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VOL. XX. NO. 31
MM rTTT" ""I J ." ili " -" - - . w .,. -r- w - - T--r- r- r --- - - -- -
Dn. h. baoby,
DCtdc In New KatclifT Building. Tele
phone lot, Vinita, Ind. Tcr.
Room 9 and 10, New Ilatscll Building,
Vimita. I. T.
L avenport fc Hall, Attorney at Law,
Uank Building, Claremore, I. T
And Notary Public. Office In new Hat
ell building. Vinita, I. T. Will practice
In all the United States courts of the I. T.
"iff HAS. W. DAY, D. D. S.,
Sold Crown and Bridge Work a Special
y. Office over First National Bank
Above lllllfir'i
furniture Btore.
. ihe only Exclusive Eye, Ear end Nose
" Specialist in the Indian Tc
1 Territory
Rye treated and glasses properly fitted
Office at Drug Store.
Treat ootn acute nnd chronic
- dioeaeeB successfully chronic
and female diseases a specially
Consultation and Examination Frco
Ofllco over Vienna Cafe, Vinita.
8tockers and Feeders Hood smootlio cat
tie always on lisnd. ir Intcrr-atra. wr
I'encoA llurphy. Kl t'aso, Tosas. ltetor to
Cattle ItinehM la tho southwest. New
Jtoxlco. west Texas. Arlsona nod Mozten
If latercttcd. write fence &. Murptiry, Kl
1'aso. Texas, llefor to Dun and state pi-
lioasi llink. uwtr
Alfalfa and Trait ranches la tlio sunnr
southwest, olh small and lu'ro plnces. if
imorcstcu. wr to i'aaao e, Murpncy, Kl
Paso, lexa tutor to Hun and btuto Na
tional Uauk. dwtf
Ladles! 1 make blx wates and want all
to barn tho sntno opportunity. Tlio work It
very pleasant and will easily psy 118 week
ly. Alii is nunecepiiou i namnomoi
and will glndly send particulars to all to
Ills is no deception I want no money
111 Bind I r tend nnrtienlurn to all and.
Ing-stamp Hits. II, A. WlUUl.NJ. Ilea-
ton uariror, siien no
For 8sle.-soo i-yaar old steers j "0, 3 and i
fears old, xuo coming two's, in coming
broo'. bsildesalntof cowtnid yoirllnjti,
SI heifers, is cows, 17 leer, ll bolter silver.
S Steer ralrei. 1 Durhtm bull, ltd shock
fodder. M tons sood hay.
fodder. V) tons good hay,
aiso roar forms to rent. Br, u went.
at Webb W-ery bsrq.
First published Msrch , jwj.
Warning Order.
In the V. S District Court st Vlalts, In ths
Northern district of tlio Indian Territory
Polllolier. Plaintiff. I .
vs. No 1732.
BcoUW.lsor. IJofendsnt. I
The dofendint, Scott W Iter Is warned to
appear In this court within thirty days and
answer the complaint of ths plaintiff,
March 17, H. (..(Jerk.
Dy n. li.LYURAND.U. t.
W II Kornegay, attorney for plaintiff,
l'reston tolo, attorney fordereudsnt.
R. E,. Time Table
S&Int Louis ai)d
San Francisco
Train 407, Passenger lt;Mam
Trsln lot. Meteor l-.nam
Train 411. Oklahoma Express l:0am
Train 441, Local 7:13am
Train tos, Passonger 5:10pm
Train 410, World's Kslr Special 1J:8 a m
Train 4tt. Kansas City Express... .:KSaro
Train 4(0, Local eiWrtm
Al?sourlt Kansas and
Txa? Railway
eourn hound.
Trsln I. Passenger 4:3lam
Trains, flyer. lOiSOam
Trains. I'ssscngcr 0:00pm
Train CI, Local Iil3im
Trains, Passeoger . . 15;0lam
Trsln . Klysr .... OtMpm
Train 4, Passenger .... 10:31 am
Train 01. Local IliWnra
s liie ivccicy vuici
Whiskey, Morphine, Tobacco
yield easily to the double chloride of gold
ircauucui as nuniiuisiercti ui inu
Sellvue Place, Dallas, Texas. The only
KecUy Tnstitue in Texas, Oklahoma und
Indian Tenitory Established at Dallas
iniBgl. Communications con fldcntial.
Writo forpartlculnrs, J. II KHITH, Mgr
Best Meal In tho City 35c
pnort Orders a Specialty.
Plrst Door Csit at Rstcllirs
R-I-P-A-N-S !
There is scarceh any condition of HI
health that is not uenetited hy the occas
ional use of a K-I-l'-A-N-S Tabule. I'or
le by druggists. The five-cent packet
rnouch for an ordinary occasion, The
jfliily bottle, 60 cents, contains a sup.
ply for a year. d tf
The La-Raine
New Dress Making.
Stylish up-to-date dress maker, just
from the city. Sice rojius. See them
before you order your caster costumes.
Rooms 13 and 15, Hill buildimr. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Gem Restaurant.
Dest Place In the City
toOeta Oood Meal,
All kinds ol moats, Fish and Gamo
in season: tihorl Uruera a epeo
laity. Fresh oysters In any
style; anything you may
want in the eating lino,
Good inoalri 25 cents.
5tarkey& Revercomb, Props
The difference in
cost between an alum
baking powder and
the highest-class
cream of tartar bak
ing powder would not
amount for a family's
supply to one dollar
a year.
Dr. Price's is the
standard cream of tar
tar baking powder. It
makes the food de
licious and healthful.
Note. You cannot, II you
value good health, nflord to
use cheap, low-grade, alum
baking powders. They are
opt to spoil the food : they do
endanger the health. All
physicians will tell you that
alum In food is deleterious.
People Refused to be Hood
winked and Stayed
Pervades the Camp of the Faith
ful Tin b Morning and a Pleas,
ant 'Word Is'at'!? Uig
Preralura -a Wet
The demooralio primaries went
through Wednesday wills ull tho
pomp and circuraelanco of a noil
regulated luneral.
There were not many mourners
out, hut there was gloom a plenty.
By 4 o'clock it had become so in.
tenso that Chief BufUngtou quit
eating Garrison's raw potatoeB,ond
went out to see a man. Iebell.the
Lone Wolfe, struck his trail and
followed. Likewise did tho rest
of the faithful, and they did not
return until they felt some better.
As Boon as the votes wore count.
ed they felt worBe. After wrest
ling with 182 ballote, cast by citi
zens of Vinita and other places,
the following ticket was announced
as nominated:
Mayor, John T. (Junior.
Recorder, Walter II. Martin.
Attorney, S. V. Par Us.
Marilnl, II. E. IUdcnhuur.
Assessor, Marma Daniels.
Collector, II. O. llallard.
Treasurer, T, M. UuOlnuton.
Street CunilttloDcr, Frank Dllllnus
lea Aldermen, EIar Smith, J. W.
Sander, C. O. lierry, L. P. Iubcll, Li.
V. Garrison.
Executive Comiulitcc.W. P.Tuomp
son, Sam Frai'cr, Davis Hill, W. J.
Uabcr, F. S. E. Amos.
This was the slate originally
scheduled, the "extras" being
ustd to give a "voice of ths peo
plo" lone to it. The voice was
heard before the (1 st ballot was
cast, so everything went through
very nicely as (he "people'' Btayed
away, refusing to be hoodwinked
by such a palpable ccheme.
The gloom has not been dissi
pated ab yet. There Is nothing
joyful about "182 votes" In the
town of Vinita.
This morning a pleasant word
was at a big ptmlum in (be camp
of'lhe "regulars" and no smilea
were quoted, Even tho "I tell
you how it happened" post mor
tem prophet has IobI his voice and
wise look. About (he only conso
lation (hat can bo offered Ib,
"Cheer np the worse is yet to
Prlsco to the Coast,
l'rctldeiit Yoakum, of the Frlico
syitoiu, accompuultd by L. F. Parker,
rjr, clilff of tho leiiul department, is
In San Frunclsco, CM., studyinR tho
commercial strength of tho Puciiio
slope, In view of the proponed eiton-
Ion of the Frisco to tho Pad lie. It
tho outlook Is promising tho road will
be extended via Prcscott, Arliona.
Foley's Honey mat Tar
hrchlJiren,sff,sur0, WovfiMte,
Secrot Opposition ofTerrlto
rial Officials to State
hood for Oklahoma,
Moola With tho Same Obstacles
as Confront the Indian Terr!
lory, in lis Fight for a
MeaRuro of Solf.Gov.
Tho citizens of Oklahoma havo
at last discovered that one of the
most consistent enemies of slato
hood is Delegate Dennis Flynn,
wboso pitiable lamont that the
people of Oklahoma were not
properly grateful for his strenuous
efforts to obtain statehood for the
heavenly twin, lately filled the
columns of tho torritory press.
They have also tumbled to the
fact that tho "machino" is against
any change from tho present easy
The Oklahoman, which has
never been duped by Flynn'a pro
testations of loyalty to the cause,
has this to eay about the present
"Does any eano man presume
that Dennis Flynn, drawing a sal
ary of fivo thousand dollars per
year and perquisites, Bill Grimes
laying next to twenty thousand
per year, Tom Ferguson in the
gubernatorial chair, and Harry
Thompson hugging a fat thing, are
worrying their brain matter to
find an early avenue leading them
out of jobs and into the ranks of
private citizenship? Not muoh,
Mary Ann! Nor is Frank Greer,
with a territorial printing graft,
and a horde of tester lights with
their facial orifice enveloping the
federal udder, sanitarium stock
jobbers, grafters and leaches hank
eringfor ajar loose.
"If the people of Oklahoma aro
depending upon these statesmen
for statehood, may the good Lord
deliver them,"
There seems to bo a comaiunlly
of interests between the twins,
though Oklahoma 1b feeding home
talent, while in this section it is
tho ubiquitous Kansans who are
willing to sacrifice their places at
the pie counter on the altar of en
franchisement. DAWSON CASES
Being Bitterly Contested Uefore the
Dawes Commission.
Special to Dally Chieftain,
Muskogee, I. T., March 19.
The Cherokeo nation introduced a
great amount of testimony today
in the case of F. M. Dawson et al
vs the Cherokee nation npplica
lions foi enrollment as Cherokee
citizens. This fa a famous case
and involves three hundred thouB
and dollars worth of properly and
the applications ol Bixty families.
The Cherokee nation alleges that
these parties were admitted in
188jny the Chorokee commission
through fraud." Testimony was
taken at Fort Gibson today. P.
G. Reuler and J. O. Roeson ol the
Dawes Commission, W. T. Hutch
ings and JjJ2J3Urjr for the Chero
keo nation; A, S. McKennon for
F, M. Dawson and Thomas Owen
for Shoemake were present at the
Fort Gibson hearing.
To Penetrate the Territory In Search
of Coal,
A party consisting of VicePres
ident H. A. Parker, Chief. Engl
neor J. II. Peters and assistants,
of the Chicago, Rock Island and
Pacifio Railway Co, were in South
MoAleeter yeetorday on matters
pertaining to the extension qf the
road from El Reno to that place.
A permit to enter the territory
was recently granted by congress,
and surveying corps are now at
work locating the proposod extan
Tho Rook Island has horelofore
depended on other roads to furnish
fuel oontiaoted for with tho terri
tory mineB. It is the intention of
the road, in connection with its
extension, to own and operate
mines. The now road will parallel
the Choctaw.
I You Know What You are Taking
When you Uko Crovo's Tasteless Ohlll
Tonlo because tho formula Is plainly
printed on every Iwttlc, showing that,
It Is simply (ran and quinine In a
tameless form. No euro, no pay, 60
coats. w
Have WOn Places on the Honor Roll
of the Female Seminary.
The following is n list of the
Bludenle who have won a place on
the honor roll of the Femalo Sem
inary for Fobruary, 1002:
Seniors Golda Barker 00, Sa
rah Ballard 08, Bula Edmonson
08, Bird Faulkner 07, Mary Eider
95, Lucy Star 08, Lola Ward 07,
Gonobia Ward 08
Juniors Effle Duckworth 05,
Carrlo Freeman 00, Elizahoth
Morgan 00, Maud McSpadden 00,
Lizzie McSpadden 05, Susio Scott
07. Grace Wallace 85.
Sopuomores Francis Busby
head 05, Eunice Chamberlain 08,
Amanda Morgan 00.
Freshmen Daisy Armor 07,
Mayme Butler 09, Mary Crutch
Geld 95, Lillian Cox 97, Lena liar
nagn 97, Mina Johnson 08, Maud
Meigs 03, Sallie Morgan 97, Anna
Martin 99, Mary Holland 79, Min
nie Nidifler 90, Eihel Martin 08,
Bessie Skidmore 99, Martha Wal
lace 98
Sixth Grade Ruth Ballard 07,
Cora Brown 07, Lena Harmon 90,
Fannie Holland 93, Minnio Hoi
land 98, Maggie Pad on 95, Nadia
Higg 90, Edith Stover 99, Lizzlo
Bandore 95, Mary Sullivan, Elva
Ward 98, Bertha Patrick 00, Josle
Meigs 00, Leiia Eaton 97.
Fifth Grade Hope Bowman
95, Carrio Duncan 95, Lizzio Fra
iler 90, Susie Price 95, Alico Snell
05, Lydia Snell 95, Abbio Cham
berlln 90, Jessie Dick 90, Dora
Early 00, Roelo Lundy 00, Nola
Monroe 90, Lucile Freeman 90.
Primary School CassieCosten
90, Katie Duncan 90, Anna Mel
ton 05, Alma Mayfiold 90, Sarah
Runyon 95, Birdie Snoll 95, Susie
Beck 95, Corda Crittenden 08, Su
Bie Gourd 95, Lottio WilliamB 90,
Celie Welch 98, Irene Beck 95
On Frisco System was In-augurated'WitrHterest-
Ceremonies Yes
Arrive in Vinita on Time After
Cutting Several Hours From
Old Schedule to Eastern
and Southwestern
'At exactly 12:38 Monday morning
tho World's Fair 8peclal" which
had been speeding from Texas on
its initial run, came to a stop at
the Frisco station.
Al 1:27 a. m. the "Meteor" the
new west bound time annihllator
came rushing in from tho eaBl on
time to the minute, and the new
faBt train service on the Frieco
syBtem, had become a definite
factor in Vinita'a communication
with eastern and western points.
The new service was inaugurated
with interesting ceremonies at
both ends of the great system.
Prominent officials of the road
and a largo assemblage of people
wero prosent, when the throttles
responded to the touch of the en
gineers and tho pondorous wheels
that wero destined to cut hours
from the old running time rapidly
gathered speed and were soon
ruBhingover the rails in their race
against time.
At one minute past 12 o'clock
the new time card published in
another column of the Chieftain
took effect on the entire Friioi
system. The Frieco, with the
opening of the new line, now has
two entirely Beparale tracks to
Texas and baa become a danger
ous facjor in Jhe great shipping
resources of the Lone Stsi stato,
By tho new service Vinita re
ceives an addltloual east and west
bound train and ia put in very
close communication with all east
orn and southwestern pointB.
With this additional service six
toon passenger trains on the two
roads run cut ol Vinita each day,
whioh is a suggestive commentary
on tho gr wing importance of the
Are you sick? If so Investlzato the
morltsot Heroine. It Is a concen
trated modlclno, the doso Is small, ytt
It quickly produces tho mml gratify
ing results, digestion Improve, tho
Dps and cheeks loso tholr pallor, the
ava hiinmi hrlifht. t.nH t Yin atm i-tlua
tla Price, 50 ceuu, at Teoplo's jriiglniaaaruf .M0ro!:,
store. 4 dw
Fielding Lewis Says Moon
Bill is Gaining Support
ers in Congress.
A Capable Representative to
Washington to Work for the
Passage or tho Bill When
it Goes Befote the
Mayor Fielding Lswisof South
McAlestor, lias returned from
Washington, whero he has been in
the interest of the Moon bill. In
an interview with a representative
of the Capital, he has summed up
the situation by saying:
"Willi proper nourishing the
Moon bill will become a law.
Mr. LowIb Bald that when he
arrived in Washington ho found
that there were many persons
there from Oklahoma and this ter
ritory, nil of whom were working
for some pet Bchemo and it seemed
there was almost an endless
chain of confusion in regard to
matters pertaining to territorial
legislt 'in, but soon this was
changed . 1 tbo matter was sifted
down to two or three measures.
The three bills most in favor and
most seriousl? considered then
were the Stephens bill, the Curtis
bill and tho Moon bill, and subse
quently was introduced tbo Scott
Soper measure.
Of all these, the Moon bill Boon
became the moBt fivorable .meas
ure, the Stephens bill has been
abandoned by its supporters, the
Curtis bill and the Scott measures
aro held up in the hands of the
committee on Indian affairs and
will not, in my opinion, be re
ported upon until the Moon bill is
put of-the wayrtTbis bill was acted
upon by a subcommittee which
went most exhaustively into the
affairs of tho territory and finally
reported and was then presented
to the house by Congressman
Moon as the unanimous report of
the committee, and it is now be
fore that body and will likely
come up for action in regular
oourso in about two weeks. Con
gressmen have looked askance
upon all county seat measures and
when that was urged it was said
that the establishment of counties
and oounty scats was a matter that
would properly belong .o the leg
islature and that Ib why that im
portant question was left out of the
aioon dim.
The work on such a bill as this
in done altogether in committee
and when that committee reports
hucIi a measure with Hb unani
mous approval it is usually satis
factory to tho vast majority of
congressmen and they will vote
for such a measure without ques
tion. For thiB reason and that the
house is anxious to dispose of the
matter at this session I think the
bill will have plain sailing in the
bouse and will pass that body
without any trouble. It will then
go to tho senate whero it will be
taken in hand by the senate com
mitlee to which it will be practi
cally new matter and of course the
senate committee will want to be
informed as to its provisions, and
it is there that the opponents ol
the measure will try to get in their
work, and either get it so amend
ed as to be unsatisfactory or have
it held up indefinitely. That is
where we will need to do our best
work and that is why In my opin
ion the territory should have an
accredited representative on the
ground, fully able to answer all
questions aud objections that may
come up, and be able to check
mate any move made to defeat
the bill by outside influeuco. Such
a man should have nothing else to
do and have no personal axe to
grind but should have the full
support of the entire, territory.
ALtgacy of the Grip
Is often u run-down sjbtcna. Weak'
ucsm, nervousness, lack of appetite,
oticrny oml ambltloc. ''StUdlserd'red
liver and kldricy;oicti follow au at
tack of thin wretcbod dlseato. The
i-roatest need then Is Electric Hitters
tho spleudld ionic, blood purlder and
regulator of stomach, liver and kid
noys. Thousands have proved that
they wonderfully strengthen tho
nerves, build the system, and rcstoro
to health and pood spirits after an at
tack of nrlp It; tiutterluirtry thorn
Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction gar
anlccd by People's an: A. V. Fors-
I aotQtueIUratx)tftqroror))j,rjaln3
To be Attempted Again on the Ar
kansas. The 8leambargo,"Kiltie Clyde"
which was purchased by O. E
Turnor and Ernest Cook, of Mup
kogoe, to carry freight between
Fort Gibson nnd Ohoskn, has ar
rived at Fort Smith from Uairo,
The vessel was over nine months
en route.
Tho arrival of the boat has oc
casioned a great deal of discuscion
among tho river mon, many con
tending that it can ho run only
about two weeks during tho year.
The barge !b in command of
Capt. W. F. Colton, who years
ago run a boat between Fort
Gibson and LiUlo Rock, and who
is confident that the nresentven
luro will bo a success.
Ral Davis Shot to D.-atli by Charley
As tho result of an old feud,
Charley Dick and Rnl Davis en
gaged in a gun game at Gibson
elation Thursday which resulted
in tbo killing of Davis.;
The men bad been enemies for
sometime, and when they met
Thursday renewed their quarrel,
which quickly led to the shooting.
Deputy Marshal Adams waB
sent from Muskogee to tho sceno
of the shooting, but Dick had
taken to tho woods immediately
after the shooting and could not
bo found.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applicatlm, as they can
not reach tho soat of the disease. aDd
In order to euro It you must take In
ternal romcdloi. Hall's Ca'.arrh cure
Is taken Internally, and acts directly
no the blood and mucous surfaces
Hall's Catarrh cure Is not a nuack
medicine. It wai prescribed by one
of the best physicians In this country
for ycara, and Is a regular prescrip
tion. It Is compood of the best ton
le known, combined with the ,bc4t
blood purlllers, acting dlrcotly on the
mucous surfacus. The perfect combi
nation of the two tngt&dlents Is what
produces 'such wonderful results In
curing catarrh. Send for testimonials
free. F. J. Giienev ! Co., ToIedo.O.
Sold by druggist), Prlco 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills are the host, w
What They Want.
The convention of Choctawsand
ChickaBaws at Atoka prepared a
memorial to congress, which makes
a plea for the equal division of
lands, the closing oi the tribal
rolls- that all lands be alloled as
soon aa practicable; that all funds
and annuities due the tribes be
paid out in ptr capita payment,
following allotments; urges the
federal government to protect the
Indians againsiwrongful iuvaelon,
and opposes the rider to the In
dian .appropriation bill limiting
the Indiana to 320 aores of land.
An amendment to the effect that
when lands are allotted no reser
vation be made of the coal and as
phalt lauds, waB lost by a big ma
jority, after a hct-rted debate.
A Woman's Words of Praise.
JS'eoslio Falls, Kanr... Nov, 13, 1000.
Pcpslo Syrup Co., Montlcello, HI.
Deal Sirs: For almost Qf teen yoars
I suffered from Indigestion, and last
winter thought, I would die, when my
doctor, Dr. A. J. Lleuranco of this
place, advlt cd me to try.Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepclu, which 1 did, and two
bottles cured me. It not only relieved
me, but It cured mo so that I have
not been troubled since. If anyone
should offer 1110 1800 . for tho good
Syrup Pepsin has douo me I would
not think of taking It No one can
tako your (mcdlclno without being
convinced of Us inoro than wonderful
cures. I recommend it to all my
friends as a laxative and stomach
remedy. Yours with gratitude, Mrs.
J. Mohoan. Sold by People's Drug
store. dw
Agricultural Station,
Representative Curtis lias intro
duced a bill in the house author
izlng the secretary of agriculture
to establish and maintain an agri
cultural station in the Indian ter
ritory. .At present there is no ag
ricultural station in the territory
and the people are desirous of
securing such a elation in order to
extend to the farmers the same ad
vantage now being enjoyed by the
agriculturalists of the states.
Uxcurslon to Dallas.
A low rate excursion will bo run
from Vlolta to Dallas, via the Katy
for those desiring to attend the
United Ounfedcrute Veterans re
union. IJ0.60 to Dal'ra and return.
Tickets 00 sale Apvti 10, 20 and 21,
good until April 90, ltd?, with privil
ege ot extension to May 15th. upon
payment of fee of COcu Tbreo through
trains dally and Sundays, too. For
additional Information, rates, betths,
etc., eco ncarsHii agent of H. K. &T.
railway. Fur fast time take tho
"Katy Flyjfif
Goods delivered promptly at1 Balcn-tine's.
You farmers and cattlemen I Are you
going: to build or make any repairs soon?
Are you looking for "just right" prices?
If you are, just remember we have the
finest and best assorted stock of lumber
and building material in this section, and
we can save you money on whatever you need.
We want your little orders as well as your big
ones, and will try just as hard to please you on a
fifty-cent sale as on a fifty dollaronc. Our stock
will surely pleasd you, because it is the
satisfaction - giving kind. Full line of
lime, cement, plaster, drain tile, paints;
oils, etc. Drop in and see us next time
you need anything.
We want your trade; we're after it.
rk, -V-4VIa-StVV-V-4W.-4VU'-It.'. V-VV"4-VV"VP
Oliver Uaciiv. Pres. T. O. IIaix. V-Pres. W. V. Pmr.r.ipj. CmMm- 9
.- . - ".
w. u. t-HAl-MAN, Assistant castiier
First National Bank,
Oldest and Strongest National Bank in the Cherokee Nation.
Doesasaro uonornl.
,SW,fVfiV.'VW&.flVW V'&'9VV&-.V-J
nrrUandharnns. IfJ mm ttm factory, lui our lowi wtu&ruW rotes. Our srttra of
eaaatrr vote tb iwna ram to you Ibtt w wottU (It iba UrgMt wbolnal JoMr. anVws
offer ro-an oaMrtmcnt to cbooM i from soch as no oUwr dfolrr con stow. Wlttiewypor. h.i
worirsthobrixidmtiTOararitre. Ifltlonotln STtrr war ssiUfoctorr, roa can nturn Oiovcblcii
louondwwult7(mstilcnarEcaUtlioji. vWconitlao "wnwa
TOonl nr tan vtf
Save two
for roe on horned
dcscrlta tbo bumn.
nnui ror oar rrro
wait nnUl jroar need U
madooorfactorTfumoiuibrtbtlr hlch crad. Dint
I Ho. TOM ltnttr. TTW tNLo
wiui nun quarter 10t
Eblpseot from Cotombuo.
SL Uult. Mo.,
Writ to
of all kinds.
A new line of baby buggies end go-carts.
A full line of window shades.
We sell the New Home sewing machine.
Successors to MINQ PURNITURU CO.
Telephone 168
kcsldcnca 141
.11. .-"i
flU 110 SBi
Leather Belts and Chatelains
I have just received a nice line ot Mexican hand stanijv.
ed Leather Belts and Chatelains, which are the mot atyliah
aud up-to-date in the line. Call and sec them. Prices are
reasonable for high class goods.
Flue and complicated watch repairlnc a peeUly.
Motto Not the cheapest but the WSX work at all tiai.
a& S. Wilson St.
t.ttmcrT 1
- -.7 , -7 .---,-. -n. .
Dunking Business. j
rrmflt fc nw .
and othtr bono Kiulpramu.
ournrs. Dbrttotw. etc.. tbot ban
mora prenli.ii miw to-day ana
0.. P.O. Doi 772.
P.O. Dot 64.
No. Nl 6tnil Stnp I
neorat orflor.
Embalming a Specially
August Schliecker,
Jeweler and uptKMN
& f
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1 ac
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