OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, May 08, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025010/1902-05-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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NO. 37
Ml i
Improves the flavor
and adds to the hcalth
fulness of the food.
Saperlative In
Strength and Parity.
Under Division as Provided
for by the Indian Appro
priation Bill.
Now City Officials Determ
ined That There Shall
be no Evasion,
For Improvement of Streeli and
tho Tnx Will bo Collected
Without Fear or Favor
From all Who
Not Exempt
And Provisions Made for Appoint
ment of Additional Officials
Sites for Now Jails to bo
Seleotod by Board of
Tho collection of the poll tax
will he inaugurated at once by the
city officials and no attempted
evasion by those, who through
favoritism, have heretofore been
exempt will bo countenanced.
Every resident ot tho city who is
subject to tho lax will be com
pelled to payIt
Jntbe past it has been collected
'from but a few, while the majori
ty of those who ahould have paid
have been allowed exemption.
The money is needed for street
improvements, and those who can
not pay in cash have the allerna
live ol "working out" the neces.
sary 88 00.
The officials ozpect tho majori
ty of the residents to recognlie the
neoeseliy of the collection and pay
voluntarily, but no one will be al
lowed to escape payment.
Tho r.eport of the retiring street
commissioner shows the following
to have piid tho tax:
Pitt Carroll, W A Bobbins, Har
ry Campbell, Floyd Ilallam, J B
Davenport, Jim Highland, A B
Bergor, 0 II Griffith, W B Coley,
Preston Fogle, J W Cunningham,
' Chris Rein eke, Chas Wilson, 8 E.
Wallen, G W Coble, Fred Etter,
Artie Perry, Will Weir, Ed Shan
ahan, Fred Woodard, Geo Bar
rett, Luther McCormick, Wm
Samuel, Geo Cook, Ed Cook, P J
Carroll, C Cherington, John Davis.
ChaB Martin, Euimett Rea, Wm
Patterson, August Scblelcker, E N
Ratqllfl, Wm McCullora,
Sample II V Herron, 0 Harris,
Rob't Cawelowey, Carl Bradley,
D Harper, L P Garrison, R I
Blakeney, Y F Carter, Rob't
Woody. W L Brllton, W P Gate-
wood, II C Miller, J T Ratcllfl, A
FChamberlin, Dudley Ellis, D
Wilson, Wm Ward, Prank Burck
halter, T P McGlasson, Claude
. Sbelton, F Thompson, John
Harlln, Sam Frazee, F M Young,
J M Darrough, W 8 Btanfield, Ed
Rhea, G W Nichols, Cbas Webb,
Wm Nichols, Emmett Skinner,
Sank Wade. A J Green. P L So-
per, L F Parker, T D Cox, Isaao
Greenfeather, Lewis Bagby, J B
Turner, J 0 Nichols, Jim Leforce,
Wm Calaway, W 0 McCoy, Tom
Byrd. W H Darrow. Keller
Walker, Frank Harmon, Geo Mo
Culloch, Leo Barrett, Jim Sberer,
T A Chandler, W II Kornegay, J
II Butler, W L Duqcan, Wm
Bherer, Wm Hodge's, Martin
SpaldioK. Albert Grould. H W
Cox, Joo Spalding, Sam Weir,
Harry Hunt, T II Finley, J M
Jones, Hnrvo Smith, A B NichoU,
Wilier Mailin, J PBcott.J RHsr.
rls, John Carroll.
If any who havo paid, havo
through error been omitted, Ihoy
Should notify Street Commissioner
J.J. Spencer at onco, otherwise,
the collector will call on them.
Tho following Is tho provision
of the- Indian appropriation bill
dividing the Northern juJiclal
That tho part of the northern
district of the Indian territory,
consisting of the Creek country,
the Seminole country, and all that
portion of tho Cherokee and Choc
taw nations included in tho fol
lowing described boundaries, to
wit: Commencing at tho north
east corner of tho Croek nation
and running east on the lino be
tween townships nineteen and
twenty to its intersection with the
dividing line between ranges twen
ty and twenty-one east, thence
south on said line to its intersec
tion with the Arkansas river,
thence down the 'Arkansas river to
its intersection with the Canadian
river, thence up the Canadian
river to Its intersection with the
dividing line between ranges
twenty and twenty-one caat,
thence south to the intersecting
line between township feven end
eight, thence west on the Inter
secting line between townehlps
seven and eight to the Creek na
tion, bo, and the some is here
by, mado thn western district in
said territory, and tho places of
holding courts in said western dis
trict shall be Muskogee, Wagoner,
Sa pulps, Wewuka, Eufaula, and
Okmulgee. The judge appointed
under the act entitled "An act
making appropriations for the cur
rent and contingent expenses of
the Indian department, and for
fulfilling treaty stipulations with
various Indian tribes for the fie on!
year ending June (30, 1898), and
for other purposes," i pproved
June seventh, eighteen hundred
and ninetv seven, shall bo tho
judge of said western district, and
he is hereby authorizsd to appoint
a clerk who shall reelde and keep
bis office at one of the places of
holding court in Bald western dis
trict. That each of tho three com
missioners with headquarters at
Muskogee, Eufaula, and Wewoka,
respectively, shall bo United
StateB commissioners for said
western district for a period of
four years from the dato of their
appointment, and until their re
spective Buccessors shall bo np
pointed and qualified; and the two
constables now in office, whose
headquarters are at Muskogee and
Eufaula, respectively, shall be
constables in said western district
until their successors shall be ap
pointed and qualified; and said
judge may appoint a constable for
the commissioner at Wewoka, and
the said judge may appoint an ad
ditional commissioner, to be lo
cated at Checotab, and an addi
tional constable for said commis
sioner's court. Each of the Uni
ted Stales comiuiBBlonera and each
of the four constables now located
in the Northern district as consti
tuted by this act shall continue to
bo United StateB commissioners
and constabloa respectively, for
said district until their successors
shall be appointed and qualified
That the clerk's office at Vinlla
shall also be the recorder's office
for the Northern district, exespt
shall be tried the emtio as if
brought in said western district.
Terms of court shall continue to
be held within the territory re
maining in ealu northern district
at the places now provided by law
for tho holding of courts therein,
and in addition thereto at tho
townB of Sallleaw, Glaremoro, No
wata, and Pryor Creek, in tho
Oherokoo country. All laws now
applicablo to tho existing judicial
districts In the Indian torrilory,
and to altornoyB,marshal8, clerks,
and their assistants or deputies
therein, not inconsistent herewith,
nro hereby mado applicablo to tho
western district. In addition to
tho places now provided by law
for holding courts in the southern
and central districts, courts in the
soulhorn district shall also bo held
at Tishomingo and Ada, and in the
centra district at Durant, The
United States judgo for the cen
tral district of the Indian territory
after tho approval of this act, may
appoint a constablo for the com
missioner located at Durant.
To enable the attorney general
to carry out the provisions of the
afcl approved July soventh, eight
teen hundred and ninety-eight, for
tho erection of llireo jails in the
Indian territory, and also to erect
one additional United States jail
in said territory, forty thousand
dollars is hereby appropriated, to
be expended under the direclon of
the attorney genoral, to bo im
mediately available, and to remain
available until expendod. And
tho attorney General is hereby au
thorized and directed to cause to
be erected a United StateB jail at
each of the three places already
formally designated by him,name
ly, at Muskogee in the western
distrlol; at South McAleeter in the
central distrio', &jd at Ardmoroin
the southern district, and one ad
ditional United States jail at VI
nita in the northern district, at a
totalcoet not exceeding one bun
drcd thousand dollars.
That for the purpose of acquir
ing sites for United States jails as
provided herein in the Indian ter
ritory there shall be appointed by
the judge of tho United States
court In tTie district wlfere such
land is tituated, on application of
the United States by petition de
scribing the land nought to bo con
demned, three disinterested refer-
who shall determine the com-
into tho court n foe simple tltlo to
said land shall vest ill tho United
Each of said roferoes shall re
colvo for his compensation tho
sum of fivo dollars per day while
actually engaged in tho' appraise
ment of the property and hearing
of any matter submitted to thorn
under this Act
That if any parly or person other
than tho United Bfatos shall ap
peal from any award, and the
judgment of tho court docs not
award such appealing parly or
person more than the referees
awarded, all costs occasioned by
such aopoal shall ba paid by such
appealing party or porson. It
shall bo tho duty of the United
States court in each district to
promptly hear and detormino the
rights of all parties if any appeal
shall betaken under this jact.
Word Received that Nowata.
Clair more and Pryor
Hook arc Named.
The ciurt Business at Vinlla to
Any Material Extent. Ex
pressions from Members
of tho Vinlta Bar.
At Claremore Opened with a Ula.e of
aiory and a Sumptuous
$Iro from District Attorney
who is in Washington was
received by W. E. Halselt last
week, announcing that federal
courts would be established at
Claremore, Nowata and Pryor
Car Load of Criminals Shipped
Leavenworth From Muskogee
At bot life Is but short. Do aot
mako.lt shorter jot by rank neglect of
that count) of youri, when one bottle
you Quaranteod. Prioe 2J and 60o. w hereby made the western dletrlol
that the clerk's office at Miami
shall continue to bo the recording
office for the Quapaw Indian
agency as now provided by law
The United Stales marshal of tho
present northern distriot shall bo
marshal for Ihe western distriot,
and there shall be appointed by
the president, by and with the ad
vice and consent of the senato, a
distriot attorney for said western
district and a United states mar
aud for tho northern distriot The
said officers shall bo appointed
and shall hold office for the pe
rlod of four years, and shall re.
celve the same salary and feeaond
discbarge like duties as other situ
ilur oOlcera in said territory. The
cases now pending in that part of
the northern district which Ib
pensation and damage to bo paid
any owner, occupant, tribe, or na
tion by reason of tho appropria
tion and condemnation of such
land for the use and benefit of the
United States for a jail at any of
the places hereinbefore mentioned
Such referecB, before entering up
on the duties of their appointment
shall each take and subscribe be
fore tho clerk of the said United
States court on oath that ho will
faithfully and impartially dis
charge the duliea of his appoint
ment, which oaths, duly certified,
shall be returned with the award
of tho referees to the clerk of the
court by which they wero appoint
ed. Before such referees shall
proceed with the assessment of
damages lor any lands sought to be
condemned under this act, ten
days' personal notice of said hear
ing shall be given to all persons
interested, and service may be
had upon each tribe or nation in
which Bald land may be located by
sorvico upon tho principal chief
thereol, and In case personal serv
ice can not be had upon any per
son interested, twenty days' notice
of tho time whon tho samo shall
be condemned shall be given, by
publication in some newspaper in
general circulation nearest said
property In tho dletriot where
said land la situated.
If the referees can not agree,
then any two of them are author
ized to and Bhall make tho award.
Any party to tho proceedings who
is dissatisfied with the award of
the referees Bhall have the right,
within ten days after the filing of
the award in tho court by which
said roferees wero appointed, to
appeal by original petition to the
United States court sitting at the
place nearest and most convenient
to tho property sought to be taken
whore the question of the damages
ocoaeionod by tho taking of the
land In controversy shall 'be
tried de novo, and tho judgment
rendered by tho court shall be
final and conclusive. And upon
tho payment into court if the
amount or amounts awarded as
damages, fee simple title to eald
tract of land ehall have vest in
the United States. If suoh appeal
la not taken aa horelnbeforo Bet
forth, the awsrd shall be conclu.
eive and final, and Bhall have the
samo foroe and effect aa a judg
ment of a oourt of compotent juris
diction, and upon the payment of
the sum or Bums no found due
Hotel Sequoyah, the long look
ed for "brick hotel" at.Claremoro
is a roality. It was formally op
ened last n'ght with a great ban
quet, at which more than ont
hundred invited guests from all
parts of tho Cherokee nation sal
down. The hospitality of Olaro-
more waa at high lido and the vis
itors were given a cordial welcome
to tho city and to this splendid
structure in itself a gem of archi
tecture. Tho Casavlllo, Mo., band dis
coursed sweet music while the
guests passed through tho rooms
or stood in the lobby admtntig
tho building. At about 0 SO Ihe
elegant spread was ready, una af
ter a short addresa by Foreman
McClelland, presenting a magnifi
cent painting of the Cherokee in
ventor, Sequoyah, Joo M. Lahay
made a happy .address of welcome
and tho gueBta filed into the Bpa-
clous dining room where the"feast
of reason and flow of soul" con
tinued for two hours.
The chief epoakeic At tho ban
quet were: Judge Hy Jennings,
Attorney W. H. Hall, of
Claremore, J. U. Thigpen of
Wagoner and W. P. Thompson.
The speeches wero all good. Mr.
Thompson made on elaborate ad
dress and was at his very best, re
sponding to the toast, "Sequo
yah," he roviewed the history of
the Cherokeo peoplo for a century
and dwelt upon the great progress
of the tribo. The address was
carefully thought out and was in
teresting and instructivo.
At the close of the banquet a
largo number of young people re
paired to a spacious ball across
tho street and "tripped tho light
fantastic toe" until the weo Bmall
hours of the morning.
Great credit is due Landlord
Frakea and hia wile for their un
bounded hospitality. Editor Kates
waa as happy ob a boy with his
first trousers. Kates has dreamed
of this hotel for ten years, and has
printed columns without number
in tho Progress urging tho enter
prise which last night was opened
with a blaze of glory. Joe Lahay,
R, Lee Comer, and in fact all
Claremore Inrned out to mako the
opening a success.
May Claremore'a new brick ho
tel be aa famouB as the great In
dlan for'whloh it was namod.
Creek, under the Indian appro
prltioab111 now In conlerence.
The massage came in the nature
of a evrprise aa It was not thought
that q court would be established
at mpte than one of the towns
It was conceded that olther No
wata pr Claremore would draw a
prize tm tho legislative grab
basket, but Pryor Creek was a ver
itable dark horse, and waa not
considered as even a probable
The effect that the establishment
of so many courts, in tho territory
oonlignoua to Vinlta, will have
upon the court buMness hero, is
viewed In different lights by mem
bers of tho bar. While some fear
that it will result in a material
dlvifelon of business, the majority
of Ibe attorneys are no more con
cerned than if the courts mention,
ed were commissioner courts.
Tie following are the expres
sions of opinions from some of the
members of tho Vinita bar:
W. II. Kornegay: Tho establish-
ment of courts at Nowata, Clare
more and Pryor Creek will In no
T-lrJure Vlnltc. Tbls city will
Tho following prisoners con
victed in the courts uf tho North
ern district, have been sent from
MuBkogeo to Leavenworth to be
gin the serving of their sontencos:
Frank Brown,Uroony,fivo years.
Bill Brundey, larceny, throe
Henry Burnoy, Jreosivlng stolon
'property, two years
James Parker, receiving etolen
proporty, two years.
Leslie Parker, murder, life.
George Baker, liquor, ono year.
Nick Brown, larceny, five years.
Tobe Cbahan, murder, ton
Ora Cooper, .receiving etolen
property, six yeare.
Joo Drew, murder, ono year.
John Dookery, receiving stolen
proporty, one yoar.
Noble Young, larceny, five
Wady Grayson, reoeivlng stolen
property, ffvo years.
George Ilabish, laroeny,
Mack Hawkins, larceny,
Manuel Jefferson, larceny,
Tobe Jefferson, larceny, three
James Lovely, burglary, five
Frank Lewis, burglary and lar
ceny, one year and a half.
Will Noland.larceny, Ave years.
Jake NoOord, receiving stolen
properly, three years.
Wm. Nero, receiving stolen
property, one year.
r. B, PoBey, receiving stolen
property, one year.
E J. Suit, laroeny, one year.
George Tobler, larceny, two
WIHiam Vann, larcony, three
Silas Williams, poBloffice rob.
bery, threo years.
'Screen Doors!
Bj ""''""MiiwBWMaswwiw""""'"''""
With Hardware
50c Each
We want your trade; we're after it.
Henderson "Party to New Scheme to
Sidetrack Statehood.
Speaker Henderson, who is trying
to side track any legislation look
ing to tho admission of Oklahoma,
New Mexico and Arizona m Btates,
has a new proposition before him
for consideration. Mr. Tawney,
the republican whip, after a can
vass of the house, informed tho
speaker that probably fifty repub
licans would vote with tho domo
cratB for tho omnibus bill, but
that, even if n few of these were
whipped iuto lino, enough repub
licans wore pledged to the bill to
pass it, Mr. Tawney suggested
another way out. It was to re-
commit the bill reported by the
committee on territories, with in
structions to report threo separate
bills. The Oklahoma bill could
then be passed and tho New Mux
loo and Arizona bills defeated.
The Benate would then proceed to
kill tho Oklahoma bill.
It uow looks as If tho promised
development of tho southwest will
be sacrificed for politics and graft.
All itching dUcutcsuro embarrass
ing ai well a annoying. Hunt's Curo
will Imtautly relievo and permanent
ly euro all forma ot such diseases.
Guaranteed. Price SUo. w
always be thn judicial centor of
tho district and with the establish
ment of the court of record and
jail here, wo are being very well
treated. There is no cause of
alarm as in my mind the develop
ment of tho surrounding towns,
will strengthen Vinlta, which will
always be recognized as tho judi
cial capital.
Goo. E. McCullocb: Tho estab
lishment of additional courts in
tho northern district will not in
jure Vinita. They will handle
comparatively little business, and
in no way materially affect the
court business hore. I cannot see
the necessity of establishing so
many courts, but they cause me
little concern.
J. B. Turner: The establish,
mont ot three additional courts
will in my mind materially lessen
the court business at Vinita.While
each court will handle compara
tively jittle business, yet the ag
gregate will be more than I care to
see leavo here. I cannot see the
necessity for their establishment.
I regret that such is the case.
B. F. Parks: Vinita will loso a
great deal of court business
through tho establishment of
courts at Nowata, Claremore and
Pryor Creek. All of the towns are
situated in good territory which
has heretofore sent its business
Wm. M. Mellette: The estab
lishment of these courts will be a
great convenience to the people in
those towns and will not injure
Vinita. I have noticed in other
seotlons of the country that the
establishment of courts never ma
terially affected the recognized ju
dicial center. It may be incon
venient to the attorneys at times
but the town will not Buffer any
material loss of court business.
Edgar T. Smith: Under the In
dian appropriation bill, Vinlla
will receive a court of reoord, and
jail, which more than compen
sates for the little loss of business
which slio will sutler through tho
establishment of tho additional
Vice-President. Caihti
...The Cherokee National Bank...
Uinlla, Ind. Ter.
OAJPIT.AJL 325,000.00.
Houe Committee All About
the Benefits of his Ulll.
P. Leland Soper nup.ared be
fore the house committee on In
dian affairs Thursday and told
them of the groat benefits which
would result to the territory if his
carpetbag remnant became a law.
He said that he would agree to
an amendment providing for the
election of tho county judges el al.
instead of their being appointed
by the federal judgea, aa provided
for in his original bill. 116 advo
cated the throwing of the terri
torial lines of Oklahoma around
the territory, and told them more
about (he territory than they ever
dreamed of, during a bad nigbt.
When P. Leland finished the
committee adjourned for rest, and
no action waa taken.
L,V, Parker. Jr
W. II. Carronicli. W. il. llcQ
kn. Fred L If.Il.T.
L. K. AlcOnffln.
Uatellff. Th. T. Wlraer.
Every Courtesy Extended that is Consistent with Sound Banking
Interest raid on Time Certificates of Deposit.
Choctaw Northern and Hot Springs
Branch Absorbed.
President Francis I, Go wan of
the Choctaw railroad has issued a
bulletin announcing the transfer
ot tho Choctaw Northorn to the
Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf rail
road yesterday. The railroad and
other property of the Choctaw
Northern railroad company hav
ing been purchased and acquired
the operation of tho same will
from and after this dato he assum
ed by the Choctaw company. The
respective officers of the Choctaw,
Oklahoma and Gulf railroad will
assume jurisdiction over the sep
arate departments ol the Choctaw
Northern railroad company. On
the same date tho "Diamond Joo"
Hot Springs road, which was
bought by the Choctaw sometime
ago, will be turned over to the
company and used for the Hot
Springs sorvico.
This completes tho deal for the
absorption of the entire Choctaw
system by the Rock Island.
f.'.ty.'--,'V.'..,.' .-V.'V
By The Kansas Mutual Life
Insurance Company,
Of Topeka, Kansas.
A few Firt-class Insurance men, as District,
Local and Special agents, in the Cherokee
and Creek nations. Indian Territory.
an old line, or level premium company; it
has assets of over
surplus to policy-holders above all liabilities
of over $186,000; and insurance in force of
over Si 1,358,000. It sells the most. modern
contracts of life, term and "endowment insur
ance. First-class terms made to men of
Call on or address
JOS. P. SCOTT, Agent,
Vin.'fn T T
a n,i"i
is.wis-vsv&s iv'a-wihferri
Otivsa llAftnv. Prea. T. O. Haix. V-Pres. W. P. PniLtlPS. Cashier. T
W. Iv. CiiAl'HAN, Assistant Cashier
First National Bank,
CAPITAL, 100,000. SURPLUS, Sto.ooo.
Oldest and Strongest National Bank In the Cherokee Nation. K
Uoea a Saf a QaneraUBanklnff Bualneaa
Stand Liken Stone Wall
Between your chlldrou and tho tor
tures of Itching and burning eczema,
scaldhoad or other skin diseases.
How? why, by using Qucklcn's Arnica
Salve, earth's greatest healer, quick
est euro for ulcors, fever sores, salt
rheum, cuts, burns or bruises. In
fallible fur pile. 25c at Peoples' and
A W. Foreman's drug stores, dw
Mott women with femalo weakness
lufft;rkilrcadfuly from Ipllos In addi
tion tu their other pains. Thoy may
be cured by using Tablet's Uuckeyo
rile'.Olnlmeiit. Price 50o '.In bottles,
JJola tabes, at Peoples drug ntoro.dw
Committee Decides to Not dive the
Ulg St. Louis Show Until 1904.
The authority to postpone the
St. Loula World's fair until 1004
waa practically left in the hands
of President D. R. Francis by the
directors at the- meeting held
Thursday. ' There is now no
doubt that the fair will be post
poned. The only question remain-
inn to be settled le the matter of
making the official announcement
to the world and the specific aa
lion necessary on the part of con
gress. This is being arranged by
President Franois, Senator Cock
rell and RepieBentatlvo Tawney,
Plain and Ornamental Engraving
Promptly Executed.
When you have any work in the above 1 nt that
you want done cat) and kc we.
l'uie and complicated watch repalrine a specially.
Motto Not the cheapest but the W'.ST work at M that.
96 S. WUsoniSt.
August Schltecker,
Jwtr ana upttcMM
i. r
t 1

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