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VOL. XX. NO. 45
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'arrough Gets tho Marshal-
ship and Mellette tho
co pi of the Indian Terr!.
.. ' a
tovy f'.vo ThankVTo Presi
dent Roosovelt for This
ppoinlinontof tho Two
Ileaidenls of the
Taw late Inr Wednesday's issue
the Chie.'tain received tho follow
ing'diepatob: J"Ulngton, JHI.02.
TO IKGsJl fcale, VliiJM.W
Parrt)ufTT5fcnd Mellatta appoint,
today, CWTwohtht.
Only a few ordfi, but thay are
frelchled with inuoh iotf to tho ra.
v.sldonla of this part of tho Indian
, territory, u is noi oniy a recog.
nition of tho ability of two of
Vinita'a good men, but it is a re-
' cognition of horaerule, Not only
Vinita but the entire Indian terri
tory will rejoioe over the appoint
ment ol W. II. Darrough and W.
M. Mellette, and by tbis act alone,
J President Roosevelt endears hljg
alf to the people of the territory?'
Our people imbiht new hope
Joru IbU handsome act. of the
t'Rougu-rideV'a'ucT fee ultimate
bcmerula tri'lb'e near future. Vi
nito poople trill havean additional
trf incentive to enthuse next week.
By these appointments the pros
' ident has honored tiro of out moBt
' representative citizens and select-
ad lor the respective position men
pf high character and integrity
i who will discliargo the duties do
" roiviug upon them with honor to
tbemselves and credit to the coun
try. Mr. Darrough poseeeres rare
executive ability and courage and
Mr. .Mellette is an able, courteous
and eucr'gful lawyer. Thoy are
xocognizeirleadera In tho republi
can party oi the territory, Mr. Mol
lette being tho National Commit
(eeman and Mr. Darrough chair
man of the Territorial Central
;, colnmlttoo, showing the selections
are wise and deserved from a pol
itical standpoint as well.
Notwithstanding the unanimous
aupport of tho territory, Mr. Dar
rough had a contest with the Kan
Baa delegation that brought out
. the lighting qualities of himself
. rod filind. ills appointment is
f. dlatl lot and poktivo , recognition
ufititl Principle of homerule and
ihrrefore an advantage to both
p i ictl parties In the territory.
Mr. Mellette's opponent was J,
II. Huckleberry, Jr., at present
ono of the Assistant U. 8. Attor
ney's of this district. Tht con
' test was an honorable one and
while Mr. Mellette received the
honor, this defeat will only serve
to mark Mr. Huckleberry for fu
ture recognition at the bands of
' bis parly.
How to Succceed in Business.
Keep your Urer In good condition
by uilDi: Slmractii Liver I'urltlcr (tin
box.) It corrccw constipation, cures
IudlgettlOD, Dljloumcss, stopa Head-
ncho, sets you heart In tho right
placo io you carlsmllo at jour neigh
bor. l w
Tho 1 art est ml n and woman In the
united States tfa to bo married with
In tho next w ek at Helena, Mont.
Contracting parties aro Mhs Ella
Ewlnir of Mlss(hrl, who la 8 feet and
1 Inch tall andhvclghsOO pounds, and
Edward IleaurVoor Helena, who tips
the scales at ip pounds, Is 21 years
old and has meter been out of the
state. He wef a a 'H shoo. MIsEw
ln It kuowf by a number of our
Vlnlta peoplif
N a CureAII,
Dr. GuldwfJP Syrup Vcpsla will
only cure dlcaioi of VftlKtlve
tract, tucn l lnd , .oo, lyious
nets, conattpiUV aa hsTf h,
which Is the tetuo' tu N t Wj.
It Is sold in, (OuSbW1 1ll,w',,y
PooDleidruttitorSfHsk v
Promises dood Generally RMm
Urded Work In Some Parts.
The weekly territorial wottber
and crop report ol the wr Mhei
buVeau Is as follows: ' " . ,
"Heavy to moderateralns oc
curred gonerally June lfrand 21,
and eoittered showers1 on the re
maining days of the week. Fair
weather prevailed during tho
greater pot lion of the week over
the section.
"Tho continued ahoworB retard
ed farm work over the northon
counties, but elsewhere harvest
ing and cultivation progressed rap
idly. Wbsst harvesting ia nonr
log completion, and threshing Is
in progress, with yields ratiglng
Irom poor to good, Qeuorally a
fair yield, with" a fsir quality of
berry, is reported. Oats harvest
ins Is in progress, with an extra
good yield, secured in good condi
tion, reported.
"Alfalfa, grass, rye, barley and
potatoes are being secured and are
giving good yields. Corn is gen
erally laid by in good condition,
is lasseling and earing put, and
making a rapid growth. Recent
ralus have practically made tho
crop over She southern portion of
the section. Cotton is chopped
out to a very good stand, lalquar,
ing and blooming and generally is
in excellent canditiop. Borne locsl
damage was caused by web worms
and drifting sand.
"(Jane, kafUr .and broom corn,
mUkftgfex and g- rden vegetable!
fare HKolog well and growing
rapidly. Over some localities
slight damage ' was caused by
droughty conditions, but recent
showers relieved, the crops. Early
peaches and plums are being mar
keted, with good yields. Other
fruits are doing well. Stock con
tinues to fatten and is healthy."
Normal will closo Tuesday of
next week.
8upt. Uenedlot left for Mufko.
gcxCtbis morning.
colored normal
is being
.conducted in the Capital
the enrollment is 23
xne examination will ba strict
and students will be graded right
down to "bard pan,'
Hon. 0. P. Breckinridge attend
ed the normal for' a short time tbis
morning and made a short talk to
the leaobera.
Examinations in spelling and
reading began yesterday ond one
braooh of -ho examinations will
be bad each 'day.
Resolutions of respect passed
by tbo Cherokee Normal Wednes
day, June 24, 1003.
Whereas: Almighty God has
aeen fit to take from ns Mrs. lone
(Harlin) Morrison, one of our
most tried and trusted teachers
and the normal has lost one of its
most beloved members, the nor
mal is very much giieved over her
Therefore, belt resolved: Tbat
tbis body of It-sobers fully recog
nize her loss both to ber relatives
and to tbe profession which she
represented and that we can but
ask all mourning friends and rela
tives to be consoled in the thought
that "Uod doeth all things well."
Resolved: Tbat each member of
this normal join band in hand
with the bereaved members in ex
tending to them our deepest sym
Bo it further resolved: That
these resolutions be made a rr.nt
ter of record wltb the board of ed
ucation and tbat a oopy be furnish
ed the newspapers for publication
and a copy be sent to the relatives
of deceased.
J. F, Bates,
E. 0. Alberty,
Miss Jxamna Ballakd,
The party of Dawes Commission
here will leave for Muskogee to
morrow, Charley Tehee, frlco
Parchcorn'and odd other was
brought In by the marshal today.
When faced with the enovitsble
they enrolled.
Tbe marshals have been busy
serving uotices on all not yet en
rolled, eo their names can beplao
ed on tbe rolls after they close.
About 100 names only are left
so far. Marshal Webb thinks
there will not be tea persons but
wM noticed will be served upon,
afterwards they will belong to the
court and tbe court oan order them
enrolled at any time.
"For your stomacha sake" take Dr.
Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin- Cures con
stipation, lodlgtttlos, all stomxeb.
troubles. Sold at Peoples' drug
tore. w
tfmh hm V bsleullae'g,
l,s tho Dato Set ForConsidor
f ation of Statehood
Bill In Sonate.
Agreement Reached tVMako Tbo
Measure Unfinished Business
Until Final Action is
Tbo senato will act upon tho bill
granting statehood to Oklahoma,
Arizona and New Mt-xtco at the
December session, unanimous
agreement having been reached
yesterday that the committee on
territories should report tho bill
on December 3, and that consider
ation of it should be taken up in
tho senate on December 10, and
continue as unfinished business
until a vote Bball have' bean reach
Under the agreement tbe mea
sure will seive as a block to all
other buBlntBB until it hss been
considered and voted upon. Mr.
Quay secured tbe agreement, after
a conference with tho republican
members of tbo committee on ter
ritories. With isthmian canal bill out of
conforance, tbe army appropria
tion and tbo navy appropriation
bills practically agreed upon, and
all of the appropriation measures
in a fair way of being disposed of
this week, tbe Philippine civil
government bill is the only .moa
euro that stands in tbo way jof al
most immediate adjournment.
The collapse of the Cuban ques
tion has placed the senate in the
position of being compelled to
wait for the house to dispose of its
unfinished business before Using
a dato for adjournment. All tbe
gonlrjuow conterB on July 3 as
tbu adjournment dato Confidence
lB-exmtd in both etmata-and.,
Ilia hctiqt that an agreement will
be rotbhed in three or four days.
At preaent tbe conference on the
Philippine bill in tbreo or four
days'." At present the sentiment
u'eems to be tbat tbe senate is will
ing to recede from its coinage pro
vision, but will insist upon Us
position with reference to the gov
ernment of tho islands. It is pre
dicted, however, tbat tho differ
ences will be adjusted and that an
adjournment may bo reached by
Wednesday or Thursday of next
It was learned yesterday tbat
Mr. Quaywas prepared to adopt
an extremo course in tbe event
of Senator Beveridge and the anil
statehood senators bad rejected
bis proposition to agree upon a
date for taking up tho statehood
at the next eertion. Ho said he
should have s'.arled a systematic
filibuster that would have brought
legislation in the senate to a stand
still. Even appropriation bills
would not have been voted upon
according to tbo Pennsylvania sen
ator's plan, as the sessions for an
IndeflnU period would have been
consumed by speeches on tho tar
iff, the financial question and oth
er subjects tbat might suggest
themselves to the senator and bia
friends as texts for long winded
Dolegate Flynn said yesterday
he belelved the statehood bill
would be passed before tho holi
day recess of of congress.
la 0. S. McQuIre of Pawnee Nominat
ed On theThird Ballot,
The Oklahoma Republicans in
their congressional convention
at Enid, 0. T July 20,;nomlnat
ed Bird A, MoGulro of Pawnee,
0. T., on the third ballolt. This
Is considered an anil administra
tion victory from tbe faot (hat all
the anti Roosevelt delegates lined
up with tbe McGuIru forces.
Treasury Statement.
Washington, June 25. Today's
statement of tho treasury balance
In the general fund, exclusive of
tbe $160,000,000 gold resorve, In
the division of redemption shoWR;
Available cash balsnoe, 203,710,.
OlOj gold, 1100,214,030.
ibis Is a nice cash balanoe but
not enough to make "I? eoiproolty"
wltb Cuba go through a republican
United Btales sen
Inspect the rcmnlat counter at
IWillenA) WIImo. w
Visit Vlnlta-Hojoy Tbelr Short Visit
May Mean Much for the City.
E. M. Collins, Gen. Supt., W.
B. Grosoolose, Gen. Freight Agt,,
F. A. Leland, J. L. West and T.
B. Drew, Ass. Freight Agents of
tho M. K. & T. on yesterday paid
Vinitaji very important and un
expected visit.
It Ib needloso to say that the
coming In a body of so many rail
road dignitaries is of vast import
ance to our town and tbat the M.
K. & T. line up ber sleeve many
good things for us. As with all
our visitors, theso gentlemen were
loud in tho praiso of our water sup
ply and took much interest in our
public fountain among other things
and would not bo comforted until
all of them bad bathed their noble
limbs in tbe limpid waters of tbe
Ualsell awlmming pool. While
prosorving the proper dlplomatto
reservo it was plain to see that the
subject of a dopot bad come over
the spirit of their dreams; whether
a depot pure and Bimplo o- a union
depot deponent eayeth not but
cortainly n depot, a new and hand
somo ono.
Rights of Claimants to Citizenship
Affirmed tn Tlusc Cases.
Special to Dally Chieftain.
Muskogee, I. T., June 27, 1003.
The United titates commission
in the five civilized tribes today
derided that the following persons
who bavo heretofore been listed
for enrollment on Cherokee
Doubtful cards' wero entitled to be
enrolled as cltizenB of the Chero
kee nation:
Sarah c QJge, filaremoro
Luoy M. Thompson, Kansas
Caroline Summers etVai, Foyil
Magglo Rush et nl, MbKee.
Katie Hardee Vian
Jessie II Johnson, Milea
James L. Cumpton, Muskogee-.
Jim Harlin, Dutch Mills Ark.
Joshua Cloud, Fort Letrven
worth, Kansas
Aioiin'jer u viapp, aiaruie -
James El VIiliikerr'rtr Tir
anally J. Uonflafly, afaaKoge
Henry Collins J r Fflit
Bertha T HogfT2la1a '
John Starr, StarvSUa '
Fannie Hampton, Caddo
Charlollo Taylor, Vinita
Olivo Heath, Nowata
William T Gregory, Nowata
David C Scott et al, Cofieyvilie
Kansas. -u1 .
Annie Tiesk'a, Talala
Bate 0. Reed, Sfckey
Mack H Martin, Claremore
Woodrow W Hadley et al, Vera
Mary P Guthrie, Baptiate
Janle R Blakemore. Muskogee
Charles V Devlne, Westvillo
ivuucti u ueniry, uoumwesi
Oily Mo.
Delev N Leerscov, Stihvell
Nancy E Forbes Westvillo
Blrter Cowart et al, Sftlrell
Evaline Folsom, Westvillo '
William II Tbonusonet al Go.
John W Barger et at, Bunch r -Nellie
Cbuculate, Bunoh
Arch W Thomas et r! Cbel-.
Add A Ware, Muskogee
Jobu 0 Barker, Kinnlson
Harvey h Maples, Chelsea
James F Criltendou, Grove
Joel D Smith, Hudson - ,'
Laura McCrary et al, Vinita '
Bertha G. Fields et al, Fairlatttj
William M Furbeu et al Wejlj
Ella Cornwall, Wann
Annio M Woods, Sallisaw
Homer M Smith, Hill
James M Smith et al, Aftorjt:
Johnson Lyman, Vinita
Nellio Andtrann, Pryor Ctee
Rob't F Thompson, Voleda.
Lena Goins et al, Falrlan J
Jock Q Hayes, Faw
uarry u uiogtiam
, VWtVi
Two Big lnUusfffe"i. '
Uy November 1st two big lii'tJrj
that will be ot great benefit wj
us coiupicteu ni v 1. worm, A9ii M
the Armour Packing Co., anJTft
Packing Co. This means a big &f
for tuo Indian territory whlcU
ceded to bo an Ideal Held for M
tluntry and will mean tho opeatf
another market, which horctuis
territory could not look to al Hi
0. French, the traveling soll'-H
in our city today and Is aus
(luilo an interest In this ncwi
prise. Tbo newspaper men oC
honm aud the Indlnu territory
entertained by tho Stock Vat
90 tbe fourth of August,
You Know What You Are Ta
When you take Qrovo's
qblll Tonlo bcciuio tho fgr
plainly printed on every boltt
(mr that It Is simply froo ond
In a tastelaas form. No cute
1 Henley A Klnsolla'K be,t
Mocha blend at IlaIentlno'
Prices for Good Beof Cattle
, Climbing Upward $9
Mark Predicted Be
fore July 15th.
Thd $ nark Was Reached This
Week On Two Occaslons-Quaran-
Cattle Even Reachlnr
$6.90 Per Hundred.
Fprclat to Dkllr Chieftain.
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 28.
Shippers of southern cattle haven't
been kicking much about the treat
ment they have received tho past
week. Where the quality of tbe
cattlo was good the prices have
been good also, and even for tbe
poorer quality of stuff prices tbat a
year ago were not dreamed of has
been paid. Once this week all re
cords were shattered In the quar
antine division by a load of Okla
homa streers that sold for (6.90 a
hundred. Twice this week south
ern steers havo sold for 18.50,
which was GO cents more than fed
Texans ever sold for on this
ket prior to tbis yoar.
Ono of tbo best Bdlea made this
year in the quarantino division
was made yesterday by J. W. Gib
son of Wagoner, I. T. He bdd in
six loads of Texas bred steers, 104
head, which brought (6.60. They
were big, eleek, round-bodied fel
lows and weighed an average of
1,213 pounds. They were not tbe
kind of Texas steers one used to
see in picture books, long-legged,
long horned, slab Bided and fleet
footed, ready to flee at tbe look of
a stranger, but good humored ,leis
ure.foving, domestic looking, with
short legs, broad backs and broad
deep chests. They were good
rampleB of what Indian territory
grass, supplemented by cottonseed
products from tbe'ndian territory
cotton fields can do in the matter
of laying on flesh and making it
stick there until the, butcher's
block is reached. Tbey were fed
sntioxeeed meat on grasr, about 6
jc'Ji" ofil a day '0 -. i animal.
l.i u.. .u'TT .'Ji- j-vi
iuu nuiio iuoy naia iut rnicu no
high by the buyer.8 for tbe pack
ing bouses as- drylol cattle, tbey
were good samples of warmed up
article Mr. Gibson was well
pleased with tbe sale. He said be
couldn't ask anything belter, even
in these strenuous timeV Jfor beef
eaters when parterhoutie steaks
are worth their weight in silver,
The other $6 50 sale of quaran
tine cattle was made on Wednes
day by W. J. Naylor of Baxter
Springs. Kas. He bad 20 steers
which .averaged 1,218, by a coin
0d(leDce ha ame'a8
cd veBterdav bv Mr. Gibson.
The receipts of quarantine cat-
' i r tho week, including today
have been 434 Cars, being two cars
under last week, and a gain of 93
ears over the corresponding week
of last year. The receipts were
10,699 bead of cattle and 2,767 bead
of calvea against 10,550 cattle and
2,974 calves last week, and 8,223
c ttile and 1,641 calves a year ago.
J"ew elrickly grass cattle have
oomo so far, and it is expected tbat
the movement of Ibis class will bo
light because so many owners will
liold their stufj back to see what
kind of corn crop there will be. If
U is good, thsy will feed this fall
and in this way will turn the corn
Into high-priced beef.
8ooner than was anticipated the
8 cent mark was reached for prime
beef cattle. This week two lots ol
tattle have sold here at 88 25 a
Jundred, and several have aold
ere at (8. Now the cattlemen
re oneoulalinB aa to wham the ad.
ivunco will end. Nine cents is now
the limit placed by eome knowing
ones In fact bets have been made
ere this woek at even money that
beeves will sell on the markat for
89, a hundred before July 15.
Hogs haye sold here recently at
TM and it is freely predicted
tbat they will go to (9. before the
climax of high prices la reached.
But while beef and pork are" get
ting to the point at which men of
tsoiierate are sorely tempted to
turn vegetarians, mutton has tak
en a slump, and prices have de
elided from 75 coots to 81. a hun
dred! within a week. This deollne,
however, was due largely to an In
flux of westerners, and it 1b believ
ed tj be only temporary, All
Markets shared in the deollne, and
it wtmld appear that mutton
tinid be a popular artlple of diet
wltkitbose who object to "going
bw" on beef or pork.
, " . Mil .l.ll l
jfefttihlue oil kept In atockat Ualeo-
N. L.
Day TcIephonej(i68.
gsveral Important Measures the Law
makers Didn't Take Care Of.
, Several important measures will
bo left on tbe calendar wben con
gress adjourns this week. Among
these are bills which will no over
largely becauseof political reasons.
Among them are the omnibus
statehood hill admitting New
Mexico, Arizona and Okla
homa; tbe ship subsidy bill,
which baa been discussed ic and
out of congress for several years;
the immigration bill; tho bill pro
viding for the popular election of
senators and tbe bill changing the
date of the Inauguration from
March 4 to some date in April. At
least three of these meas
ures will be disposed of early in
the next session.
An agreement for tbe considera
tion of tbe 'statehood bill was
reached Ibis week and Senator
Quay and other advocates of taw
statehood proposition arooonfldeTt
that tbat measure will be passed
by the Senate by a largo majority.
There was no opposition to It
when tbe vote was take in tbe
house, and tbe 8laleboodM4oa
are inclined to the bHfUiat
when tbo vote is takfsi'k Ho
senate much of the opposittwt that
has manifested itself at thk ses
sion will have passed away.
Both Chief Buffington ane this
office have been expecting a wire
message to tbe effect tbat tbe bill
bos passed the house and we be
lleve wo ehtil hf ''. fit'ra tbft
nowa in touirow't laaae.
BW I 11 1
Notes From tttt Kunn.
Tbe Hon. 'Gideon Morgan Is
taking in the normal every day.
Prof, aud Mrs. Carter leit this
morning for their week at Eufala.
J. A. Lawrence was listening to
Prof. Carter's lecture this morn
Mr. J. S Davenport was a visi
tor and enjoyed Mr. Carter's lec
ture tbis morning.
Supt. Buffington a aye he will be
truly glad when the normal closes,
that he may get array aad rest.
Examination today on "Thojry
end Prao lice." Examination was
easy and teachers feel relieved on
tbat score.
The board ot education say tbey
will make the appointments to
schools just as soon as they can
possibly reach it.
Gid Morgan says the prettiest
women In tbe world may bo seen
at the Cherokee normal. Ye scribe
believes that to be a faot,
Miss Etta Rider, whose instruc
tion in grammar and arithmetio
has been considered the best things
in the Normal, will go from hero
to her home at Mount Ayr, Iowa,
by way of Vinita.
Prof. Wm. Gott and J. F. Bates
together with with Mr. Thompson
will be placed on the "superannu
ated list by a vote of the toachers
of tbe normal. Good for tbe
schools of the Cherokee nation.
The town is -full of railroad men.
Tablequah bad a good rain tbis
It Is announced that tbe road
will reach here about July 15.
The Dawes Qprnmlssion broke
camp and started for Muskogee
today. Partlra can enroll until
Monday 12 m.
Our Band.
Tbe Vlnlta band under tbe direc
tion of Prof. Mockle la progressing
rapidly and tbe citizens feel no small
Interest in It. Tbo band U fast be
coming to be first class. Tbe class of
muslo tbey play Is popular and their
concerts are enjoyed by a Urue crowd,
Tbey should receive tho liberal sup
port ot the town for tbey aro workloc
hard to be la good shapti for the
Fourth ot July aud all who attend
the celebration may depend on tbo
very best eatertalnment In the rautlc
- if -i
A Job lot Joules and mU &' slippers
at Wallen & Wilson's worth ft aad
i $1,86 per pair closing at 9lorlr. w
in High Grade Furniture,
Stock complete and
Coffins and caskets.
Funeral Directors.
5ucccssor5 to E. N. RntcHIf flercantilc Co.
Call and See U5, or Ringed.
Break Open
Break open any bun-11 1 shingles you
buy from us, and if vou cjon find them
just as we represent them-best shingles
for the monqy- -no matter what kind or
grade you buMbribjj tKem in and get your
money back.T'Iraf s the way we do business.
LWc bandit, the ctlcJbrated Washington red cedar and cypres, ".shingles. If ther were better mid
longer kuung shingles than thefle, we.vould certainly
carry them, In stock. But these arc the best shingles
made, so, When you get shingles here you will be dead
sure you're getting the best. Everything in the lumber
aud building line a right prices.
P. G. Browning & Company.
m Pftrv
Jfii " " mj
I Lumber
WMA3 t ajjamSTT bjq. t j
A full line of building ma
terial, lit is tbe right kind.
Say! are you "on to" theg
best plastering material ?Sf
New and better plaster is&
being discovered everyju V
year. Masons tell us tbat m
"Acme" is the best nowB
inuse. "Catch on?" S
vMummmmmmw wmmmm
BbvSsp jyw S7 fm W si a e en m lfJFSlsm sjaajs tmm jstI W an sr V
Watch Repairing;
If your watch needs repairing bring It to me
and let me put it in order for you.
l'lne and complicated watch repairing a specialty. i -
Motta-Not Uw c&ttjwt kit tic BEST wei k'at att Urn.
August Schliecker,
36 S. Wilson St. ; Jeweler and OfkkUm
Night Telephone 224.
Wc want your trade,
We want to destirve it.
We want you to feel that your
dealings with us are satisfactory
not sometimes, but always.
We know what is, wanted in
the way of prices, prompt
deliyery, etc., and we are pre
pared to give satisfaction.
any JV.mcli,
" ".. H
of all kinds promptly awl pttfk
done at this eflkft. Vrio suwtye
consistent with roatfil aiwwfj.