Newspaper Page Text
lAfrt r ' urn Stir JQWf- 18 tf m THE INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. :z" ; "t.-j.;,;, ,..,,"-1 "' y "-- T'"" V rIIEFTAlN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1901. VOL. XX. NO. 11 LIST OF JURORS True THE W. R BADGETT MERCANTILE COMPANY. Soloctod by Jury Commis Economy sion to Sorvo at Decem ber Term of Court, - - - - - .-. a. no H JStt The difference in sost between an alum making powder and he highest-class ream of tartar bak- Kng powder would not mamount tor a ramilv s j upply to one dollar a year. Dr. Price's is the tandard cream of tar tar baking powder. It makes the rood de licious and healthful. DOCKET CONTAINS s Note. You cannot, It you value good licaltli, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking powders. They are apt to spoil the food : they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is deleterious. Many Important Cnsea and Gen. eral Satisfaction 1b Express ed on Tho Number of , 'Oapnblo Men Selected by Commission IOW FOK APPEAL IV i poison Has Three Weeks to Appeal to The Supremo V Court. TART OF EVIDENCE. If People who Swear that MorrU Said tv I.- Uf..l.l l.lll M..1 . QI..I.I iiu ii uuiu bin iiciauu un oijui, , "Pat. Dobbins" the fnvis - ible. Defense Olnim Krrnr In IlHnil ling Jury. f , ... , t ne main conieniion 01 me un it fenao in the Nelson murder caBe, lnasKing a new trial, woe Uie uib coeryof new evidence. It Intro duced many ailidavite on tliie l point Among them, Patrick Dob- bine in bis Hllidavit toetified nub iUulially that he had on one oc casion heard Albert Morris say Ltliat ho would kill John Nelson on t filgiil nnu ttiui ne saw oiorris at- tuck Nelson. Ferguson Lemon, of Vinita, I. f T i also aworo that he had heard Mqrris threaten to kill Nelson at thti first opportunity. Oeorge Vann, of Cofloj villa in hJaWiduvlt for the defense, teatl fied that he had met Morris in Oof fbyvllle just n lew minutes before the killing and that Morris askod him if he had seen Nelson. That Mnrrla fnrllinr mi i rl that lin Wns c" " r. :..:: .""... . loosing lor neitun quii ivuuiu khi hi:n on Bight, Venn had made contradictory statements for the IfliaiO. IU UUIDI HUB VI1U UOIUIIDO undertook to prove that Vnun had Wtfenn made drunk by emissaries i of the stale before testifying. The J court refused to let Vann go on the Btand to show this. The state introduced many alii davits in rebuttal and among thorn f were udlJavlla from the best peo ple of Nowata showing that no Patrick Djbbins lived near No jjrata na claimed. 'Five deleneo claimed that error been committed by tho bailiff ' in the handling ol the jury by leav ing them alone at timca and allow ing them to separate. The state introduced tho allidavlta ol eight ou of the twelve jurora elating that they had talked to no one and that no one had talked to them during the trial. Tho motion for n new trial was overruled and tbo court auspended sentenc on Neluon fur three week to give the defense time to got the trnnBcrlpH ready to appeal the cast tu the Bupreroe court. Coffey vllle Journal. t T he building of one of (he great est states In the Union is now in progress, hero and in Oklahoma . territory, Unconsciously the peo pie are forging ahead toward the goal, It may bo temporarily bin tdered by politics, but eventually all opposition willjie swept away and it will shine out in all its .glory. . Tiie i.uuy uorn miii win ruu on Mt u lays an I Tuesdays of each wcok. Ituuy Milling Co. wll Tho list of jurora, eeledod by tho jury ccimmiHsinn in serve dur ing tho December term nf the Undid States Court, at Vinita, was npenwl Mile morning in the clerk ol the courts oilios Tho lollowlng is a list of the grand rfnd petit jurors: Q HAND JUUOItS. W A Graham, l'ryor Creek, Waiter Jinc8r Grove, a T Clncoln, Falrlund J A Allen, Uluojackct Charles MurJock, Aftoo Scott Williamson, Ccntialla Win Duduc, NowoU Dan Price, Oo'au'uh Fnlr McSpiddon, Choltca ' E I Dean, Olarcmoro J W IJrldns, Catoosa 0 C Itunyun, Sklutook Ira II Dod (I s, Heiiits Loo n u 1'rlcc, 'f ulia Ed Lunday, Miles Joo Coan, Spavlnaw ALTERNATE GRAND JUItORS. L N Kcndrlck, l'.yor Creek Cobb Welch, Grovo Pete Hastings, Necduioro Vox Danncnbcrtf, Chelsea, Vann Chambers, Clarcmoro LTKInKcad, Nuwata Carte- H Irwin, Sklalook Herman Llpe, Oulatfub John A Gideon, Dlucjackot , PEriT JURORS. John Duller, Hl Cabin Ira llroclc, Adair N ITorbeit, Pryor Creek W P Mayci, Oiovo Gcorjo Hampton, Grovo D W Freeman, Fulrland Win Ani;cl, Ojjccchcc ES Walker, Aftdn MlkoShulle, Uluejackct Mat Gamblo, Welch L W Murk?, Woodlcy W J Strange, Chelsea John Drake, Cliclcoi Lon Ellluit, Ketchum Hilly Miller, Ketch urn T I Shcehan, Vinita U G Chandler, Vinita ELCllnkcnbcrg, Vinita J D Williams Clarcmoro L W Muborly, Tulsa 11 P Davis, bluejacket John Whcolnr, Kuiso Wm Uallard, Echo Itlloy Copclund, FalrlanJ I) GtoJ, Ofcuma NojI EdrIjihI, A (ton Jim Illaiichard, Dlucjackot, J D Edwards, Spavlnaw Dill West, Spavlnaw Dllly Williams, Vinita Dlroh Uurno't, White Oak Frank Hall, Catalo Newt, Ucadloy, Welch MEMIUurd, Adair I) T Uoswcll, Vinita Dllly Martin, Vinita A most important docket awaits the action of the court during the approaching terra, both in crimi nal and civil cases, and general satisfaction ia expressed by attor neys and litigants on the selections of the commission. THE MUSKOGEE WAY. We, tbo undersigned, take the liberty of calling a meeting of the cltizejia of Muskogee, to be held at the United States court house on Saturday, the 2d day of November, at 8 o'clock p. m,, pursuant to a call for aingle statehood convention to be held at this .place on the 14th day of November, 1001. The purpose ol this cm la to mako arrangements for the enter tainment of said convention, and to afford an opportunity to all oil izenB lo discuss the question of statehood, and to select delegates to the convention, in accordance with tbo terms and conditions of the regular call. While tbo delegates so eeleoted are by the call restricted to thoBe who lavor single statobood, it is the doairo of tho friends of that oaujQ to have the question properly presented to the people, and to de termine the strength of tho cause in the-city o' Muskogee, and lo en able the delegates so selected to determine the Btrongth of that sen timent and lo only represent in the convention its strength in Ibis oily: N, A. Gibson, P. U. Hubbard, T. P. Meagher, W. 0. Jackson, V. T. Hutchlngs, K. H. Hubbard, Leo 15. Dennett, D, M. Widom, T. A. 8anson, Jr. T. W. Oullck, Den. Martin, Jr. Jesse Hill, Jno. O.LIeber, E. W. MoOlure, Anthony Crofton, W.U.Woodward MtiBkogee Times. Begin ing; Saturday, Nov. until Saturday, 0, and continuing Nov. 16, Ave will put into our talHBHn HnM XTivlllll(CXll tSale THE GREATEST AGGREGATION OP BARGAINS you have ever seen in Vinita. We have gone through every department of our big store and taken out all the short lengths, odd lots and remnantHof .every description of seasonable merchandise. We mean to clean them up, hence this short length, odd lot and remnant sale. It'e a big bargain sale. It's a mighty cash sale, It's a sale for the purpose of cleaning our stock of all the odds and ends of every description. If you are not already a customer of ours now is the most oppor tune time to become one. Bring this list and visit our store during this sale, we want to get acquainted with you, and show you the best values you have ever seen in Dry Goods, Millinery, Dress Goods, Ladies' Suits and Wrappers, Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings, Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes and Rubbers, Etc. WE HAVE SELECTED THE FOLLOWING ITEHS AS AN ILLUSTRATION OF WHAT WE WILL OFFER IN THIS SALE. STUDY THEN. Staple .Dry Goods. These prices have never been equalled in Vinita, quality consid eied. Prints short lengths and rem nants, full standard, nothing better at any price. 5000 yards, price "per yard while it lasts, only 2c 1000 yards good sheeting, worth 5c eycry where, this is a snap we have secured for this sale in full pieces, go at 3c Cotton checks at 3c are a bargain where they are as wide as the one we have 3c It a good time to buy flannelet tes. We have about 500 yards in short lengths. ' Good quality flannelette, worth 6 1-4C, sale price 4c Good quality outing flannel, dark styles, worth 8 1-3C, price.. ,.6c 20 pieces light colored outing flannel, worth 10c, sale price 6c Good quality shaker flannel, is worth 6 1-4C, sale price. . . , . . . .4c Store lengths of mottled flannel, 10c seller every where, during this sale at 7c Dark colored dress ginghams, 6 1-4C quality, short lengths. . .4c Here is a snap in cotton batts, good quality cotton," weigh 16 oz, in this sale per lb ."8c liancy dress plaids, short lengths-, worth 6 1-4C, sale price 4c Hosiery Snaps for our special sale. Ladies' fine gauge black seamless hose, special sale price 8c Misses' and children's heavy black seamless hose, sizes 6 to g, special sale price 8c Here is the greatest hosiery bar gain we have ever offered yon. It's a job lot, well assorted 1 sizes, that never retail for less than 25c, extra heavy weight suitable for boys, you should buy enough to last a year as they will not be offered again at this price, 3 pair for 5oc fsA ft Capes and Jackets. Ilavo you seen our lino of suits, coats, jackets nnu Oapos for ladies, misses and children. Its by far he boat lino shown in Vinita. In our bettor goods wo soil tho colobrated Palmer garments. Thoy aro warranted in every particular goods, lining and workmanship, Wlion you want a suit, jacket or coat that fits you cannot do better than to buy a Palmor garmont. For tho salo wo arc showing some reraarkablo Voluos in capos and jackets, one or two of a kind, which wo arc anxious to closo out and in ordor to do so wo havo mado somo prices that will please. Lot us show thom to you. Clothing Department. Our clothing departmont is tho placo for popular priced clothing, ialty of this class of clothing. "Wo havo a big stock and our pricos ar Ono lot men's oxtra hoayy cotton wor sted suite, just tho tiling for hard sorvico, sale prico . . . $1.98 Job lot in boys' two-pioco suits, mighty gtfod thing for 1.26,sizo8to 15 yr9, salo prico C9c Job lot boys' junior suits, equal to what othor storos soil fQr $1.50, our prico 89c Job lot moil's odd pants, bargains at 1.50, special sale prico OSc Iloro is a good thing in men's working pants, worth a big dollar bill,' our spooial snlo prico 7-lc Job in joans pants, thoy aro 75c to' $1 per pair, special salo prico 43c It is cool onotigh for overcoats. If you havo to buy ono it will pay you to soo what wo havo. Man's good sor vicaablo ovorcoats worth 2I50I at $1.58 Samo in boys' coats at l.l3 Mon's long storm ovorcoats, big values for 5.00, special salo prico $3. -18 Gloves for Men. Tho biggest glovo doal ovor soon in Vinita. 500 pairs samplos, good as now, lightly soilod but othorwiso perfect in ovory roapoct, lined and unlinod gloves and mittens, your ohoieo of this lot for 9 conts a pair. Lot 2- .19c -Mon's and boys' clovoa and mit- tons, ohoieo of tho lot for Mot 8 Moil's good work glovo worth 6O0 to 75o, ohoioo -15c Lot 4 Mon's glovos and mittons, Yog ular 75c and $1 sellers, ohoieo 55c Wo mako a spoc- aro right. Lot 5 Mon's glovos, nothing in this lot worth loss than $1, ohoieo 7-lc Lot 0 Mon's plain and ganntlot glovos nothing hotter mado out of loathor, thoy aro 1.50 and 1.75 glovos, at . .9Sc Men's Boots and Shoes. Thoso values havo novor boon equalled in shoo soiling in Vinita. Ask to sea our advortiscd boots and shoos, Mon's all solid bucklo, oil grain slioos, cheap at 1.25, salo prico 98c Mon.'s satin calf shoos, congross- and laco, a good thing for 1.25, at . . . ..84c Samo in boys, cap too, 3 to 5 1-2 74c Odd lot of boys' bucklo shoos, a hum mer for 1.25, sizes 2 to 5, at 79c Oddlot'of mon's S. Kip boots, rogular $2 boo"t in most storos, our prico $1.38 Samo in youth's, 11 to 18, L19 Mon's calf opora logged boot, a bargain at 2i50, in this salo at 1.74 Boys' oil g"rain boots, a hot bargain at 1.75, salo prico . . .'. 1.19 Jobiot in rubbor boots, finest quality, , rogular sizos, worth 8.00, nt 1.9S Furnishings for Men and Boys EvoTy itom a big bargain. Job in mons v work shirts, ohoap at 85c, salo priae 24o Job in mon's fancy'shirte, cheap at 35c snlo prico 24c Job lot of boys' undorshirts, worth 25o to 50c ono.., choico of lot for 14o Job lot mon's whito laundriod Blurts, rogular $1.25 sollors, at 58c GROCURIRS-Just to make t sugar for li, and without nny extra purci a real It inlcrestini- far vrm u- will tn.lcni. . .. ni.i.. ...! ware that w 111 you, With each U purchase lu any department we will clve vou 22 pounds of Granulated :hasc e olTcr. , . a2 pounds licht brown sugar for. $1.00 Good roasted coffee, i5e per lb, 1 1 lbs for. ....... 1,00 Due pound pkg powderd cold starch, 10c kin J . . .05 l'lve pounds good rice, worth 50c, for 25 1'our pounde Ann and Hammer soda for 25 Six pounds Anvil soda 25 Two quart coftee pot, worth 2oc o3 Three quart coffee pot, worth 23c .. ; r Ten quart flartltig tin pall, worth 36c i2 Fourteen quart combination strainer, heavy till pall, worth 63c 42 l qt heavy tin milk pall, worth 4oc for 22 10 qt heavy tin pail worth 30c 14 Bulls eye (lash lantern, worth 1,00 6s Good 70c lantern for 38 Half gallon tin cup, worth :jc 06 Copper bottom tea kettle, worth 60c v . 37 Six quart covered tin palls worth 30c I j 25c dish pan for 18 35c dish pan for 2t iyc, galvinucd wash pans for t6 Seveuty quart galvanized tubs for 50 Dress Goods ' Specials. We have a very handsome line of dress goods from the cheapest to the finest. Our advance sales have been the best we have ever had, leaving us a good many short lengths and remnants. We nave j taken these out of stock and put a I piece price on them. You can't 1 realize how low it is until you see : the goods, Many of our remnants ! are large enough for dress patterns, others enough for a skirt pattern, the rest big enough for a waist. Ladies' Misses .and Childrens SHOES. Here is the place we are show ing some of our most attractive bargains for the big sale. Lot 1 Odd Lot clhildren's shoes, regular 65c. 75c, $1 sellers, your choice of the lot 48c Lot 2 Odd lots of misses' shoes, regular $ij $1.25, $1.50 sellers, your choice of this lot 75c Lot 3 Big lot of women's shoes, some of them have sold as high as $3, 1 to 3 pair of a kind, your choi'-e of this lot for 08c Ladies' arctic overshoes, regular Si sellers, sale price 6gc Ladies' rubbers, regular 50c sel lers, none better at any price, special sale price 25c Millinery bargains for the big sale. Ladies' misses' and children's trimmed hats, street hats and child ren's caps a big line at low prices. Ladies' trimeed hats that are worth twice the money, in this sale at 08c, 1.25, 1.50, and $2 Children's caps, big values, in this sale 15, 25, 40 and 50c Misses trimmed hats, not equaled in any store in Vinita, in this sale at ,75c $1 1.50 We make a specialty of ladies' fine trimmed hats to order. We have an immense line of materials and a competent experienced trim mer. If we haven't a hat in stock to please you we can make you one to suit you. Try our millinery de partment, you will not be disappointed. ! THE W. R. BADCETT MERCANTILE COMPANY ( . . ....w. .... . -. W -- THE GOOD GOODS STORE. S If. ho plo bo .t re is, 11 Kl us trn 00 At u iJ iJ Pi i; m m t o,- ;,HlJSKiL!l,'?ff'tl;y vui4 tamos uvTtHerr. t '"''""i ritif1:1iTi,.vViiiTifT TTV J-., li "-"" SWSffCV . ZS&Tv&xm KEI t rwitHftrtWArt'fWWMMAYtetfHmmrWV -.-J..tJa..i ..,.- . ..