Newspaper Page Text
HI HI III III fj, ,, J k THE INDIAN CHIEFTAIN CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VI.NITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1901. VOL. XX. NO. 18 V I I True Economy The difference in cost between an alum baking powder and the highest-class cream of tartar bak ing powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. Dr. Price's is the standard cream of tar tar baking powder. It makes the food de-' licious and healthful. Note. You cannot, I! you dto value cood health, nflon uJe cheap, low-grade, alum biking powders. They arc opt to spoil the food : they do endanger the health. All physicians wilt tell you that alum in food Is deleterious. STOCK BRANDS BADGETT & MILFORD, P. O. VISITA. I T. Alto -U U 3 R ? A OTW CO 00 On rUHblp ami aide near bick. (Jalvos and voupffn cittln CTM All it lallr-branOcd will. 01 left shoulder or tldo () Is 011 rliht side. Younrer cattle maraud under naif crop right and uodrrbll PaUorci on Koclc Cro.k. near Adair Military Uros Ipj ofUublaUrcek Herd principally cow. V7 H. NOBLES, Bfjtia, JC&n. Hnrta brand tame. Iload brand f undarbaircrop In each -ar 5 It a lira head oil TSZfk Hlft-creak, O.K. J. C QUAY, 10 Miles Northwest, of Vlnlta. J 0 Jtango on I'aw I'aw Creole. Cattle of lit brand aold only for ibtp munt. SIM reward or con viction of ttealloc tali brand n. a, TAYLon, Postotllcr Vlnltn. I.T. Smooth cran In letteir.aodcrot Hid arlh In thf llKm. Some cattle Ir virion olhei branda A mark. Hangs on Io. cu.t creak, rnm mllea i.e. of Vl nlta. E. D. KHAYBER, ltoria brand am., Itanne on III Unbln ert.k.7 mile wait orilluo- eekat. Cattle of thla braid aold air for ahli IIM reward oreon-lctlnn or 'itaalmr hi. brand viQiia, 1. x. M W V MILLER, V stofflco Vlnlta, Intl. Tor. ILn-; on I.o cuat nod Llt tl. Cabin rrceksObran ou rlnlit aide and btp. Va rloua oar marks. Bold only for ship ment. WM. HOWBLL. Falrland, Ind. Tor. Rome hare asm ..?. aiue. Mara.croi and split la right, undei ilopeln lell. Uance aonlr WMt of Ulna Jacket, I. T, THE LIVE STOCK MARKET OF ST COUIS. Ihu St. Louis National Stock Yards. LoeiteilatGastSt.Loals.lll, Ulf.ellr opposite the city of St. Luols. Day " O. (1. KNOX, Vice Vre. 10. T.JOBiU L, W.lvUANK, All'!. U00, Mr. UUEL HUNT. Oen. -Agent for Trial "" .. iMI&n Titr.ltnrv xrjrrjivjxussarjxzfz n?Eoos' I 1 Cherry COUGH SYRUP Quick, Sure, PJcasant. tas not Naucate. All Drugglsta. Wmmm SaamaflBaV IJVf iF - fn9aftftftftv!aftftftftftV iitendtne., and within the ironads or the Stoek Yards Is a Deef Cannln Company, with a capacity for slsatntlrlof 8.030 bead of osttl. l.lly. and Pork raeklnRettabllshm.ntshST' .rl lOr Sll UB.OIII'tluu vi bit. utvv- -wp DELEGATION IS APPOINTED. Fullbloods are Given Equal Representation With Progressive Element. PROVISIONS OF Providing for Allotment as , Passed National Council. The personnel of the rftlega tion to Washington to urge the passage of the nllutmen' hill was announced by Chief JJuflington yesterday afternoon and the mem hers ob named wero confirmed be before adjournment by the senate. The' following pro Uioki ap pointed : LllClEN DUFKINQTON Jamkh M. Kkyks. Wolfk Coon. RkDniun Smith. '1 he iippoinlmeiits ol Wolfe Uoon and Rtdhirri Smith to places on (ho deir-KBlion wero made in he interest of hnrmony, the full iiiiiiiue ciHiming a.i rquai repre riitalion with the progressive el niifiit. It ie undtrsiood that these two members are, in a measure, opposed to the bill, but are ex peeled to change their views after xrrival in Washington Thf following is an ofliclal copy ol tho allotment hill as it passed the national oouncil: Memorial of tho National council of the Chcrokco nation request ing the individualization of tho lands and disbursements of moneys of the Ohcrokeo trlbo of Indians, according to tho twen tieth artlclo of tho treaty of July 10, 1800, in lieu of tho manner and method of allotment, as is provided for, in tho act of Con gress, npproved Juno 23, 1808, entitled, "An act for tho pro tection of tho people of tho In dian terrltoly, and for other pur poses," commonly known as the "CurtiB Act" and through a delegation to be provided for and appointed. Sco. 1. That, conditioned as hereinafter sot forth cxcrolslng tho right of tho national council of tho Chcrokco nation as set forth In tho 20th artlclo of tho treaty of 1800, between the gov ernment of tho United States and tho Chcrokco nation, (ho re quest bo and tho samo is hereby mado tlint tho country reserved to tho Chcrokccs, (tho lands belong ing to tho Chcrokco trlbo of In dians In tho Indian Territory) shall bo allotted among them at tho expense of tho United States, according to tho survey already completed by tho United States; .provided however, that this re- jJtfBt for allotment Is made only with the understanding that such allotment shall bo mado under tho conditions and in tho manner as follows, to wit. That all lands belonging to tho Chcrokco tribe of Indians, In the Indian Territory, except ob arc herein expressly reserved, shall bo appraised at their true values, considering tho naturo and fer tility of tho soil, looation and valuo of samo, excluding Im provements placed by allotteo on lands solcctcd by him. See 2. All appralsmcnts shall bo mado uudcr tho direction of tho Soorotary of the Interior and shall bo completed and finally approv ed before September 1, 1002 or as soon thereafter as practicable, under no circumstances later than November 1, 1002. When sold appraisement shall havo boon completed and finally approved by tho Secretary of tho Interior a full detailed report of samo shall be furnished tho prluolpal chief for tho Information of tho Chcro kco nation and peqplo. Soo. 3. The total valuo of thn divisible lands shall be determin ed and the per capita share of each benodolary ascertained be fore beginning allotment of lands, Sco. 4. Tho measure for the cqulllzatlon of allotments shall bo tho average or per oapita sharo of tho total valuation of tho lands. Seo, 5. AH lands of the Chcro kio nation, as herciu provided, shall bo allotted under tho direc tion of tho Secretary of tho In terior to tho members of the tribe entitled to sharo therein so as to glvo to each bo entitled an equal tjhuraln the whole, in valuo, as nearly ns may bo, cud to conform to (ha survey lines as noarly as may be, All funds of the tribe ttnd all moneys accruing to tho trlfco under tho provisions of this plan of distribution shall bo paid, under the direction of tho Scoro- tyry of tho Intorior. direct to caoh Individual entitled to sharo there- n, as soon after tho allotment of the lands as practicable. . ,-L (36. Ait v&M&t THE MEASURE by the lng betweon members as to thoirl right to select particular tracts of land shall bo determined by tho Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 7 Any member having in his possession lands in actual cultivation in excess of his per capita sharo for himself, for his wlfo If entitled in her own right, and for each of his minor child ren shall on or beforo thn first day upon which allotments shrill begin select therefrom allotments for himself and tho members of his family aforesaid, which said al lotments ho may hold and no more; and If ho havo law ful improvements upon tho ex cess ho may dispoBO of samo if ho so desires to any citizen who may thereupon select landB bo as to In clude such Improvements, but after tho expiration of said timo tiny citizen may tako any lands not already selected by another. Seo. 8 Each citizen may re civo his full prorata share of lands In a single allotment and if for any reason separate tracts ol land shall be allotted to a citizen ho shall receive thorn all at the same time and all shall be in cluded in one deed. Seo 0. When any citizen shall select his allotment as herein pro vided he shall receive a certificate therefor and the Secretary of the Intorior shall theroupun put him in immediate and unestrlcted pos xeesionof the same. Sec. 10 Etch allotment of land shall be non-taxable for twenty one years, or until title passes from the allottee, such condition to be stipulated In the deed, and shall be free from incumbrance by any debt or obligation contracted prior to the date of the deed. Seo. 11. Allotments to minors may bo eolected by the guardain, or by the father or mother, in the order named, and shall not he sold during their minority. Allot ments may be selected for prison era and convicts and aged and in turn persona by their duly np pointed agents and for incompe tenia .by guardians, curators or other suitable persons akin to them, but it shall be tho duly of the Secretary of tho Interior to Bee that a noli selections are made for the best interests of such par ties. Seo 12. The Delaware Indians who ar' citizens of the Cherokee nation shall take lands and sharp in the funds of the trlbo as their rights may be determined by the court of claims or by the supreme court if appealed in the suit insti tuled therein by the Delaware In dlana against tho Cherokee nation and now pending when the said suit shall be finally decided, and no allotment of lands hereunder shall be made until said suit has been decided. When final judg menl has boon rendered iu said bull lands shall be allotted to said Delaware Indians in conformity with the tortus of tho judgment and their individual rights there under. The said suit shall be ad vitnced on the dockets of the curt of claims and of the supreme court II appeal is taken, and shall be do termiued (it the earliest time prao licable. TOWWS. Seo. 18. To tho lown of Fort Gibson shall bo added 320 acres heretofore inoluded in the old military reservation Including tho buildings on the samo. The said 820 acres shall be surveyed and platted and laid out into town lots, with necessary streets and alloys, the samo as other (owns, the survey, appraisement and sale of lots shall be mado under rules and regulations to be prescribed by tho Secretary ol the Interior, All towns as laid off and surveyed and platted Into town lots, streets and alleys, by authority of the Cherokee nation shall remain as plaited at the present time; pro. vided. however, there may be added to any (own by extending th original survey, making said additional survey conform (o the, original survey as to etreels.alloys etc, such additional territory as may bo required fur its nrMni no sdg and rsasoiaMtifflianiiiiiiirvtf !. JP"i"i ' " "r jr;i !"- 5f Seo, 14, All towns in tho Choro kee nation having a prosent popu lation of 200 or more shall bo sur veyed, laid out and appraised under tho provisions ol an act of congress entitled "an act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses ol the Indian department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes fur the fisoal year ending June SO, 1001, and for other purposes," approved May 31, 1000, which said provisions aro as follow: That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, In survey, lay out and plat into town lots, streets alleys and parks, tho sites of such towns and villages in tho Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Cherokeo nations, as may at that timo have a population of 200 or more, in such manner as will beet subserve tho then present needs and reason ablo prospective growth of such towns. The woit of surveying, laying out and platting such town Riles shall be done by competent surveyors, who shall .prepare five coplos ol the plat of each town sito whir'1 when the survey is approved by the Secretary of the Interior, shall bo filed as follows: One in the ofilcd of the commissioner of Indian aflairs, one with the prin cipal cbiel oi the nation, one with the clerk of tho court witbin the territorial jurisdiction of which the lown is located, one with the commission to tho five civilized tribes, and one with the town authorities, if there be such. Where in his judgment the best interests of the public service re quire, the Secretary of thn Interior may ercure the surveying, laying out and platting of towu sites in any of said nations by contract. "Ilerealler the work of the re spective town site commissions provided for in the agreement with the Chootaw and Chickasaw tribes ratified in section 20, act of June 28, 1803, entitled "an act for the protection ol the people of the In dian Territory, and for other pur poses, shall begin as to any town site immediately upon the approv al of the Burvey by the Secretary pf tho Intorior and not before. "The secretary of the Interior may in bis discretion appoint a tiwneite commission consisting of three members for each of the Creek and Cherokeo nations, at Inaat one of whom shall be a citi zen of tho tribe and shall bo an pointed upon the nomination of the principal chief ol tho tribe. Each commission, under the super vision of the Secretary of the Into rior, shall appraise and Bell for the benefit ol the tribe the town lots in the nation ior which it is appointed, aciing in conformity with the p ravisinns oi any then existing act of congresB or agree ment with' the tribe approved by Congress. The agreement of any two members of the commission as to the true value of any lot shall constitute a determination thereof, subject to the approval of tho Sec rutr.ry of the Interior, and if no two members are able to agree the matter shall be determined by such secretary. "Where In his judgment the public interests will be thereby Bubeervcd, the Secretary of the In torinr may appoint in the Chootaw, Chickasaw, Creek or Cherokeo nation a separate town site com mission for any town, in which event as to that town such local commission may exercise the same authority and perform the same duties which would otherwise de volve upon the commission for that nation. Every i-uch local commission shall be appointed1 in the manner provided In the act approved Juno 28, 1308, entitled 'an act for the protection of the people of the Indian Territory and for other purposes.' The Secretary of the Interior. where In bis judgment the public interests will bo thereby subserv ed, may permit the authorities of any town In any of said nations, a't tho expense of the town, to sur vey, lay out, plat tho alto there of, Bubject to his supervision and approval, as In othor instances. "As aoon as tho plat of any town slto la approved, tho propor commtosion snail, with all reason able dispatoh and within a limited timo, to bo prescribed by tho Beorotnry of tho, Interlor,prooecd to make tho appraisement of tho lots aud Improvements, If any, thereon, and aftor tho approval thereof by the Secretary of tho intorior, snail, under tho super vision of such secretary, prooeed td-lho disposition and sale of the lqta In conformity with any then exlstlnj Act of. Qantoaa or ajfrea trittiUiiy lle) upptdved by jCUmgrdwu ! ifMtj mux- missions shall not comploto such appraisement and salo within tho time limited by tho Secretary of tho Intorior, they shall recclvo no pay for such additional timo as may bo taken by them, unless tho Secretary of the Interior for (good cause shown shall expressly direct othcrwlso. "Tho Secretary of tho Interior may, for good cause, remove any member from any town-site com mission, tribal or local, In any of said nations, and may fill the vacanoy thereby mado or any vacancy othcrwlso occurring In like manner as thoplaco was orig inally filled, "It shall not bo required that tho townslta limits established In tho course of tho platting and dis posing of town lots and tho cor porate limits of tho town, If In corporated, shall bo Identical or ooextenslve, but suoh townslto limits and corporate limits shall bo so established as to best subserve tho then present needs and tho reasonable prospective growth of tho town, as tho same shall appear at the timo when such limits aro respectively established. Provid ed further that tho exterior limits of tho townelto shall bo designated and fixed at the earliest practicable timo and under rules and regula tions prescribed by tho Secretary of tho Interior. "Upon tho recommendation of tho commission to tho five civilized tribes tho Secretary of tho Interior Is hereby authorized at any timo beforo allotment to set asldo and reserve from allotment any lands In tho Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek or Cherokeo nations, not exceed ing ono hundred and sixty acres In any ono tract, at such stations, ag aro or shall bo established in conformity with law on tho line of any railroad which shall bo constructed or be in process of construction In or through cither of said nations prior to tho allot ment of tho lands therein, and this irrcspcctlvo of tno population of such townslto at tho time. Such townslto shall be surveyed, laid out, and platted, and tho lands therein disposed of for tho benefit of tho tribe In tho manner herein prescribed for othor townsltcs. Provided further, that whenever any tract of land shall bo sot aside as herein provided which Is occu pied by a member of tho tribe such occupant shall bo fully com pensated for his Improvements thereon under such rules and regulations as may bo prescribed by tho Secretary of tho Interior. Provided, that hereafter tho Sec retary of tho Interior may, when ever tho chief cxccutlvo or prin cipal chief of said nation falls or refuses to appoint a townslto com missioner for any town or to fill any vacanoy caused by tho neg lect or refusal of tho townslto commissioner appointed by the chief executive or principal chief of said nation to qualify or act, In his discretion appoint a commis sioner to fill tho vacanoy thus created." Seo. 15. Any citizen in right ful possession of any town lot which has been Improved as re quired by tribal laws, the right of occupancy of whLh has been acquired under tribal laws, shall havo tho right to purchase such lot by paying ono-half of tho ap praised valuo thereof. Sec 10. Any citizen In right ful possession of any town lot having Improvements thereon other than temporary buildings, fencing and tillage, tho occupanoy of which haa not bcon acquired under tribal 1 awa shall have tho right to purchase samo by paying one-half tho appraised value thereof. Provided, that any othor person In peaceful possession of any town lot having improvements thereon other than temporary buildings, fenolng and tillage, the occupanoy of whloh has not been acquired under tribal lawa, shall havo tho right to purchase such lot by paying the appralssd valuo thereof. SE.C. 17. Any citizen iu right ful possession of any town lot not having improvements thereon, the ocoupanoy of which has been acquired undor tribal laws, shall havo tho right to purohaso such lot by paying two thlrdB -tho ap praised valuo thereof. Seo, 18. Whon the appraise ment of any town lot so Improved Is made and approved the com mission shall notify tho claimant thereof of 0io amount of appraise ment, and ho shall, within sixty days thereafter, make payment of ten per centum of the amount due for the lot, and four months there after ho shall pay fifteen per centum addltioual, and tho re mainder of the purchase money ho shall pay In three equal an nual. Installments without interest; but if tho owner of any such Jot fall to purchase samo after making the first and second payments saW, ttve lot an4 lHrrwHUiHW ,fcH h flft pttbJ- nuotlo t tho highest bidder, under tho direction of tho townslto commis sion, at a prlco not less than, their appraised valuo; and tho pur chaser shall pay tho purchase prlco to tho owner of tho Improve ments, less tho appraised value of i tho lot. Sec. 10. All town lots having thereon Improvements other than temporary buildings, fencing and Ullage, tho salo or disposition of which is not herein otherwise specifically provided for, shall bo sold within twclvo months after appraisement, under direction of tho Secretary of the Interior, after duo advertisement, to tho highest bidder, at not less than their ap praised valuo. Sec. 20. Any cltlzon occupy ing more than four aorcs of un platted lands, whloh may be laid out in town lots In any town, and which aro to bo sold at public auction, as above, shall havo tho right to select, in a body, and re tain a sufficient number of such In: ; their appraised value as may bo equal to tho standard al lotmcnt, herein fixed to bo taken In lieu of his allot ment and In addition thereto ho may purchaso ono fourth of tho remaining lots, to bo selected in a body, into which such land has been divided, by paying two thirds of their appraised value Seo. 21. If any citizen havo lands In any towns, occupied and used by him ns a home, ho may purchaso the lots Into which such lands may be platted Ly paying ono half their appraised valuo, not, however, exceeding four acre but his right shall not ex tent to persons who tako their al lotments ort of unplatted lands as herein provided. Sco. 22. Tho purchaser of any unimproved town lot sold at pub lic auction shall pay twonty-fivo per centum of tho purohaso monoy at tho timo of tho sale, and within- four months thereafter ho shall pay twenty-five per centum ad ditional, and the remainder of tho purchaso monoy ho shall pay in two equal annual installments, without Interest. Sec. 20. It tho purchaser of any town lot fall to make pay ment of any sum when duo, the 8am c shall thereafter bear six per centum Interest por annum until paid. Sco. 24. The purchaser of any town lot, may at any time, pay the full amount of purchaso money, and ho shall thereupon receive title therefor. Sco. 25. All town lots or parts of lots, not exceeding fifty by one hundred and fifty feet la elzo, upon which church houses and parsonages havo been erected, and which aro occupied as such at tho timo of appraisement, shall bo conveyed gratuitously to the churches to which such improve ments belong, and if such churches havo Inclosed other ad joining lots actually necessary for their use, they may purchase tho Bame by paying ono half of tho appraised value thereof. Sco. 20. All town lots purchas ed by citizens under provisions of this agreement shall bo free Izzrn Incumbrance by any debt con tracted prior to tho date of tho deed therefor, except forlmprove meats thereon, or for money bor rowed to pay tho purchaso price to the nation. Sec. 27. Any citizen having the right of occupancy of an un improved residence lot In any town at the dato of this agreement aud owning no other lot or land therein, shall havo tho right to purohaso such a lot by paying one-half of tho appraised valuo thereof. Sco. 28. Any person whomso ever may bid for and purchase any lot sold at publlo auction as herein provided. Sco. 20. No taxes shall bo as sessed by any town government against any town lot remaining unsold, but taxes may bo assessed against any town lot sold as hero in provided and tho samo shall constitute a lien upon tho Inter est of the purchaser therein after nny payment haa been mado, and if forfelturo of any lot bo mado all taxes assessed against such lot shall bo paid out of any money paid thereon by the purchaser. Seo. 30. Tho town authorities may select and locate, subject to tho approval of tho Secretary of the Interior, a cemetery within aultablo distance from each town, to embraco such number of acres as may be deemed necessary far suoh purposes, and tho lowdsito commission shall appraise the samo at Its true value, and tho town may purchase same by poy- lne 8U0h Valuo: and If hnv nltlrnn Kayo Improvements theroon, other than fencing and tillage,, they shall bo appraised by said com mission, andpaldfor by the town Th Utwn shUwIUw shall 4i- I pen o? te lot In ucl .,jicii y 'Pont'nuM 'v- HaaaVBaaaaaaaaBaaaaal aaaV. EaaaBavBaaaaaaaav lHaaaaaaaaaaaaK aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw aaaaaaaaaaatTXiar LET US ..OVER.. When you get ready to put up that new house or barn, or make those needed repairs, just run in and talk it over with us. It will only take a fev minutes, and if we can save you sdmc rroney on the bill it will be time well spent, won't it? Not only will you find our pricos right, but tho fjlinlity of our stock will bo found immeasurably superior to othgrs nround horo, and you know ns woll ns wo do that Bound,- dry-y nnd bright lumber will last longer than, cracked, warped- and soppy stuff. Why uso tholattor whon you can got tlfo -- -former at tho same prico? Wo also carry n com ploto stock of limo, plastor, coruont, drain tilo, paints, oils, otc, all at right pricos. We Want Your Trade We're After It. P. G. BROWNING & CO. VINITA, IND. TER. mmmmmmmmmmmmmwsmmmmmmmm mil II WIMER DRUG CO. "",""'"""i""-"-""-""-""""-"""a-M-M"M.tM Fine stock of Drugs, Mediciues, Toilet Articles, Station . cry, Physiciau's Supplies and'Druggist'a Sundriesi- Finest Line of Cigars In Town. Careful attention givcu to compounding of physiciau's Presciptions. "" """ ' Tcl'pbono No. 8 1 40 Farms for Sale In the Rain Belt of Southeastren Kunsas. Good tame grass, wheat, com and fruit country. 160 miles south of Kansas City, and due west of Richmoud, Va. Coal, stock-water, tim ber and natural gas in abuudance. Com has, yielded over 80 bushels, and wheat over 30 bushels per acre. County settled over thirty years. Network of rail.oads. Depot in every tywnship in LABETTE COUNTY, KANSAS. For description of bottom and upland farms, at 810 to $25 per acre write to J. B- COOK; Chetopa, Kansas. What Shall I Buy BOOKS.. a a The largest line ever brought to Vinita can be found at the POST OFFICE BOOK STOSE. Tbe 5t. Louis Tht Crtat' mwipaptr of tf) Worlt. L. K. McQUFFIH, President, ...The Cherokee National Bank... Utnlia, Ind. Ter.' OAJPIT-AX. 5,000.00. Does GENERAX BJKUSTG- Biiaino Read Our Christmas 4Ads" MODERN ELOQUENCE A library of classic and popular loctmros, fifteir dinner speeches, 'occasional1 nddrosses, rominlscencos, repartee, anndedote, and story, sumptuously published in ton volumes,. Thomas Brackett Reed, - - - Editor Jn Chktf ,.80J;tatB1Uor?;, 1.'.u?Uu, "cCtt-1. RerW., AVm Hiteryllerg, alaid Kverctt Hale, JobaB, Gordon, t,oreno Sawa, Cfcam Clark. Georire McLean Uarrxtr. Jonathan v rvil!v'. w-OhLw iIZElfl Dole, Jas. a. Jfaud, Utlwiu M- Br,TrUBWn A PWetv Chwk iteiitii. fcy iX j t(Q word's nxo promiuCufc statfesmrn, wat-.r 1 1st' AUCors and dinolmnti nrA pdntnl mnm m ti- .. I 1. - ' 'X..' iir. kv 11 vinv TALK IT r 26 South Wilson Street for Christmas? Tht tOrnt:RpublIcaij lPpr of Aiqcrlc GJ,obQ-Denocrai. TH0S. T. WIMER, W, R. McQEORGE, - Vice-President. Cashlo t j 1 "rr-.. ... , , .,.., ,,w 4, -tf- Jh. -.- .. -. p S,i I r t n m la t wMifc-JH v? )!": r U .ij..i-f-rr-i'-"" "'-"-r .ii "ryf -l -"fo,uTr'W in-(ho rlnhtlItlliBfiiPaW .rdvanceha8J -r . v O IwbaTuT,! , is." -n.ut--r' ..rr. Ol ver Iluiriy nnl vi A-it Con ! a uJn ci ill (I iruVrra lr A