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wlllliiinanMinnpnH RATCLI J Vinita's Dependable Stor That is what has made the store what it iftoday, the largest in the Cherokee Nation, and a reputation tliy extends all over the Indian Territory. What you buy from you can depend upon its being what we claim for it, if you fir will cheerfully refund your money. We will mention a few items this w will demand: 2HJ 33 S All Wool Flannels. All wool rod (lnnnols 25 inches wido hoavy qunlity ntul tnst colors, wort 20c ft- 15c por yard A honvy till wool flnnnol in rod or bluo, 27 iuchoB wldo nnd oxtrtv heavy worth 25c, at 20c por yard Cotton and Outing Flannels. 1000 yards grfod woight cotton flnnnols 25 inchos wido, worth 7c por yard, for a fow days wo will mako tho prico only 6c por yard For 8ic por yard wo will offer tho best quality of cotton flannols manu factured. This is a very hoavy and wido quality with a long knap and is novor sold for loss than 10c por yard, for a fow days only 8Jc por yard 75 piocos Amoskoag Tearlodowns in plain colors, small figures and stripes nd largo plaids. This is tho host qual ity of outing flannels wovon, don't buy a substituto, insist on it boing brandod "Amoskoag." Wo havo thom in any quantity and any stylo at 10c tho yard Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Childron's union suits, ages from -1 to 14 years, heavy quality and full sizes mado with a drop soat at. . . .25c per suit Ladios' hoavy union suits, nicoly fin ished with soft floocing, tho kind you havo paid 75c for, at. . . ,50c por suit Ladies' two pioco suit, woighs ono pound to tho garment, tho best qual ity you ever saw at 70c per suit or s , .35c per garment y l k ankets. not as represented we H; that cool weather ' Bl 0 pairs cotton bod blankots woighs 2 1- pounds to tho pair, 104 wido, vory sotand fleocy at 4Gc the pair GO pairs hoavy woolon blankots in nod colors, 10-1 wido and contains moro ivarmth than any blankot ovor offorod for tho monoy, only 2.50 tho pair For 3.00 tho pair wo offer an all wool bod blankot in gray and rod colors, also in white, with boautiful bordors. You will not find a blankot of this quality in any storo for less than 3.50. Fino hoavy comforts at 75c, 1.00 and 1. 50 oach, Shawls and Hoods. Fascinators, shawls and hoods, all col ors, all stylos and all pricos. Soo tho shiwl wo aro soiling for 25c each, it is tho boat you ovor saw for tho monoy. Ladies' and Children's Wraps. Wo aro showing tho host styles, tho best matorials and tho largest assortmont in Viuita. Don't buy your wintora wraps till you soo what wo aro showing. Stylish Hats. Thoso stylish looking hats you soo tho ladios wearing woro mado in our millinory department. DAYS OF JUBILAIIUN. Many Sister State Stmt Worthy Sons to World Pair City to Receive Their Due Recognitor!. ChhRGF.D WHH MURDErT I Committed Near Ardmore Over Ten Year's Ago lunula TCUFF'S. JBWIBfflSi 05?sRfc!4; WlVA-aH Local Savings. Fino Jail weather this. There U mi coal famine here. Corn buskers aro In demand. 1 L.; Sorer went to Muskogco yes terday. O. W. Orcen wai down from KoUo Monday. J. W. Skinner was hero from Adair yesterday. Fino coUco and tea a specialty at Ualenttne'. W, II. Morrison was In from Duck Greek Tuesday. Frank Skinner of lilt: Cabin was In tho city Monday. Cash or trade paid for butter and eggs at HdlcHtltic'c II. O. Bland of the townslti com rnlsilon Is In Mutkngcc. J A. and T. K. Thompson leftTues day nlht for Tahhquali. Chairman Long of t'u ttwnsltc c 'ininlvteo Is In St. LouK Mayor Trultt, of Afton, was a vis' lt'ir hero Tuesday afternoon. Geo. Nldlffer caino back from Mus 4c;gco on the flyor Monday night. Mr. and Mrf. John Chandler aro spcndlogafewdays in Muskogee. Arch D. Ncal, tho brilliant Ghcti pa attojrey Is heraTuoiday on legal matters. Mrs. MrKomlo nnd Nat Cure, of Blujackot, wcro visiting relatives hero Tuesday. It. J. V Drowsier, special airent of tho department of justice, was hero yesterday. Wanted A name for tho pictures que lake on Illinois avenuo noar Wil son Btrcet. Ilanloy & Klnsella fancy blended coffoo makoi a splendid drink. At Balentlno', Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Chandler left for a few dayV visit In Si. Louis last evening. W. S. Irvln, the eniclrnt Territo rial Internal revenue collector, win hero yesterday. Money to Loan at 4 per cent. Equit able Homo Association, A. T. Mur phy, general agent. Mr. and Mr. K, I). JVaysor will en- tcrlalned soino of their frlonds Inst etcning with a dance. Earl Morrow, who has been 111 for the past month with typhoid fever, was able to bo out yo-terday. Foley' Honey and Tar cures cough and colds and prevents rnruraonla. Tako no substitute. Sold by People's drug storo. dw Mrs. J. It. Warwick, of Wlnflcld, Kaunas, and Mrs. John Crumby, of Illinois, arc guests of Mr. O. II. Lali- roan and family. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pncummta Sold by Peorles' drug store, No danger of consumption If ymi ufo Foley' llooy and Tar tcurc that tlubtmrii count). Sul'l hy l'e' pies drug store. dw J hn P. Welch was nnt coramlltcd to Jail last week fur disturbing tho pcaco as was tatcd in tbc Chieftain but to be used as a witness only. Hnollo Hell Is credited with hiving carried his bcveiitj-two Inch circum ference to safety through a fix-Inch aperture at tho wreck Monday. Train ing will tell. A. II. Conlcy and Agnes WeMon ncro united In marrlago yesterday at tho Orcen hotel In this city. Rev. L.O. Wulfo performed tho ceremony. Tho couple camo from Columbia, Mo. Elk's Carnlvlval, Tickets over tho Kaly to Parsons and return this week, on account of the big Elk's carnival for tl 60. See II. O. Low If, Katy Agent. "Watch tho Kldnoya." "When they are aQVtcd, life Is In danger," as Dr. Aberoelhy, tho gjoat English phytic! tti. Foley's Kid ney Curo makes sound kidneys. Sold by People's drug store, dw California. Low one way rates via the M. K. & T. IUIIwav during September and October. Wrlto James Darker, goo era) passenger and ticket agent, St. Louis, Mo., for rates, pamplcts, etc. Dronohltls for Twonty Years. - Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville, III. wrltci: "1 had bronchitis fur twenty years and never got rellif until I used Foley's Honey an 1 Tar, which Is a sure cure." Contains nooplutes. Sold by People's drug storo. d w All Were Fined, At tho hearing Monday afternoon of C. E. Holderman and "two uegrooa named Uarrl, with whom he hid a mlzup at Welch lometlmo ago, nil of the parttulpant were tlnod $50 oach and costs. Out of Death Jaws. "When death seemed very near from a severo stomaoh and liver (rou ble, that I had sulToicd with forycara" writes P. Muso, Durham, N. O., "Dr. King's New Llfo Pills saved my life and gavo perfect health." HoH pills on earth and only 21c at Pe 'p'o'j and A. W. Foreman' drug store. dw To Enlarge Court House. Tho coiiliact fur the addition to the court homo will bo let within a few days. The plans will call for the en largement of tho clerk's oflleo and couit room by building an oxtouslou to the rear of the (milling. Novor Ask Advloo, When you have a cough or cold don J ask what Is good fur It and get some medlcluo with Uitlo or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, It euros coughs und colds quickly. Sold by Peoples, drug storo. dw Produce wanted at Hums' Racket. Wiley's Kidney Cure i ka kktmgyi an J bladder right Sold h IojJps' drug tore. Dangerln Fall Colds. Fall colds are liable tu hang on all winter leaving the toed of pucunioula, bronchitis or consumption. Fuloy's Honey and Tar euros quickly and pre vents serious results. It la old and reliable, trlod and tested, safe and sure, coutalns no opiates and will not constipate. Sold ly Peoples' drug stoic dw flsrrlage Licences. A. II. Conloy, Jr.-Agncs Weldon, Columbia, Mo. John W. Wl birn-Lulu E Ceurley, Owu6$a W. VauHorr-Tharaa Extcr, Kansas City. Daniel Vandttfurd-Mary Adair, Winter. Forty Yoare' Torturo. To be relieved from a turturlig dl-ease after -10 years' torturo might well cause tho gr.ttltudo of anyone. That Is what DoWltt's Witch Hzl Salvo did for C Ilaney, Geneva, O. Ho says: "DoWltt's Witch HazM Salvo cured me of piles after I had suffered 40 years." Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin diseases. Dewaro of counterfeits. A. W. Foreman. dw A recent encyclopaedia dt fines osteopathy as "a method of Irrtitutf diseases of the huinnn body wlthSH the use of drugs, by moans of manipu lation npplled to the various nero centers, chiefly those along the spine." As there are no nerve centers along the spine, the definition is rather confusing-. A Uozon limos a Night. Mr. Owen Dunn, of Denton Feny, W. Va , wrlto: "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and It becamo so bad that I was obliged to get up at lcat a dozen tlmoia nluht. I never received any permanent bene fit from any roodlclne until I tried Foley's Kidney Cu'c. After us ing two bottlos, I am cured," Sold by rooples' drug store. dw me attempt to remove foreign bodies from tho car often results lu more injury than the foreign body would itself occasion. Votollnl says thnt the point of n dagger loft in the e r would not occasion the trouble that tho attempt to remove it would and intimates that in such a condi tion lie would leave the dagger point thds embedded. The Silver Moon restaurant Is now located three doors W6t of tho Cobb Hotel In the Palton building, and so better prepared to servo oysters In any style; all klndi of gamo and flb in scaoon; short orders a special!) ; finest line of candlos and fruit In tho city. We thank all of our old customers for past patronago and hopo for a con tinuance of same. J. S, Onoim, Prop. MOTHERS Who would keep their children In good health, blmuld watch for tho tlrst symptoms of worms, and remove them with Whit' Croam Vermifuge. It Is tho cblldrens' bsst tonic It gels digestion at wurk so that their food does them good, and thoy grow up healthy and strung. 35c at Peo ple's dru.' storo. dw Presbyterians Will Uulld. At a congregatl inal meeting hold at the church Tuesday nlghtlt w. s de cided to build a now church on iho lot now oscupled by tho Presbyterian church la this rr v, Tho structure Is to co.t (0,000 and will bo of pressed brick urstomiot modern architecture. His LifotnPoill. "I Just eemcd lo have gono all to pieces," wrlioa Alfred Deo, of Wel fare, Tex , "biliousness and a lamo back had made llfo a burdon I could not eat or sleep nnd felt almost too worn out io work when I began to use Electric Hilton, but tbey worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can sag, tyy thing, have gained In BircnMji'aufl enjoy hard work." Thoy r"V: vWoub health and now life tuitejjckly, rundown people Try tlieju. ' Jjfly GOo at Peo ples ar.d A. W. TSojeman's drug stores. T! dw Look Out Por Fovor. Dlllousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with DoWltt's Llttlo Early Rlsors. Those famous Utile pills do not gripe. Thoy move the bowels gontly, but copiously, and by reason of the tonic propertle, glvo tone and strength to tho gland. A. W. Foreman. dw Peculiar Viennese Custom. At Venice when anyone dies it Is the ustom to flx a placard btfore the desd person's house, as well as In sd Jtcent streets, as a sort of public no tice, stating hi name, age, place of birth, and the illness from which he died, afllrming also that he recelvtd the holy sacraments, died a good Chris tian, and requesting the prayers of the faithful. Chicago Journal Better Than Dynnmlle, When it comes to opening n heart, flatterr is superior to dynamite.. - Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching wlotc with uneaslnoss, children tako cold o easily. Nodlsoj'o costs moro little lives than croup. It's attack I suddon that the sufferer Is often be yond' human aid before the doctor ar rives. Such case ylold roadlly to Ono Minuet Cough Curo. Llqulllcs tho mucus, allays inflammation, re moves danger. Absolutely safe. Acta immediately. Curos coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, aU throat nod lung trouble F. S. MoMah'in, Hampton, Qa.: "A had ooll rendered mo voice less Just bofore an oratorical conte.t. I Inlcndod to withdraw but took Ono Minute Cough Cure. It restored my volco In time to win tho medal." A. W. Foreman. dw States the most remote in the Uolon, (ho olilo-t and ynttngapi ' tipgreBt flelerlmod, were repre s- nteil in the allotment ceremonies si the World's Pair grounds in St. Louis last week. Texas, big enough and rich oiiough for fivo great elates as la ge ns New York, was there with a otrong delegation headed by Gov ernor Say res; Wisconsin, wlih Oiv ernor Hoard ns the leader; Ne bra-ka, with Governor Savage at tho head of a Stalwart band of commissioners, was there. Okla homa sent Governor Forguson to arcept the boautiful eito allotted to that territory, and the governor snid they would have had the pick of tho sites if they had run for them as they ran for town Biles when Oklahoma was thrown open to settlement. Governor Durbin, oi Indiana, sent Lieutenant-Governor Gilbert to accept Indiana's silo. V. il. Felzer accepted for Governor Bliss of Michigan, Msjor IS, O. L-wis was the "pedal representative of Gov Denton McMillin, of Teunes up. Senator John O. Carpenter acceptt d for Kansas, former Gov Larrabee for Iowa, Cat. John II. Averill (or South Carolina, Dr. 0. 13. Quinn and II II. Henry for G vernor Longlno of Mississippi; Cmgre?man John K. Stewart, James II. Callahan and John 0. Woodbury for Governor Odell, ol N-w York. Governor Yates of Illinois sent Senator II. M. Dunlap.IIon. Olark E Carr and Waller Wardor to ac cept the Illinois tlte. Slaoy D. Rankin and Hon. II. M. Daugh er y represented Governor NaBb, of Ohio, Gov. Orman, of Colorado, "was represented by Oapt. G. V. Thatcher, Thos. J. O'Donnell and Van S. Rouse. Governor Dockery, oi Missouri, was on hand in person to accept the Missouri building silo. Gov. Murphy, of New Jersey, was rep resented by E Rappleye and Ira W. Wood. Clarence Dallam and the Hon. W. C. P. Breckcntidge accepted for Kentucky, and Gov. Jeff Davis represented Arkansas. The many speeches were lull of heartiness and enthusiasm, many oi them of inspiring eloquence and rich in expreseivonesB and beauty. ''heee events have served to prove that the entire country is alive to the importance of the Exposition, and (hat all states and territories MS "llal nnrArrrWKlhlMfr greatness, and tell in no uncertain .Way the slory of their advance Mcnl in material progress and Boble citizenship. David R Franois, president of the World's Fair commission, was particularly happy and versatile in his remarks as bo in'raduoed the various stuto representatives and instructed the director of works to deliver the Bites. The visitors were entertained at lunch eon at the Country Olub, again at tho Administration building and lastly by the Business Men's League, with a banquet to the vis iting governors nt the Mercantile Club. . The part ol the eite set apart for the state buildings comprises about ono hundred acres at the southeast corner of the 1190 acre parallelogram which oonstiluttB the orld'B Fair grounds. It is on a plateau Houlh of the govern ment building, and all will be con venient lo the great railway termi nals at the south side of the grounds. The sita are ail con spicuous and accessible. During allotment week St. Louis was honored with tho presence both of the World's Fair National commission, whom President Mo- Kinley appointed, and the Gov ernment board, whose members represent tho various executive departments, the Congressional Library, Sumbaouian Institution, Bureau of American Republics, Fish Commission and Bureau of Llnr. Sites allotted other than those of the Fbderal government and states moiitiuned were those for the Temple of Fraternity, the Burns Cottsge and Stirling Castle, the House oi IIoo Hon, or organized lumbermen; Travelers' Protective Association building, Alaska, Ha. wtli, the Ptillipines and unrepre sented Btatee whioh had requested that sites be reserved. "Bud" Kigli0h,an alleged horse tliief, lias luen arrested at Aid m rr rhargecl with the murder of Win. Caine an nflloer, ten years sg'. At tho Mine of tho murder, it is alleged, Caino with a posse waB in pursuit of n gang of horse thieves, of which Kngllsh was a member. Overtaking thorn a fight resulted during whleh Calne was killed. One of the members of tho poxse met English on the streets of Ard moro Tuesday and claimed lo recognize In him the man who shot Calne. English was arrested by a depuiy marshal and will be given a preliminary hearing with in a few days 1 jn O MISS MAY MARKELL A Socloljr Hollo of London, Arnold Reinstated. J. E. Arnold, of South McAl ester, who was disbarred from practice before the Dawes commis sion for eorao alleged irregulari ties in Ohsotaw citizenship cases, has beep reinstated by the Secre tary of the Interior. Boautiful Complexions Are spoiled by uitnganykiad of probation that fills the pores of the skin. The beet way to secure a clear complexion, frco from salluvi ne, pimple, blotebe, eta, Is to keep the live In good order. An oc casional dove of Heroine will cleanse the bowels, regulate the liver, and to oetablUh a clear, healthy coin pi ox I on sOo at Peoples' drug 'tore. dw Open to Lawton. On October 1st the Frisco System placed In operation tbc recently com pi o tod Hoc between Or -leash rd Liwton, Oklahoma, thu 'urnlsi t g sot vice from either St. Louts or Kan sas City via Oklahoma City to tbc heart of the recently opened Kiowa and Comanche country. Tho Worst Form. Multitudes are sieging the praises of Kodol, the new dUcovory which Is making to many slclc people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, hy cleansing and aweotco ing the stomach and by transforming their food Into iha klud of pure, rich, red blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. Crauttli of Troy. I.T., writes: "For a numberof years 1 was troubled with Indigeetoo and dypop sia which grew Into the worst form. Finally I was Induced to usu Kodol and after uilng four bottles I am en tirely cured. I heartily recommend Kodol to all suflerors from Indigestion and dyspepsia." Take a dose after meals It digests what you oat. A W. Foreman. dw Missionary Society Entertained. The IIuiim Mteslpnary Society of tho Method ehttrch was delight fully cr.ter:iot)i M the home of Mrs. J. A. VUuj5rarMliix afternoon. TrMSSi nd a plea- menu wrwrd. Those pretent wore: Me 4sMt J. L. Dray, C. L. Ilrownlug C. Hallard, W. H. Dar rough, Fr itiK UiHingslea, Oha. Hum, Lulu Ketley, J. o Quilllon, McCture, Fannie Akin, 0. O. Ilerry, Fannie Hill, Arthur Masterson, J. T. Uuntor, Wilson Franklin, Tom Collins, W. T. Wade, J. M. Darrough and sister. hBiLrr lit Imlia. Die barbrrs of India rank with tbt vaiberwomfo. The ton of a barbel roust be a barber all his life, and hli w Ife must be a barber's daughter. 1 he Hindoo ahaver travels about in tearcb of customer, and the barberlng it done in the street. Hot there are nc stools, both barber and customet squatting on their beela while the op eration Is performed. The Hindoo bar ber is a manicure and a chiropodist ai well, and hU pay is wretchedly small Barbers iu India, working as servants for a swell native family, or for a Eu ropean, reeeive from tlM to two dol lars a month. They often act as sur geons, and they make a specialty ol piercing the ears of young girls foi earrings, while barbers' wives are al most always hairdressers. Detroit Free Press. 3 A M ft B JTa LVE ne-1 " " va In tho worts' FOREIGN GOSSIP. ISSMAYMMIKFXL of London, Ontario, Canada, is a bennti lul ciri who knows what stiffetlng is and Wine of varum nasurougutbertark to health. She is one of the social favorites of her home and her recovery to health has permitted her to enjoy tho company of her many friends lntal of bins on a bed of sickness and suffering. For the health she now enjoys she gives credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes: 1 have found Wine of Cardui an excel lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered for three years with terrible beafag -down pawi at the mtrutrual period. I could hardly stand on my feet and was never real well. Wine of Cardui was the only mtdlclne that I couli depend on to do me any good, as I hied several with no suc cess. Wine of Cardui cured me and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two years, and give you all the credit for I Icnow you deserve it." For a young girl Wine of Cardui is the beat remedy to guide her through womanhood by starting the menstrual m,jf -bki 7i itut Mat ittrMU , Canada. Jf flow in a healthy and Dal nral manner. Menstruation started right is very easy to keep regnlar through the years of mature womanhood. Then tho "change of life" need not be feared. Thus Wine of Cardui is woman's best relief from youth to old age. A million women hare scenred blessed relief from their sufferings by tak ing this treatment. It relievos men strual troubles in an incredibly short time. In a simple caso of deranged menses Wine of Cardui never fails. To rcliovo disordered menses is to remove tho cauje of other female troubles. Any physician will tell you that to ranovo tho cause of a disease renders tho cniv easy, in fact seldom fails to complete tho cure. If you would hare tho same relief which Miss Makell secured try Wino of Cardui. You can take it with out an examination and without any nublicitv whatever. You can tako it in tho privacy of your homo and secure just as much benefit as if a doctor had prescribed it for you. Thousands of wo men are feeling the vigor of returning ncaun oy taxing wino or. v;aruui. WINE of CARD VI million suffering women havo found relief in "Wino of Cardui. THE NATURAL ROUTE C, O. & G. R. R. TO MEMPHIS, THE EAST AHD SOUTHEAST, TEXAS, OLD MEXICO, CALIFORNIA AND THE WEST. Pullman Drawing-Room Bullet Slespsrs Through lo Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS On All Trains. UH EQUALED 80HEDULE8 AND PERFECT SERVICE. J. 8. MeN ALLY, D. P. A., E. M. DUNCAN, T. P. A., Oklahoma Cily. 0. T. Oklahoma City. 0. T. GEO. H. LEE, 0. P. & T. A., Lltttj Rock, Ark. .'tkV---6.'vatt.-ivfvtv'iayuk" . "tw". J Ouvbu ruonv. Proa. J. O. Haix, V-fres. W. P. PllirxiM, Cashier T First National Bank, VINITA, INDIAN.TBRRITORY. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, 01det and Stroagest National Bank In the Cherokee Nation. r- DIRECTORS. OUVERBAGBY, RATCUFF, If. B. F. FCR1NER, E.B.FRAYSEJ, A. L. CHUU11LL, A. GRAHAM, . O. HALL, G. W. CLARK, II'. E. UALSELL. is-- Does a Bafo Qonoral Banking Business. - . ."i.t. tvt.wyi "i iy"fttk -"' sv Uinlfa Real Esfal? ixy (D. M. Marrs & ComDanv.") XlMTll tmtr rnitn piUlUl l'r oviu uirwiluimxiiviT. X-i.?t your propci ty with us; wc-piace it before thousands of prospective purchasers every week free of charge. We have the only record of the Cherokee town lot sales. If yru want to buy or sell, call on us. Webb Bros., Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Cab to all parts of the city day or night. Best teams and buggies at reasonable rates. Transient stock receives the best of care. jMrWPHsBsVt - a&V Keep it? Toucb Vitb 5ipt Loui? HPl". Ci f .- :TD:art.t,Heput)Uc.r 1 l t. LOUIS PWfW.rc.rle. GIobe-Derr)ocrai Crct.t newspaper of the WorU. "Tho Golden State Limitod" Is the Name ol the New Rock bland Sys tem Train to California, Via Kansas City and El P.uo, Tea. FOWLER,, for folder photos, the latest and finest. Recently tho Rock Island system oftaiod 1)00 cash prlco for tlio most appropriate name for their now limited train to California, via Kan sas, via Kansas 01 ty and Kl Paso, Tox. Tnoro wore thousand ot names pre sented front nil parti ot Ibo Uulted States. The namo dcoldod upon via "Tho Golden Slate Limited," sub mitted by T. II. Davis of the Now Yurk Central llnw, Denver, Colorado. Keep warm I Elegunl line ot heat er, at Darrough Hurdwaro Co's. Peru hat a eoaat line of 1,640 miles. The present population of Holland exceed 6,100,000. The preaettt popalation of Ecuador Is ahout 1,100,000, Including Indians. Sueoeaiful experiment in raising tea have in resent years been made on the Caucasian ooast ot the Black am. Fashionable Moscow lap dogs are now hand-painted in deooratlvo de signs, according to the St. Petersburg Kovoe Vremya. A British oruiser, the Iasdora, was prevented from sailing from Ports mouth on time recently, because her condensers were clogged with eels. Thomas Atkinson, who helped Stephenson build the Iloeket, has been 70 years In a trades union and beada the membership list ot the Amalga mated Society of Engineers. lie ts 90 years of age and bat drawn benefit money from the union for 27 years. Prussia on December 1, 1900, accord ing to the official census figures, had 8I.4TJ.100 Inhabitant', of whom 10,971, ' were males and 1741,081 females. The kingdom contained 21,817,577 Protestants, 12,113,670 Catholics (In cluding OreeU Orthodox), 139,127 mem bers ot other Christian sects, and 393, m Jews. Hungary has 11 towns ot 60,000 In habitants, or more, according to the reeent census. Buda-Pesth has 73V 000, Stegedla, 103,000; Maria There.- lopol, 80.000; Uebreesin, 73,000; l'ret. burg, 60,000; Iladroerovasarhely, 01. 000; Keishemet, 57,000; Arad, 80.000; Temesvar, "4,000; .Qroswardein and Klauaenburg, 50,000 each. Agram, in Croatia, has 01,000 inhabitants. riie Daily Globe-Democratjs without a rival in all thejwest, and stand at the very front among the really great newspapers of the world and the work of preparation for the great world'sjfair iu 1903. Subscribe for By r&, Postage Prepaid D&ilv, Irjcludlrjg Surjd&y, One year 16; SUJmonths 3.00; Three Montha 1,50 Dally, Without 5uodRy, One year $1; Six Months .00; Three Months r.oo 5urjday Editlorj,"tOne Year 8a.oo;"Six Months 1.00. $ ff The "Twice-a Week" Issue of the'Globe-Dcmocrat at one do 1 Uvs lar a year is the greatest newspaper bargain of the age. It is a most exual to a daily at at the price ot a weekly, It gives the latest telegraphic news from all the world every Tuesday and Friday Its market reports are complete and correct in every detail. It has uo equal as a home or family journal, and ought to be at every fireside In the land. Two papers every week Bigbt page or jnre every Tuesday and Friday One dollar for one vear. Sample cop'ea free msm Your Wife FU flit t,Vi3z1rK ri!Ko 1 can toll you n thing or two about atovos and raugoa. Sho ronlizfs it pays to buy tho boat nnd shq COOKS Knows m Photos by single slant skylight are the best. FOVLER has tho only light of this kind In the Cherokee Nation, Fresh fruit dally at Burns' Uickct. That the best Buck's Stoves and Ranges are referred to. They are Best in material, in workmanship, best in every way. g -u.., st... ---f"Ww C3( 1 ON v K M : V i wiiiJL"aiiiariii tflwPtlWiHmntii