Newspaper Page Text
"Mj-JNTkV - ".t Vf 'J l Hp iirtMWfc l-WiM imyM'1 1 ' f Mm U'l WWHUHT'T'JKIWMffir- m i mi nun MHimnwi.wiwiuiwinmj FAIN r- - WMMi-toc'H-Mt-imWMil i-.WlsJaWtl INDIAN CHIEF M 4 &K v 4 . Rv k i.f ? itt , It w. IX . K n v, CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. ?gslQNALCARDS", rR. i,. DAOny, 1 1'IIYSICIAN and SUROHON, Uiilce in New Rdtcllfl Building. Tele pnono ioi. violin, Ind Tcr. TAMItS S. DAVIWi'ORT, J ATTORNBY AT LAW. Rooms 9 and lo, New Halsgll Building, Vihita. I. T. Davenport ft Hull, Attorney at Uw, Ilatik Uuildlnx, Claretnore. I. T TVT II. KORNBOAY, V ATTORNttY AT LAW And Notary Public. Office In new Hal jell building, Viniln. I. T. Will practice In all the United Slate courts of the I. T. MIAS. W. DAY, D. D. S3., Gold Crown and Bridge Work o Special ty. Office over first National Hank VINITA, I. T. BLUB Se WILSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, A.bno MIllA.'a furniture Store VIN1TA.I. T DR. WIRIER, ifleonly Kxclaalve Eye, Har and No Specialist in the Indian Territory . Ityea treated ed and glasses properly fitted t.tfice at Drug Store Swain's Second Hand and Repn air Stor re. Storage Rooms. Oust Side Gem Restaurant. licit Plncc in the City to Oct a Good Alcnl. All hinds of meats, Fish and Gain in season: Bhr.ri Orders a spec- inliy birth oysters in any fljle; miij thing yru may want in the rating lino. Good iiit-nU 20 cuts. STOCK BRANDS BADGETT & MILFORD, I' O VISIJTA. I.T. J5W5' Alio U u 3 ? A TW CO CO "n r'snt '''P an "l6 n8r I'tclf. Ualrn anil younKoi- cattle Q M All It tRtl'-bmtiileil will. o left shoulder orld j) l on rlctit alite. YounserMttlo raaraej uuder ball crop rlgtituiHl uudrruli lettrar 1'i.stnres on Unck near Adair Ilea (quarters nte Mfarro at Military Cro. ng or Cabin track. Hard principally cows whTnobi.S3, Kdua, Knn. lion bi nod uini. Uotd brand nnUarnallerer In aahsr liKfe-S:osd ol INK creek, C.N J. t OKAY, JO Miles Nurthwcst of Vlnlta. J O Rnnge on I'w I'ttw Ork. Cuttle of tils brand old only tor slilp nent. SIM reward or eon Tlcllou of stoatlng lilt brand R. n. TAYLOR, Postofflcr. Vlnlta, I. T, Smooth ero In lartaar.amlcro and spill In ibe omocattla It -arloua olhm branda&ruarks. Ilanxa on ! catt creek, ttm miles a. c or Vl nlta. iCX E. D FltAYhEI., Vlnlta, I. T. lion tnand ttm. lianas oa Itlar Cabin creek, r miles weil or llluo aofcat Clllooftlil brnt sold tlou reword oreomlcilnn or atsallng hltbrsnd W W MILLICn, Pcitonico Vlnlta, Ind. Tor. Iltnf e on I.O tie i;bln rrkaObrou on rlxht idle nna lilp Vh. rlou a oar marks Bnld onlyrorslilp. tiieul Vftn HOWELL, Fa. ..ud, Ind. Tor. Roma bsTa (3E3J5I on lad Imn. Stark. eroi n it ipllt t S right, Ulldai alapa In lalt. Itanir anntb weat ot 1llue Jacket. 1. T, THE LIVE STOCK MARKET OF ST. ' OUI8. IhuSt, Louis National Stock Yards. Loealtd at East St. Louis. HI. UlreollJ opposite Iho oil- 01 lit. Jiul. Itujr ra tor all doacrlptlon or IJ? Aloes alvrayi is . altandanea, and within tb iroan iul la a IUef CannlM UomD mnssr. wits tia 01 in a oaptclty for tlanibtlrlns: 8.10 basd i ! .. dsllr. and i'ork PacUai ratabllibnisnta htv oiaauif aespsllrroi'laesbti'rlnvii.(mbnailsilT. , oaf " o. 0. KNOX. Vice Vr. a T JONES, Qe . Mg'r. h. W. 1.UAKK, Ass't. Oon. Mgr. dAMUKI, HUNT. Usn. fAgont (or Trxsi tod Indian Territory, mmmssmsm b.flE-T wmmam" "s 2VS(itWti5?IJfc I THJiVTsf iT t n ipy EXCESS HOLDING Casos Came Up For Rear ing in the United States Court Tuesday. HOLDERMAN CASES First on Docket, With Seventy- Throo Indictments, and Will bt Followed by Homing ul Indictments Against James ISeatty. In the United States court Tubs day morning the Marion Holder man excessive land holding oases were called for trial, nnd the result ing legal battle is being watched with intense interest by the resi dents of Iho Cherokee nation. The Curtis act, it is anticipated, will ho Die ground on which the battle will be fought, and tbal flastio instrument will bo vigor, usly attacked by the attorneys for tho defense. The indlolments against Holder, man, wtilrh number 78, charge him with holding approximately 10,000 acres of the national lands in violation of Soolions 1G and 17 of the Curtis aot. His aores extend from a point southwest of Chotopa, Kan., and two miles west ol the M., K & T. tracks, wostward for several miles with the Kansas lino, bis northern bonier. No denial of tho faot of the land holding is expected from the de fense, but tho issue will be mot by an attack on tho legality of tho provisions of tho Curtis act, charged with having been vie lated. Those nectioiiB read as follow: tieo. 10. That it shall be unlaw ful for any person, after the pass age of tiiie Act, (xcpl as herein after provided, toKjittim, demand, or receive, lor his own use oi lor the use of onyottu else, auy royalty on oil, coal, asphalt, or other mln era!, or on any timber or lumber, or uny other kind of property wlialroevcr, or nny rents on any lands or property belonging loany one of said tribes orna'.ions in said Torrilory, or for anyone to pay lo any individual any such royalty or rents or any consideration therefor whatsoever; and all royalties and rent:) hereafter poyable to the tribe shall bo paid, under fcuch rules and regulalions as may be pre scribed by the Secretary of the In terior, into the Treasury of Iho United States to tho credit of tho tribo to which they belong: Provided, That where any citizen shall be in possession of only suoh amount of agricultu ral or grazing lands as would be liis just and reasonable shnro of the lands of his nation or tribe and that to which his wife and minor children are entitled, ho may con tinuo to use tho same or receive the rents thereon until allotment has been made, to him: Provided, further, That nothing herein oon tained shall impair tho rights of any member of a Irlbi to dispose o any timber contained on his, bor, or their allotment. Sec. 17. That It shall be unlaw ful for any citizen to inoloee or In any manner, by, himself or through another, directly or indirectly, to hold possession of any groater amount of land or other properly belonging lo any auoh nation or tribe than thai which would be his ap proximate share of the lands belonging to such nation or tribe, and that ol Ills wife and hie minor children as per allotment herein provided; and any person found in such posaerslon of lands or other property in excess of his and that of his family, aB aforesaid, or having the same in any manner inclosed, at the tfxplratlon of nine month" after the passage of this l Sm2B iFDWIMi, BAKING Hlghsat Hmws. WetW Fair Sold UiU)t SWwtow F ! Act, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The penally Imposed for viola, lion of thesb sections is a penally of 8100 for each day of excess holding, after nine months from the inflage'of the not I lit) hearing Monday will he in I lie nature of n t et case, and the de dsion, if fuvorable to the govern ment, will reslili in the prosecu tion of all parties holding more than their estimated share of lands. HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. Two Alen Crushed to Death at South (IcAleater. A horrible accident thel re sulted in fatal injury to two men, occurred at the Union station, South McAlesler, Thursday night. An east bound freight on tho Choctaw was Blandlue on tho tunc tion while a north bound Katy fright wen f witching. In some in ".in or the Katy crew failed to boo tho Choctaw across the right of.way and backed into tho train with u terrible crash. A Choctaw coal oar which was standing just in front ol the dopot was eent crashing into tho structure. Conductor J. 0. Jackson and a boy named Walter Beavers were loaning against the depot and were caught betweon lbs coal car and tho building. Beavers was near the corner of tho depot. while Jack- eon was standing directly In front of the operator's window on the Choctaw side of the station. Both were buried beneath tho wreckage. Axes were used to chop away the oar in order to draw the mangltd men from their pinioned position. Jackson'H rightjog was mashed entirely off mar Iho knee and bo foro bo could bo removed tho stub bled profueely, covering tho build ing and wreckage with his life blond. Both of BeaVore legs wero cut entirely off and his right arm broken. The men were ex triuated from b debris and car. lied into tho waiting room whero medical aid did ali it could to les sen their tuiTerings. About 0 o'olock thb two unfortunates wero removed to All Saints' Hospital. - Neither one of the men can sur vivo their injuries. FIRE AT DURANT, Flames Wipe Out Valuable Business Property. A fire that started late WedneB day night at Duma was not got ten under control until Ibe follow ing business houses had beon seri ously damaged: Elael it Ander son, brick building, lose 83,000; W. G. Clarke & W. M. Daniels, building, 83,000, insured; Phillips Lawrence building, 83 OOO.insured; Mrs. A. G Meyers, two buildings 83,000; R. E. Newell, building, 83,000; W. H. Eltchle.drugs, 8200; G. W. Mason, drugs, 8JJ0; Hugh Johnson, dammre to building 8200; Niokol Store, $150; L D. Horton, loss on building 820O M. C. Wade, loss on building 8100; S. M. Brown, loss on drug stock, 81500, insured; postofllce, 8500, insured; Durant Drug Co., damage, 8200, insured; J D. Jones, loss on stock, 8250; Cart, England & Co., 8100; Robin Bon, Roes & Co., 83,500; Looney, Lawrenco & Tucker, 8500, insured; Hightower Son, 8500; Wells & Co., 83,000; J. B. Chandler, bujld. Ing damaged 8125; T. G. Goodrlng, book store, 8100; Woodmen of the World, 8200; Prootor, Wann & Howe, meal market; E. O. Butler, confectioner, 8300; E. W. Mo- Naughton, 8100; Paul Se'.der, dam age to building, -J100; Judge Stan ford, dry goods, loss on Block, 81, 03, building 8500; Katy Flyer barber Bhop, 8100; P. M. Pirtle, damage lo building, 8500, insured Flynn and Teddy, Delegate Flynn, of Oklahoma, had a long conference with Presi dent Roosevelt yesterday in re lation lo Oklahoma mullets. This is the first opportunity Mr. Flynn has had for an extended discus sion of mailers pertaining to the politics of tho territory and tho question of siatebnod. President Roosevelt displayed a dip .inter est in oil matterV TB con ucolion with the affairs "fjiiP tor rilory and listened to Mr.fjynn'd representations concerning life po littcal situation. This sUtfljoad question was discussed at length. After the conference Mr. Fjynn expressed his complete satisfac tion with the preBidenlUf RMsUioo on political affairs In jifu$ry and his plana for tho MftjHlfetiBii of patronage, T t VINIf A, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, INDIAN AFFAIRS. House Committeo Will Meet January 7th to Consider Pending Measures. PLAN TO DISSOLVE Tribal Relations Introduced by Commissioner of Indian Af fairs Heartily Approved by all tho Members of the Commtttee. The house committee on Indin'n affairs will meet January 7 to con elder tho measures affecting the several tribes, pending before con gress. Tho committee will he in dally session until it has disposed of a number of measures that have been tho subject of conference during the recess. Iho appropriation bill is nearly completed and will be in troduced early in tho session. All of the members of the com mittt-o are warm in their approval of tho proposition of Mr. Jones, commissioner of Indian affaire, to speedily dissolve iho tribal rel? lions of the Indians mid to place the individual Indians on their re sources, stopping their annuities and rolievlng tho government of their care. This solution will greatly elm. plify Ihe problem of government in Iho Indian territory, as it will open lands for ealo and taxation and make possible internal im provrments'lhal must now be car ried out only at the expense of tho government. It Is proposed lo continue tho Indian schools fot a period of ten or twenty years, but to extend no lurthoraid to or guar dianship oyer tho Indiana as rap. idly as tbiir tribal relations are dissolved! The committed will also framn spmo legtdlniioi) dealing jyiyi lhe Dawes commission The exact nature of thib will nut be deter mined ur.lil after the committees of bath the senate and house have held a further conference with Mr. Hitchcock, secretary of the inte rior. Thp sentiment of a majority of the members ol the committees is in favor of the dissolution of the Dawes c mmiesion and the placing of its work in tho hands of a bureau to be established in connection with the Indian department. Mr. Hitchcock has recommended a different policy and, in deference to his recommendations, no action will be taken until tho matter has been fully discuss d. Pending ac lion by congress the secretary will withhold his deciSBion on the re quest of tho Creek council that the Dawes commission bo ignored in framing a supplemental treaty be. tween the Creeks and the United States government. KANSANS MUST WAIT. No Alore Territory Positions Until Hitchcock Retire. There is trouble between Senator Burton and Secretary Hitchcook and the Seoretary holds the cards. As a consequence the Kansas sen ator has notified the faithful that no favors will be dealt out of the Hitchcook pack. Tho following lament has been received from him by a Topeka friend: "I can do nothing more in the way of getting my friendB positions In the Indian eervice or tho land depattmento until Secretary Hitchcock is removed from the oibinet, I do not know how eoou that will be and. my hands are tied In the meantime." The trouble between Burton and Hitchcock Is three years old, and is not mellowing with ago. The delay, pending the retire mentofthe secretary, imposes & cruel Injury upon those Konsans whom It is the duty of the terri tory to support. A petition will probably be cirouluted iu the name of humanity, asking that they bo nllowtd to take their p.aoe nt the "pie oounler." AlcAleatcr Trolley Line. It is confidently expected that the government will grant the In dian Territory Traction company a permit to traverse Indian soil between South McAlesler and the various wine" and towns, this Indian Cnmmlaalnnftr 18 tflYsf w&F JonjgtJta nv-fc that event work will bo com mencH at once on the much talkei of electro street railway. The company feol confident ot so curing Mr Hitchcock's approval at an rally dale. TOWNSIlfoRDER. All Improvements flust Hereafter be Scheduled. The Choclaw Townslte Commie, sioners have received a new order from the department of the in terior which provides for their giving of approximate value of all improvements on avety lot scheduled. Ii Includes all Im provemenlB, even specifying tho ago of fruit trees, and whether or not they aro bearing. The receipt of the order neces sitates the oommlsston going over the schedule of Antlers, Howe and Cameron again as they have just finished the preliminary work and sere ready to disposo of Iho town lots. All towns not scheduled will be acted upon under the new order. CHURCHES CLOSED At rtuskogee on Account of Scarlet Fever Opldemlc. The Board nf Health of MuBko gee has issued an order suspend ing church services and all other public gatherings, pending the abatement of the scarlet fever epi demio. Dr. Rogers, ot the Board of Health, has issuod a statement that the rigid quarantine is en forced only as a precautionary measure and that he thinks the mudictl officers can soon stamp out the epidemic. Single State Scribes. A call has been issued by the Single State Presa association for a meeting of all editors and pub Ushers of Oklahoma and Indian territory, at Oklahoma-Citv. Jan uary Mth. The meeting is called for the purposo of completing the organization of the association. iho association will in no way in lerfere with the preis associations of the Iwo tcrritoriee, but its one purposo is to unito ihe naners fa voring single otatehood. in a strong working organisation. Wolcott for Interior Department. A Washington report names ex Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, as Secretary Hitchcock's successor. It Is stated that the president has accomplished a reconciliation be twoen Walcott and hit wife, who is separated from him, and that be has offered him tho portfolio of Iho interior department. The Wol cott family troubles, which wore of a sensational character, it Is Eaiu, Iidb heretofore prevented the entrance of the ex-senator into tbo cabinet. Adair Items. MiBB Stella Powell and sinter from Siloam Snrines. Ark., ara visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brock. Pearl and May Sappington, of weicn, are tho guests of Mrs. Bob Block. Elmer Faulkner and family from Leadville, Colorado, aro visiting his Bister, Mrs. John Archer. Robort and Edgar Langley are here from Pryor Creek. Miss Bettie Jonos and Charley Collins spent Tuesday in Chelsea. Misi Maggie Adams has just re turned from Muskogee. MlesOlHe Alfred is down from Vlnlta. Mrs, J. W. Skinner is home from Oklahoma. Happv Jack. Adair Notes. D. S. Oumlngs is in Muskogee on business. Mrs. Hernery and Allie Alferd were guests of Mrs. Vandewort Sunday, J. M. Taylor and wife are "top ping at the White Hall for a few days. Mrs. John Warren attended the wedding of her grandfather, J. 0. Gray and Mrs. Taylor, at Chelsea last week. Payion Fugerson is still very ill at J. F. Warren's. 'Baby" Smith is recovering from an altaox of ecarlet fever. No other creed are reported. Miss Alice Coales and Mark Breeding were married at the bride'ri mother's, on Sunday, Junu (try 5, 1002, Rev. Rueael officiating. Mrs. Hatfield-and sister, Mrs, Qoad, have returned from a visit to their old home In Missouri. Jim Cuminga is' out of the storo atid Dave hs moved the stock in to the hardware department. Tne Adair sports beat Pryor Uffjk hunting tauirday. Adair ven hundred rabbltn. Duoe. IrfiVjrU JANUARY 9, 1902." FRISCO SYSTEM Will Test Adaptability of Ar tesian Water for Steam ing Purposes, WATER FACILITIES In the Territory Causes Complaint and Test of Artesian Water Will be Made With View to its Use. The engineering department of the Frisco road are cointr to make an exhaustive test of tbe adaptab bjllty of Vinita artesian water for steaming purposes. The recent freeze up along tbe line, and the large amount oi sediment contain ed in tbe creek waters has at tracted their attention to Vlnitn'n inexhaustible supply of overflow ing pure water. Complaints were made by some engineers that tho water was too gaseous except for use in station ery boilers. Thoy olaimed that iho natural "rocking" of the en glno kept it boiling, making the feeding of tho boilers a hard taBk. They further Btaled iu their re ports that if the artesian water was used alone that this "boiling" was not bo noticeable, but when it was mixed with the creek waters con taining minerals in large quanti ties it was difficult to uso. The test will not only includo a thorough analysis of the water but it will be run through a two tank system to see if the water will lose its gaeeous properties when al lowed to Bland a reasonable length of time. If tho testa prove satisfactory the company will build a large water Blation here, and it is inti mated, will follow with other im prornments. The use ol creek water .In both Ibe locomotives and stationer? en gines of the company In tho terri tory Is very costly, owintr to its damaging effects on tbe boilers, ana the absence of all corrosive minerals In tbe artesian la stated, will influence the company in the location of some oontem plated improvements. The value of the artesian water for use in stationery boilers has been demonstrated at tht electric light plant, where, after two years use, tbe engineers have pronounced it freo Irom all damaging sediment. President Ratcliff, of tbe Com mercial club, on request, sent the eaaiplet, of the water for the chem ical analysis to St. Louis this aft ernoon. Tbe results of the anal- yeis and the praotical test will be awaited with interest, as it is ex pected to demonstrate, beyond all doubt, tbe great value of the wo ter for all purposes. Uarertt Not aullty. Pbillin Barrett, the ntnnn. grapher, of Ardmore, held by Iho authorities oi that clly pending In vestigation of the death of Mrs. A Emhart. has been released from custody. Mrs. Embart was found in Barrett's back yard and the police, it is said, aliened that Bar rett had assaulted her. The au lopey showed that Mrs Emhnri died a natural death and that Bar rett was in no wise connected with what was supposed to be murder A "Too A.uct." Campaign The CbickaBho full blood Indlar b are waging a hot campaign for tbe election of William L. Boyd to succeed Governor D. M. Johnson. Their complaints are summarized by them as follows; "Too much unnecessary appropriations; too many lees lor attorneys; too much supplementary treatmenj; and too much Oklahoma and Indian Ter rltory into one 8tate." They claim tq tear a scheme lo keep tbe full- bloods from tbelr BhaVe of the lands and money. drove Point Cleanings. Mr. Lane is going to move this week tu a farm near Centrolla. Mies Lucy Belew Is home from Kansas Clly on a visit. Mr. J.-F. Tennanl Is coina to move on the Prather farm east ot Vlnlta, tblsfvek. Air. J. u. lieiew Ib going lo Can ada Boon. Mr. Pay ton will move on tbe Hawkins farm Boon. R . J, Pueuaionia and LaUrlppe Gqukus cured quickly cared by Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Refuse substi tute. Peopled Drug Store, dw A HAN'S BEST FRIEND IS HIS flONEY. Yet it is the hardest friend a man ever had to keep. If you can use some good common lumber just now, we can save you quite a bit". This is just the thing: for putting up sheds and such, so if you want some of it, get here before it all goes. And any time you need lumber or building material lime, cement, plaster, paints, oils, etcand want your money's worth, here is the place to get it. P. G. BROWNING & CO. VINITA, l.rf H.H .-lilf ltil4tiX i-iU-Mi.--.'-. I rttjHri-sja-h-rsa, itir.i wrmkmbirrm ism on J7 JtWCLCO & KK liave lnno. tw My nae tueni 26 S. Wilson St. 11finItim IRIS e wm.m T--.-1 Iff it Jf Mill -src ' wr '. 7sw 415 TV Thanking my friends for their kind patronage 1 , ''", ' " - ' sa- 11 - through 1901, I hope to merit a continu ance of their patronage in 1902. fly Groceries Are Fresh and of the best quality. Feed In stock sold as cheap as possible Wislnug you it happy ami prosperous noyryonv, I am yours rospoctfully, MRS. H. PRINTING Ming Frost A HOT BLAST HEATMH Handsome, durable, economical in fuel, and lasts new arrivals the dress for 1901 and new arrivalsthe Darroili MiW VOL. XX. NO. 201 IND. TER. r. nf Elgin Watches - pn rnnii!r..1 tli ,.fi1.1a atn-i.t-.l (JM M lime keepers. They are nlwaya reliable. I in an grauesat prices from 17 L yjo Other watches from 84 to $Io. When you want anything in tbe jewelry line call and see wlur 1 have I'ine and complicated watch rtpoinni; a specialty. SIotU Not tbe cheapest but Uie BUST work at all Hate. August Schliecker, Jeweler and Optician BALENTINE. of all kinds promptly and property done at this office, Prices alwa- tt consistent with material aod work CHIEFTAIN PUB. CO 5 is on the way. Are you ready to withstand his chilly blasts? , See us at once for :::::: : 50 years. S- th )( old I 1902. old Una In a nw -. ' -1 A t .' ,4) ! $ !&, ' ! s aaraiim Slsi fc..sftfll mm i i dtl T l . y, t?ti& al m mfc I 4 " - iW" uuwv -M ), ' 0, t " Mtt J?MeW A&KtM arVkosw , WfcsidLwan"-