Newspaper Page Text
M J &&&&! . Ls WMMIUwidkS J-.- At , '1 VWHMMMMM "',JinCTi --. 2E55S255SE I UJJUJUUUiLiJBB as :& 3 wVHLaaaaaaaVH-iF j . fcjMnt'-f-t- a-K sssssssssaa-t' J . t ,' ' V f. r I & til k tMrnntlluefEain: SUDBOniPTION PRICK. 1.60 Pair Yr, or I.OO If Paid In Advnnoe, rnbUlhtdThnridlTi bj Ttii Cuisi-tam roLimiKi CoMAjrr, I). M. HABR8, Editor nnfl Publisher n. LBh Cr -toutht, Associate r. Vinita, I. T., Sept. II, 1002. Tim first frost will make those 8-100 panaraas look liko bail rurtney. Aflor appraisement Viniin will establish n development record (or tlio Boulhweat. The present grant! 3ury la oflered Bplendhl opportunities to purge tbe norlhorn district of those foun tain heads of crime the joints. Tho appointment ol tho town site commission haB rovlved the realty market and a number of Important transfers are on the tapis. There are those who are riding gaily on tho wave of prosperity who should keep their weather eyo npen for tho breakers of ex trnvagnnce. The wires are now being laid by a number of candidates for chief. When they are charged publio opinion there are Hal be some electrocutions. with t to The noxt map of tho Indian ter litory will look like a railroad guide map. As fast as stool can bo laid the railroads are penetrat ing every section of this promts, log country. The Territory joints will keep you supplied with trouble la case you have exhausted your appor. tionraent. New kinds always on tap, with anj extra brew of the penitentiary article. Several towns notably Clarc moro and Tahlequab are still pull, ing hard for tho land office. When It is Anally located in Vinita, how. ever they will accept the situation with becoming grace. The discontinuance of "open, ings" by the merchants is a wise move. There is no reason why they should be continued, except precedent, which Ib sometimes a very good thing to abandon. In hie charge to tho grand jury Judge Gill said: "When you hit tho liquor traflio you hit at all cilmes." Unless all signs are de. celvin?, thevo aro some splendid targets for the grand jury around Vinita. The appointment of the town site commission assures a rapid development of the towns in the Oherokeo Nation. As soon as the commission shows the property owners "whore they are at" they will do the rest. With a woman "uspected" of mur der at Obanute and another under arrest in Oklahoma for attempt ing tbo extermination of an entire family, it looks as though no field of man's endeavor is safe from f&minine invasion. The Indian vote is destined to be a potent factor in the politics of this section for years to come. The power of tbe ballot will be strikingly illustrated in tbe respect which is accorded tbe enfranchised Indian. Fortunately, Ithe Indian possesses a good memory, as Bome vol the politicians will, no doubt, speedily discover. No man who fears the publish ing of bis moral and political rec ord had better accept tbe nomina tion for Chief. The Cberokees need a "watch-dog of their treas ury" for tho next four years, and they don't want one who can be led away by tbe smell of a bone. A good pedigree must be shown. There are many indications that unleBB the Oherokeo people assert themselves prior to tbe nomina tions for Chief, and force the tribal politicians in nominating clean capable and honest men, to that tbe closing years of tbo Cherokee government will be black In scandal and the members of the tribe many dollars poorer. Tbe regular fall terra of tbe federal court was opened Monday. A ntudy of the docket and the fol lowing of its proceedings oilers many valuablo lessons. One of tbe most valuable ia the exhibi tion of human wreoks net adrift by the joint keepers and boot-leggers who have drifttd into tbe currents of orline and are being ewopt to wardd the penitentiary. It Is said that in tho next elec tion of a Chief the old tribal parly lines will be largely abandoned, and that tbe fight will bs made vnder tbe standards of democracy and republicanism. If euoh 1b the case It is but anticipating the des tined entrance of the Cherokee in. to national politics, and an align, went on tbo principles of the two great parties would in no way be premiltuet A number 6? very pretty boquetB are being thrown the T" 'ory by rnilroad officials. Tbo citizens ol the Cherokee Nation are In the proper frame of mind Ibis year to thoroughly en joy a circus. Last year thoy would hive been thinking how nice tho elephants would look hanging up in their smoke housos. Tbo mineral resources of the Chorokeo nation will be proven soon alter allotment, and lliey gtve promise of great value. Whilo mining is a most epoeula tlve enterprise, yet thoro is overy Indication that this section is rich in the baser metnls. There is every rasou to be lieve that the Cherokee rolls will' be finally completed by January 1st. Thu land oflioo will then he opened for the filing on allotments and the Cherokee nation will forge rapidly to tho fore as one of Ure richest productive factions in the union. No preparations have been made by tbo merchants for participation in tho trades display parade dur ing carnival week. It is to be hoped that Ibis Interesting feature may not be allowed to fall through. It offers too good an opportunity to atlvertlse our commercial im portance. While tho Territory game law introduced at the rooect Be slon ol Congress did not find parage, yet there is an old statute that will prevent any raids from put hunters on Territory game.The authoritUi intend to enfoice it, and anyone found shipping game will be vigor, ously proseouted. Next week Vinita will entertain the entire countryside. As t pre cautionary measure a closo watoh should be maintainod on tho joint keepers to prevent any importing of liquid disturbance. With tbe promised attendance of women and children any drunks should be handled without gloves. There is n vast difference be tween the "records" sought by politicians and those recognized by the people. If a politician U loyal to his party, however rotten his (reputation, or medloore his ability, he is accepted and stamped 0. K. by his fellow. manipulator. The day is at band when the poo pie will demand the retirement of those who cannot show at least some evidences of oharaoter and ability. Every day finds parlie of borne seekers and capitalize in Vinita loosing for a profitable field for in vestment. They are Invariably iraprosscd with tbe advantages of fered here for almoet any legiti mate business, and many have In dicated their intention ol perma nently locating here. It is at thia very time mat me services ot a well organized and active oommer cial club wou'.J be of intimable value to the oily, in entertaining these visitors, and acquainting them with the oonditions existing here. Now that the lownslte oomtnis tion has been appointed, let the good work go on. There are plenty of good buildings available here for that land office, and the an nouncement of its intended loca tion here would carry as muoh joy to tbe Cherokee farmers, et al, as the eany arrival of the appraisers will give the town lot owners. It is only a question of a compara tively short time before tbe rolls will be completed, and eaoh day makes it more manifest that Vin ita is the only logioal location for the land office. A striking contrast to the court days will be offered next week when the cohools open. Today the city is thronged with men, in. terested either ollicially or through ties of blood, with those charged on tbo docket with tvtty conceiv able crime. Next week the streets will be crowded with troops of children, happy in their innooenoa as they on their way to the schools whioh are intended to prepare them for linee of useful citizenship. While the majesty of tbe law is impressive, its power is largely oorreotive. The relation of illiteracy to orime shows that in (ho schools is found one ol the great preventatives. Every day may be and should be a day good to the business man who advertises. There are de grees in the yield f tbe days as they como and pass, but eaoh and overy one of them may be made profitable. This holds with pecu liar force as to advertising. Peo ple have to buy every selling day in the year. There are seasons when they buy more than at other BaaonB, but buying la going on all of tbe time. The wise inaohant seeks to get his full share of the trade, whether It be little or muoh. lie should know and recall tba old maxim, "Out of Blgbt, out of mind," lie must persist in ad veillslng all or the time if he would secure tho share which he properly covets. Printers' Ink. RAPID PROGRESS Being Made in Cloaring Criminal Dockot in Fed eral Court. MANY MINOR CASES Disposed of SI.ico tho Oponlng of Court Monday Morning Trial of Boogy Sandors Tuesday On Chargo ol Assault to Kill Resulted in Ac quittal. (Tuesday, Sept. 9 2nd Day.) A number of criminal casca wore oleared from the dockot yesterday aftornoon, and the indications aro that the criminal term will close within two weeke. Tho caso of Mamio Fox.charged with perjury, was stricken from the docket, owing to tho death ol tho defendant. A nolle prosequi was entered in the following cases: Mary Fish, charged with per jury. Wm. Tilley, robbery. Hums Matney,tresnass on school house. Hugh Tittle, Keener Hyatt, Oioar Roberts, Oliver Scott, burg lary and larceny. I.lge Long and Norval Davids, disturbing peace. Kmmett Hood, larceny and re ceiving Btolen property, two counts. R. C. Jenkins plead guilty to introducing whiskey and was al lowed to stand on plea. In the case of Oliver Scott, Clar enoe Alexander and Frank Thomp son, oharged with larceny, cause waB stricken, with leave. Lon Haines wbb given until De oembsr 1st to pay the balance due the government for carrying a gun. Jo1-.! Bray and Evaline Crum entered a plea of not guilty to a chargo of adultery, and on motion of the defendants the case was transferred to Claremore. Tho balance due the govern ment irom Jim Welch on a previ ous conviction for introducing whiskey was remitted and tbe cause stricken from tbe docket. John Harris, who was convicted at the last term of court of carry ing a gun paid up a balance of $58 due tbe government. J. W. Harrod olead guilty to introducing and was fined $20 and costs, and sentenced to 30 days in ibe Vinita jail. Jesse Eldridge paid 810 for car tying a gun. Tbe trial of 0. S. Skidmoro, one of the participants in the fight at Collinsville where a man named Phillips was killed was transferred to Claremore. Earl Holt, oharged with killing Jim Holland at Westville during an election fight sometime ago, failed to appear for trial. As bis trial is docketed for Thursday the piosecutlng attorney thinks that his absence ia due to the fact that he thinks he dote not have to ap pear until then. Hie bond called for his appearance today. The trial of Boogy Sanders, a chronic negro criminal, on a charge of assault to kill, was in progresa when oourt adjourned at noon. Under the indictment Sanders is -charged with shooting another negro, John II. Johnson. True bills were returned by tbe grand jury as follows: Cicero Booth, introducing and dispensing liquor, seven counts. 0car Terry, Arson. Dave BirinB, assault to rape. Osear Terry and John Perry, assault to rape. Wm, Buzzard, killing bog to steal. Virgil Bowlegs, larceny. James Shelton, Charles Jackson, violating esc. 20, aot of March 1, 1889. J. A. Hildebrand, introducing and dispensing liquor, four counts, Gordie Hutchinson, larceny, eight oounN. (Wednesday Sept. 10, 3rd Day.) A verdict of not guilty was re turned by the jury In the trial of Boogy 8anders,tbe negro criminal, on the charge of assault to kill an other neggo, John II. Johnson. There ere sttl several charges on the dooket against Sanders which he will havo to answer, and the obanoeB are that be will yet be landed in Leavenworth. Gordie Hutchinson plead guilty to eight indictments for larceny, and will have five years in Leaven worth in which to correct bis bad habit of appropriating tbe property of others. The cases of Lewis Fair and Jaokson Blunt, charged with in troducing and dispensing liquor were continued on motions of the defendants. The following charges were ig norod by tbe grand jury: J. G. Ulauson, Arson; Job. McCrary, slander; Charles Keys, Jos, Davidson, George Tannant and Bill Thur man, larceny and receiving stolen property; Charles Napier, introducing anil dispensing. Tho trial of James Sholton and Charles Jackson, charged witli at tempting to wreok an Iron Moun tain train sometime ngo was trans ferred, on motion 01 defendants, to Nowata. J. A, Hildebrand plead guilty to introducing and dispensing on four counts; sentonco doferrod, Osuur Terry entered a pleA of not guilty to charge of arson, and bis trial was set for Sept. 10. Oscar Ttrry and John Berry entered plea of not guilty to charge of assault to rapo and trial was set for September 17. The case of Dave Bevlns, oharged with assault to rape, was referred to tho grand jury, J Virgil Bowlegs plead not guilty to oharge of Inroeny and trial wob set for Sept. 17. Tho trial ol Cloero Booth, charged under seven Indiotmonts with in troduoiug aud soiling, was contin ued. A nolle prosequi was ontored in the case of Harrison Williams, charged with introducing and dls penelng. The case of Jesse Burr, charged with latceny, was transferred to Pryor Creek. T. M. Jackson, when arraigned, entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of disturbing tbe peace and carrying a gun. Tobe Smith plead guilty to tho charge of robbery and wearing weapon and was sentenced to GO days in Vinita jail and fined 50 and costs. Tbo trial of Jefl Davis and Dave Etcbins, charged with inurder,was transferred to Claremore. The grand jury returned true bills against the following: Louis Bean, liquor, two counts. Buck Lodman, liquor. S. Kelly, liquor. S. Kelley, Ily Landrum, liquor. John Sapcuoker, liquor, tlnoo counts. Jesa Johnson, assault to kill. W. T. Moss, adultery. W. T. Mose, carnal knowledge female. Dave Bivins, assault to rapo, Windy Smith, Gej. Swearinger, larceny and rcc. stolen property. John E. Sweaney, larceny and receiving Btolen property. Houston Wagoner, larceny. Joseph Whirley, larceny. Thos. McAfee " Joe Carson " MINISTER KILLED, Rev. VV. P. Whaley, "The Fighting Parson," Shot Near Durniit, Details of a fight near Durant, Saturday night, in which Rev. W. F. Whaley, a Methodist minister, was killed, hie son probably fatal ly injured and another partici pant shot through the thigh, have been received. The participants in the bloody affair were the Rev. Whaley, his sous Alfred and Ern est, and J. II. Richardson, J. R. Whattenburger and J. A. Richard, sou. The Whaleye and the Richard, sons have had previous trouble, and when they met on the read near Durant Saturday night tbe fight ensued. All of the parties were heavily armed. Rev. Whaley fell at the first vol ley and his son Allred had both of his arms shattered. J. A. Rich ardson was shot through the thigh, Both of the mules' attached to the Richardson wagon wee killed. After the ehooting none of the participants made any attempt to eeoapo and were later arrested and looked up in the Durant jail. Rev. Whaley, the dsoeased, waa a Methodist preaoher and a very clever man. Hi gnateet failing was his ungovernable temper. He wa9 known luoally as the "fight ing preaoher." Press dispatches state President Roosevelt led the Seventh United Cavalry In a "sharp trot" for a mile and a half over tho battle field ol Chickamagtia Sunday and set such a hot paoe that several troopers were unhorsed. There is either a liar who deserves killing or the United States is sadly in need of oalvalrynien. VOTING CONTEST, Alias Kate McKisiIck la Now In the 1 cad. MIes Kate MoKissiok is now leading in the voting oonlest for Flower Queen, with Miss Louise Chandler a close seoond. The vote to date ia as follow: KATE MoKISSIOK 36 Louise Chandler 90 B I audio Oborn, SB Janie Hall '20 Fay Trott, JO Byrd Ironside, 15 Fannie Knlgbt, 1U Kate Gatewood , 5 Claudia Little 5 Home Visitor Uxcurslon. Visit tbe old homos In Illinois, In diana, Ohio and Michigan. Low rate via the M. K. & T. railroad on Bopt oui'jor l&tli and 234 and October 2d, 3J, tth aud Stli. bee tho Katy jieul. atleett Don't miss the many attractions at the Leading Store of Vinita. The tf AD GETT-S ANDERS STORE is better prepar ed for supplying the wants of their customers than any other former time. We have assembled a stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Furnish ings, far superior to any line we have ever shown hereto fore. You are cordially invited to visit us and inspect the magnificent stcck we are showing for the fall and winter. This week we are offering some mighty good things in our clothing department. m m DT Of) 25 suits men's fancy cheviott 4)11 UU suits, good $6 values, this week per suit for 4.00 per suit. J?K flO I0 su'ts mcn's ncy worsted, iDU.UU ytjQ vaiueS( this week at 5.00 per suit. $fi fin 20 su'ts mcn's fancy worsted JJU.UU bright new (styles. They would not be high at $10. This week you can buy one for $6.00. We have a complete stock of HATS, CAPS Dry Goods Department. We are doing a big business in this department. We are confident we can save you money on any purchase you may want to make. Our line of tailor made suits for ladies. Largest and best in the city. Guaranteed to fit or no sale. Our lines of waists and sepa rate skirts are second to none. Ask to see them. m VISITORS we will make it To the Far NorthuJesi, Via Burlington Route. "The IlurlliiRtoii-Northern Pacific Ix preM," now leaves Kaiuas City at 11:10 i. ni , making direct connections uith all Hum from the east nml south. Thi is tbe only through train from Kansas City through the northwest territory traversed by the Northern Tacillc railway. Through coaches, chair cars, standard and tourist sleepers Dutte, Helena, Spokane, Taco ina, Seattle, Portland. Ch?ap SQmnierCoIoradoTolirs The Burl'ngton makes the cheapest Colorado summer tours ever made, such as 515.00 round trip during frequent periods of the summer from Kansas City to Denver, Colorado Springs and return. The Burlington's last Denver train leaves Kansas City at 0:10 p m arrives at Denver 3:10 p. m. next day. The day Express leases Kansas City at 10:10 a.m. Cool Minnesota. 10,000 lakes; scores of the coolest anil beet summer localities in the country: frequent periods of low excursion tours, such as 12.20 Kansas City to St. T-ul. To Eastern Resorts. Tow rate summer circuit tours to Michigan, Canada. St. Lawrence region, Atlantic coast; rail and lake or all rail. To Chicago The famous "I11" leaves Kansas City at 0:20 p. in. To St. Louii Double daily train serv loe. Describe your trip to out nearest tick et agent or to the umligncd; and let ui advise you the least Cost and mail you publications. h. J. BRICKBR, T. Y. A., 828 Main St. Kansas City, Mo. Iv. W. WAKHUJY, G. P. A., St. Iuis. C. M. UIVY, Geti'l Manager, St Louis, Mo The Most Direct Route froril either north or south, to the Famous Health ItL e s ort and Spriugs of IT, is via the Descriptive literature coti;criiiuR this delightful resort furnished upon appication to Passenger Traffic Department, FRISCO SYSTEM, Saint Louis. m mm - Sanders These are Great Values. TO VINITA are invited to very much to your interest to Badgett - 2215.! Finley's Barber Shop. We bae put In an addition al chair ami now have four cluirs in operatiou, enabling n to uive better service. You don't have to wait. T. 1'INLKY, Proprietor. NEW WHITNEY RESTAURANT. Dcst Meal in the City 25c Short Orders a Specialty. Plrtt Door Cut ot Rstclltl's Gex & Miller, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable Special attention to driving trade. Wagon yard in connection. phone No 6. So. Wilson St., Vinita We Are Not e 1 Superstitious But we Believe in Signo. See Woodard for your signs. Shop north of Fris co depot. That is clear. Free from burned oil. Free From Taste. I Good and Pure. Made from Distilled arte sian water. Ice always on hand. Visit the plantjand see it made. Vinita Light, Ice and Power CO. Phone 127. KIDNEY DISEASES ire lhe most fatal of all dis eases iry? KIDNEY CUflE li a llULs-l o GuarantBfld neiaedj or money refunded. Contain remedies recognized by eml' nent physicians as the vest tor Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 60c. ao4 11.00. M ICi GE Merc. Co. $1 HO Wc arc making a clean sweep I .UU of our negligee shirt stock. We offer 1.25 and 1.50 negligees at 1.00 each this wceK. Cknpq If it is shoes you want you JlJUCo should sec our stock. More good values than ever. See our men's shoes for $1.00, $1.25. $1.50 up to $3.50. They arc the best values obtainable at' these prices. and Q LOVES ready for your visit our store. If you have do it with us. Sanders Merc. Co" I ( d JEWELRY Saving apd Spending. What you spend for Good Jewelry i really a saving. always a valuable possession. In this line I lue Solid Oold Brooches from $5 00 to $25.00 Lndici' Solid Gold set rings, $2.00 to S20.00. Ocnt's set rings, $.( to $15. Child's Solid Oold rings, 50c. Whcujouvtant anything in the jencleryline call and see what I have, l'lnc and complicated watch repairing a specialty. MOTTO! Not the Chupt.t but the WIST woik at August ScbliecKer, h 5. Wilson 5i. Bringing Out the FactSc We want to make it as strong as we know how That we will give youlbetter Lumber at the same price, or equal grades at a lower price than elsewhere. We believe first, tnat money can ouy, ana men in maKing uiu t-if!r no ntt no riccikln frtr tliif Ifinrl nf lltm- ber. And still we defy you to find lower prices than our. If you leaye our yard dissatisfied, it's your own fault, because we do our level best to please every customer who buys building material nere even stocK ana tne lowest prices. Tf tlmt wnn'l criMsfwnii wiint will? AnV way, be sure and auerwarus. I m & m inspection. m a any shopping to do ffl Jeweler ape Optician. in giving the best lumber to giving mm inc ucbi see us before buying; not Vinita. Indlnri TwrHa. ;553EaHJsT . m 1 IIS li J P. C. ironof k 0 n f i 1 I 4 I- lmimiMMmrRlt&imttUttHESNtolRIRMHKBHlrtlBUiUUm'uiitBi ihjBT " ".Ai' iaf'f w n .lmmitryJari''&',ttip?'' J'A 'TgRT "" " " 'TWisTMBflssssslssssssssssssssssssl