Newspaper Page Text
::.iA srrs-z. )&'7'',5m-. .rag Lwm.imkjkm .. tatiH CHIEFTAIN. --'-'' ? VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1902. VOL. XX. NO. 23 " " "" "TJSISSTJ'i' - ipumii hwiii ' tHlX? ,u i. i i ii ii iiiinmwOfciu i i mil linn iiiwimc i all IdlTti uitfTFTirr THE INDIAN m PHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. P I IJONES IS TIRED True Economy The difference in cost between an alum baking powder and the highest-class cream of tartar bak ing powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. Dr. Prige's is the standard cream of tar tar baking powder. It Ljnjakes the food de licious and healthful. Nora You cannot, If you value Rood health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking powders. They arc apt to spoil the food : they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you thnt alum in food Is deleterious. FINAL HEARING Of all Doubtful Cases Will Begin at Muskogee February 11th. Special Dispatch t& Dally Chieftain. Muxkogee, I. T., Jan. 23, 11)02 Tbo United 8taten comuiipninn to the five civiliznd tribes has do olded to take up for final notion all Cherokee doubtful caars, or per sons who have applied to tho com misBion for nnrol'crnt as citizens of the Cherokee nntinn, and whose ..canes, hay heretofore clasBPd as doubtful and their tinmen placed on white or doubtful cards. Tlie. first cases are set for hearing on Ftbiuary 11th, and will continue from day to day until all of this clasB are disposed nf. Tho appli canls aro bfing notified ol the date their caBta are set for hearing and a docket is being made up. The dates for the final hearing of the freedmen cases have not been eet ob yet. ncKlnley Memorial. Subscriptions for tho McKinley National Memorial, will be receiv ed at Ibis office, and all amounts, bo received, published an. I for- warded to tho appointed custodian of tho fund. Tho purpose of tho MoKinley National Memorial association un der whoso auspices, the subscript lions are being received, 1b to erect and maintain a memorial to the late president at Canton, Ohio. Any surplus of funds will be de voted lo the proposed memorial at the National Capital The memorial is to be, in tho highest seusu, the sincere expres or.-f all tho people of the coun try of tliolr love for the martyred executive, Tuobo desiring to express their esteem, of the eminent character istics of the departed president, through this agency can either mall or leave subscriptions at thin office, and they will ha promptly acknowledged, through the col uruns of the Daily and Weekly Ohlof'ian, or any of tho following: Judgo Joseph A Gill, I'ii.iy L. Sopor, V. M. Mellette, Leader, First National Bank, Vinita N tlonal Dank, Cherokee National Duller, Father Versaval atHaored Heart Institute, V. 8 Dugger at Publio School, Rev. Drowning at Willie Halsell College, Auguut Bchlellcer, Ed. Bhannahan, II. II. Lybrand and T. A. Oliandlor at U. S. Clerk's office, and forwarded at onc to (be treasurer ol tho territorial fund. Pushing the Shawnee and Red Pork. The Shawnee & Red Fork Rail way and Coal company Is consid ering a proposition fir sawing two million feet of bridge Umber and 276,000 cross lies, to be used in tho- conBirualion of sixty-eight miles of railroad from Red Fork, I. T., lo Shawnee, Ok. Tho tim if-m, uor ' "" uu "uui iuihiu ieaseu ' hjJe totawtny in the Creek na iHu tfP&(fribt of way. The t.w ?ti fipe almost com j -ted, i4 wfc grato 1 ( axpulttl t-Ufi wxhj. Of the Fako Stories as' to the Government LeasingLand of Indians. THE COMMISSIONER Replies Through the Press to a Flood of Letters Inquiring About Reports of Whole sale Indian Land Leasing. Indian Commissioner Jones lias replied, in a public interview, to a flood of inquires as to the reported engaging by tho interior depart tnenl in the real estate business with the lands of the Indians at) their listed oOerlngs, Mr. Jones prefaced Ids expla nation by the remark that, the fake stories as to the government leasing Indian lands, "made him very tired." Continuing ho said; 'Thero is not a word of truth in any of the reports that have been printed. So far as the Indian lands in Oklahoma and the Indian territory aro concerned, this de partment is nut making any leases. Under our treaties and under the provisions of tho Curtis act, the leasos are made by the tribes, and this department has only to ap prove or reject them. Wo hive no direct dealing wtththo leasees, and their tins been no tfuublo in either of tho territories." Some of the Washington cor recpoudeolB whom the chaplain of the house of representatives prayed for the other day, nre re rpoiitible for a wn've ol indigna uon that lias swt-p over the east ern states recently, through re ports thnt tho inleriordepartment had taken the Indian lauds aud was sub-leasing them. Pictures of cow boys, sweeping through the reservations, jbool ing up tchools and roping straj tquaws, found places in the pres and thereby greatly enlightened the readers on the conditions in the ''Indian country." The Indian territory suflered proportionately in the accounts Bent out of tho department's in tended purpose to offer for lease all of the Indian lands. The original report, it is claimed at the department, was Inspired by Wyoming cattlemen, who had been using tho Indian lands for grazing purposes without paying for the privilege, and who object ed to the government collecting an imposed tax The Washington correspondents generalized the leasing charge and the Indian ter ritory was included in the horrify ing picture of tho indignities heaped upon.the Indian. HOT AIR ARTIST Sends Creek Llghthorie Afield In Search ot (lore. With Crazysnake hitting the hand out route in Washington, and room rent dpe, Ibe "space pipers," have resureoled a bnnch of his 8nakeleli relatives and started them on tho warpath. "Tho following dispatch from Eufaula, is the preliminary, to a hair elevating stunt, that will fill the eastern papers, when its author tuneB up to nis dope; Tho light horseman of Lab To Mloco, nre again riding the coun try in armed hands west ol Eufau la, notifying Creek Indians to dis miss their white tonants, intimi dating those Indians in the Snake community who wIbIi to file on their allotments, and resuming their demands of a year ago as to their independence of the regular Creek government. Yesterday an armeu unnu oi iignv iiumemeu, un der tho leadership of Wa Ko Gee, rode to the DjIj Mooro farm, six teen mllea west of Eufaula, and notified Dob Moore to dismiss IiIb while tenants under threat of via lence. Several white fauillloa be came alarmed and lied, leaving the farms untenanted. Lan To Mlcco, the pretended chief of the Snakes, returned two weeks ago from Washington, where hu soys be saw the Presi dent and had a- talk with him. His followers held a great council at their capital, Hlokory Ground, a week tgo, nnd following this pow wow the light horse banda of the Insurrectionary government bavo resumed their altitude of last win ter. Culmubbla Ilorjo, tho Crook In- dlan says: "Tho Snake leaders have been telling tho Indians that we would nover get the deeds to our land. The well disposed Indians have been willing lo al lotment and want their deeds. Tho delay In issuing the deeds, according to the treaty, have given tbo dissatisfied Snakes a pre text, and tho long and unreason able delay has made many good citizens vary bitter Tho nnnissu ance of tho deeds has much to do with the renowul of this Snake disturbance." CHELSEA BURGLARS Enter Two Hanks Out Pall to Oct the Coin. Details of the attempted safe cracking, at Chelsea Monday night, show the burglars to have been amalrurs at tho game. jfler forcing ontranoe into both the Dank of Chelsea, and the First National Dank, the raasnlvo vaults offered loo much resistance for them, and I hoy departed wilhout obtaining or injuring either of the banks property. Ryser's store nnd restaurant wat entered by means of a plnchbar being Inserted between Iho shut ter of tho door. The cash drawer was demolished and' about 81 60 in pennies taken. The burglars helped themselves to a lunch and lelt the Iragments on the flour. 1'hey also secured a box of cigars. Massey & Harroll's store wax not entered, but the lock was ruined in trying to lorce it. The tools for entering the bank were taken from a tool chest which had been broken open in P. G Drown ing and Co.'s lumber yard. EARL EDMUNDSON Plunges to Ills Death from Third Story Window of New York Motel. Earl Edmundson, late second lieutenant ol "Cumpany L,", Vol unteer territorial Infantry, plunged to hlB death from a third story window of tho Continental Hotel in New York, January 22th. It is supposed that feeling ill, the unfortunate man went to the wiudow, in an attempt lo find re lief in the fresh air, and losing his balance fell to hie death. The decedent was pruclicing law in Muexogee at the outbreak ot the Spanish American war and as sisted ni organizing "Compauy L" o." the regiment of volunteer in fantry recruited in the territory, in which command he was com missioned a second lieutenant. He failed to reach Cuba, being nBslgu ed to duty in the southern camprf, and at the conclusion of the war, enterod the Phillipino service. where he was commissioned a staff captuin, and assigned as judge ad vocato to tho province of Tamagua, a very important position. He was on furlough when he met bib death. STORAGE PLANT To be greeted by 'the Electric Light Company. In connection with the improve ments now being made by the Eiectrio Light company, a cold storage plant will be erected for the storing of apples, meats and other perishable articles. The reorganization of the com pany will take plaoo'within a lew days, and. the capital stock will be increased to (50,000. The receipts from the additional slock issue will be used in build ing the contemplated improve ments, Mr. Lahraan, of Stillwater, Ok., who recently acquired a large in terest in tho plant-, is engaged in putting all of the maohinery in good order and has engaged as en gineer, W.. Cr.Legg, a veteran elec trio light man. Work will begin on the storage plant In the near future. Hope for Train Robber. A bill has been introduced in congress making train robbery punliihable by life imprisonment or death. The recurrence of train hold ups throughout tho country has attracted tho attention of the government to the necessity of in.' siiiuting drastio measure to stamp out this particular form of ciime, and it is thought that the bill will find passspo this winter. Canning Factory Coming. A stock compauy is about to bo formed by Vinila capitalists re. inforced by some outsldo parllo for tho purpose of building an ox tensive canning faclory, Tomatoes will be one of the principal vegi tables canned, and this locality is especially suited to their growth. OKLAHOMA DAY. First of tho House Hearings on Statehood Occurred Yesterday. GRAPHIC PICTURE 01 the Dlelrois Prevailing Among People of Indian Territory Drawn by Judgo S. D, D radf o rd of Ard- more The huuBo committee on terri tories today gavo the first of a se ries of bearings which will be held in tho next two weeks on the bill that have been introduced for the admission of Oklahoma to state hood. Mr. Knox of Massachusetts, chairman of the committee, was not present and in his absenco Mr. Hamilton, of Michigan, presided. Arguments were made by Sidney Clarke, who favored the Flynn bill, S. D. Bradford and ThomnB Doyle, who favored the Stephens bill pro viding single Btatehoodnnd Colo nel Owen, who insisted upon in dependence for Indian territory. Mr. Clarke mado tbo opening arg ument. He reviewed the memo rials recently submitted to con gress advocating tho Flynn bill, gavo figures showing tho -growth of the cities ol Oklahoma einco the last census was taken and pointed out that railroads were building in all directions. He quoted eta tis'ica to show that Oklahomajiad fifiy two national banks and 147 territorial banks. Mr. Clarke pre sented tho oft repeated argument against the admitsion of tbo In dian territory based upon the fact Ihul there ore few taxable lands and asserted that their difficulties would not be overcome by the Stephens bill. Mr. Bradford drew a graphic picture of tho distress prevailing among the people in the Inoiau territory, alleging that there were 75,000 fechoul children growing up in vice becaueo the officials have no authority to build a school house or make publio improve ments. He asserted that the pub lic lands in Oklahoma did noi really belong to the territory , but that the.r constituted a goverment liuat eel oeldo for the education and fostering of the territory' children. Thomas H. Doyle, who was a delegate to the Mnslfogeo conven lion, presented an, argument in fa vor of the Stephens bill, of which he is the author. After reviewing the provisions uf tho Stephens bill which pro vides for a complete form of ter ritorial government, Mr. Doyle concluded with tho following crit icism of the opposition bills : "The provisions of both the Fairbanks and the Flynn bills are manifestly unfair in their provis Ions for the sale of publio lands heretofore reserved and sought to be granted, becaueo, under the provisions of the law, which pro vide for the leasing of the school and other public lands reserved in Oklahoma territory, these Undo were leased and the lessees gener ally placed valuablo .improve ments upon tho lands, in the firm belief that they would be given a preference right to purohaso the lands, as baa heretofore been the rule iu regard lo various new stales. Under the provisions of the bills named it simply leaves these lessees, probably one-eighth of tbo rural population of Okla homa, at the mercy of land specu lators andsyudlcates.which will be formed to purchase the lands when sold to the higbeBl bidders. The single statehood bill makes pro- visions lor a preference right to the lessees to purohase the lands they have leased." Th closing argument was made by Col. Rob'l L Owen, president of the Indian Land and Trust Co., of Muskugeo, and promoter of the non-partisan Dulness and Profes slonal Men's Doublo Statehood, eto , leaeue. The colonel, sneak- lug for himself, tho eleven mem hers of his league, and the Indian Land and Trust Co., said: "We do not want statehood," he declared. "We will oppose union with Oklahoma with the ardor that fires the hreaata of na. rrloia. The only sentiment la thai Indian territory lavorabjeto efrnsTe statehood is based upenflhe fear that some bill udalu ba nsed which wouWtnTtwlJf all publio lands ttebajr(njafpeople no voiw Ht tfif gJvernaent.,, Aft"tji ,itjMrlng Will bo held to mnrr.iw ' , FORGED CHECKS being Ploated by Clever Operators J at Aluskogce. Muskogee, I T., Jan. 24, 1002. A number of forged cheoks have been cashed in Muskogeo and others aro still afloat. List night Poterman it Reovea cashed a check for tO.CO, drawn by the Oloyd Lumber Co., and tho same night Ed Durfey cashed a check for tho same party drawn on the Musko geo Roller Mill Co. At obo'i place the check was tendered in payment for some small purchases and the parly presenting them' received the dif ference in oath. .When tho cheoks "ore presented lo Iho First Na tional bank they were pronounced forgeries. Doth checks were made payablo lo George Nugent. The forgery is a piece of work lhat in dicates that the operators are not amateurs. Tho chirography In that of a woman. Tho check on tho Qloyd Lumber Co. bore the signature of tho company with a rubber ;btamp Hnd tho cashier's slgnaturo written in it. Tbo same parly presented the check at Dur fey8 was In during the day and priced tbo revolvers that were stolen the same n oht. It is thought that two of the forgers live in tho Cherokee nation and he other is from Texas. Lto iu the afternoon Leon Drin casbod a check for 81-1.00 nnd when he pre sented it to the hank he found it was a forced check. This oheck was signed by Ernest Cook of the Muskogee Roller Mills Co. and is almost a duplioate of the other two. Several arrests have been made but the officers are not sure they have the right parlies. ROLLS WILL CLOSE .. On July 1st, 190a, Against all Origin. a! Applications. Special dlapatch to Dally Cliicttaln. Muskogee, I. T., Jan. 26. The -Secretary of tbo Interior baa fixed July 1, 19C2, na a date for closing the Cherokee rolls against all orig'nal applications for enroll-. ment. After lhat date no original application can be made for en rnllment and no baby born after that d te can be onrolled. No full blood who refuses to enroll will be allowed to enroll after that date. Tho next year will doubtless be put in by tho Dawes commlsrfon in hearing testimony in doubtful oa8eB and in reviewing the caeeB and pparing '.1 e rolls for sub mission to the secretary. Tbo bearing of doubtful oases is expected to drag ou, with the reg- ulation slowness, as no date has been fixed for the exDiration of the time, when taking testi mony will be discontinued. Tbo reorganization bill, Intro duced by Congressman Curtis, it la thought here, is the only romedy for the interminable drawing out ol those cases. OFFICERS DISGUSTED. At Failure of Bandits to Attempt Holdup. There aro groups of disgusted deputy marshals, from Denlson, Texas, to Muskogee lament ing the failure of a gang ol outlaws lo hold up the north and south bound Katy trains Thurs day night. Tho ufilolals of Ibe oompany re ceived a tip that the uortb bound (rain would be held up near Che ootah, and had prepared an elab orate onterlainment. The deputy marshals were billed as the feature. Supt. Sulllvau of Deniaon, was In obargo, and had a special or chestra of twenty Winchesters, thai promised lively rausio The southbound train carried another company, hut both per tormunct8 were called oft for lack of a bouse. BURGLAR CAUGHT, Muskogee Store Looter Tolls, Is in the Muskogee, I. T Jan. 21, 1902. Depuvy Marshal Dud Kell ar. reBted Wra. Wade in the railroad yards at this place last night on n charge of ' burglary. Wade was trying to sell a knife, and on account of bis suspioiouB actions the marshal arreeted him, aud ho admitted lhat he ' had burglarized PtUky'a hardware storo the night ftfKgj'and has been landed In jail, aurltjnpllcattjd some other per noun and Charley Corn has since been arrested. Wade is a youth In and the oflicera say he has already served eevoral sen tences for crimes he milted. FLYNN OBJECTS To Union of Oklahoma and Indian Territory in 1 Statehood. CRAFTY DELEGATE Has his Inning Deforo House Commilteo on Territories and Presents Oklahoma'' Claim for a Solitaire Qovernment. The dosing argument in the statehood hearings before the house committee on territories was delivered Friday by Delegate flynn ol Oklahoma, who advoca ted immediate and separate state hood for Oklahoma. After reciting statistics as to Oklahoma's population. area. finances, etc, Mr. Flynn, said: "My purpose is to advocate the measure I have introduced, pro vlding for the admission ot Okla homa exclusive of the Indian ter ritory, I represent the peo- plo of Oklahoma and I am en deavoring to protect their 'inter ests, I shall oppose, in and out of seaBon, any proposition to admit the Indian territory. I would nut be fair lo my people If they were oompelled to bear the expenses of the Indian ter.itory in a govern ment for bolh. "Congress has always been kind to Oklahoma. I have had the h-mor to represent the terri tory in congress when It was un der the control of first ono and then the other of the great politi cal parties. We have never ap pealed to congress in vaiu- 1 do not expect lo do bo tbia lime. In view ol the tapid settlement and development of Oklahoma, it was recognized very early that, if any land was to be reserved for the future state, it would have to be reserved as each seotion of Indian land was opened to settlement; otherwise it would be too late when the territory was admitted for congress to make a grant for school purposes ns in most other cases when new states were admitted. We have had lands re served at different times, and with the consent of congress have Ieaied them, for the benefit of the various educational inslitutions. "In 103Q the amount received from such leases was, in ;ound numbers $177,000, and in 1001 it was 6218 000. We have re ceived sinco 1801, as the net pro ceeds from leueing the lauds, 61,016.857. There are in Okla noma today subject to homestead entry more than four million acres of land. "In behalf of all IhoBe who have assisted in making our com monwealth, a commonwealth whose tinanoial record is spotless, whose ability la unquestioned, whose training has been absolute ly and purely like that of hor frienda in other sections of the na tion, I ask why should they, be cause tbey saw fit (0 cross tha im aginary elate line, be deprived of the lull rights and benefits of cili xenehip? You ask why do they want statehood? la the man who left your district only a few short months ago less capable, or less entitled to nil of the privileges of citizenship because hn went to Ok lahoma to help build up the coun try? Is he any the leas fit becaubo of his residence thero to exercise the rights ol a full (lodged Ameri can citizen than he was when he left New England, or the South ern stales, or tbo Middle 6tntes or tho Western Btatea." Col. Havens and Judge Durford followed Mr. Flynn In similar arg ument advocating the piecemeal attachment of the territory to ila heavenlv twin. The oommftteo will tako the several arguments under consider ation before reporting a bill to cor rect (be existing political condi tions of the two territories. No Katy Hands. Tbo report that the M. K. & T road, contemplated the issuance of 910,000,000 extension bonds, for conetruciiun of a brauoh road in the Indian territory, has heon offi cially denied. The new road confouudid with tup Katy, is the Missouri, Kansaa and Olcla. horaa railroad, which will extend from Stevens southwest totiuthrio. Katy officials arV interested in has com-J the oumoany, hut 'it in an Inde pendent corporation. THE 20TH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF KANSAS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. sJANUARY 1, 19025 RECEIPTS. Premium Income 1331,80360 Interest 27,070 03 f 112,875 62 DISBURSEMENTS Doath claims f 116,067 35 Dividend to polloy holders 21,837 25 Surrender value and other payment lo policy holders 22.U67 17 Commission to ago tits 00,072 73 Salaries and expenses of gen cral aod special agenti compensation of offlccrs and clsrks 17,421 39 Medical exiimlneri foes nnd Inspection of risks 0,403 30 Taxen aud department, fees ' fl.G&l 00 Kent, advortllng,prlullo(f, postaKeaml all other ex pense 2I.W2 30 Total ..313.M67 Excess ot Income ovtrdls uuromonti 00,40005 WI2.875 82 GAINS MADE IN 190U Gain In Interest Income. Gain Iu surplus (actuaries 4 percent) - Gain In admitted aseeU Guln In amount 00 deposit with state. Gain In Insurance In force '...., MISCELLANEOUS STATEMENT, JANUARY 1, i 2. Excess of Income over disbursements 4 J Surplus to policy holders (actturlos 4 per q,qjit). Amount on deposit with state for the protection ot policy hol r. Total assets -; , Paid pollry holder In death claims, to date Insurance In force This coiupnny has invostoil ostnto 1-152,175.00 ; onsh loans total 500.485.85. It has navor past duo nnd not a dollar of past ltios, and has novor lost a dollar on its mvestod fund For further information relating to policy contra ' Tjr ium ratos apply to t K JOSEPH P. SCOTT. Gen-Aircnt. Vmua.1 N. B. Rcliablo and oncrcetic January Ss le$p; with its cold dull wenthor. At (Mrs) Balentw&'s sico it is not so dull ns it might be wo have nico largo stovo and kcop it warm and plonty of GROCERIES NICE AND FRESH Trado Is fairly good for this timo of yoar, anU I will bo ploasud to have my frionds call and seo m and patronizo my storo and Vill try and make u to their advantago to do so. Respectfully, MRS. H. BALENTINE. Z&MfcZZS&Z 5cKSffi?br 9 IKmM Itaf jw ana ot auraDiiuyto every article which we sell :::::::: Buck's stoves and ranges weigh 20 per cent more than other makes, and last 20 years longer. Our motto "Better goods and lower prices." Car load of wire on hand cheaper than you can buy it at the factory. Duinrili Mi are Coipi. The flight ol time Is most conveuimUy recorded, jn a home by a good clock. I liave tUeui In nil aUea and uiany style, Oood Nlckle Alarm Clock for only 98c night Day Clock, Strike and Alarm, $3.50 Handsome Porcelain Clock, Eight Day, $8.50. When you want a clock call anil oec what I have. I'tue oud complicated watch repairitia sptswlty. Motto Not the cheapest but the BH8T work at all luey- 26 S. Wilson St. THE ASSETS First mortgage loans oil roalcstalo C4f2,17600 Cash loans tp polio? holtlra on policies assigned (as security) 48,3108 Premiums deferred and tn processor collection (re serve thercou chart!' In liabilities) - - W.1 Iolorost HtMrucd (not 1 , on mortgages ,i Interest on otor Itcmajlln $418 83, aceruod le.wtflJ) Cash on hand and In rtnka All other assets J5 Total tW LIABILITIES ; Policy reserve (actuar 94)911 Ua All other liabilities. Total Surplus to pollry h above all liabilities uarlosl percent). n as m dividends surrender values,' t in first mortcaco lonttOn. on policies nsslunod 8ft forcclosori n. m Or teat , kits duo intorost on mori :go si" nconts vrantod in thf territory. i t 'Tis not m wand success.' mortals t 1 We do better Vtf it. "Ififf " A " WE owh M every test of. quality ' August SchHeeker, jcwci mi viniswn Ktf Bi5 Fa1 '!;Se 9 M ' I . I v H I ' r I a r IMMin c j?- -, - ,5 ,-&-- me dfs-w. jt rr" i " T- -i O- I tfif ewi : ;?" -teMB nyvum JAW I IV WW