OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, September 11, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025010/1902-09-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 - - mmmmmmm,mmimmummmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi
I. -
v Absolutely "ure
Absolutely vre
Makes tlio food more delicious and wholesome
KOvn Mtffin power co , m votw.
From Death Experienced by
President Roosevelt at
Pittsfiold Thursday.
Ground to Death Under Wheels
of Electric Car Which DeraoL
Uned Tally-ho Ocoupled
by the Preeident and
Thuradav morninc an electric
car running at a high rate of epoed
'at PittsOeld, Mass , crashed into a
tally ho containing President
Roosevelt, Governor Crane, of
Massachusetts, Secretary Cor'.eU
you and William Craig, of the
United StateB seorbt servino. Tho
secret service man was killed. The
driver of the carriage, D. J. Pratt,
Jjdying. ills skull is fraolured.
President Roosevelt received only
"Blight bruises and a few scratches.
Secretary Cortelyou was bruised
and scratched, in 'addition to a out
upon the head. Governor Crane
was tllghtly injured. The car.-lage
horsea were killed. The Presi-
dent was able to continue his jour
ney to Lenox, but se' word ahead
that there should be ro cheering.
' President Rooeovelt l.ad slopped
a short time at the hou.e of ex
United States Senator Dawes in
PitteQeld. Tho Presidential parly
left the Dawes home shortly alter
10 o'clock and was driven down
South street. Thrre were four
ruull tally-hos. When near the
Country olub and Urn railroad
.crossing, en ttn'Br K$ se
coming at a t'errifio jrieed. Mr.
Craig, on the box, signaled to the
motorman to etop, but he" appar
ently paid no aUtii'inu to the
warning. Tho csr enme plunging
A witness nf the tocident stati-d
that the motorman was speeding
bis car in order to reaoh the club.
With a craeh the car hit tho trlly
ho. The President, Governor
Crane and Secretary Cortolyou
were piled in a heap. A crowd
rushed to tho President's carringo
with no expectation that he would
be found alive. The President
was cut on the right side of hla
chin and his face ia much swollen.
The secret eervioe agent, William
Craig, was killed outright. D. J.
Pratt, the driver of the coach, re
ceived a fracluje of the skull, which
wfll doubtless result fatally.
The accident happoned at a
point about a mile and a half from
Lenox, near the PitteQeld Coun
try club houso. Tho President
was enjoying a coaching trip from
Dalton, Governor Crane's home,
where tho president spent the
nitthl, to Lenox, a distance of
twenty miles over the Berkshire
hills. Ho stopped a moment in
Pittslleld. The car wasln charge
of Conductor James Kelly, with
Motorman L J. Madden on the
front platform.
The car struck the coach in the
rear and smashed in tho back of
the vehlclo, tipping it over and
throwing Kb occupants to the
ground. Tho car was not badly
damaged. Motorman Madden and
the conduotor were arrested. Pratt
tho driver of the coach, was
brought here and placed in the
PittsGeld hospital.
Tho accidont resulted in the
president bringing his New Eng
land lour to an end and returning
to Oyster Day.
Chief Porter Explains Swindling
flctliods ot rtuskogee I and Com
Pleasant Porter, chief of the
Creek Indians, has writttn n letlei
to Mr. Hitchcock, erqretary of the
Interior, concerning tho condition
of tho Creeks since the ratification
of the supplement il treaty passed
by Congress on June 30, 1002
Chief Porter calls attention to tho
operations of tho land sharks and
nveBlment companies in the Ter
ritory, and emphasizes the impor
tance, already well appreciated by
Mr. Hitchcock, of enforcing the
provisions of the now treaty and
driving the laud speculators out of
tho Crook nation.
The treaty, passed by Congress
and ratified by a vote of the Creeks,
provides that the Creek may lease
their allotments for a term not ex
ceeding fivo ye. rs for agricultural
purposes, and ior not more than
one year for grazing purposes,
without awaiting tho approval of
the intetior department, although
all leases are subject to n-jeclion
by the interior department if found
or deaignod to work to the detrir
merit of tho Indians. Chief Porter
renorts that many nersonB are
leasing the Indian allotments, os
tensibly for argicultural purposes,
but aro evidently trying to secure
possession of the lands. The plan
is not 11 new ono by any means,
but is simply a form of deceiving
tho IndianB as to the value of their
property and the terms of the
According to Chief Porter, many
of the allotteeB are signing leaees
which provide that tho cost of 1m
provemeuts shall be taken from
the rental fund. This he consid
ers simply a scheme to enable the
Und oompanit to teeure posses
sion pf tho lands. He explains
that the leaso price is en) all, aver
aging about 25 cents an acre per
year. The land speculator, in so-
curinc tho lease, nays a six
mouths' rental in advance, thus
giving the Indian 820 or 825 in
caeh. Alter (hat payment the
leaseholder places improvements
on the land und fixes a coat for the
improvements that will exceed the
rental valuo at the end of the five
year piriod. After five years tho
Indian, under the terms of the
treaty, is allowed to sell 120 acres
of his allotment, with the approv
al of tho secrotary of the interior,
the remaining forty acres not be
ing Bubjeot to Bale for; twenty. ono
years, Under the lease scheme,
which ia being worked up by the
land agents, tho average Indian-
will find himself in debt at tho end
of uvo years to the land compa
nies, and will bo induced to part
with his property for a trivial cash
fivery eflort will be made to pre
vent the Indians being swindled
out of their lands by several organ
Townsito Commission for tho
Chorokeo Nation Ap
pointed By Secre
tary of Interior.;
Specinl to Dully Chieftain.
Muskogee, I. T., Sept. 4, 1002.
Tho Secretary of tho Interior
haB appointed the following town
tite commission for the Cherokoo
Edwin Long, Rolla, Missouri,
chairman; Merriman Hlghley, At
wood, Kansas and Lucien W. Buf
fington, Vinlla.
Firm of Washington Attor
neys Offer to Reverse
-Decisions ot Dawes
First Regular Term Since
Division of the District
Opened This Morning.
Tbey Guarantoo a Reversal of all
Unfavorable Decisions in Citi
zenship Caees Beforo the
Interior Department.
It is an occasion for congratula
tlon that Mr. Edv.n Long, ap
pointed tho chairman of the board,
is not a stranger to Vinlta, having
been hero on several occasions as
tho guest of our present Mayor,
thoy having been chums from
illdbood. Mr. Long is 3U years
of ace, the present mayor of his
town, Rolls; tho manager of a
large mercantile bouse, which is
owned by his father and himself.
Is the owner ol considerable prop
erty and has had a great deal of
experience with real estate. He
has financed a number of large un
dertakings, including the oreclion
of buildings at the Missouri State
University, costing about $75,000.
In his appointment those who
know Him say that the nation and
the people have every reason to
be gratified.
Merriman Higbley, the other
oulsldo member of tho commission
is not genorally known in the ter
ritory, though it is said that he .is
a man of ability.
Lucien Buffington, tho ropre
tentative of the nation is too well
known to need any introductory
Tho appointment of tho Com
mission meanB tho immediate ap
praisement of Vinlta.
Expected to bo Cleared Within
Two Weeks. New Court Offi
clals Appointed, Person
nel of the Juries.
Another Railroad President Who Is
Impressed With the Indian Territory.
.President Suaman ol the Ozark
fc Cherokee Central railroad has
given his impressiops of tlje Indian
Territory in a Bt. Louis interview,
as follows!
"Tho Indian Territory is at
present one of the greatest fields
for commercial exploitation which
has been opened for many years,
Its great natural resources, its rap
idly increasing population, and its
many advantages of soil and cli
mate, make it tbe ideal country
for tho business man, the investor
or the settler,
"The work of the Dawes com
mission is about completed, tribal
relations are being broken up and
millions of acres in tho Cherokee,
Creek. Choctaw, Chickasaw and
Semlnolo natlona will Boon he
open for partial settlement. "Mr,
Seaman regards the acceptanco of
tho treaty by the Oherokees and
Creeks as the dropping of the first
barrier to n tide of immigration
which shall parallel the Oklahoma
Recently a number of claimants
to Cherokee citizenship who have
been enrolled on doubtful cards
have received notification from a
firm of Washington attorneys that
their cases have been reported ad
versely by tho Dawes commission,
but that for a contingent fee, pay
able out of their disputed money
and landed interests in the Nation,
a reversal is guaranteed In the In
terior department when they are
brought up for review.
The fact that theso attorneys
bavo access to what have always
been considered confidential re
ports of the Danes commission is
suggestive of a leak somewhere in
the department.
The decisions of tho Dawes com
mission in citizenship cases are
forwarded to tho Interior depart
ment, where tho evidence is re
viewed and a final decision ren
dered by the department. Ai tbo
cases aro disposed of the decisions
are forwarded to the Dawes com
mieslon, and alter their receipt
tbe parties in interest are notified.
This firm of attorneys, however,
evidently havo access to theso re
ports and, moreover, strongly in
timate that unless they are em
ploy d the department will sus
tain tbe adverse decision of tbe
They evidence their confidence
by ofloring to take the cases on
contingent fees without expense
They notify the claimants as soon
as the reports of the commission
are received, and name the time
when tbey will bo finally decided
by the department.
The matter has been brought to
the attentiop ol the tribal authori
ties and an investigation is prom
Tbo first regular term of the
United StateB court since the di
vision of the Northern district was
opened Monday morning.
Yhile the criminal docket con
tains a large number of cases, yet
with the transfers to tbe other
courts It is expected to be cleared
within two weekB.
The morning session was devot
ed largely to the selection of the
juries, the following being accepted
as grand jurors:
J 11 Dixon, Lem Paris, 0 A Da
vis, Jack Culp, J W Davis, D E
Brown, Sam McKenzIe, 0 8 Pear
son, J L Sberer, J V Carroll, Jno
Davis, D A Wilson, Geo Fincan
non, Adam Holden, Geo Nldlffer,
T W Thompson.
The following court officials
were apppolnled D 0 Boswell,
court crier; W J Tygar, grand jury
bailiff; D Meredith and Sol Ketch
urn, bailiffs.
In bis chargo to tho grand jury,
Judge Gill stated that ho would
not make an exlendod address, but
would canfino himself to instruct
ing itaem as to their duties.
The only crime specifically men
Carries the Largest and most Complete stock of Furniture.
New goods bought for CASH arriving daily which will bo sold at prices
. "W "'
i mm i l - t i
.mmmmmWBmL.. .K. J.
Coffins and caskets.
Funeral Directors.
Day Telephone 168.
Night Telephone 224.
s "ifcCsTo accommodate you with a nice line of
g New and Second Hand Furniture,
U Upholstering: Goods, Stoves, Etc. Mattffcssis made Jo orderlso reno
sggi vated. Carpets taken up and laid, furnJtuxorepaireti"and varnished, bug
2j Ky tops and cushians recovered and repaired.
Every frame guar-
Also have Just received a complete up-to-dale stock of picture mouldings.
antccd to be satisfactory. If you have anything to buy or scli call on
I Wilson St., South of Postofflce. THE UPHOLSTERER.
J solvent
dispensing liquor, two cases.
September 13 6.h Day.
F. It. Qourd, disposing oi mort
gaged property.
Ed Rodman, Austin Cowan,
burglary and larceny.
Jack Poler, dispensing liquor
three cases.
.:.. 4 k- !,. T...l ..., Ilnnnr VOaieO, OU UUSC3, --Jt "
traffic, and ho Btronely urged that a new, tasteless, Odourless,
SuspoctedilViurderers of E.V.
Dickoy Alarmed at Pres
ence of Chanute
ized bodies of land agonls, who
have been working their schemes
in tho different nations in the In
dian Territory for a number of
Ue Established Here by the
Townslte Commission,
Insist on Good sidewalks Before
Granting Free Delivery.
Walter Morrison Knifed by n Show
man at Chelsea.
Joe Gannon, who had been con.
dueling a sideshow at the Chelsea
fair, was brought in by a deputy
marshal Saturday afternoon
chnrged with dangerously stabbing
Walter Morrison, son of Dr. Mor
rison, of Chelsea, Thursday night.
An altercation arose between
the two and Gannon used his
knife in the resulting fight, inflict
ing Boveral serious wounds,
Young Morrison will recover.
Avoid serious rosuiti ot kidney or
bladder dUorder by takltiK Foley's
Klduoy Ouro. bold by Peoples' drug
store dw
Tho vicissitudes ot Muskogeo in
obtaining free mall delivery is a
valuabln lesson to Yiulta and other
Territory towns which will soon
have offices of the second class.
Announcement was mado some
time ago (hat free delivery was to
bo instituted at Muskogee Decem
ber 1, if certain conditions In the
matter of improving streets and
sidewalks wore complied with.
Postmaster Estus lately re
ceived notification from Washing.
tun that unless good sidewalks
wero built, and tbo houses num
bered, by December Ut Muskogee
would go on tho waiting list with
tho rest ol the territory towns.
Death of John Q. Tufts.
Hon. John Q. TuftB died Thure-
day at his homo In Los Angeles,
Cal , at the age of 03 years. Mr.
Tufte wee Indiun agent fur (be In
dian Territory from 1875 to 1884,
and was well known to all old.
timers In this oountry. He was
tho father of Mrs. Thos. Sanson,
of Muskogee. He leaves a large
family of children, all of whom
live in California except Mrs. Ban
Edwin Long, chairman of the
townsito commission, was hero
yesterday, returning to his home
at Rolla liBt night. Mr. Long will
return this week, and will engage
eultaole offices for the commission.
Tho clerks attached to the com
mission will report this week, and
work preparatory to appraisement
will be oommenced at once.
Tbe offices here will be tho per
manent headquarters of the com
mission and will bo maintained
until tbo appraisement work is
completed throughout the Nation.
Mrs. Stella Guinano and a man
who refuied to give his name, who
were arrested on the charge of
murdering E. V. Dickey, the Dew
ey grain dealer, at Chanute last
week, have been safely lodged in
the Chanute jail.
tbe atroclousaess of the crime
attraoted a large crowd to the rail
road elation when the suspects
were brought in, and it was feared
for a while that they would be the
victims of mob violence.
Mrs. Guinane ie the wife of
William Guinane, who was Bent to
the Kansas penitentiary last year
on a larceny charge.
The murderf which tbe pris
oners are tuepected was fiendishly
accomplished. The victim was
inveigled into going to a secluded
spot in the Sante Fe railroad yards
at Chanute and there was brutally
beaten over the head with coup
ling pins until his skull wsb cov
ered with deop, ragged holes.
The murdered man had 8200 on
bim tho day before he was mur
dered, but not a thing of value was
found on the body. Dickey wbb a
grain dealer and waB well known
throughout the territory.
all ruth caeca be thoroughly in
vettigaled. He said that 80 per
cent, of the crimei committed in
the Indian Torritory could be di
reetly traced tojtbo traffic in in
toxicants, and urged the members
of tbe jury to use every endeavor
In evoking it.
J. U. Dixon was announced
lort,o at the grand jury.
fb" following were aooeptad as
petit jurors:
John Miller, Needmorej E W
Kelpner, H 0 Bluejacket, Blue
jacket; Chas Newman, Eagle; Jno
Hall. W M Olevenger, 0 William-
son, Bluejacket; Jas Lacy, Spavin
aw; Harry JontB, George Parks,
Chelsea; U Ward, Ketcbum; R A
Judd, Afton; Price Parks, Adair;
M A Sorrell, Jake Walter, G W
Ktce, John Britt, Thos Sheehan,
Wash Lynch, John Webb, John I
Hawkins, Newt Bumgarduer, H R
Allen, TW Perry, Vinlta.
Alter charging the petit jurors
court adjouruod until 1:30 p. m.,
when tbe criminal docket was
taken up.
At nalentlne'J.
It will bo to jour interest to trade
at my store thH month. Yours re
spectfully, (Mrr ) II. Balentine.
Cases That Are Set For Hearing This
cconotnlcal substitute for the
celebrated liquid CUTI
well as for all other blood
purifiers and humour cures.
Each pill is equivalent to one
teaspoonful of liquid RE
SOLVENT, put up in
set - v.r -ockct vials, con
tutuw t- ' doses, price, 25c.
ENT PILLS arc alterative,
antiseptic, tonic, and digest
ive, and beyond question the
purest, sweetest, most suc
cessful and economical blood
and skin purifiers, humour
cures, and tonic-digestives yet
complex Treatments!
Complete txternal and Internal treatment
tor OTcry humour, contlsUng ot CtmccBA
Soir, 23c., to cleanse tbe (kin ol cnuta
and scales, and soften tbe thickened cut
icle j Coticoiu. Oumtaxr, 6O0., to In
stantly alia; Itching, Inflammation, and
Irritation, and soothe and heid J and Con
ceal Bejoltbst Tills, 25c., to cool and
cleanse tbe blood. A Swam Srr Is often
sufficient to care the most torturing, dl
flgurlns, Itchlnjr, burning, and scaly skin,
scalp, and blood humours, cczemas,raihes,
and Irritations, with loss ol hair, from.
Infancy to age, when all elso tails.
Cmccu lUKieiu in vii OaninX U otU.
BrttUiDpol!tr-!S.ChuttrlmHB,Lo. frek
Dpotl HM . l nui rwifc rgiii. .
Foley's Honey and Tar
forchlldren.sufe.sure. No opiates.
old by Peoples' drag store.
Teamsters and scraper holders at
Coweta, I. T., 18 miles west of Wago
ner. Pay 11.15 and f 2 per day; money
aay time. Welsh Uros., Contractor.
Beware ot the Knife.
No profession has advanced more
rapidly ot late than surgery, but It
should not bb used except where ab
solutely necessary. In cases ot piles
for example, It Is seldom needed. Dc
Wltt'a Witch Hazel Salvo cures quick
ly ana permanently. Unequalled for
cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, skin
diseases. Accept no counterfeits.
"I was so troubled with bleeding piles
that I lost much blood aod strength,"
says J. 0. Phillips, Tatls, 111. "De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured mo
lu a short time." Soothes and heals.
A. W. Foreman. dw
If you want to sell your property
and want to sell It quickly list It with
tho Vinlta Real Estate Aqency.
Foley's Honey and Tar Is peculiarly
adapted for chronic throat, troubles
and will positively euro bronchitis,
hoarseness and all bronchial diseases.
Refuse substitutes. Sold by Peoples'
drug store. dw
1 f:
HUNDREDS 0 people go through life without any exact dis
cernment 0 beauty, whereas correctly titled glasses would make
the world uew to tkem. Correctly fitted glasses restore the eye to
the optical condition of one that is perfect, and do this in a pure
ly mechanical manner so that no injury can result. Shovldyou
needglasses, I am prepared to gt your eyes with proper glasses.
Should the services of a physician or oculist bt required will
promptly tell you so.
ugujt ScbKecKer,
II '
i 5
Wilson 5t.
Changes In Court Dates.
The creation of a district court
at Durant haa necessitated a
change in the time of holding
court at tbe yarious towns in the
Central diatrlct. Judge W. II.
Clayton haa issued an order fixing
tho terras as follows: Bouth Mc
Alesterj first Monday in January
and May; Atoka, second Monday
In February and first Monday in
Ootobor; Durant, first Monday in
Maroh and fourth Monday la Oct
ober: Antlera, seoond Monday in
April and first Monday in Dooem
bor; Poteau, third Monday in
March and second Monday in
November. ,
A set ot 17 copper, steel and
enameled cooking utensils, well worth
7:50, absolutely free with every Ma-
Icstlo Ilango sold tioxt week at Dar-
' rough Hardware Co. Don't got lott
Take Care of the Stomach.
Tbe man or woman whose dlgeitlou
Is perfect and whote stomach per
forms Its every function Is never sick.
Kodol cleanses, purines and sweetens
tho stomach and cures positively and
permanently all stomach troubles, In
digestion and dyspepsia. It Is the
wonderful reconstructive tonic that
is making so many sick people well
and weak people strong by conveying
to their bodies all of the nourishment
In the food thoy eat. Rev. J. II. Hoi-
Indav. of Ilolladay, MIsj., writes:
"Kodol has cured me. I consider It
the best romedy I over used for dys-
popsla ana stomach troubles. I was
given up by physicians. Kodol saved
myllfo." Take It alter mcais. a.
W. Foreman. dw
No waro mado compares with the
"Maleitlo" tbe full setts worth 17.50,
but we're going to glvo a tot tree with
every Majestic Ilango sold at our ex
hibit next week. Don't got left. Dar
tough Hardware Co.
September8, 1002.
Mamie Fox, perjury.
Mary Fish, perjury.
Jap Underwood, dispensing
liquor; four counts.
William Tilley, robbety.
Rulus Matney, trespass on school
Hugh Tittle, Keener Hyatt,
Oscar Roberts, Oliver Scott, burg
lary and larceny.
Boogy Sanders, aBsau.lt to kill.
Llge Long and Norval Davids,
disturbing the peace.
Harvey Dacon, disturbing relig
ious worship.
Tom HickB, exhibiting game de.
vice; slxcounlB.
Emmet Hood, larceny and re-
ceivingstolen propertyjtwo counts.
R. C. JenklnB, introducing
Oliver Bcott, Clarence Alexan
der, Frank Thompson, larceny.
Lon Haines, wearing weaponB.
0. Stevens, introducing liquor.
0. Stevens, dispensing liquor;
two counts.
Bill Balew, Jesse Allen, disturb,
ing tbe peaco.
Jim Welch, introducing liquor.
John Bray and Kvaline Crura,
John HarriB, carrying weapon.
J. W. Harrod, dispensing liquor
two counts.
September 0. 2nd Day,
Jeseu Buir, larceny ond reoeiv
Ing Btolen property; two counts,
Boogy Sanders, oseault to kill.
Ed Reece, larceny and receiving
stolen property.
Guy Miller, same.
Harrison WllllamB, dispensing
liquor; two counts.
Mllo Brady, name.
Jaoksou Blunt, Introducing 11 q.
Noah Hawk, Ben Hawk, dis
turbing religious worship.
Boogy Sanders, assault to kill.
Jack Michala, introducing liq.
dispensing liquor
September 10 3rd Day.
W. F. Bollng, assault to kill.
Noah Allen, obstructiug publio
Noah Allen, destroying fence.
T. M. Jackaon, carry weapon.
" disturbing peace.
Lewis Fair, introducing liquor.
" dispensing
Tobe Smith, robbery.
" " carry weapon.
John Ray, introducing liquor.
' dispensing '
September 11 4th Day.
Addison Stewart, adultery.
" carnal knowl
edge female.
Addison Stewart, Inceat.
Earl Holt, murder.
Herse Lse, dispensing liquor.
' ' v introducing "
Jim Ballard, Arch Ballard, as
sault and battery.
George Mays, assault to kill."
W. J. Osborn, disturbing peace.
violation 5,399,
R. S.
September 12 5th Day.
James Tilley, removing proper
ty on wbioh there ia a lien by
operation of law.
James Tilley, larceny.
John Blmco, Frank Fuller, in
troducing liquor.
John Simco, Frank Fuller, die
pensing liquor; two cases.
Frouk Clark, introducing liquor,
' dinnentlnB "
Bob Cummins, John Yockey,
Introducing liquor.
Bob Cummlne, John Yockey,
Lumber Co....
We carry a full stock of LUMBER in
the vartous grades from the best down to
knot holes. The best plastering: material
'Acme" and sharp sand will be found
at our yard. Iola Partland and Louis
ville cement form a portion, of our stock.
The only trouble from our point of view
is the fact that prices are too low.
Of course you'll not lose any sleep over
that till you try the lumber business
Come around anyhow and inspect our
To cauao questioning.
Wo want questions ask-
k od about our crockory
and glassware Notlx-
, Ing will Buit us bettor
and nothinc will suit
you bettor than our an
swers. . Tho pricos will
L - ...111 ll.H MMMIrt
jfeWikrr 'WTt-rr' BUH, HU Will bUU guuus.
If you liko to look at good crockory, good glass
ware como in and look arounu. mat uosan t cost a
cont and it is a bettor allow than you bavo ofton paid
for Booing. Don't bring your pockot book for foar you
might bo tompted to buy. Just como andtlook first.
Cnll and Sec us, or RlngT66.
Successor to E. N. RatcllII mercantile Co.
ii -
& 1.

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