Newspaper Page Text
lMWM,,..01 Jf " 'J ini't star i IS iOic a? THE INDIAN CHIEFTAIN. P I CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1901. VOL. XX. NO. 15 I , aH iuI l i - v . 9 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS.. -ritL. BAGny, .PHYSICIAN and stmauoN. Office Id New Rntcliff Iluitdiiig. Tele 'phone lor Vuiltn, I ml. Tcr. TAMES S. DAVKNTORTi f ATTORNHY AT LAW. Rooms 9 and lo, New Hnlscll DuIIdlng, Vinita. I. T Davenport & Unit, Attorneys nt Law, name uuiitung, I'tai-cmorc, I. T "frj IL KOKNUGAY, Anii Notary Public. Office In new Hal sell building, Vinita, I. T. Will practice ATTnOWHV Al- T AM? 1 the United States courts i of the I T. DR. UIMFR. 'r.onlI'.xchftive nye, Bar and Nose cianst in luc Indian Territory v1' ' tAHC'-KJ Ky-p treated and glasses properly fitted i Office at Drugstore --r- h'FEW REASON u. rll the best nsawls M WWlr JL inf. t iw lrff PHOTOGRAPHS.. His photos arc the best. His photos ore permanent His prices are reasonable, His photos arc of the best material. ins money is spent with us. His styles arc the latest Go to him for )our photos. '- FOWLER. Kstablishcd 1889 South of United States Court House. NEW WHITNEY RESTAURANT. Best Alenl In the City 35c Short Orders a Specialty. ' Pint Door I!. it ol RatclHC .STOCK BRANDS Not occupying more space than tho first following will bo inserted at "$5.00 per yoar. Tho verdict ,pl "mob owning largo or small herds io that it pays to advertiso the qrafida. BADGETT.& MlbEORD, , O. VINITA. I. T. -" W, Also . UriWWsS. J U 3 R ROTW COCO On right Lip and kldooearbick. Unlrea nml younsw cattlo fM All la tally branded wltli on Iuttalioulder oraM. 10 U011 lUlit ililfl Yoiiixor outtle marked under lull crop-right and uncl.rbli loft ear -VlWtnrci on ItoeU Creek, near Adnlr II or Jijunrlor. ure unarm, at Military Uro,a- I ei' J11 of of CuLIn Creek. Herd prlncljii iny cow. W. H. NOBLES, Edua, Kan. llorae brand aemr. lU)d brand ondorhaircrol In rach -ar Ham. head ol I lllgcreek.O.N. W W MILLER, FcsloMrc Inlta, Ind. Tcr Range on Lo cust and Ml. tie Cabin rrccksObran on rlslit side and 111 p. Vu rtoua nar narba (3til titlLfiyfeuJ onlyforsblp- mrni. WM, HOWELL, Falrland, Ind. Tcr. Soma bale on left urn ma Mara.croi and iiillt Is right, nndei tlopeln left. Itanie'aoulh wait of nine Jacket, I, T. J. 0. GRAY, 10 Miles Northwest of Vlrilla. J 0 Itango on I'an I'uw Creek. Cuttle ot Ids brand sold only tor ship ment. loo reward or con vlctlon of atoullag bis brand It. II, TAYLOR, rostofllcr Vinita, I. T. 8moolli crop Id left ear.aml crop andapllt In tbt rlEhl Hume cattle Id varloua other brandaftmarka. Ilanga on Lo. eaet creak, fnui mllras a. or VI. nils. K. O.VUAYSGR. VJnlta, I. T. brand an Illr Latin am Itanae ertea,7 miles' weak of llluo- aertt. Cstlla of this Srald sold oly for ship- 1C0 reward orynlcllon or 'iteallDg Jfcla brand IfS" fHELIVE STOCK MARKET OF 8T. LOUIS. 1 The St. Louis National c-..- m Yards. located ntEsst St. Loals, 111, irrll ODUOilta ILaellT of St. Lonle Hay ITS Is art lor all description or Ua Block alwaj nee, ana wimin in ironnai or srds U s IUef Caanlns Company, 1 3 capacity roraisugntmng s.oua bead urea llraDd I'ork 1'aeklDleatabllibaieDta b ,eaWoUyror'laobUrliigH,uoouoiidaUT. 0,0 ICNOX.VIoaVrea, f J nfmEE3KK!& i-sMsAt&JwMBo r j O. f,jpNKS,ae MgT t W, nUAtCn. Ats't. Qen. Uirr. (flAlUKr IIUNT Otn, lARsat for Texas TsaFPBaBfflsBaaiaaaPWaaBOlMa UNITED STATES COURT U. S. COURT 1$ OPENED. Legal Grind Inaugurated by Charge of The Court to Accepted Jurors. CLEARANCE OF CRIMINAL DOCKET Containing Nearly Five Monday illlllXllJLJUlillllililil OPPICGRS OP COURT. P Dist. Att'y. Pliny L: Soper fc Asst, Dist, Att'y. James h Huckleberry. P Asst. Dist.'y4 0, L. RiIr. h Marshal, Leo E Ilennett. h Office Dep. F. II. Hubbard, fc Chief Clerk C. D. Davidion. Deputy Clerks T. A. Chand- P ler, II. H. Lybraud. t Court Crier M 0. Gabbort. h Court Bl'iT., Wm.Coverdile. P Gr. Jury Bl'ff. II. Adams, p OTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTd The regular December term of the United Statre court Va open ed by Judge Job.' A. UJ.lWt morniHg. . v The present seEsion ptomises to be one of tho muul important in tho judicial history of tho terri tory. Doth the civil and oriuiinnl dock ets are congeted wlih cafes ol great moment. Tho criminal dookut is a start ling commentary on crime, con taining as it does the records of olTeiue against nearly every statu lory and jnoral law. Tho civil docket contains cases involving a stupendous amount and important interests. Tho civil oues will not be reached before the. fctcond week in January. At the morning eeeslon the se lection of petit and grand jurors was undertaken first on order of tho court, and the following is a list of those qualified and accepted: Giianu Jury Foreman, Chas Murdock; V A Graham, S T Lin coln, J A Allen, Scott Williamson, Win Dodge, Dan Price, Fair Mo Spadden, Ed Dean, J W liridges, 0 0 Runyan, Jra R Dodds, Peto Hasting, Fox Dannenborg, Vaun Chambers, JnO A Gideon. PhTlT Junoits Wm ISallaul, Joe Rlanohard, D T Buswell, Jno Duller, II G Chandlor, E L Clink, enbeard, Riley Copoland, A J Davis, L F Elliott, Neal England, D W Freeman, Mat Gamble, B Good, Frank Hall, Geo T Hamp ton, L W Marks, Billy Martin, T T B Sheehau, M E Shull, Wm West, J II Wheeler, EJ Williams, Billie Williamson, Ed Lunday, J M Ballard, L T Brown, Dave Mer edith, B T Chandler, Win Ingalls, J 0 Wimer, L'has Waemond. J P Festeiman, Wm Tiger, I F Mo Camment, 0 M Lunch nor. Tho charge ol the court to the grand jurors was both forceful and comprehonsivo. Reminding them in detail of their grave responsi. bUllies, especial olreBB was laid upon the necessity of their aiding tho court In enforcing the liquor laws, by finding indictments against all, irrespective of olaes, engaged In the nefarious trailio. In reviewing the prevalence of crime in the territory, tho court attributed it largely lo tho salo ol Intoxicants, and Btatcd that aovon tenths of tho crimes could bo dl roollv traced tolhla source. In addressing tho petit jurors the court reminded them (hat they. were olucers of the oourl and re. quested that they maintain a bo coming dignity while conncolod wllh it. The following appointments ol officers wore th(n announced! Oourl drier, M 0. Gabbort, oourl bailiff, Wm. Cuverdale; HOUSE AT VINITA. Hundred Cases Commenced Afternoon. oixiaiAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia h JUDOES PRGSIDINO. P M JUDQE JOS. A. GlLt,, P h uitiMiNAL, usceinuer'Jnuiu . H - December 14. P d Gbnkral. Jan. 0, lo Jan. 25. P uiiiii. i'to. xu, 10 lunr. iu. 1 h .4 Juiiok C. W. Raymond, m CitiMiNAi.. Dec. IC1I1, t 0 h q Dec. 21th. p T7TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTO t u Intho nbsenao of District At lornoy Pliify L S.iper, Asst Diet. Atty. Jae. Huckltberry represent d !iie(fflVefnmHnl, and anno&noed lh folIowlnR cases to be called at tho afternoon sossion: Mart Fish, peijury. Tli 03 Monaghan, assail to kill. Jas Elliott, intliq. Jos. Elliott, disp liq. Joel Martin, manslaughter. Wm Hern, counterfeiting. Robt Chililors, larceny. Rubt Childers, inl liq. Fuller Alber'y, under ruspended sentence for introducing liquor, was released on probation by the court. Adjournment wob then taken until 1:30 p.m. At tho afternoon Bession Thos. Monaghan, under a suspended sen tence for assault to kill, was sen. tenoTd to the Ft Smith peniten tiary for one year. The sentence waB the result ol Monaghan's en gaging in a street disturbance here several months ago while out on probation -" Adair Ittms. A number of (he young people spent 11 delightful evening Wed nesday, at tho home of Mrs F. W. Propp a place where tho young people are always welcome Mr. and Mrs. Silas Meeks gavo an elegant dinner to a number ol friends Thanksgiving day. The church supper was a great suqeosa and was largely attended. Tho. ladies had worked faithfully andjiothing was miseing in the way; of good entables. Everyone enjoyed themselves iiumonsely. Mtb. Lindsey is expected home sop'n from Missouri, where she has-been visiting tho past two mohtha, Clias. Collins. R. L. Brock and Geo, Warren returned from Kan B.uCity yeBtorday. U b rumorod that tliero is to bo another wedding real soon. NIGHT OF PLEASURE. TerpTschore Reigned Supreme Last '. Msht. Society en hisbbb engaged in scenes of gaye'.y Thursday. Ter plschore was the goddess of tho hour and her devoteeB made merry the night. Tho German Club met in (he Halsell Hall, which had been made resplendent with scarlet and gol den autumn leaves, and danced away tho hours In merry atyle. Amongst those present were: Mir. and Mrs Proston Davis, Mr. and "Mrs, Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thompson, Mr. ond Mrs, W, M Mellette. Mr. and Mrs, Joo Butler. MIbbob Carrie Goody- ooonli, Grace Former, Mabel Miller. Jn n.. mi7-,ai..,....i.. w. a ... A , .-...-.....,. owHM.uesHic lin, Miss Palmer Messrs Tom Bvrd. Vitnoe McSpsddon, K-llsr Wa Ler, E-n-gt Crit'onden. Mr. an.1 Mrn Rider, Mr and Mrs. Jno. Hirlan, Mr nml Mrs JSuitc Wade, Mrs. Emmet Skinner, Mr. and Mrs Paul Dr F M. Duqkworlb, Clarenioro, Messrs. Tom Lano, ' Inremore, Givens and Granen, of Mu k'igee Mr and Mrs. J, 0. Andtj-son, Mr and Mrs W. IS. tlnWll, Mr. and Mrs. R. I Blake npy Mrs. Byrd, Miss II ay word, Mr. Penn Philips. At Wcsttni Hotel. An 1 clio to tho strains of tho soft musio that II m'.ed from tho Htlsell Hill, was found at the Western Hotel, where a dance ar ranged by Edgar HitclilT, Walter Onarleeworth and Glenn Cooper, wae enjoyed by a number of young people Amongst this merry com pany were: Misses Miller, of Oiwego, Black. Btone, Alice Cooper, Galowood, Byrd Taylor, Mlnchall, Gertrude Taylor, Reamer, Mallie, Walker, Morckley, Laura Stevens, Fan Knight, Addle Worth, of Parsons, Wasmund, of Welch, N. Warren. Meesrs. Helm, Brooks, Cooper, Killibrew, Goro, Gandenheimer, Charlesworth, John Greedng, Blaiikenshlpt M. Stevens, Shafo ford, Downings, Dobbincs, Ream er, Ed RatclilT, Ramio Dell. FOfi TWO STATES. Col. Robert L. Owen Is Stirring up the Double Staters. The following circular has been sent out from Mu-kogee, by R, L. Owen, with reference to the com ing aiiti single statehood conven tion, tu be held on December 10: Muskook, I.T , Nov 27, '01. D-arSir: The territorial convention which meets on the IO1I1 of December, at Muekogre, will be an impoitant one in the affairs of the territory, and its aciion will carry authority. The debate should be interesting and instructive and productive of healthy public sentiment. Personally, I oppose union with Oklahoma on any terms for ret sons I have publicly stated, but I truly believe that "all the people know more than eomo of the people," and I am anxious to see this con vention ofsetnble tho best minds of Indian territory for earnett, careful and palriotio consideration of tho difficulties before us. Out of this convention should come substantial public 'benefit The question of what (he burden of taxation would be under imme diate statehood will be clearly brought out, The effect of such taxation in chilling and retarding tho great immigration that has be gun will be discussed. Tho prob abilities of Btatehood coming the sooner with or without Oklahoma must be considered witti various collateral subjects, I trust you appreciate the im portance of thia convention which will speak with authority on the subject of statehood fur Indian territory, and that you will Bee that your section is proporly rep resented by your best business men. Yours truly, ROB'T. L. OWEN. ForTlie Benefit of Stock Owners. Corn Stalk Diseask. This is a poculiar disease of the West. It is a disease of corn, due to a fun gus, and horses and cattle eating the slalk get the disease. The or igin of this dieeaso was discovered by Dr. Billings, of Nebraska, with tho asslatancoof Dr. Burrows, of Illinois. It is so well known now (hat the diseased patches can be picked out in tho corn field; it doesn't spread all over the field It interferes with tho growth ol the corn aod breaks out finally, at the junction of the leaf and stalk, It Is duo (0 a vegetable parasite. When animals are affected, in the course of a fow days tho brain becomes affected, they get delir ious, becomo pugnaoioua and want to fight every, even Imaginary objects, llko a man In delirium tromens. If anything comes in sight they go at it, bo they are very dangerous to handle. The trouble keeps on increasing until they lose the power of co-ordination, Btagger and go down and dh In convulsions. It usually occurs In fall and wlater, never In the spring or summer. Treatment is useless. 0. D. MEREDITH, V. S r er Don't Do It, Do tot tako Dr. Caldwell t'cpslnuulossyni have WhUr3il inniKeatiQii, MCKneauaclie or '" "omari. form ot stomach trouble, ucli DyspepMa, Ililliousne.s or fl ari jrm for thoso aro what Is BuatanueO ALLOTMENT BILL Will be Taken up For Action at Tahlequah Today. SQME OPPOSITION Expecled From Tho Non-Progres- sive Element, But Witb a Few Amendments ils Passage Is Confidently Expected by both Parties. Special lo D illy Chieftain. Tahlequah, I. T., Nov. 28. Senate BUI No. 2, providing for the appointment of revenue collec tors for the different districts to take charge of all unsold intruder improvements ond to collect un paid installments on places already sold, has passed both houses and gone to tho chief. The bill taken as a whole is a pretty fair bill. Some object to it on tho ground that 100 cents on the dollar will have to bo paid on the places sold that could have been paid for with national certificates at CO and CO cnts on the dollar. The allotment bill has been printed and will likely be taken up F'iday. It is so voluminous that several days will have to be tdken to digest it. Some of the non-progressives will fight tho measure. All of the progressives on both sides will support the bill ftoj a few amendments are made. Tho white man clause, giving the 1880 roll intermarried citizen a right to pu -chase his allotment by paying the appraised value', is meeting with opposition. The contention of those opposing tho clause is that thero is no distinc tion to be made with the '80 roll intermarried man and tho one mar tl4 since that time and up to the aettf 185. JUlion Bill, No. 11, providing for the dealing out of rations, will likely be' tabled. Tho bill pro vides thut the members of, the council shall resolvo themselves into a commilteo from each dis trict to take testimony and issue certificates to those who are desti tute and to let contracts for furnish ing meat, meal and flour, and that no able-bodied man need apply. The bill is inconsistent, as com pared to other measures that are being introduced. Iruthe allotment bill a division of lands and moneys is asked for, and in the ration bill the fullblood will not bo allowed to handle bis ES per cipita. This bill will likely be knocked out and a substitute offered providing for a small per capita payment. A bill is. on Kb first reading in the senate providing for the sale of all the buildings on tho old mil itary reservation at Ft. Gibson. These buildings are worth thous ands of dollars and the nation is not realizing a dollar out of them. Tuesday afternoon the following named persons wero nominated by tbo Principal Chief and confirmed by the sonate: Superintendent of male semi nary, J. R. Garrett; Superintend ent of female-seminary, E. W. Buflington. Steward insane aey lum, Harry Houeeberg.1 RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. firs. J. U. Turner Painfully nlured Thla Afternoon. Becoming frightened at a drove of sheep Saturday a horse of J. B. Turner's, (hat was being driven lo a trap by Mrs. Turner, ran away on Canadian ave. and colliding with a telegraph pole at the intersection of Wilson street, threw Mrs. Turner out, Inflicting painful injuries. Tho frenzied animal as it dashed down Canadian avenue was kept straight to lis course by Mrs. Turner, who displayed splendid nervo in the trying momonts, but her strength failed her as the craz ed brute sworved toward-lts stable on Wilson street, and it dashed straight into tho telegraph pole breaking tbo shafts and throwing Mrs, Turner violently to tho ground. Mrs. Turner was carried into '9.,k9sxJiMli24!ar on( r" rlHliWflS found tfeit t had eatfpeil with some Baloful bruises and a bi t wrench- i . . .u r '8ttbU0UIU5r.i; . infcD WM OJNK.I ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Airs. Cnrls Rclneko the Unfortunate Victim of "Unloaded dun." Through the accidental discbargo of a r-uppoeedly unloaded f,un, Mrs, Christopher Reineko sustain ed a rerious abdominal wound, at the Ballard home, early Saturday, tho ulllmato result- of which cannot bo determined until lhr ex. act location ol the ball which lodg ed in hor body can be definitely determined. The accident occurred about 7 o'clock this morning, while Mrs. Reineko was assisting her husband in repairing the gun, which her little brother, Lanham Ballard, was lo have used today on a hunt ing trip. The weapon, a email callbro sporting rifle, belonged to Mrs. Reineke, who, being familiar with its mechanism, which was out of order, was sitting closo to tier hus band suggesting a way to repair It. Tho barrel was pointed toward her when in attempting to unscrew the breech mechanism, Reineko touch ed the trigger, discharging the piece, which was supposed lo be unloaded. The muzzle of tho rifle was only about six inches from Mrs. Reineke when discharged, and the ball en tering to the left of (be right hip, bone, ranged downward, appar ently through the abdomen. Tho wounded woman showed re markable courage and maintained a perfect composure until placed under the influence of anaesthetics by tho physicians who were at once summoned. After a preliminary examination Drs. Forlner and Bagby, assisted by Dr. Louis Bagby, probed for the Kall without success. It was found that it bad passed through (he abdomen, perforating the bowelB in two places and is supposed to be lodged near the pelvis. iVhilo the wound is not netes sarily fatal, the perforation of tho bowels makes recovery doubtful, through subsequent complications that so often follow abdominal wounds. The unfortunalo victim has been married but throe months, and with bor husband has lived with her parents at the Ballard home. The deplorable affair has come as a crushing grief to the family, of which she wbb the idol, and tho hope that eho may yet recover is alone sustaining the distracted husband, whose grief is pitiable. Court Notea. The aprolnlmentot M. O. Gabbcrt as court crlcr Is a popular one. Mr. Oahberl is a most efflclcot and cour teous ofllolal. Chief Clerk Chas. A. Davidson has a good grip, athletic figure and a full measure gray matter. He Is a hustler and has acquired every detail of his trying duties. Judge GUI put a quietus on garru lous attorneys this morning. Any convert atlon above a whisper during session of court will bo assessed In real, hard coin. A common law and chancory hour will be glvon attorcojs each morning for the Ullng of motions. At no other tlrco will the court recognize any for eign business. Harry Adams Is a youthful appear ing bailiff, but has the stamp ot a hustler. Invitations are out for tbo weddlog of Miss Victoria Oolo and Dr. Hoi- llngsworlh, of Pensaoola, Christmas day. "Shut your ojros, open your mouth and sco nhal luck will bring you," The mother smiles at the childish game, ami doesn't realize that it Is a game she as a vomau lias pernaps pla)cd for a great many years. u diany a uoman is weak: ana sick, iieroua and discouraged. She suffers from headache, backache and other ills. She wants to be well, but all she does is to sliut her eyes and open her mouth for rctdl cine and trust to luck for results. She "doctors" month after month, often year after year in this same Ulml.hap-hazard fashion, aud re ceives no perma nent bcucflt. Women take Dr Pierce's I'a- ontc Prescrip tion with their eyea open to the nfv ills It cures fact tliat it cures womanly ills It cures Irregularity. It dries debilitating drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration and cure female weakness. Tuere is no intstlMT to luck by those who use BIaotlto Prescription." MydUaawaaiUt4acincatanI utetratlea of the utvrtM. and I with pain aud treakneaa and had slvcu tin alt 1 wtt in a icf nwr ommiwa hone, of ever beliur vrelt anlii " writ.. llarr A lliavrti o Oroun f-enabicol Co.. Me. uuf vrcii RKvm - vmiw ai Ira. -lUddactored with four dlflereut doctor with. iu mi In four tuoutlia. and Inateqd or felling better wm stowing weaker all the time I decided to try your rtvortle rreKiintloq QtiMcn Med. I nl-covtry and ' I'leauut I'tltct.,' aa I had heard 01 ine many cure muuiug rront tntli uae I bourht hve ttottlea an-t felt aa much bet ter after iikluc I htm that I kept nu until I ant aa well aa mr In tin life aud io Ir Mere, all the praise i due I . s 11 not uy enough la faror Of hi medi' wv. UrUre I Ijetrau UVlujr ycur tne'vuua I mix wrth-d oue hundred and twenty r '" I n we f one hundred and autv " 'i 1 fined Lily nouuda in aiK moiu & 1 tUatl 1' li- 1 i nire k-.ilh home la doc"i mi nn'y w-M" 1 r.ion y lamuo Utl( 'X 1 h t' -Vi 11 in fterc-' f Wm LET US ..OVER.. Wen you get ready to put up that new house or barn, or make those needed repairs, just run in and talk it over with us. It will only take a few minutes, and if we can save you some money on the bill it will be time well spent, won't it? Not only will you find our prices right, but tho quality of our stock will bo found immeasurably suporior to otbors nround lioro, and you know ns woll as wo do that sound, dry, and bright lumber will last longer than cracked, warpod and sappy stuff. Why uso tho lattor whon you can got tho samo price? Wo also carry a comploto stock of limo, plastor, comont, drain tilo, paints, oils, etc., all at right prices. We Want Your Trade We're After It. P. G. BROWNING & CO. VINITA, IND. TER.' A.t Mrs. Baleiitine's Six pounds navy beans for ?5 cents. Genuine country sorghum 3,-,c per gallon. Fine African Java coffee, ifjr.- per pound. Good roasted coffee 10c per pound. Morning Glory and Cocoa blend 20c per lb. Oats, three packages for 25c. Breakfast bacon, dry salt nietit, dried beeT. Fine cheese orr hatid all the time in fact everything kept in a first class grocery. Goods delivered to all parts of town. 1 am glad to see Here is What You've Been Hunting. A Chance to buy a lot el nice We have to do this in order to make coming, ikc toiiowiug pneva 5-ccnt paper for 3 cents per roll. 7 1-2 cent paper for 5 cents per roll. 10 cent paper for 7 1-2 cents per roll. 15 cent paper for 10 cents per roll. 25 cent paper for 15 cents per roll. 50 cent paper for 25 cents per roll. .A jVyi P. THE DIRECT CONNECTION for ALL W9PsHaM7nl taCtf -SgaliifilPrjg We Print Everything. L. K. McdTJFFIN, President. THOS. T. WI&.EB, Vice-President. ...The Cherokee Nalional "Bank... Ulnlta, Ind. Ter. OAJPITAX 25,000.00. Jobu KruuUtln, W. II. Carrousb. WJ1. UcOors. PrH Kolr. K. H. Uatelltr. Tbo.. T. Wimer. U K. UcOuUlo. Doos GT52STEHA3L. BANKING Business GOT A LITTLE EXTRA FEED? Milford & Badgett Have a few extra cows. Prices from $15 up, ' Termj to suit purchaser. Jf- o The 1901 Calf Crop is already weaned nd far sal in loVa ? suit. Last year they brought $14 civtnnd,, this year will go for ksa 3s head about equslly divided Between ntccra and juMtor. VJiitr" tacos tn. TALK IT my friends at all times Wall Paper Very Cheap " room for our noywgods thai t ure lur a lew uays uiujJdie y.. O. Book Store. DIRECT LINE Kansas City and Saint Louis .... POINTS NORTH, EAST and WEST Chieftain Pub. Co. W. K. McQEOBQE, Cashier til j. ', t.t 1HU f uutHu (tiwrjt Lt3SaSBJBaMairvl , j tB' r, , n