Newspaper Page Text
ftr -u E umev s'-tii 2 a' ."jJ .v J J 11 'o THE INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. llMdiidfc. ' . is. h v 4 it K t? :j V it I f I . CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901. VOL. XX. NO. 12 Sit-?ar3XHHI9HCKmSHt M ANALYSIS OP VINITA'S tf ARTESIAN WHLLS, fj Foruiailuna naMml tlirnngli won M IU tt -liir mid alato. 4 i ft. flint, U Hfi lltnonlono. 1S6 fr. grit It. Klral JJ flow water utfWOfl. ; teeoid ntOM. fS Intnlanllila 1' 8.8 purls lOO.OOO X Calcium IJurtionMo. 3.(1 pnrts tlMltn It ntrliim Hnliilml'.. .04 part lOP.WK) X MnKnmliim Aiilplmid OS parti 1W.W0 a MnRnmtlum UilorlcU 4 0 part l0.on X Bnl 11 m Ulilorlile ... Bl.t purl 100.WO M ftndlam L'srlionntt .KB1 purls 10OJO X UmlPtermlRixl .. . S 3 parti lUO,0Oa m Sumo nnnl rata applies to each of Hie m nl u wnlla wlili llltln vailnilon. t&mXmMKIImmtmmXimmt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. I,. DAOnY, . 1'IIYSICU'N and SUROHON. Office In New Ratollft Building. Tele phone 101. Vlnlta, Iml. Ter, TA51U3 S. DAVBNTORT, I ATTORNKY AT LAW. Rooms 9 and 10, New Hnlsell Building, Vinita. I. T. Davenport fc Hull, Attorneys at Law, Hank Ilullalng, Clareuiore, I. T - 1Ia"s.W. DAY, D. D. 3. Gold Crown ond Drldgc Work n Special ty. Office over Ilrst National Unnk VINITA, I. T. w.u- KORNItOAY, ATTORNKY AT LAW ,4ii'l Notary I'ulillc. Office In new Hnl sell building, YlniUi. I. T. Will practice in nil me umieuaiaics courts 01 me 1. 1. ? nn uiMtrn uiii aiiuii.ii, inconly Kxcluslvc Bye, Iter and Nose Specialist in tuHudlan Territory j 3sL.' LA.. w Bye treated and cksscs properly fitted l.ffice at residence ''Q&m Restaurant. C Best Place in the City to Oct a Good Meal. All kinds of menu, Fish and Gam in Bensnii; Short Orderfl a epeo tally Frfcli oylers in any style; nnj thing you may wnnt in tlin puling line. (Jood meals 25 conle. J. V. Sherwood, in Charge Oct i. T CHIEF'S MESSAGE Tho National Council and Largo Assemblage Hear the Communication. MATTERS OF IMPORT Job Carpenter Shop ut residence, iiiitdiately ntiih of urownin Lumber Co., facing the l'risco tracks. Will do high Rnule carpenter work rind furniture repair ing such as book cmcs, secretaries, p'geon hole work, nnd all other wood work in carpenter Atjrt furniture line D. C. BOSWELL. Swaiifs..... Secpnd . Hand and Repair Store. Storage Rooms. East Side Cdil und ( xaiiilnc our to -k of t Wood, Coal and Feed Ve have ju-t received a car of Ifindlint! Wo I, a car of McAloster Coal, Tlireert 9t,tf una anoeTA(UllJt" liitvo plenty at sloy... Now Is rhaso llil line of y Ihoy rei heap. McClure Feed & Seed Co tEuBH. AJia HIWW. Rv waie nrf ..For.. jbotooyapbs, Latest Styles and P?rm.anent Results Qo To South of U. S. Cour lout: Inferred to in tho Message Which Recommends Making a New Treaty Wilb Government And a Per Capita Payment. Tablequah, I. T., Nov. 8. Tho moesago oi Ohiof Bufllnglon to the national council was road in the publio square today in tho pres ence of tho members of both branches of tho council, tho Dawes onmmisBion and a concourso of over 2,000 people Tho questions of import referred to in the executive's communica tion were 88 forecasted in the Chieftain recently. Tho following is tho full text of tho message: Executive Department, Cherokoe Nation, Tabhqunli, Iodtcn Ter ritory, Nov. 7ir, 1001. I'o tho Membeis of the National - Council: Gentlemen: You hav nssem bled to Iranenct such business as may be necessary for the good of tho people who have chosen you to reprcsont them. In the origina tion of legislative enactments your will is supreme. In Ibis connec tion the (Xccitlivo is merely ad visory, as he can only make etich suggestions and recommendations as ho may deem expedient, that may be put into execution or ig nored at your volition. A very grave responsibility has devolved upon you, for your every action is certain to be approved or condemned by your people as it reaches towards qr recedes from tho principles of right and justice. Bairn new from the people ac quainte you with thai' desires and nmdt. In the interest of your e ve and ".oorb having an equal uharw in Ibis estate, each of yuu has, no doubt, recently Bought and obtained the earnest wishes of your coneiittunls as to the beBt method to purBue in unraveling the tangled conditions of affairs oi your coun try. You bear your commieBionu from u,pcoplo who truBt and conOdo in your Integrity and ability and who will bo disappointed and downcast should you prove unfaithful to duty. Your authority eminating Irom an honest, intelligent and earnest people bhould inspire you with a resolution to meet their ex pectatloiiB in a (earless and faith' fill manner. Tho passage or failure of any matter that may bo submitted to your consideration should bo pro coded with a most careful analysis, so that your actions in such mat tors shall engage tho commenda tion of the publio conscience. Hasty law making is ono of the growing evils of legislative bodies and should be scrupulously evad ed. In order 'that no ill advised legislation be enacted or no meri torious measure neglected or re jected, you should proceed with- Upholstering and Furniture Repairing Carpets laid 5oc a room and up Bruno Graffunder, Ilil' Illdg Hack of Greening' BALED HAY! CORN CHOP, CORN & COAL Ddlvcred to All Parts of the City. Brackett's 4 Mill C. R. SWANK. Prop. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnwc NUnKa OopYfliOHra Ac vn'"nrilBltfl) " "w( i ! uri-iiii ur hii i tlmi uprui'i.HMii 4irit t'vooiiOrlar'U.i fno. Miitt atitmr I i.imu taken tlmmuti ... rial tutlt. WllhuUtUIr scicnunc A tinibninclrlliii.i d At) n vl mri' v , .1 n itu. r i muntli, l fet' 4 M IIFJfJ P. P.t 39IBrsaiM BriuA OfflwT 4 V f U ilwfm MBJSrK.'.': mmn. HZ Vt?L ,V, rH W wj ur. iNftWYntK tl UK Bum m mVm ST It is a laudable ambition to reach tuft top of the ladder of success, Hut many n man nho reaches the topmost rung finds his position a torment instead of a inunipn. 11c lias sacrificed his health to success. A man ran suc ceed and he strong if he heeds Nature's warnings. When there is indiges tion, loss cf ap petite, ringing in the ears, dizzi ness, spots be fore the eyes or palpitation of the heart : any or all of these symptoms lxHiit to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Vierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures dis-: eases of the stomuch and other organs of di gestion and nutrition T)y perfect and abund ant nourishment dis tributed to each vital organ it suable the co-ope r a-z5Wb Hon oi an me organs 10 pre serve the perfect health of me iHxiy. " 1'ur atuul two yfara I uioVml from a very Ol-llnutr cr.i(llyit()U,"wrilt K K Beeoru, Kq uf i.i Kiultni Ara, Tervnto, Ualailo. 'I trird itrvai nmuW-r or tctumllt. vlthut luo- ccm i diuiiv it iin 1 1 iiittn u. i w wj fur none Hut I iuuU! not krar muv tolld fovtt III my rf tuiuch lx a long tltur : felt melancholy sikI !.')itwcl Could uul lep km fullew uy IU Wm WPa I mmmn immmmM itlou Some fuur montV cu a ftUm CVv WneHt lliol I coullnueil I hi- iucJIcIh 1 have rtcuHii'itmioi xuur'uohicii biioiksi inwwcry. IU' J tnutll Id !.)l cup if u CJllll'IC AfU r a treL'f Ucslmellt 1 had i ikru Ihrcc lutllM suit am convlucf I ft has Id my tac acouiipiitiica a pcrniautm cure. I L-nn Hiim-imtiity rKoiiunciiJil to the thoit utuU uf dv.DciilLc. IhroMfflioul the laud The " Common (jemc Medical Adviser," iooS large mges hi iaper cover, is sent ne-ceu ii! onh I'lcrce, Iluffalo, N. V, c t delay to the consideration of bso subjeots ol suoh eminent J bllo concetn and to which your attention in some degree will be invited; tho consideration of nbd action upon vital interests to the public should not be deferred until the cloeing days of council and then be disposed of amid hurry and confusion. Your committees, which aro charged with tho formulation and investigation of bills of a publio nature should begin work instantly. This will save you the annoyance of defeating or passing laws with out the consideration their Im portance deserves, and may save you from tho criticism of unduly prolonging the session of council and unnoceesnrlly Increasing the expenses. There is no reason why the last days of this session should bo crowded with business if, at the becinnlnc, you should address yourselves to your several duties. With thU Introductory I will now, In accords::..: itn tno pre cedents of my official duly, submit to you a review of publio events of tho past year that concerns the interest and welfare of the Chero kee people, connecting therewith such suggestions, which, I trust, will meet with your favorable action. NECROLOGY. Ojw by mo of our aged patriots are called away by death. As a nation we should bo thankful to our Heavf nly Father for his spar ing mercies and watchful care over the hundreds who bavo had their minus entered on the official roster of our country. I am gratelul (o be permitted to announce that only a small number of those who have heretofore given good and faithful service to their people, have re ceived their last Bummons during the year just closed Joseph A. dcales was born in the old Cherokee nation, east of the Mississippi river, and upon the dissolution of tribal government there came to this country. He received bis education in the schools of our nation and was a student all through life. He filled with credit and distinction the po sitiuuo J. -'-'- " nrrt'.e. .tk of the supreme court, delegate, chief justice of the tupreme court and executive secretary. Williatu W. Ouffington was born in Georgia, and came to this coun try in an early day. He hod liv ed beyond the allotted limn of man over three score years and ten. Ho was admired for bis ex emplary nnd consistent privato life and for faithful end crediluble ser vice as a member of the senate. He always met his duty with cour age and never lowered IiIb eyeB in the presence of any man. Death came to him almost instcntly on the evening ol the extremely hot days ol the summer of 1001. Ned Bullfrog wbb ono of those pure blood Cherokee Indians whose life reflects honesty of pur poeo and devotion to country. 0. C. Lipe wob a useful citizen and had served the nation well in different official positions. MINERAL LEASES Under Sec. 13, of tho Act of Con gress of June 23th, 1803, known as the Curtis law, the Secretary of tho Interior assumes the authority to grant Iobsob upon our lands for tho purpose of mining minorals and oil. I was advised by letter dated July 10, 1001, from the Hon orable Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, that tbo Honorable Secretary of the Interior would after the ex piration of thirty days from tho 11th day ol July, 1001, that Is ou the 11th day of August, consider tho application of tho Cherokee Oil and Gas company, an Arkansas corporation, ior tho lease of cer tain lands in the Cherokee nation. I immediately addressed a letter to tho Secretary requesting a post ponement of notion in order to ob tiin some data, An oxtenslon of thirty days was granted, and the attorneys for the Cherokee nation submitted the nations brief nnd ar gument in opposition to tho appli cation of the said company, before the Honorable Secretary of the In terior Sept. 10, last, nnd I also en tered a vigorous protest against tho granting of such a lease, which aocompnnies this message for your Information. Again the Secretary postponed action unlit the 7th day of October. The granting of leases of any kind at this time would only com plicate matters more nnd prolong our dying days. I believe the cit izens of this nation want to hold their lands, when it is Individual- Ized, under the same system and tenure as the United Slates make It to her citizens owners of every eTpe'iafl.; AdSrcS ""B brtiMih as well as above tho Dr u. V I surface. During tho ten years which tills Iohpo has run, which the Cherokee Oil nnd Gas com pany now seek to gel possession of, the paltry sum of .twenly-fiva dollars has been received by. the nation as royalty. Such returns to our common treasurer does not justify the ro tating, for a score of years, the progress and advancement of thirty-six thousand land holders, besides Ilia great hardship, the leasing of this land now would cftuso double that number of in dustrious United Slates citizens al ready in our midst. Notwithstanding my efforts and the efforts of (be attorneys for the nation to prevent the leasing of our lands, the Interior Depart ment last month leased to the Cherokoo Oil and Gas company eleven thousand five hundred and twenty acres of land in CooweeB- C00W09 district. I immediately ordered injunc tion proceedings against tho Sec retary and his subordinates to re strain them from issuing said lease. This arbitrary action should bo op posed by us in every legnl way possible, and you should make provisions to follow it to the high est courlBof the land. EDUCATION. Among the many milo poats that mark the progress of our onward course, there is none more promi nent than tho educational institu tions of the Cherokeg nation. For their inauguration nnd organ ization full crodit must bo' given to our far eeoing ancestors, tho real Cherokee Indian, i Our schools stand out conspicu ously as an embodiment of tho highest and best type, of tho ad vancement nnd christian growth and aro lasting monuments of the spirit of thriltiness of this people. In our high schools was provided for, and is tenaciously held, the idea of separate education for the Bexes. In these seminaries tho young men and tho young women are kopl in touch with the world without being ruthlessly thrust upon It to tho detriment of woman ly gentleness and purity, and man ly character and strength. 11 is a aoutv" of much gratidce- lion to wilnett the placing of young women ai d young men up on their honor, tlius making Iheiu ladylike and gentlemanly in their conduct. Self responsibility is an nducativn force to the student. The coureo of study of our high schools should, step by step, be made oo equal to that of the cur riculum of tho colleges of the sur rounding stateB, so that the Cher okee youth could acquire at home the high literary culturo afforded "by tho best colleges. The prepar atory department should, in real ity, preparo for the collegiate course. Our neighborhood or pri mary schools can and should bo made moro efficient. It can be ac cimplished by tho selection of bet ter qualified teachers and a close supervision of school room work. On our board of education should be tho best talent our country af fords and men of Inch moral stamina. There is now in operation, at the expense of the Cherokee na tion: Primary schools, 12-1; High schools, 3; Teachers employed in primary schools, 128; Teachers employod in high schools, 13; Ag gregate attendance of pupils for fall term of 1000 and spring term of 1001, 4180; Average attendance for samo timo, 2417. Tho small allendanoo the past year is attrib uted largely to the prevalence of smallpox throughout the country. Enrollment at tho male seminary for tho year 1000-1001, 282; Aver age attendance, 137; Pupils enroll ed at tho female seminary for tho year 1000-1001, 221; Average ot- tendance, 135. Average attendance of pupils at the colored high school, 3-1. - This shows an Increased intorest in our high schools and naturally raises tho.question of their support under this additional attendance of pupils. Our Echool annutties aro now $,2,605.00. Council appropriated lost year from primary schools', 831,015.00; For books, $3,000; For support of high schools, 838,041.11; Salaries to members board of eduoation and contingent expense, 82,250; For international schools for blind nt Ft, Gibson, 8800. Total appro priations for eohool purposes 874, 800.11, which is 831,010,15 moro than our income for the support of our 8chool8. You aro referred to tho report of tho board of education ior a more detailed statement of the condi tion of our Bchool system. Since the nation baa bsen donlod their collection it appears that no part of revenues nnd royalties due its tin been placed to the credit of tho school fund. ORPHAN ASYLUM. I hail with delight tho good re suits that aro being accomplished at this charitable institution. The attendants nre treated as sons and daughters of n well rrgulnted homo. Superintendent, teachers and children eat nl tho same tables and partsko of tho same faro. Every child is Impressed with tho iden Hint he or she is there for n serious purpose nnd must prepare for future responsibilities. The much needed repairs on this building, for which tho council of 1000 niado an appropriation, bavo not been reported as completed or in progress, and for information ooncernlng this matter you aro re spectfully requested to apply to lbs members of the board of edu cation. Availablo funds for support of Ibis institution annually amounts to 818,733 96. Total sum appro priated far orphan asylum last year., 817,235,25. This institution deserves a lib eral appropriation for its healthy continuance. E3TRAY LAW. The enle of eBtray property under authority of a law passed by coun cil and approved by tho president ,Drc. 27, 1000, has produced n very satisfactory revenue. On account of the peculiar conditions of our government, tho enactment of such a law is n matter of much diffi culty, and such revisions and nmendments should be made an time and experience show to be necessary and feasible. The Inw as it now stands pro vides that property must be adver tised in some newspaper in the district or by posting description of the property in three conspicu ous places in the district for tho ionglh of time' required by law. These advertisements nre mnde in nine districts nnd in tho English language only, which many of our people do not understand. Very seldom do people Bee lists of es tray property of other districts other than th thty lire TIRED OF BlXBYl Interior Department Said to Havo Slated Him For . Retirement. TOO MUCH POLITICS And loo Little Work on tho Part Of Acting Chairman of Dawes Commission, Given as Tbo Causo For His Exit. A dispatch from Washington states that tho Hon. Tarns Blxby is slated for retlremsnt from- the Dawes commission without the formality of hia oft reported resig nation. Tho fact that Ibis time the exit of the ubulquitouB Tarns is not booked on the voluntary route adds n measuro of hopo to tho aesuranco that it Ib true to tho residents of tho territory who hava endured Bixby ad nauseam these many moons. The following recites the causes leading to the promised exit of Bixby as n territorial incumbrance: "One of tbelfirst changes in the federal officors lof Indian terri tory will occur in connection with the Dawes commission. Mr. Tarns Blxby, acting chairman of tbe commission, has been schedul ed for retirement for several monthBpast. His official term ex pired tho 10th day of May last, but, owing to the policy adopted by President.McKinley of making few changes'ln federal offices when the Senate wbb not in session, and tbe further fact that important work was pending before the commis sion, which was desired that Col. Bixby,'should complete, no action was taken'at that time. Secretary Hitchcock and Com missinner'Jones have been dissat isfied with the management of the districts in which I affairs of tho commission by Mr. ' Bixbr for the rait veer, and al ... .i loopvtaie euou omeotions anujyioot Uwe8 rum ra ha bwa defect I recommend that the law ciroual.d to tbe effect thai bis lfesiteteti JkJ& jfc & ric m FOR ALL PURPOSES. Big bills, little billsthey're all the same to us, just so long as they're lumber bill. No matter what you want from a bunch of lath to a complete house bill we strive to give you such satifaction that you will come again. Any way, we'd like to see you 'next time you need lumber. If we can give you a better grade of stuff for the same, qr less money, that is what you are looking for, isn't it? Run in and see us. Full line of lime, plaster, cement, sewer tile, paints, oils, etc. We want your trade wer'e after it. P. G. Broutoing & Co. TELEPHONE 30. fif tvun nrtrt. ! T "i TTaw TT T , XVf T T r x.t W First National Bank, VINITA .lINDIANrrBRlUTORY. CAPITAL, troo,ooo. fc,t4a.l SUJiriMS, ttofioo. r. be eto amended as to require ad vertisement to be made in tho Cherokeo advocate, in both the Cherokee nnd English languages. FT. OinSON MILITARY RESERVATION. In my Inst nnnunl message I called the attention of council to the great damage being done to th buildings nt Ft. Gibson, formerly used fur tsilitury purposes by the United States, but reverted some years ago to tbe Cherokee nation. Thero are many substantial houses among tho buildings that Bhould return n profitable revenue to us; but thero Boems to be no authority to collect it. I appointed a cuBtodian to look after tho caro of this property and collect renlB. No one would pay anything to him as rental and no assistance could be obtained to compel them to pay. Many of tbe houses are occupied by citizens and non-citizenB alike. I urge you to authorize some one to tako charge of this valuable property (or the nation, with directions to protect it, collect rents or to sell it. ASYLUM FOR INSANE, DEAF, DUMB AND DLIND. The report of the Bteward of this institution shows that twonty in mates have been taken care of dur ing tho past year. 1 suggest that the appropriation for the ourrent and contingent ex, penses of this asylum be made to begin tho first ot January and run the ourrent year, thus ending at the expiration of the term of office of the steward. The appropria tions as heretofore mado begin October 1st and ond tbe 80th of tbo next September, The appro priations should be made concur rent with the term of office of the steward. The building is Badly in need of a new roof, and an appropriation should bo made for that purpose, The asylum annuities amount to 83,007.35. This sum la availablo for its support each year. Amount appropriated for (ho support of this institution from October let, 1000, to Oct. 1st, 1001, 82,018,80, including an old claim of 8180, a deficiency and the stew, ard's salary. BREAD MONEY. Tbo almost unprecedented drouth of tho past season scorched, withered and dried the crops In many sections of our country. The clns9 of our people who have always relied upon the corn crop for sustenance are now almost without bread or their families (Continued on Poge2.) been called for. resignation had Nearly a year ago Mr. Bixby left his office and went to Minnesota to conduct a campaign for tbe United States sennlorship to suc ceed Hon. Cusbman K. Davis. This action, which was taken without tho approval of the secre tary, wsb looked upon al tbe time as n violation of departmental or ders, which prohibited officials from taking a prominent part in politics. Since then other difficulties have arisen which hive added to the tension already existing between the acting chairman and the de partment. After President MoKinley'a death the matter wbb allowed to drop. Recently Secretary Hitch cock has given tho subject consid erable attention, and it is admit ted at the department that a change will shortly occur. Oldest and Strongest National Bank in the Cbarokee Hattott. DIRECTORS. KOKSSGA y. W. A. GMAHAM, . O. HALL, G. IT. cUPOt. WjttfAlStt. m V VVVV'V'a'tWk. WWSWWT9 Doos a Safe (Jonorat Banking DualnosBi THE DIRECT LINE -rou- Kansas City and Saint Louis .... DIRECT CONNECTION for ALL POINTS NORTH, EAST aniLWES Reclining Chair Cars-aeals free of extra cjiJ&S , Pullman Sleeping Cars. Be sure your ticket readrvi " -the abovo line. See your nenrest agent for folders, rntes or other informntion, or address H. C. TOWNSEND, Qcucral Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Missour DENIES CONFESSION. The Negro, Whltmlre, Saya A. M. T. A's Statement Is False.; 11II&1 WATCHES! The negro, Oscor Wbltmlre.who is alleged by Centralia Lodge A. H. T. A. to have confessed that Deputy MarBhnl White ndviBed him to carry nrms qr protection against the whites of that town, denies having made the statement- This morning be made the fol lowing sworn statement in deuial of the alleged confession: "Vinita, I. T., Nov. 8, 1001." "To Whom 11 May Concern: I, Os car Whittnlro, the parly who was run out ot Centralia, on or about tbo 20th night ofiSopt. 1001, and who have been shown a statement published In Tho Dally Chieftain, of Nov. tho Oth, HOI, charging that 0. S. White, of dco Deputy Marshal, had advised mo to carry a gun as protection against tho whites of Oentralla, I. T, I here by state that tho statement Is false in toto. and that G. S. White never told mo to carry gun nnd that I havo never told any person or pcraons, or court, or ofllccr at any time or place that he did. Signed and sworn to tbU 8th day of Nov. 1001." "OSCAU WlUTMIRE." "Subiorlbodand Sworn to beforo mo this 8tb day of November, 1001. SEAL. "N- L. IWDEH," "Notary Publio." Tt will be intereBtlnc to coto what aotlon the lodge will take on this denial of the slntement in corporated in their recent resolu tions of oondemoalion. W. II. Tarrant has contracts for tho erection ot fourteen new build lngs in Vmlta. If you want a good watch, one Uiat look welt and m a good time keeper I can pleae you in both quality and price. Klin and Waltlmm watches are two of the best watches made m America. I always have these in stock in many grades. I guarantee every watch I sell. and you can depend upon it being just as I tell you. When you want a watch call and see luy line. Vine and complicated watch repairing a specialty. Motto-Not the cheapest but the DUST work at all times. August Schliecker, Na. as. St ltli Wllwn St. Jswsler sndOptfclan. jTgn T??riTTiKyTniTr7TrJi ;hb si BTi'igeamii 3 L. K. McGUFFIN, President. TH0S. T. WIMER, W. E. McQEORQE, Vice-President. Cashier ...The Cherokee National Bank... Ulnlta, Ind. Ter. . OA3PIT.AX S25,0Q0.00. niRBCTORS, W, H, r.airoygli. W. 11. McO. 1 DOS. 1 . n inter. tore. hreu u Keller. I. K. UeQufflu. JoUnFranVWjH DoQaG3S3Sr33J"-BA.L BAJSTKLNG "Busxnesa GOT A LITTLE EXTRA FEED? Miiford & Badgett Have a few extra cows. Prices from 15 P- lerms to suit purchaser. The ijjoi Calf Crop is already weaned and for -sale in lots to suit, Lnst year they brought $14 arowvlt this year will go for !w. 350 hs4 about equally divided between sfteers and heifers. White face pre dominate. Are at the borne place, at military crossiug of Cabin crk. Address, Peusacok, I. T or see W. R. at Viulla, 8 i g K If I ;-,.. V 1 t B-"vrsiaj.'raaaajifWH1' ' ' "" " -u iMutwawntorr. WtB&N&tiiR TTWfriC$at,W- -n-. TittZtVUKVStV MatjaaMBaaa-n ttttnipft-t:uaiu:'