OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, May 01, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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VOL. XX. NO. 30
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A Pore Grape Cream ol Tartar Powder
Highest Honors, World's Fair
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair
Providing for tho Opong of
Additional Comncho
Lands Reported
Recommended as tho Proper Way
to DIsposo of tho Surplus Do
main Which Embraces a
Tract of About '180,.
000 'Acres.
The house oommitlco on Indian
aflairs has authorized a favorable
report to be uindo to the house on
tbo bill of Mr. Stephens of Texas,
providing for the opening to set.
tlemenl of 480,000 acrti of land in
the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache
reservation in Oklahoma territory
This area repieients tho 480,000
acres set apart for grazing land
under 'ho aot of June G, 1000,
which authority, the bill contends
was bo misconstrued by the see
retary of the .interior as to lead
him to embrace desirable ngricul
tural lands fronting on the Red
river, which bavo reen leased to
- fourstockreen. The bill is in the
v nature ol a severe rebuko for the
secretary for selecting theee agri
cultural lands for grazing purposes
while including "rough and un
broken and stony lands in tho in
terior and mountainous parts of
tho reservation," whicii congress
intended for grazing purposes, as
the land thrown open to settle
ment. Tho bill directs that these lands
shall be opened to settlement by
proclamation of tho presiden
within three months from its pas
sage and be disposed of under the
general provisions of the home
stead law and ui.der the rules and
regulations adopted for the open
ing of tho Comancho reservation
heretofore, under tho act of June
G, 1000. The landB are to bo sold at
81 25 per acre, and entries may be
commuted after fourteen months
of residence and improvement.
If tho measure passes congress
it will oiler another chance to the
unlucky ones who failed to draw a
farm in tho last lottery under more
favorable conditions as to clear
litlo, as it will be only necessary
to reside on the homestead four
teen months to obtain title.
Will Build Two Thousand fllles of
Track, Making it the Oreatcat
System In tho Country.
The Frisco will build two thou
sand miles of new track within the
next two years, the planB having
been agreed upon before President
Yoakum left for Europe.
Mr. J. D. Johnson of tho big
coutracling firm oi Johnson Bros.,
was called to St. Louis just beforo
President Yoakum left for Europe.
'How much railway construction
have you on hand?" said the pres
ident of the Frisco when Mr. John
eon called on him. "About 000
miles said Johnson. Don't load
upJttoo heavy, Johnson, for we
bavo decided to build about 2,000
miles," continued Mr. Yoakum.
ThoBo who have kept well post
ed on the railway situation believe
that tho Frisco' 2,000 miles ol
new track will be about ob follows:
From the terminus of the Okla
homa Oily road at Quanah to
Phoenix, Arizona, distance, about
700 miles.
From Phoonlx lo tho coast,
about 800 miles,
From Birmingham, Ala,, lo the
coast at Savannah, da., a distance
of 800" miles.
From Fort Worth south, con.
nectlng links toward El Paso,
about 270 mllcB.
Prom Bapulpa to Enid through
Pawnee and Perry, HO miles.
From Blackwell to Oofleyvillo
or some othor point on the Frisco
lino in Kansas, near Oofleyvillp-, a
distance of about 125 miles.
From Oklahoma City to Goal
gato, distance, flO miloe.
Distributing Funds to Destitute Pull
bloods In Different Sections,
TheipTlowIng notice has been
sent sift by Col. J. Blair Shoen-
nouncing tho ilineraryjof tho
parties who aro distrib-
lng relief funds among tho des
o fullbloodt:
Notice is hereby given that I
will be at the following named
places in the Chorokee nation, In
dian territory, on the dates men
tioned, for Uio purpose of distrib
uting funds in my hands, to rolieve
needy and destitute Cherokee
fullbloods Indians, who livo in
the vicinity of tho towns named:
Party No. 1, in charge of Hon.
Guy P. Cobb and Major Brecken
rldgo. Kantue April 25 lo 2G, 1002,ln
elusive. Spavlnaw April 29 to May 2,
1002, inclusive.
Whllmlre May 0 ti 9, 1002
Goingsnake Court House May
12 to 10, 1002
Zena May 10 lo 22, 1002.
Party No. 2, in charge of J.
Fentress Wisdom.
Remy April 23 to 25, 1002.
Swimmer April 28 to 80, 1902
Stilwell May 2, 3 and 5, 1902
Jampbell May G to 9, 1902.
McKey May 12 to 14, 1902.
Marble May 15 to 10, 1002.
Bunch Moy 17 to 23, 1002.
Cooketon May 20 to 29, 1902.
Youthful Forcer Confesses tils Crlms
In Commissioner's Court.
When arraigned In the Commis
sioner's court last week,
John Colley, tho youthful forger
arrested by Deputy James Wilk
erson at Seneca, Mo , mado a com.
plele confession of his crime,
Incidentally he attempted to
implicate another boy, but tbo
authorities givo little credence lo
that feature ct his story. He gave
aB Ills exouao that he needed the
money to gamble with, but in
several instances showed that he
was not telling an entirely straight
Btory. A Utl-r which ho had writ
ten lo a girl in Seneca was opened
by tho authorities tnd proved the
boy to have an unusual amount of
the criminal instinct. In it, he
conveyed the intelligence that be
purposed placing the blame on
another boy, and expected by that
defense to gain his freedom.
Later in the same letter he said
that his father bad arrived hero
and had paid his fine segregating
$300 00.
Being unable to communicate
with the boys father, A, C. Colley,
who is at. present in Oklahoma,
Commissioner Slanfield commit
ted him in default of a $500 00
He will be held here until furth
er efforts are made to communi
cate with bis relatives, and in case
they are not reached within a
reasonable lime, he will be sent to
jail to await the action of tho
grand jury.
Red Men Elect Officers. .
At tho meeting of the grand
counoil of the Improved Order of
Red Men for the Indian Territory
held Tuesday at South McAleater,
the following officers were elected:
J.W.Price, Lehigh, great prophol;
M. E. Deeming, Muskogee, great
sachem; L. O. Couch, Vinlla, great
senior eagamorej R.J. Evans, Dow,
great junior sagamore; Mllo E.
Adams, Muskogee, great chief
of records; .Hugo HaaB, Atoka,
great keoper of wampum; A. I.
8wadley, (Joalgato, J. J. Vance,
Poteau, J. D. Looper, Ada, great
trustees. The council meets next
year at Ada, (be fourth Tuesday
In April,
To Endorse Moon Dili,
StO. Treadwell, of Tiehomirgo,
Is out in a stronjr"letter urging the
people of the Chickasaw Nation to
meet in the towns and neighbor
hoods in tho nation and thorough
ly discuss tho Moon bill and en
dorse it. It would be a good way
to get congressional action.
Stand Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and tho tor
tures of Itching and burning oczotna
scaldhcad or olbor Bkln dUeasos.
How? why, by using Ilucklcn's Arnlc
Salvo, earth's greatest healer, quick
est cure for ulcers, fever sores salt
rhoum, cutr, burns or bruleos. In
fallible for piles. 25o at Peoples' und
A. W- Foreman's drug stores, dw
For Immediate and Exten
sive Improvement of
Streets and Sanitary
Will Govern tho New Admlnistra
tion and Prospects aro Bright
for Quick Action on n
Number of Needed
Tho city council held an impor
lanl session on day last week
for tho purpose of discussing the
plans outlined lor tho improve
ment of tho (own.
Tho all imporlment questions of
street improvment and tho cor
rection of tho present sanitary
conditions wore the principal mat
(era discussed.
Rigorous measures will bo in
stituted to keep the town in a
cleanly condition and the sanitary
ordinances will be strictly enforc
ed. A committeo will visit Webb
City and Joplin, Mo. to investi
gate tho probablo cost of repairing
tho btreots with gravel, and an
effort will be made in cae that
material is decided upon, to oh
tein a steam roller from Neosho to
pack It. Mr, Darrough offered
resolutions making Mayor Parker,
chairman of the commitle on
streets and alleys and providing
for the mayor and recorder sorv
Ing on committees. Both resolu
tions carried.
The following committees wero
then announced by Mayor Parker:
Finance Ilalclifi, Darrough and
Ordinances. -Darrough, Starr and
Sanitary and Health Fortner,
Starr and Green.
Light and Water Green, Dar
rough and Cbamberlin.
Streets and Alleys Parker, Rat
cliff and Green.
Education Fortner, Darrough
and Cbamberlin.
Police, Fublio Buildings and
Market Housc-Chamberlin, Fort
ner and RalcliiT.
Cemetery RalclliT, Starr and
Fire Department Green and
The committeo on Btreots and
alleys was empowered to enter in
to contract with a competent en
gineer to establish a grado on 111
inois ave., Wilson 'and Scraper
Tho question of bonding the
city officers was referred to the
financo committee, to dotermlne
tho amount of tho several bonds.
The Banilary committee was au
thorized to 'establish another
dumping ground, tho present one
boing south of the town, tbo pre
vailing wind making it obnoxious,
All the members of the council
were present with the exception
of Councilmen Forlner and Starr,
both of whom wero out of town.
5t Louis Parties Want Choctaw and
Chickasaw Leases Protected.
Congressman Bartholdt has pre
sented an amendment to tho pro
posed treaty between the govern
ment and the Chickasaw and Choo
taw Indians, which Is now being
considered by a subcommittee of
tho house commi'tee on Indian
affairs. The amendment provides
for tho protection of the rights of
holders of permits on mineral
lands in tho Indian territory. Tho
pending bill provides for tho sale
of all mineral and asphalt lands
in the Chickasaw and. Choctaw
country. The amendment was of
fered at the request of St, Louis
partioa who have invested some
$40,000 in improving and devel
oping asphalt lands in the coun
try. ,
Uelng Strenuously Discussed In tho
Conference Committee.
The conference on the Indian
appropriation bill Jhavo been
in session two days and have
practically gono through the meaa
uro. Somo fifteen or Bixteen points
of disagreement hava been paBsod
ovor for future action. The prljw
oipal fight seems to be over tho
townslte provision put in by tho
senate Tfn senate conferees are
Piatt, Stewart and Rawllngs, and
the bouse conferees aro Sherman,
Curtis and Little. Tho different
towns in tho Indian Territory
have large delegations in Wash
ington to feouro the establishment
of a court for their towns. So far
the committeo has given them no
boarings, but has called in indivi
duals for examination on sundry
points .
Prominent Choctaw Telia Why he
Favors the Moon Ulll.
Dr. Harking, a prominent Choc
Ijw of Coaigate, gives the follow
ing very good reasons why he
favors tho Moon bill:
"As far as I can observo thero
is practically a unanimity of Ben
timent favoring the Moon bill. We
contend that local self-government
will bo tho stepping stone to pros
perity and through tho provisions
for represcntallmjn congress, en
able us lodlscontinuo to fight our
battles in tho third house,or lobby,
and carry our grievances to the
attention of tha govornmonl on the
floor of the house. Wo will thus
rid ourselves of being a prey for
designing corporations who relard
our interests in order to advance
"I am heartily in favor of tear
ing loose as far as possible from
departmental rule. With addi
tional courts, county government,
suffrage, schools, roads and bridges
Indian territory will work out its
own destiny. A continuatibn of
present conditions means to re
tard the development of our great
resources. With eolf-government,
immigration will follow, bringing
prosperity to all alike.
"I am for the Moon bill
as aro a great many people
who have taken varit.ua views of
legislation prior to tho introduc
tion of the Territory or Jefferson
Orand Jury at South HcAIester Re
fused to Serve with Negro.
Tho grand jury at South Mo.
Alester refused to serve last week
when a negro was appointed a
member of the jury.
The negro, whose nreeenco was
objectionablo to the jurors, was
vr. a. Weber, editor of tho news
paper published at South McAles
known ob tho "Voice of the Peo
ple." Weber wob put on the jury
alter the noon recees Thursday
and served until the jury filed
their report at tho convening of
As soon as the jurors filed back
Into their rooms, they issued an
ultimatum to District Attorney
Brown, informing him that they
would not serve bo lone as the
nogro was a member of the jury,
and then adjourned.
The custom of putting negroes
on tho jury is not a new one in
the territory.
District Attorney Soper attempt
ed to have one appointed jury
commiss''oner, hut was prevented
from bo doing. by Judge Springer.
The jurors fully realize that
they are in contempt of court, but
say they will go to jail beforo they
will servo with Weber.
Condemned In nissourland Conflgca
ted In New York.
Judge Clark, of St. Louis, has con
victed and fined heavily a number of
grocers for selling baking powders con
taining alum.
The week before the health depart
ment of New York seiied a quantity of
stuff being sold for baking po a der which
they founi was made from alum mixed
with groun'd rock, and dumped into the
The health aulhorltiaa are tlma tnL-.
iug effective means to prevent the Intro
duction into our markets of injurious
substitutes in place of wkolsonie baklutr
Aa nlum costs only two cents a pound,
there is n treat teuinlatlon for tliou
manufacturers who make substitutes and
Imitation goods, to use it. Alum baking
powders can be delected by the h-mlth
authorities by chemical analysis, but Hie
ordinary housekeeper, whose assistance
iu protecting me Health of the people
is important, ctnnot make a chemical
examination. She may easily know the
alum powders, however, from the fact
thai they arc sold nt from ten to twenty,
five cents for a pound con. or Uint tome
prlie like a spoon, or a gllaas, or piece
of crockery, or woodemaro is given
wun tue powder as on Inditcemont.
As the people continue to realize the
importance of this suWect and consum
ers insist on havinir bakine notuler at
established name and chararacter. ami
as the health authorities continue their
vigorous crusades, the alum danger will,
It Is hoped, finallp be driven from our
All Itching dlseusos aro embarrass
Ing as well as annoying. Hunt's Cure
will instantly relievo and permanent
ly euro all forma nt snp.li i)iiuok
.Guaranteed. Price 60o. w
Inspired Dreams of a Gen
uine Kansas Cyclone In
Full Forco of tho Storm and Sev
eral Buildings wero Wrecked,
Though n o Casualties
Have been Reported,
Territory Orchards
An incipient cyclone came out of
Kansas last week, and sweeping
Boulb Ihrough the territory left a
trail of uprooted Irees, and created
havoc among the frailer structures
that opposod its course.
At Chetopa, the howlbg wind
was screwed to concert pilch, and
when it bad finished its perform
ance in tbo town, several frame
buildings had been demolished,
and part of a large business struc
ture was wrecked. When the
territory was reached, the storm
area Increased with a correspond
ing reduction of force. A number
of frame shacks were sent bounc
ing over the prairio, but the larger
structures escaped with a severe
rocking. Tho greatest damage
was done to fruit trees, a number
being blown to the ground.
At Welch, the wind reached a
tremendous velocity, but outside
of some dismantled orchards, the
town escaped with littlo damage.
No definite reports of any casual
ties have been received, though;;!!
was reported thislmorntaf- that
several persons had sustained in
juries from flying debris, at
several points in tho track of tho
The telephono service to the
north was put out of commission
through the wires being grounded,
but the actual damage was com
paratively small.
When the storm reached Vinita
it had spread out over a great area
and was rapidly losing its force,
though it howled through the
town at about 50 miles an hour.
No damage was reported in this
immediate vicinity except injury
to trees. Ineomeofthe exposed
seolions of the town, fears were
prevalent that tho storm would
develop into a genuine Kansas
twister, but the rapidity with
which it subsided soon allayed
Three Killed and six Injured by
Cyclone at Joplin.
Joplin, Mo., April 25. Joplin
was visited by the moBt de
structive storm in its history, dur
ing which at least three persons
were killed outrignt, six fatally in
jured, a ecore or more seriously
hurt and 8300,000 worth of proper
ty destroyed.
The fury of tho storm broke
looso at 4:85 o'clock this afternoon.
There was no premonition of its
terrible violence. There was an
ulter absence of (be usual funnel
shaped cloud, and the clouds
looked no more threatening than
(hose which produce the ordinary
spring thunderstorms. The wind
was a straight gale, but it was of
terrible velocity, whipping down
scores of houses in the south part
of the city and reducing to kind).
ing wood 8100,000 worth of tho
finest mining plants in this district
Tho worst havoo in Joplin city
was in a territory four blocks wide
commencing at the west limits of
the city at Seventeenth street and
ending at Seventh Btreet on the
east. Within this narrow belt the
destruction is visible on every
hand. Moat of the houses aro not
completely ruined, but there is
soarely a building which is not
damaged. No one was killed here
but some persons had miraculous
Passing east from the main por.
tion of the suburban districts
known as Moonshine Hill and
HelghtB. Three peopls were kill
od at Moonshine Hill.
Nowa of tho terrible destruction
did not reaoh the city until late
tonight and an investigation will
not be possible until morning.
The hill is now a tangled mass of
debris and not a single house is
left standing. It is populated
mainly by miners, who live in lit-
tie ehaoks. Of tho little home ol
BldwellHujiterlnot a stiokif limber
is loll standing and the three la.
mates of tho house aro dying, all
having their skulls fractured.
It is feared that tho mining
camps farther west which oeemed
to havo been in tho path of tho
storm havo suffered groat damage,
but no roporls havo been reoeivod
from there.
Examine Your Mall.
The postal authorities at Wash
ington. recoenizloR tho liability of
postmasters to make mistakes in
getting letters In wrong boxes,
havo fixed a ,'penally of 8200 on
porsons taking mall out of tbo
office other than thoir own, and
not returning it. Tho law is to
have people look at their mail bo-
foro taking it out of the office and
if they should have mall other
than their own they must return it
at once. It also includes news
papers. Tho excuse that it is tbo
postmaster's fault "cuts no ico."
If you have been cetlint other
people's mall you had better take
warning or you may get yourself
in troublo.
Jo Kline Married.
Tho following account of tho wed
ding of Jo Kline, well-known In Vi
nita, U (tnkon from tbo Tccuu.seh
"Kllnc-Gower. Married, at The
Democrat home, April 18th, 1092, nt
8:15 o'clock p. m , by.Iltv. C, A Slilve,
of tho Christian church, Mr. Jo. A.
Kline to Miss Emma L. Gower.
"Mr. Kline Is foreman of The Coun
ty Democrat office and has been with
us for nearly two years. lie Is a
young man of Integrity and ability
and a thorough master of .tin profes
sion. Mr. Kline has a host of friends
who will wish him and his ncw-mado
brldo a long, happy and prosperous
"Miss Gnwer was n. resident of
Staplcton, Statcn Island, Kew Yorlc,
and Is tbedaugbtorot Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Gower, of tbat placc.and Is now
the adopted daughter of The Demo
crat family. She Is a young lady of
rare personal charms and 'posscssoi a
cultivated mind, which makes her a
mott agreeable companion; In fact
Mrs. Kline possessor all those rare
graces of mind and person which no
to mako the perfect wlfo and which
makes homo an earthly heaven.'
"May tbelr life's Journey bo always
over smooth roads, strewn with the
brightest flowers of love, happiness
and prosperity Is tbo heartfelt wish
of The Democrat family."
Reveals a a rent Secret.
It (soften asked how such startling
curcr, that puzzio the best physicians
aro effected by Dr. King's New dis
covery for consumption. Here's the
secret. It cuts ont the phlegm and
gcrm-lnfccted mucus, and lets tho
llfc-glvlntf oxygen enrich and vltallzo
the blood. It heals the Inflamed,
cough-worn throat and lum-a. Hard
colds and stubborn coughs soon yield
to Dr. King's Kew Dlscovory, the
most infallible remedy for all Throat
and Lung diseases. Guaranteed
bottles SOc and $100. Trial bottles
free at PcoploV and A. W. Fororaan's
Drug Storos. dw
An Informal Reception.
An Informal reception was tendered
Judge Sanborn of the United States
Circuit Court of Appeals at the etc
gant home of Mayor Parker Saturday
evening. A number of centloracn
wero present and a pleasant hour was
spent. The distinguished jurist was
accompanied by Mr. LlttleUeld un
attorney of St. Louis and tbo two arc
making a short tour of the Indian ter
ritory. Attornlcs C. L. Jackson and
VY. T. Hutchlns of Muskogee wero
present. Judgo Sanborn and party
left over the midnight Frisco for the
Itbcumatlsm Is conceded to have
Its origin In a poisoned condition of
tho blood, and to be most successful
ly treated by Herblue, wtilch acts up
on tho liver, kidneys and othor blood
purifying organs, there by divesting
the system of the offending ogeuts.
Price, 50 ceats. For salo at Peoples'
Drug Store dw
Revival At Big Cabin.
Tbo good peoplo of Big Cabin, I. T.,
invited tho southern evaugolUls, ltev.
Sam S. Holeomb and wife of Pino
Bluff, Ark., to oonio aud bold a revival
meeting there for ten days. Thero
has not been such a meeting there for
years. The peoplo for miles around
aro attending, peoplo arc being oon
veiUJ uo havo not been to church
fur years. Tboy aro both btrong
preachers and gocd musicians aud
singers, The meetings close next
Children who aro weak, fretful or
troublesome should be given a few
doses of White's Cream Vermifuge.
Thoy will then become strong,
healthy and active, havo rosyjeheeks,
bright eyes, will bo happy and laugh
ing all the day long. Price, 25 cents.
For ealo at Peoples' Drug Store, dw
A case tint rivalled tho famous,
"Who hit Ulliy Patterson?" episode
was heard bofore autlng Mayor Cham
berlln Thursday afternoon, when u
negro boy with a badly damaged cra
nium, told bis troubles to the court.
Ills diminutive assallaut was .acqntt
ted on an "ago" defense, bo being un
der twelve years.
Don't dospalr booausi you have a
weak constitution. Tho vitalizing
prluclple of Ilerulno will assuredly
strengthen It. In ovory drop of Her
blno there Is life. Thero Is a stimulat
ing, regenerating powor, unenualed in
the whole ruogo of medicinal prepara
tions. Prtco SO cents. For' sale at
People Drug Store. dw
With Hardware
We want your trade;ve're after it.
5 Olivhr Bacuv, Pres. J. O. II vu,,
V. L. CiiAiruix,
First National Bank,
CAPITAL. Stoo.ooo.
Oldest aud Strongest National
Uooa a Safe GonorallDanklnff Business. 4
: a. - Sfvsvivaav
President. Vico-Presldsnt. Cashii
...The Cherokee National Bank...
Ulnlla, Ind. Terv
0-A.PIT.ATi S25,000.00. ""
L. K. Parker. Jr W ; II. Darrouf h. JfiTuSlcOiOTti: Fred I. KeIIT.
E. N. Katcllll. TbM. T. Wlmer. L. K. McOufflo.
Every Courtesy Extended that is Con5lstcnt with Sound Banking
Interest Paid on Time Certificates of Deposit.
By The Kansas Mutual Life
Insurance Company,
Of Topeka, Kansas.
A few Firt-class Insurance men; as District,
Local and Special agents, in the Cherokee
and Creek nations. Indian Territory.
an old line, or level premium company; it
has assets of over
surplus to policy-holders above all liabilities
of over $ 186,000; and insurance in force of
over $11,358,000. It sells the most modern
contracts of life, term and endowment insur
ance. First-class terms made to men of
Call on or address
JOS. P. SCOTT, Agent, ..
L.VV'V-ts.'VVSVV 'V -
Plain and Ornamental Engraving
Promptly Executed.
When you have any work In the above '. nw that
you want done call aud see me.
Fine and complicated watch repairing a specialty.
Motto Not the cheapest but the BltST work at all time
26' d. Wilson St,
V - Pres. W. P. rinu.ir3. Cashier.
Assistant Cashier J
SURPLUS, $20,000.
Bank in the Cherokee Natloru-
- 'vs. -v-.'--i
- V'Tfc' - '4V - - V"4,V. - T - VSvxr lbSI
August Schlieeker,
Jeweler ana UfrtKfan
. v
t ).al

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