si-Mr. W. T. Nartbrup, a prominent physician at Have, hill, In tbo eastern portion of Scioto Csw ty, was murdered yesterday by TheasaaJtor Coy, a saloonkeeper, and his WaHiar Alfred, nostmaster at Haverhill, aided k t-svo aeaa of Alfred McCoy- He had incurred laaalsv pleasuroef tha McCoys by wurjr aeW 1st favor of local option, and they wayUM tttaa wkea coining from hi oalca aid Ksmms firing-on him with pUtol mi. taaffsw ' Howunrmod, butdrwa paejtai kail aid badly wotliubsd Atf ted MoOy frafsxw ba wa fatally h6t TU dtr irao about thirty five years c14 and unini-, Tha McCoys have boeu at resUtd u.d n u 1 !ei!it)(f la ivw ? i Iv&thistr; is- S ' '; a f - ,