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, ...f -- :j.ia jp w ' '4 V" Wt "' liaftH nit(n a!i ttl 1 1 1 ni n1 Im tn jussba1 Of RhlRlo Or (loublO , ., ....nvMi.u.tttJr.atiiMMintMHWtBJHWWHHMttiDWirAtflll fltriHtM)fti hniAM (1 J AidiAiSTIidiMdtM lif A( &itkiMiiAlAiSiUiL(J'iiXAtJ4 JJUiUMM.i-'tHM J.UtK'MUrv - rJmM mmm&WMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jm ,r,(, ,,,,,,, ,, ,. niMNrW vmMiuMWMiwwuu.1 I gTfc P'-"im"" Given Awav 1 1 a 3 ill A lJfKB fiteT IW" JaWfe. P JSlfSS Hi Any part of the' 1 WI1l-&- 3l',S"'!&fc Yv opportunity. ATURDAY, FEB. 1, TO SATURDAY, FEB. 8. SEVEN DAYS OF 1 A 1 1 iTa 17 J M HIJl DRESS GOODS. "Finest worsteds nt cotton prices" iB but one of tho dross goods gifts. Dress well at our oxpenso by making n solection from our seven day wonder stile. Twonty-four inch Henripttns, 86 inch dingonnl worsteds, 54 inch nil wool dross flannols, worth 26c, 35c nnd 50c, clonrnnco rule price only 10c per ynrd. Dross goods puttorns, 11 vo yard lengths, only a few loft, worth 1.50 por ynrd. clonrnnce sale 65c por ynrd. All wool 5-1 inch Indies' oloth, wortli GOc, clonrnnco stilo 8So. French flnunel dress goods, nil wool, 35 inch, worth 50o, clearance snlo price 30c. All colors Venetian cloth, worth 1.00, sale prico 73c per nrd. Fifty -four inch brond cloths, worth 1.25, snlo prico 92c. Six ynrd dross pattorns, whip cord nnd poplen, nseort od colors, worth G.OO per pnttorn, snlo prico 4.08. SILK BARGAINS We have so many pieces of silk impossible to onumornto, wo will allow during this sale a discount of 25 por cont on ontiro lino. . Silks worth 25c per yard in clonrnnco snlo at 0 conts. SHOCKS FOR SHOE MEN. Our shoo prices shock shoo mon. They will not re covor until Fob. 8th, when wo withdraw those prices. If they continued them they would go out of business thoy simply kill competition. Road a fow of them. THE MANJSH SHOE is tho thing for increment weather. Tako our Soro sis shoo its strong and ns near water proof ns possibles nnd pretty enough to arid n fitting finish to a rainy day costume, sold every where nt 3.50, our clear ance sale price is 2.75. Utz & Dunn hand made welts, extension soles, are worth 3.50, but will go In clearance sale at 2.50. Wo huvo only n fow pnir of small size ladies' narrow toovici kid shoos worth 3.00 nnd 3.50, sale prioe 1.05. Boys and Mons heavy kip boots. During this sale wo .will allow ii discount of 20 por cont, or oiie-fifth oil", on ail hoavy boots. That moans .00 boots at 1.00 ; boys 1.50 boots at 1.20. STAPLE DRY GOODS. In this dopartraont tho typo toll tho story. When you rend theso amazing prices on ginghams, muslins, lin ens, shootings, flannols, romombor wo promise them only for ono weok, but during tho sovon days from February 1 to 8 wo guarantee to lot you havo them nt tho following prices. Thoso nro but a fow, como soe tho rest. Good yard wido bloachod muslin, mostmorchnnt pay o 1-4 conts for it, tako all you want nt 5 conts. Good yard widohonvy blenched muslin, worth 10c, in our cloaranco snlo at 8 1-3 cents por ynrd. Full stnndard LL sheeting, regular G l-4c seller, you had bottor buy n bolt nt 4c por ynrd. LL muslin for houso canvassing at 3 cents. 10-4 unblonchrd shooting worth 20c, at 14o per yard. 0-1 unbloachcd Poporoll shooting, thore is nothing bottor, worth 22c por yard, cloaranco salo price 18c. 10-4 bloachod "Mills," all good houso wives know this brand, worth 25c, salo prico 21c por yard. Roady made homed shoots, 81x00, worth 76c, at 53c. ' Roady inado pillow casoa, 3Gy42, worth 16o, at l2c. 40 inch pillow casing, for making pillow cases, worth IUo, clonrnnco snlo prico 7 cents per yard. in o'o5 "!ch ,)oncl,ed Poporoll mills, tho best made, worth 1U J-Jc clonrnnco snlo prico only 12 1-2 cents. ?A f,?nthr ticking, guaranteed to hold foathers, worth 1 2-3c, snlo prico ouly 12c a yard. Our own foathor ticking, choap at tho price, 10c. A good straw ticking in this snlo at 5c per yard. HIRTING, OUTING FLANNEL All our 10 nnd 12; l-2e frnrlnn of hn,- ,i.;wi.w., ,.A In this snlo nt 8 l-3c per ynrd. CottOll t)lnid flhirtiuf thnt linnnlKr unllo ,.f X on (.. ?.,.. m .: :..? :"r - ' J,"-" v-u-Mi w.j nfinvjr oiivjuy oiuu hi oc a yarn, r, All colors oxtra Jwmvy outing, rogiilnr 12 l-?c nt Oo, Heavy plnidnnd stripo outing lfnnnol worth 10c, at 7c. All our henry outing flnanols, worth 8 l-3c por ynrd, go in the clonrnnco salo nt Gc. All 6 and 6 l-4o outings go nt 4c por yard. jji Ramember the Dates Saturday, Febuary it to fi stMiuraay,. t-euuary J, beven days of bargains LADIES WAISTS Wool waists, sizes 82 to 38, worth from 75c to 1.25, clearance snlo prico 05c. French flannel waists, well mado, cheapor than tho material, worth 1.50 nnd 2.00, salo prico 08o. Black brillinntino wnists, nlwnys in stylo, nt 1.08. ' Elegnnt French flnunel waists, woro bargains nt 3.00, go in clonrnnco snlo nt 2.28. Ladies' blnck silk wnist and walking skirt worth 4.00 but go in tho clenranco snle nt 2.08. KNIT UNDERWEAR. Ladies fine nil wool union suits, worth $2, nt 1.23. Ladies henvy fleece lined union suits at 18c. Ladies vest and pant fleeco lined each at 10c. Ladies wool two pieco suits, worth 1.50, at 98c Misses two pieco suits, worth 25, 80 and 3oc at 15c. Childrens union suits nt 18o, wortli twico ns much. Mens silk fleeced underwear, worth $2, 1.50 a suit. Fxtrn heavy cotton fleeced undershirts nt 28c Extra henvy all wool undershirts worth 75c, nt 35c. PRINTSGINGHAMS. Standard prints, new pntterus, worth 5 and G l-2c per ynrd, go in tlio clearance hide at 4 crnts. 500 yards of prints, usu' lly sold at oc, go at 2c. 100 yards of fancy colon ' comfort prints, worth up to 8 l-8e, clearance snlo price ' per ynrd. New style pnttorn Percales, nil tho ndvnnco spring Stylos, sold overywhero nt 15c, during this salo 12c. RY 1 T You win on evry pur ha c ticket at the STUPENDOUS MIN-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE OF THE JUMBO STORE, (g JM Any part of the thuiiml clcl'ars is ours on demand, any dav from Saturday, Feb. i, until Saturday, I-cb. 8. Kcmembi r these dates. Unix oni-' wick h of opportunity. hen the doors close Saturday, Feb. 8, this offer closes We are willing to pay to become bettr ;uquainti.d with you it is iV tL worth money to you to b come better acquainted with us. You are really petting paid to satisv your wants from the finest 'to k of goods in the soutn- Mm' L vvi'Cf. fncfi-nrl of t nvlinrr vniif mnm rn !nf..r!nr rtnnrlc nll nri nrvcr cnti:fiifl tvith vnil nrr inVltPfl tn S.lVf Hlir tllfinev hv f)l )t;i illll'tT ni'teVCr U ,-- IS W iz;; a J k mf BARGADNS i MT m m THIS IS NOT A LOTTE need, from salt to .satin, Irom our magnificent stock of the best goods, and share in the $1,000 we will give away during the seven d iys froin Now stylo Percales, just tho thing for ladios and childrons wonr, wortli 10 nnd 12 l-2c, snlo prico 8c. Full standard apron ginghams worth 0 l-4c, at 4c Best Amoskoog ginghams for drossos and nprons, nil colors, good wonrlng, regulnr prico 7 l-2c nnd 3 1-3 c por ynrd, cloaranco snlo prico 0c por yard. NOVELTIES, NOTIONS. J In thoso itoms wo savo you tho small promiums. Tho ponnios saved hero will buy a pair of shoos or somo other equally usoful article. Sixty shoot writing papop 5c Twonty-four shoots legal enp 5c One spool thread 1c Two pencil tnbleta lc Ono largo school tablot 4c Pen holder lc Bottlo porfumo 5c Lndies hnnd bags 10c Childrens wool mits 4c Lndies knit wool inittonsic Misses wool knit mittens 7c Thimblo freo while they Inst Elnstic por ynrd 3c Gross 244 shirt buttons 5c Bunch darning cotton 2c Sidf combs 4c n pair Oylon diamond pin 20c Gold plnted brncolots 20c SlVk ' ' UMtmt lfr-l Conrso or fino comb 4c Boys slntes GxO 2c Boys slntes 8x4 4c Henvy winter hoso 7c a pnir Ono pnir linen cuffs 9c Ladies linen colnrs 4c Box Talcum powdor 4c Paper brnss pins 3c Box wiro hair pins 7c. 2nc bolt buckles for 25e 25c brooches now stylo 25c Shirt waists sots 5a pair. Gold platod cuff buttons oc por pnir. Gohl plnted pen points mid fnncy holdors worth 50 nt 20c Sterling silver curling iron worth $2, snlo pr co JOc Sterling silver nail files, ebony bundles, worth J0c, nt 2Jc. Sterling silver hair brush and comb, worth 7Jo, at 50q argains in Men's Wearables FOR MEN AND BOYS. Here is easy money. We.preseut vou with a ti ly sum on every purch ise in our suit and pant department. There will be a rush for these gifts. Note the cuts, Irom 50c uu on all suits. That is money in you. pocket. The first come will be the biggest wmntr. Your choice of any suit in our house for Sio; you will find some worth .is hiyh as $1850. 100 Boys 2-Piece suits, age 7 to 15 years, sold regularly at $2 and $2.50, Clearance price Si. 50. All our S3, 53.50 and $d so 3 piece suits with fancy vers, go in this, sale for $2.50. Youths' long pants suits from 12 to 19 years, all well made and will wear woith 5.00, Clear ance sale price $3.50. Boys' long pants suits, worth 3.50, Clearance saie price 012.75. Men's heavy fine Cassi mere fancy stripes and plaids suits, well made and about the riyht weight for early spring wear. You never saw them less than 5.00 and 6.00, but in this sale go for S3 48. Men's fine Worsted suits, extra heavy and guaranteed pure wool, never offered be fore for less than 10 00, now go in our clearance sale at S5oO. Men's heavy California plaid suits. These suits aie made of pure wool and will outwear any suit made for the price. Also some heavy Cheviot and Worsted suits will be put in this lot for 7.50. Men's black Worsted suits, worth 5,00, go during our clearance sale at 2.75. Men's fancy striped p.ints, well sewed and worth 1.50 go during this sale at 98c. See our line of fancy Worsted and Cassimerc pants, worth 2.00 and 2.50 Clearance price 1.50. Our entire line, nothing reserved. Men's fine Worsted pants, were 5.00 and 6.00, now 3.4b. If you want your money's wortc in groceries just step in and see what there is offered in this line at the Jumbo Grocery. This department is always up-to-date in every particular. MENS OVERCOATS Read the description. Study the price. How can we do it? That is a secret our competitors would like to kn nv. We can and will, from Feb. 1st to Feb. 8th. No longer. Come and be convinced. Men's blue and black dress overcoats, all wool Kersev, we have been getting 1500 for them. Clearance price 995. Men's all Wool Washington Beaver overeats, never sold at less than 10.00 and i2.5o, dur ing clearance sale at 7.50. Men's heavy imported Chin chilla overcoats, worth 20.00, go during this sale for 13.50. Men's blue Chinchilla dress overcoats, worth 500, during this sale go at 2.50. Boys' Ulster overcoats, 12 to 19 years, extra heavy all wool worth 6.00, now go at 3 95. Boys' heavy Ulster overcoats during clearance sale at 2.50. Boys double breasted Irish Frieze reefer coat vorth 650, clearance sale price 395. Boys double breasted Irish Frieze reefer coat worth 2.50, sale price 1.50. Child's lone overcoats with belts, red, giay and grei-n, the latest style this teason, worth 5.00 clearance sale 3 45. FURNISHINGS Boys heavy fleeced Sersey overshirts worth 75c, sale price only 48c About same quality for men at 35c. Men's fancy bosom shirts, Monarch brand, every one made to wear, worth 1.50, at 98c All our 1.00 fancy bosom dress shirtsat 75c During this sale we will give a discount of 20 per dent on trunks and traveling bags. One lot of Thoroughbred fedora hats, only 2 or 3 of a kind, worth 3 00, sale price 1.98 Lot mens stiff hats worth 3.00, at 98c. Men's large shape black and white wool hats worth 1. 00, clearance sale price 75c a J! Mwwir lluuHtffU (fy CLOAKS AND JACKETS Wo don't propoio to carry ovor n single garment ve hnvo cut tho prico half in two; cost is not considered in this money saving snlo. Ladios doublo cloth, fur trimmed cupo wortli. 1.26, for this salo tho prico is cut to 00 cents. Ladios doublo cloth fur trimmed cape, worth 2.50 in our grand cloaranco snlo at 1.4S, Ladios lino plush capo with fur irimnlings, is a rogulnr 5.00 vnluo, go in this snlo at 2.08. Ladios fino korsoj' tan enstor enpo, worth 7.50, cloaranco Milu -1.21 Ladios jackots, blnck only, worth 2.00, clonr nnco snlo prico OSc. Ladios jackets thnt sold at 3.50 and 5.00 in cloaranco snlo at 1.00. Ladios box incket well made nnd stvl"h, sizes 8G nnd 32, worth 0.50,'clonrnnco snlo prico only 5.70. Children's fnncy jackets, lnre collar, worth a.RO, go in this monstor inonoy saving clenranco snlo at 1.08. " Children's fnncy box- jnckots, ngo six to fourteen yenrs worth 1.50, clonrnnco snjo price out to 08 cents. Ohildron's jnckots, 0 to 12 yrs, worth 1.00, nt 50c. TABLE LINEN AND TOWELS jg worth 1.50, JgU 72 inch nil linen damask, n roal boauty during this snlo nt 1.22. 72 inch nil Huon tnblo dnmnsk, horo is nn opportunity to savo nbout 30 por cont, worth $1, nt 72c n ynrd. , 72 inch tnblo dnmnsk, sold ovorywhoro nt GO to flc,. in this snlo nt 48 conts por ynrd. CO inch tnblo damask worth 26c to 80c, snlo prico 10c. Turkey red tnblo damask, 00 inch, ahmpor than oil cloth, worth 20c"snjo prico 12o. 51 inch hor-vy tnblo folt, worth 75c, nt 50o n ynrd. 51 inch tnblo folt, not quite so good but will answer tho sumo purposo, 88 oeuts per ynrd. Fringed table napkins, worth 860 ir dozen, clonr nnco salo prico 21c. One domett large napkins nt $1. All linen nnpkins, dozen in bolt, regulnr prico 2.00, clenranco snle price 1.50, Dost nil linen napkins, new patterns, worth 8.60 per dozon, clonrnnco snlo prico 2.08. Ilonoy comb towols and Turkish bath towols worth 0 l-lo, at lc. Largo Turkish bnth tow olsold by most storotnt 15 conts, our prico 8c. Kxtra heavy bloach Tur kish hath towol worth 35c go in this snlo nt 10c. "Wo have too mnny fino linon towels to onumornto, but will allow a discount of of 20 per cont on nil of our towol stock during this salo. Good grado of twoling in this snle at 2o n ynrd. Soo our linon toweling nt 6c, worth 7 l-2o. All linon honvy crash for roller towcflu at 8c a yard. Whito and colorod bod spronds overy bed needs one. "Whito countorpano worth 00c, snlo prico J0c. Extra wido countorpano worth 2.00, salo price 1.50. Colorod couutorpnno wortli 1.26 at 98o. Fino lino of bottor grado in Inncy pntterus. FLANNELS AND BLANKETS Horo is whoro wo savo you money. Good red twill flannel worth 20c, enle price 12o. Good Irish Friozo flannol, rod or blue, worth 25o, in this salo you may havo it nt 12o per ynrd. A good rod flannol nt 0c. Monicntod rod wool flannol, worth '10c, nt 28c. Gray flannol, nil wool, worth 25ont 18c. Good bloachod canton flannol, worth 7 l-2c, at 5c. 50 pair 10-1 cotton blnukots, worth 50c, nt 32o. Ilonvy mlxod gray blnukots, worth $1, at 76c. 10-1 honvy mixodrod blandkots worth 2 pair nt 1.48 Puro all wool plnid blankets, rod nnd black, worth 8.50 to 4 00 por pair, snlo prico 2.40. California nil wool whito blnukots, worth 0.00 por pair, cloaranco snlo prico 3.08. T?UNS 4ifcr 9,1 vrk j-k THE JUMBO STORE 4 The Store that gives the most quantity and quality for the least amount of money. MfilillllKgStfW 5li&'? "-T ? trz. r?-TMTcmpfm k3JB unwiftwa wr y j 4