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jprogss """"!!""',"'' r r,12Sgjfefey!"-3a--!--- ' t- r ,rr..L , i ' -M' V, '' wmmmmmmmmtmmamjmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmMMmmKmmmmmmm M - - -:tfV m JUMBO STOR Our buyers have just returned from the East purchasing Dry Goods for this mammoth store. Every department is packed full of bright, seasonable merchandise, at prices that will crowd our counters with eager buyers. Tj1 flSOI 2 i WJt f te -W I " ' I r:v K , v ,s i If f- v?29A , wTjufl Dry Goods Full yard wide L. L. Muslin, A r per yard at Extra good Cotton Checks, worth 5c, Or per yard at ; " -Mottled Outing Flannel, worth 8c, Gr per yard at u Fancy Checked and Striped Outing worth A 6c per yard at " Job in Gotlon Flannels, all colors, 7 worth loc and I2c per yard at Towels and Table Linens A tempting array of Linens that will appeal to all buyers alike. A good big Towel, worth 75c a dozen, 4-f)p Extra Large Bath Towels, size 27x52, O PI r worth 35c per pair, at CUKj Bleached Table Linen, a regular 35c 1 Qr value, at ." &" A Good Mercerized Table Linen, will fiflr wash and wear good. Per yard at.. UUO Pillow Cases and Sheets Large 81x91 Hemmed White Sheets, PjPjp 36x42 Pillow Cases, cheaper than mak- 1 Cr ing at the price; each I Jj Bed Spreads Large White Bed Spreads, AQ Large White Fringed Bed Spreads, t 1 K Q A Snap in Hosiery U Our buyer secured a great bargain in Children's Hose about 50 dozen in the lot. Never sold at less than 8c a pair. Your choice to start them, Or per pair vb Shirt Waists b0 We are making some inter esting prices on Shirt Waists. Some are a little soiled, but water will clean them. dOV S fitted out with a new suit r"VJJ Me ! Clothing O White Waist, sold at 75c to 1.00; now.. White Waist, sold at S1.00 to $1.25; now Percale Waists, sold at 50c; now Percale Waists, sold at 25c; now 50c 75c 25c 15c Dress Goods Don't fail to see our new Fancy Velvets for Waisting in Persian Effect. French Flan nels, Zibiline, Morie Silk, Fancy Silk Waist Patterns and Fancy Suitings. fa CD i Every boy must now be fitted out with a new suit School Twentieth ' Century Suits cn jfc will appeal to ever mother. ill lb They are exclusive in style and made to wear. 'lhc difference between them and other good clothes is easier seen than de scribed. We ask only one considera tion sec the Twentieth Century Boy's Clothing before you buy. Boy's Two-piece Suits . . .$1.00 to $2.00 Boy's Manly Suits $2.50 to $5.00 Double-breasted Sack Suits $3.50 to 5.00 Men's Summer Underwear Not much left to talk about. The prices we arc making should clean up every garment at once. ln Swill if flSl If Men's Balbriggan Shirts worth 50c, at .. Men's Drill and Balbriggan Drawers, worth 35c to 50c, at 35c 25c X t 1 Sample Line of Ladies' Summer Vests. Some are worth trom 25c to $1.50, Your choice at 15c. . umb 0 titer Mmsms Notions. Take a notion and buy your Notions now. A big Pencil Tablet, 5c Boy's School Slates, 4c no.sojw. ieau .renews at ic Hooks and Eyes, per card 5c Children's Handkerchiefs, each 1c Paper of Good Needles 5c Coarse Comb 5c M HIBR fa m h .i'ian Chieftain. fttfeoRIPTION PRICE. Yr. or $1.00 If Paid In Advance. VnbUtkcdTltartdiT' tr rtir (.incrrAiK ruuiana Cori.uT, l. . MABR8, Mltor and raWUher H. LBM CLOTWOKTHY, Aaoett Bdltor. Vurtfx, I. T., Skpt. 4, 1902. GfnKl roads mean good business. When the knocker knock tha knooker. knooks, Ciinrtesy la one of the most Ti'.Uiblo aaaetB of the Buoceaeful busiiion man. Cbuficietio Is an essential of attocesi whether it be of the indi vidual or muaioipRllty. There ia a great scarcity of boga throughout the Territory. Thia doo cot apply to tba genus homo. King Corn has established hia hiyh court in the Cherokee Nt tiou thib year, and will soon distribute a fctaerous largaaa. Ibure are a number of joint keepers who will be daoidely out of joint shortly after tha grand juries conranes. That mixed aohool pill approved by Governor Ferguson of Oklaho en.. i,( tftr be swallowed by the pt tlt A the Indian Territory. FotGiheon is linked to the past with a chain of bistorieal inoidenta bul that is no reaaon why her mu nicipal digits should encircle that land o'Jjos. j t-f town that expt-cie to grow u.t. l nfler employment to a larger p iw.oo Vinita can make a g-xlha'i in that direction by hui '..if; a canning faotory. rl h I'lwn Idlers are usually tha most caup'tc oriiics ot its iostitu tiona. Ya, they bav6 their plaoe in the world, along with moaqulios, talcrqbta and other anim&loulae. A gay old Texan (rifled with tba aflectiona of forty St. Louie widows and esoaped. Thai man could play pin? pong on Mont I'ele with ti".li.i of dynamite and never be r.'.(,u .water carriers were em pi - n' iy tbo last council. It n t I. ve been 0 horrible quality t ' tLftt slatted euolt internal Cm JrBiin8 bb le thereby nig vvtted There are five ministers on the Muskogee grand jury, which will insure the obsequies or the joint keeper being properly performed. From some of the editorials in the Fort Gibson Post one would suppose that Editor Holden had quit his vegetable diet and was training for the land office fight on blood and gunpowder. With appraisement the un sightly shooks which mar the ap. pearance of the territory towns will rspldly disappear. Property will then be too valuable to be allowed to remain unimproved. There a:e three hundred miles of heavy steel track being laid in tbo Indian Territory to meet the increasing business, and yet it is but the beginning of the commor cial development of this section. South McAloster Iibb suddenly decided thut a firo department is needed in that city. Thepresonae of an organized department Thurs day would have paid for its equip stent many limes over; but yet, it is never too late to do the right thing. According to a bulletin recently issued by the state board of agri culture, the population of Kansas baa decreased, through emigration, ovet three thousand during the paet year. How many of these voluntary exiles are feasting at the Territory pieoounteris not stated. The section ot the Indian Terri tory which attempts to obtain an nexation with Oklahoma is seek ing political suicide. The only salvation of the Territory is to enter into single statehood as a unit. Enough influence oan then be brought to bear to command re yeot. With the closing of the rolls another chapter in Cherokee his tory is ;oompleled. It witnesses' one of the final acts in the dissolu tion ol the tribal government and gives promise of the speedy op proaou of allotment when every Cherokee will enter into possession of his own. WS2W V&ffi IGtnS I JJ' ttSZXSi) iG" ' u X LAr.T However brilliant a man's at tainments, hla value to nn employe is nil i( he is a slave to drink. At no time in the commorcial history were drinking men so much at a discount as at present. Clear brainB are necessary to success in these strenuous days, and employers will not trust their affairs to men who cloud their intellects with drink. In the death of Representative C. Reese DeGraffenreid of Texas the Indian territory loses ono of its most ardent and capable cham pions on the floor of congress. Al ways ready to offer any assistance in securing tho passage of territory measures he has rendered tnoBt valuable services in the past to this eeotion and bis death has oc casioned nidespread sorrow. The vast difference in tho condi tions in the Cherokee Nation this year and last is refleoted in the general air of confidence. The drought of last year, while a bevere lesson, was yet a most valuable one. Some of the present pros ferity can be traced to the lesson In eoonomy taught by the drought, luuuu Uralluador will Uuy your second baud stores awl furniture. One who visits the department stores, jewelers and other marts of trado cannot but bo impressed with the fact that for every man customer there are present a score or thirty, or forty women. The wise advertiser is he who writes in Buoh manner as to arrest the at tention and appeal to the interest of the fair sex. Printers' Ink. The oommercial outlook for the Indian Territory is indeed bricht. and promise is given of an unpre cedented era of prosperity. A gratifying feature of the increasing commercial importance of this sec tion is found in its pulilioal effect, The time is fast approaohing when the great interests of the Territory can demand self government, and tho dominant party at Washing ton will fear to deny it. The closing of tho Cherokee rolls suggests the necessity of establish ing a land office in the very near luture&nd the ideal location which Vinita offer. Whilo some of the other towns are showing consider able spirit in their attempts to get the office, yet they have failed to show any good cause why it should not be located in Vinita, tho commercial, political and social capital of tho Cherokeo nation. sury during the remaining 'ear8 ol tribal existence. X That house in Muskogee which has been struck three times by lightning is like some people. It refused to "take a tumble" under any circumstances. The merchants of Vinita are busy arranging the immenao stocks of fall goods which are now com ing in. From the size and charac ter of the stocks, it looks as though the mail department stores will find this a poor field for business. In hia charge to the grand jury at MuBkogee yesterday, Judge O. W. Raymond laid particular stress on the presence of numerous vag rants in the Territory, After re ferring to the absolute absence of any excueo for a man being unem ployed in tho Territory, he urged that all such characters be indicted Their finisb,if brought before him, was Indicated in hie remark that an adequate punishment was con finement for from 30 to 90 days, with half of the sentence served on a diet of bread and water. The closing days of the Chero. kee gavernmont will offer especial temptations to those who have plundered tho nation In the nast to make a final raid on the trea- ury. A man should be selected for ohlef, whose character in un impeachable and one who owes no allegiance to or feara no clique, Too many safeguards cannot bo placed around tho national trea. The first thing needful in an ad vertisement is something to at tract the attention of tho reader. This may be by meanB of an ap. poeite illustration, or a neatly turned sentence, or something else that is not too commonplace, Tho next thing is to hold the attention by sayin-j. something that is inter esting. What can be more inter eating than a brief demonstration that be who reads will profit per sonally by a perusal? The third thing is to persuade, tho leader that the articles oflered are what he needs and what ho oan buy to bis advantage. Printers' Ink. Next time you are asked if ad vertislng pays, just adopt the Bo cratlc method of arguing and ask questions in return. Ask the skep tical Inquirer to name the railroad that burns anthracite coal. Bet him a cigar ho can name but one oanned soup that is Bold at six plates (or tin cents. Mako him namo a window shale roller and bet him a dollar or five, or ten, or twenly.five that he cannot name another. And if you want more test questions or proof, go to the pages of the magazine or the daily papers. It is ao difficult for any poraon who reads to be inno- rant of widely advertised commod ities ab it ia for him to remember thoBQ, that are not advertised. Printers Ink, FOR GOOD ROADS. Commercial Club Preparing Plat for LayingOut Public Roads. AUTHORITY GIVEN Under tho Treaty for the Ei tablishment of Public Roads and Highways Along All Section Lines Without Compensation for Land. A good road movement liaa been inaugurated by the Commercial Club and under tho direction of that organization a plat is being prepared lor the laying out of the roads leading into Vinita. The following authority under which the club will act, la given in section 37 of the recently rati, fled treaty: "Public highways or roads two rods in width, being one rod on each eido ol the section line, may he established along all section lines without anj compensation being paid theref'or, and all allot tees, purchasers, and others Bball take the title to such lands sub ject to this provia Ion; and publio highways or roads may be es tablished elsewhe re whenever nec essary for tho publio good, tho actual value of the land taken elsewhere than along section linos to bo determ'iued under tho di rection of tho eecretary of tho in terior while the tribal government continues aad to be paid by tho Cherokeo antion during that time; and if bul.'.dings or othor improve ments aradamagod in consequonco of the establishment of such publio highways nr roads, whether along section linoB or elsewhere, such damages, during the continuance of tbo tribal government, shall be detevmlned and paid for in tho samo manner." The actual work will be inau gurated as soon as the plat Is com ploted, Foley's KJcliioy Ouro in a km tho dlsoascd kidneys sound so tlioywlll eliminate tho poisons from tho blood. Sold by Peoples' druir store. dw Tho best fidsaora on earth ut Yd. Lee's. Will Open Their Store Monday, Sept. w The public arc invited. Make us a visit whether you wish to buy or not. 0( styles are bcauttful and colors are rich. REMEMBER THE DATE. QOLDEN RULE. -AT- Drawn U m OS o :i : B g n a. B . - c. S " b a to n- CB -t Do. cn o-n. do o ..ia o re BO b5S"S O f- W ,2 & - m. i re r. a b a-a 53 " S" Q s - ' sis. 1 . to o tr" 5 a tOO. a 2.3 B" ?S 5 3." 3 ' u TJ re re m g. ro-o H o I " 2. 8 j .-3 5 m a w " b 2 ?. 9 B. B re S " B 53 o -1? -g-Sre" a p a b ja. OB " 5 rr p 8 ." s s s I 5S- p Z g a is - - B. re g- B B 2 - S-3 -"g '8 V B O. re P" re a re g t w n 9 b 3 S-S K re . n T3 5 B" Yours respectfully, MnS.'.BALENTINK. Foley's Money and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia Sold by Peoples' druir store. (9. Round Trip to fJaIveton. $9, On Sunday, Soptembcr 7, via tbo M. K. U T., a special train of day coaches, chair cars and tourllU' sleep ers will leavo Vinita at 11 o'clock, a. m. Tho berth rato to Galvoitor, will bo -2.CO. rartlcsdealrlng them should secure borlhs early. Tickets arc ttood returning on all regular trains up to and lucludloK Sopt. 16. A wliolo week of salt water lliblnK and bathlDi;. For berths and other )nfo-umtiuii ice Kuty's flt'Cnt. I-trV t-HMaftelt. t'- - " ""'-J --"- - - "' Bringing Out the Facts We want to make it as strong as we know how That we will give youjbetter Lumbe at the same price, or equal grades al a lower price than elsewhere. We believe first, in erivintr the best lumben that money can buy, and then in making thc price as low as possiDic lor mat Kina 01 utm bqr. And still we defy you to find lowc; prices than our. If you leaye our yard dissatisfied, it's you own tault, because we do our level best tea please every customer who buys buildina material nere even to giving mm tnc ues stock and tne lowest prices. If that won't satisfy you what will? An way, be sure and see us before buying; no atterwarcls. P. E. Brow fill k VInlta.ilndInn Territory s rlj