Newspaper Page Text
MNMtftebp4UMMh k 5 J L , f I' i I F.J iff' Eh .- f-MiJziimuu&!mrKmmraui'AMaaaJzu&osa&xj No trouble To Sell Good Goods When the Prices Are Right. Low Prices Made our Clearance Sale a Success. Our Clearance Sale PRICES had the desired effect. We cleaned out most all of our stock of summer goods in Dry Goody, Srjoss, Clothing Hat? arjd Furnishings, to the people who make Vinita their .trading point, at prices .never, before offered for such high class merchandise. We have a few broken lots of lawns, organ dies, foulards and dimities in dress and waist lengths that will be sold at ONE-HALF their value." SHIRT WAISTS What few we have left will be sold regardless of tlVir cost. Ladies' crash skirts and wrappers at less than the price of material. Low Shoes and Oxfords you, you can name your own price. -If we can fit Men's shoes worth $4 for $.200 the pain Summer negligee shirts at less than cost. Ask to see the men's hats we are selling for $1,00, all shapes. Men's summer pants, including cassimcres, crashes and cheviots at prices you can afford to buy and save them til next summer. All clothing at very pleasing prices. These goods are out of our regular stock, nothing bought for a special sale. You can de pend on Ratcliff's qualities and prices. Il&i iislf awe mam I m . Ratcliff Mercantile Co. :rgg;retgaremTUJTiTaraMajimaJ.MTra;g7CTro t vtcj & il'jiiLj? aad lUi forcltlldrcn.sati!,surc No opiates. Gold by Peoples' drug store. V. L. Sopcr U representing tho gov ernment In the Drown warrant caso nt Wowoka. W. T. Hutching Is counsel for tho defense. l'olojr'8 Kidney Ouro will euro Ml diseases arising from disordered kd ncys or bladder. Sold by lYnnloM drugstore. d,v Miss May Woodard, of Worcester, Massachusetts, arrlvi'l last evening to visit her brother, Frod AYoodard, whom she has not seen for nearly eighteen years. Many persons In this community are suffering from kidney complaint who could avoid fatal results by using Foley's Kidney Ouro. Sold by Peo ples' drug store. dw Mosdames Ayers and Dodson will cntortalncd a few frlcndslast evening In lienor of their nieces, MIiscj Oil breath, of Lal'lata, Mo., who uro visiting In Vinita. Foley's Kidney Ouro is a medicine frco from poisons and will cure any case of kldnoy disease that Is not be yond tho reach of medicine. Sold by PcodIo's drug store. dw Dr. E. D. Frayser returned Tuesday night from Miami, whoro ho had been examining the books of the bank pre paratory to l&cruaslog tho capital stock. WAS VERY WINDY Mooting of tho Crock Annex ation Loaguo at Okmul geo Excuse for Much Talk. First published in tho Vinita fodlnn Chief tain. Jul S3, IW2 Notice of Special Election. JWJinJA'smav r ,mmsmswntmmmwmmui B Don't nood a I Jg Summor tonio, " gg 1 You lu-oil plenty of oxor ciso in tho onon nir ? Sco us for roliitblo bicycloa nt lowest prices. SQ0000000000000 Fishing tackle, Sporting goods. Dar rough Hardware Co. mt mi Slow Starvati Is tho fato of sufferers from d) anopsia and Indigestion. If yuur food remains undigested It can't build up tho body. In fart, It iiocs actual daniago by decaying Jn the B,H' wvnV Tlio!lboltloii)tRluiJltImariii)tli(Tirtuulin(turtnncoO''tliotriiiUliowlilcliKllurtif l'rwml liy K O. DaWltt ft Co.. Clihttiio. ftK by all ilmtprn a ioothlni, li kin ulmnss. Dcwut's witcb Hazel salve KODOL Digest Witai Vcu Eai. Kodol Is the scnslblo remedy. By digesting what you cat It strengthens tho body nud nt tho Mimo lima rests 1110 stomacn. Tina roat soon reaicneii Cnlharllcs and stimulants only ruach kouoi cures, it 11 nawro a lonio. perfect health. tho symptom. Ire years uao n dlMtau the doctors called ilrtpepiln took Midi v liuhl on n t'lyjto I tookiuanllUeof jln if ml oilier wwllelnM, liut nothing lit I iilnS iiiMinrmpiui u straw I grablntl at Kodol. I (ltnn (miirovemuiitui i bollli until i-mnd and vrcll. U1.011118 t. U.lMll. Utoriiuy-at-lJiw, hi St can't help but do you nood. ip l litartu lootlitnj;, hwillnjc application for lillt-, sores art iiowarn vi euuiuermu- PRINTING of all kinds proujptly and propor , done at this office. Prices nlwny consistent with material and work CHIEFTAIN PUJJ. CO LOOAX : NOTES. Creeks all up. Plenty of stock water. Bring on that street fair. Miss Laura Cooper went to St. Louis Sunday. W- II. Haines is going to move to his farm this fall. J. A. Merrill has another child sick with typhoid fever. Mrs. Frona Darrett of Chelsea Is vMtlng in the city. 0. A. Davidson returned from Cleve land Saturday night. Qrace Allen, charged with robbery, was released on bonds. Tho Golden Rule, tho new store, will open in a few days, Mrs. Cbas Hunt went to Sapulpa yesterday to visit relatives. Dr. E. B. Frayser and J. O. Hall went to Miami Monday night. L. W. Marks shipped a car load of cattle to Kuticaa City Tuesday. Mrs. R. I. Btakcney returned Mon day from a visit at Galena, Kan. Mr. and Mm. W. 1. Thompson havo returned from a visit to Tahlequah. John Hamilton Is building a neat Ave room cottage In the west part of town- Berl Owing loft Sunday night for Guttirlc, O.T., after a wcok's visit la Vinita. Mrs. II. A. Galloway Is hero from Stroud, O. T ou a visit to her parents. YatermoIons aro abundant, large and cheap, and uro coming In dally by the wagon load. Mr.andMrs. H. 0. ilarrcttloft Tues day for Clinton, Mo., whore they will vbilt tor soverul weeks. August Scblleckcr went to MuBko goo Monday ami will go to South Mc Alostcr beforo his return. I. 0. Starr returned to Muskogee Monday morning to assume his duties with tho Cherokco attorneys. Miss Nellie Prazcc, sister of Sam R. France, Is visiting In tho city. Miss Frazee'a homo is in St. Louis, Miss Myrtlo Webb loft Wcdncs day tor St. Louis, whero alio will study the latest stylet of fall millinery. Mrs. Eugenia TLompson and Mrs. A. 1). Shellun returned Sunday fromm two weeks' visit at Olielsea. Tho entire countryside will loin with Vltilla In making tho proposed carnlvl nud street fair u big success. Mrs, Iio;gs, formerly of Vinita and a iilcco uf J. 0, Gray, passed through tno city Monday ovening on tho Irltuo, Mrs. J. W. Skinner of Adulr was In tho city Saturday enrouto to Oatthago to visit her broth er-lu-law, w)io Is very 111. From all accounts as to tho proposed street fair Vinita will bo ono big merry-go-round trtfut Soptember 10 to jv.linciusivo. USUAL COMMITTEES Were Appointed to Iteeoluto, Dr Petitions, See tho Council, nnd Finally Die Prob. ably the last Spasm. F. W. Slrout has lost several cows from Texas fever. Frank P. Anderson camoovcr from Monett Tuesday to visit bis wife. Miss Allco Patterson went to Mo nett Tuerday for a few days's visit. A. 0. Patterson and little son re turned from Chelsea Tuesdayovcnlng Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lahtuan are both suffering from an attack of fever. Miss yallc Thompson, of this olllce, made 3 business trip to Adair yester day. Mrs. Frank L. Buckhalterand chil dren went to Cbctopa yesterday on a visit. Rev. Frank R. Jones, on account of the rain Sunday which was .to have boon his last Sunday, will remain over next Sunday and possibly tho rest of tho month. MIssMattlo Watlclns, fortu'rlv of Willie Ilalscll college, npd Chario. Trlbblo wcro married Saturday at the homo of the bride In Ennlj, Texas. They will make their homo ut Trini dad, Colorado. Georgo Dick, who filled up on lire water Monday and raised a disturb ance on a train on which were Assist ant District Attorney Huckleberry and Deputy Gllstrap, was brought in here and when bo had sobered up this morning was assessed 15 and costs. Frank Soykora, a prominent mer chant of South Omaha, Neb., who has been looking over tho Torrltory for severalweeks returnod to VlultaMuu day and pronounces this olty the most attractive as a business und residence city of any visited. Mr. Soykora will probably locato here. nnrrtago Licence. Terrell T. Parks-Ella Lelghty, Dluojackct. Moeo Waltors-Carrlo Flolds, Vlan. John II. IIondrlcks-Mrg. Amanda Darton, Olaremore. Georgo WIlllams-Mrs.Emanda John son, Wlmer. Orango F. Sandldgo-John CoaU, Adair. , William Roland-Sarah liurgoea, Choutoau. A Necessary Precaution. Don't neglect a cold, It is worso than unpleasant. It isdangorous. Uy using One "Mlnuto CourIi Ouro you can cure It at mce. Allays Inllam tuatloh, clears tho head, spolhcs and strengthens tho mucous mombrane. Cures coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. Absalutely safo. Acts Im mediately Children llko It. A. W. Foroman. dw Commissioner's Court. Georgo Snook, a boy about 16 years of age, wus bound over Monday af ternoon ou a charo of assault to kill. The boy.wbo evidently does not rpoog ntze tho seriousness of tho charge, was as nonchalant as a hardened crim inal. The crlmo ho "will havo to answer tor was committed at a plcnle near Cftoosa sometime ugo, when hq assaulted a mau named Bobbert, In Ulctlog several stab wounds. "I had dlabstes In lis worst form," writes Marlon Loo of Dunreath, Ind. "I trkd eight phynlolans without re lief. Only threo bottlos of Foley's Kidney Cure made mo a well man." Sold by Pooplo's drug store. dw Jail Notes, Win. Turner was brought In by Deputy Rogers, of Solllsaw, inarged with Introducing. .To date, a total of 03 prisoners have been received at tho Jill. ulck Relief for; Asthma Sufferer. Foley's Honey and Tar affords Im mediate relief to asthma sufferers In tho worst stages ana If taken In time will effect a cure. Sold by Peoples drug store. dw I:-cursIon to Kansas City Aug. 17th. Round trip t2. Special train. LoU of room. Arrive In Kansas City Sun day morning at 7 o'clock, returning train leaves at 10:30 p. ni., giving vou nil day In Kansas City, Sco Kuty Agent. Foley's Kidney Cure Will cure Bright' Disease. Will euro Diabetes. Will euro stone In bladder. Will cure kidney and bladder diseases. Sold by People's drug store. dw The Two Powers. The two greatest powers on earth aro electricity and printers' ink. Electricity, as harnessed and controlled by man, movcB what it is qualified to ropel; but printers' ink has no limitations. Trio one moves inanimate things; the other moves man, the most difficult of all things animate or inanimate to be moved. And printers' ink goes wherever man is found. Printers' Ink. tils Sight Threatened. "While picnicking last month my 11-year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plant," says W. II. Dibble, of Sioux City, la. "Ho rubbed the poison off his hands into bis eyes and for a while wo were afr&td bo would loso his sight. Finally a neighbor recommended DoWttt's Witch Hazel Salve. Tho first application helped him and In a few days ho was as well as ever." For skin diseases, cuts, burns, scald, wounds, Insect bites, DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo U sure cure. Relievos pllos at once. Beware of counterfeits. A, W. Foreman, dw Death of "Buck." Starr. Leroy Starr, generally known aa "Buck" Starr, is dead at Slillwell from the effect of a sun stroke. He was 70 years old. He aen:rated from his wife a few years after their marrlago and for nearly forty yoars has lived alono in the hills near Stllwell. Uiu only com panions were Lis fox hounds. He did his own cooking and seldom visited any ono. Adair Notes. Morgan Skinner 1b in St. Louis. Cherley Hawkins shipped two car loads of cattle yesterday. Judge Clark was down from Vinita yesterday. Miss Ora CummlngB is reported much better. II. L. Turner is seriously ill. J. H. Calvert haB purchased the livery etablo from J. V. Skinner. F. T. Martin, D. II. 0. of M. W. A., is organizing n new lodge at this place. Twenty-five or thirty have already signified their inten tion to become members. J. F. Warren shipped a car load of bogs tbe first of the week. The Oreok Annexation leaguo has conoluded its session at Ok mulgee after considerable wear and tear on tho vocal organs of the few spell-binders present. After tho noisy ones had con eluded the following officers and CLmmllteos were appointed: President, Orlando Swain, Ok mulgee; vice president, V. P. Root, Sapulpa; secretary, W. W. Gro'.n, Brislow; treasurer, II. H. Holman, Wetumka. Committees were appointed as follows: Resolutions E. II. Eaton, Bris. tow; 0. M. Ireland, Sapulpa; J. C. Thomas, Kelloyville; J. A. Wll liams, Mounds; Wm. Harris, Eu- faula; J. 0. Stone, Okmulgee; Jas, Kelly, Beggs; 0. V. Meaohin, Uenryetta. Legislation and memorial to the Creek: council II. F. Johnson, BrUtow; Harry Campbell, Sapul pa; R. W. Laflln, Okmulgee; C. T. Taylor, Grayson; B, I. Brown, Beggs. Lengtby addresses on singlo statehood were made by Hon. T. Derylo of Perry, Okla ; L. H. Pit. man of Tecumeob, Okla., and H. B. Johnson of Bristow, I. T. Tho appointment of the execu tive committee was deferred and left to tho president. The com mittee on memorial reported, and its report was referred to tbe exec ulive committee. There were a numbor of Indians and freedmen present, who participated In tho convention, which was in every way a success, from the league's standpoint. An effort will be made to have an 1 Airmail ve action 'taken by tho Creek nation council in October. Tho resolutions adopted extend an invitation to he other Indian nations lo join in tho movement; tbe Creek council for passing tbe supplemental treaty permitting the leasing of their lands; com mends the wotk of tbe Dawes com mission, and ask an act of congress to eloao tip the Indian question. The memorial sets forth a plan to divide tbe Creek nation into eight counties, with county seats at Muekogee, Wagoner, Bristow, Wetumka, Okmulgee, Sapulpa, Okema and Beggs. Members of a finance committee will be eeleclod and St. Louis, Kansas City and other wholesale points will be asked lo assist In securing the funds to educate tbe Indians to favorable action on the resolutions. Tbe meetingis accepted by those conversant with the aflairs of the Creek nation as the last spasm of tbe movement. Look Pleasant, Please. Photographer 0. C. HarUu, of Ea ton, O,, can do so now, though for years he couldn't becaure ho suffered untold agony from the worst form of Indlgcston. All physicians and medi cines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for him that be declares tbey are a godsend to sufferers from dyspe psia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of tho stomach, liver and kidneys, thoy build up ana givo new life to the whole system. Try them. Only 50c Guaranteed by Peoples and A. W. Foreman's drug stoies. d w Notice Is hereby given that n special election by tie qualified voters of the In corporated town of Vlnltfl, Indian ttt rltory, has been called by the Mayor and council of said town and will be held In the council room nnd Mayor's office of said town, on the twenty-fifth day of August 1802, between the hours of 8 a; m. and sunset the name day for the following purpose: To vote on the proposition of authoriz ing the issuance of bonds of said Incor porated Town of Vinita in the sum of twelve thourand dollars and to borrow money thereon to be ued for the build Ing of schootltoiues: the terms and con ditions of said bonds are more particular ly set forth In the Resolutions of the Council of the Incorporated town of Vinita, adopted on the 21st day of July 1 02 and hereby published at length ns n part of this notice. uitsourrioN. "Whereas, it is necessary that tbe In corporated town of Vinita should ar range for buildings for school purposes; and, Whereas, under the authority of the Act of Congress approved May 19, 1902 incorporated towns having a population of Uro thousand or more are authorized to issae bonds and borrow money there on to be used for such purposes: and, Whereas, a census of the Incorporated Town of Vinita has been taken by W. 0. Chamberllu, a suitable person duly ap pointed for that purpose on the 18th dty of June 1902 by the Honorable Joseph A. Gill, Judge of the United States court in and for the northern district of the In dian territory, whose sworn return to said judge shows the number of inhabi tants of the Incorporated Town of Vinita to be two thousand, seven hundred and ten; and, Whereas, the total valuation of the taxable property in the Incorporated, town of Vinita as shown by the arses ment for the year 1002 for the purpose of taxation is one million eighty thousand dollars; and, Whereas, Twelve Thousand Dollars will be ample and sufficientfor the build ing of school houses in the incorporated town of Vinita; and, Whereas, the Interest on Twelve Thou sand Dollars at Ave per centum per an num could and would be more than li quidated by a tax of five mills upon tho dollar of the valuation of taxable proper ty In the incorporated town of Vinita aa aforesaid; and, Whereas, tbe said incorporated town of Vinita is free from any debt obliga tion or liability of any kind whatsoever, BE IT RESOLVED, by thn Council of the Incorporated town of Vi nita that for the purpose of building school houses within and for the incor porated town of Vinita, the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars should be ex pended and in order to procure s id sum it is necessary that the incorporated town ot vinua issue oomisior mat pur pose: therefore, De It Further Resolved, by the council of the incorporated town of Vinita, that under and in accordance with tbe Act of Congress above referred to, the following proposition be submitted to the legal voters of the Incorporated town ol Vini ta to be by tbeni voted upon, on the twenty-fifth day of August IU02. to wit: "blialt Donas 01 tlie Incorporated town of Vinita be issued to be used for the purpose of building school houses with- U, OUU IU, .MV MB. U. fcAlG IUUUUIMUM ut, the incorporated town of Vinita: said bonds to be '.Issued In the principal sum of twelve thousand dollars in denomina tions to suit purchaser and to be num bered from one upward, and to be known as the Public School Building Bonds of the Incorporated town of Vinita. The principal sum of said bonds to be paid in twenty years from the date of issue, in lawful money of the Vsitsd States, and from the date of their issu ance to bear interest in like lawful money of the United States, said interest payable emi annually at the rate of per centum per annum according to the bid which shall be accented by the coun cil of the incorporated town of Vinita, not to exceed five per centum per annum, and the advertisement for bids for said bonds shall state that bidders are request ed to make proposals for, four, four and one-half, and five percent bonds, prefer ence being given to tlie offer bearing the lowest rate or interest against tlie pre mium offered for bonds having a higher rate of Interest; said bonds to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by tbe Treasurer of this municipality, in their to the fnuncil of the nrnrpwti town of tnifi in tl same linnner a ihe votes are counted, canvassed aai re turned In tlie general town election. h. It. PAftKKn, Jr , Mayor I hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution wo passed and adopted by the connell of the in corporated town of Vinita t their rgu lar meeting held JinySI.-lfiOfi. A. P. CifAiillHRI.t.-, Recorder. tSBAI. In witness whereof the Mayer and Re conler of the incorporated town uf Vini ta have duly signed this notice, in their official capacit., this Sind day of July 1002. In V. ParkSr, Jttitoyor. Attest: A. V. Ch.VMHKrUN, Recorder SRAI, &&A rrznn This slgn&taro ' on rrety box of lbs psnnlao Laxative Bromo-Quininc TsUou Um remedy that enrva n cold in ono day - ' ' -:.,' , .',""j' - (Tint Publlalied July SI. IN.) SPHCIAL NOTIClt, Before the Honorable Joiepb A. QUI. JuJro oftlio Unlte. Btttes Ooatt for the Xortu- era District of Indian Tek rltory. In tht matter of tbe annexation of territory to tbe Incorporated Town of Welch. Notice Is hertky niton thit upon the peti tion of W. I). HUbimltb.J. E(I.Drookibtra. C. F. Jonn.C. U, OlWion, B, T. I'Arkor. J. F. I'piroll. M. Frnlm, A. O. Cox, O. T Darnall. V. A. Klnnlson, filed by V. A. Klo nlion aj ngent In this behalf, upon the th dy of July. 19OT, for the annexnt-on of ter ritory to tho Incorporated town of Welclu tho'it day ot8eptembr, fees, at Vlnltt, 1. T.,i designated and ordered by tbe Court si the tlmo and plaeo for the hearing of iMd petition Tho territory proposed to be annexed I as fnllowi. to-wrv nglnnlng at the 8. B, corner ot Sec. y. Ju.'nZS, Hinge JI. K.. running north on tho Mellon line about wo feet to the center of First avenue, u It appear on the pint of tho Incorporated town ot Welch) thenee weat abouiSSO feet to a nnlnt nlthinsm rr. o the center of tho main trselcottho M. K. x. n. it. uo.i unncoin a southerly direc tion along tho boundary lino ot the Incorpo rated town of Welch to the flrjt seetlon Unci theoco e&U on iatd section Uao to the plice of beginning, containing about six btocks.or about ten acrri, rnoro or lets. In testimony whereof 1 bare hereunto let toy hind, V.A. KIHN1UON, SIw Agent for Fetltloncn. Kansas City Excursion, August 17th. $2,00-RoundTrip-$2.00 via I Trade Mark )MK&TRy,'( Special Train Leaves Vinita at- 1 2:23 &t rr). and ar rives at Kansas City 7:00 o'clock Sunday morning. Returning, train leaves Kausws City 10:30 Sunday night, All Day in Kansas City Sec Katy's Agent. rrri -frjj? ' ii ill 11 v R vvHl Wr .1 THRfllinil TRAINS w pn veeiwwete ! wm psB - THROUGH TRAINS "DAILY 81 SUXDAYS TOO" THEKATYWAY n BETWEEN PRINCIPAL FOIHTS IM Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Texas & Mexico. pullmah Burrrr olccpep-: AND RCCLINiriG CHAIR CAHS ' ON ALLTHROUdr! TRAINS. for FAST TIME ".' "THE KATY FLYW" DECT AND QUICKCS,' SCHVI At Bakntlno's This Week. Good Cofleo and Tea a specialty, Mnnley and Klneella cofleo kept In block; 20, 25 and 35c. per lb. also have other coffee from 10 to 15 cents per lb, Fine Tea, Deat pin head Gun Ponder, Idi jierlal, basket. fired Japan, Black, and tea dust all kept in etock, Freeh bacon and lard kept in atook at all times. Bacon and lard at from 12 1 2 to 18 cents per pound. BrooniB al 10, 20 and 25o .each. Fine toilet eoaps on hand. Price 5, 10 and 25 cento per cake. Genuine country sorghum kept constantly in etock. Everything kept in ne nice a condition m paaBlblo. I am glad at all times lo see my Irienda and want to please them, Thanking you for past favors, &o., I remain Yours respectfully, hlnS.'.BALEHTINE, Rock Creek Notes. The rain of Sunday night glad, dened the heart of the farmers. A. 0. Harland, of South MoAl ester, was visiting in this neigh borhood Monday. Ellis Webb and family went lo Vinita Tuesday to bring tbe Jum bo priie piano home with them, but conoludrd later that they did not need it. Dr. Herron and family and Walt Taylor and wife visited with Will Propp and wife Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Seabright and Mrs, Geo. Warren, of Adair, visited Mrs, Propp Tuesday. The rain stopped the haying and moBl ol the men went to Vinita lo see tho eights Tuesday. Uncle Joe Harris and wife ex pect to inovo to Chelsea soon. The apple crop la very short in this vicinity. Charles Jackson and son, of Arkansas, are visiting .the family oi Oscar dark. John Colvort has purchased tho livery baro at Adair and will move to that town soon. A man from Duok creek has rented the Frailer farm and is plowing for wheat, Frank Higglns visited his slater, Mrs. Franks vBadgetl, in Vinlla Tuesday. " t Singlo harness Q.M ut Lee Harett'a official capacity, and under seal of tlie town; to have coupons attached thereto for interest accruing upon each bond and each coupon shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by fhe Treasurer in their official canasity and attached to each bond as to readily permit the removal ot said coupons without mutilating the bond. Said bonds shall be sold by the council of tbe incorporated town of Vi nita by an advertisement for sealed bids at such time and in such manner as the said council may deem to be to the best interest of said tewn with the right to reject any and all bids, provided however, that the said council shall not sell or dispose of said bonds or any of them at less than their par value. That before the indebtness contem plated by this resolution is incurred pro vision will be made by tlie council of the incorporated town of Vinita by ordinance, which shall be irrepealable, for an annual tax suthcient to pay tlie interest on said bonds as the same falls due, and also provide for the payment and discharge of the principal thereof within twenty years from the date of contracting the same. That the twentv-Gfth dav of August 1003 be and the same is designated and There is scarcely any condition ot lit health that is not benefited by the occas ional vn of a R-I-P-A-N-S Tabule. Par sale by druggists. The five-cent packet Is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, Go cents, contains a sup, ply for a yesx, ditf r .A mm rim 5 set ansrt as a dav unon whli tion of Issuance of tlie bonds as the nues- hereto fore specified shall be voted upon by the qualified voters of the said incorporated town of Vinita, And Be It Further Resolved, that the notice of said election shall be slgnel by the Mayor and Kecorder of the incorpor ated town of Vinita specifying the time and place ot holding said election and setting forth in full this resolution: said notice to be published in, some news paper of general circulation published in the incorporated town of Vinita tor a period of four consecutive weeks prior to said twenty-five day of August 1002. And Be It Further Resolved, that the election shall be held on said day be tween the hours of 8 a. 111, and sunset of the same day at the place designated, and conducted by election officers con sisting ot judges and clerks appointed, by the Judge of the United States court for the northern district of Uie Indian terri tory. The qualified voters of the Incor porated town of Vinita shall vote at said election by ballot, upon which said bal lot shall be printed the following words; issue bonds and borrow money thereon 'Shall the incorporated town of VlniU In the sum of twelve thousand dollars to be used for the building of school houses in said Incorporated town?'' "Yes" or "Vo " The election shall be conducted iu the manner prescribed by law ami the votes shall be counted, canvassed and returned mrn Improves the flavor and adds to the health fulness of the food. Superlative n Strength and Parity. PRice DAxma powocr co-iChicmq, DO YEARS EXPERIENCE . r&tMiJ &$&&KMrf . trci vmrmmmwmr ill MelT JjiUJfafcd! Traoc Marks Drsions COfYHWHTS 40. " Auroo'"Jlng uin.'Mfttomaw tutoMr .rtm iuf Miiii!.,ii 1'm uiMf nh IflVMUan ttvfvlinllyjWKMaliM. t'oMHBWate ltewul4twuwn(W. llMMltaobkwtlbtwtf riWfiU ukM tbruou Mau C. Mivi ifMlM nottM, without cbfB, In IM scHHtmc mmm. SBSsmm, jgffSt.SjE nfi38tB-r,iiwTirK m, m Y ut. Win , ri 0 ' i "i 11 r 1 -i.'l tv )& r ii r ,J 1 4. -"l i' ! I afc?! i,'ii M m ff f ii i i ft -' ni i ll La "