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"? " - y ' i-'AIV-r .. 'L. n u , A. . 'i.'' ihiiiimmmm'i"i 1 i - - -v v - "S OCAr, i 3STOTER. w 4 " Brooks. Inttnt, y rM i t. a jJfr-MsSs? THE INDIAN 1SBSmSKmSP!iA MmB.'M.T.1tir v-v -v ., J i emMMMmmitBMizwmK:mmimamimmmmiimmmmaam "! ifUff fr fclsMkk wrtKyMwjt,WBih MZm&& CHIEFTAIN I "A U 1 '& t i j i r. ;- ft' ' M I Ml 'f CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING, CO. I fare Grape Cream or Tartar Powder Da ?WCfJ CREAM BAKING POIfoffi Awarded Highest Honors, World's Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair NO ANNEXATION. ' Statehood for Oklahoma and Territorial Government ,n - fonJjijJtoiarA. COmVrOMIsIIlL. Flynn and Curtis Dills Will bo Merged into a Meaturo That Will Satisfy tho Com- miltoep Strong Sen- titnent Agnlnst tho Stephens Bill. Statehood for Oklahoma and a territorial form of government for the Indian territory will undoubt edly be recommended by tho com mllt'e on territories at an early meeting. Sub-committees from y.he commitlo on territories and the r comiriltleo on Indian affairs held a long seeslon Thursday and dis cussed the bills that have been in troduced. Tho measure offered by Delegate Flynn, of Oklahoma; providing for statehood for Okla homa, and the hill of Mr. Stephens, of Texs,provJding ferslqfije state- .hood for the two territorloe, were considered in detail. I The sentiment of the sub com- mitteo wad strongly .tho Stephens bill, democrats and republicans on tho committees all agreeing that Indian territory was 'pot ripo for statehood, and that Oklahoma was not in a position to BESume the burden of furnishing tfi government for the Indian terri tory, pending tl.e release of the Indian lands from their treaty t x emptions from taxation. Mr Stephens contended for single state ood, but was finally com pelled to abandon any effort to so ' euro favorablo consideration of his measure. The coinmitteea were also prac tically unanimous in favor of elrlk.ngout the clause of the Flynn bill which provides for the annex ation of Indian territory to Okla homa a rapidly as the county organizations in Indian territory are perfected. DUcutBion showed lhat the people of the Indian ter ritory were unanimously opposed o being cut pp into county dlvls Ioijb and tjided piecemeal to Okla- oma.OMo.nny oilier state or ter ruorjv jAuy,ocales of single stale hood opposed the Flynn method of accomplishing tho union of the territories. With the annexation clause cf the Flynn bill removed, the conlerenco informally op. proved tho bill, and it will be re ferred to the full committee on territories with a favorablo reo oramendatinn. With the question of single statehood eliminated, so far as the sub commlttoe can act, tho repro. eentatlvesof the committee on In dian a flairs urged that sonar notion bo tnkm looking to a form of gov ernment for the Indian territory They were particularly anxious that some form of government be tirovlded that would not levy to leayy a burden upon tho holders of personal properly in the torri ory, anil would, at tjio eama llnio, bo effective In remedying many of (he abuses and annoyanoes that now exist. Tho bjll offered by Mr. Curtis, providing for tho appoint ment ola governor and secretary of the torritory and the olucUon of a delegate to congress, was dis cussed, but the demooratfo tnenv bora of both oommittoea insisted upon a full territorial organization for tho territory. In the course of (tip discussion it developed that (he dernourats of the house ore unilodjn their polloy of demand? ing a separate govornmont as statoB or territories for Oklahoma and the Indian territory, and limit hey li will oppbso any proposition look ing to Immedlato or future union of (ho territories. While no decision was reached, it was the Bentimrnl of the com mitteo that tho Moon bill, provid ing for a territorial form of gov ernment for tho Indian territory should bo recommended, with an amendment proposed by Mr. Stephens, cf Texas. This provides a method for locating county seats, over which there has been much ditcussion. Mr. Stephens' amend ment provides that the town hav ing the greatest population in each county when the county bounda ries have been defined shall bo the temporary county eoat, rnd that the permanent county seat shall bo decided by a vote of the resi dents at the first regular territo rial election. Tho senate committee on terri tories will meet Friday, and will probably grant a hearing to some of tho Oklahoma advocates for statehood IN THE U. S. COURT. Important Land Heatings Remit Favorablo to Cherokee Nor tion. An important suit has been pending in the United Statescourt involving tho right of occupancy of the tuwr ie of C6ntralio, twen miles west 01 this city. Tho Cherokeo nation was plain tiiT against Hargrave and othor claimants to Cherokee citizenship who had failed to bo admittod to Cherokee citizenship, but who owned valuable improvements whero the townBilo of Centralis now is. The case was determined on its pleadings, the demurrer ol defendants being over ruled. The defendants gave notice of appeal and the case will be carried up to the higher courts. It is a victory for the Cherokee nation. Another caso somewhat similar, only involving the rights of Cherokee citizens to possession of an improvement near Afton was also dismissed on the pleading to day I. J. Iluward against Dr. P. Donahoe for possession of an in struder improvement sold by the sheriff of Delewaro district. The case went out on failure of Dona, boe to plead. Tho case of J. h. Courtney against Bartles, Barn dollar and (ilbBon has occupied most ol the week. The suit grew out of a sain of a car load of horses und mules sold by Mr. Conrtney to a party recommended by tho defendants. It went to the jury this afternoon. ACTS PASSED UPON. Lilts Eeceived at Inspector's Office. About Delivery of Creek Deeds. Tho following acts have been passed upon and returned to the Indian Inspector's oflice in this city approved: Cherokeo act providing for rep resentation of nation in coraplet ing" roll of citizens. Providing for continuance of Attorney Hast ings before Dawes commission. Cherokee act for pay of expenses of regular council, 1001. Cherokeo aot for pay of expenses of extra session of council, Decem ber, 1001. Creek act in favor Of MoKellop and Reed, attorneys in citizenship matters. j. Creek act for eief of Crum Island. i Creek act for relief! of RoBauna Mitchell. $ ' Creek act for relief oV William Qrimmett. Creek act for relief ol Hagor Myers, John A. Myers, Lewis My ers and Willie Lacey, Creek resolution in "reference to delivery of deeds," disapproved. Times. ATliousund Dollars Throwu Away, Mr. W. Y. Baker of Plulnvlow, Neb., writes -My wlfo had Iun uou bio for over llioenyciM, Wo tried a number of doctors utid spcntyWct a fhotnmnd of dollars witiiuuUf ny re lief. Hho wai very iaf and I lost all hope, whan u fileud subdued trying Foley' lionoy and tar, which 1 dld thanks to ibis groat rqniedy It saved horllfo. Hho U stronger umloojnys bottor tmaltli thun olio has cvor known In ton yoars. Wo shall never bo without Foley's honey and tar ami would utk tlioso allllctod re- try it." For tale by Peoples drug store Short and to the Point. Gontlgmcn: Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepvlti I tho llucst preparation fur tho siomnoh and bowel that I eter utetl, Wishing you continued iuqcoss lam you ru vury truly. W C, KiMUUL omi i. , Now Tniv, Michigan. 8jW bpPoupl's drug storo. FOR FEBRUARY. What tne Weather During this Montll lia Deen for Fourteen Year. The following data, covering a period of fourteon yoars, have been compiled from the weather bureau records at sprlngfield, Mo., by Observer J 8. Hazen, for tbo month of February, for fourteen years. TESirKttATUIU:. Mean or normal temperature, 34 degrees. The warmest month was that of 1892, with an average of 41 de grees. The coldeflt month was that of 1809, with nn averagoof 23 de grees. The highest temperature was 70 degrees, on tho 4th, 1890. The lowost temperature was 29, on the 12th, 1899. Average dato on which: first "killing" front occurred in autumn October, 18. Average date on which lost "killing" frost occurred in spring, April 10. rnKCIPITATION. Average for the month 254 inch. Averago number of days with .01 of an inch or more, 10. The greatest monthly preciplta was 5.22 inches in 1890. The least monthly precipitation was 0 81 in 1895. The greatest amount of precipi tation recorded in any 21 consecu tivo hours was 1.80 inches, on tho 1st, 1890. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 21 consecutive hours, (record extouding to winter of 1884-85 only), wob 7.5 on 3rd and 4th, 1894. CLOUDS AND WEATIIEIt. Avoroge number of ulear days, 9j partly cloudy days, 9j cloudy days, 10. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the southeast. The highest velocity of the wind was GO miles from the northwest, on 27th in 1890. A Republican Jonah. Dr. John M. Lester returned yesterday from Washington, D 0, In reply to a nuerv as to the the sentiment there with reference to the legislation effecting the In dian territory. IHo said that there were many conflicting opinions as to what was tho best to be done. That so far aa he was ablo to ob serve, the general impression pre vails that the Indian territory is a sort of "Jonah" in the eyes of the republicans. If admitted without qualification to statehood with Oklahoma, the state would ho Democratic, hence Flynn's bill which proposes to absorb us by piecemeal, digest each piece thor oughly, see that it's republican before taking another bite and so on. There are many republicans and democrats, however, who are willing to admit Oklahoma with its present boundary, giving tbo Indian territory sumo sort of a territorial form of government un til such time as it may bo ready for stateqood. Political expodi ency may determino our late. What we wont outs very little figure. The Indian territory Ib a political outcast and few lavora can bo expected, notwithstanding the reports to tho contrary. S. MoAlister Capital, Conductor Killed, J. C. Berry, who was many years a conduotor on the M., K & T. railway, running out of Par sons, was killed at Merrfam eta tion, 9 miles south of Kansas City on tbo Frisco, at 3 o'clock Wed nesday morning LUuy has been breaking recently on the Frisco and was coming out of Kansas City on a freight train when bis train took the siding at Merriam to per mit another train to pass. Ho stepped from his train on the ad joining track and was looking to ward the rear ol tbo freight train when Frisoo passenger train No. 118, going into Kansas City .struck hi m, killing him inntanily. riore Pay tor Federal Judges. Senator Hoar, from the commit tee on the judiciary, Wednesday reported favorably to the senate hie bill inoreaslng salarios of sen ators and representatives ellratu ateji. The bill flxos the salary of the chief justice of;iho United Slates suprome court at $13,000 and of tho asBociato juBtlcoa of that court at $12,600; of circuit judges at 7,500 and of dlstrlot judges at- 80,259. Tho Balary qf tho chief justice of tho court of claims is made 80,125 and that of the associate justices 85,025. Homo dried fruit pcacuo. and ap ple 6 els per pound at Ualoatlnus, VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. The Postofiice Should be Closed Along With Other Uuslncaa Houses. Communicated. Not long ago some of the minis tors In town devoted their Sunday morning sermon to tho subject o. Sunday Observance a laudable effort on their part In these days of Sunday picnics, cards, tennis and skating. .But all the sermons in tbe world will not efiect the populaco nor purify tbo Sunday whilo (ho peoplo in the pews the laity go on indulging in theso things. Church members wonder why the churches aro not more numer ously patronized, when they them selves perhaps only perfunctorily have attended church and they rush for their luncheons and ecramble pell-mell to tbe woods for the afternoon, saying that they have been to church once, think ing thus to excuse themselves. The very fact of their trying to palliate their plcnio Bhows that they con sider it unbecoming for tho holy day of the week. s But thero la Btili another cauce which retards a fuller attendance at church- Now it is not a ques tion whether all men would go to church or not, but this is an art icle to establish a fact of which but little cognizance is now taken, viz tbe feverlBb haste and desire to get and answer mail in tbo of fices on Sunday. The writer knows that many of the men who get mail and do their ofilco work on Sunday, disregard ing the commandmont "Remem ber the Sabbith day," care not to come to church, but he also knows that In many cases the diatribuiing of mail on Sunday acta simply as an excuse for many who would otherwise attend bouses of worship. Tbo little business ol this town that accumulates nn Sunday could surely be postponed till oionuay, when one considers thai large cities, Now York, Boston, Philadelphia, etc., Dover distrib uto mall or even open the posiol Oca on Sunday. See also the four or live men who are kept at tbe postofiice all day, never getting an opportunity for church attendance because some men desire to have their mail as their excuse for nut doing that which they know they ought to do, Now in view of all those condi tions, will not they oan if they will the businets men of tblf town, who desire to do something practical toward Sunday Observ ance, reBolve that they will not frequent tbe postofiice or their businees on Sunday, lotllno their offices and stores rest from Salur day night till Sunday morning? No one knows tho perplexities and complications of the problem of Sunday observance belter than the writer, but hq is assured that lor Vinita and all other small towns, the closing of the Postofiice for tho entire day would be the tirst step toward tt practical aboil tiilon of all Sunday work. The other problems would soon right themselves once tho managers and proprietors of Bteres and factories ooncludea that tht-v would let business rest for one day in tbe week, aa they themselves like to rost. Tbe idea is, tako awav the excuse for frequenting offices and desks on Sundays the reading and answering of mail and mn would stay at homo, or pbrbaps go to churoh, having no "nreseinc duty''(?) to retard. Let us hope for eomelhlng bet ter then, soon but unless the men of tho town take some such action you will never see a pure Sunday. Nevor a Puritanical observance, but an observance ol Sunday act uated from motives of reBpect and love for the worship of God. which la to bo given him, hy bis com mand, In tbe congregation on tbe Lord's day. Shut Out the tlonest Momeseekers. Ovr seven hundred rallnqulsh menta havo already been rr.tde in itio land offices at FA Reno and Lawton. This means that over seven hundred men who drew farms In the government lottory havo Bold their claims, It will be remombered that the lottery plan was adopted as .the beet means ol shutting out land speculators. But It seems to havo been a great failure. It waa just as easy for speculators tc linn up at tho regis tration offices as it was for home Boekers, and the npeculatora stood an etiual aliow, Now honest home seokere aro privileged to buy homes in the torritory if they can raise the price demandei by the Speculators, MUST REFUND. Burton and Mulvane of Kanias Mnit Diigorgo, A diffpr.oh from Washington says that tho interior department baa ordered Mr. Burton, brother of tho senator, and David Mulvane, Senator Burton's right bower, to re fund to tbe treasuries of tho Chick asaw and Choctaw nations re spectively the money they havo drawn as attorneys for the nations at Washington. Ills held by the department that the appointment of these at torneys was made without tbe ap proval of the president. On the contrary President MoKinky une quivocally expressed his disap proval. In face of this opposition the attorneys were appointed and have been paid out of tho general fund. Each attorney gets 35,000 a year under the contract and tho depart ment holds that they are a luxury which may be readily dispensed with without jeopardizing tbo in- iuicmh ui me inuians. i no na tions havo well paid delegates to Washington and they also have high salaried local attorneys. The department concludes tho nations aro well supplied with lawyers without creating sinecures for po lilcal pels. A BIG JOB. Over 3300 Cherokee Citizenship Cases Now Uocketted. Few people who are not familiar with tbo routine work of the at torneys for tho Cherokee nation realize the enormous task they havo before them. There aro now decketted 1,270 doubtful and contested Cherokee cases and as many more freedman cases, making at present date over 2,500 cases that will have to ba sifted out by the attorneys. The procedure in these cases ia almost tbe same at tbat of a lawsuit. The attorneys go before the commis sion, and whenever an applicant for enrollment presents himself tho Cberokce attorneys are pres ent and his testimony taken down. A brief of this is made, and in any case which tho attorneys desire more information a copy of tbe testimony is given. These cases are then made up into a docket and proceeded with as if they were cases at law. Then begin" the difficult task of proving or disproving whether the claimant Is entitled to enrollment. Wit nesses must be summoned to ap pear and such other steps taken as are necessary to got evidence in each case. Sometimes the wit nesses are summoned by mail, out more ulten by a marshal. TheBe witnesses get five cents mileage each way and 82 per day for their limo. Tho force at work ia getting on fairly well with the work, but the end is not in sight vet. Musko. gee Times ROLLS AND ALLOTMENT. Concrcss Will Not Interfere With the Work ot the Dawes Com mission. Attorney Edgar Smith returned yesterday from Washington, D C, where be bad been on business before the supreme court. Mr. Smith is quite well acquainted in Washington and whlld not on a political errand in any sense, did not fail to bear a good deal about Indian territory and itsanomolous conditions. From bearing the matter discussed from many dif ferent standpoints, Mr. Smith is of the opinion that tbo Dawes commission will not bo interlered with, but tbat lie work will be pushed along the lines already mapped but and in operation. The completion of tbe rolls of citizen ship and tho ultimate allotment of the land ia the thing desired first. Aa to the question of statehood, ho thinks Mr. Flynn will not be al lowed to dictate entirely what will be done, and it is his opinion that Oklahoma will have to wait. The leading democrats in both housea favor two BtateB and will prevent any legislation looking to the plsce-meal absorhtion of the five iribee. The Indian territory, he says, is attracting a great deal ol atlenllou, and members are care fully trying to acquaint themselves with tho true conditions here, New Century Comfort. Millions aro dally Undiog a world u( comfiir; in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from burnt, scalds, cuts, hruisoi; conquers ulcew, and fover tore! cures eruption, salt rhetim, bolls and felons; remove corns and warts. Uot pile euro on earth, Only '.Bo ut the People uud tho A, W. txjroiujtn droit stoics. DOUBTFUL CASES. First Hundred Cases Docketted (tins February to Tho docket of the Aral 100 oon tested Cherokee enrollment oasec has been sot, and tho firal cases will go before the Dawes commis sion February 10 for final disposi tion. Before tho date sol for the final disposition of tbe oases parties whose claims have boen contosted by the Cherokee nation can file additional testimony. After that dale none will be hoard. If the Cherokee nation, by its attorneys, desires to add additional testi mony, the parlies against whom the testimony is filed must be notified. In many of tho cases tho attor neys for tho Cherokee nation have found oviderw sufficient to justify tho claimant to admission, and theso caaeB will not be furthei contested, the attorneys so report ing. The claims will go beiore the Dawes commission for final dia. position, and it is not known how long it will be before a report is made on tbem. Tho cases are docketed as follows FEimuAity 10. Ednund Fleetwood. Nora A. Webster. Samuel Homos. Lucinda Fletcher. Feu. 15. Aimira Mouse, Minnie Blevins et al. Lou Saunders. Andrew Melford. Joseph Ann Hall. William P. Randall. Thomas J. Davis. Leonora Pralher et al. Andrew M. Cooter. Napoleon P. Blythe et al. William W. Niemeyor et al. Sarah E. Niemeyer et al. Sarah Lamer. AdolphuB W Dirtseller. Thomas I Dodsou. Charles H Lassley. Hiram M Wood el al, Martin S. Stokes, , Lucrelia Q Hunter. Frances E Forbes. Cora Kerns, Lucinda Cannon. ' Maud Hunter et al. Hugh E Dupley. Peler Walters. Thomas Devine. Charles W Devine. Lizzie Drv. Franklin It Mitchell. Martin H Bradford. Cordelia C Ellis. Gilbert T. Thompson. AlliBon Thompson et al. Earnusl Thompson. Ernest Thompson. James K Thompson et al. Feu. 10. Mary Crittenden et al ABbley Norton. French Scott et al. Colnmbus M. Reeves. William G Brown. Matthew J Whitfield. Mary Feather et al. Mike L Bracket. Mary While et al. William J White. Thomas J While. Caledonia S Sumpter. George E Lowey. James A White George W White. ' Isaac Neal. Isaac Cbuculate, Mrs. Effio Denton. Augustus Brackat. William II Smith. Martha Smith ot al. Wm. Smith Jr. Daniel Braokett. Andrusha Sargent. Magnolia Wilson. Clara M Buudinot. Susau J Adair. Willium M Wilaon. Sopbronia Thomas. Alexander B Olnpp, Fannie Overtaker ot al. Elias Kyle. Sarah Braokett. Adam Brackei Alice Ross et ai, Tonnle Sanders. Lewis Tyner. Tyner et al, Denuis Hoed. Joseph Perdue. Martha Hamilton. Been Hunting Twenty Years. Wlulteld, lo., Nov, 3t, 1000. Gentlemen: t write to say that I have been troubled with dypopU and IndJaostlun for tbe past twenty years, auit nave tried many mwilolnoa and spent much tuonor to no puruoto Uuttl I tried Dn, Caldwell' Svrui) I'epslu. I have taken two bottle uud urn entirely rellevod ot all stomach trouble. Icautiot say too much In favorjol thU remedy. I cheerfully rcouimiiQud a to alt sufferers from In- dlgeHlonorriw m Sold by Puoiilu' 'igsffHwk ' flw 1 . '-tr1 Mli A P"! A XT)C r - T - tAiitiy a DCoZi rKiciNU i IS HIS Yet it is the hardest friend a man ever had to keep. If you qan use sme ood common lumber just now, we rjan Save you quite a bit. This is just thething for putting up sheds and such, so if you want some of it, got here before it all grdei. And any time you need lumber or building material lime, cement, plaster, paints, oils, etcand want your money's worth, here is the place to get it. P. G. BROWNING El CO. VINITA, VfelVliK UAU1IV. 1TB3. 1. 11. il tTT ... "-- ? ii il, w. i4. iiArxA.x, ---. 1 " " . ,- ..gnn.wwwTWWKWM First National Bank, , tymiTA.jsDiAN thuritory. . r s&wjejt. ' Oldest ami Strongeat National Bank in the Cherokee Nation. DIRECTORS, o ZfSJZiS r' " s-.rxArsKit. A.L.aiucmu. i a KATCUrF, ir.A.GXAHAM. I.O.HAU..O W. CLARK, V h.UALSEU. UooaaSnfaQoneral January with its cold dull weather. At (Mrs) Bnlontiuo's store it is not so dull as it might bewe linvo n uico jargo stove ana Keep it wnimnnd plonty of GROCERIES NICE AND FRESH Trade is fairly good for tins time of yont-aivrrTr' will bo pleased to have my friends call aim see mc and pntroniae my storeand will Uy and make it to their advantage to do so. Itespectfully, MRS. H. BALBNTINE, PRINTING WATCHES. If you want a good one, and want to feel safe about it come to Foreman' We have a pretty lino at such reasonable price, and wo guarunteo to show you something that will please in qualify and pneo. We make a specialty of jewelry, watch and dock repairing. Come and see us. A. W. CLOCKS.. 0 The flight o( time U uiont cotneuictuly ruxdd In a Iiouk U good clock. I ue them J ,u ,, ,! hAM, Good Nlc&le Alarm Clock for only oSc -night Day Clock, Strike and Alarm, $.50. Handsome Porcelain Clock, Bight Day, $8.50. Wutuyou wftuta cloc sJUul!Hi? wtrnt i Jtavs. Matto-Not (h? timt to. te t&T wwk i alt ifm St. VOL. XX. NO. 24 fit r" - m nrnrifcTi I flONEY. I 1 IND. TER. vCMt 7l V.TrM : vrr v-rrM. w P. PniLLirs. CwhiM AMisuut CAliier s10..: BanKlnsr Business. V3-tVVBhB " is Here f of all kinds promptly and prj ' done at tills office, Priced alw ; consistent wfth material and work CHIEFTAIN PUB. CC FOREMAN - -- !- August Scjiiiiecker, Jewalarand 04iiika iir 1 i ma': V i r - t fcoreraan drug stotcf i (IIO BWirimi vb ! ira w iff mi .v wiug (vuiq, m yiqB uiuu bujcu. i wWCW;l'tit f MtWUMSMfl "r, m, 'i3.flfc. w BllBBBBBBBBKSBinB)iBHSBSSSBJSBBBBBBlBBBBBKBBBBJBnJBBnSJpBBBBBKB fyw f n., ' "-- - ,, , tMUaW'WJ"