Newspaper Page Text
;?ftv' i "; ", - flMMB-MM1BBaiittiMfcl . rp .... - ... BiBMnbiaBvin'rhBBiKHBx.H irwc. i tan msstviw'' tiv v .tr . inr imv )fc ---"M'yIIIJIKIUIJIUttiaMPPBJpMMMMMMMJMjJyMjfcMJ- Tj. ? Y " VjJWUP rTHTTTnnTrwmrm-WMvnwmammm(umKtfmimmmmirmi imrul-fmjmiwhim nn f r jhi a. . ''iui .i tjr flMBOK''1' ?r ill i f II I I i ' ' mniMiuiii . - "J"11 '-""'" ,awBliia'w'IKa Indian Chieftain. 8UP80J3LIPTIOH PlUCKi 1.50 Pur Yor. or Sl.OO If Paid In Attvnnont rnbllthdTharidT by OttltrrAiH PnnuiBixn CoHr&XT, Tn I). H. MAItltS, Editor nnd rnbllsber II. Lns OtoTrronTnT, Associate Editor. ViXtTA, I.T., Ava 14,1903. Tho ritlfioatlon of tho troftly horAfrls the dawn of enfranchise ment. Tho Ohorokoa Nation will now set a development pace for the en. tire louthwoet. ' Vlnlla did nohly, and WllJ Iroap with her couniry allies Jtfo great benefit of tbe gloriousrfctory. When tho cltjtene of Indian Territory Bhoe bo political dook carpoUgge will not be trumps. . With (he roll rapidly noarlng 4omj)leipn It is about time for the government to announco uib 100a tlorisoftbat land offlce at Vinlta. N6w that thn battle la over the Cherokeo izuy not "wear a crown" but ho will nave the comfortable foollrig of a title in his near side pooket. If a littlo more ami treaty cam paigning had been conducted in Gooseneok district the treaty would no doubt have carried unan. imously. The official vote on the treaty ne shown hy the count at Tab Icquah will be a glowing com mentary on tho intelligence of the Cherokee people. Thoso sailors who deserted the President's yacht on account ol poor food woro evidently not ac corded tho same privileges as Bookor Washington, There are a score of towns in the Tcrritorr which can be clarsed aB "good towns." Vinita is in a class by horeelf and justly deserves the title of "the best town." Tho presenco of a professional juror lowers the dignity of any court o( justice, and is a menace to tho public safety which is sup posed to rest in tho courts. The Cherokee Nation has broken .the eliacklea which bound her to the past. Now for a united tflbrt from all her peoplo to carry her forward to a glorious future. The Cborokees have epokon. They have spoken for progress and all (no croakers in the Nation can .not prevent the great forward t movement inaugurated yesterday.' ' There is nothing joyful in lhe ' approuohing term of court to the bootlegger or joint keeper. 'They have had their innings, now jus - tice will take a whirl at the game. Vinita is ideally located for a jobbing point. In splendid com munica'.ion with a number of thriving towns, this city should be come the distributing point of all this rich section. There is no time to discuss bow it happened. It is a glorious reali ty, and the 7th day of August, 1902 will go down to the generations to come as the brightest day in Chorokes history. If the district attorney's office maintains the same ratio of con victinns as shown by the last re port, Leavenworth will receive a big bunch f territory boarders at the approaching term of court. With self government the In dian Territory will become a verit able graveyard of political aspira tions. The selection of officials by Washington and by the people of the Territory will be marked by their difference. Tho lesson in economy taught the Cherokee farmer last year should save bim money during the present prosperous times. There is no man who can afford to waste that which is given bim in return for his toil. Every town situated as Vinita is owes suoh entertainments as the proposed street fair and carnival to their country friends. The town which tolls thorn (heir supplies should supply them with en occa sional entertainment. "Confidence" is in the very air today. Confidence as to the fu turo of the Cherokee people; con fidence as to the future of evory individual who accepts the glori ous opportunities- which will be afforded him in this great country. The value of Vinita'e magnifi cent water eupply is becoming more apparent every day Other territory towns ae being heavily bonded to bring inferior water from long distance, while at a q unparatiVf ly small expense a j-icf of wator works can be bull bye. wnloli will supply Ino trfty 'wWli an inexhaustible supply of h absolutely pare water. From March 14, 1900 to July 31 1902 there woro forty nine national banks organized in the Indian ter ritory having a combined capital slook of (1,535,000. Everyone of these banks is today doing a eplen did business. For sale or exchange, one tern tory worth a few hundred millions. Will sell for a vote In a gerry mandered district or exchange for the privileges of mixed ewioolt, Apply at headquarters of the Greek Annexation League. The merchants will soon be re ceiving their fall stock of goods embracing all of tho materials and Btylea o bo found in the metro politan establishments. There is no excuse for any Vinilan patro nizing any of the mail department stores.. Tho latest dispatch from Oyster Bay announces that after an ex citing contest tho marbles of tho juvenilo Roosevolt are rattling in the paternal jeans. Tbis latest triumph it is thought will guaran tee the renomination of Teddy the Talented. In the great era of development which will soon be inaugurated in the Cherokeo Nation the opportu nities of Vinita will be almost lim itless. Tne acknowledged Bocial, political and commercial capital of this great country, she will ever lead the vanguard of progress. Those who were sincere in their opposition to the treaty will be among the first to acknowledge the beneficent results ot ratification. Those whose opposition was in spired by selfish motives or in fluenced by a corruption fund will skulk like coyotes and will com mand about tho same respect. While realty in Vinita is des lined to rapidly increaeo in legiti mate value, yet it will be n diellnot detriment to tho town if the largo property owners place prohibitive values on their holdings. With tho great business and residence advantages Vinita offers the in vestor and homoeeeker, a fair val- uat'on of property is all that if neensary to insure a rapid and substantial increaso in population. It is to be hoped that the libe'a on tho Cherokee people which have been so industriously circu lated by Washington correspond ents will now cease. It has been repeatedly charged that they wero unprogroBeive and stubborn. Thoy have been stubborn only in the protection of their rights, and the first equitable settlement proposed by the government has been over whelmingly ratified. The amount of time and money expended on wild eyed political schemeB, such as the Creek An nexation movement is simply amazing. The political destiny of the territory is manifest to ail except these hMant fakirs who offer her millions of wealth for sale or barter with tho same non- chalence as their contemporary street poddlers passes out a bunch of collar buttons. "To the Muskogee Phoenix money moves type."--Ardmoreite. With the above as a text the Mus kogee Times has taken a bard fall out ol the Phoenix for advocating the piecemeal addition of the In dian Territory to Oklahoma. The Times is right but should not ex pect anything else from that type of party organ. Tho territory is full of them. When not foisting a lot of disgusting rot dedicated to their political masters on a nauseated public, they are at tempting to boom tho schemes of a bunch of cheap politicians. From the usual tones emanating from the particular organ referred to the ebony digits ot Sango are evi dently thrumming the editorial keys. From chemical anatyuis made of some of the popular territory drinks by a Boston temperance lecturer some interesting results are given. The so called "meads" are about as soothing to the stom ach as a bunch of red ants. The "hop" products are also very beneficial, operating on the inter nal organs with the same strenu oslly as a swarm of Kansas grate hoppers. There is little cause for wonder at the vagaries of the ter. ritory drunk, Through the court esy of the joint keepers he is in troduced to Delirium Tremens be fore he becomes acquainted with tho foot-rail. Such n privilege is usually not accorded the common whiskey drinker until he has con tribu'.ed his last cent and is board ing at a garbage box Consumption Threatened. "I was Iroubloil with a hucklni; cough for a year and 1 thought I hat) consumption," sayj 0. Uouer, 211 Maple St., Champaign, III. "I trlod a great many remedies nod I was un der tho care of physicians for i-everal months. 1 usod one bottle of Foloy's Hooey and Tur. It cured me, aud I have not been troubled flnce." Sold by People's drug store. dw $a.oo to Kansas City and Return, August 17th, via M. K. & T. Hall way. HIGH CARNIVAL Will Rolen In Septembor if Present Plans Do Not Miscarry. ELABORATE PLANS Pro.l Jfor the ' anoarnival I Three Day Fair Promotora are Interesting the Merchants In the Undertaking, If the present planB for tho car nival and street fair during tho latter part of September do not miscarry Vinita will onjoy threo days of merry cntorlainment. The company recently organized to promoto the affair have out lined plans embracing nearly every medium of entertainment. It is proposod in connection with the street fair and trades display to convert North park into n mid way with its attendant Bide shows. Balloon ascensions, open air shows, etc., will aesiBt in making the entertainment of tho visitors continuous. The expenso incident to promot ing the undertaking is very heavy and those in charge will request the assistance of the merchants in making it a success. It ie proposed to advertise the celebration moBt extensively, and the promoters aro confident of tho attendance of tho entire country side. If tho assistance of tho mer chants can be enlisted in tho un dertaking, the date will be set at once, and preparations made to close tbe contracts with a number of desirable shows. Owing to the elaborate plans, as proposed by tho company, a later date than at first announced will probably be set for tho inaugrallon of tho festivities. The company promises the big- gest celebration in tho history of the town if they receive tbe co ope ration of the merchants. IS LOSING STRENGTH, Annexation Movement In Creek Na tion Losing Follower. A dispatch from Tulsa, where the annexation party in the Creek Nation was supposed to be especi ally strong, says: "It la believed by many well In formed persons that the annexa tion scheme whereby the Creek Nation may be attached to Okla homa is loeing iniluonce daily. Bu-iness mon assert that it is a political work which attained its greatest sizo at birth, and is des tined to defeat when viewed from a business point. "They assert that they are un willing to be shorn and bled by political gralters, aB the Osage na tion is by Pawnee county, Ok. They deolare their property is taxed to death to onrioh a people wbose)intereetsare foreign to those of the taxpayers. It is doubtful if any respectable number of busi nessmen r-lil attendthe annexation convention at Okmulgee next Mon day." TOWNS MERGED, Spauldlng and Doynton Arc Now One Municipality. The new town of Boynton and the one which was to have b:en founded by tbe 8paulding Town site Company, about 18 miles west of Muskogee have been merged and are now ono healtbv munici- polity. The depot will bo located on tbe line betwoen the quarter sections occupied by tbe two town sites. The lots sold yesterday brought good figures and the new town gives every promise ot being .a oommeroial faotor in the Creek oouolry. PHYSICIAN SUICIDES. Young Clftcotali Physician Take Ills Life. In a moment of despondency, Dr. Vanoe, a prominent young physician ol Cheootah shot himself through the brain at his home Sunday. The desperate aot was deliber ately planned, though tbe unfortu nate man had given no indicaiion of his intentions, The deoedent was well known in professional circles and his tragic end oame as a shocking surprise, He leaves a young wife. It Needs a Tonic. There are times when your liver needs a tonic. Don't give purgatives that gripe sod weaken. DoWltt's Little ISarly Itlecrs expel all poison from the) stem and aet us tonlo to the liver. W. Scott, Ml Highland ttvo., Mlltou, Pa., says: "I havo oar lied IMVltfa Little Berly Risers Mlh rue fur several years uud would not te without them." rjmall and ea-y to take. Purely vegetable. Thoy never I'tipc- or dUtrew. A. W. Fere- '" dw fti'uo requiring at Lee Barrett's. MURDER AT McLAIN. Jim Raines, After Kilting Ilia Man, Surrendered at Muskogee, Jim Raines, who lives near Mo Lain, eighteen miles south of Mus kogee, surrendered to tho authori ties at the latter place Monday, n solf-accused murderer. Tbe story of tho killing, which ooourred Sunday, at told by Raines is follows: lie and a man named Dan ftmltb, with whom he had previously had troublo, mot Sunday and tbo quar rel waB renowod. Raines claims that Smith advanoed toward him and attempted to draw gun, whon ho (Raines) fired tbe fatal shot which klllod Smith instantly. Both men were single and mem bers or vory prominent families. DEPUTIES NAMED. Three New Field Deputies Are Ap pointed, Tho following appointments if field deputies havo been announced by the marshal's office: Lowis Baird, Bartlosville; Unas. B. Rhodes, Weslville; E. P. Paris, Tahlequah. These appointments practically complete the marshal's force. A Summer Trip Unsurpassed On the Continent, The trip to Salt Lake Olty or to the Paolfic coast via that point over the Denver & Rio Qrando and the Ilto Grande Wostern Is the mot beauti ful In America. No European trip ot equal length cau coruparo with it in grandeur ot scenery or woalth of norcl lnterost. Then Salt Lake City Itself Is n most quaint and plcturcsquo plate and well worth tho fournoy. Its Mormon temple, tabernacle, tithing oftlce and church Institutions; its hot sulphur springs within tho city limits Its delightful temperature, sunny cllmato and Its Great Salt - Lake deader and denser than tho Doad Sea In Palestine are but a few features of Salt Lako City's countless attrac tions. Thcro aro parks, drive?, canons and beautiful outlying mountain and lake resorts. Imagine, It you can, a bath In salt water a mllo abovo sea level and In water In which tho hu man body cannot sink. Inquire of your nearest ticket agent for low tourist rates to Salt Lake City, or write for information and copy ot "Salt Lake City, the City of Saints," to S- K. Hooper, tbe general passen ger agoot, Denver. Colo. The Cherokee nation with her great reserve of undeveloped wealth cannot afford to delay the day of ita development. With the ratification of tbe treaty the way wus opened and there is no Bori ous obstacle to a great forward movement. The other nations with their rich acreages of agricul tural lands; with hills seamed with veins of coal and mineral of fer alluring inducements to the in vestor and homeseeker. Eastern capital is seeking investment away fiom the congested money centers and no section oilers the same inducement as the territory. The Cherokee nation is the most favored section of this great coun try, hut it must be announced to tbe world that the bars are down. That where before tbe nation was in tho grip of the fow, that now each citizen will be placed in possession of bis own and will welcome assistance in ita develop ment. With the development of the oil, coal and mineral lands, in connection with the great lagr.'cul tural area, prosperity with all its attendant blessings will settle up on tbis favored land, A Physician Healed. Dr. Geo. Ewln;, a practicing physi cian ot Smith's Grove, Ky for over thirty years, writes his personal ex cellence with Foloy's Kldnoy Cure: "For years I had been groatly bother ed with kidney and bladder t oublc and enlarged prostrato gland. I used everything known to the profession without relief, until I commenced to use Foley's Kidney Cure. After tak ing turee ooiues i was entirely re lieved and cured. I prescribe it now dally In my practice and heartily re commend its use to all physicians fur such troubles. I have prescribed It In hundreds of case with perfect suc cess." Sold by People's drug store, dw DIVISION POINT On the Ozark & Cherokee Central Is Claimed by Muskogee. The report that the only divis ion point on tbe Ozark & Chero kee Central road would be Boyn ton has been denied by President Seaman, according to thojMuskogee papers. In an interview, it is said, Presi dent Soaman was emphatic in the statement that Muskogee would get the division point of the new road. Just Look At Her. . Whence came that sprightly stop, faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, smiling face. She looks good, fceia good. Hero's her tocrct. Sue uses Dr. King's New Llfo Pills. Ilosult, all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chanca for "blue." Try them j oursolf. Only 2Jc at Peo ple and A. W. Foreman's drug stores. ilw special Train Excursion to Kansas City August 27th, 12.00 (or tbo round trip, A wholo day In Kuinas City. Bee Katy's agent, i. i .. i titem4imJmmJi -ft hi li- . n - ft n ?yfi?TlLpiXySlJBg9Myipi-SPjr-ifflS?jBe 1S 1 ' lis !. ib M.-...-.,...,....,.V,...,V.rt,Vw,.,wvrtVuvrt tDbe OFFICIAL COUNT Shows Treaty To Have Been Ratified By a Majority of1964. SEVERAL MEASURES Will Bo Submitted To the Coun- ell By Chief Buffiogton Bo- foro An Adjournment Is Taken. Reservation Commission to be , Appointed. The official count of the votes caat in the recent election waB concludod at Tahlequah yester day afternoon and shows a ma- jorlly of 1964 for ratification. Tho following table shows tho vote by districts. For Oooweosooowee 1827 Against 211 283 423 03 200 320 128 228 383 2370 Delaware... 818 Tahlequah 621 Canadian 310 Qjlngsnako 230 Pilnt 121 Sequoyah 223 Sallno 00 Illinois 101 Total -1310 Tfltnl vote, 0,710. Majority for, 1,061. - The council will not adjourn be. fore Friday aa Chief Buffington will submit '.several measures for their consideration in connection with the ratification of tbe treaty, Before adjournment a commis sion empowered to settle any questions arising from the reser vations of land provided for in the treaty will be appointed. To fly Friends. It Is with Joy I tell you what Kodol did forme. 1 was troubiod wlt)i my 6touiach for sovcial months. Upon being advised to uso Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell tho good It has done me. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that ho had tried most ercrythlng. I told hltu to uso Kodol. Words of gratitude havo como to aio from him because I recommended It. Georgo W. Vty, Viola, Iowa. Hoalth and strongtb, of mind and body, depend on tho stomach, and normal activity ot tho digestive organs. Kodol, tho great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troublos, Indiges tion, dyspepsia, Kodol digests any good food ynu eat. Take a doso after weals. A. W. l'oroman. dw f 1st, ft HI il .. . V " if - t tit Pf5 i 3wa5rt - i nan Letter Heads Note Heads Bill Heads Cards All kinds Blanks Receipts Notes Books Briefs Blank Legal Show A".'WVrwVfM'rVS'VW -. ' (Ebtettafn flbtrmtina (Company. Handbills Dodgers Tickets Statements Invitations and . Invitations . Folders Envelopes" Programs Shipping Tags Paper bags Labels w DAWES COMMISSION Will Open an Office at Tahlequah to Take Testimony. Acting Chairman TmB Blxby of the Dawes committee has opened an office at Tahlequah, whoro he will hear testimony regarding tho rights to citizenship of Ihoso Cher okees who are unaccounted for on the present rolls, but to protect wbom the commission placed their names on the rolls. A number of tbe "absent ones" are fullbloods who invariably go on a "scout" when tbo commie, sion arrives in their neighborhood and Bixby will attempt to corral them and get them enrolled. Kansas City Excursion $3.00 For tho round trip. Special train leaves Vinita at 12:23, a.m., August 17th, via tho M. K. & T, Rallway,Iar riving at Kansas City Sunday morn Ing at 7 a.', m. Returning, train leaves Kansas City at 10:30 p. ra., giving a wholo day in Kansas City. Arrango to go. Sco Katy's agent. IluntlngDogs PorSale. Sccral cotters and pointers for saio in condition for fall hunting. Gnonoi. IIiooiks. Vinita, In'd. Tor. For good ice leave orders at Foreman's Drug Store, 'phone 16 or 18J. George Davis will con duct the business. A One lino of muslin underwear at Wallen & Wilson's at greatly reduced prices. w Ico cream freezers that aro ahead of the old kind and at tho sanio prlco at Ed. Lee's. For tho fostlvo fly ltd Leo has the now procoss Iron scrcon tho kind that lasts. See those pretty new fall street hats. Badgett Sanders Mer. Co's. Foley's Honey ana Tat cures colds, prevents pneumonia, Sold by Peoples' drug store. Purchasers can bo found for a fow desirable rosldenco lots at reasonable prices not high prlcos. Enquire at this onicc. Upholstering. . . . . Ftirtiituro ropniring . . . . . . . . and varnishing. Also . . . . buggy topa and cusli-.... ions ropalrod nnd .... covorod. Socond-lmud .... . . . . furnituro nhyays on .... . . . . hnnd. ' .... . . . . II. GUAPI'ITNDEIt . Back of Hill building .... - Ho - atri&&&im4ij!inl -ftiN Books Blanks Bills to-, to ' v? t "VWN--WWn,Mll mm in I w I i ' a- ; ZC ": I ODD BIKLS. J I ALL KINDS OF BILLS, Big bills-Little bills. Any kind of a bill just as long as it is a Lumber or Building Material bill. That's our business and that's where we shine. We can give you a closer set of figures on that lumber bill you're going to buy, than anybody around here, and give you better grades to boot. We are cranks on quality and believe the best is none too good for our customers. Consequently we offer only the choicest ured, and guarantee you absolute satisfac tion wiin anyuung bunch of lath to complete house or barn bill. Besides having the stock, we keep it all under cover, so when you come here for building material you won't get dirty, warped and And say I Just give us your ear a minute longer. Owing to for building material . . bje to be much higher than they arc now. So you'll be showing a ing wnai material you need IN UW. See the point ? P. Q. Browning & Company. Willie Halsell Vinita, Indian Territory.Q A healthy locatiou, buildings in good repair, n strong faculty of experienced teachers. Iluiktiiig lighted by electricity. I,ocnl and lotig distance telophonc connec tions. An artesian well of the best water on the campus. Unth rooms with hot nnd cold water on each dornmtory floor. A well equipped home institution. Literature, Aluslc, Ulocutlon, Physical Culture, Shorthand, Typewriting, Uook.kccplnjc, Uankln&. ' For MUlocut and particulars, address tht Proidtnl, Rev, C. L. BROWNING, Vinita, I. T. to i fit inSisiflintnAMiAt'vvS'iAflVsatrA ' . -n...n.-kf-. 1 grades of stock manufact- I you Duy nere trom a largest and best assorted weather beaten stuff. the unprecedented demand this year, prices are lia streak of wisdom by buy Vlnitn. Indian Territory, College, to i " M h Ji fe -Jk-Jk '""psr. . fu.