Newspaper Page Text
r tf; XBS'tr i l'"-".'UlS.'Sy 'Minmiw i'uniiwmii)nMmjmi ,ji. Vlif "gaatK vC-ltWju t,.,,.Jag -" ""'",,""l"""'",M""""j"""""" ""J1""' ' ' -ml "I' Eugene Field's View on Ambition popsla. and Dy 'Dyspepsia," wrote Eugene Flolo "otloa incapacitates ft roMt lot cndc&voi end sometimes extinguishes tho lire of ambition." Though great despite- his eomplalnt Field snffcrod from fndlges tlon all his life, A weak, tltcd stomach can't digest your food. It noodj rest. You can only rest ft by tho us of a preparation llko Kodol, which ro lisvec ltof work by digesting your food. Ilest soon restores ft to Its normal ton. SUflthontnfjj Envifjorntlng. FrenaTOd only by E. O. DWrn A Oa, OhIc so. The "l! Ibottfe contains 3H times the toe. a- 36 HEREFORD ...BULLS... FOR SALE From ton month to four yoarB old, rogistorod, and somo sovon dghts Horoford and ono olgbth ShorHIorn, at $50.00 EACH Just right to turn with hords. Rustler's ranch, 5 milos Bouth wost of Chotopa, Kansas. M. HOLPERMAIM. The Keeley Cure! Whiskey, Morphine, Tobacco yield aslly to the double chloride of gold treatment as administered at the ..KEELEY INSTITUTE.. Ttelltue Place. Dallas. Texas. The only Eeeley Instilue in Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory Established at Dallas inigql. Communications confidential Write for particulars, J. H. KEITH, Mg THE LIVE STOCK MARKET OP 8T. LOUIS. 1 ho St, Louis National Stock Yards. LocattdstSistSt.LoDlt.lll. Dlraetty oppettt tba city or 8t , Lonli. nnj ir. far ail aaa ortplloa ot Lite Block alwaya It ttttadanee, and within lha ira Btsek Tardi It a Bear Uaaalag Company, will round v. .u. acaraeltTforalanihtlrlnr S.OOObaadoreatll, dally, and Pork racking eitabllatamanlt bar a otptolty rrFUntbtrl"C Jyiop bojfj dtllr. O. Q. K50X, VICO Pro. O. T.JONKS.Qe .Mt'r. L. W. &BAKE, Att't. Oen, Mgr. CAUDKL I1TJNT. Or n. -Af cat for Tezaf nd Indian Tarrltory. B. F. Qambill's Workshop Manufaclurorer of all kinds of wook work, cheap coffins, wafton and buggy repairing, scroll sawing, wood turning and anything you want done in the wood line. Thirty year's experience. Welch, Ind. Ter. Registered Saddle Stallion . REX FORREST No. 1598. Son of Rex McDonald 833 Cbamplni Saddler ot tho World Rex Forrest is a beautiful bay 15.3 hands. Perfect in form and action, goes all tio calls ftotarallr. A No. x breeder ia arvvry reipoct Fee 12 to Insure llr ing colt, Will make the scaron of 1902 at our barn on W. B. Raines ranch three miles east of Vinita, I. T, Write for descriptive card. Geo. M. Martin & Sons BADGETT & MLLFORD, P. O. VINITA, I. T. Mia ry u 3 R kTW COCO On rltbtblp and sldo near back. Oalyai and yoonzer cattle QM All older rattlo aro tally-branded with mod left ahoolder or tide. Yonnser eattla marked under bait crop right and undtrbtt lettear. Pastures on Hock Creak, near Adair Jeiulqntrtera aro at farm, al Unitary (J rots nx of Cabin Ureek. Herd principally cowa J. C. GRAY, 10 Miles Northwest ot Vlnlta. O Range on Paw Paw Oreelc. Cattle-o( .his brand told only ior sblp- incnt. S100 reward or con viction ot stealing his brand. n. n. tavlob, Postofflcr. Vlnlta, I. T. smooth crop In lattatr.indcrof nuapui in in. put. BomaeattU It Ttrlont othtr brand, A mark,. Ilaaga on Lo enateraak, fonj mlltts.a. of VI. 2r "" W Y MILLER, Pcstolllco Viuita, Ind. Tor. jJtngMin LtH eu'St apiftriu nr-TTaTHn crccksObran on right sld and blp. Ta rloua ear marks. Bold onlyrorsblp' in.nt V iTmffR. -r&M&BBimm Upholstering;. .... Furuituro ". ropairiug . . . . , . . . ami varnishing. Also .... .... buggy tops and otish-. . . . .... ions ropairod and . . . . , . . . covorod. Second-hand . . , .... furnituro always on hand. . . . . li. ORAFFUNDKll . . . . , . . Bock of Hill building ... . R. JRL TJDie Table - Salot Louis and Sap Pr&ocli-co ooma west rrnlnlU raasonger.. llsSSnm Train 40!. Itctoor l:lSnm Tralntil, Local... t:00nm GOING EAST Train 40, Passenger . 6 Upm Trn n 4lv. World's fair Special It:S7 a m Train 440, Local l:Wam Al53ourl, Kansas -od Ttxa? Railway sooni hound. Train 1, Pnsienser 4 Mam Trains, rijer IDtOTan Trains. I'aaacngcr 6:iuptn Train 61. Local ,. liOOpn noUtii HOUND. Train I, TaiseoKtr ltSJan Train 8. Flyer . Oilftpm Train 4. Taascngcr lliOlnin Train 6n. Loeal lliMam PROFESSIONAL CARDS. EDGAR SMITH, (Mellette & Smith.) . . ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Uoems 1, 2 and 3, 1. O. Building. Viuita, I. T. Du. BAGHY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in New Rntclifl Building. Tele phone lor. vinita, Ind. Ter. TAMES S. DAVBNrORT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 9 and 10, New Halsell Building, Vinita. I. T. LAvenport fc Hall, Attorneys at Law, Uank Building, Claremore, I. T WH. KORNEGAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Notary Public. Office in new Hal, sell building, Vinita. I. T. Will practice In all the United States courts of the I. T. HAS. W. DAY, D. D. S., - EBBDBNTIST.aBBI Sold Crown and Bridge Work a Special y. Office over I'lrt National Bank VINITA, I. T. E.A. STUBBLEFIELD.D.M.D. Office over EUlln Furniture Co., Gray Halsoll building, Vlnlta, I.T. MEREDITH BROS,, Veterinary' PHYSICIANS SUHOKOKS. DENTISTS. T-.........i1.. 1amai1 lfTin at Webb Brai'. stables, Soutt W ilgonl street. Oillcc phone 82, Residence pnoue 09. iiospuni ior paueuis DR. WIMER, I'tie only Exclusive Eye, Ear and Noet Specialist in the Indian Territory EVE Bye treated and glasses properly fifed Office at Drug Store. Dr. R. H. GILLESPIE, DENTIST. Office over l'ostoffice. Phone 205. Panama Mats Cleaned at Watson's. new process makes them new. Phone 86. His ire lac tases. most fwtal of al! dJs' CHI CV"Cf XI9MEY GURE !, or mercy refunded. Contain rcniedizs recognized by cmi tent physiciar-s ?r !1 e b.( ta ClJiify ar.i n..i--r tr lea V.PT.-ir vs .- tl rV NEW WHITNEY RESTAURANT. Best Aleal In'the City 35c Short Orders a Specialty. Plrat Dnor Oaif of RttcIIII'J Finley's Barber Shop, We have put in an addition al chair and now have four cliairs in operation, enabling iis'to eive better service. You don't have to wait. T. riNLBY, Proprietor. We Are Nat. . Superstitious But we Believe in &i&i9. See Woodard for your signs. Shop north of Fris co depot. Gex & Miller, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable Special attention to driving trade. Wagon .'yard in connection. phone No 6. So. Wilson St.. Vin it There is scarcely auy condition of ill health that is not benefited by the occas ional use of a R-I-P-A-N-S Tabule. For sale by druggists. The five-cent packet Is enough for an otdinary otcation. The family bottle, 60 cents, contains a sup. ply for a vear. d tf Photographs Fowler.... I make all the latest styles including photos in folders, East of railroad cross ing. Fowler, ysIRi wiwr r Him0 ffll0 ili0nlrfe Photographer LOOA - li ; 3SrOTES. BLTJB f WILSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Ab0TMlllM' Furniture Store. VlHtTA.I. T CSRCaSX! Mr. O. W. Olnrk has returned from KarCka Springs. Insr,eot tho remnant counter at Wnllen & Wilson. w Tho. Howie and faulty expect to move to Uftnutfn soon. Look at Wallon Se Wilson's prico nd tbls weok and come to sco us. w Miss Marguorotto VanOlovo left Saturday fur Itloh Hill, Mo., to rcsldo. Miss Wlndall of Wheeling, West Virginia, Is visiting friends in this ol ty. T. F. Thompson, Jr., has accepted a position with L. 1'. Garrison for the wintor. It. II. Lybrand returned to bis homo at Delaware, Ohio Thursday afternoon. Jim Leach, charged with larceny, was brough In from I'ryor Greek by Deputy Marshal Wilklns. J. T. Olappsr rendered valuablo scr vloe In saving railroad property dur ing Hie tire at South McAlostor. The stairway In Ratclin's storo Is being romodeled su as to glvo more room In the front part of the build Ing. S. K- Riley and Miss Ruby Ratubo were married Tuesday night at Spring Held, Mo., and returned to Vliilta yeatenlay. Hemcmber our closing sale con tinues. Don't miss tho chanco of a lifetime to b'ly anything you want In haw, underwear, lawns, shoes, etc. Wallen & Wilson. w Mrs. Harry Achgill has accepted a position In the dry goods department uf the Itartiictt-Sandors Mercantile company's store, and assumed her new dutliit M jndsy Wallen & Wilson want to clean up their cntlro line uf lawns come In and see t'.ielr goods. All 15c lawn for 12Kc per yd. All 10; lawn for 8ic per yd. All "to lawn for Oo per yd. AUCc iwn tor 4c. w Stops the Coujli and Works off the Cold. Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. Price 26 cenU. w Drought In Texas, J. 0. 1111 returns 1 Thursday from a two weeks' stay on his ranch In Tex as. He reports that the country be tween Fort Worth and San Antonio is badly burned and the corn crop practically destroyed. In many parts uf the cotton action, Mr. Hall says, the farmers will not get a bale to ten acres. You Know What You Arc Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic becauso the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle show Ing that It Is simply Iron and quinlno in a tasteless form, fto cure, no pay 60c. w Ueoth of Captain Nelms. Captain V. G. Kelms one ot Vlnita's most respected citizens succumbed Thursdayclght about lOo'clock to the dread disease which has made him an Invalid for years. In the death of Captain Nelms the city loses one of its oldest citizens, he having resided here for a score if years. The dece dent was a gallant Confederate soldier and to the day of his doatb cherished tbe memories of the lost cause. The funeral services of the late Captain W. G. Nelms were conducted at the Nelms residence Saturday by the Rev. Uray of the Methodist church. To Cure a Cold In Ono Day Take Laxative liromo Qululno Tab lets. AH drugglsU refund the money ir It falls to cute. . W. Oruvc's sig nature Is on each box. 5c w riarrlage Licences. W. D. Ilrennlngcr-Charlotto G. Drew, Anardarko, Ok. Geo. W. Robbins-Susle Watkin', Catoosa. W, it, Johnson-Myrtle Lange, Pryor Creek. John S. Garrlsh-Maud Paulsell, Catoosa. Charlie C. Mayberry-Ollie Drlckey, Claremore. M. G. Skoggs-U. Llllle Paco, Grove. T. G. Walker-Huner Cochran, Miles. The Ilest Prescription for malaria Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Touic. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tatteless form. Ko cure, no pay. Price 50c. w Jail Notes. Dod Darracks, who is charged with appropriating that which did not be long to him was brought In from Salllsaw by Deputy Marshal B. M. Frvs yusterday afternoon. Deputy Hud Trail eamo In from Claremore Wednesday afternoon with five prisoners. One of them, Henry White is charged with larceny, tho others, John Lombard, Jesse Kldrldge John Watson, Will IJutts, wore taken In on a charge of disturbing rollglous worship. Cherokee Crop Condition. Over the northern portion tho weather continued hot and dry until the 23rJ whon a good rain relieved tbe drouth condition and perinlttod plowing; corn is made and flue; thresh ing Is about over. Over tho mlddlo portion dry, hot weather continued, with threatening condition and cloudy at Intervals: cotton doing well and full of bolls, oarly opening, somo shoddlng reported late corn doing well, early mado and lining cut; baying still in progress with large yields; Juno corn In good condition; grass good and stock doing well; ground In good condition, and plowing wall advanced. Over tho southern portion warm weather continued, with showers on the 10th and 20th; cotton Is in flno condition, uud oarly oponlug fast, with picking well started, prospect good ror a good yield; lato corn, millet potatoes, svteet potatoes, and hay grass In good condition; onion crop harvested, and a good yield; turnips being sown; sorghum being made; poach crop good and abundant; stock doing will, except over n few localities. Ka(ejMHMSTOwejgajripqgjteap .graBgtas; a m mm&t3iiHmiummo kagfeggigiiy-aig .yr-Mk.vk& auHteUHa HtfeiM-g1 KIDNEY CURE B Thcro ia no dlscaso eo Insinuat ing, so slow but sure, ns kidney dis ease, or bo wldo-sprond. Tho symp toms nro so slight as to generally cscnpo notlci. Tho first indications appear In tho urine, with varied cflccts. Tho HUHiiltttt . 1n titmiBVa,1 fir 1 creased; it is likely to bo highly col- B orcd nnd scnldlug; It niny bo pnlo I or thin, or thick nnd milky with n n sciiincni. jjniur uu iuuiu i""-n nouueed symptoms will bo present, such nj dizziness, bloating, etc., with marked blnddcr nnd urinary disorders. , .... Tolaonou waato matter It collected by tbo blood from nil pnrtt of tbe tya Urn and carried to tbo kldncyi, wbero ItltPwparaHHtnnd cast out through, tho urine. The kldnoys deal with the Wood only, deriving nourltlimeut tbere- 1 irnm. iienco, 11 iud imuvu . wv ...w I Irl.ln... nrtk tint ntil. fiVfTICnrlCMi. Dtl. !... . . . -. la .. ill.... a unuerieu. now iiecwwi i " "'v tore, thai tno purity nnu vimmiuii oioouanouiu oq muiimmiwii .,.... why tho gront Wood purincr nd trengthner-Or. Unrtcr 'a Iron Tonlc- nai oecn auiv.iiuiir w .to..u kidney dlaeasea nnd In provtnllngaame. lu purifying tho blood the kldncya are greatly relieved, while, nt tho tame tlnio, theae ortntit. Tho following Utttr (tilt nvery oiuaioryi I'isjb KOT, KV., Jono 15, 1S02V tti n. ITnritr Mnlidnt Co.. Datiton. O. aEMTLGSiEMt I bad a tevcre caio tf typhoid fever tlx years ago, which left mtfWi., in hml order. I havo tried a number of rcmcdlet nnd taken treat ment from doctora, but Dr. Hartera Iron. Tonle has uono mo inoro kuou iuu everything elao. u. i.ordei.1. Jlereuant anu tuuo upcraiui. rrimvAiiM tl.iMionnfta nf tltftt Kllell I cases ns tho above that nro treated wiiiim.t ranlta lioniieA flwv nrc wrongly treated. Mr. Cordcll's U.UUUIUU iCBtmvu uuiuuvu lug fever; tno Kidneys, ns veu .a tho rest of tho pyatem. hnd be ...a.I lntillaiuiBn h rnnrltnr Till Hartcr'slron Tonl'o promptlycurcdi uccauso n puniicu uuu i-uutuvu " i blood, and such blood carried new' strength nnd vitality directly to tt J lUIUUUJU UUU IU Ull IUU Ul(,uus. P0B BALE EVERYWHERE. Blue nnd Qray Reunion. The third annual reunion of th veterans of the Union and Confeder ' .1 ate arruioi at Iiartlosvllle, will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Soptcmbcr 10, 11 and 12 th ree days. The Uartlcsvllle reunion grows In magnitude and Intoreft with oach succeeding year, and the Indications are that tbo approaching gathering of the old soldiers and their friends will outrank those ot the two pro ceeding years. The Uartlesvllle re union Is no longer a purely local in stitution, but It has broadened its scope until It Includes the Indian ter ritory, Oklahoma and the adjacent statos. This year preparations have been made for the accommodation and en tertainment of a big crowd of visitors. An ample supply of tents will be on the grounds for tbe use ot thoie who desire to oamp and rations of tarLo cued beef will bo issued free. A largo contingent of tbe Vlnlta veterans aro oxpoetod to be In at tendance. Guilford Eduilston rcturnod Friday nlk'ht from Oklahoma. Miss Glp Qlackstone Is going to at tedd school atTablequab. Miss Clara Chamberlln left Friday night for Kansas City, where she will visit relatives. The Mlstoi Uolderman ot Chetopa have been vUltlag the past wcok with Miss Pearl Drew. Mrs. Miller, mother of Honry Miller returnod to ber homcat Maryville, Mo., Saturday evening. Mrs. Q. J. OronlngerleftWednoiday for Colorado Springs, Colo., to visit rolatlvei. She expects to remain a month, or longer. Mayor Parker returned from a trip through tbo southern portion of the torrltory Friday nlgbt andreports the cotton crop threatened with drought. GASTRITIS. Caustd by Some Ir ritant Ac'ing Upoa the Mu- cous Membrane of the Stomach, Inflammation of the stomach, gas tr'c catarrh or gastritis, as this un pleasant affliction Is variously called, may, llko most Inflammatory diseases bo aouto or chnnlc in its course. Tho symptoms of gastritis are more or less fever, woak pulse, loss of appetite coated tongue, foul breath, bad taste In tho mouth, the head aches dul.y. Thoro is sensation of weight 01 dls tross in tbo stomach. Gastritis Is caused by somo Irritant acting on the mucous membrane ot the stomach, the Irritant Is often formed In tho stomach by the fermentation of in digestible food. Gastritis will never develop if you take regularly Dr Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, tho guaranteed euro for indigestion, constipation and all dlioases arising from stomach troubles. Dr. Caldwoll's Syrup Pep sin Is an all tho year round medicine Oood for tho whole family from tho smallost infaut up. It is tho best life insurance. Sold by Peoplos' drug storo 50o and 81 bottles. w Hot Weather causes sick headache, stomach and bowel troubles. Tako Dr. Caldwoll's Syrup Pepsin, tbo best regulator; a perfect laxative. Sold by Peoples' drug store, w Honor somo lady by voting for her for flower quccu. k Watch Us MONBJgJ School Supplies. TrrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT This is the place you arc looking for if you have any children to send to schooi, as I will save you money if you buy your school books and school supplies from me, such as Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Pens, Paints, Inks, and everything pertaining to school supplies. I carry New School Books in all grades, or Second-hand books 50c off Rebound books - - 25c off I handle also McGuffcy's books in all grades. If you have old school books you don't need anymore I will trade with you for new books. Be sure and hunt me up, in Ray mond buildin, School Uinifa Real Esfaf? flg?ncy CD. M. Marrs 5c Company.) Town and farm property sold on commission. List your property with us; we place it before thousands of prospective purchasers every week free of charge. VVe have the only record of the Cherokee town lot sales. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. E. K. McOUFFIN, THOS. T. WIMER, W..B. McQEORQE, President. Vice-President. Cashier ...The Cherokee National Bank... Uinifa, Ind. Ter. CAPITAL 825,000.00. DIRECTORS, L.F.rarkcr.Jr w. II, Darrouih. W It. afcOiorgt. Fred L Kellay. E, N.IUtllfT. Tho. T. Wlmer. L, K. McOuBln. Every Courtesy Extended that Is Consistent with Sound Bnnkltif Interest Paid on Time Certificates ol Deposit. iiKiaisiranHnffiin . J H Jl e 9 e o e J! I Lumber Co.... I A full lineof building ma-jg terial. lit is the right kind. W Say! are you "on to" thep best plastering material ? New and better plaster is 1 T n ISC as oemg aiscuverea every year. Masons tell us that "Acme" is the best now in use, "Catch on?" amwmwAimtim mmmmiim For anything you can think of in three car loads of Furniture and two car rest will arrive this week. Remember us feaeaiHtwKtg-atHigsi O tore ! se BOOK STORE. Supplies. 8Hir?afenEiHai Furniture arjI Stoves. vVe have loads of stoves, part of it is in and the for good goods at low prices, Pr&zee Hardware ar;d Furniture Willie Halsell Vinita, Indian Territory.Q A healthy location, buildings in good repair, a strong faculty of cxpsricnccd teachers. Building lighted by electricity. Local and long distance telephone connec tions. An artesian well of the best water on the campus. Bath rooms with hot and cold water on each dormatory floor. A well equipped home institution. Literature, Music, Ulocutlon, Physical Culture, Shorthand, Typewriting, Uook-kceplng, Uanklng. For catalogue and particulars, address the President, Rev. C.L. BROWNING, Vinita, I. T. Synodical Female Fulton, Mo, This old school in the cultured town of Fulton is a magnificent place to educate a young woman. It offers a comfortable and attractive home where young girls arc carefully educated and trained. Address Rev. J. M. SPENCER, Fulton, Mo., or Apply at this office for catalogue and terms. i&i The GreenRood Implement Company. We are selling the Staver, also the Emmerson & Fisher buggy and lots of Mitchell and South Bend wagons. They are going fast. We have just what you need in the McCormick mower and binder, the old reliable, just what you have been wanting. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. We can please you. GREEN-ROOD Hay Presses! Parties desirous of purchasing haypreises should call upon l'rd L. Kelley who is agent tor the celebrated Whitman Agricultural Compares Presses and get his opinion and prices before purchasing any other make, on tbe Steel Beauty and the Eclipse Press all steel and the best press that is of fered on the market. Can get more hay in a car where the is baled with a Whitman Tress by from one to two tons more than with any other make ot press, Any one can tell you what the Whitman is. Also carry a large stock of bale ties at the lowest market price, full count and gange. Cor respondence solicited. Telephone in office 30. m Fred L. Kelley, i . Agent, Vlnlta, I. T. 11 SB Keep 117 Toucb Witb 5&ir;t Loui? 4 Tlle 5 -OUlS ia',aIL,Ker.Co,kf"An:rIcr Th ,;zrrp GIobeDen7ocra;t The Daily Globe-Democrat'.is without a rival in all thevest, and stand at the very front among the really great uewspapcrs'of the world and the work of preparation for the great world'sfnir in 1903. Subscribe for By Aail, Postage Prepaid Dallv, Including Sunday, One year tf, Slxjmonths 3.00; Three Months 1,50 Dally, Without Sunday, One year,.!; Six Months .00; Three Months i.oo 5upday Elltlor),Onc Year J.oo;;slx Mouths 1.00. fc 1 fs f The "Twicc-a Week" Issue of thclGlobe-Democrat at one do J1 aVV lr a year is the greatest newspaper bargain of the age. It Is at most exual to a daily at at the prico oi a weekly, It gives the latest telegraphic news from all the world every Tuesday and l'riilay. Its market reports are complete and correct In every detail. It has no equal ns a home ot family journal, nnd ought to be at every fireside In the land. Two papers every week. Itight page or more every Tuesday and l'riday. . One dollar for one year. Sample cop'cs free andEagie Hay Presses SEE.""1 Geared Mowers Acme and Jones Sulky Rakes ciiampToi Sweep Rakes Wagons and Buggies Sprlngfled and Alllburn The largest and best stock of BALE TIES, Our prices will suit you. "" JOSEPH HUNT. Phone 35. South Wilson Stree Corrjpapy. i College, Q College. IMPLEMENT CO. 3ISiS9 r, w f