OCR Interpretation

Indian chieftain. [volume] (Vinita, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1882-1902, September 25, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025010/1902-09-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 1
V. J
vol. xxi. no.
!i ; it i v
N If M v
I M 1 i
Baking Fonder
Makes t he broad
more hoallttful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum t.iln!f pnwA-n iw It (jMnletit
menu-en to bf allli ui llw firrjtnt iUy.
Judiio Gill Discharcis Jury
and Adjourns Court Sub
joct to Call.
Art Continued by Order uf lis
Court. Vf ruict nf N it Guilty
In the A hlieou S ewsrt
Case, cHicr Cii'cii
DirfpOSI'd of,
(Fiiday, Sept. 19.)
The trial of Addison Hlewsrt,
on citing of Inc.', which has
been bslore the court for e vtrnl
diiy occupied both een-i n today
"' will probably no! remit the
jury before tomorrow.
W, F. Holirg convicted uf ag
gravated nrcnult filul uiolinii fur
a Pi-w triiil.
John Jo'iiKoii p.-ml gtrliy t
forg'ty sud wan sentenced to the
Heloim school nt Uooiu svill for
twi, year.
V. 11. Turner plead tjuiliy to
petit liircci.y atnl was sentenc-d to
seven mouths In Ft, Smith jail,
Sml lined ".
The churns sgsinat Georgia Tur
ner charged with melving U 1
properly wt no le pruned.
J, L. Fhrrumn was rri;ried
nd plead not guilty to charg of
fie jircl. It la allj t thai
Fherman who H ho I'l.ru y o'
Prynr ('ft k t -g- trer with 1)'.
Chsney iid A. Cook, Him fliim
nid a Coliiti'-ville Wiiiuitn whose
husband w ( in jail ( ul h'I.Va) li
U alleged t! nt they told hr th
money was to be Ued to boy oil
lb Judge and district ttorney,
(Sstti'day, F-pt, 20 )
Yeitet dy sftemooii ludg liill
ordered tliH jury diccbtrgrd od
djoumfd ci Urt futijiict to cull.
The jury in tha tins of Addition
8twrl, i tmrjif'd wiih IncrHt, V.
turned vinlict ol not guilty.
The following cm wers din
j'onfd of befor liljouniuiwtil
Win. Joliooi, Sam Kry, Krunk
Kihrimii, Totn AndctHon, roldjery
p'sid Dot f uil'y. Trofi'rred to
Windy P ttitb, (iforj( Heparin
gnr, Urciiy od H. et. I', jlftl
t.-.' gtsiliy, tmnttferrtt 1 to Miami.
UtTfi tl'.f.ni r g and In-
trodueinj, allowl i i'nd om
pies of .Hi'ty, on ciiidiiloti that
1ik.v lbs ; Kurt '.thin 12
Will lititnpT, introdm" ng and
d.fi'eii'U'if, dfd Will Turner.
Allowed to Mr.d on lo iwiit
dwinion in ottier tnp. Trri"fir
led to "t f ir eelilfiu'e.
Kritna I' iy, a'lftlog iimI o'ler
i'g, jileiil tnty, Kii!e need to
I.fBvennonh nr two j't.
Ham lirnwn Hi I 11. Urown.
1 a ! ' r , t onMnofd,
Wm. W lield, (rr) i g wen) "ti
j I tint K'lii'y, imn-fcrre'l t-
CUrc'u on.
ll.tin and K In C . r T,
.irii!rin; Mart'ii sr'gnei, n
teie 1 ! f fiot fnl'J and tK,
r .t,t(i.o-d.
;. Ut, Uy l.r: U'tl, ltr
("jriTj; K''y pi- I fti'l'y, ri'-
s, r .) i i r a
r IJ I! f ' ' O'li.
?i I 1.-d,ni Mr
I f i l' ! 1
:-i t-
-1 t: '
an. I f.
.k f
i -
Katy Miuwi Itlg (!tna la Rtiotpt
and SMII l ay Additional Strrl In
1 err If ory.
Tlia animal report of I'ieitlrit
House tilths M. JC. 4 T. tHilway
ibowa t tm ctirpoiatinn to be In a
lloutiehing ronilition.
Th grnaa enroll gn for lbs yrar
wera Hi,.'l'.!l,:!'.!'J 01, aain-l 115,.
-10.1,1 !t! lor I'.HIl. OpeiliiR fx
pi'iii and Im'd waie I11.H71,.
W4 62, fRiiina Hl.KH.UO Ttf for
lil ij, ehuwll g l et r'Ot ipU ol
.MS UtiH agHi.iM II.WS ii:i32.
Applied to pa) nii'iit id interest i n
bund, and leu'ilit an eniouot
of $3 bU.TuH 7'., a ligiii inrreane
over 1 'K ) i , 0 her incotna amounted
lo 3:l,813 33, abowing a deoras
Snrplua wn I'.'il?,'.';!'.! 83, bring an
inorea.e nf mors II no a nitllior.
Th u iiifgemet l ban recently
eiilend into the it. oft Important
l)!an of c tietiuctii'ii wbioli lut on
cupii d liaatten'i in for I0ii) yfara,
by If kit g eiep to inaiu'aiu it'
ht Id upon (be n gii n in lb ItMliau
Terriiory we nl His main line,
wbi'jh, ioinmliy d pendent upon
tha Katy, baa ntnily been in
traded by the .leneintt of the
tlbii'Hgi, liock I'lnnd md roi(ic
milway, the A'c'iiaott, Topeka and
Smila F tftilway andlhaSt I.ouia
ifd H.tn KrHnoleo railway.
Thirty thmntitd imn of new
rail hae been ooutrnded for to
replace old alt el ind to bo itemi I i
building new territorial tX'.en
iona. LO T A P P R A I S t M E N T
Will Comincnc tKluhi-r i, :;a
Ctiolrmiit Long ot Hie Townafte
In ii letter in Mayor Parker Kit.
win Long, chairman of the t'hero
kee iowiiit rui.uti.iet.ion, ban
ftatvd Ibat tbi appraisement will
unninienca lliiltjhet 1,
Mr. Long wania to oh'nin two
roomi, centrally Incited, In which
to eatabliah the permanent bead
ipiartera ol tin rointniaitio'i, and
auyons lianlng deeirabla roouii
hould notify Mayor Talker. The
cnuiuiitwiui) wili'retaln them until
the anprainement work throughout
Iba Nation la complain!,
C'llot l-ntinn ol C In I if a Kofi.J tht
I It t Prixe In f at Time.
A latge rr iwd nurrouiiited 8 ni'.h
i'lttkj Thuraday aiterti'")" and
tborotitjlily enjoyed lh roping
Clint L'ochratt, ol Cliel'a, turn,
bled bitt ateer and tied In 3D eeo
oiiiIh, tvinning G si prize,
Tom I)uiinelly ami Itert Orkin.
ami tied lor errond place, each
throwing hie ter and tieing in
44 eecoinli.
8am Ctd b dropped lively one
on ill pi r and lit d In 45 lecoudit,
winning third money, liioth Me
Spadden w f. tirth, with I record
ol M aeciinda.
'1 ha fporl watt good and wa one
uf the ui'iel inlr resting leaturea ol
tha C'triily.l,
New territory ttiiikl,
Applitalloua lo organiia nation,
al banks at the new town of II iyn
t in ner Mukoge bare been ip
piored as follows; The Firel N
tional lUna, with s capital nf
fio.tM) by A. C. Trnmho, A f .
I'altersuM, Clay Alisn, K. N T.i
g'eetna and N F. llsncmk, The
Hoyninn liiok, with s capital nf
IJ'iOO by 1) A. Haiulie, J. 1,
Dsbl.a. John F. Co. I, Jl,n t.
Cos I, Jr , and J. J D C Minor.
I no)fl a I'lraatnt Vl.lt
Mr. ) r 1111 nt ,er I, tile
grai d itaniihter, M is l.x' jn 'U.i
lisre rflur'.nl limine fler atle'.itit
f.il suit d two wiM-kila Si.. t.niu anil
k.i.1l tl. h tf till 1 IM t 1 1 ! it
l! atr h II. I, Im I l tt.e lira I tit
l!ii ' - i t ( . in" i- ii J ii It, I
J.i-!e V inter llil i f tte unm r
;-Hpy J-e Me l!'l, who has been
I 'l ! i f in i w Vi.f t'Hf f-. .ine
1 1 'lie iii'o.' i I'M n .l!..f ami Uim
(J ; .li.li t t" "I i n S fjil i !!, S'.-t
Ce.'i.'htf d M if the fans'
' . . r 1 ) i ' . i I I) . r,!
t . ! a! ! e 1 i.'-." it let I .
inn I j - r ftr Tf e'. I - I ' f (i
ir ii 't f- . ' t f'-'i'lvr
Hi in t.' at.1 K ' l .if i" 1
( t - i i ! t : '' ' V 'f ' s'--
j ' t i i 1 . . i . M,: 1 li-t s l s
! . Mr s ; i... ,.-'t t . .
. 1 '- ' f . ' . I ; ' ' I'
l ! '
. t ,
For His Hostility to Single
Statehood a Libel on the
Indian Territory.
The it-publican pap gang in Ok
Uhnma ars tumbline; over (bnin.
ele la an eflort lo ripUin 1'ein
nil Flynn'a poflllon on tha stats
hood quration, and biva retrived
the "unpreiartiloep of lbs Indian
Terriiory" lie.
The Dklahoman In r.'iiimi'uting
on llil ll'iel l. tha following to
a y,
" I!e '.ililii'an oritur end tha re
pulilirnii prt e its laying undue
nttep upon tha lit pre paralitica of
the Indian Territory for atitcbood
in tin ir apolole lm Fiynii's two.
ftitU'h'ird nii-riMiie t..,.. pending
in tin tenatn. 1'liey ate evan go
ing i ut 1 1 their way to bcliitln the
inaichiees reaouices of our eialet
teriiiory; tha eplmdid acbier
menu uf it people and lbs sturdy
cbstat'ier nf n cltiiinebip.
"The gin, rral tenor o! Ilia clamor
give the imprraaiou that lbs In
dian Territory, which in oitisan.
hip and si Me viiit-nt in the uiareel
ol toe ige, Ciinaideting lh untow-
id c. t.iliiion with which it baa
to contend, ia lii'le mors than s
buaiing wildrrtiS.a, with nothing
to gitre it the mark uf civilisation
aTe a lonely Indian tepee here
and Ibere, Tluy would have the
puhliu ht litveif the publio Jid
not know baiter by sheer force of
ttitcmiuuniva--that it is s barren
waste, inliitlMled by lh aborigl'ial
redektn and practically unknown
to tha C'tutnercial world.
' NfW that the campaign Ins
iipeuid and Hit) i llii' in 1 head of s
hungry horde of pap r-uckers la
poeed ir: the balance, thia outrage
ous pic ore is paraded bstors the
penpU daily in the titremity to
which they put to elect candi
ilwtu for congress who declares
liimaell lo ha in favor of single
utatehond anil in Ihti IHXt breath
saner', that the only kind ol
iiateliond Oklahoma can get Is
double, tt'ue ul the 'unpre
jiartdoit of lbs Indian Territory.'"
V .... ,
To Com le Territory W III lis Prop
erty tl tlinnr I! Spsulillog
I I ft.iugi..S.
lloujer H. SpauUhnjj of Musko
gee ( a j.)un:ha 1 in automobile
for u.te In trieinng hi rauubes, and
ejploririg the wild of Muskogee.
The uuehitts i of Hie latest model
and can be sp rdiol to lif'y miles
sn hour,
fctocksde ar being hu.ll around
s number of Moakogs residnoces
in sniicipaiion of a possible up
rising amoi g the broncho element.
A iumnier Trip t'n.urpassttl On Ihs
Con' lneiii,
The trip in S..ii L ike Cur or Sollie
rflttc ci'ii-l ii Uml point over the
I'ciitcr A Kio Cruiiile stul the Hit)
(irntule Weatetn I the luo.l la? aut
fut 111 Atio'tli . Nu Ilurnpesn trip of
final leiiinh cm ronipsre with It In
gritnlenr of sceiiery or weallli nf
novel Itileii'H Tlien Hull. Lake CH
Hrelf la S miit iUiiint Hint nil iuri'i-jue
p:ce and aeil orlh Itie I mrnejr. ll
M.'iiiioii U in pic, tsleitucle, llllilnh'
i.di e atol church liia'Hiilloiia', Its In. I
ulpluil anrinvs wlihin Ibe cltj limit.
Us tli.-1'glittiil tt'ttiiersture, sonny
clinislf mnl Ita (irtsl ISall Lake
tli .i Icr ami il .'tiM'r tlun the Jvail S'
in rilne-arc. but s few festuri'S
uf S.iit Lake (Ji!y s thioiUm sttrsc-
tii.m. 'I In re re ai k, dtltrea, r aroma
Sml beautiful nothing montiUlil and
llie re..tta. Inindine, If Jrim rin, s
rial It In .i't water t B.lle abi'te sea
icsel sj i.i water tn wlili ti the ho
rno t.'ly t-anti'il in. J r 1 1 1 r i.f
)"ur ii. a i l t'i ket. Sk'Pnt f f li.r
t.i.ii.l ra'fa lo h!t lake fit y, or
'He f..t lif' ttna' p.n sn1 r.fr i.f
"' l I.i ke t !.t r, t he ( :t ; nf Sui,M
In S. K. Ih"'iM, t'i tf'm-ral -r(.
ir sajit, linivff t ..i-i.
Cheep rnriun is the Mly.
tin S. it. l ob it, :n.t, the M. K.
i k T. U'y. bi wil e i:'" n In keta
t.i j.oii'j In li e !tr..f;ilibisnft Is
il ' St i fire .'ua I.' i f..r the
r .uiit t : ' i-. Hi f risl Un it i f t'
iii fr .in ii ' ! a e.
i i In ( 1-1 K 1 1 ii, i s ... ,...1 ,
11. k s i :i I f 1 st rue fare f r ti e
P 'it'1 tf I- t ' o'a In tha state of
V, ! rsn, t iMi., I. i:w. keriiiikj
i ,i- t J ; it.r i, i h f:, Ilrt.'l K,,im
jl.' '!, I' -' l"k I Sk'iiiara f' m
K a! j Ai-i.(,
J t . i s .
i. r i i i . a.
l'r- el tl .! .
. . It n IMir'tl Wi-'tf
i t i f 'n'.e t'n su'f'y, i-t U
r I ( ! I ! I t ) ' '
it- y : , , .if t
i I
I 9- .
.1,1 1'.,
!;;.' k
. - ! r
Oeurj Mppeis I Improving In S
llenr lliilla!
Tetcs Cliambeia has returned
frota Uetivur where he went to
Identify Henri; Nii'peis, the
Clsremnre siorkman, who ilianj
pesind ten years ago and rrpoil
lbs tinfortuiiate n mi in an im
proved condition,
Mr, Chamber went into s Den
ver hospital whers slsly men
were on cut sml identified Nippier.
Nipper did not know Cbsiubeis,
hut when t.vgone days we:t re
Called by Clumber, Nipper te
Uiembered tliem soil finally re
membered Mr, Chamber, Nipper
was sin. ken with psrslysis ten
yeais agi in Mntit"n an.l plaoeil
In b.ii!isl, He could mt tell
hi name nr from where be cm
Slid about s year ag.i he became
hatter and was ssut lo Dnnver. He
waa set a.lrif', there wh-re he bi g
ged for s living until finally plan
ed In s hospital. The climate Is
helping him sud hs Is renting
bis memory, Mr. Chambei V
cnled thai hs hud better rema;n in
Denver as long ss (list climate is
doing him good, Mrs. Nipper,
who had married again, lives hear
Claremors snd will gi it once and
Visit her husband and hopes to bo
shle to bring 4iiui home before
very long.
Some persons sdvam e the theory
lbt Nipper was diugginj and rob
bed in II uston and others think
hs was attacked by pan lyma, lie
had t,(KX) with him when lest
heard from and no accuunt seems
to have been made of the money
and Nipper doe tint knoT where
it went.
Was Ouest ol honor at iMnnir (llvfii
by Zstk Mulhall.
I'leasant I'orter, chief of the
Creek nation, was the guest of
honor at dinner given by Zuh
Mulhall ami lbs K aiueiis club in
the rsf of the Plsnters' hotel, f.
Louis, Thursday evening, Mr.
Mulhall, who is live stock ageni
for the Frisco railroid, was toast
master and there were responses
by many of those present. Uen.
Porter, In l ie rfppoii, made s
very spptrptUte speech, speaking
uf the binding together of the ted
and whit n.sn tu the recent allot
tiient t.f Creek Indian land sud the
gift nf American ciiitnehtp to the
Indians of bis tribe. Geo, Porter
will contiune In office for sevetsl
years, slthough the tribe is now
prscticslly under the white man's
H. T. lt.s.1, of the Frisco, is
spondd lo the loast, "The Creek
Nation." Members of the Kama
sis club frequently make huntirg
trips to the Creek nation, so many
of thoes w ho joined in the bainUi-,i
recalled camp uperlsnces In the
lam! where den, Porter rules.
Those present were; Pleasant
Porter, Miss Ltioile Mulhall, W.J.
Thornton, E. L, Mukler, Fred
Wiedeman, Dr. CJro. Horgeit, It
F. Head, K, T. O'Fsllon, ick
Mulhall, J, Franklin Carr, W. II.
Finney, Juhn K. Funtstis, Mia
(ieorgi Taylor, tieing Munsou,
and J. A. ICdiniiiSun, nf Uothlie,
Okla. Chief Porter rs pressnled
'lb a gold ma'cl; . during Ibe
he Mysterlau.ly Di.spptairg list
life n ounil.
A sltnilsr n ylety surri.und
ed the disp esfst.es nf tie uye
Nippers of Clstsniiirs, has been
cleared ly lbs teporl nl li s death
ul Napoleon It. Kuan, a Cb u tiw
cattleman, at D!ls, Tua.
Hlosti who I'vul I ar fnulh Mr
Aleeter, wss s Wesliby ca'tleman,
ai. 1 one id lb ttioel prun.inent re.
si, tent of It, Cboi'ew tistion
Two yesr S(t i b l ip are I
rui'.t n .ytrii'U!y Isirmg I is
fssiiily in ci'in'oriab: ron-l.lioi,
SO-J hi tti'lness eflait strs;(jbt It
tb Cent. Niilr?ai of bun c u'd
l fcund lid Ml J)'. lis 'gii,l
for kit f srture, C (,i nart
Siippi.. b IS. I l eea r.i.f-!e1
t cr I of b dlh at I s in I
be.n r"i-l fr m V I . i
fi st. ss r-dr nf lbs Kn f ts t s.-i.
I 'at . I tl at rity, t ut s yt t! .
Statement Issued by the
Dawes Commission of
the Ratio of Land to
I'lscad Upon the Severs! (jrades
of Land Pinpnrtionat lo Their
Value, Willi n Alltittnenl
Afsesied at t'2" W.
The following announcement,
showing lbs ratio of land lo grade
by establishing tb value ol sn al
luUni nt, has been iaued by (he
Dsees Comniission, which will si.
(,w allottees lo ascertain eisctly
tl.S amount of land they are enti
lied lo bold,
To the Citii 'o of lbs L'brokee
There win approved by the
Secretary of the Interior on Sep.
teuiber 17, PJU'2, a icheduls of the
apprsietiisnt of the lands of ths
Clier.'kee Nation, made In socord
,tic with the provision of set of
Confiress spproved July 1, 11NI2,
ent lied
"An Act to provide for the allot
mi nt nl the lands of ths Chero
ke Nation, lor the disposition
(,f town siiea therein, and for
other purpose,"
ratilled by the cititena of lbs
Uherclieo N.ttlon, at s specisl elec
tiun AiigUHi 7, 1 '2.
Tbs lauds nf the Cherokee Ns
tin n jn Indian Terriiory hsve sb
ready been clilseilied by the Colli.
miasiini to the Five Civiliinl
Tube in aec mUnce with the fob
lo ii g :hetlule;
t'liin 1. Natural open bottom
Cine 2. llt black prairie
Clan 3 () Pottom land cov.
urt d wiib timber and thicket,
Cliia3(b). Hest prairie land
other tban black.
t'lssi 4 (a). Hollow land sub.
ji-ct lo firerll iw.
Claes 4 (b) Prairie land, smooth
and lilUbl.
Class 5(a), KotigU land free
ft out roi'k''
5(b), Hilling land free from
Clii-s 6 () Horky prairie
Class ii (!). fniiily prairie laud.
Class ?() Alkali prairie laud
7(b) Hilly and ncky
Class () Swamp land.
' 8(h)- Mountain pa-ture
Class II () Mountain land,
sandy lonio.
Class H ()
Mountain land,
Hough and rocky
CLia 10 ( ')
uiountain land.
Class n Flint bill,
and aJ"H fiassilied will now be ap.
nrsiaeil by I'1'" commission in ac
ciirdmice ei'b thefollowing sched
ule spproVfl by lite Hecr-dary id
ihe Interior:
i ,inn
I', r An
. . . 1(5 h
3 (a)
3 lb).
4 (s)
7 (")
8 (o)
9 I, a) ,
9 (hi
.... Cs
4 U
4 i
3 1st
3 I
3 U
2.(i 2 '
1 fn
l ri
1 .("!
1 ) . . ) '
l i.iitr tbi nbeihils the tf r.f
hi t'f n slio'.tt'ent uf lbs laud
of Ui Chernkse NstlnO
' . ;'.,1 in vain In ot bun
d -. . i., t-o ai re nf lb ver
,- l..i! !e latiJ of lb Chero
k'S .ai li- "
e,rd ! i.-'i
Tl C..uitt'i"'i t the Fir
Civii.s I Ttibr will, wpn wntlen
rf,...t tbsr.for fiirrtmh lb citi
1 i ;f lis ( ' e''a Ns'iin ti,
jrl f. .. el Ir'-' nf lard In
Itbstk-r k e S '' " ',-,or!!rg to
tb l'n;i i F'.le Sttrvayi ISera-'f
; ,t, ( ' '. . diii-.n rtnnnt, bw.
'?:, I f t- liJ of t'Sit l
il e t oi-.ftr 'i'irr . n
; st
i i.
tea w-l "-ewyf--
N. L. ESTLTN & (X).
Carries tho Largest and most Complete stock of Furrjiiure.
Nnw goods bought lor CASH arriving daily which will be sold at prices
I):ty Telephone 168.
1 amsmmmmamsgsmssi
W 4..
V szj lo .uiomniikl.itc ytui with a nifc ln.e of j ;
New and Second Hand Furniture, ll
I'pholstcrir, Cootls, Stoves, lUc. Mattresses m.ule to order, also leim- !
vated. Carpets taken tip and laid, furniture repaired and vnrnM.ctl, bu- 1
uy tups and cushions recovered and repaired. ;
AImi luvc Jtivl iMvivtil a ttitnpUtc up tu tl.ite sbtk nf piuute m.m!.lini;, Fm ry ft.inic Kttiir- 4
nutted to lc s.iti- f.ntiiiy. If mi lunc nnythiiiK to buy or t II cull on I
: t
j 1 Wilson St., Soul h of l ostolf
Price $1.00
CUIICCRA SOAP.toclMmsthsakla
Sf crust s and nslsasnd tuitan ths thi.k
SBf4 wtltls, CUTICURA ClSIMk'Jtr,
to Initantly sllsy Inbtng, tiiCsmma
tiun, ind irritstton, atn) , lOhaai'..! beat,
fe.cviliodilfnttitblil. A SirtOll
EkT ol thet great skin cvrsttvts I
ettaa siilfi. iriil to cut ths most toriur.
tug, 4isti;uiln(, Ibhicr,, burning, bltei).
trj, cru.teil, stsly, nJ plranly skin,
Sttlp, 1111 blootl bumouis, wttb L is of
air, whin ill six fails.
Millions of People
In d rill's Sme, iMnl l.t( i ini in
niMncf. t .r en -rntu,,", ( in it; ii', ai.4
lm iiili ley 1.', Rk,n, t ... f i ' V I'.e ..Ip
ul t i ti-l., i... an 1 t..u li i.lf, i, I tl; t-'l.
f!i d ..t fmn.i.g hi.r, f,.r fti. mi,.-. tn i.nii.ir,
. I ....ii' in tr I, rwua, an, I ...t liin I t
t,, t ta le , it-i,ii,: , a.fl i liioi. i.l n-r
a'liiiff ...i'im.h. .,! t.(lJ t,,i:.i, ,.iii, tr.il num.
f IS- i,,ii 'f tt ii.m u. 1 11 11 1 a. ..e
In II. fi lm ul i, 1,1 . I,, 1 .-.not!!. lltlUll. l .,
luf! ....in .it 11., tt., .,r.ti .ii., or en lnn
er 1, tlm. ii. i" ii.'(.tii.n, In 0, !--em
4.',.- for ui.eiie.1! m ikm-.-e. ai. I l.'f
Bi.i.7 Ml.tli.e, l,,,. I ,iim- -' Wiil-ll
fl i'1. ..i..-fl li.. II... ... . 1.1 I. nm ll,
Ci in M R.irT I'ui.a ot e,'lw
C- ...Ij Rl i I,. , l.lrlr.., ....,.... r-"fc
H 't , ,1 f a'!.!.,,, f , . , 1... . ,-! II t.,i
I I 1 1 ' , . Ii i.,n ' M w i I f.'t nil " '..-r
SI .- I ii, e, ..:,,! Jl . ii ,,,.,. 1., .
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I " I -.1 I. .' . .-,
I ,
ii.,. ,i, . i . , e, . e
....... I' w.I. u. It.
I's runlr lloins Ajemic..
1 .1111 Ili'W tsktilif Olltrta f ir Sts.'H
I. rua". Nm-e-y nf L. .iiitn, M.i, b t
f.lll (le Ive'if i f f i Hit, ion inieot ii or
"hate tren anl alitulileiy, '1'n ie
w.iiit iv.tt I r.' a ws'i It'ol tl li ,t't-i"j
re!i .ible, si tu e tl i ti.iiiti'i' I tu t .
h le r 1 1 in 1 tnn t t liariie. I tt.bo.
h .it: I In K in mth.itit tie iy.
Wi.r.l left with S. M b re li!b, V.
i :. at W ft-b list-ry Imiii or tele
'i t.e tin- k'e t i N i i. ., In te. u l to
t.'iK ii; I. i cue I ! It i J t st lent ("It.
tS.e.d ' I t . it i 1 1 .
M t. hliii M iii i'H n. Agt.
ii ".:i
At ItaUntln, 'a.
H wi'l I e t i ) t.i li.ie il t . tu le
at my st re I I.I n, nt ii. Y or re
if. tfu'.y, I M :a I II l tl in lias.
tak Ci ot the Miimeih
Tl.f ti.sti nf -man h -e it , eti n
I p'-'tt t Slit i.e t m,i. h ft
f m i Oi" t,i,f i ii la I'Stt-l an k.
I, 1 I ( 1 1 ..' - Sn t . let
(le.! .!,, h sn-) '.n-a t -l"f atvl
-eM,,i.''t.t j a . tl in' htr i.t r le
J ,il b at. I f i -u It I t r
ri. te i .''i me I i r ,i
I n, f i ii i' j l" , e ,
sr. 1 We . t " i ' ' " ' 1 ' t ''
tithe r 1 !.. a : . t I ' r iii ''.in St
in V t f --1 r -i .at I i i II I! .1
-a I i r , f II 1 - I . Vm, ' e
K ' t i. ' 1 i- I . t r tt
t ' , !. .t t. t "i ,1 " f ii - 1 I ,r rt
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r1 n it i
I illllllu1!!! ;!
r, ;
UikiiliasiW.a s)
rat t . r. i.
Coffins and caskets.
Puncral Directors.
r- v ,
We carry a full stock of LUMDER in
the various grades from the I test down to
knot holes. The l est pla-tei in material
"Acme"-- and sharp sand will he found
atouryaid. L la l'aitland ami Louis
ville cement form a portion of our stock.
Tht (wly trouble from our point of view
is the fact that pi ices are too low.
Of course you'll not lose any sleep over
that till you try the lumber business
Come around anyhow ami inspect our
. i .
J Ottvsa Bannv. Pre. J. O. 1UU
First National Bank, I
W ni,i ... I ui . si.
v vaunts miti a-iiunr ix.iiiiiti tt
(V.l IIHl.ll', f a S.tA'rA, tHtny.!. A I., t III 1 m:ii. A.
K A 1X1! If, H A UHMIAM, O.Htl.1, ti. if. I . I t.V. II Hit
Ooo s SaIh tieiietnl
W li.it ii.u .. 'I, I (nt Good Jevt Iry i n-.i:u - u ik It"
nlw.n i a v.i'u.i1 Ii j. ish s.i,ii. In lit'n :i!f 1 i ; (
5ild tltdd Itroothe from $5 00 to Jj5.n1
t. itdles' ol Id (lulJ set rings, fj.no to 5 jo mi.
dent's sit rings, $4 to $15.
Chilli's yulid tlold rings, 5m..
Win 11 mi nit 'ij tbi in t!n j.'Hi'i'i 'hi .'! n. if
atut I h ie
Fine and Gnnpliiifl ts-ath trpairiitg a specialty,
Slot 10 ..l IS. tS.,rt Sal Ihi III I .il at .11 hh.o
Ausu5t SchliccKcr,
5. Wilson 5t- Jcweltr nl OptictAo.
i I
The Leading Cash Grocer,
ll.is p;;rch.it.d the J. .Vuomb Mtk if i;riiit
ie at a t oni 'tiabV d;-i inn.t and i in a p.i-iti.in
to - ae you r.iitney. lie will contiruc the a,i tuy
ivr t!.e itle!r.ttiil S V P. m u w tu at ih-ur. a!-
the at ncv for the (.h i e Ii.tt J w he.tt fVur.
1 liC-e tu o tcU 1 t.iti d l!.u:i iHcd no inSii'wik
tio't to t!ie ttadc .ti it la.ivull kti' n f.u tth.it
t ! ; i v a ! '. ha lets w 1 i ! t 1 1 "!!. Will ,ilo l-nv
an I u!l j-rt .lu-.e, tt.uki ns tc.:S I uttif, ifin,
a-! ! o iN, t!tc 1 i t 1 itc i'is at n !.r,l t r t ar li t
t a'l i n
L. P. GARRISON, The Hustler.
Uinila ReaI.EsIal? flnncy
Nilit Telephone 224.
- ------- T j ., j
VTr.a. W. P, I'nii.t,irs, Car bier. J
i ,1 -t t " S
ivitm IM tnc v. m-TMi.rc ,aut'n.
tl,tnkteij till' Inima,
' it"
I l-e jfa I tl .it i ... i . tf
si .T r t t r. n , ' . J.
I'M ComU - fit's te
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