Newspaper Page Text
i ' V , -'1 K I f L i . frg" .--'I. . .77 i i ' i , ,i"T!'" ' ' " -'LJk.U--. ' - iiniimiL Ifl(tia,n I llllflrtain Eugene . Field'! Views on Ambition popsla. and Dys- iDrrpeprfa," wrota Eugene Field, oltcnlncapaollates a man for endeavor ind omotlmc extinguishes the Ore of tmbttlon." Though great dosptto his complaint Field suffered from fndlgw rrr.ln 1.1. nf. a trv. tired stom&cu SS?I dlgcil your rood- t nood. test You can only rest It by tho use of a preparation llfco Kodol, which nro lUTcaVt of work by digesting your food. St aora ratorcs It to Its normal tone. trennthonlntjj EnvlDorallnn. 36 HEREFORD ...BULLo... FOR SALE From ton month to fear yotirs old, rogistored, and somo sovon- oigliths Horoford and ono oighth Short-Horn, at $50.00 EACH Just right to turn with herds. ItuBtlor's ranch, 5 milos south west of Chntopa, Kansas. M. HOLPERMAN The Keeley Curl Whiskey , Morphine, Tf gold yield easily to the double1 the " "2TITUTE.. ..KEELEY S. Texas. The only ? U7 Vw7-HiUbMihd at DaUaa ?e.e,lc7 IXniunlcaUons confidential -. .. . Jt lUUi UIUIUUUIII UU 1 iSnItnrt'cuUrt, J. H. KEITH, Mg WiX .IVt SIUUK iYlAKrtl OP 8T. LOUIS. 1 ho St. Louis National Stock 0 Yards. Dlrroilj opposite the city of 81. Lonli. nor rs tor all dsierlplloa or LIT 8toek always Is atumtanea, and within the franrds of tbi Btoek Tardi Is a Sett Canning Company, wits aeapscltr'oralsu(ntlrlnr S.fcohasdorcsttlt dsllr. and 1'ork tasilni sitabllshmsnls hsvt a sspseltr for f last btsrlsr 11.000 Hon Uallr. O.O. KNOX, Vice Prai. O. T.JONKS.Oe .Mg'r. L. W. aBAKB, Ass't. Qcn, Jlgr. gAUOKZi nUNT. Otn. Agent (or Teiai and Indian Territory. B. F. Gambill's Workshop Mannf&cturerer of all kinds of wook rork, cheap coffins, wagon and buggy repairing, scroll caning, wood turning and anything you want done in the wood line. Thirty year's experience. Welch, Ind. Ter. Registered Saddle Stallion REX FORREST No. 150S. Son of Rex McDonald 833 Champion Baddler at tho World Roc Forrest is a beautiful bay 15.3 hands. Perfect in form and action, goes all the gaits naturally. A No. x breeder la every icepect Pico $i to insure liv ing colt, Will males the aearon of 190 J at our barn on W. B. Raines ranch three miles east of VinlU, I. T, Write for descriptive card, Geo. M. Martin & Sons BADGETT & MTLFORD, P.O. VINITA, I. T. COCO On rlint hip and slda near back. Calves and younger cattle QM All older cattlo ara tallj.branded with on left iboalder or side. Yonnser eattle marked under balf crop right and nndtrblt tettear. Pastures on nock Creik. near Adair .deadguarters are ntfirm. at Mllltars Urois ns of Cabin Creek JJerd principally eo J. O. GRAY, 10 Miles Northwest of Vlnlta. O Rangb on Paw Paw Oreek. Cattle of'.bls brand sold ouljr for sblp nint. S100 reward or 1 or co stealli Ticnoa of his brand. B. R, TAYLOH, PoBtofflcr, VlnlU, I. T. Smoolh crop In lirtiar.andcror andipllt In tht rlstat. Gome eattle In tarlooi other brands A markt, lUnn on Io. eattcrtik, font rallees.e. of VI. nlta. z$k&m$& TV. V. MILLED, rostofllco Vlnlta, Ind. Ter. l!lBgeOD Lo cui aaTtrit? "tIeCTETS tietliObran on rlcht side andlilp. Va rloua ear marks. Sold only ror ship ment. Pbofog paphs Fowler.... I make all the latest styles including photos in folders, East of railroad cross ing. Fowler, Photographer Ay Also MM 1 Zmt&tuljuuLiuain h.-..' R, R. Time Table Saint Louis and Sao Francisco m Mfl WMT trMnUKLoca.... rrftltHOS, Passenger.. ,5!SS rran lo. World's Fair Special . ! Train HO. Local 7:Wn Alssourl, Kansas and Txas Railway BOUni HOUND. Trtln I. raisenxer TrnlnS, Tlycr Train!. Passenger Train 61, Local Noimi nouN. Train I. Passenger Train 8, Flyer . . Train 4, PitMenger Train 69. Looal io.-w 11 . l:Splt I-ntan ifl p m 11:01 am llistas GASTRITIS. Causd by Some Ir- ritant Acting Upon the mu cous Membrane of the Stomach. Inflnmntiltlnnof lh itOUlRCll. B SB.?lAT !M(MI 11 of tl trio catarrh or (..ft rl'l. as thl may, llko mot lnllmmatoryJVrTha bo acuto or cnriinc i i,- jfl,0re or symptoms if ifii'trltlt ftppotito lost fever, woulc pulsej,, jmkJ u.te coated tongue, foulXil nchw tluliy. in tho mouth, tbf weight or dl Thcro is senaaVfach. Gastritis I tro3 in tbeyUritant actlnp on the caused byrane of the stomach, mucous y is often formed iu the the lTy the 'rrmentatlon of In stgrlble food. OaKtrltU will never wop It jou take regularly Dr Ct I- cll'a Svrun 1'eusln, the guaranteed cure for Indigestion, eotnLlpa'loa and all illicases arising from stunich troubles. Ur. Caldwell's Syrup lVp sin Is an all the year round medicine. Good for the whole family from the smallest Infant up. It Is the best lite Insurance. Sold by People' drug store 50c and 31 bottle. w $& yrmrz Thla atgnatare ! on erery box of tho getmlne Laxative BroraoQiiininc TahMa tbe remedy that enrra a colli In eno lay -PROFESSIONAL CARDS. EDGAR SMITH, (Mellette 4t Smith.) ATTORNRY-AT-LAW. Rooms 1, 2 and 3, P. O. Building Vinita. I. T. DR. L. BAGBY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in New IUtcllff Building. Tale phone 101. Vinita, Ind. Ter. fASIES S. DAVKNPORT, I ATTORNUY AT LAW. Rooms 9 and xo, New Halscll Building, Vinita. I. T. Lavenport & Hall, Attorneys at Law, liank Building, Claremore, I. T w.H- KORNBGAY, ATTORNBV AT LAW And Notary Public. Office in new Hal sell building, Vinita, I. T. Will practice In all the United States courts of the I. T. pHAS. W. DAY, D. D. S., B3BBIDHNTI3T. Sold Crown and Bridge Work a Special y. Office over P'ft National Bank VINITA. 1. T. E.A, STUBBLEFIELD.D.M.D, Office over Etlin Furniture C., Gray HaUell but dlntr, Ylnlu, I. T. MEREDITH BROS,, Veterinary J IS iFHYBIOlANS JHOKOsra. t?iTiira. Permanently located. Office at Webb Bros', stables, Soutr Wilson street. Office phone 82, Residence phone 69. Hospital ior patients. DR.WIMER, t be only Rxcluaive Eye, Bar and Noae Specialist in the Indian Territory Byes treated and glasses properly filed Office at Drug Store. Dr. R. H. GILLESPIE, DENTIST. Office over l'oatofficc. Phone 306. Gex & Miller, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable Special attention to driving trade. Waon yard iu connection. phone No 6. So. Wilton St., Vinita. NEW WHITNEY RESTAURANT. Best Meal In the City 33c Short Orders a Specialty. PlMtDeer But cIRatcHII'a Finley's Barber Shop, We have put in an addition al chair aud mow have four clulrs in otMoatlou, enabling w to eire better service. r You don't have to wait. T. VIKLXY, Proprietor. kidney mrm ire the most Utal of )! 6& eases. juLl I d Bwufiltji nsuisdjf or money tcton-Jtt!. Contains vemedies reco;J.- 1 ky ani aent pliyiidans a: .. J fcf Kidnry and BbdJet u-jMss FOR SALE-Two utler dogt, one broke (o field and wo the other only partly broken. Alto young high-bred trail hound, Williwde for cow or pony. Gto. Hlggini, Vlnila, I. T M v fio75i KJummW sss LOCAL : NOTES. BLUB t WILSON, ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW, Above Miller's .. furniture Store. VIHITA.l. Goorgo Hughes has accepted a posi tion with tho Jumbo store. J. T. Batcllft loft for St. Louis Situ'daycVcnlng on a business trip. It. I. lllakonoy Is going to build a resldrnoe in tho west part of town. Miss May Trott loft Sunday .... e T I. ..I..... aim lll Itllflj" I 1111 Ob. 1JJU1. nilttiwoiiw ..... -- school. ..l... I.aa !.Ortl83Ue 4V IIIUIIIUK9 il w ' ", U) JuracS ltyan and bam. of Vlnlta. an., a on,, wntiniloft this even log for Italy, Texas "cro 8ho has B position as trlmmr Harry Ilagbvhursday or C"1' MIsouriyUnlvor9lty' B11) yerduo of Noosho will have ehur lll k!cnora' delivery window , . poit ofllco hcreaftor. M ls Anna Ileamor has aocepted a lion In tho millinery department the ItiiclllI Morcantllo Oj Mrs. Lee UurroU left, for St. Louis Saturday evening to vllt her child who Is under treatment there Miss lluttle Gore of Illuejtckot re turned homo Sdturdaymornlngafler a two month's visit In Kentucky. The P. T. Walton Lumber Cj. nto unloading tholr lumber for the now yard just oast of tho M. K. ti T depot. John Skinner, who met with it se vere accident at St. Louis sometime ago, Is home again having entirely re covered. II. M. Mitchell left ThursLty for Springfield, Mo., where he will pur chase Xmiis goods for the Peoiles' drug t'ire. Miss Kate MoKlssIck returnod from St. Louis Pridaymornlngto rosumohor (I tales) In the millinery dopartmont of the Itutcllu store. The old Sllror Moon restaurant building Is being torn down prepara tory 10 the erection of the new Vlnlta national bank building. Miss Alma Kobertson of Wot Point has been appointed Urst assis tant at the public school to succeed Miss Stella Davles resigned. Iiruuo Graffunder has moved Into the store recently occupied by W&llen & Wilson, and Is fitting up his new establishment In attractive style. Mrs. Josle A. Hall aud Mae Erclyn Hall let Saturday evening forSt.Louls for a week's visit with Mrs. Hall's daughter, lllancb, aud her daughter-in-law, Josie Winters Hall, who are playing In "Sweet Lluver." Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets oure a cold In oce day. No cure, no pay. Price 26 cents. w Little aiady5 Poole a Winner. In the baby show at Chelsea Thurs day, Gladys Poole was declarod tho vsluuer by MUs Halle Thompson, Chief ilulllnk'ton and Dr. Prank He ward, the judge. To;Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Iirumo Quinine Tab lets. All drunulsU refund the money If It falk to cute. K. W. Grave's sig nature Is on each box. 35c. w flarriagc Licences. Tilterman-Nellle Harper, John Quale. It. L. Uenbo toosa. Bdlth M. Urown, Ca- Tho Ilest Prescription for Alalaria Chilli and Pevor is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron and quinine In u taiteles form. No cure, no pay. Prlee 60c w Hove Tlulr Druj Store. Chapman & Brlggs have purchased the store tlxtures of Ayer & Dodton and moved their drug store to the building next to tho postotllce recently oocuplod by the latter llrm. Messrs. Ayer and Dodsuo will remain In vlnlta and will engage In some buelness here. 4i You Know What You AreTnklnr When you take Grove' Tasteless Jblll Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle show tng that 't is simply Iron and quiulne iu u umeiess lorm. no cure, no pay 50c. V Twenty Scholarships Free. The Catholic Indian Iiureau has an nounced that It will offer twenty free scholarship at the Sacred Heirt In stltuU here, this jear. All applicants must be Indians by blood. Pull par ticulars as to condition! can be ob tained from Rev. A. V. Versavel, Vlnlta, I. T. Hot Weather causes sick headaebe, stomach and bowel troubles. Take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the best regulator; a perfect laxative. Sold by Peoples' drug store; w Jail Notes. The following new prisoners have been added to the Jail colony: John Johnson, forgery, Jake Mar tin, adultery; E. J. Grlllln, laroeoy, transferred from Muskogee jail. Tom MoIIarland, disturbing tho peace; Geo Soap, carrying weapon, wcio brouuht In from Tahloquah. Virgil Ilowleg, charged with lar ceny, committed from Miami. Eattlor Frog, Loomcy Hmoko and Goodmoney Dunkard, arretted west of Cabin Oreek, charged with larceny. J. T. Howard, charged with assault to kill and arson, committed from Sullisaw, There arc now 07 piiiouora confined In the jail. Croup Usually begins with tho Symplons of a common cold; tlioro Is chilliness, snoozing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, hoarene-ss and Impeded rospl ration. Glvo frequent small tlosos uf Hallurd's Horebound Syrup, (the child will ciy for It) and at tho first sign uf u croupy oough, apply fre quently Hallard's Snow Liniment ex ternally to the tbroit, &0o at Peo ples' drug store, w Tlu fruit caus at YA Leo's. ySK JS. k 2 K Women Need a constant supply of blood mMtlng-matrrlnl or their aystema break down under the con.uuit drain. Tho very moment there Is lack of blood, or when the blood 1 ImporerlthM, the signal appears upon the f see In ealkmneea or pi'.r The remedy needed Is Dr. Hnrter's Iron Ton lo. Nolhtna cite meets this periteuUrondlilon no welL Uto ot It hM made hundreds of ttmu and of women look vouaeer and mado th.-m feel even youneer than they looked. It not only restore strength. caertT and beauty, but It l a prompt and certain cure for all ailment" nwt. liar to the ex. It cures because It remori the nrsteause. Itsuppllee just what naturu meds to bring heollh. jr. narter s Iron Tonic strenethens debilitated ortan. trlrea tone and elasUeity to mueolea and lUraments, rounds out wasted tissues and renews the vhroret the nerv ous system. It helps quMdy and Just as surely ami permaaenUy. Loss ot appetlM, of nmblUoo, nerrousnesfi. pelas In the head. baek. ktdners, limb" mo. etes, etc, are all cured by Dr. Uarters Iron Tonic The fottowioe la one of thousands of similar endorsements that we hare received: Houston. Texas. Dee. 4. 1P0I "My father lw jed your medicine slnx ihe War. and when I married In Deoember, W. I oommeoeed housekeepliHrwltti one houieof Dr Harter's Iron Toole, one botUe c' hU Wi U Cherry Ultters, and two boiea of hla LitUe er Pills. I am now nearly slity-two yuan of we. Looking- backward I feel attached to the old medicines and would not ehaace toem tor any of the new ones made." Mis. J. A. Pickett. (11,000 futriatM test sVsts tHthwalal It tolu. ) Krery botUe of Dr. Hnr ter's Iron Tosde has our ' Cresoeut" trade-mark on thelabeL Dn'tiiwiita aubsUtute Insist on Dr. Harvers. IIARTER MEDICINE COMPANY DAYT01, OHIO Mllun lbs ef Dr IIMw'i Wild Omit Dlttm. Ed .Aha. ta.ll k.a. II. MuM KfmAi. ... V TOR SAIL EVXKTWHERK. Mrs. 11. A. Galloivay of Stroul, O. T., Is visiting in the city. MUs Ileisle Moray of St. Louis Is asslstact trimmer at tnc Jumbo. Jaspor Martin went to SaOalla Sun day night to attend bu'lues college. WlnfreJ Obamberlln left Saturday for Lexington, Mo., to attend college. Miss Olivia Mnrrs leftMonday even ing fur Pulton, Mo, to attend cj.'iene. L. P. Parker, Sr., and his tuo'her, II. II. Parker are visiting Mayor Par ker. Mr. Miller of I'ott Scott, cousin of Mrs. II. A Galloway, Is visiting hi the city. Mitt Stllie Cole of Pe-nticU left Monday for Glrard.Ks., where sliewlll visit for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood of Waiulog tou, I). O., are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Froyge. M. Newman, an attorney of Wahoo, Nebraska, attended court Monday. Mr. Newman may open an ofll'ie here. Will Miles, who formerly worked at the Ilatolltt-Hahrell wholesale house, has a position In the grocery depart ment at the Golden Hula. Garland Marrs and George Gate, wood, who nave been working st the t'ejples' drug itore during tho sum mer months, entered Willie HaUell college Tuesday. Trade at Ualentlue's. It will be to jour Interest to Uado at my store this month. Yours re spectfully, (Mrs.) II. IULKKTINII. Raised from the Dead. C. W. LaudU, "Porter" for the Oriental Hotel, Cuaoute, Kan., suys: "I know what It was to suffer with neuralt-la, deed I did, and I gt a bot tle of Itullard's Snow Liniment and I was 'nUed from the dead.' I tried lo get some more, but before I had "de posed' of my bottle, I was cured en tirely. I am telln' de truth too." 25c, Me and f-1 at Peoples' drug store, w Change of Time. TbeCtntralla mall will hereafter leave the puttotHce here at 0 a. in. and will arrive at Centralis at 12 p. in. Returning will leave Centraliaal 1 p. m. arriving here at 6 p. m. Rose's book store for new and second-hand, or re-bound school books, in all grades. School sup plies at lowest prices. Old school books taken in exchange for new. In Raymond building, 208 The Marks' Cattle Sale. The cattle Mtlo at the ranch of L. W. Marks, near Wood ley, Saturday, was well attended and 4t head of mllcheows and thoroughbred animals wore disposed of, the prices ranging from 190 to fllf. Two heifers brought leocaeh, auda joung bull the top price, 1110. About 12,000 was realized from the sale, Tbo presence of llofcs on some of the cattle resulted Iu the sale being closed, as It was feared that fever might result In the herd. Mr. Marks Is well talUlled with the re sults uf bis sale. Used for Pneumonia. Dr. J. 0. Ulshop, of Agnew, Mich., says, "I luve used Foley's Hunoy and Tar In thro very severe c&sos ot pneumonia with gool ieults lo every case." Ilefuc substitutes. 8 dd bv Peoptos' drug sluic. dw DSkK fKK Wii THE DR . StkmWKTtKKWPJfTKRVmtttVt 3WSC JSK tJfrjjf The Range of all Ranges IS THE GREAT SUPERIOR - It is made better and has more good points than any other range made and we can guarantee it for TEN YEARS as well as for ten days. The SUPERIOR is made of double sheet steel with one quarter of inch of asbestos between, which quarantees it to last longer than any range made of one sheet steel .with the asbestos exposed to the fire to crack and roll off. - r i t i r Fr&zee Hardware apcl PII0NE i SgiJiu. Up Furpitare Corrjp&ny. mmm&mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiteo&mkfc MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720 Scvontoonth St., WASHINGTON, D. C. "If everv sutterim? woman has the same experience with Wine of Cardul that I had, your medicine will be most popular. About a year ago I began lo have a worn out tired feeling with lassitude, pains In the bade and bead which kept increasing every month. I felt that 1 needed something, but to get the right medicine was the trou ble. I finally decided on your Wine ef Cardul and only needed lo take three bottles when I was fully re covered." HEN Miss Rose Owens, who has n responsible position in tho Govornmont servico rvt Washincton. D. C. decided to try "Wine of Cardul, she mado ti wise choice. Over n million women havo been relieved of female weakness by this same Wino of Cardul. It is not a strong medicine but may bo taken every day in the year by any woman with benefit. It doss not forco results, but corrects derangements of tho menstrual organs. It strengthens tho nervous system, gives tono to tho bodily func tions, acts directly on tho genital organs, and is the finest tonic for wo men known to tho science of medicine. ilttl llM OUYM. WINEofCARJ)VI The Wise will wait for the Big Show. aiisMmitMSMSMaMsisissssstMSSestssssfsiiHstN mtmtwmitimnntmtnnnmmwitwtmt t After the Minnows Comes the Whale. TERRY'S Unci e Tom's TENT CSaBssssSsraassSBsssssiir -T. I A- P , if - VINITA-One Night Only, Traveling in their own Two Pullman Cars, &0 'JjESOIXjJES 40 Ponies, Donkeys, Bloodhounds, Colored Jubilee Singing and Cake Walking. Don't confound this with the would be imitators and Ply-by-Nlght concerns that have been making your city, nailing under similar names. Parade at 12 o'clock noon. Performance at Doors Open at 7:30 p. m. Gen'l Admission Wtll CaiMl Bros Vinita, Wednesday, Sept. 10 Two performances Afternoon and Night. Two Rings. Klevated Stage. Museum and Menagerie. rionsterMajestic Spectacular FREE STREET PARADE ! Unapproachable in Wealth and Grandeur. Larger, Greater, Grander Than Ever b.fnre with nn entirely new show and wardrobes throughout. Menagerie, MUs?lirn, E5$hibillon of Trained flnirnals Positively and Emphatically the Only All-Feature Show Coming this season. Modest iu its promises, honest in its announcements, lavish in its performance!, presenting at all times twice as much ns advertised producing performances that am not be duplicated by nny other show, no matter how grout. rs ' The Last ol His Kind. ..... The Only Behemoth of Holy Writ. Known to exist as large as an elephant. Grand Free Street Parade at 10 A. M. Two Performance Daily, doors open at i and 7 p. in, PRNTNG pH,':-:Bi'.,j; -, h . ,.a 4a-:sw.gTfaiHeaJflfeairygattr3a?iga If vou are n suITcrtna wo man wo would say to you that Wmoof Cardul seldom fails to completely euro any caso of fcmalo ills. Wo say emphatically, it never fails to benefit. Kvery day hun dreds of sufferers nro writing to our Ladies' Advisory De partment. Tho letters nre opened by persons compe tent to give advice. Mrs. Jones was cured by follow ing tho advico which was lreoly given her bv tho Ladies' Advisory Depart ment. Miss Owens was cured without ndvico byjust buying n $1.00 bottle of Wino of Ca-.i,ul from her druggist and taking this iroat moilicino in tho pri vacy of her homo. No doctor's ox- ossary. iou havo read what these two 8 cured women havo written. Is this not enough to lead you to determino to be rid of suffering? August 13,1000, Mrs. W. II. Jones, of Cameron, Mo., writes: "I suffered terribly at monthly periods for three years. I would sometimes go for seven months with no flow at all. Now I have my heatlh back again and am expecting to be confined in January. I cannot praise your medicine enough." A million suffering women havo found relief in Wine of Cardul. BG SHOW Cab DAYSEPT.22 Band Concert at 7 p. Night Only. Performance at 8 p. m. m. 35c Children 35c ii exhibit at new eletrnntlv finished cos'unics of all kinds promptly and properly done at this office. Trices nlways consistent with material and work CHIEFTAIN PUB. CO COtSuMutul Snows FEEDERS FOR SALE! Good healthy feeding steers for sale. Will sell in numbers to suit purchas ers. For full particulars address. Synodical Female Fulton, Mo. This old school in the cultured town of Fulton is a magnificent place to educate a young woman. Wmm It offers a comfortable and attractive home. where young girls trained. Address Rev. J. M. SPENCER, Fulton, Mo., or Apply at this office for catalogue and terms. Willie Halseli College Vinita, Indian Territory.Q A healthy location, buildings in good repair, a strong f acuity of cxpjrisuccd teachers. Building lighted by electricity. Local and long distance telephone connec tions. An artesian well of the best water on the campus. Bath rooms with hot and cold water on each dormatory floor. A well equipped home institution. Literature, Music, Elocution, Physical Culture, Shorthand, Typewriting, Uook-hceplng, Banking. For catalogue and particular address the President, Rev. C.L. BROWNING, Vinita, I. T. L. K. McQUFFIN, President. TH0S. T. WIMER, Vice-President ...The Cherokee National Bank... Uinila, Ind. Ter. OPIT-AX, 825,000.00. u. p. Purler. Jr K. S ';.". rarrnuk-h 1 alIA.ESu lUflllff. Tho. T. Every Courtwy.I-xtended that Is Interest raid on Time The GreenRood Implement Company. - We are selling the Stavcr, also the Emmcrson & Fisher buggy and lots of Mitchell and South Bend wagons. They are going fast. We have just what you need in ftic McCormick mower and binder, the old reliable, just what you have been jwanting. Prices reasonable. Give us a call. We can please you. GREEN-ROOD IMPLEMENT CO. C-MV8R riAOIlV. Pres. J. O. Haii., First National Bank, VINITA, INDIANjTKRRITORY. LAPI1AL, tioofioo. Oldest and Strongest National DIRECTORS. OUVRRBAGttY, B. F. FOR1NKR, . B. FRAYSBR, A. L. CltULllILL. E.ff. RATCUFP, IV. A. GRAHAM, . O. HALL, G, '. CLARK, II', S, lALSSLL. j uooe a snra uonorui el w&iisrtsi&sbiWii'Airi mifiekiBsi&ikitok mrtifik & m m Tbe New' fa 11 11 Lunber Yard-- Of Bripsop & Is now open Jfor business, with a splendid assortment of long and short leaf yellow pine building lumber' Sash, Doors.'Sand, Llmo, Cement and Acme Plaster. All lumber and sagh house specialties. We challenge com parison on our builders stocks. Our material is right, Our prices aro right. No trouble to figure your blfls. and estimates. We aro hero for busi ness, and our health is flrstjclass. N.B. For knot holes and splinters go elsewhere. We don't soll'em. T nrnt(rui. W til Illttmla Y,w-..u.., ...... u.u JOHN FRANKLIN, Estella, l.T. College arc carefully educated ancM 6uiqh W.lll. McOEOROE, Cashier W it. AlcO orj? Frl L KelUf A i"v;i Wlmcr .. K .McOur.lD Consistent with Sound Banking Ccitificates ol Deposit. V-Pres. W. P. Prnwrs, Cashier. SVRFLUS, BanV In the Cherokee Nation. " F w wnr- uanKing uusinoes. m i..i Of Pattersop... pn M p a V a . M ' aVfl ot rinn l)rlsia u.., v(J.i i . jwmwr . . 1 . IJSM n t !&e