OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, August 14, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025010/1902-08-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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9 .i i.
-m i. tt
"" " ' " ' - " .
vn of ,
:atc a I
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak
ing Powder. Always light,
sweet, pure & wholesome.
Of Votes Were the Opponents of Ratification
at the Election Thursday.
Av indicated by (he earlier re
turns Thursday, llio opposition to
the ratification ol tbe trea'y was
burled under a veritable laudelido.
While the official count now be
ing conducted at Tablequah la not
completed yet, conservative est!
mates place the majority fur rati
fication at from 1600 to 2000
Reports received show that even
in the acknowledged strongholds
of the opposition the vole trill be
close and cannot materially alTecl
the tremendous mnjorllieB rolled
up in the other districts.
Coowcencoowee district, with
Bkiatook, Riversido and Coody'a
Bluff precincts yet to be heard
from shows a treaty majority of
At Job Parker precinct tho on.
position were presented with a
big cypher, the 37 vr.ei of tbe
precinct being cast fur tho treaty
Uiaremore was one of the ban
ner precincts registering only 24
anti-treaty ballots out of a total
of CM.
Lenapah swung into Hue with
78 demands for title 'lo 1 Ounl
ai t endorsement.
The. following are fi. rcturw ao
fat received.
Precincts Kor Against
Vlnllu 231 33
Qooicncok ,. 20 24
Lonapah 78 1
Nowata IIS 10
OIafah 81 ,2
IMrtn'oivllle SI 7
Jub Parker 31 0
Catoosa CO 14
Cluremoro 211 IB
Chelsea 211 48
Adair 31 10
Prjor Create. ,n. 170 , 18
Chouteau 82 33
VlnUa 183 23
Ketcliuni 85 10
Afton 101 17
Palrland 110 II
Orove 100 30 '
Ozark & Cherokee Central Founds a
Rival to fluskogee.
A now and healthy rival will
enlpr tup pqrntperclal race against
Muskogee today, when tho first
lots in the recently established
tcwji of Doynton will be offered for
The town wbiob has boen found,
ed by tho Ozark & Cherokee Cen
tral railway is situated on the
new road midway betweon Musko
gee and Okmulgee, and will bo the
one division point on tbe new road.
Its water supply will bo drawn
froia Cloud preek,
Four banks, three national and
ono privato Inbtltution, will be ea
tablisbod, and a number of MuBko
gee business houses will have
branch stores there.
Sitcotpd n one of tbe most pro
ductive eeotloos of (ho Creek
country, the new town ti expected
to rapidly develop Into a danger
ous rival of Muskogee,
Tarns Ulpby Representing the Dawes
lOmmistion ot lamcquau tquay,
Tho national counoll convened in
speoinl session at Tahlequah Mon.
day to count and certify Ihe eleo
tion returns, Tho Dawes Gommis
sion is represented by Tama 13ix
As soon as the otfiolal voto Is
certifiod to tbe rolls will be ro
opened and remain open until Sep
tember 1,
Full returns (rem Canadian dis
trict ihow Robert T. West to havo
been elecUd to succeed tho late
BeDntor Henry Lowery.
Fresh lot of 5 and 10 cent counter
The return from Salllsaw show a
treaty majority of -15, and from- Mul
drow a treaty majority of 20.
Full returns have not been received
except from Ft. Olbson precinct,
which shows a treaty majority of 100
Full returns have not been received
from Tablequah district. Tho Tabic
rjuah precinct rolled up a treaty ma
jority of 2)U.
Reports ko far received of the coun
cil raco In Delaware district show J.
II. Daniels to bo lending. At tho Vin
ita precinct the voto for councillor
was as follows: J. II. DanleK 112;
Ott Smith, 33; Mojo O'Flclds, 17; W.
W. Ward, 7.
Reports from the various voting
precincts show the election to have
been remarkable for the abseoco of
any disorder. '
Complete returns from Illinois
district sho.iv that u majority of
only 103 was cast against tho treaty
although the oppondnts claimed
the-district by at least GOO major
Tablequah district piled Up a
treaty majority of 210.
Sequoyah district has joined in
ce prrceio' uiii kireaiy maj r
Uy of 102
, Indication are that Canadian
will give a treaty majority of 2ri
Rogers prociuol has b .Tolled ibe
Cooweescoowee majority by 42
The reports so Tar received from
Canadian indicate a majority that
will offset any poteiblo antl.treaty
voto in Saline.
Complete returns from Going
snake district show an anti troaty
majority of but 30 though tho op.
position claimed tbe district by
about 300.
In Flint the opposition roiled
up an antl.treaty majority of ?Q5,
which will be lost in tbe final
The complete vole in Delaware
district shows a majority of 623 for
tho treaty.
nig Stock Sale.
L. W. IJarks wll conduct a big
slocksaleof thoroughbred Durhams,
dairy cattle and feeding stock, begin
ning about September Otb. About
COO bead of which 200 will bo feeding
stock will bo disposed of. A sale of
bones and thoroughbred swlno will
be conducted at tho same Mao, Mr.
Jfarks Is pompeljed through the rati
fication of. thp treaty tp sell hs 1 lock,
owing to tho reduction of his present
land holdings. Mr. Clappor, of Con.
tralla, will soil his thoroughbred stock
at tho samo tlmo and place. Further
announcement will bo made later.
Killing at Catoosa.
The marshal's office at Muskc
gee has been notified ol the killing
of Joseph Roberts on tho farm of
Joseph Primus, near Catoosa. No
details of tbe affair, except that
tho murderer, -whoso namo is un
known, escaped, were received. A
deputy has been sent to the scene.
Aunt Luclndy. -Always
carrlos Hunt's Lightning Oil
arounj with her, says It's line fur
swclllnga, toothVache, colic, weak
back and back-ache, cuts, burns,
nouralgla, catarrh, Aunt Luclndy
has. alxty-nlne grandchildren and
ought to know what sho Is talking
about. w
Fanning In Colorado, Utah and New
T1)0 farmer who cpntomplates
Changing his qcaton Should look
woll Into thesubject of Irrigation. Iio
foro ruaklng a trip ot Investigation
llvero Is no better way to secure ml
vanco Information than by writing to
thoio most Interested In the settle
ment of unoccupied lands. Seveial
publication, giving valuablo Informa
tion n rryard to the agricultural,
horticultural and vo stock JntcrosU
In this groat wotorn tectlon have
bicn preparod by tho Denver St Rio
Grande aod tho Rio Grando Western,
which should bo iu tho bands of ml
who detlro to become acquainted with
1110 iucniB or 1110 various locaiiucs.
Wrlto 8. K. Hooper, Q. P.&T. A.,
Denver, Colo. tf
Butter and egiis wanted at listen
flalcontents Still
About Allotment
Thlecumi. Fixlco, Qoeofizico
Ghee, Ufaula Horlgo and James L.
Gray, agents and delegates of the
Creek tribe of Indians, have filed
in the courts at Washington
against tho Secretary of tho inte
rior and tho commissioner of In
dian affair a petition for an ao
counting and an injunction. The
petitioners seek' to prohibit tho
Unitod States authorities' from
making any partition or allotment
ol their lands.
Company Organize! to (live a Three
Days Carnival During September
A special session of the city
oouncil Mas hold Aug. 7, to con
eider a proposition submitted by a
company of whioh J. P. Scott is
president, Eromejt Rea vlco presi
dent, J. If. Butler Bfcrotary, and
A. RoodAroASurot, for tbe holding
ofaBlrgnt lair and carnival, Sep
tember JOlh, 17th and 18th.
A general aullino of tho plans
of tho company wero submit
tod. Thoy embrace everything
from a band contest to a midway
plaisance, wltha big street parade
A special commitloe, consisting
of Councilmen Ratcliff and Dar
rough and Recorder Chamberlln,
was appointed to oonfer with the
representatives of the company as
to tho details of the carnival.
Great System wlli Pay $1,543,536.50
For New Equipment.
An equipment trust agreement
between Robert Wintbrop & Co.,
of Neir York, and tho St. Louis &
San Francisco railroad company
has been filed In tho office of tho
Oklahoma territorial secretary by
which the railroad company agrees
to pay tho first company the sum
', 91 bi,b'2ti n ' .or certain equip
ment Tiie u a of 8303,526 (0 is
to be paid upon delivery and tbe
li.. fl.. '40,000, in twenty cm
scou.ivc semi annual payments,
with interest at the rate of 4 per
cent. Tbo properly shall be
parked with metal plates bearing
tbe words "Robert Wintbrop $
Co., owners," and shall bo main
lained in good condition at tbe e
pense of the railroid company.
The equipment is to be as fol
lows: Thirteen Un-wheel Van.
Claln compound locomotives, to
be made by the Baldwin Locomo
tive works, und delivered in Janu
ary, 1903, at a total cost of $20-,-
luo: silicon etght-wbeel pasBon.
ger locomotives, to be made by the
American Locomotive company
and delivered in September and
October, 1002, at a cost of 8218,
450; ten ten-wheel American Loco
motive company freight engineB,
to be delivered in Jocembor, ljjOS,
and January, 1903, at a total cost
of 8146,540; 475 tbirty-eix foot box
cars, August, 1902, 8353,335.50;
fifty forty.foot flat cars, August
and 8optember, 1002, 833,937.50;
500 gondola oars, August and Sep
tember, 8862,500; thirty cabooses,
A.i)giiat and September, $32,088;
forty-nine ballast oars, AugUBt,
845,374; ono plow car, August,
8788; ten Ingoldsby cars, August,
811,571; six Sixty-foot postal cars,
September, 830,000; three sixty,
six foot combination mall and bag
gage oars, Soptember, 817,100.
The freight and passenger cars
will be built by tbe American Car
and Foundry company,
Jail Notes.
Uraco Allen and William Russell
charged with robbery were brought In
from Nowata Sunday by Deputy
Tom Wllllums, charged with lar
ceny, was brought in Friday artornoon
from Ramona.
Deputy GtUtrap brought In Charles
Johnson from Delawaro court house
on a charge of Introducing and selling
Joe Whltowulkcr, charged with
rapo, was released on ball,
1)111 Uuizird, charged with tho
jarrgny of a hog has been released on
Evan I). Harrison charged with
larceny wa? discharged at hh prelim
inary bearing,
Deputy Rogers of Salllsaw brought
in Lee Harp charged with arson.
The following new prisoners were
registered with Jailer ; Wllkluvon
ast Thursday;
Harry Soauraiiouargod wth Intro
ducing and selling whiskey was
brought In by Deputy Maglnnls from
Hill WhltochargeJ with Introduc
ing and Jco Wbltowalkcr charged
with rapo wcro also brought In,
Deputy Gray camo In from Tahle
quah with Wru. WUbanks charged
with grand larceny.
To bo Heard at tho Septem
ber Torm of tho United
Statos Court,
Of (he Docket Announced by the
District Attorney's Office,
Showing Many Cases of
Serious Offenses Grind
Wilt Commence
September 8tb.
Following 1b tho setting (0 date
of tbo criminal docket for tho Sep
tember term of tho Untied States
court as announced by tbe district
attorney's office.
September 8, 1902.
Mamie Fox, perjury.
Mary Fish, perjury.
Jap Underwood, dispensing
liquor; four counts.
William Tilley,. robbery.
Rulus Matney, trespass on school
Hugh Tittle, Keener Ilyatt,
Oscar Roberta, Oliver Scott, burg
lary and larceny.
Roogy Binders, assault to kill.
-Lige Long and Norval Davids,
disturbing the peace.
Harvey Bacon, disturbing relig
ious worship.
Tom Hicks, exhibiting Qsroo de
vice; six counto.
Emmet Iiood, larceny and re
ceiving stolen property;lwe ootinls.
R. C. Jenkins, Introducing
Oliver Scott, Clarence Alexan
der, Frank Thompson, larceny. .
Lon Haines, wearing weonan.
0. Btcvene, introducing liquor.
C. Stevens, dispensing liquor;,
two countB.
Bill Balew, Jesse Allen, disturb
ing tbe peace.
Jim Welch, introducing liquor.
John Bray and E valine Oium,
Adultery. -. .
John Harris, carrying weapon.
J W Harrod, dispensing liquor:
two counts.
September 9,h 2ud. Day.
Jesse Burr, larceny and receiv
ing stolen properly; twd counts.
Boogy Sanders, assault to kill.
Ed Reece, larceny and receiving
stolen property.
Guy Miller, same.
Harrisou Williams, dispensing
liquors; two counts.
Milo Brady, same.
Jackson Blunt, introducing liq.
Noah Hawk, Ben Hawk, dis
turbing religious worship.
Boogy Sanders, assault to kill.
' Jack Michalt), Introducing liq.
il 'l diBpensingliquor.
September 10 8rd "Day.
W. Fi Doling, assault to kill.
Noeh Allon, obstructing publio
' Noah Allen, destroying fence.
T. M, Jackson, carrying weapon.
" " disturbing peace.
Lewia Fair, introducing liquor.
" dispensing
Tobe Smith, robbery.
" " carrying weapon.
John Ray, introducing liquor.
" " dispensing "
September 11 h Day.
Addison Stewart.
carnal knowl-
11 11
edge female.
Addison Stowart, incest.
Earl Holt, murder.
Herse Lee, dispensing liquor.
" " Introducing '
Jim Ballard, Arch Ballard, as.
sault and battery.
eorgo Mays, aeeault to kill.
W, J. Ocborn, disturbing peace
" violation 5,399,
R. 8.
September 12 5th Day.
James Tilley, removing prop,
erty on which there is a Hen by
operation of hw.
James Tilley, larceny,
John Bimco, Frank Fuller, in
troducing liquor.
John Slmco, Frank Fuller, die.
penslng liquor; two cases.
Frank Clark, introducing liquor.
Frank Clark, dispensing liquor;
Rob Cummins, John Yookoyin
troducing liquor.
Bob Cummins, John Yookey,
dispensing liquor; two cases.
September 13 Oth Day.
F. R. Goutd, disposing of mort
gaged property.
Ed Rodman, Austin Cowan,
burglary and larceny.
Jaok Poter, dispensing liquor;
three casos,
September 15 7th Day.
Jack Peters, larceny and receiv
ing stolen property. (.
Ben IJeater, assault (0 kill.
Iflora Taylor, assault to kill,
N. J. Pace, John Pace, 0. S.
Skldmoro, William Mayfield, mur
der, William Mayfield, carrying
Trank Riner, introducing iiquor
. " " dispensing "
two counts.
September 10 8ih Day.
, W. H, Turner, Georgia Turner,
receiving stolen property.
W, H. Turnor, receiving stolon
property; tbreo cases.
'Harrison Bird, Embezzloment.
William Grealbouse, 'assault to
Septembor 17 9th Day.
Jim Taylor, Sam Roach, John
Taylor, larcony.
Charley Pithoud, burglary.
Ono Richardson, larceny.
Eli Vann, Louis Yann, Jim
Dougherty, gaming; two charges
against Dougherty.
September 18 10th Day.
Jefi Davis and Dave Elchene,
Oklahoma Will Have to Hustle
Keep Ahead of (qdlar) Ter
ritory. tq
, Indian Territory is making a
determined effort to overtake Ok
lahoma in tho national banking'
business and she is making tre
mendous strides in that direction.
Daring the last year she has gained
on her sister torritory more than
two minions 01 uouars in mo ag
gregate resources and liabilities
accounts ol her national bankJ.
inlets the more remarkable as
Oklahoma baa made almost phe
nominal progress in the national
oanking Business in tno last year.
One year ago the total resources
and liabilities of the eomblnod
national banks ol Oklahom was a
little lees than 813,000,000. Today
tbey are $14,804,275.03, an jn
orease of nearly two million dol
lars. t .
In Julv, 1901, the aggregate re
sources and liabilities of the na
tional banks of Indian Territory
was a little, less than 87,000,000.
Today i I id 810,847,736 60. This
is a gain during the year of nearly
four million dollars, tbe greatest
percentage of iocrtaie raoordtd ta
tbe national banking business in
any state or territory in the Union,
At Urushy Mountain Precinct Chero
keo Prisoners From Muskogee
Were Not Allowed to Vote.
Thirty Cherokee citizena who
are confined in the federal jail at
Muskogee requested permission to
vote at the election last Thursday.
The United SUtes marshal
granted the requebt of tbe prison
era and tbey were escorted by
guards to Brushy Mountain pre
cinct. They were all for the treaty,
but the judges were against it and
refused them permission to vote,
The judges refused to give' any
explanation of their refusal, so a
special set of judges were sworn in
and the votes of the prisoners were
taken. Affidavits of bow they
voted wero taken and they will be
submitted to tbo national council
when tbe vote on the treaty la
Shock While Being Operated On
At a Kansas City Hospital,
Dr. 0. D, Frlok, house surgeon
at All Saints' Hotpltul, South Mo.
Aloster, who was tafcou to Kansas
City several days, ago to bo operat
ed on for a tubercular affection of
tbe knee succumbed to Bhock fol
lowing an operation at St. Joseph's
hospital in that city. The dece.
dent was one of the most widely
knowu surgeons in tbe torritory
and had a number of friends in
The body has boen taken to Oak
Grove. Mo. for burial.
Will act lllm a Mate.
Judge F. D. AdauiB, United
States Commissioner for the flret
district, arrived Tuesday evening
and will remain here permanently.
He wht hold oourt in the mayor's
office uutil-sultable rooms caa be
prepared for him and tho con
stable, He will hold court one
week each month in Grove. Judge
Adams came from Kansas formerly
but be has been in the Territory
for more than two years, with tho
Intention o( making it bis perma
nent home, bo he is not a carpet
baggor and Miami will find bint a
desirable acquisition to hr popu.
latlon. He is not a man of family,
but tbet deQcloney adinits'ot ready
remedy, and there la no telling
how eoon he way be.Mlamn
Day Telephone i68.
(From W. Y. ttenti, Jnnry II, 1901)
"Tho widow of Dr. Lazoarc, who, In
tho employ of tho Government, went
to Cuba, was Inoculated with Yellow
Fever through movie to bites, and died,
applied to Congress for relief to-day."
The abovo tells of tho sad culrulnfv
tion of a series of experiments by tho
Government, all of which pravcuoon
clttslvcly that the familiar mosquito Is
a dingernu vehlolo for carrying Ma
laria, " YoIIqw Jack," and other malar
ial fuvere.
TIiosq wha am exposed to mesnulto
or oor malarial lutluences should tako
waruinff. Iron li tho flchtms clement
tu tho blood and provides nature with
sufflelont rwlstanco to ward off disease.
But If tho blood Is Impuro or Impov
erished, or If tliero is weakness, it
meani that tho fighting qualities of tho
blood havo been lowered, and conse
quently tliero la danger. If you would
escape, Keep tuo oioou pure anu. prop
crly nourished with
Z)r. Harter's
Iron Tonic
It supplies tho blood with Iron In a
natural way. it is recognized every
where as tuo best blood purifier and
tonto in use, and it has been used for
half a century.
RgftSfekh. Hoaiton, $$&, Aue.),W01-
"i bT uMd Dr. Jirir
IronTonlatnYf.lt and in mr
Umllr for OTtr twentrnre rnn, and
can heartily recommend IU
. rrp.ru ifc
larial and other rover.
land and E-ralcraUoB Act , ma U.
ac mnieniiriy TAiuama 10 weiu uu ma
U W9 uirntn Itll iit UHIaMW H tWWlW-t
Who Will Sjrve At the September
Term ol the United States
Tbe following is the list of petit
and grand jurors selected by the
jury commission to serve at tho
September term of the United
States Court:
anAKD jubobs.
G W Dixon, Big Cabin.
Lem Paris, Catalee.
B W Rider, Cbelaea.
Pat Henry, Cheleea.
C A Davis, Chelsea. '
.Jack Culp, Chelsea.
3 W Davis, Adair.
D E Brown, Bluejacket,
Sam. McKensle, Bluejaoket.
0 S PierBon, Bluejacket.
J L Shorer, Vinita.
J M Darrough, Vinita.
Sam Frazee, Vinita.
J V Carroll, Alton,
john Davis, Hayden.
fytt Perry, Grove.
D A Wilson, Bluejacket.
C Williamson, Bluejacket.
Geo Fincannon, Bluejacket.
Adam Holden, Centralla.
Geo Nidiffer, Vinita.
T W Thompson, Ketchum,
Newt Bumgardner, Vinita.
Hit Allen, Vinita.
D C B,oBwell, Vinita.
John Miller, Nee'dmore.
J M Lionbarger, Vinita.'
M A Sorrl), Vinita. t
J 0 Sut'on, Catale.
E W Keltner, Bluejacket.
II C Bluejacket, Bluejaoket.
Chas Newman, ftaglo.
Tutp Yates, Kelso,
John Hall, Bluejacket.
W J Gamble, Welch.
Henry Lludsey, Welch.
James LacySpavinaw.
Jake WalterB, Vinita.
Robert Lunday, Br., Needmore,
Wm Loyell, Chelaeo.
Harry Jones, Cheleea.
W R Greer, Chelsea.
H Ward, Ketchum.
G W Rloe, Vinita.
W 0 Chamberlain, Vinita.
Joe Green, Vinita.
Joseph Hunt, Vinita.
Joe jerkins, Qrove,
II A Judd, Afton.
Won Olevlnger, Bluejacket
LP Garrison, Vinita,
I N MoDonald, Welch.
John Brltt, Vinita.
Arthur Lee, Chelsea.
Geo Pars, Qbelsoa.
ThoBSheehan, Vinita.
Plce PaikB, Adair
T.T" "0
- ..
"STtam-rY tttsvt- r.
XW31J jl .N CS. A I I-
in High Grade
Stock complete and
Coffins and caskets.
Funeral Directors.
1 - ' LWSUii.
w. I CirArMAtr, AstUtaiu;casWer
First National Bank,
CAP7 A X, t too,ooo. SURPLUS, fro.ooo.
Oldest and Strongest National Bank iu the Cherokee Nation. K
Does a Sara aenoral Banking Bualnosa. a
i -ivtt,'vva,-v-w-i'rSveva. avtk.as'
Tbe New,
Lurrjber Yard
Of Bripsoip & Paitersop...
Is now open for business, with s.
splendid assortment of long and
short leaf yellow pine building
Sash, Doors. Sand, Lime, Cement and
Acme Plaster. AH lumber and sash
house specialties. We challenge com
parison on our builders stocks.
Our material is right. Our prices are
right. No trouble to figure your bills
and estimates. We are here for busi
ness, and our health is first class.
N.B. For knot holes and splinters go
elsewhere. We don't sell 'em'
Ixratiou. West Illinois St.,
Kep ip Toucb Witb 5&iflt Loui?
Tbe 5. Louis
Tbt Oreat ffawpaprK
of tbe Worl4.
The Daily Globe-Dcmocratis without a rh'al in all tliejwest, and stand
at the very Iront among Uie really great newspapers ot the world
and the work of preparation for the great world's'fair
in 1903. Subscribe for
By Aail, Posta; Prepaid
D&ilv, Including Sunday, One year 16; Stxmonths 3.00; Three Months r,so
Dally, Without Sunday, Oneyearjtl; Six Months .00; Three Months 1.00
5uiday EditIoi7,?aOne Year ts.coSix Months 1.00.
(fri f The "Twice-a Week' Issue of theJGIobc-Detnocrat at one do
J 1 JJ lar a year is Uie greatest newspaper bargain of tbe age. Itisal
most exual to a daily at at the price ot a weekly, It given tbe latest telegraphic
news from all the world every Tuesday and Friday. Its maiket reports are complete
and correct in every detail. It baa no equal as a home or family journal, and
ought to be at every fireside In the land. Two papers every week. Sight page
or more every Tuesday and Friday.'. Ou dollar for one year. Sample cores free
Wash Lynch, Vinita.
John Webb, Vinita..
John I Hawkins, Vinita.
Charles Collins, Adair.
D S Cummings, Adair.
To the Far Horthulest,
Via Burlington Route.
"The Burlington-Northern Pacific Ex
press," now leaves Kansas City at 0:10
t. m.. makiutr direct connections with
all lines from the east and south. This is
the only through train from Kansas City
through tbo northwest territory traversed
by the Northern FaclQc railway. Through
coaches, chair cars, standard and tourist
sleepers Butte, Helena, Spokane, Taco
ma, Seattle, Portland.
Cbaj) SUmmerCoIoradoTotirs
The Burl'ngton makes the cheapest
Colorado summer tours ever made, such
as $15.00 round trip during frequent
periods of the sumn.er from Kansas City
to Denver, Colorado Springs and return.
The Burlington's last Denver train
leaves Kansas City at 0:10 p ta., arrives
at Denver 3:li p. m. nex day. The day
Express leaven Kansas City at 10:10 a.m.
Cool Minnesota.
10,000 lakf' acorea of the coolest and
best summer localities in the country:
frequent periods of low excursion tours,
UCh B.9 J42.20 Kansas City to St Paul.
To Eastern Rtiotls.
I.ow rate summer circuit tours to
Michigan, Canada. St. I,awreiice regiou,
Atlantic coast; rail aud lake or allrall.
To Chicago The famous "Eli" leaves
Kansas City at 0 0 p. m.
To St. Louis Double daily train serv
ice. Describe your trip ta our nearest tick
et agent or ta tho undersigned; and let
Ui ffllvUe you the least cost aud mall you
T J. BRICKKR, T. P. A.. 833 Main St.
Kansas City, Mo,
h. W. WAKKI.KY. G. P. A.. St. Ijuis.
C M. LEVY, Cen'l Manager,
St Louis, Mo
For goo4 459 kve
orders at
f pjeuvw Drug Store,
t LUlUllt t B
orjo.t. vjeotgc
duct the business,
Davis will coni
U004 laundry soap 1 and 10 bars fur
5 cents at Ualeutlne's.
up - to - date.
Night TeIephonc224
V-Prei. W. P. Puilliw. CaahUr.
2b iBfr ifBllSS'
Opp. Presbyterian Church,
;Tbt:GreReFtjMlcr v
ffll'T miCJ'ProfA,;rlci
The Most Direct
Route from either north
or south, to the Famous
Health R e s ort aud
Springs of
j ill 1 1
is via the
Descriptive literature concerning
this delightful resort furnished,
upon appication to
Passenger Traffic Department,
Saint Louis.
. . . Furniture ropairing ....
. . . and varnishing,, Also ....
, , . buggy tops tind ouah-....
. . . iona ropaircd and , , . .
. . , coyorod, Socond-hnnil ....
. . . furniture always 011 , .
, . . hand, ,, ...
. . . Back of Ilill building ....
Hack Line.,.
Lave Vinita 12 o'clock
noon ovtry dy. Itnturu
ipg leaves Otrali 5 ajd.
PuM8Hgr 8RNid IwtU
! n
a . . -

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