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'eREl INDIAN EFTAIN n I CHIEFTAIN PUBLISHING CO. VINITA, I DiAN TERRITORY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1902. i jamtw -a ajjBSLTMrawiilfllTOaMB ywwjwmwwwisy "g. Are' f CHI IrlJjj V ft ? t f True Economy The difference in cost between an alum baking powder and the highest-cclass cream of tartar bak ing powder would not amount for a ramily's supply to one dollar a year. Dr. Price's is the standard cream of tar tar baking powder. It makes the food de licious andjjcalthful, (-olNOTE. iou cannot, u you fk value good health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, aium baking powders. They arc apt 6 spoil the food : they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is deleterious. NEW KATY DEPOT Miy bo Erected at a Point South of Canadian Avenue. PROPERTY OWNERS In the South Part of Town Con fident that Tliey. .will Obtain . -the New 6ltfctufi-,for . ' Their Locality, Several days ago a parly of ofli clalfl of the M. K. & T. railroad arrived quietly in town, and spent Bojural hours in inspecting somo properties along their right of way in the Bouth part of town. At the timo it was announced tbat they were here, aimply on a general inspection tour, of the road. It hue leaked out tbat they were engaged in examining differ out properties, in that part of town, to determine their adapta bility as a jile for the now depot, 3 which the railroad has finally de f cidedjo erect here. y- In connection with their visit it was ascertained, through several of , (be enthtisiaelio properly owners In tlio south end, that lor some tiifle a movement has been on foot to obtain tho location of the new depot in their section, In addition it was stated that at.2lA.unt assurance, had been re ;;6ivM. from the ratlroad'Jmal,, that to depot would be erected eoutii of Canadian avenue, to leadj to several heavy property tranB ere in that locality. Those on the inside have lately been purchasing all the property (hey could get at anything like reasonable figures near the ex pected location. Tho building of tho depot near Canadian or Delaware avenueB, they argue, will make one of those streets the principal thoroughfare of the town, and they are figuring on the consequent jump in really , values. The elte which it has heretofore been thought the raijroad company would seleol for their depot is f.he lot opposite the Cobb house. Its ereclMn there would not materi ally nfleoflbe present property yaluea aa Illinois avenue would remain the natural thoroughfare leading to it. The effort to direot tome oi tho business to tho south end, and to ruake a cotnmeroial street of Cana- dlan avenuo la being widely die ctiBsed by the business men, and the decision of tbe railroad officers will bo awa led wUh"llflep Interest. pill fojr Territory Court. KapresentoUve Pensmore, of Arkantta, boa introduced a bill In oongrosB providing for tbe es tablishment of a court o common pleas in the Indian torrltory. The Weekly Ohleftaln -will bo aont free omo year to any ono -feendlnu uo three now yearly pub fprlptlons.ut 91.00 each, ir DELEGATION BILL Blocks the Way ttf, the Con sideration of tho Treaty, OBJECTIONS!? AISED To the Clause Instructing Mem bers to Confer With the Proper Authorities for the , Passage of the Act "Without Amend. menU The allotment bill, which after being sidetracked for several weeks in the offices of Indian In spector J. George Wright and the Dawes commission, wax reported safely arrived in Wash ington, has encountered another obstruction on Us rocky road in the interior department The bill providing for a del eg a linn to Washington is the new ob struction, or at least ono clause of it is. Remembering tho mineral clause which was Injected in the treaty, which was delealed last year, the national council inserted in the. hill providing for the Bending of a delegation to Washington a claubo instructing tbe delegation o stand for tbe passage of tbe present bill "without amend, ment." This clause did not moet with the approval of the department officials, and as a consequence both measures havo been held up, pending a correction of the dele gation bill. Chief Duflington will bring tbe matter before the council, during tho extra session, which Iiab been called for March 4tb. It hae been intimated by tbe de partment officials that if tbe ob noxious clause is removed, tbe delegation will be received and the proposed treaty taken under consideration. The department insists that the delegation be sent to confer with tho proper authorities uninstruct ted. It is anticipated by tho chief tbat the clause carrying tho in etruciion will be stricken out by the council, and tbe delegation al lowed to proceed to Washington, aa directed by the department. The delay in Bonding tho dele gallon will in no way retard action on the treaty measure, as tbe troubles ol the Choctaw, Chicka sawe and Creeks are scheduled for hearing before tho Cherokee allot, ment bill will be taken up. No change will be made in tbe personnel of tbe de1egation,the de partment especially approving of the sending of representatives of tbe fullblood element. BLAZE AT CLAREMORE. United States Cpmrntssloner's Olflce Destroyed with al) Its Records. A fire which startod early last Friday morning in tbe buildingof iPat Foley Mercantile On. at Clare more, totally destroyed the build ing and stock of (he firm before the flames could be controlled. In the same building was the office of United States Commis sioner Jennings, which was entire ly consumed together with all Ibo records. Tbe Iobb of the Foley Mercantile Co. is estimated at 817,000 with 811,000 insurance. Tho commissioners office was on tbe second floor of t)ie building and bad been used for a meeting of the commercial club the night before. A fire was left burning in tbe stove, from which it is Bup posed in some way, the room be came ignited FAST MAIL SERVICE between St. Louis and Southwestern Points Favored by Postal Authorities, Through their representative, W. F, Saunderi, tho Business Men's League of St, Louis, have brought tho question of a faBt mail sorvico ovor the Frisco system, between St, Louis and southwest' ern points, to tbe attention oi tbe postal authorities, W. 8. BhsUenberger, second as aiBtant postmaster jenoral, to whem the matter was referred, baa expressed his upprovaVof the pro. posed improvement in the mall oorvlpo.and elated tuav if luo Fris. co road would put on '.ho train and show to tho poBt office department that they could expodlto tho do livery of mail which is now going into Indian territory, Oklahoma and Texas by other routes, they would be glvon the contract. Tho proposed train will leavo St. Louia at 3 a. m , running through Springfield and Monett; and will arrive in Vinita about 2 p. m. The Business Men's league will nriw take tho matter up with the officials of tho road, and it is thought the new sorvlce will be established in the near future OUTLAWS KILLED. Suspected Aturderers ot Oklahoma Sheriffs Slain by Officers. A Gght occurred on Friday be tweon Oklahoma officers and the band of outlaws that killed SherifTrt Smith and Deck at Ana ilarko, a month ago. Aa a result one of the outlaws, Walter Swnf ford is dead and Deputy Sherifl W. A Jones of Aaher, O. T., is neriou'ly wounded The snow en abled a posBu under Sheriff Milner nf 'Shawnee, 0. T., to trail the outlaws to an isolated house south of Wewoka, As tho posse ap proached the outlaws, three in number, came from the house and opened Are on tho i fficers The fir. was returned and for several min utes tbe battle waged Deputy JoneB was shot by SwofTord, who had opened the fight. When Jones fell the officers turned their atten lion to SwofTord, and- he wee pierced by several bullets, and killed instantly. After the bailie had continued several minute longer the other two outlaws, Sam Casey and Bill Watson, surrend ered. Watson is said In be a fugi tive from Kentucky on a murder charge. Offers of 89,000 of rewards for the capture of the three men were outstanding. ARKANSAS OBJECTS. Wants Territory Lett Open to Raids ol Pot Hunters. Tbe residents of Arkansas don't want the territory closed againBt pot hunters, and have snt a peti tion to Senator Berry requesting him to propose somo amendment to tbe QuarleB bill for tbe prolec lion of thrf fish and game of the territory, which will leave the territory open to tbe raids of pot hunters. Tbe bill, besides making it ne ceesary to obtain n permit from the Indian agent, makes it unlaw ful to Bhip fish or game out of the territory. Theso provisions will put an effectual stop to tbe slaugh ter of territory game for the east ern markets, and will kill tbe pot hunting Industry in this locality. Senator Berry ie requested to obtain an amendmsnt to tbe bill before it is reported from the com miltee on Indian affairs, which will allow tbe evasion of these provisions. Been Hunting Twetitv Years. Wliiflcld, lo., Nov, 24, 1900. Geutlenicn: 1 write to say that 1 have been troubled with dynpepda and Indication for tho past twenty years, aod have tried many medicines und spent much money to no purpoao until I tried Dr. CaldwellM Syrup Pepsin. I have taken two bottlei. and am entirely relieved of all btoruacu trouble. I cannot say too much In favor of this remedy. I cheerfully recommond It to all sufferer fmru In dluctlenoril)8cpa. Yours truly, Wji. Rkuiiam. Sold by People's dru siuro. dw Acreage for Cattlemen. Tbe department of the interior hftB directed the supervisor of tho forest reserves in the Kiowa and Comanche country to leaso the land for gracing fur a term not ex. ceeding twelve months and lo lim it each franchise to ,000 acres. There are 67.000 acres in the ro serve and this action on the part oi tbe interior department wilt bo a relief to tbe big stock men who are now crowded out of thoir old grn- ing lands by tbe homesteaders who are fencing and improving their claims. In a few mors years big herds of cattle will be things of paBt in Oklahoma. A Night Alarm. Worse than au alurmof tiro at nlht Is tho.b'ussy cuughof crour, which sounds llko tho children's death knpll and It means death unlets somothlim It dono quickly. Fuloy's honey and tar never full to ttlvo instant relief and quickly cures the worst f.irms of croup. Mrs. P. L. Cordler, ot Man nlngtou, Ky., writes; "My threo year old girl had a severe case of croup; tho dppfor ald she could not llvo. I gut a bottle of Foley's honpy and tar, tho first dono itavo quick roller and naved her Wo." Refute substitutes, For salo by People drug store. II. AitlMttl'rtTOiTe palr-of "rtfae setter pups from Parsons Saturday. LARGE AMOUNT Will Now bo Available for Relief of Fullbloods. CHIEF BUFFINGTON Returns lrom Washington nnd Says Government has.Asaured Approval of Appropriation of any Part of Royal ty Funds. Chief Buffingtonreturned from Washington Friday with definite assurance of the government that an appropriation of national fundi for tho relief of thu fullblood drought euffi-rera would be ap proved. The Chief was highly gratified at the puccrsr which had aitended his efforts, and stated hat the measure would be Niched through the council without delay rim department officials, he said, had acted very promptly on his request and had assured him that in appropriation of any part nf tbe funds received from royalties, nnd now on deposit in the sub treasury al St. Louis wnuld be im proved. This will make approxi mutely 825,000 available as soon as ho national council enacts the measure. The manner of tlio distribution of the fund will rest largely with 'he national council, but it is un derstood that Indian Agent J Blair Schoenfell will bo the die bursing officer. Like Its Pather. Fielding Lewis, mayor of South McAleeter, writes to the Capital with reference to (he Soper county eai bill as follows: Editor Capitol: I Bend you un der eeparate cover copies of the fndian appropriatioi. bill and Soper'a bill (H R 1130). The in tent of Soper'a bill Ib plain, and I might add that it is by no means ambiguous to somo members of congress For my part I would prefer no legislation toil. Tho bill simply proposes tbe saddling of us with an officialism that would strengthen opposition to any change of aflalra in the Indian territory, and when the fat offices created by the bill were judicioux iv filled, the official force would ne Btrong enough to postpone leg inlation tending toward the open ing of the territory, indefinitely. and at the same time give us nn re lief except a delegate to congress That delegate then would be kept o busy, with as little rerulls, pleading for Matehuod as are the delegates from the territories that are now clamoring in vain for statehood. Tbe bill adords no re lief for Echonl children but on the contrary contemplates the contin uance ol present conditions with a stronger leverage and more money for fighting any chance toward bettering the conditions there. I do not think, aa a matter of fact, that tho bill will receive any seriouB consideration. One of the men in congress, who is heralded about ob the foster father of the bill, remarked last evening after Soper letl for tbe Indian territory that "it was a pretty good bill, greatly resembling Mr. Super " Ills remark had an alter emlle, tail. 1 must tell you a good one on our friend Soper, 1 went to the oapitol this moruinu and as I pas Hod tho door of tbe hope, I in quired if congress would do bust ness today? .Some fellow ir. the crowd whom I did not see, but who recognized my Indian terrt tory appearance, remarked that 'lit would not, that Col, Soper had gone back to tho territory and Major Barrett, oi Shawnee, had run over lo Baltimore and congress could do nothing nnlil they re turned," KETOOWAH LEADER drought Before the Dawes Commis sion to Explain their Failure to Unroll. Muskogee, I. T., Feb. 20. A large delegation oi the loaders of the Kotonwahs were brought bo lure Ihe Dawes commission today lo show why they refused to be enrolled. The fullbloods talked to the commission about their old treaties and how badly the Ohero keoB had been treated by the gov. ernment and tbe commission fell down on its policy and allowed tho fullbloods until April 15 h, to coma Jn again p4 IJlgKeMjnjb treaty talk. All the fullbloods who were hanging around tho commission to see what the lead ers would do left at onco and did not apply for enrollment. The vacilnting policy of the commU- sloii will never be effec'ive in en rolling the fullbloods. If the com mlscion had ordered (he leaders lo enroll or sent them to jail for re fusing, then they would have done what the law requires and accom pllehed much towards the enroll ment of the fullbloods. The lead era will now return lo their homes anu Bay they won their cases and tho fullbloods will be more Blub born than ever. The fullbloods are playing for time and they car ried tbeir point today and wbon the tlmo comes for another hearing they will play for more time and bo long as tbe commission fails to do its duty the fullblood will stay away and refute lo be enrolled. THOSE FEDERAL JAILS. Another Report That They will be Built In Near Future. A report has come out of South McAlteler thai, in a letter to a friend there, Acting Attorney Gen oral Richard stated that mony for building the proposed federal jails in ihe territory wbb now available and that the contracts would be let in the near future. The last rongreBs appropriated $120,000 for the conslruction of federal jails at South McAleeterj Muskogee and Ardmoro, but for different reasons the money was not available. Recent attempted breaks for liberty in both tho Sou'.h MoAles ter and Mukngeo jails have brought the matter prominently before the federal authorities, and are given as Ihe reasons for tbeir deciding lo comraenoe the con etruciion of suitable jails al once. FRISCO SYSTEM Reported to Have Absorbed the Okla homa & Western. From Oklahoma City it is re ported that the Oklahoma & West rrn line has ben purchased by the Frisco. This lin'a is being con -tructed from Oklahoma City to Quanah, Texas, on the Colorado Southern, 180 mllea west of Okla boma City, croseing tho Rock Island at ChickaBba, thence through Lawton, the new city. This hurried purchase la prob ably tbe result of the Missouri, Khiisbb and Texas deciding lo con struct tbeir line into Oklahoma City, and if left alone would have given that line a good connection from the west. Tbe Oklahoma & Western line, in addition lo trav ereing the new reservation just opened, gives 'the Frisco direct connection with tbo Colorado Southern. Tbe Oklahoma and Western line is constructed for some dis lance, and the entire line will be in operation by January 1 next. Territory Court Overruled. The II 8 Circuit Court of Ap peals al St, Louis has ruled that a mortgage isiued in one state is good in anyother elate or territory. I'lils decision reverses a recent ruling of the court of appeals for the Indian territory. The firm ol G. C. Terrell & Co. of Waldron, Arkansas, issued a chattel mortgage to the firm of J. Foster it Co. to eecure a note for 84 300. Later the firm of Ter rell & Co. assumed the debts' of the former company and moved to Wogoner, I. T., with the consent ot Foster & Co. The firm of Tootle, Wheeler & Motter and the Tenuent Siribling Shoe Co. eecuied a wr.l of attach ment and took the slock of E.Ter rell & Co. from Foster & Co., who, according lo an agreement entered into at tbe lime of tbe issuance of the mortgage, werelo have control of the goods of the company. United Slates Marshal James McAleeter and two deputies served tbe writ, and it is against them that the appeal from tbo court oi tho Indian territory was filed. The lower court held that tbe plaintiff should have filed hiB morlgge again iu the Indian ter t I tory. , A Thousand Dollars Thrown Away. Vr. W. W. Hukcr ot Plalnvlow, Neb., wrllos "My wlfo bad lung trou ble fur over Mceii icars, vo tried a number uf doctors and spent over a thousand ut dollars without any re lief. She was very low ana I lost all hope, when a friend qungeued trying Foley's honey utirt tar, which 1 did thanks to this great remedy It saved herllfo. Shp s stroucr and enjoys bettor health than eho bos ever known In ten years. We xhall Dover bo without Foley V honey end tar and armilft a.l.alLuw n fl1l4ljl u.l r. It. U """"rTTTrrTir aBBttfrtrTOrMwai Fer i Vy'riifjsrjsiWB''w RAILROAD BILL Being Considered by Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. MEASURE PROVIDES For Regulation by Congress of Freight and Passenger Rites on All New Territory Lines Until Stale Government is Established. A bill introduced by Senator Cockrell, providing for the regu lation, construction, etc., of rail ways, telegraph and telephone lines in tbe Indian territory, is be ing considered by the senate com mlttee on Indian affairs. It provides that the right of way of any properly incorporated rail way company shall not exceed one hundred feet except in the caso of heavy cuts, etc. Adjacent lands may be condemned for station grounds, buildings, depots, sido tracks, etc. In order to obtain a proper water supply, a railway company shall have the right to impound surface water or build dams across any creek, draw, can yon, or stream, and to connect tbe aame by pipe line with tbe rail road. Full compensation is to be made for all right of way and lands to be taken before construction may begin on lands condemned. Payment must also be made for all damage done or to be done by the construction of such road, to tho individual owner, occupant, or allottee, of tbe condemned lands, and to the tribe or nation in which tho same is situated. Correct maps of the proposed line of railway in 25-mile sections are to be filed with the interior de partment, the United States- In dian agent for Indian territory and with tbo principal chief or gov. ernor of any tribe or nation through which such lines of rail, road will pass. In case of any disagreement as to compensation and damages three disinterested referees are to be appointed by the judge of tbe United Siatis court, who must take oath iO discharge such du ties faithfully. If the railway company is not satisfied with the award oi tbe referees, itehall have the right to adopt a new location before commencirg construction Referees are to receive 84 per day while aoiually engaged upon this work. Railways constructed under this act must pay lo the secretary of the interior for the benGt of the nation through whoso land the road pssses, an annual charge of 815 per mile for each mile of roafl conerructed, as long as the lands are owned and occupied by such nation. Congress also by this act reserves the right to regulate charges for freight and passengers on railways and messages on tele graph and telephone lines until a stale government exibts in the ter ritory. It also makes provisions for one railroad oioaeing the line track of another, and gives the secretary oi tbe Interior authority to extend for two years tho time for comple lion' of any railrncd, where good cause oan be shown for fail, ure to complete such line within the timo limit. Appropriation Bill Passes Tbo bauso has passed the In dian appropriation bill, practically in its origins! form. But a few unimportant amendments were attached to it before passage. State of Onto. Citv of Toledo, I Lucas County. t Frank J. Cheney mukes oath thai ho Is senior partner ot the Arm ut F. J. Cbeney & Co., dolnb' busl&cs In ttio olty ot Toledn, county and state afore said, and that said Qrm will pay tbo sum ot One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of CalurrU that cannot bo cured by tbo usoof 1UI1' Gtrturrh Cure. Fhans J. GlIBHNISY. Swotn to oaforo me and subscribed In my presence, this Qth day ot De cember, A. D. 1880. Seal A. W. or.EA0N, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon Intern ally, and acts directly ju tho blood and mucous surfaco of tbe system. Send fortoUluinnlals, frco, J, F. CilKNHY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druutflstt, 75c. Hall's Family Pills urn the belt. ThoroughbreaWhltc Plymouth Rack chickens an1 Poklo ducks for salo JI09 each; ckbs 600 per Jfl 91 per 30. MHMHKtHtiir'iSS' HELLO THERE You farmers and cattlemen 1 Are you going to build or make any repairs soon? Are you looking for "just right" prices? If you are, just remember wc have the finest and best assorted stock of lumber and building material in this section, and we can save you money on whatever you need. We want your little orders as well as your big ones, and will try just as hard to please you on a fifty-cent sale as on a fifty dollarone. Our stock will surely please you, because it is the satisfaction -giving kind. Full line of lime, cement, plaster, drain tile, paints, oils, etc. Drop in and see us next time you need anything. We want your trade; we're after it. K tii sWhshssshuks P. G. BROWNING & CO, VINITA, IND. TER. Oliver Bacby, Pres. J. O. Haix, u. v-iiAi man, First National Bank, .VINITA, INDIAN TERRITORY. CAPITAL, Oldest and Strongest National DIRECTORS, j OLIVER BACBY, KATCLIFF, II', B.F.FOK7NBK, E.B.FXAYSEK. A. L, CHUCHtLU if. A'. A. GRAHAM, . O. HALL, G. W. CLARK, W. E. HALSELL. Uoos a S.aro Qoneral 40 Farms for Sale In the Rain Belt of Southeastren Kansas. Good tame grass, wheat, com and fruit country. 160 miles south of Kansas City, and due west of Richmond, Va. Coal, stock-water, tim ber and natural gas in abundance. Corn lias yielded oyer 80 bushels, and wheat over 30 bushels per acre. County settled over thirty -years. Network of rail.oads. Depot in every tywnship in LABETTE CQUNTY, KANSAS. For description of bottom and upland farms, at 3io to 25 per acres write to J. B. COOK, Chetopa, Kansas, . ! . ..- ! ?S JKIfY'M I Look Out Date If jj Next Month at BALENTINE'S PR INTING Keep 117 Toucb Witb 5&iflt Loui? and the work of preparation for the great world's fair Iu 1103. Subscribe for Tbe 5i. Louis n"-"Ksry T" .r.,.vr' Glob-Den?oer;at SOLID GOLD RINQS! I ulways carry a large line of fine Set Rings and Vlaui Kings, all fine Solid Cold goods, which I guarantee, and will be pleased to snow you. Here are a few prices. Ladles and rllsses Set Rings $1.50 to $15. Plain Oold Rings $1.00 to Siq. Solid Oold Ring for the Baby only 50 cts, When you want a. thlng in the Jewelry line call and sec what I have. I'ine and complicated watch repairing a specialty. Motto Not the cheapest hut the OUST work at all time. 36 S. Wilson St. I ' JM? VOL. XX. NO. 27 ; M.L Nl I ' lit E IS J w V - Pres. W. P. PiiiLurs, Cashier. Assistant vnsiiier SUJiPL US,' fto.oao. Bank In the CUerokec Nation, Banking Business. .A&fXrnC of all kinds promptly and properly doue at this office. Prices always consistent with material and )rk. CHIEFTAIN PUB. CO inMumitfetim August Schliecker, Jw(r and Optician l i II ! II f" 81 i- I !l ST " I loft' JK3' I 15 fc m i ?J?n Is tnMaya . Tpeo ii K I :, is 1 ckc lue ! cte " in.1 nl 'Kl rm I i'' mtmfc&kS:-Mfmmm