Newspaper Page Text
IWilfr i mttftotom-rlJ . i: a ,-,',. :. &: ., . "u ', , K :n w . r r' j,. ( . r w ,. jbr i ywtfv v . ; O.a dfe i v- .--,V" 4f.V...- iHBHHnsVBIlHHsVBniMsisVMNMm t2?A:L' NOTES.) Brook.. lMiruc.wi.ia the dc-TI ?r-!:- miMMMM M. iffffHrBBLlliL'SBgi?',' 'I " '''-' H F. ' ' " '" gtltmmmimmmmmimmutmmum "SSSIB. , MBM E. 1 ,. t UuMMI,'aiu. . ""WWBBBi ,. y5-sspssa - --" ' - .JiftM.B 1IM I I v j a i VT . 1. TpS!SiIt THE INDIAN -aa CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. Prices CREAM BAKING POWDffi Improves the flavor and adds to the health, fulness of the food. Superlative in Strength and Parity. r-mcc baking powder ccchicaoo. LAND SHARKS The Creek Chief Implores Tho Protection of the Government, THOSE LONG LEASES Fivo Big Muskogeo Investment Companies Have Already Gob blod Ono Million Aorea of Creak Lind byj Leases That Amounj (o Deeds. Chief Plensant Portor, of the Creek nation, is in Washington on a twofold mission. II o desires the ratification ot a tuppjemental treaty with the Creeks, and io also anxious that some action bo taken by the interior department to put a stop to tho wholesale leasing of Creek lands by the five invest, companies that are operating in tho territory. According to state menta made by Chief Porter to Mr. W. A. Jones, commissioner of In dian n flairs, these speculators have secured already nearly 1,000,. 000 acres of Creek lands under leases that practically amount to a deed. They aro working on a plan that threatens the absorbtion by tho investment companies of nearly all of tho landed property of the Creeks. In a long confer ence with Commissioner Jones the Creek chief explained the situa Jtion in detail. lie presented copies of these leases that are being en tered into by the hundreds and explained the mothod by which, bo declared, the investment com panies, taking .advantage of tho Indians' willingness to sell any thing for a little moner, are get ting control of thousands of acres Ot most valuable lands in the Crook nation. The lease exhibited by Chief Porter is of the ironclad varioty. It provides that the Indian shall lease all rights, titles and Interests in their lands to the investment company for n period of ninoty pine years at a fixed turn per an num, The lease thenrecileB that the investment pompanles, desir ing to discount their obligation, offer a lump sum to the Indians instead of the annual payments. The further provision is made thai the Indians, when they receive theirtitiet) to the lands, shall deed tbem to tho investment companies in consideration ol another sum, named in the lease. Commissioner Jones was in formed that fivo of these com panioa, located ct Muscogee, Wag oner and other towns in tho torri tory, now have 050,000 acres oi Crook lands tied up in such loases, and have secured them fur very small prymenta. Chief Porter is vory anxious to havu some action by tho department of the interior, or eomo legislation that will put a Btop to this Byalem, whioh, he do claw;, is calculated to cause end less trouble and litigation when tha Oreeka receive their deeds to their lands, Commissioner Jones declared that, In his opinion, tho leasea are not worth the paper they are 'written on, but will uo doubtedly lead to litigation and cauio much trouble In the final disposition of the lands. 'Un der tho Creek treaty," said Mr. Jtdee, "the Creeks have a right to , leane tboir lands fur one y oar Any lease for a longer period of time than ono yosr must bo approved by interior department. These long.tlmo Ipruoh of which Chief Porter spanks have nover been subintttt-d to tho department and ore clearly a violation 0f the law, 9omo action should cortalnly bo taken to prevent tho Creeks from being robbed by land shark. There would be millions In it for theBe Investment companies if these leases should be held valid." Ohief Porter is aho anxious to eecuro a supplemental treaty wilh the Creeks by which the Indians may secure their lands by acres instead of a valuation "basis, aB at present provided. INDIAN REMINISCENCE. A Ramble tu the Old Haunt by Moonlight. We look a ramble over again the many old places that afforded us pleasure when young. First tho druse thicket where we shot birds with our little bow and arrows. It waB gone, not a bush nor a stump standing. Where wo once killed a grey equirre! off a tree was a shade tree In a yard where ran and played half a dozen little children lighter in complexion than we aro Wo turned and wont to a littlo lake that was in tho woods, where we used to kill a mess of ducks, this also had been filled and was growing a crop, the banks thereof had been transformed into a home. Then we turned and roamed over the rivbr bottom where the Umber wbb so large we could not -each a squirrel with an arrow. Thia wo found to be all gone, not a tree stood, but a great farm was there enolosed with iron. About this time wo remembered a fine flow ing spring where wo had shyly tried to court a darkeyed beauty but we could not get near the spring without permission as it with all of the wild woods, had betin converted into a fine mil), ing property. Then wo turned our course to the old (lining and bathing hole on the river where We have whlled away many a hap py hour. In going we thought the river had been moved in the ah utile as we did not seotho grand old willows which were wont to fringe the water's edge, but alas these grand old trees had been fel led to satisfy the whims of civilii tion; and whero we had swam and caught fish, there stood a great iron structure, which proved to be an iron bridg leading out, one end north, the other south, to all points. Being di-gusted, we turned and said, "wo will go out on the pni rie where we in our boyhood shot and killed prairie hen," and when we reached the once prairio there stood hundreds and hundreds of great, fat cttlle within the walls of an iron fence. Then we gave up our ramble. Coming by the place where somb if our loved ones He in everlasting slum ber, we saw, as it wero, a great wbito oily. We wero amazed at the sight, because all was new where all was quietude; children played and seemed happy, though in the city of the dead. We ambled back to our den and wondered on tha past. Then we heard the sound of revelry, the dance ball was in full blast; we heard tho clinking of classes. which contained the white man's whiskey; wo heard the swearing and oaths ol the white man, now anil then a random shot of the re volver ol tho whlto man. This reminded us of the old Indian prophecy, "The Indian will go and bo diiven toward the setting sun until there will be no place for him to lay his tired body and that will be the end ot him." But this is called civilization, Christian religion, and the savage must go down before it, Then it carpe to us, in mind, that the in evitablo was upon the Indian. Chas. Uibson in Indian Journal. Statu ok Ohio, Citvok Tousuo, i Luoas County. t Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai ho it bcnlur partner ot tlio firm of F. J. Olioney & Co , doin busli.os In tho city ot Tultdn, county and suto afore said, and thai said urni will pay tho sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each and every can' of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tha use of ll,ul' Carlarrh CurO. FllANK J. OlIKKNBY. Sworn to before mo ami suu.crlbod In my presence this Qtli day ot De cember, A. D. 1880. b'sal A. W. GLKA-OK. Nomiy Public. JUH Catarrh Curo Is taken intern ally, and acts directly .m tho blood and mucous surface ot tho system. Soud fortoitimtmlals, free J. v. Chunk v & Co., Toledo, O, fjtld by Druggist, 75c. Haifa Family PIMsare tho best. PLEAS FOR AID For Starving Fullbloods Brings Generous Re sponse, PITIABLE PLIGHT Of Drought Sufferers Brought to the Attention of the Interior Department With Request for Funds From Roy. ally Receipts, The immediato necessity of ro llevlng the suffering fullbloodn, who ore struggling against all the horrors ol starvation in tho Bnow clad fastnesses of the hills, has aroused the' tribal authorities to take action, and Chief Bufliingtnn will left for Washington Tues day in personally rpquest the secretary of tho interinr to allow the payment of 810,000 from the funds received from royalties, for reliol purposes There is approximately 430,000 in the sub treasury at St. Louis to the credit of the nation, and wih the consent ol tho department this money will be immediatelv available. Chief Bufllngton was in consul tation at Muskogee Saturday with Agent Blair G. Shoenfelt, In re gardto divorting part of the roy. ally fund for the purposo of purchasing supplies for the suf ferers, and received an assurance from the agent (hat he would urge upon the department tho necesei. ty of prompt action. The suffering among thoBo whose crops were ueBiroyea oy ine great drought of last summer, has be come bo acute that several com. munites havo instituted relief measures, pending the necessary delay through payments from the tribal tunds. They will investigate the cases of destitution in the territory con tiguous tu them, and give all tern, pnrary relief within their own dir trio's. No measures havo as vet been undertaken in Vinila to raiee a re lief fund, but unless the interior department grants immediately tho request for fund's, it will bo incumbent upon this community to answer the call of humanitv. aud assist in relieving the unfor tunates, who cannot survivo the winter without material aid. A number of citizens have ex pressed their willincness to con. tribute most generously, and in case Chief Buifiugton fails in his mission to Washington, the collec tion of a relief fund will be inaugu rated at once. There is a wide divergence of npinion as to tho best means of conducting the distribution of supplies, but it is certain that no money will be paid out direct. An immediate and thorough in veetigatlon will be made of all cases by those selected tor the pur pose, and the supplies will be dis tributed in some manner later to be decided on, through the same channels. fpmmmHt&sitmmmimmim CALL POO All) HDINIIC W unennuen jjj Piyor Creek has ropondeJ to n tho call for aid fur the sulTerlnir jjj fullblnods, by raising tho sum of jjj 350.00 to bo Invented In corn for VI flltrlhtit Inn n.iinmf tVin Ha.iI. ....w. ...u..h Vuu iiwir tuto u the territory tributary to that point, Tho distribution will bo turoutfh tho commercial club, and will bo only to tho full bloods who are known to bo In destitute circumstances. I, . ...ufwuiuMV Mao UUCI, JlUlbt'U it III A i-nn tn rnltin furwla sumo huuiaiiQ purpose A letter received from Dr. I. D. Hitch cock, who Is Interested in tho relief work, states that tbo ctt zona havo Inaugurated measure fur the distribution of supplies, ood advocates concorled action with tho no'tftiborliik' communi ties. From o bcr points, report coiue, of generous rcspnnncs from Individuals and communi ties, but unlcass tho guvu'ii meiit allows the dl&trlbutlon of pun uf tho tribal funds, it Mil bo tieoi-Mry for nil to aid, us the (i duutfiMa is general Hmuuy.t tho (ullblood oleaiont. -Yrlf Tf H Mf fift tfl" 1W TiTf ttr '' 'MW 1iif MHs mt Mi1 -w 4M. UA Oil. hW. iRRiHcT- 49K iW -- Now Century Comfort. Mllllnus aro daily Uuduiga world ot comfort tu ItUOklCll'il Arnica Ralvn It kills pain from burns, scalds, ruts, bruises; conquers ulcers, and fovcr soros; cures eruptions, salt rheum, bolls and felon- remuvsa corns and warts. Uestpin cureoqeirth. Only ;tfo at tho Peoples attd tho A. W Foreman druu; store. VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1902. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEET Interesting and Important Session After which all Enjoy a Smoker." Tho Vinlta Commercial Club met at the quarters of the club ibsi i nursuay ntghl. After several selections by the Sequoyah band, the meeting was called to ordor, forty members be ing prosent. The secretary first called alien tion to tho dfploted condition of the treasury, and that, while no obligations had been incurred which could not be met with the money now on hand, our revenues from dues had docreased consider ably, and that tho club lackod the support of Bomo of the buslnoss men, several of them for reasons nnl stated, had expressed a desire to withdraw from the club. Motion was made that those gentlemen he not permitted to withdraw, but under the by-laws they should be expeii6U. Thia drastic meaxurt was resisted by metdbers Thorn p son, Coley and the president, i was suggested that the socrelarv address a communication to each of the delinquents requesting them to support the club in its ef forts to improve mid upbuild Vinila, at least to the extent of twenty five cents a month, and calling their attention to tho b- lewB with reference to the mailer. Upon this suggestion beinc eener ally Indorsed the motion to expel was withdrawn. Tho following resolutions were offered and adopted: Resolved, That the nreBldent shall as man as possible reorgan- ize the several committees author Zed bv tbe ConAtltntlnn. mil In secure from the chairman of each committee a promise logivo a cer . tain portion of hin limn In Hi- ReBolved, That there be and hereby is created an advisory board which shall consist of the president as ex uflichi chairman, tne vice president, treasurer and each member of life board of di rectors, the secretary and chair man nf each regular committee. Resolved, That n committee to consist of fivo members be ap pointed by the president to be known as a committee on gymnas tics and athletics, who shall under the direction and with the approv al of the board ol Directors puroh aie apparatus to be used for tbe purpose of physical culture, and to manage this feature ol the club's wurk. Resolved, Chat d committee on improvements be appointed to c insist of three members to be nopoinled by the president, to whom all matters relaiinc to or concerning local improvements shall bo referred. Resolved, That the committee on improvements call mmn th mayor and a majority of the oitv council and secure permission ano authority for persona selected bv the club to enter upon and survey and lay oil south park with a view uf making extensive improve menta therein. That said com mitttee. ascertain, if poseible.wha ir any assiBtuncb, financially, would be extended by the city to ward said improvements, provided the extent and scope of the same meet with iho approval of the mayor and council, aud to report reeullB in two weeks, An amendment including north park was adopted. It ia understood that this is tha beginning of an extensive im provement of the parks; that tbe abbutting property owners, and other public spirited ci hens will give liberally, and the plans n- eludes drive-ways, gravel walks, boncbos, band stands, trees and other shrubbery. Tbo Importance ot pushing this work was aunieci- ated by all present. Resolved, That the committee on improvement be directed o confer with the city council and advise them that it is the eonse and judgment of the olubtbatso faraB possible the poll tax eba 1 tin Miil1unluil i.. ..l. I a. i t I rf q..h.v. .. w w. uw iu, nu I be collected in cash by the city col lector, and the samo kent as a separate fund to bo devoted ex clusively to street impiovetuent under the direction of the city council. Resolved further, that it --i is the sense of tho commercial club that tbo practice of substitu tion, or of employing others to perioral taoor on mo streets iu pament of said poll tax be con demned, and should be prevented as far as possible, and that tho money eo paid to the substitute should bo turned over to the city by tho tax payer for caro'ul, lion est and tounoiMical dUbuteccaeUt, A. tho trnggkiVuii ot ill- prssl. dent it was ordered that copies of the last two resolutiona be sent to tho mayor and council. Thore was then presented uy iho president for consideration the proposition of Mr. T. D. Wade, ol 8prlngfield, Mo., to assist in tho establishment of a canning factory at this point. Much interest waa manifested, and Mr Gleasoo, who had been invited to give his ex perience in raising tomatoes and sweet corn for market in this lo cality, made a very concise state- ment. Mr. Barkhurst, a travel ing salesman and visitor to the club, and Mr. Hlggine, a new m ember, also epoko to the subject. On motion of Mr. Thompson, a committee of three was appoint ed by the president, whose duty it would be to cooler with tbo citi zens of Vinila and ascertain the eentimenl on tho subject, and if favorablo to enmmunicate with and invite Mr. Wado to visit Vi niia and submit bis proposition. . W. Miller, D M Marrs and W. P. Thompson were appointed, The unreasonable delay in re pairing the street at the inlerreo linn of Illinois avenue and Wilson stroel was called up for discussion, and on motion, a committee nl I Ave was appointed to confer with the city council with a view of as - - ! certalnit.g what tho trouble ia, what improvement is contemtila ted and what asflstance. if anv tho Commercial club may render? L. F P.rker, Jr., Sam R Frazee, J. M Darriiuch. kd Lee and Mr. . ,., ,, , . , . ir0 ai,PiD,ed D lb .. . , committee. And on motion, said committee wore also directed to call tbe at tention of tbe council to other wells tho flow, from which ia ner milled lo injure the property of others, and interfere with street travel Mr. William Higglns was the invited to address the clnb. H had only recently returned from Washington, and after a careful investigation of the bills nendlntr in congress, providing for tbe formation of counties, he wan well prepared to address tbe club on ihe subject. He was given marked attention, and upon producing a map showing in detail tbe pro visions of the Jett and Flynn bills, the membera present saw in a mo ment the injury which would be doue to Vinila and farmers on the south and east. After an animated discussion, it was conoeded something should be dono, mid done quickly. It was sta-ed that Mr. Soper had in course of preparation a bill which waa much more fair to Vinila. It was decided unanimously to tele graph Mr Super, who ia now in Washington, A vote of confidence in Mr. Super was proposed by Mr. Amos, in thin matter, and tbe sec retary directed to telegraph him that his fellow citizens looked to him to protect our rights. In accordance therewith the fol lowing message was directed. "Hon. P.L. Soper, Hotel Nor mandie, Washington, D. C. Forty business men voted implicit confidence in your ability and pur pose to protect ViuiU wilh reler era'ice to county linea an I county seal. Flyun and Jett bills very tinBatisfactosycutilng out legit i mate Vinila territory on east and Houtli, working hardship on those peoplo. Wire if we may assist." After the business of thi meet log had been transacted, refresh menta were served, a collection taken up to pay expense "of Bend ji.g telegram, and the best session yet held adjourned. OSAGE CLAIMS, in Half An early decision in expected from the Interior department in the claims of the Osage Indian traders. Tbe total amount in volved ia about 8600 000. and Bl. L.uIb buBluees men aro interested In Mia nlnlmn II Id imilaalAAl in the claimB. .... llmt tlio- Atvinllnla tvtll lin. tintaan ..w. ... u m WM w " ... fUVUVUU I, ,, about 40 per cgnt whioh, with at . t ! .V . t I atiorneys fees deducted, probably would not givo tbe tradars more than about ono half the amount of hair claims as hied. A Nlsht Alarm. Worse than uu alarm of tiro at nhtbt is tho b'ussy coukIi of croup, which Mournl like tbo children's death knell aud It moans death unless something li uono quh'k'y. Fuloy's honey aud tar nuvcr falln to ulvo Instant rollof ami quickly cures tho worst forms of emu p. Mrs. v. u. uiruier, or Man- nloRtou, Ky., writes; "My turcoyeur old ulrl hud a severo case of croup, tho doctor said sho could nut live, I koI a battle of Kulev's honov and tar. tlio llrstdubOiiiuo quick rollof und saved -- - - --- - w .. -,, I. . tr m ft .. ... . . . . her Po" Uofuse 'substitutes, For .a 1 by 1'cupics drug store CHIEFTAIN FIRST SKIRMISH In the Great Battle for State hood Won by tho Ter ritories, HOUSE COMMITTEE Will Report Favorably on Stato bood Bills and Will Recom mend a Territorial Form of Government for the Indian Territory. The first skirmish in the pend ing struggle for Btatehood, has been won by the territories, and tho house committee will report favorably on the bills providing lor the admission of Oklahoma, Ar. izona and New Mexico to Btate hood, and will also report a bill recom sending a territorial form of go?ernmen: for tho Indian terri tory Th ronnrl rtf a n.imMlli.A 111 - - s. -1 uvwai mo wiUJ 111 IIICO iT 111 bo submitted February 21st, and it is thought, will receivo the im - .iiuBu., ICLOIVO HID U1 mediate endorsement of a major! ty of tho membera of the house In the senate tho admission nf iho territories, which would make th in political prestige of the east '"oeuuro, wul oe norce v contend eJ' . s7, but tbe nsecure, will be fiercely contend partisans of the several measures, are confident of their passage There is a wide divergence of opinion among tho membera of the committee concerning the die position that shall be made of the Indian territory case. There is no sentiment in favor of admitting tho territory into tbe Union as a part of Oklahoma, the differences being confined to the character of the government that shall be pro vlded for the territory. The Moon bill has been strongly urgd. Tbe objection to it ia that it provides for a full territorial form of gov ernment with tho conferment ex pen8e in taxation that must be borne by personal taxes until such time as the Indiana' landa am made subject to taxation. Some of the members of tbe committee urge that the territory cannot af ford to assume such a burden and they are making an effort for the adoption of tbe Curtis bill, which provides for a governor, secretary of the territory and a delegate to congress, to be appointed by the President, and tbe expense of the government to be borne by the federal government. This matter is now in tbe hands of a subcom mittee, which will report to the lull committee next week. A CHANGE COMING. Dig Land Monopolist Wants to Un. load-Ureeda Fine Cattle. litor Chieftain: I beg pardon if 1 intrude, but I want lo let you and the public know that I am Btill doing business at the old aland, 'Rustier' Ranch," I. T , notwithstanding the terrible per secution f.'om tbe glorious govern ment which I served four years during tho civil war, and eacri need a noble boy for the cause in the Cuban war. But it seems like they didn't have tbo altar ready this time when, instead of a lamb, a hill i go it presented himself. But we must all bogotting ready for the great change in our land af fairs, and I would like to Bee or bear from any orphan Cherokee IVUIiwtOU HHU IIRTD UU UlUUtf iU allot and no person to look out for children who havo no place to thorn. It is thia class I desire to help in the break up. Another class ought to be pre paring for tbe change the cattle men, by getting a belter grade of cattle can make a better living and with much lees feed and labor by keeplng fewar d cal0 tlun b . . running cheap cattlo over a wide range. My last shipment of puiebread Ilerefords from the great Criterion sale at Kansas City came through all right, and I now can claim to have tne tinest registered herd In the Cherokee nation, though not the largest. With Mr. Campbell Russell in in lbs south part, and ''Rustler's lunch" in the north of the Chero kee nation, there is no need of go ing north and bringing in unao climated breeding stock of the cattle kind. Youra very truly. M. HotKBUAN. Chetopa, Kn Fb,tl0O2. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup jfwU that rmw wHih"VM WJ 4H J what keens nur lir-.ii ewAr, your lQworbool8 icaular SvW V plo'a druu st Jte r HELLO lH I m w r "--lU'twi iiteri' , I I You farmers and cattlemenl Are you i j I ffoinqr to build or rri'ake any repairs sodrt? i 1 Are you looking for "just right" prices? I i J You farmers and cattlemenl Are you going to build or make any repairs soofi? Are you looking for "just right" prices? If you are, just remember wa have the finest and best assorted stock of lumber m xi vuu die. HISL r(rnpiTinr-r ur inim h, . and building material in this section, and we can save you money on whatever you need. We want your little orders as well,is your big ones, and will try just as hard to please you on a fifty-cent sale as on a fifty dollars one. Our stock will surely please you, because it is the satisfaction -giving kind. Full line of lime, cement, plaster, drain tile, paints, oils, etc. Drop in anil sec us next you need anything. We want y'otir trade; we're after it. P. G. BROWNING & CO. VINITA, WATCHES.. If you want a good ono, and want to fool safo about it corao to Fororuan'a. Wo havo f. protty lino at such roasonablo prices, and wo guarantee to show you somothing that will ploaso m quality and prico. Yvo inako a specialty of jowolry, watch and clock ropairing. Como and soo us. A. W. OMVKB. Bacby. Pres. J. O. Haix, A? T f I nn.u HI First National Bank, l VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY.yfl CAPITAL, $100,000. SVRPI V tmnnn Ola est and Strongest National Bank in the Cherokee MrtJonT DIRECTORS, o OLIVES BAGBV. B.F.FOX7NBK, Ix.B.FKAiSEJl. A.L.C1IUCIIILL. EN HA TCUrF. If. A. GRAHAM, . O. HALL, C. If. CLARA'. If. E. HALSELL. Does a Safo General I February is here H Ittlt K 5 t-f 1AI1 laYl An 4,1. ,. " r-a a wi 1.0 vumuuu wuumur. ivi ijuroj uaicntino a storo it is not so dull as it might bo vo havo a nico largo stovo and keep it warm and plonty of GROCERIES NICE AND FRESH Trado Is fairly good for this timo of ybar, and I will bo pleased to havo ray frionds cnll and soo 1110 and patronize my storo -and will try and make it tothoir advantaec-to do so. Rosnaatfnllv. I MRS. H. BALENTINE. PRINTING mmmzmmmmimi SOLID GOLD RINQSI fl(,l".W,cfry",,arE.e,,HoffiueSl W8lnd Plain Utugs, U fine Solid Gold goods, which I uuarantee, and ntl be p!eal to show you. Here ore a few prices. , Ladles and Hisses Set Rings $1.50 io $15, Plain dod Rings $1.00 to $10. Solid dold Rhij for the Paby only 50 cts, When you want anything In the Jewelry line eall andssrwjiatl fcave. Pine and complicated waich repalrinit a spUly. v.r" " MottoNot the cheanastbut the BUST work at lftJH v August Schliecker, a J S, W(UMt'K - Jeweler ajodJJjotk'jiH IBPffiSfOflSPffiTO r i 1 VOL. XX. NO. 2s6 li I l IND. TER FOREMAN V-Pres. W. P. PnittlM. ri,i- AI . rt S f "" " Banking Buslnoss. of all kinds promptly and propcrK done at tbis office. Prices nlwa', consistent with material and work CHIEFTAIN PUB. CO " i If ' K jp KiC U iocs & n v