rt'v am.
IJuS?-KW- 1l.9i tOMULr IMftt '
uiiioit Hurt
JLJ l.x 1.M
k ,fe2
jT 4lr " B " its
j I I 1 PiP
,i . JB J -t ,
9 "Siy
Baking Powder
Most healthful
leavener in
the world.
Goes farther.
tmu. tuna roam eo, m vok.
Ilirtrrmn, the St. Louis Doodlcr Tells
of Ills Wanderings.
y1 "tfho Mory told by Emll Ilart.
tnann, Ihe St. Louis boodler or
reeled at South McAlestor, exem
plifles tbe inevitable reward of
lie stated tbat bo received no
tice of hie Inoictment and at once
oeoreted bim-clf at the home of a
St. Lou in friend, whero he re-
' m.ln.ll n .1... Tl, ,.(11...,. n ,
MJBIUbU n unit . UO uuil.vtD bum1
menoed to shadow the bouse and
he left and bid in another part of
tbe oity. A few days, later ho
boarded an Iron Mountain train
t anu beat nia way to Arkansas. Jio
bad only fifty cents in monoy
when honied. In Arkansas he
recognized a St. Louisan in a
' crowd that was talking of the fug.
k'litlvos, but tbe tnan did not recoct-
nize him on account of his dis
guise. Hartmann tncatne uneasy
and went to South McAlester about
week ago. Tuesday ho met a
8L LouU friend on the street and
now thinks that this friend be
I Strayed him
ueconscutia in reiuin to at.
V Louis uilhuut requisition papers
lan I was In ken tberv.bya deputy
j uciiu osicif.njr niiwuuuiijrM
Clinclaw Altnlnz Ccmpanlea Pile
Leases Ucfore Measure Uecamo
For ihe past week leasos on niln.
ing lands in the Choctaw Nation
have been pouring Into the Indian
inspector's JotHco at Muskogee.
Under the new treaty uch lenses
cannot be made and tlio corpora
lions succeedtd in getting their
leases approved juBt before the
treaty passed 'the operation of
coal mines In the Obootaw Nation
is of greatest importance to the
Rock Island railroad and tho Mis
souri, Kansas & Texas is also vi
tally concerned there. Tiie big
asphalt mines are also important.
No more leases granting such priv
ileges as were eecured under the
old regime will bo permitted since
Ibo passage of the Choctaw and
Chickasaw treaty.
.Sessions Held Yesterday Afternoon
' and This Horning.
The city council met Thursday
afternoon and after disposing of
matters brought before them ad
journed to meet Friday morning
when an ordinance providing for
the lovylng of an annual tax to
meet the interest on the recently
volod school bonds and tbe crea
tion of a sit.king fund for their re
demption naa parsed. The fol
lowing accounts were allowed:
McCluro Seed & Feed C, $1.80;
FrBzee Hardware & Furniture Co.,
91.10; E A. hie, 8120 00; Dar
rough Hardware Co,, $6 GO; P. (J.
Browning & Co , 812.U5; J. J.
Spencer, $28.00; H. Campbell, $7;
D. U. Campbell, 86; Joe Lyder,
68; James White, 82; L McCam
tnltsh, 81.
The providing of quarters for
tho fire apparatus was diecueeed
but no action was taken.
The resignation oi Recorder A.
F. Cbauiberiin was tendered r.itd
accepted and Ctrl Bradley was ap.J
pointed his rucoessor.
." .
T. U. Needles-Cherokee.
l-t A good story is (old on Col. J ..
jit 1). Needles ok a crnePqilnci ol hie
allowing Ills illut-trlous cognomen
', to be be8towd upon nn unknown
Cherokee infant. Several days
ago at MuiKogf-e a party of I'll
oois inviatnrH who wero prospect
) ing in the Muskogee neighborhood
were dlscuesing Colonel NeedloB,
' and one ol them incidentally re
marked tbat he wob a citizen of
Illinois. A recent addition to tho
Dawes commission force who over
(I . ... .... ...
) noaru too remart: cnaiieugea tne
statement, eaying that Colonel
Needles was a Cherokee, and
backed up hie statement by tbe
announcement that he bad per
eonatly filed his citizenship card,
A wordy war was soon on and the
IJIinoleans were divided between
doubt of tho statement and con
demnatlon for Col. "Tom" doBort
ing bis allegiance to tbe old Bod,
when tbat illustrious gentleman
appeared on tbo rcene, and ex
plained that a nameleBB Cherokee
infant brought baforo I Ik commis
sion or enrollment had'found re
fuge in the shadow of his name.
As the explanation was concluded
i-y'Jfo new nttnche ltd tbe way to a
convenient smoke counter.
For tho Appraising of Lpts
by tho Townsito Commission
Must Do Commenced Beforo Mon
day, October 13 to De;Consid
ered by the Commission
City is Districted'.
The following notice relative to
tbe appraising of town lots was
issued Saturdiy morning:
"Notice is hereby given that tbe
Cherokee Townilto Commission
will brfein the appraisHinent of lots
in the town of Vinlta, on Monda.
October 18,.1D02, at 10 a m.
"Any improvements commenced
after that time cannot be comid
ered. For the purpose of filing
opplications for appraisement, tbe
town will be divided in three die
tricte, sb follow:
"All (bat portion lying west of
tbe M. K. & T. H'y. und eouth of
the Frhcn thall be considered sb
Dietrict No. 1.
"Al that pnr'ion lying west of
the M K. fc T. Ry. and. north of
the Fn-co track shall bo consid
ered District No. 2; and all that
portion lying cast of tbe M. K. &
T. railwhy eball be considered
Dietrict No. 3.
'Btglnnirg October 13, applies
lions will be received for tbe ap
praisement tf lote in dietrict No.
1. fit ginning October 20, applica
tions will be received lorappralso
ment of lote in dietrict No. 2. Oe
ginning Octobtr 27, applications
will bo received for the nppraiao
u ent of lots in ditlrict No. 3.
"It is tb desire of tbe Cominls
dun tbat the applications for op
prulM ment of IuIh within the stated
districts shall bundled during tbe
week specified therefor."
Edwin Lonh, Chairman
Cherokee Ton utile Commission.
Outuber 4, 1902.
The dtvidinc of tbo city into
As Retards Taxation Exists In Moth
Territories Says Mills.
Corporation Vlt Jioiriyr fig&or leUii dllBtnfj, ,jifS3nfif.(i
For couthtril' Development. " t't
Ex-Sonalor Rocor Q. Mills of
Texas hfiB written the following to
Editor Nlblack of tho Guthrie
Loader in regard to tho ciitlcisms
of the preparedness of Indian tor
rilory for statehood with Okla
"No greater error has ever boen
mado in connection with the state
hood question than is committed
in tbe assumption tha'. the Indian
Territory must wait for statehood
until all lior lands becomo salable
and taxable.
"The very men who use this
argument are unwilling to apply
the doctrine lo Oklahoma, for if
they did Oklahoma could not be
admitted for twenly.oneyears.and
jrfrfftjAPB even a longer period.
"'rpOklaboma has Indian allot
ments in every former Indian res
ervation, which are not saleable or
taxable, and will not be for ten or
twenty years.
"Part of Ihe Sno and Fox lands
are not saleable or taxable for
twenty-five years from tbe date of
"There aro homesteads all over
the territory which are not taxable
and will not be for years to come.
"It is only recently tbat any
considerable portion of the lands
of Oklahoma bocame subject to
"The lands of the recently ad
mitted Kiowa and Comanche
country did not become subject to
taxation at once, and will not so
become for five years, save such hb
are commuted.
"Owing to transfers by relin
quisbment tbero is much land
even in old Oklahoma not yet
patented, and therefore not sub
ject to taxation.
"Tbe Cherokee Strip was open
ed lo eettlement nnd organizd in
to counties, but very little of i'fr
land being subject to taxation un
til five years after the opening.
and much of their land is not yt
subject to taxation.
"These are notorious facts, and
yet no one has hid Ibo temerity To,
question OklshouiVs right to ad-
Consigned to
(Two Car Loads.)
Finest lot of Furniture evor brought to Vinita to be sold at prices to HEET ALL COMPETITION
Homes furnished on installments to parties with approved security.
Come in and inspect our stock.
Coffins and caskets
Day Telephone 168. Funeral Directors.
Night Telephone 224.
In the Territory Will Soon
Disappear Under Allotment.
Alsrraod at the Contraction of
Grazing Lands Aio Seeking
Other Locations For Their
' gout run)' Develop
At tbe meeting nf be dlreo'orfl of
tbe Frlfco eyMem ttfht held nxl
month in St. Louts, ( pn pnsiiUit
will bo made to Ueue $18,000,0004
in 4 per cent golo bearirg intrrrBt
boude to enable tbe immediate
construction end equipment of
some of tbat corporation's now ac
quisition in tbe southwest.
It is practically certain tbat the
bonds will be votod, and Ihe Fris
co will aiuwer tbo absorption ru
mors by commencing to thoroughly
equip their feeders in tho Indian
Territory and contiguous territory.
work. and will allow tho commis-i
alun to handle it more ex'pe'dt
tt uly
Annual Meeting ol the Uaptlst Asso
ciation Convened Saturday
Names of Dead Cherokee to
Stricken Prom tlie Rolls.
John O. Robs in, in charge of an
enrolling party of tho Dawes Oom
mission, has been sent to Table
quab, Golnganake and Flint die
trlcts of tbe Cherokee nation to
makealiBtof personB who have
died Bince applying for enrollment
in tboBO districts. All persona who
diedior to September 1, 1003,
cannot be enrolled and if their
names already aro on.the now roll
the comrnleeion will correct the
roll by Btriking tbe names ofl.
The Ohorokoes who have Buf
fered tbe loss of a member of their
family prior to September 1, 1002,
will aid tho commission very
much in tbo allotment of Chero
bee lands by reporting the duad
to the commission in order Hint
the roll may be oorreotod . before
tbe land is allotted,
Killing at Hartshorn,
Aftor planting five bullets In the
body of J. U. Trout, a farmer Ilv-
ingnear Hartshorn, 0. T. Wages
jrron'iera 1 1 tbeolllcers at Boulh
MoAleder yeaWrday. He claimed
tho killing -wrB don) in bbK de
fense. He wa? committed pend
ing his ) relimlnnry hearing.
A Mighty Hunter.
O. A. Davidson and Deri Chandler
havo foresworn huutlD. torlcs while
Recorder Job nsou Is present. Tbero
Is nothing slow about cither David--on
or Chandler, but. Johnson U In a
class by himself. Frldujr morning tbo
thrco wore rchtiog fcomo of tbclr big
kills. Davidson anted up with a
bumper bunch of quail and Chandler
raised him with a wagon load of
"chickens." Johnson look a ducp bite
on bis clear and remcrked that tho
pursuit of the wild roo9o was tho ulti
mate test of a sportiman' prowess.
"I killed nlocLy-llvo ono morulngr,"
he mined, "and was Betting tired of
tho slaughter when u cloud of swans
that darkened tbe heavens swept out
of tho north and cime rushing llko a
whirlwind tow aid me. 1 cut louso
with both barrel of my N 10 Into
the leaders and three of tbo royal
birds camo tumbling down. It was
tho ilrntun1 la-i Urao that 1 ever
hoard tho deith sung of a swan, and
In this lnstunco heard only tbo flrst
weird note. As It rose ilalntlvely
vibrant, thousands of tho great "birds
swept downward and 1 was oon sur
rounded by myrludsof whirring wings
suffocation was overcoming me "
Hut ust at title uncture"autIocatlon"
quit tbo gamo and Chandler and Da
vidson lauded consecutively with an
ink well and the license register.
When John.uu w-ts safely barrlcadel
In bis own sunctum ho remarked tbat,
tbat pair of grasshopper hunters did
uot know anything ubout tho gamo,
and turning to a bystander who bad
overheard tho story, said: "Why,
onco 1 " But the bystander had
The Baptist Association con
vened in annual eesBion at the
Baptist church Saturday morning.
The morning eesBion was de
voted to organization and in tho
afternoon reports from tbo differ
ent cburcheB were read, showing
marked progress of tbe church
throughout tho territory.
Among the visiting clergymen
were Revs. W. P. Hill, South Mc
Alester; V. S. Wiley, Bacone; J.
J. Bay, Miami; M. L. Carr, Fair
land; I.' T. Alchley, AHon; A. S.
Waehbourne, Hartshorn; King,
Monday evening a revival will be
inaugurated which will boconduot
ed by Rev. J. P. Porter of Joplin,
assisted by Rev. J.M. Hunt of Kan
Bas City. A cordial invitation 1b
extended to all to attend these
The contraction of tbe ranges in
the Indian Territory has been very
rapid in the past few years, and
now with allotment pending in all
llm nations the southern cattle
mi n will be compelled to find other
feeding locations.
Allotment will witness tbe final
pasting of tho big herd in tbe Ter
ritory. Tbe Live Stock World, in
commenting on tbe conditions that
confront the Texas cattlemen who
hav been depending on Territory
grazing lands, says:
"As an oullot for Texas caltlo
lb Indian Territory pastures are
rapidly becoming a tbing of the
past, Opt-niug of tbe Indian lands
tqtttHarnent Ib the cause. Year
y yr'lhe area of 'paaluresge is
Ijeeowina more circumscribed, and
ilsBlon as a'slale "because ItirpslM "- the BOUtri Texas
JfMT- m
Are You Thinking
of buying n CLOCK? If k cull and sec the large line I
I have for you to select from.
I Guarantee Every Clock I Sell.
Nickle Atann clock only 98c.
Eight day dock, strike and alarm only $3.50.
Fine and complicated watch repairing a specialty. j
MOTTO NH Uu CJmfitti i( (it BSTurktall limn j
AU0U5T SCHLlECKE. Jeweler and Optician.
16 South WIlMn tt. r&i
X1JLI1.HH HI IHIilllllllllllliilll in ntilltitlll iTTT
her lands were not subject to tax
"It in exhibiting just a little
too much of the Berkshire quality
in hutcan nature to plead lor the
admieeion ol Oklahoma with her
taxable lands and olject to the
Indian Territory on account cf
her untaxable lands.
And all Forms of Itching
Scely Humours Instantly
Relieved and Speedily
Complete Treatment ($ I), consists
of Cdticdka Son1, to cleanso tbo
skin of crusts and scales ami soften tbo
tblckenod cutlole, Cvncuiu. Oint
ment, to Innamly allay Itching.
Irritation, ami luilommatlon, and
sootbo and beat, and Cuticura ltr
BOLvnNT Pills, to cool and cleanse
tho blood. A single Set Is often
sufticlont to euro tbe most torturing.
- .. .-..'
jnours, wnn all elite rails.
ing, seni
Itching, burnln
and. ulniply ha
Discussed by the Baptist ministers
Association Today.
Caused the Sudden Demise of James
Elliott and Dick Compston.
An Indian I'atrlcldo.
Because hia father rofueed to
assist bis brother who was in jail
on a felony charge, Louis Harju, a
Creek Indian, shot and killed htm
at Mekusnkey Wednesday night.
Marshals have been eentfrom We.
woka to ospturo the young mur
derer, who went on a scout utter
committing the crime.
This slgnsturo U an ererj bo cf Ibo gaula
1 Laxative Bromo-Qulnine twou
U rtmed; Ibalctarca n vela la ae day
Word has been received of the
sudden death of James Elliott and
Dick Compston bis eon-ln-law,
both well known Dolawarea near
A half gallon of wood alalia
purchased in CofTeyville, was the
direct causo of the demise of tbe
men, The poisonous Bluff wbb
takon by Compston to the homo of
Elliott and it is eupposed that
both men drank of it.
Immediately both were thrown
into convulsions and died in great
agony in a few minutes. Elliott
was slxlylwo yea'B of age and
leaves a wife and four children,
while Compston wae about thirty
years of age and leaves a wife and
one child.
Old You !2vrr See a Fellow Dye?
Wo Invito jou to call and wutch
Hilly O'Neal dyo, who Is a practical
cloanor, dyer and tailor. Tho Hxcel
slorStcam Laundry have Just added
a steam cloanttu and dyolng plant
and la now ready to do tho very finest
french dyolng and cleaulog. Call and
sco us and le convinced that our
prices aro us cheap as first class work
can bo done. Ludlos' work a specialty.
Call up phono 8 and wo will call for
or deliver work In all parts of tbo
city. Exoklsiou Stbu launduy
AMI) D.k Wouks. d3U
"Missions" waB tbo subject be
fore the Baptist Ministers Asso
ciation today and a number of the
attending clergymen gave forcible
expressions to their views during
the diecusBions.
The reports of tha work in the
territorial, home and foreign fields
were read and discussed together
with tbe relations of missionary
boards to the churcb.
Tbe aeasion will contlnuo
throughout this afternoon, and
this evening a revival will com
mence, which will ba conduoted
byJRev. Porter of Joplin andEev.
Hunt of Kansas City. ,
Tbe general public is cordially
invited to attend these meetings.
Frisco Milling Co. Incorporated.
Tho Frisco Milling Co. has Incor
porated with a capital stock of $10,
000. Malt Hawkins Is prosldent of
tho new corporation and O. N, Kldlf-
fer general manager. Tho stook Is
equally divided anioug tho following
Incorporators: J. O. Hall, E. II. l'My
sor, Pryor Furloy, Sam Frazlor, Q. N
Nldlller, Matt Hawkins.
A Summer Trip Unsurpassed On the
Tbo trip to Salt Like City or to the
radii 0 coast via that point over the
Denver & Klo Qrande and tho Itiu
Qrando Western Is the most beauti
ful In America. No l'uropoan trip of
equal length can coiuparo with It In
grandeur of scenery or wealth of
novel Interest. Then Salt Lako City
Itself Uamostqualutand picturesque
placo and noil worth tbo laurney. Its
Mormon temple, tacoinaclo, ttlhln
unlce and church Institutions; its hut
sulphur springs within tha city limits
Its delightful temperature, sunny
climate and Its Great Salt Lake
deader and denser than the Dead Sea
In Palestine aro but a few feuturo.
of Salt Lako City's countless attrac
tions. There aro parks, drives, canons
and lcaulltul outlying mount tin and
lakoresurts. Imagine, It you can, a
bath In salt wuter a mile above sea
level and in wator In which tho hu
man body outiiiut sink. Inquire of
vuur ncaicit ticket agent for low
tourist raios 10 Salt Lako City, or
wrlro for Information and copy of
"Suit Lake City, tho City of Saint","
to 8. K. Hooper, tho general pasion
gor ugcot, Denver. Colo.
Pictures trpmed at Bruno Qrafluti-der's,
crowor is brought face to face with
Ihe problem of .securing a new out
let. That ho has no alternative
but lo put bis slock in condition
fur the block himself is apparent.
Thie will probably bo the last year
that Territory pastures will be
available, and eouth Texas must
go into feedirg or go out of the
oattle business, or at loast its pres
ent pretentious scale."
ATyplcal Western Book.
Tbo October Garden of the Gods
Magazine, Just out, is by far tho most
Interesting of tho offerings of this
publication during Its six months ex
istence. It Is handsomely Illustrated
with half tone reproductions of phot
ographs, and typographically la a ere
ditto tbo publishers.
Perheps tho most Interesting article
of tho month although the number
is flilod with soort things Is tho arti
cle by A. Lostur Hrzlott, formerly a
government missionary among tho
Indians of tbo western statoi, In
which tbo character of tbo Indians is
discussed. Dr. Ilaztclt advances on
hypothosls which Is the result of care
ful study of tho various races of so
called "rcdrucn," and clas-oa the In
dian &s a nondescript mixture of
Malayan, Mayan, Phoenician, and
Illustrating with portraits Dr. Haz
lett makos tho claim, which be at
tempt to provo by characteristic,
that tbe northern tribes ara almost
pure Mongolians with a dash of Maluy
blood, and that the southern Indians
whose foaturos and racial character
istic glvo foundation to the hypo
thesis, are properly oluscod as Phoe
nicia and Malayan (nr Ifgyptlsn.)
The various tribal languages are be
lieved by the writer to be result of
dialects resulting from a mingling of
tbe language In the mouths of vari
ous nations.
The strange characteristics of Ibo
Indians, their undying doyutl'jn to
friends and thalr teachings, and In
cidentally the abuses heaped upon
the Indians uf the western statos by
tbo government and tho early white
settlers, ure written of In a forceful
manner aud tho nrltcle will undoubt
edly prove n subject for discussion
among ethnologists, and reflection
for those who aro went to look at tbo
Indian as a wotthlcsi bolog. Dr. Ilaz
lett Is to wrlto ft serlos of articles up
on this subject for tho Gardoti of tha
Gods Maguzlno, and as bis rccenv re
port to tho government as commis
sioner to Invostlgalo the social and
luonu conditions In tho Pnlllpplna;),
marked him us a foarlos man, his
discussion of tho Amerlotn In Han Is
apt to av6ume great Impurlaace na-
Mlf l br Ci. Ticum QunjmarSjMrJittuirr;.
loilbu akln,farelMBsstWrslp,aa4MC
p!BR of (alllni- Mir, toeterietihig atuUtii-IBj-lhe
li-ndi, for UbjilteMgi and ntfit,
or loo Iroc or otciulre jwraptrMloB, for
many -tiSUrt autlMpt parpof which
NMrgc.t Ihcii-clrrt to vromn, and for all UtO
pnrpo of Ui toilet, tain, asd BOrMry.
Crncnu Rmi.MTr TTlls (CtaoeoUto
Ooatol) arc a new, tuKlwt. odortaM, mo
Domical tutwtllulc tnt ilia cektralwl Inattl
CtmovB.1. KEuLvr-T.aawllMforallo(b-r
Woo-I poriflr nil humour currn. In Mtew
oap rlala, otitlilu no k-M, price Sdo.
MlHMf2wt M voru. -o.-,leoi!rirT.
nua. -p.
BiMfi liMii M '
ri-uTo.f-0 Km t. UT.I-. fiitt.
m. UMr m -7 CMHua,
ts aj Cbsm.
Of Interest to NA omen.
Women who have themselves suf
fered from the evil effects of constipa
tion and Indigestion will be Interest
ed In the following loiter from a
father whose daughter wai given up
to die by two physicians: "My diugb
tor has suffered from Indigestion for
Ihe past five years and has tried near
ly everything that she oould hear of
for suoh trouble Sho was conllncd to
bor bed when she began taking Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and after
taking one tlftr-ceu. bottle she Is able
to walk a mile at a time and during
the day yesterday walked Zi mllos. I
feel llko praising Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin because two doctors told me
my daughter could not get well and
1 feel that she Is on a fair road to per-
mauout relief. Respectfully, J. II
M. CitocKKK, Nixon, Tenn., Aug. 0.
1000. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is
sold In tlfty-cent and 81 bottles, un
der a positive guarantee, by Peoples'
drug store. w
Chijap SeHIers Rat?s to the
Far West and NorlhuJest.
The Ourlington Route renews tbe tow
otto-way Saltier' rate of (25.00 from
Missouri raver 10 waiuorma, roiuanu
and tbe I'uget Souud country every day
cpieuioer aim uciuoer, wnu
iiidinety low rates to the S
ars are
1 1 II f$
no tlmt.'trc8rkls
nferior quality al
mitted to our store.
The standard of quality is high,
and all goods purchased for stock are
measured by the standard. If not
fully up to it they are rejected We
have nothing poor to offer. Our
stock of
Hardware, Stoves
consists of goods gathered from the
best of makers. We think them ex
cellent and customers are of the same
Frazee Hardware
Furniture Co.
ifpouuinelY low rates to me Spo
kane Diatrirt and the Butte-Helena Dii-
t n .jJJ JJ i iillllllIIlllXlXllllllJLxxxllllllj.lUillliq
Tho Sliver Moon restaurant Is now
located In tho Patton building, threo
doors wosl of tho Cobb hutel, and Is
bettor propared than over to seive
hot and cold luuch, uU und game uf
all kinds In season. Finest lluo of
candles and fruits In the ally. Wo
thank all our old customers for past
trict; also proportionate rates from Inte
rior MUcouri, Kansas and Southwest
"The Burllneton Northtrn Pacific
ExprcM" i the great Ibrough train leav
ing Kauaai City daily, for tbe North
west. Through Coaches, Chair Cars,
(seats free), Standard and Tourist Sleep
ers to Sutte. Helena, Spokane, Tacotna,
Seattle, Portland. Connecting train
from Denver at night joining this North
west train at Alliance, Neb
Visit the Old HomeEast
Home visitors' excursions to points in
Ohio aud Indiana; dtes of sale Septem
ber 16th aud VM; limit 30 days.
Also excursion rate to Ohio aud
Indiana during tbe first week of Octo
ber, at tbe time of tbe big Grand Army
reunion in Washington, D. C.
To Chicago Tbe Durliugtou'a famous
"1(11" Is tbe beat known and most popu
lar train from Kansas City aud St Joseph
to Chicago.
To St. LouU -Two dally trains carry
ing all class of standard Durllugtun
Homeseekers Excursion
On the first aud tbjrjl Tuesday of Sep
ttmbax aud October" to tunny sections of
the West aud Northwest.
Consult our nearest agent or write the
tmderalcned for full information, minted
matter aud th least cost of your prc-
po.eu trip,
L. J, 11RICKUR, T. P. A., 823 Main St,
ivansas v.uy, juo,
a j. I
d " ' 'O hlxdt by J. DUEMCKE, Coffeyrilk. Kama
patrourago, and hope for a coutlnu- - W. WA1CB1.W, O. V. A., ,St: .Louis.
Loco of tho ume. J. 8, Onoutc, Prop. I c- M' UVYiuuYm08
Tbe New
Lunrjbr Yard
Of Briqsoi GsPattersoi7...
Is now open Jfor business, with a
splendid assortment of long and
short leaf yellow pine building
Sash, Doors.Sand, Lime, Cement and
Acme Plaster. All lumber and sash
house specialties. We challenge com
parison on our builders stocks.
Our material is right. Our prices aro
right. No trouble to figure your bills
and estimates. Wo are here for busi
ness, and our health Is flrstclass.
N.B. For knot holes and splinters go
elsewhere. Wedon'Ssell 'em.
Location. West Illinois St., Opp. ProsUytedaa HKmreV,