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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
I I ' ' 1 I1 Thousands of people visited us last week. The center of attraction was l I i 1 n U 1 O V.:; f r ml i W f "1 I V , u n 4 Thoro must bo reason why, shouldn't prices liko these draw crowds. Those prices for ono week only, Beginning 1 HUFfeD 1 x 'ij-(t K.-ffjgi F'-pv I Li ..' - I ') 1 W 1 ttU&y L sasi U & To miss these great values is downright extravagance. Simply pure unalloyed bargains. That's all. Staple Dry Goods 1500 yards yood cotton checks at 2c yd. Good calico at 3c per yard, Yard wide L L Muslin as- irood as some stores ask 6c (or, we sell at 4c per yard. Extra tfuod yard w ide bleached muslin 5e yd. Ouliilyf flannel, all colors, cheks and plaids 4c Hrtra heavy outing flannel for underwear, worth ioc the yard at 7ji'c. 800 yards colored canton flannel worth io and mU per yard at 4,''c. Crash toweling worth 5c at 4!ic. All linen toweling worth 12,'k at fj'jc. White table linen worth 25c at 18c White nuTcenzed tabic linen easily washed, worth 75c per yard at 49c. We arc exclusive selling: agents tor !,, ,.. t..l.f ...,! I ' (' ('..rc-lc Tr, I'll, VKI't U ( . V. VV -V,fc.-. A .J I J ' . .-ire ihf lirl lu i.lil 'r m.ulc bv cv'jt'l'i- f vt f il n inn .irtni r nriii nlu nv i'IVi" t cusiomers sausi.nuuu. ! x ; . )f:''r i V'omi corsets, all sits, lye, '"i"' j' An extra value, all sits, 60c L 4s . " Thiu ("limi t U ( iii!'i! Iii nut i't'ii!pJ nt T.'h" f 1 ' N j Straight front lon medium or short -irrrf. wnmfs i rusrntitccil to wear cor- I Cr? set at 31.00. Kid Gloves. Fur the mother or d.m-hter, vc have a drive in kid gloves worth 1 .2.5 at 69c. Gauntlet ejovc-. for tiding and driving 75c Ladies' and Hen's Underwear. I. idieV lii.avy vest ,, wnith 2,: at 19c. heavy vets, wmtii ;r,t Uf' at 25c. Good lu rny union mi;? , v.vtth "c k'O at 25c. 1-xtra he. ivy i1--ce l.ned suit; at 50c Men's lu.ivy rib: ,! -.tnpt d shirts and drawers at 25c each. llc.ny fleece l;ned umhiwcar, the kind Cithef toics it 11 at p;r 'f 53c Mi n s all wo )! n l e:;.! t w . . r j . r .irricr.tJl.CQ' Hoys' il-e ( ed tU: It tut: u f'J to 4, at 25c A Dress Goods Specials. r 50 inch all wool zialine worth i per yd. at 00c lixtra heavy home spun f,S inch wide for skirts and suits worth per yd. at ,1. Our $1 home spun at 75c Our 7SC home spun at 50c Novelties in wool s'oodi for suits and skirts, handsome colonics worth 6rc at 50c yd. French flannel waist patterns at $1.25 pattern. Corsets. Ladies' Ready Made Skirts The newest skiits arc shown here first. We sell more skirts than any store in the Cherokee nation. Our custmiers say they can buy them ' cheaper than making We haven't room to quote many numbers lure, If you arc prejudiced against wearing ready made goods try one of our new skirts and sec how well they , fit. Fxtra heavy walking skirts worth 3.00 at fl.5Q. Hxtra heavy walking skirts, stiched flounce all colors 3 98 lixtra heavy walking skirts, yoke and set on flounce 4.98 We have extra sizes for stout ladies . , , 3,93 Our new Gibson skirt with yoke and box plait 6.50 Our new Trolley seam skirt witld in flounce inverted tbox plait 5 90 V?' r Y 1 V ( r 1 Capes and Jackets. Ladies' jackets, sizes it irom 32 to 42 i.ou Same in belter grade 4.98 Same in new nobby stylish Gibson ef fect, corded back.. 9.93 Ladies' cloth capes 19c Same fur trimmed. . . 1.00 Same, but best on the market for the price!, 50 Flush shouldered capes 93c Ladies' plush capes, 110 ;fn m-n :?- inches loner at 4.93 Ladies' seal plush capes 140 in. sweep, S inches Ion- 10-00 f i ) t 1 1 t j It ! - Mel M..n' I Clothing. A toymi al'out Uj' clothing : p, TH'hi'avy pi'To ilripc wliool ' units nt We povi' itr? luavy two p'hto c!iool " Mi,t, worth 2.fH) p nt IM V-S Norfolk ut- ith a j-imrantof nut 0 ri liiaJc up with nil the ...1.... ,,r 1 r.n , I ( A'i' nun's "uitH, !ii:tii!h Imiking, ll It... 1 t.ut u!i!it i!h liitlfl iliitns likn. m 1 ,v:it, p3tl!4 S'li! Vl"!:it 3.59 . .' r rlii'nr I ln li.inlt fiOc ; ' j ' ,.. n... 1 l.'i.. v bit kn"1 pAt. n very ohlUh Jianti t.25 . . 1 ,t. mini.., 1 iv li. ;n v I n : mi Mr'tun-y iui hum w .'.I l ot , .! ! v'li '" :nv i.nnv t-!'i? cuin ps-'-I ft" ever I'iu coiiutry nt IO.(m) i.hi 1 no-, 7-r' Pur t!;- A ' !iillrrtt tou n- '1 our henry l-icyrh' luo t!:e w..:M or.-r 2"e - r pair, c. fr ono wok f.j-r. fr ,1.2V. 11 . Try 1!. . r 1 li.-'" "iih C.V, p.! nt .1 pr. for. D'c. 4. t Silks. Wc have a job in silks we are closing out. These oods are worth 25c per yanl, but they co at 5 Lace Curtains. Have a sample line of curtains, only one or two pair of a kind and a little soiled, but water will clean them; we are selling them at 1-3 their real value. Millinery. Wo fire (wliiliitin:.; in our Millinery depart m.'tit all the latest Ktyle i.) WINTPK MIM.INKUY. We liavo nil tahlihheil rfpiitalinn uf id way liaviiig Myloli hats at r,idet priees. S i our liu- h 'l'.ire you buy. Groceries and Queens ware Wo nri'juit now opi'tiing mir ni'w fall ipieenwan.' and aro carrying tho't ntock to t.s foun t in tlw 0 'uniry. If you are needin;! fi-iyth'tii; in this department il P:0' )'"u to p our ru-o". Our gnxrrrie aro U fresh iitul iu ord'-r t-o lar. for us to !i!l. We want tdt y..r prodtiec and will pay you mere than yen can get ue lo 1 0. Notions. 1 do?., cedar peiinln with rul'lu r nt b'(' I doK. plain peneiU at H' Fehool slates, small at Hchoel slates, lare at Stnalt tahh-ts, at lo P..j pencil talih t at 'f IV II tahlet lit 3 L'h. f-T V ? JJoMk ;",;:::,r VV-'O'' J they will keep. For ri-ht A,V 'Y' , I now h'-re' n tr " " 1 1 t rnieht " : ' V ' . i 1 .1 ... .. 1 . JS lio rail Mto mai l" inaoe X ST 1-i.iht for damp w.-afla-r 'A -'!! oli.ifii!l w , ' . ,',., I solo, Nul.-tantial and full of wear hut w it!i l'i;tt "naji and stletd'out n'wax ehar.iei. r - i-h' I'miioMid l'.raiel Shoes nt - M, u'h Io ay kip I !s W.o'h 'J Oil Rt 1 .""I I ltV i I Ml f 2i ' l I IIIW ..ItVttk't . irir 1 r 'I'iiU el.-' it:! '. kid i .-li. -!e W- It ,VI sdioo is ;e t.o- tio.n I'T ta... o 1 in r.!i-tri:e! i-jo a ml mnnni-h in In 1.1 , to 1 1 1 io our o'.l.r l-v p. m-' o- f.. .'H nil t!ie pn;. r that it iii'i i. it wo! n. r at , ,-,'" I l-J J The Gvrdi Iiargain place, the r 1 t . 1 . . . t , viniia, iu(!i;ni lerraorv. r 1 ' rx ..f .".-,, . r ) - c ; n 1 : I 4 t A - ' w- I