Newspaper Page Text
"'imwiwwiwpgMMowiiiiii &mmwtommtm& ! ?(,. ooiiit-rs oflhoflrslraafinltudrtand ir itie purcbkifl ( fb XMMMMWWf' ""Swl""!: ?fu ding l Vti.ftn f r W taMtj9- BBaUtfkafttt&IM K1 d' I lfc t, M J I V IV u M&Mi Kief taiin gwjBy?nfPTidN price. !.fcO Par Year, or 9t.OO If Paid In Advnnoo. ' " r " " ' rablUliHThntijtr by The CitiirrAiK rustunixn CoMrAMt, D. M. HATtKS, Editor nnd Fablliher It. Lkk Olotwoiitiiy, Asjoclato Alitor. .Vinita, I.T., July 3, 1002. King Edward ie, Improving. Now is the lime whof.t. to throsh your What became of Guy P. Cobb In Iho mniBhal contest? II the Washington delegation just wouldn't talk when they return. There nre yet runny doga on the streets ot Vimta that havo no col lam on. Every business house should be decorated next Friday. Don't neglect lhi. The ballot is all that the terri tory needs to fill ber cup of happi. ncsB to overflowing. If you see a roan doing a thing and doing it well toll him so, it will help to iiinke him better. The soaking ruin, which came so opportunely last Saturday brings ftniile and glad hopes lo the farmers The plan of giving all those pal itioians who lose out in Kansas, jobs in the Indian Terrltoy would not work. Today Vlnlta makes her bow ns the political and judicial capital of the northorn district, and inci dentally of the entiro Indian ter ritory. The question is often asked in email towns: "How should wo cel ebrate Iho Fourth? Just abut up business and come to Vinita this year and learn. Washington la rapidly becoming acquainted with tho territory. With entranchlaement this ac quaintance .wlll be accompanied with profound respect. Tho man who gets mad at what newspapers eay about him, should return thanks threo times a day for what these papers know about him and don't say. , The fancy price that fine cattle have been bringing in the market should cause our farmers to tuin their attention even more toward tho raising of fine stock. As England mourned with ub tho Iobs of our president a few months, ago ao we now sympathize with her in her disappointment re garding the coronation of her king. Vinita peoplo and their neigh boro have good cause to enthuse, not only because they aro Amerl cDB, but because the present is prosperous and the future promise was never brighter. I.VIIII II MMIIIlWllU"' .' i-iS i The contest in the republican convention of Missouri is nothing mora or IeBB than an effort to pro- Juce a leader, a thing incompati JC"o with It. C. Kerens remaining Keg,6 ueat 0 tbe parly. 'idicalloaB are that one of . it -.1 xa .icrowua jor years win v on the Fourth. Let Son of Rex a united eflort to Uum.siwrtiJrt&rs feel that they have been well entertained. ' -f .Tohn U. Rockefeller Jr.. not can. ,. .. . , frietil with the oil business and bav- - ing time lo tako an interest in, and conduct a Sunday sobool class, has f ' been nominated for president of iho International Sunday School nllesoclaUon. " Thoso Kaly officials might have I , eald with paipful accuracy that in- ' stead of -'nagging" the railroad to ibe progressive and keep abreast of JPie times, we had better show a SspoBltlon in that direction our .5 nnlvAB liv 'nnatrtlMlnrr a fanf atria selves by constructing a few aide walks. The committee in charge of the Fourth of July entertainments have worked hard and faithful and have boen successful in every de tail, Only bad weather will pre vent our indulgence in of the grandest celebrations over occur ring in this section. CSC 11 ' in 3XSXBBSS& Tho appointment oi Wm. M. Melletto as attorney for the west, ern dietriot will doubtleesjieceesl tate the removal of his family to MliekUgee, There is one cousola tion even in this, however, no one who has overlived in Vinita would bo content to romain in any other town in the Indian Terrl. lory longer than his duties require Hjbo Ik mayor of St. Louis? Tuin le a question that the peoplo ollbatclly ore now discussing While Mr. Wollu is in New York jgnlng World Fair bonde aa mayor of Ml, Loul, Mr. Uorngby, n-' Hh.-. 5- TREATY PASSED WITHOUT OPPOSITION PR AENDIVIENT;AT MONDAY NIGHT'S SESSION.' Tho eenato substitute for the Quay bill" providing for tho' allot, ment of tho Ohoroketf landa. nnd final adjustment df the tribal af fairs passed tho house Monday. No opposition develoded in tho house to the measure, nnd it wns passed without amendment. The president's signature is assured, which with the ratification by the Chorokoe people is nil that romains to be dono before tbo measure be comes operative. The principal leaiures oi tne bill nre the pro visions for allotnunte and the purchase of townsito property. The allotmqnt provision is as follows: "There shall be nlloled by tho com mission tn tho five civilized tribes and to each citizen of tho Cherokee sbdnas practic able after the approval by the secretary of the interior oi his en rollment na herein provided, land equal in vnluo to 110 aoren of the averago tllntnble land of iheOber okee nation, to oonform as nearly aa may be lo the areas and bound aries established by the govern ment fcurvcy, which land may bo selected by each allottee so as to Include his improvements. "For tho purpose of making al lotments and designating homo, steads hereunder, tho forty-acre, or quarter of a quarter section, subdivision established by tho government survey may be dealt with ns if further subdivided into four equal parts in tho usual man ner, thus making tho cmallest legal subdivision ten actes, or a quarter of a quarter of a section. "Each member of said tribe shall, at the time of ibe selection of his allotment, designate as a homestead out of said allotmenlol land equal in value to fprty cores of the average allottable lands of the Cherokee nation, as nearly ob president of the council ol St. Louis'ia performing tho functions of the chief executive oi that city, lias St. Tiouis two mon who can perform tho functions of Mayor at the same time. As soon as the mnibuj state hood bill, which is to be disposed during the short session, is out of me way, me menus sell ovirnr ment ftfr the citizsna.of the Terri iory will pu;h the meisure. It will have the support of such re publicans as Quay, Elklns, Fair banks, and even Beveridge has promised to keep hands ofl. Of course the democrats are all for home ru'e for the territory. The (jMobe democrat is very anx ious to expose the political corrup tion of the'democratic parly in the state of Missouri, but the trouble with the political papsra h, thsy can only eeo one side of a question. When the republican party was in power in St. Louis the 'corruption of that party in city affairs was certainly just as great as the cor ruption of the democratic party in state affairs, but the good paper says nothing about tho city corruption It is the irony of fato that Sana tor Burton, who has boon the al leged political lord of the territory Bhould have lost all of his politl cal prestige, in a struggle to retain control of this section. The de viouB methods he pursued in his efforts to land RIchterthe marshal ship, killed any influence he might have had with the present admin istration, and has so strengthened the opposition to him in his owii state that ho can be properly list, ed with tbe "dead ones." Tho present session of congress has beeu a most valuable one to the territory. Besides adjusting the questions at Issue betweon the several tribes and the government the agitation for self government has attracted the attention of the entire country lo this section. To day the capital Df tho east Is seek. ing investment away from the great money centbrs where there Is a congestion of wealth. The territory offers tho largest returns ol any section of thaountry and it is safe to predict that thousands of dollars of eastern capital will in the near future be turned this way. m ,1, - , z Tho Muskogee Times in enum erating the government employees located in that egotistical burg discloses its Bource of wealth and revCals tbe transparency of its "greatness". Givo to any town in the territory oue half tho political patronage that that conceited town has enjoyed aud incload of being tbe third town iu population and furhler down the line stability it wonld be at Iho front of the pro cession, You cannot live always iu tho balm of polilcsl patronage, brother, so bettjr yourself for HOUSE s ... - during Iho liTe Tmo of the nllotleo not exceeding years fronUtho data, of the certificates of allotment. Seperate certificates shall iuiio for said homestead. During the time said homestead is held by'lho nUottuo tho samo shall bo nontnxablo and shall not be lUblo for any debt contracted by the owner theroof whilo so hold by him. "Lands allotted to citizens shall not in any manner whatever or at any tlmo bo encumbered, taken or sold to sectiro.or satisfy any debt or otylljzatlW, or be alienated by tlio nllolteo or hts heirs, before tho expiration of five years from the date of tbo ralificatiot. of this at. TA11 lands nllottod to tho mem bers of said tribe, "except such lnod as is set aside to eacli for a homestead, as herein provided, shall bo alienable in five years after issuance of patent." In tho mnltor of town lots 'ho bill provides for the purchaso of all improved lots-within Iho origi nal Cherokee surveys at 26 per oent of their appraised value and all unimproved lots within tbo ori ginal surveys to be purchasod at 60 per cent ol their appraised value. In the new additions lo tho townd, which wore not included in tho Cherokeo surveys all improv ed lots to bo purchosod at CO per cent of their appraised value and all unimproved lots at their full appraised value. A provision of great local inter est, allows Willie Ilalsell college option of obtaining absolute titlo to 1G0 acres of land by purchaBo at tho rate of 810 an aoro. The usual provisions for the calling by the principal chief of an eieouon to rainy ibe treaty are included in the bill. something more substantial to sup- port you when the government has ceased heaping coin into your lap, and proving the circulatlug med ium for your pepole, and the de posits for your banks. Tbe eagle should give an extra trill in the territory In celebration of our temporary emancipation from Kansas. Tho one who patronizes tho public fountain on the Fourth will icoi more patriotic on mo morn ing of the "6:h" than the one who celebrates with firewater. Win. II. Darrough is essentially a man, and there is no petty, weakening fibre in his makeup. The northern district ia fortunate in having such a man in charge of the marshal's office and he should be accorded overy support. No more popular appointment could have been mado than that of James Ofc Wilkinson, as jailer. "Undo' Jim" is not only a most capable officer, but is also a sterl ing man. Ho has earned the con sideration he has received by the most faithful performance of every duty that' haa been intrusted to him. Now that Mellotte has boen ap pointed and will move to Musko gee the Times respectfully asks the Vinita Chieftain not to "jump on" bim just becauso ho lives in Muskogee. Muskogee Times. Mellette will receive naught save tbe most sincere sympathy from tbe Ohlt'ftain. It would in deed be cruel to "jump on" a man who has been sentenced to four yeard residence In Muskogee. Saves a Woman'a Life. To havs given up would have meant death fur Mrs. Lois Otagg, of Dor ob fitor, Mum. I'or yaars sbo had on durod uutoldmlsery from a sevoro lung trouble and obstinate cough. "Of ten", she write, "I could toarcely breatlio and sometimes could not poak. All doctors and remedies failed till I uted Dr. Krug's New dis covery for consumption and was com pletely cured." Sufforcrs from coughs, colds, throat and lung trou ble need thU grand remedy, for It never dipapponlts.Guro Is guaranteed by People drug store and A. 1Y. Foreman. - dw ll.K.St'V. Fourth of July excur sions, one faro for tho round trip Tluketi on sale July 3, i and fl, limited to July 7th. ' I,. flarflajfo Licences, Juracs SbawM. Susie Muohlnc, Oaney. Samuel Whltorulrc-ltosa Johnson, Wiiner. Uert A. ilorroor-DAlsy U. Lollis, TuUa. If a Alun Lie to You. And say soma other salve, oint ment, lui ion, oil or alleged healer la as uood ns iluckton'd Aralca salve, tell him thirty ycirs of marvelous curei of pile, burns bolls, corns, fol on, ulcers, cuts, icafdt, bruises and skin eruptions prove its tbo best and cheapest. 25c at Pooplr'a drug store aud A. W. Foieman's dw jfcUtWtti Frazee WWWW3TOf OUR NATAL DAY. How Vinita Will Colobrato Tho GlorioDs Fourth. The following is the Interesting pro gram which Iim been nrranged for the Independence Day exercises. At 0:30 a. m. sharp, assembly will be sounded, The formation of the procession and line of march will be announced later. After the procession arrives on the ground the band will take their places under the pavilion and play until the audience gather aud become seated. Then wMl follow Traycr by Rev. J. L. Brny. "America' by children choir of 100 voices. Male quartette selection. Introduction of speaker by V. P. Thompson. .first orator ol the day, Hoy P. Hoff man Band sclectioti. Adjournment until 1 o'clock p. in., at which time the band will play until the audience gather and become seated. Then will follow: "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean" by children choir, 100 voices. Male quartette selection. Band selection. Introduction of speaker by W. P. Thompson. Second orator of the day, W. W. Hast ings. Band selection. Male quartette selection. Introduction of speaker. Third orator of the day. Band selection. Male quartette selection . The pavilion will then be at the dis posal of those desiring to hold a Stan Wutle reunion, after which the band will discourse ad libitum during the games, which will he played on the street cast of the park ns follow: 100 yard foot race: to winner, 100 yard barrel, to winner, 1Q0 yard egg race, to winner, SO yard fat man race to winner, Gander .tilling, to winner, Hose coupling race, (3 tenuis at least competing) first wiunerf 10, second $5, total For the mo it pleating float Total in prizes Fireworks display at dark on iJO.00 COO COO 5.00 fl.00 1S.00 16.00 co.oo south tide of Swaiu'il Park, Sam Burns and as sistants in charge. The above ptogram will Jjc strictly ad hered to and all participants nrtj expect ed to discharge their respective duties without prompting. It is earnestly re quested that those who attend will par take of their lunches on the ground and remain throughout the day. We trust our people will not, as has often been the case heretofore, leave the grounds about the middle of the afternoon. Mr. Mntney, who live near the park will provide shady pasture aud plenty of water for all stock. No liitchine will be allowed in any of the four streets sur-1 rouuuing inc grouuus. John II. Turnkr, Marshal of the Day. MOON IS HOSTILE. Will Ulock Legislation at Short Ses sion Unless Territorial Ulll Is Considered. Congressman Moon, of Tennes see, who has been especially earn est in his efforts to obtain remed ial legislation lor the teiritory at this Gesaion of congress, bas In an interview issued tho following ul limatum to those who have Jbeen opposing territory legislation, " attention has been allod time and again," eald Mr. Moon, "to the deplorable condition of the residents of tbo Indian Torritory. It is tbe highest possible tribute to the character of tbo citizens that thoy have been able to carry on a civilization aud n business without a form of government, It Is aim ply an outrage that a half .million people in tho heart of the nation should be compelled to livo with out schools, without roads, with outlaws, while we spend weeks and months trying to help Cuba get her established. Tbe bill providing for a territorial form of govermueiit for tho Indian Territory wna unanimously report od by the committee several months ago. No one has raisod any objection to it, and yet I have been unable to secure considera tion for it. If I do nothing nbe at the short session I will va, ' it my business to object to every re. quest for unanimous consent for. consideration of bills until this measuro Qias been considered by the huus lot a Cure-All. Dr. Cal Iwell's Syrup Pepsin wlU only curi diseases of tho digestive tract, 6ii n as lndlgcitlon, bllllous- nets, cons hpatlon and lck headache) which U t to result of these trouble ItU sold In 50c nnd ai bottles br Peoples dr tf store, w , Hardwaer Hardware, Furniture, Coffins and Caskets. SUCCESSORS TO - - SAH R. FRAZEE & COMPANY. Phone Right ns We resPectuJy solicit your patronage. Independence Dny. Probably no holiday In all tho wide world is so heartily colobrat ed as our 4th of July. No moro thrilling words exist In uny lang uage than words liberty and Inde pendence They stand for that which God gave to Adam and Eve, remember to Evo too, ao long ago when thoy camo into tho posses sion ol tho power of choice. Yes liberty was ono of the first divlno cifts to humanity. But liberty is dangerous without love, that gen ulno kind of lovo that worketh no ill lo a neighbor. God implantod lovo in tho heart of Adam and Evo parental lovo and it has been a great controlling power in all na tions over Blnco. Peoplo from many lands lmvo poured into this country seeking porsonal froedom and their child ten'a good. It is wonderful how rapidly they become Americaniz ed. They may not be able to speak and read our language, but thoy seem to get hold of tho idea ol lib erty, personal liberty. To some of thoBo people tho idoa or liberty does not reach a very high ideal, in fact sometimos it means only personal llconso, but they cole brato In hearty fashion the Fourth of July, ye, and election day. The manner of their celebration is rather an expression of this idea of personal license than any idea of nobler libsrty. ilenoeno find that immoderate drinking is a pre vailing -1th of July custom, and fire-water and ilre-crackera requis ites. Drlnkinc customs have been adopted from othor countries. All those cases of boer and spoclal bottles of Kentucky wbiskoy, which havo been ordered in by private individuals nie to do hon or to, and commemorato tbe cus toms ol Spain, our recent enomy, or France, the degenerating nation or Germany, which last country so abundantly furnishes us with broweris and saloon keopers. What relation our American In dependence day haa with euoh a custom wo cannot sec. Why npe foreign custom on the -lib of July? Why not be truly Americans and follow original and sure enough indpendent oustoms? Our greatest naval victory in re- oent years was gained on tbe -lib of July by a sober American navy, over a drunken Spanish navy, therefore it Beerus ratber unbecom ing,and unpalrinlto to celebrate our victorious Fourth by getting drunk. There seems to bo a little con eervatiem, or perhaps lack ol up. to-date-neBS in tbe average 4th of July celebration. Tho same J things havo been repeated year titer year with lew innovation or renovations, -and though wo hate to acknowledge it, our present manner of celebrating our nation al holiday is not in keeping with the advancement we as a nation have made. Wo noto with appro bation any effort mado to bring the festivities of national holiday up to a standard somewhat corres ponding with our national great. noes. . vura io tuuv icav iiuuuum nun, which is born of peace. The atnell of powder, and the rtbundofguns are reminders of w,ar. The time has surely arrived nil en Christian America should kfiow war no more. America haa achieved great things, but there are groat things toaobieve. As Iqng as Americana an enslaved by poverty and Ignorenoe, as long as advocates of trusts and InRtlgalors or strikes aro in ovldenoe ao long will thoro be a shrilling discord in the eaglo'u eong. "Righteousness eixalteth a nation; ' Truth shall make us free indeed: Hurrah for our coming 4th of July I ,t Hurrah for our great and glorious , Independence day I" M. O. S. i Mother Always Keeps It tlandy, U!y mother suffered a lone tlmo frotn distressing pains and general ill hafllth duo primarily to IndlgoHlon," laynfr. W. tipatdlng, Verona, Mo. "Titoo years ago I uot ber to try Ko dol fjho grow better at onco and now, at the ago of seventy-six, oats anything sho want, remarking that fl am If 6lM MA.fti fliaAAl mf iw9 he, ftard no baa o Hoots as alio has Itoif hottlo of Kodol handy." Don't wa to .tlmo doctoring symplonm. Go aft t the causo. If your stomach Is sou nd your health will bo good. Ko dol rest the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It Is nature's own toolc. A. W. forc- niai i. dw I rosh Jot of 0 and 10 cent counter Is on hand at Jialnntlno'i. ) & Fur riitureGompany. (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale and, mwmm m 1 Badg?ffSaDderS Mercantile Co, 5gJ , hi' " ' T SSI I No two flower gardens, are alike. The Jac queminot roses of one garden differ radically from the Jacqueminot roses of another. , I.t all depends on the gardener. So it is with coffee. No two plantations produce exactly the same berry. After quarter of a century as coffee im porters, wc began studying the plantation. 25 years had taught us coffee, 12 years more tidght us where it was grown. The pick of the world's choicest berries goes into your coffee pot when you use Chase & Sanborn's Scal-Brand. In Mb and 2-lb tin cans olr tight). Other high grades iu richly-colored parchment bags (moisture proof). 11 S3 r 8! SiiiiiffiKiiSiKiiiiiiHiiiiKiiiiiiMiiSiM Sick Headache. ia caused by constipation, Indication and blllLiMticss, which may bo cured and the causo of tho hoadacha remov ed by the U9c of Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. This splendid remedy may be obtained ot tbe Peoplo' drug store In 60c anil 81 bottles. w Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Hcrcury as tnorcury will surely destroy tho eenso of smell and completely do r.muc tho whole system whoa cntcr liiU It through the mucous surfaces. Surb uttielos should never bo used except on proscriptions from reput aulo physicians, as the (liunao thoy will do H ten fold to the good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. L. Cheney Ss Co., Toledo O., con talus no morcury, and Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfjcea of the system. Iu buying Hall's Uitarrh Curo bo euro you yet tho genuine It H taken Internally, and ma lo In Toledo. 0., by F. J. Cheney k Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druttglsU, prlco 76c per bottle. Halls family pills arc tho best. w cenic Route IU nils penetrate tbe lettllc Stctei ol MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, KANSAS, OKLAHOHA, NDIAN TERRITORY, TEXAS and the SOUTHWEST, TENNESSEE, MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA and the SOUTHEAST it reaches tbe rleb (armlnif ttwli of Ksomi j OVUboma, tbe lalaeral field of Southern Uiuoutl sod NofUwrn Aikwui, tbe cotton (eldscf tb Soutb snd Soalhwet, tbe oil fleldf ot Xieui and the Indian Ttrtltoty, and bnn- Ircdt of other Induitrtal places of Interest and roftt to tbe bHM-enker and lnlor. And , bat not leatt. It wilt catr jrou to Ibe laincd ealtb rtitHU ef tbe Ourlcs Eureka Springs AND Monte Ne cur iittMlMttd ironhleis. la be had bv gKooml io. 726, Century Building, 'Tht Top tilte Otnrkt. PtMiKtft And Jt. an Mut . VuU Parmlnm Alaf freat.' m o ifW." Tr it mmuMng ia VrliMi Ln. ' Atoni tht Oft. and uArrs la find II. " The anwi compriliiHlvratfroadIheuiuN for th ufMtfraMKer, tmvcltr of invcttor trv H.blkhf d for flratuiloia dWributioa. Machine Shop All kinds of machine and boiler work promptly attended to. Threshing Machines a Specialty Gjve tne a call. RepalriiV hay proses, mowers and ify binders in fitet machinery that needs nt tentlpn, C. OTJDALRYMPLE, Near Uxcelsloiiteaut laundry, Vlalta, fheS 31. Louk: F 1 fc Retail JR Irs Badgefl-SaDdepsie'pcaDfiie f p. . Omvkr Baohv. Trcs, . J. O. nAr.r., lit r -........ First National Bank, VINITA, INDIAN.TRRRITORY. CAPITAL, 3ioo,ooo. SURPLUS, Oldest and Strongest National Bank iu the Cherokee Nation. DIRECTORS. OUVRRRAGBV, B.F. tMRlNER, E.B.FRAYS5R, A.UCUUC1UU., R.N. RATCUFF, II'. A. GRAHAM, .O.ltALL, G. W. CLARK' W, H.ltALSELU f Uoob a 8aro Qonpral 4s. &TVSW'U&AlWQk-SfSlSli&Tl'&&rt "' Lightning: and Eagle Hay Presses icnirnd Geared Mowers Acme anil Sulky Rakes Jones SS Sweep Rakes Wagons and Buggies Sprlnjlled and Alllbnrn The largest and best stock of BALE TIES, Our prices will suit you. ' - ' JOSEPH HUNT. . Phone 35. South Wilson Street For Sale-2nd Hand-As Good As New 1 S II. P- Fairbank Morso portablo gasolino ongino. 1 0 II. P. Fairbank Morso partablo gasolino ongino. 1 5 II. P. Fairbank Morso stationary gasolino engine, i ' 1 4 II. P Fnirbank Morso Btatlotjary-gftsOllnooiigiirP.'' 1 2i II. P. Fairbank Morso Btanar-gagglhiiVjiRine, i a ii. r. a airuaiiK JMorao ataBmiaty- CfUMiili'enL'inc. Wolklrilliug outfit. iiimiii For the net TEN DAYS ' Wcwill sell Millinery at , ,, Greatly reduced Prices. PATTERNS. Call and gct-a Fashion sheet " Fre6'. " ' Ior our Cosmopoli tan patt'r'rns ioc. Ram bo Store, Hall block sautl- of post office. VTTT.T.T1MR R Y PRINTING l !! IIIUCHIE l SHV ;V Sf "V - fres. W. I Pninirs, Cashier f . !rn . m 5J V u IJnklntf Duslpoaa ISWALi tT C. L. PULVER, Carthage, Mo. At Cost! a s a 9! 0 0 Beginning iSaturHnv. jjine 28th, and enUing Satur day, July 12, inclu sive, I will sell Jewelry, Watches r Clocks. Spectaclk Notions, tfooks, Stationery, Dishes. Etc., igardless of cost. ED ROSE. Jowol r ami Ontleltn. ror good ice lelve orders at Foreman's Drug StdVc, 'phone J 6 or ISJ, George Dlvls will con duct the business. of all kinds pnnipl and pronerll ne,t n .ii.d awim a Trices alwavf cousistentjgiMi'ci ;ial and wosir. 1 1K PUB. CO IL -' 1 Jfifc, i ' i V --... heri n I At A n lll IJU LI Li ''f) J txl i ... i ..siWrall on ft , JK . asssMss- , . W- ."'' ; I SM P;isjsssshssssi