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BMMMMBBBMMMssssssssssssssWsslM MbxM22&& , ,MJL.- "k I aw.yftsMa'MgnsJiitjsssjgiisHsrisM aFTWiwifflnimi BBSPr Kyji - 4 i . . 'fcr t'i m 1. ' ? 3 B 4 S"y3 SmSM VI 1 TWO NEIGHBORHOOD ! CONFIDENCE m&iWm3fa Fall Dress Goods Our Fnll Dross Goods roprosonts nil tho now fabrics of this sonson'a productions. Tho Zobilinos in all shados from $1.00 to $3.00 yd. Panama cloths, tho Mistral cloths, Vonicians, Ghoviot3, Broadcloths and tho most boiu iful lino of Black Dross Goods ovor bIiowii from 60c to J j. 00 per yard. Ladies and Childrens' Shoes. Thoro is no quostion about our giving bottor valuos in shoos than any storo in Vinita, our stock is largor, wo show moro stylos nnd naturally aro moro liablo to havo tho shoo you want. Our $1.50 Ladies' Shoo mado of Dongola and light weight calfskin is tho bost shoo on oarth for SI. 50. For $2.00 wo show a numbor of stylos in Ladies' Dross and Walking Shoos, thoy como in Welts, McKays and turn solos in all tho popular lasts, patent and stock tips. a V7-fe LOCAL : NOTES. O. W. Franklin has typlioid fover. Miss JanlcIIull is 111 with typhoid fever. .. II Crcok. Mayes In hero from Pryor Jim I)oughorty of Catoosa was hero yesterday. N. II. Simpson of Adair was here yenorduy. J.O. McCombcr Is a court visitor from Salllsaw. Jno, McOraken was hero from No wata yesterday. Attorney P. L. Mars of Sapulpals a court visitor. Thomas Howie returned from St, Louis yesterday. Wilton lutcllfl went to Galveston on tho excursion. Miss Alma Webb Is cashier at the Golden Itulo Mcr. Co, O. D. Sloepor of Wagoner was at tending court yesterday afternoon. Mrs Cynthia Wacasor and her lit tle girl arc both sic with fever. Miss lUy Miller left Tuesday nUht furMcxIco, Mo., to a fend Hardin col lego. , f t..j... 'itA'i if i?..ii.,..i ... JU'ajstJWWrt iftro yestcr- teen&Iljcd Imnlemcnt Co. are making special prices on buggies, for tho next 30 days. w Tho Thomas' wheat drills aro the boit made. Sold by Green & Hood Implement Oo. w Miss Oarrle Duncan of Cliotopi, sis tor of Miss Nettle Duncan, Is hero to attend Willie Haltcl College. Avoid serious results of kidney or bladder disorder by taking Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by Peoples' drug toro. aw Green & Rood Implemont Co. un loaded a car of Thomas' wheat drills yostcrday. Sco them beforo buying a drill. w Mesdames Aycrs and Codton ac companied by Miss Katberlno Nossel wont to Liplata, Mo., on a visit last evening. A set of 17 copper, steel and enameled cooking utensils, well worth 7;60, absolutely frco with overy Ma- ltic Itstngo told next week at Dr,r- rough Hardwaro Co. Don't got left. No waro mud? compares with the "Majestic" tho full set Is worth 7.50, but wo'ro going to give a sot frco with every Mujestlo Mango sold at our ex hibit ni'xt week. Don't got left. Dar rough Hardware Oo. tfoloy's Honey and Tur Is peculiarly adapted for chronlo throat troublos Bnd Will LOIltlvelv iMirn hniiohlll. hoarseness and all bronchial diseases'. teiUlO SUbltltUtOS. Bold hv IVnnlfUl drug store. dW goby's Honey end Tar I for Children. KfA cJZ at,,.f-.. I Old by I'ooples' drajf store. It is related ihat, for a wager, a man once stood for an hour on Broadway, New York, offering: to sell genuine $5 gold pieces for ten cents each and won the wager because he failed to make a sale. The reason for his failure to sell is plain. Even though the coins were genuine they were offered by a stranger in whom the people had no confidence. How different the relations existing between our store and the people who do their trading in Vinita. They know full well that the quality of goods can always be depended upon and all state ments concerning them arc abiolutely reliable. We appreciate this confi dence; we have consistently and persistently striven to deserve it, and will just as earnestly strive to retain it. We offer for your selection the largest and best stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and Millinery ever brought to the In dian Territory. We invite you to Vinita to the Street Fair, Make our store your head quarters and examine our stock thoroughly before you make your fall pur chases, E. N. Ratclff Mercantile Co J w-.WUHUJi-JL,- -. . California Low one ifi rates via tho M. K. & T. Railway ilurlng Septombcr and October. Write James Darker, gen eral passenger and ticket agent, St. Louis, Mo., for rates, pamplets, etc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Uoono Dawson left Tuesday over the Katy for their homo at New Haven, Ky., after a fow weeks' visit with Mrs. Dawson's brother, Jim Harmon, this being Mrs. Dawson's first visit homo since her marrlago, two and a half years ago. Wanted Teamsters and scraper holders at Coweta, I. T., 18 miles west of Wago ner. Pay 1.75 and fZ per day; money any time. Welsh llros., Contractors. d291w3 Hurt In Runaway. Mrs. O. V. Perry sustained several painful cuts and bruises on the head yesterday through being thrown ,'rom a runaway team, the horse tak ;pg frignt at tbo circus parade. Mrs. Chandler, a country visitor who was In the buggy with Mrs. Perry escaped Injury. A New Jersey Editor' Testimonial. M. T. Lynch, editor of tho Phillips burg, N. J. Dally Post, writes: "I havo used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good us Foley's Honey and Tar. 1 cannot say too much In pralso of It." Sold by Pco plea' drug store. dw Walked Off Train. Jim Williams, a blacksmith of Sal llsaw, walked off tho rear end of a valley train ul GhcrokecStatlon Mon day and fell through a troitlo Into tho crcok by tho water tank. Ho was fished out by the train crow, having sustained a broken arm and other serious Injuries. Tho accident oc curred boforo daybreak and it is sup posed Williams was walking In his sleep. Devoured by Worms. Children often cry, not from pain, but from hunger, although fed abuu dantly. Tho entire trouolo arises from Inanition, their food Is not as similated but devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vorml fugo will causo them to ccaso crying and begin to thrive at once, very much to tho surprise and Joy of tbo mother. 25c at Peoples' drug store, dw Willie Ilalsell College. With Informal though interesting exorcises Wllllo Ilalsell Cnllcgo was formally opei'td for tho scholastic year Tuoiday. Atior a few short addressos the work of rrganlzlng tho classos was commenced, and tomorrow wltncstcd the Inauguration of seri ous study. Tho school has a largo attendance this year, and a most prosperous year Is uutlolpatcd by President Drowning. Trade at Ualentlne's, It will bo to your Interest to tado at my storo this month. Yours re spectfully, (Mrs.) II. lUptNjrijoc. Ladies' Suits, Jackets and Skirts Wo aro showing tho bost Tailored and best fitting lino of ladios' ready mado clothing that is manufactured and tho prices aro no highor than tho poor fitting kinds. Lad ios Tailor Mado Suits from $10 to 25. Ladios' Raglans, tho bwoII coat for this soason, from $7.50 to $25.00 Ladios' 45 inch Jackots, tho most popular longth jack et mado from $0.50 tho 22.50 Ladios' 27 inch Jackets from $3.50 to $10.50. Our Jackots aro shown in all colors and all materials. Furs add so much to dross and havo bocorao absolute ly necessary to a ladies' wardrobo. Our stock is largo and you will raako a mistako if you buy boforo sooine our of ferings. b Millinery, Judging from tho numbor of Hats wo aro soiling and tho remarks wo hear wo aro doing tho most of tho millinory business, so you had bottor como in an soo what tho causo is, it must bo that our stylos aro prottior and thon our pricos aro not high for tho qualities wo offer. Jail Notes. Tom Foreman chaigcd with Intro ducing was brought In from Tahle quah by Deputy Horaco U. Gray. "Little Dave" charsed with Inirn. ducingwaslanded by Deputy Ollstrap. narvoy uunt charged with mall clous mischief was released on order of the United States court. Charles Napier, charged with in troducing, Dill Thurman and Jamca Davis charged with larceny were re leased on order of grand Jury. Lingering Summer Colds. Don't let a cold run at this season. Summer colds aro tho uardost kind to euro and If neglected may linger along for months. A long slevo like this will pull down tbo strongest constitu tion. Ono Minute Cough Cure will break up tho attack at onco. Sate, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, all throat and lung troublos. Tho children like It. A. W. Foreman. dw Feet Swollen To Immense Size. "I had kidney trouble so bad," says J. J. Cox of Vulley View, Ky., "that I could not work, my feet were swol len to Immcnso fIzo and I was con fined to my bed and physicians were unable to glvo mo any relief. My doc tor finally prescribed Foley's Kidney Ouro which mado a well man of me." Sold by Peoples' drug Btore. dw To the Trade. Owing to the vast amount of work and cxponsc, tho custom of Formal Openings at tbo beginning of each season has be como Inconvenient to tho retail stores, as well as tho trade Therefore, to accomodate our ever In creasing trade, all openings will be discontinued. The undersigned re tailers of "Vinita bctr leave to an- nounco to their many customers that they will havo on dlsnlav Pattnrn Hats commencing Monday. Sentomher 25, ami from that day on during tho entire season without Interruption. n. a. iitVluuiVF MER. CO., JUMBO STORE, UADGETT-SANDEltSMER. CO Take tare or the Momacti. The man or woman whoso digestion Is perfect and whoso stomach por forms Its every function Is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies und sweetens tho stomach and wrr positively and permanently all stomach troubles, In dlgostlon and dyspepsia. It Is tho wonderful reconstructive tonlo that la making so many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies all of tho nourishment In tho food they eat. Rev. J. II. Hoi laday, of Holladay, Miss., writes: "Kodol baa cured me. I consldor It tho best roniedy I over used for dys popsla nna stomach troubles. I was given up b? physicians. Kodol saved my life." Take it after meals. A. W. Foreman, jw Foley's Honey ana Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia Sold by Peoples' drug store. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to dip, and a son riding for life, 18 mile, to irct Dr. Klne's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and yoms, w. Jl. Drown, of Lccsvillc, Ind., cndured.doath's agcnlcs from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured Dim. Ho writes: "I now sleep sound ly overy night." Llko marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip prove Its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guarante ed bottles 60c and $1. Trial bottlo free at Peoples and A. W. Foreman's drugstores. dw Cherokee Crop Condition. Over the northern portion tho rains placod the ground In good condition, and fall whcit nlowlnir nroirrMspri rapidly, and Is well advanced; kaftlr corn Is In good condition; stock is do ing wen; corn Is made with a fair crop. Over tbo mlddlo portion good rains placed tho around in lino condition for fall plowing, and tbo work is well aavancea; cotton plcklnz Is Innro- gress, with crop In fair condition, hut. boll worms aro causing somo damage Juno corn Is a poor crop; baying about completed, with an excellent, cron? sweet potatoes good; stock doing well. uver tho southern rortlon cooler weather prevailed after tha rains-. ground In flno plowing condition, and woric nemg advanced; some wheat sown; cotton openlnir ranldlv. nnd much picked and ginned, tho crop yloldlng well, and of a good quality, prairie hay cutting and balling In progress; second crop good; stock In good condition. Beware of the Knife. No nrnfcaalnn 1i. J, i ... rapidly of lato than surgery, but It should not be used except whero ab solutely necessary. In cases of piles for example, It Is seldom ncoded. Do- Wltt,HWIt-h1tn,.IOl, .,...1.1. ly and permanently. Unequalled for rllfa hi. ma 1. . ... . -, uiuibcj, wouoas, sxin diseases. Accept no counterfoils. "I was fin trnnhlivt ml, I. i,i.ji it that I lost much blood and strength," says J. O. Phillips, Paris, III. Dc- wiii-s witch nazel Salvo cured mo In a short tlnio." Soothes and heals. A. W. ForcmaJ. dw Rose's book store for new and second-hand, or re-bound school books, In all grades. School sup plies at lowest prices. Old school books taken In exchange for new. In Raymond building. 298 Uitd for Pneumonia. Dr. J, 0. Bishop, of Agnow, Mich., says, "I havo used Foley's Honoy and Tar In tlireo very eevero cases of pneumonia with good results In every case." Refuse substitutes. Sold by I'coplcV drug store. Uw Perry's Yictory 1813 wmoccudr&',yCarSaBO''''',aJ'- 0urvi,:tory overril obstacles Saturday, September n , x;tinr ..,. ...:n t..., ..- i:, -J ' When we will GOLDEN Dry finnrfc vv4-' Furnishings, Clothing. I Boots and Shoes L. Groceries. FACULTY CONCERT. An Attractive Program Will De Ren dered at Wllllo Ilalsell College September la. The faculty of Willie Halsoll college will enlortain the friends of tho school at a concert to be given September 12. No invlla lions will be issued, but tho gen eral public is invited to be present. The following attractive program bs been arranged for tbo pleasant event: Beading Recessional, (Kipling) Mrs. John Miller Drake. Piano Solo (a) Lcs Deux Aloucltcs, (Lcschctlzky); (b) Kuyaweak, (Wlcr.'- awskl) Mlsi Cora May Drown. Heading Den Ilur's Chariot Race, (Lew Wallace) Mrs. Drake Violin Solo Air Varic, op. 120, (Dan- cla) Miss Drown Piano Solo Valso Eb, (Aug Durand) Miss Smith. Reading That Old Sweetheart of Mine, (James WhltcombRtlcy). Home, Sweet Homo, (Eva Coscardcn) Mrs. Drake. Piano Solo Sonata (Allegro) op. 31, No. 1, (Ueothoven) Mlis Brown. Not Boomed for life. "I was treated for tbrco years by good doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McConnclIsvlllc, O., "for piles, and flstilla, but, when all failed, Ducklcn's Arnica Salvo cured mo in two weeks." Cutes burns, bruises, cuts, corns, sores, eruptions, salt rbeum, piles or no pay. 23c at Peoples and A. W. Foreman's drug stores. dw ai Years a Dyspeptic, R, II. Foster, 318 S 2nd St., Salt Lako City, writes: "I have been bothered with dyspepsia or Indiges tion for 21 years; tried many doctors without relief; recently I got a bottle of Hcrhlnc. Ono bottlo cured me, I am now tapering oft on the second. I havo recommended It to my friends; it Is curing them, too." SOo at Peo ples' drug store. dw A Summer Trip Unsurpassed On the Continent, The trip to Salt Lake City or to the Pacific coast via that point over the Denver Si Rio Grande and the Rio Grando Western Is the most beauti ful In America. No European trip of equal length can compare with it in grandeur of scenery or wealth of novel Interest. Then Salt Lake City iUelf Is a most quaint and picturesque place and well worth the Journey. Its Mormon temple, tabcinaclo, tithing ofllce and church Institutions; its hot sulphur springs within the city limits its delightful temperature, sunny cllmato and Its Great Salt Lake deader and denser than tbo Dead Sea In Palestine are but a few features of Salt Lako City's countless attrac tions. There aro parks, drives, canons and beautiful outlying mountain and lake resorts. Imagine, if you can, a bath In salt water a mllo above sea level and In water In which tha hu man body cannot sink. Inquire of your nearest ticket agent for low tourist rates to Salt Lake City, or write for Information and copy of "Salt Lako City, tho City of Saints," to S. K. Hooper, tbo general passen ger agent, Denver. Colo. A Sad Disappointment. Ineffective liver modlclno Is a dis appointment, but you don't want to purge, strain and broak tljo glands of tbo stomach ard bowels, DeWIU's Llttlo Early RIsors never disappoint. They cleanse tbo system of all poison and putrid matter und do It bo gently that ono enjoys tho pleasant effects. They uro a tonlo to tho liver. Cures biliousness, torpid liver ami prevent fever. A. IV. Foreman. dw Cured Hemorrhages ol the Lungs, "Several years slnco my lungs wero so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ako of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several pbyilcfans without any ueno lit. I then started to tako Foley's Honey and Tar and my luns are now as oouud as a bullet, 1 recommsnd It In advauccd stages ot lung trouble," Sold by Peoples' drug store. dw Doctors Could Not Help Her. "I had kldnoy trouble for years," writes Mrs, Raymond Conner of Snel ton, VYaili., "and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Curo, and tho very Qmt doso gave mo relief and I am now cured. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." Sold by Peoples drug store, dw flANHEP SALVE'fire back Is the kind the the moat herilna iv In tha worlrf. have our lih,, s open for inspection. RULE nERCANTILE CO. Ihe Only One iu c a I What's Your Alfl ? Guns and Ammunition. You hit the mark when you buy here. K. K. KLTTLERY, New Fall I.ine Cut Prices. KITCHEN UTENSILS. Your safe if you buy here, We are closinpr out our Bicycles. Dar rough Hardware Co. Keep it) Toucb Tbe 5t. Louis Tbt OrtM rfewspaptrS of Q WorU. The Daily Globe-Democrat'is without a rival in all the.west, and stand at the very front among the really great nev.-spapers of the world and the work of preparation for the great world'sfair in 1903. Subscribe for By r2M, Postage Prepaid D&Hv, Including Suoday, One year 16; Six;months 3.00; Three Months i,jo Dally, Without Sunday, One yearjll; Six Months .00; Three Months 1.00 5unday EdItioij,:iOne Year tj.ooSStx Months 1.00. fe 1 Ort . The "Twice-11 Week" Issue of thel Globe-Democrat at one do JF I yjyj lar a year Is the greatest newspaper bargain of the age. Itisal most exual to a daily at at the price ol a Meekly, It gives the latest telegraphic news from all the world every Tuesday and Friday. Its market reports axe complete and correct ia every detail. It has no equal as a home or family journal, and ought to be at every fireside in the land. Two papers every week. Eight page or more every Tuesday and Friday. One dollar for one rear. Sample cop1 es free Uinifa Real Estate flgTO (D. M. Marrs & Company.) Town and farm property sold on commission. List your property with us; we place it before thousands of prospective purchasers every week free of charge. We have the only record of the Cherokee town lot sales. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. AT THE HOTELS. Territory Visitors and Where They Are Domiciled. conn hotel. J BDIckinson,Tul8s;IIF Jones, Wagoner; Alexander Posey, Eu faula; W R Uampbell, OollineviUe; S G Victor, Alton; T B Woodard, L M Balrd, Dewey; O R Collins, Adair. WEfcTERN HOTEL. B O Bberwood, Chelsea; W 8 Edwards, Bam Williams, Robert London, Herbert Williams, Logan Woods, Collinavllle; O 8 Skid- MnA rr)AM. T. rt-t i . t t wuic, iuiio, jjenu, ifumeau: j jj RogerB, Collinsville. QUEEN HOTEL. II J Jones, 8am McSpadden, C Stephens, 9 P ParkB, J V Culpa, Chelsea; T Q Jordan, John II French, Collinsville; John Bryan and wife, Oolagah; J G 8torey, O B Barbour, J W Patcbett, Lena. quab; JeU Davis, Claremore; J L Russell, Ballard; Jno W Harrod, MoLaln; Tom Wallace, Pryor Creek, A twontv-seven nound j Superior has atFrazee's. 'VvVwvw t tt ,. .... WWMirtv,,,, i Ours is to build up a lasting trade by selling only goods of lasting merit. i Vitb 5aii?t Loui? rrntiarckOicpubiicftD 3Z3 i lPptr3of,'An;trlct GIobs-Democr&t GASTRITIS. Caused by Some Ir ritant Aeling Upon the Ma cons Membrane of the Stomach. Inflammation ot the stomach, gas tric catarrh or gastritis, as this un pleasant affilctlun is variously called, may, like molt Inflammatory diseases be acuto or cbnnlo In its course. The symptoms ot gastritis aro moro or less fever, weak pulse, loss of appetite coaled tongue, foul breath, bad taste In the mouth, the head aches dul'.y. Tuero Is sensation of weight or dis tress In tho stomach. Gastritis is caused by some Irritant acting on tho mucous membrane ot the stomach, tho irritant Is often formed In tho stomach by the fermentation ot In digestible food. Gastritis will never develop If you take regularly Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, the guaranteed curo tor Indigestion, constipation and all dUeasos arUIng from stomach troubles. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'ep sin Is an all the year round. medicine. Good for th whole family vfrom tho smallest inruni up. H Is the best life Insurance. Sold by Peoples' drug ohhuuvquuu i ooiiies. w BW& Thla ilguatur Is on eterr box of Iba iwulna Laxative BroeW'Qiiaiae raitt 1M tumO tut cbivsi M m mm tfar SPRBES, One On ran of Tannin lla-.i WliLJiy from Hcnrnlh tho Floor, An epidemic of drnnkenness that Is sold to havo prevailed at Trux ton, Chonougo county, 12 years go, ........ miuicrj, uuaineM men and others who had never been known 10 inuuigo were intoxicated nearly nu mr timo for a mnniti or tnoro. nas just been fjilolned, Utlca Observer. saya tho According to the story a barrel of Whisky vfos Ipft over night in tho "eight depot at Truxton, nnd in tho morning- the contents were missing,! Tho railroad company finally settled jor the liquor, tat until tho other day did aot know what became of It. One or moro parlies who knew of the presenco of the whisky in tho !, jo me tory goes, went un derneath, and, boring; through tha floor and the barrel, drew the con tents Into a wnshtub. from which It r?. rtt",';"c'l jugs nnd other receptoclcs atid burled until tho ex dttment over its disappearance had worn, off. Then It was distributed around amon the faithful nnd a sea son of hilarity nnd dissipation fol lowed until the supply wag exhaust ed, when tho community again so bered up and continued in tho even tenor of Its wny. iuis inement wa m.i by ono of iuo commercial nr.i.n i.- Into Utlco, nnd then ono of his fel run. ., ioju nn incident of a similar nature. It happened ia a Tcnnsyl. vnnla town near Binghamton. There was nn old cbnp over there who hud a reputation for making tho finest apple lack in tho emmirv n.i ho had plenty of customers, last i ... ju.t ucoro Thanksgiving he drove Into town nnd mado the rounds of his customers and made each fam jv a present of a generoun portion topnlo Jack. each irfft ho re- -.Z'1l5at U vraa a ,UUo omethlng ?hntn7ii.thPlr TI"Giring dla- nfrh0 trMt wa 8ared ff C iV" a rMult' lhero WM turera custom.,, jnck maaxxtac. afternoon than KJ Thanksgiving fore In many a mo.., , v after there were a wla,, ... . aches. Several months .- of head- irnnspircu mat tfto old j,, skillfully mingled with his apiid Its, and when ho Tva remonstru. with because of his Jo he said thaN he wanted to warm the folks up once nnd let them know how It felt to get tipy- GUARDING A PRESIDENT. An nrntlLlunnn'. Xarratlon of III StuBuInr rixperlrnce In tha Vlty ot Mexico. "Banger ot assassination is never far from a president of any of tho republics south of us," said Mr. John Walker Bralthwalte, of London, on the way from Mexico to hla English home, reports the Kansas City Star, "and they are guarded much more careful ly than many of us imagine, for they make no great display In the matter. "This fact was impressed on we very strongly by a personal experience in the City of Mexico last spring. I had been thrown from a mule and had suffered a severe sprain In my right wrist, in consequence of which I had It closely baudaged, and after It was well enough not to bo carried In a sling I went nbontfirvlth it in the Hide pocket ot ray sack coat. "While walking with my injured band thus supported early one even ing I saw President Diaz, whom I knew quite well, coming toward me, accompanied uy o member of hit oflV clal housihold. They wero walking on the same side of the street as my self, and some CO feet behind them and at the tamo distance in front walked two men, who wore no insignia of authority and la no way showed that they bad anything to do with the president and his companion. "Ab the twu men in front neared me they separated, making room for me to pass between them, and as I was doing so the man on the loft knocked against my arm as though by accident, and naturally I drew it out and away from danger. He apologized politely In Spanish, took hold ot my handgtn Uy as he did so nnd asked if it had been Injured. As I was accepting his apology and beginning to tell ot my hurt the president came up and, greet ing me heartily, Janghed at the situa tion and explained that the two men were guardir g him and had deliberate ly made me expose my hand to mako ture that I did not hold In it a weapon with Intent to injure him. The presi dent's guardians aro very watchful and it would be almost impossible for an armed man to get'ntar enough, to " him to do him Injury." ALCHEMY OF FROST. Molature I'lnr on Important Part In the Devoloplnir I'roc- Commonly hoar f roat is described aa being frozen moisture, but this Is not an adequate description ot an ngent that has the power ot adorning In ft few hours such prosaic objects as gato posts and dustbins with all the trap pings of fairyland. Moisture is, In deed, tho fabrlo out of which all this feathery whiteness Is built up, but, al though it seems sometimes as it it Is distributed In a very oaprlolous man ner, thero are, nevertheless, certain definite circumstances which, causo tho boar frost to settle down on somo surfaces rather thai) others, says Knowledge. On any cold and frosty, morning it will usually be found that those surfaces that are the best radi ators of heat aro also those that aro tho most successful In collecting hoar frost. It Is not always realized, how ever, that all objects are continually; radiating heat, so that, no matter how. much they may recelvo from tho sun, they arc constantly trying-to get rid of It. A fern leaf or a stone may, per haps, receive generous supplies of heat during; the dayv'ltit as soon as night comes It hurries forspend or radiate it, aud the object that is quickest at thta work: will the soonest become cavtrtd In hoar frost, Kvery one has obsen d how the moisture from tho air will settle on the outsldo of a glnss of cold water brought suddenly Into a warm room. A similar proosss takes plaes in the open air, so that as the currents of moist air travel aoross surfaces that nro very cold they pay tribute In drops ot vapor, which In wartn weather take tho form ot dew and in cold of hoar frost. Moisture, therefore, plays ft very Important part in tho develop ment ot thes? hoar-frost pictures; but thero must not be too much, ot iU Some of the most delleate designs oo. eur durbiff the prealeuee of taUt and haze, and In towns, especially. It is no uncommon 'thing for e choking hw rndua fog td bo in some degree com pea tated foe by a substa.utut dltpky ot eoolom hoar frost fi 1 1 rv-i W1 I ci