Newspaper Page Text
M JPHTIBtBl fiiii)Witilitan imthiliriinmrnmuhVulim ajkaa ntimiuit imvtiinriinmintnufinariCm iinfiitrrtTiin iiii'Hiii in iliirn mn inrli mimiili wkwhii 4 A , J i i. h $ I Xh 4 k-4 f. i 7 fej ''"J afc Indian Chieftain. "suuaoniPTiQN price. l,50 Por Yar. or $1.00 If Paid In Advnnoe. rnblUbsdTharadsys br Tin CiturTAix ruttitiimo OoxriitT. 0. M. MAIMS, Editor ftnd Fnbllsbcr II. Lee Clotwokthy, Assoclato Editor. Vinita, I. T., Maiici 27, 1002 Bel'eh dollar democratic ticket ehelecled hlo. The rumps are rapidly appreci ating, that prejudice is a very poor votn winner. The anli-Ledbetter men should got up an air ship contest after tho election. They have tho air. There is not an interest of Vlnl ia or the Indian territory that would be bettered by the drawing of parly lines. "Not now." Those wicked, heathen Boers actually let Gen. Methuen go after capturing him. Wonder what the Barbarians will do next. Indian territory matters will havo to stand in abeyance until tho municipal elections in the ter ritory are pulled off a week Irum next Tuesday. As Cromwell prorogued tho Hump Parliament in England, even B" will tho citizens ol Vinita pnr'gUB the rump democracy on the fir I day of April. A BUunc.h cupporter of the "democratio" ticket says the Cul pepper meetings are lessening the chances for the success of his tick et. He alleges a fact, It lias been suggested that all the campaign funds on both sides in the pending municipal contest be turned over to tbu Culpepper meetings where it will do the most good. Pauls Valley has also had ex perience in drawing party lines. This year is a free for-ali race, and the best men will bo elected re gardless of party affiliations. Chickasaw Enterprise. Somo Indian territory newspa pers still insist on the dissolution of the DaweB commission. This is not likely to happen and it would be an act of folly on the part of the government if it should happen. Aa a republican or ob a demo crat no man can be elected to of ties in Vinita this year. He must come before htB neighbors and friends as a citizen seeking the welfare of the town, independent of partisan lines. Bud Ledbetter is not seen at church as oiten as Borne people, but it should not be forgotten tbat he makes it possible for other peo ple to attend without being in sulted by a drunken mob on the street, on their way to and from. Evangelist Culpepper says be wants to convert Vinita because it is a kind of "Jerusalem" of the Indian territory, the center of in fluence and the gateway to tbis wonderful country. He is in tho right town, and bis estimate of the place is correct. The Ridenhour ticket seems to be going to pieces about bb fast as the days go by. The time is not propitious for the element tbat Is trying to get possession of the city government, in opposition to law and order. We believe the battle ia practically over. A. F Chamberlin baB announced bimlf as a candidate for the of fice ol Recorder at the coming eleo tion In Vinita. Mr.: Chamberlin was postmaster in Vinita for eev. eral years; is a competent business man and, perhapB, has as many friends as any man in the com munity. The song of saw and hammer, the about of five hundred merry school children and the roar of busy trade in tho smartest town in the Indian territory, are all against turning the town over to the lawless element. The very sunshine and the birds singing in the trees protest. The names of rejected claimants to Cherokee citizenship, whose re jeclion has been approved by the interior department will be re ceived constantly from now until an are iinisned. Whether the finding of the Dawes commistion thus approved meanB a finality re mains to be seen. Ills necessary in the interest of good government to elect a mayor and council in hearty accord with law and order, and who will sub Ulo the marshal in his efforts to keep the peace The ticket headed by Luraan F. Parker is without doubt iho beet one from top to bottom. Vote it straight. Thocitlrena of Vinita should make Hie defeat of tho so called democratio ticket as complete aa possible. No voter should stay away from the polls thinking bis viilfwll! not be needed. The do Ifat must ho overwhelming. Let the people of Vinita speak in no uucerlaln lunu at Ibis election, the bwlnsM ftiUrrela of the plans are Juvol?rd. kj Tho antl-Ledbetter and the anti Parker fellows complain that the Culpepper meetings aro against them. Of course the meetings are against them, and every other good thing is against them. Tho man who claims that there aro no honest oleotions, and that rascality is everywhere, is un safe In office If any man is onught buying or soiling votes in the com ing municipal election he ought to be prosecuted promptly. The establishment ol a land of fico in tho Cherokoo nation is con templated on the completion, of tho Oherokeo rolls, July 1st. This will settle the question of land holdings and of monopoly In gen eral. The beginning of the end will have at last arrived. A few mora primaries and Vini ta will be a city ol magnificent distances. Wednesday its corpor ate limits were Btrotched to include tho Grand Rlvor country on the east, and all the territory that reaches away to tho KansaB line on tho north. Exactly twenty.ono residents of this new addition were voted. This is tho year Vinita should lay the foundation for no, only a progressive, but a beaulilul city. Her location and natural resources justifies this expectation. Lying within that zone in whioh nearly all trees, shrubbery, flowers and vegolation will grow, a few years should :-e it the garden city of tho southwest. There is one element of tho rumps who want theeleclrio lights turned oil, and another who want the town thrown wide open to the tin horn gambler and whisky ped dler. To da te these are the only ones wbo have made their deelrea and intentions known. It is safe to say tbat Vinita will tolerate neither of these conditions. Ardmore does not require any party lines in hor city election. We can safely judgo the future by tho past, and nuuo will say but demo crats and republicans have worked harmoniously together for the bet terment ot the city. Ardmore needs no antagonistic clement such as parly lines would produce. Ajmixed council works well. Ard moreite. Every man who wants to sell whiskey in Vinita and has not been allowed to do so, is against Bud Ledbetter. Every man who wants to run a gambling den, is the same way. Scratch the op ponents of Ledbetter and you will find something wrong in ninecases out of ten. Here is tho issue in this campaign, and the only one. The newspaper in Vinita that puts itself on record as trying to defeat Ledbetter for marshal is an enemy to its town and should be so considered. There may be other men who would make good officers, but Ledbetter haB been thoroughly tried, and every man wbo haB n family, or any interest whatever in Vinita should ap preciate his value. Public sentimont in Vinita is a potent affair. We have a number of citizens who will never be hap py until they get open saloons and gambling dens in Vinita, but pub lic sentiment now is such that a movement of that character would not be tolerated, It ia the sort ol people our towc is composed of tbat makes it the most iLoral city in the Indian territory. There is little said these days about the Sopor bill. A few oipies scattered over the Indian territory here and there is all that remains and they will soon find their way into thd watte basket. It, how ever, fixed Soper's standa,d of government for the people of the Indian territory whose kindness and hospitality he attempts to re ward by a four years political gralt. The rump democracy is just now provoking the derision of the citizens of Vinita by their strenu ous efforts to gather strength for their weak and waning ticket. They have been driven from one subterfuge to another in buch rapid succession as to make them the laughing stock of the town. First they claimed that none but democrats should hold office: then none but Cherokee citizens, and later Ledbetter was too bad a man for marshal, as he was a disorgan izer. The rump democracy have not outlined as yet any municipal policy. Their efforts have been directed entirely to arraying patty against party, class agsiriBt class and race against raoa. The prim ary told of their first defeat. The working man of Vinita is entirely too intelligent to be used as an in strument in retarding the progreso Of the town where he has estab lished his home and Is raising bis children in an atmosphere of law and order. Tlifrlr attempt at draw ing racial Hoes between the Indian cillzan and those who are associ ated with him socially and other wise will not be (plerated. The loslflal RHrmnnnn nf ounl. ll...t..I plea" is defeal. I The Dawes commission will soon tako up its work among the fullbloodCherokees with a view of giving them one last opportunity of enrolling. Tho sonolble ones will appear and list thomsolves and famillesjwithoul forlhor de lay. A few may hide out and fin ally loso their birthright. It will prove a big job to turn Ibis municipality backward at this time. It has an impetus and a speed forward that will bo danger oub to the one who tries to reverse tho molion. Those who propose to put out tho lights, open tho sa loons and raiso cain generally are in danger of being run over. Tho good government ticket, headed by Luman F. Parker, should bo elected from top to bot tom. Tho way to Insure tho best things possible for your town is to put progressive men in office . No man ought to be supported tbat proclaims himself opposod to law arid order by voting and working against tbo most efficient city marshal Vinita ever had- This fact alone ought to fix tho status ol evory citizen in the coming election. There are but two classes Iboao in favor of good government and those opposed. As tho election approaches the issue is sharper and sharper drawn. The citizens of the town have quietly ranged themselves on either side, and without undue excitement will finish the cam paign. (No ono expects the unruly element in Vinita to voto for the strict enforcement of law. The people who chafe under good gov ernment are always '.taking tf throw it oil. The few r..,insl t upon dividing on partisan lines do nit take this view of course, but their votes and their influence are both misdirected an abortive. Whatever may be siid about Evangelietio methods, and this town has had Its share of the sen sational mountebank religionists in other years, it must bo said that Culpepper, who is now preaching in this city, preaches a pure, obaste and manly gobpol. Forceful and fine, there aro no claptrap, frills, nor furbolows about bim. He impresses ono ,as a man terribly in earnest, and bo has n way of making his hearers believe what he says Religion is the profoundest subject ever con sidered by the mind of man, and tbiB evangelist magnifies it and glorifies it. The town will be bet ter, and Christianity stronger for Culpepper's stay in it. PRiflARY FELL FLAT. Alter a day of toil and sweat the socalled democratio primary Wed nesday rallied up the number of 132 votes, which includod a few stray republicans and severul non residents. There are upwards of 300 demo cratic voters in Vinita, so a very lair estimate can now be had of tbo strength of what may proper ly be designated as the rump de mocracy of Vinita. The anti Led better etrengtb was fairly tested by yesterday's primary, though many even who voted yesterday could not find courage to vote against the marshal and will on the day of election vote for him. The effort to force party lines in Vinita was a signal (allure, as the prevailing sentiment in both par (ios was against such a move. A few politicians wbo want to keep in line with the party for the pur pose of running for office in the future succumbed to the party lash and stepped into line. The first battle In the struggle for law and order fn Vinita has been (ought and won, and the town will not be a wide open town not tbis year. The situation is simplified and the political air somewhat clari fied, and the nen. political citizens movement is master of the situa tion. The fellows who have been so vehemently denouncing Led better look silly today; tbey are like unto tbo Queen of Sbeeba, the "epiiit" is all out of them. Moon Bill In a Nut Shell. Schools for the echoolesa thou sands. Good roads and bridges. Elimination of tribal tax, County government. Legislature to enact laws that lit local conditions. Accessibility to records. A delegate to congress. Better laws and more officers to enforce them. Continuation of present federal judiciary. The free man's scored privilege suffrage. Preparation for statehood Cap ital. Deeper Spirituality. Tbo Culpepper meeting continue dally and nlybtly with a larger atten dance the day services, and a mark ed dllllerence In the depth ot spiritual Interest manifested. There has been oo old fashioned ilioutlog, but at titties there Is a manifest disposition tozlvo vent to exclamations of feeling in tho most approved orthodox style. In tho history of the town there per haps hai never been u revival las far reach I ok in Hi rcaults as this ono now In progress. The Evangelist has everybody with him and long after bis dopurturo win Vinita reap tho fruits of tlili woetlng FREE SCHOOLS. Col, Churchill Outlines Plan to Improve Educational Facilities in Torri-" tory, PROPOSES TAXATION On All Leases of Land, Personal Properly, Licenses and Per- mils, to Crealo aRevonue of 8500,000 per An- num. After Beveral months devoted to the slut'y of the educational facil ities of the territory, with a view to the establishment of a publio school system, Col. F. Churchill, tho special agent of tho govern ment has submitted bis report to the secretary of the interior, and it will probably be submitted to congress tbis week. Col, Churchill's specifio duties wero to study -tho conditions in the territory, and to oullino a plan ol taxation sufficient to ineuro the maintenance of a froe school syB tern. His report ia most exhaustive. going into details concerning tho existing schools and emphaBizirg tho need of improvements in the syBtem. " His report shows that tho pres ent echool system in the territory is sadly deficient and extravagant. He presents a report showing the operation of ono echool, contain ing forty pupils, on which tbe In diana have wasted nearly 840,000 in the last four years. There is an utter absence, according to the re port, of system in the manage ment of the schools that have been established and the results are far from satislactory. There are about 75,000 children of school age in the territory who are growing up in ignorance. In some of the largor towns the schools are in fairly good condi tion, but the rural districts are practically without school accom modation". The .special mission of Mr. Churchill waB to report upon the possibility of devising a system of taxation for tbe support of a pub lio school system. His report is that it is poaaiblo to raise about 8500,000 a year by the taxation ol leases on land, by taxing personal property andpermitBJaud licensee. This, he believes, will be suffici cient to guarantee a system of publio schools that will. serve the purpose until lands in tbe terri tory are made subject to taxation. STATEHOOD PROSPECT. No Action In the Senate Until the Short Session. Tito hoube committeo on terri tories has practically completed its bill recommending the admis sion of Oklahoma, Nen Mexico and Arizona to statehood. A poll of the houBe ehows a largo majority in favor of granting statehood to tho three terri tories, and the bill is expected to find passage, practically without opposition in the house. The canvass in the senate has not been bo satisfactory, and their is a strong disposition on the part of the delegates to secure tbe pas sage of the measuie through tbe bouse and allow it to remain on the senate calendar as unfinished business until next December. They believe tbat if Oklahoma and New Mexico return Repub lican delegates in the election next fall, much of- the senate opposi tion to the measure will be re moved. LIKES HIS JOB. Hitchcock WHI Lay Down Ills Mod Only When Fired. Secretary Hitchcock haB re turned to Washington from St. Louis, where he was called by tbe illness and subsequent death of his brother, and has officially an nounced that he has no intention of resigning his cabinet portfolio. He further remarked that at no time has tho thought of Teddy giving him his time, been agitat ing the Hitchcock gray matter. This passes tbe buck to Teddy, who la reported to have been en gaging in some strenuous hinting tbat a resignation in tbe Hitch cock chlrograpby would bo as wel come as a painted Easter egg. Choctaw Citizenship Attorney, Mr. T. Lstham of Antlere.Ohoo taw nation, has been appointed attorney for Ibe Choctaw nation In all oases, affecting citizenship in that tribe. The contract with Mr Latham, which was approved by tbe eeretary of the interior the other day, carries a salary of 85,000 per annum. !ll4ui!!i4fe)i! i Tbe Badgeff-SaDders Mercantile Company, Uinifa READY 4 -a 31 -3 9 3 3 " -& jj -s! Watl -s j 4 4 31 4 4 3 3! 3! Si eft 4 IBadg 4 3.1 4i !WJfJWWWTOiWJ BEAUTY OF SPRING Was Reflected In the Spring Ailllln cry Opening ot the Ratclllf Mer cantile Company. With the del icato green of the spring fields as tho theme, a oolnr picture was presented to those who visited the spring mllllntry opening of the Ratclifl Mercantile company Tuesday, as inspir ing as though the hand of nature wrought it. Peeping from its dainty oouoh of green, a rose in its first pale blush, raised its pretty petals, where the flood of golden sunlight was streaming in, one of the dark red, of the angry sunset, would flash out in all its brilliance In graceful, curving lilies, a billowy cloud of chiffon would be crested with ribbons of delicate coloring, with brilliant flora com pleting the pretty effect. It was an inspiring picture, and a fitting background for the dainty beauty of tbo spring chapeaux, which this year has assumed tbe supreme of beauty. l'rom tbe daintiest to the bolder styles; from the plain etreot hat to tbe moBt elaborate, they wore displayed in all their bewildering beauty. The French streamers, or scarfs, aro a predominating fea ture of those, in improved Leg horn style, while the flashing oa boecbans of pearlB give a regal ol feet to the more elaborate designB. At Ratcllff's all can be found. The same creations that are be ing displayed in tbe great fashion centres have been brought by this enterprising house to Vinita, "Equally as elegant" as the big metropolitan stores contain, sev eral ladies of Vinita who have re cently returned from St. Louis, do dared them to be, and they know, A visit to the store and personal inspection will be well rewarded. Condition of Danks, Tbe abstract of tho condition of tho national banks in tbo Indian territory at tbe close of business February 2Stb, as reported to tbe comptroller of the currency, show tbo average reserve held at 20 03 per cent, against 20 09 per cent; loans and discounts decreased from 88,280,740 to 80 000.502; gold coin Increased from 8160,057 to 8161,602; total specie decreaued from 8400,733 to 8345,454; lawful money reserve decreased from 8581,502 to 511.286; individual de posits decreased from 86,510 341 to 85,438,320, :WE ARE NOW: FOR SPRI Stocks are Complete In Every Department of our Mammoth Our dry goods department is full to overflowing: with choice up-to-date merchandise. See our silks, wool dress goods and wash dress goods. You will find the styles here are those you read about in the latest fashion magazines. Millinery is one of our strong points this season. You haven't seen the best there is in -millinery until you have seen our line. Everything in street and trimmed hats now on display. You will find our prices much below those asked by other dealers. Let us show you our millinery. Clothing, hats, shoes and furnishings. We have them for everybody. If you buy your spring suit frni us you will save money. If you buy your hat from us you will gel the best in qual ity and style. If you buy your shoes from us you will be more than pleased; our shoes wear well and fit well, and have a distinct up-to-date appearance about them that very few shoes have. Ask to see our shoes. Our grocery department is preparing some great things for our patrons. If you are not one of them you should be you will miss something if you arc not. Sanders Mercantile Company, The Good Goods Store. CATTLE QUARANTINE Will be Strictly Enforced Against Allen Herds this Year. The law prohibiting tbe impor tation of foreign cattle into tho Cherokee nation for grazing pur poses will bt strictly enforced this year. Revenue Inspector Guy P. Cobb, is dendtng out notices to Texas and Arkansas cattlemen ac quainting tbem with tho law, and informing tbem tbat it will be strictly enforced this year. It is estimated tbat 15,000 cattlo wero brought in last year through tho law not being rigidly enforced. Statehood I'letr. Members of congress have re ceived a memorial Bent out by tbe demooratio territorial central com mittee ot Oklahoma, stating tbat, at a recent mee'.ing of tbo commit tee at whioh twenty-four of tbe thirty-six counties were represent ed, a resolution was adopted avor ing "immediate Binglo statohood for Oklahoma, including the Indian territory." It is signed by W. M. Anderson, chairman, and a committee, consisting ol R. B. Forrest, Tliomns II. Doyle, Boy Hoffman und II. P. Hagan. A Most Liberal Oder. All our fannor roadcru should tako utlvantago of tho unprecedented club bine oiler we tut yoar make, which Includes with this paper Tho Live Stock Indicator, Its special Farmers' InitUuioKdltlonti and The Poultry I-'uniior. Tlioso tbrao publications are the best of their cia s and should be In every farm home. To them wo add, for local, Territory and general iiowh, our own paper, and make tho price of tbe four otio year only fl. 23. Never before was 6o much superior roadlnc matter offered for so small an amount ot money. Tho thrco papers named, which wo club with our own, are well known throughout tho West and commend themselves to tho read er's fuvorublo attention upon mere mention. Tho Poultry Farmer Is tho most practical poultry paper for tho farmer, while Tho Special Farmer' Institute Editions are tbe most prac tical publications for tho promotion of good farmlni? over published. Take advantage of this great offer, as It will bold good for a short tlmo only. Sam plos.'of tlioio papers may be oxamlnud by canine at this ofllce. Tub Wkekly Chieftaik and the above-named thrco papers one ear for 11.25. Olilldron nfcon Inherit fcoblo d I if cu ll vu power and colic of a more or loss iovcro character results, when food U taken which It nt all illMcult to digest. White's Cream Vermifuge acts as a general and permanent tonic Price, 25c, at Pcople'd drug store, Keep x) Toucb and the work of preparation for the great world's fair in 1903. Subscribe for Tb 0 Of T nntc TM'",Kr":.ll p, wa iii VI1W - "- w --!- I Tl)t GreM ruwpp Xof tbe World. Bi The Daily Globe-Democrat is without a rival in all the west, ar-tands ui nit vvijr nuui umuug hie icuiij gicm iii:vsjujk.-i: ui I lie yunu Daily, Including Sunday, One year tb; Six months 3.00; Three Months 1,50 i Daily, Without 5unIay, One year M; Six Months 2.oo; Three Months r.oo U $1 fr The "Twice- Week" Issue of the Globe-Democrat at one dot I JJ Ur a year is the greatest newspaper bargain of the age. It is nl most exual to a daily at at the price ot a weekly, It gives the latest telegraphic news frort all the world ecry Tuetdsy and 1'riday. Us market reports are complete and correct in every detail. It has no equal as a honiu or family journal, and mirvtit In Vim A, ..r( flrfcidA i.t I1A ln.i.1 1crt r,iupi .. .i..l. t J1.4 ..... ,- w w m w (... 1. ... ...v. .....v., or mote every A .1.1 .. , iuir 1 rj Ok.V'Ji'LV'THULU .Don I nay two extra 'W'SfiS?. m ' " " '""" tirt cur tuwmt wuolnfti n'j. Our tntm or sMllncdlnrttarun. nirmi m thmuMMjofcloiuniocurrlM burn l etrrVcomir of (t offiryiMiwiuwrtniMa .0 c!kx i from iw Hum ol h.r.loal.r can tbow With rvrr pu m! virmitiebrnuutiru.ranu. irit u not In orerr Ky uiufoctorr.irou can return i&ovctiiut VoiuuiUwowlU jyfilMi;liarnUltiwj,, Vt c&a ftlio ""''"" "" """ " u a. arm efj fnf 1 .Ll fill tlairnru. Wrili our fm. (1r..rlhMth. Iilu.b. njJbtaotirfitclury f wait omit yoar ucti h Um oaUlouuo b THE COLUMBUS CAFMIACE & HARNESS CO., Cslumfcui. 0.. P.O. Box 772. No. MM nossy. r-rlro t witu .- ijiianrr ujp. BUiKucnt trout Colarauia. St. look. WrMtonwtatomee. L. K. McQUFFIN, TH08. T. Prcjldont. ...Tbe Cherokee Ulnila, CXAPIT-AJL, DIRBOTORS l V. VttUtr. Jr W. It. CarroBSIi H. N. lltttellll. Tlias. Every Courtesy Extended that is Consistent with Sound Banking TiilAa,at Tl.11 ah Tltili. na.ili!flntatl aI Tatr,nolt llltCICPli I fllU UU AUW mmmmmmmaum UI Leather Belts and Chatelains I have just received a nice line ot Mexican hand stamp ed Leather Ileltt) and Cliatolaimt, which arc the most atylisli and up-to-date in tho line. Call niul see them. Prices arc reasonable for high clasc goods. I'ine and compUaatwl watch repairiiiH a specialty. Motto Not the chaeptat but the JIItfeT work at alt thus August Schliecker, 36 S. Wilaon St. Jeweler and Optician - Store. m ifc &; Witb Sfoitft Loi & GIobe-Derryocrai ,. v .ia.v.a -..iijr n(h 441U JJtlCa v. r.c uuuar ior one jcar. sample copies tree .,-.-- -,-.. . .... 3ioi rr.r.iir.2 v.o., si. ioui5, r rroflu when too bor Anil Allur IiAM MiilnnMlu lllukfrmlMl ail alfwn. in ut.i. i. ... .iirrai. hlmliu.. &.. th .... jommm Air tbttr hbth trruln. linrit It mor tfa4ntf i wnu lu-day und ywi tjr future uao. Mo.. P.O. Dot 64. No lit Rintfa Strap '" 11 lamcaa. rrhallMl WIolEB, AV..R. McQEOEOE, Vice - President. Caihili National Bank... Ind. Ter. 25,000.00. ORS, W. urUeO Mr. Krod U Kellrj. T. Wlmer. 1.. K. McOuIHa & VtlllllkUtVD Ut aW.UBlk. jl m m . a p s",i